Graded Reading Chart
Ready, Go
Hop, Step, Jump
HIV • AIDS Action Readers
Reading Worlds
Young Lives
Today’s Children
Living Earth
Living Health
Macmillan Bible Stories
Macmillan Writer’s Prize for Africa
Stories to Remember
African Languages
Macmillan Modern Shakespeare
Macmillan Readers
Macmillan Books for Schools Catalogue and Macmillan Health Catalogue are available upon request.
Cover illustration by Enoch Yaw Mensah.
The age ranges are provided as a guide only
used in the catalogue
Peace and Reconciliation
A collection of simple stories for young children at the pre-school and lower primary levels. Beautifully illustrated and with controlled language, these books are ideal as a child’s first experience of reading English at home or in the book corner at school. There are two language levels, Ready and Go, especially graded for children who are learning English as a second language. They lead into the Hop, Step, Jump series. The lively stories and pictures are set mainly in rural and urban African settings, and deal with the immediate world of young children (e.g. the home, school, the local community). The stories cover themes and topics that children are likely to encounter and have been developed in line with recommended syllabuses. The series is divided into two levels of difficulty:
for new readers who have learned the present tenses.
for readers who are beginning to learn the past and future tenses.
The Wart-hog Trap
Malika’s Bath C. Kemp
C. Kemp
Malika gets out of the bath only to see the dog chasing a cat. She chases both of them and gets so dirty she has to go in the bath again. This book practises prepositions of place and movement.
When urban children try to catch a wart-hog, they find it is harder than they think. How do you make a wart-hog trap? 9780333789933
Baby Trouble C. Kemp
A baby sister can get up to all sorts of mischief, but she is still the best baby in the world! 9780333789940
Look About You G. Porter
Children are invited to look around and identify objects of different colours in the home and familiar surroundings. 9780333771136
The Little Hairdresser N. Turkington
What happens when Nomsa finds a pair of scissors and gets to work on her hair? 9780333798270
Welcome, Lula!
Palms to Clap
N. Turkington
J. Sastry
G. Porter
Aunty has a new baby, and Thandiwe and Lindile are going to visit her. But what present do you take to a new baby?
Two short poems with delightful illustrations – Palms to Clap is a rhythmic chant, and Big and Small looks at the life cycle of a tree.
What Can You See?
The Toy That Got Away
M. Brandt
L. Warm
Maria and Asha like playing. Do you? Which game do you like most?
Thabo has a wire truck. It is his favourite toy, but one night, it disappears. Can Thabo find it again? An amusing story in an unusual, cartoon style.
I Like Fish
B. Applin
M. Brandt
Daryl and Meryl are twin sisters. How can you tell which is which?
Where does fish come from? Where does it go?
What’s in your bag, Grandma? Can we look?
Don’t Play in the Road! I. Musonza
Thopo and Maria have new cars, and they want to make them go on the road. But there are bigger cars there too.
Memuna’s Baby A. Badoe
M. Brandt
Can you sing and act these songs?
The Twins
What’s in Grandma’s Bag?
Say it! Do it!
Memuna has a baby doll. She’s almost like a real baby, and in some ways, she’s better! 9780333797785
What is Sand? C. Kemp
Sand is hot. Sand is cold. Sand is hard. Sand is soft. 9780333920879
All Ready, Go titles are 234 x 156mm.
I Can Run Fast
Where is Zami?
Monster in the Bathroom
G. Porter
B. Naidoo
C. Kemp
Who will win the race around the village?
Who is the bully? Do you like bullies?
What is the mysterious shadowy figure that appears in the bathroom during a power cut? 9780333771143
A Game with Granny R. Wooding
Kiki and the Storm S. Davidow
Sarah and Yama can carry things on their heads. Find out what!
There is lightning and thunder and rain… There’s a storm!
Kuda’s Rainbow Ball S. Alumenda
Kuda’s beautiful new ball is just right for a game of football. But then everyone in the town joins in…
B. Applin
Look out you’ll get mud on the sheets! You mustn’t tease the hen! Donna, don’t pull Martha’s hair! 9780333920909
M. House
An ordinary rural task becomes a lot of fun when Grandfather Joseph ploughs up his land.
K. Asumang
Today I walk barefoot on my land. I write my name in dots in the sand.
Can a car do all the things that people can do? What makes it different? This story teaches useful car vocabulary, as well as exploring how machines are different from living things.
Lindile and the Red Hen
Happy Birthday, Joel!
N. Turkington
C. Kemp
Lindile finds a red hen sitting on some eggs under a bush. How can he look after her and protect her from the mongoose?
Joel has a wonderful birthday present – a bicycle. He takes it to school, but it goes missing. Where can it be?
The River S. Davidow
Follow this river on its journey from the mountains to the sea. 9780333698846
Grandpa, who is Kakai? K. Koranteng
A Ghanaian story about a monster who comes when children are naughty.
The Ice-cream River M. House
Ben Shumba makes wonderful ice-cream. But one day the machine goes wrong, and an ice-cream river runs through the town! 9780333789988
Can a Car Walk?
Kojo has a beautiful, black hen but it lives in a very old hen coop. With the help of his family, Kojo makes a new home for his hen and her chicks.
J. Johnson
The Ox Race
K. Asumang
Go Barefoot
Don’t Do That!
Kojo and the Hen Coop
Series Editor: D. Cobb An impressive collection of lively stories, poems and fact books for libraries, classrooms and bed-time reading that children will want to read again and again. Brightly illustrated and at three language levels, they will keep children absorbed as well as develop their language skills. Themes include humour, adventure, everyday and more fantastic events in rural and town settings – or even on the moon! Some include practical activities and many have a cross-curricular focus. All titles offer the teacher or parent opportunities for discussion or project work. The first level, Hop, uses simple sentences and basic grammatical structures; Step introduces freer use of language; and finally Jump takes children to the level of independent reading.
The Slow Chameleon and Shammy’s Bride D. Cobb
Chameleons are supposed to change colour very fast. Shammy is far too slow, until one day… 9780333577288
Ping Pong P-Pan B. Applin
Mysterious noises come from the shed where the school’s steel pans are locked at night. Is someone playing pan? Is it burglars? Or ghosts? 9780333741429
Ask Pungu-Pungu R. Wooding
Zama and Tom try to find Aunt Mabel’s watch with the help of the worm, Pungu-Pungu. 9780333726365
The Best Bed in the World C. Mbali
How can Mrs. Molafe get her prize bed back to the village? 9780333615843
Lucky Day! L. Kramer
Zani and Joe find a beautiful ring on the beach and set out to find the owner. Is this their lucky day? 9780333689189
The Wake-up Whistler
Raindrops in Africa
Sing It, Do It!
Everyone in the town has to get up early. But when the cock doesn’t crow they all oversleep. Then Jabu offers to help.
Raindrops Drip and Drop decide to make a storm. But which country needs their rain most?
A fully illustrated collection of lively action rhymes, perfect for groups of kids led by a parent, teacher, or older brother or sister.
M. Brandt
D. Cobb
M. House
Striped Paint R. Umelo
Mama-Uzo tries to buy a tin of striped paint in this funny story. 9780333568651
All Hop, Step, Jump titles are 234 x 156mm.
Ten Ripe Mangoes
In My Father’s Village
D. Cobb
M. Palmer
Saffie took ten ripe mangoes to her aunt. But how many did she bring back?
Fun African riddles about everyday things. 9780333568668
The Walking, Talking, Flying ABC D. Cobb A simple illustrated and descriptive A to Z of things that move – and some that don’t! 9780333568644
Click! Flash!
No Problem!
B. Applin
R. Umelo
When Uncle Jimmy gives Daniel a camera he takes photos of his family and friends and he looks for lost golf balls to earn money for a new film. One night he tries out the flash and gets an unexpected shot.
How will Papa-Uzo take care of the money over-night? ‘What will happen if a thief comes?’ ‘No problem!’ says Papa-Uzo. 9780333587225
Cabbages and Donkeys M. House
It is time to take the cabbages to market, but where have the donkeys gone? The Dube family start to look for them. 9780333791684
Water for Monique
The Wait and See Car
S. Davidow and C. Parrill
M. Brandt
On Saturday morning Nory and Carnelle sees Angie, the new American girl. ‘Come and play’, Angie calls to them. ‘No, we have to get water for our new sister Monique’.
What is Mr Matarr going to make from the old deep freeze? ‘Wait and see’, he says. The children help him to make a very strange car and soon it becomes famous.
Under the Cotton Tree D. Cobb
Joe Jusa is going to have a birthday party. 9780333618288
The Big Bad Snake
The Angry Mountain
K. Asumang
M. Adams
Ato and his friends tell a story. When each boy receives the stick it is his turn to continue the exciting story of brave Yaw who went into the forest to kill the big bad snake.
Johnny and his family and pet goat have to leave their village when the nearby volcano erupts. 9780333741443
The Bug Collector G. Leggat
Do you like creepie-crawlies? Dudu takes Agnes to stay with her bug-collecting cousin Sizwe and they find out. 9780333633090
A Goat Called Gloria N. Turkington
Lulama likes to milk the goat, Gloria. But one day Gloria, the sow and six piglets have gone. Lulama searches everywhere until she finds Gloria guarding her pig friends. 9780333791714
Saving Mr Omardeen
Choose Me!
J. Stone
L. Kramer
Tara makes a pet of the big iguana on the nokinda tree and calls it after the school principal. But how can she save it from all the people that want to make iguana stew?
How can Veli be chosen to carry the flag for the school’s birthday when he’s neither the tallest nor the strongest? 9780333568675
The Grasshopper War T. Chaane
The crows spread gossip and the Grasshoppers find they are about to learn a valuable lesson as they go to war. 9780333614112
The Cowrie Seekers S. Davidow
If the children help Farid to collect cowrie shells for the necklaces he sells, how many pancakes will he cook for them? 9780333688335
Henry the Last M. Palmer
Henry is always last at everything, but he learns to run like a hare.
The Boy Who Made Cars
The Numberheads
S. Alumenda
An adventure story with a mathematical flavour.
Yamiko makes wire cars and draws every kind of car he can. One of his drawings helps to rescue two children from kidnappers.
R. Roberts
The Lily Pool J. Inyundo
A little girl discovers the beauty of a lily pool when her mother’s friend takes her on her first boat trip. 9780333670835
Lissa’s Rainbow Dress
A Job on the Moon
J. Ama Addo
Baba and Peter set off to polish the moon so that it will shine more brightly – but why do they want to come back?
Lissa wants a dress for her birthday but what colour does she like best?
M. Montgomery
Want To Be A Strongman?
Honeybrown and the Bees
K. Mbugua and G. Baier
M. Montgomery
J. Inyundo
Kanja has to close his eyes to make up a poem, but in fact he’s an all-day dreamer!
There is a medicine to make you strong and one to make you weak – but do they really work?
Bees like Honeybrown but can they help her when she is in trouble?
The All-day Dreamer
My Life on the Wing
Ibuka and the Lost Children
D. Cobb
S. Martin
The diary of the journey of a stork flying from Africa to Europe, with instructions on how to make your very own paper stork.
Ibuka and her village are caught in the war which separates her family. Ibuka finds herself at a Lost Children’s Centre where they take care of her and search for her family.
The Radio Thief A. Kwamlah Johnson
Jomo and his friends get his radio back from an unusual thief. 9780333595145
Nondo the Cow D. Rasteiro
One day Temba takes Nondo, the gentle brown cow, to the river. However, Nondo is more than just gentle, she proves she is clever too. 9780333576557
Sika in the Snow D. Cobb
Sika goes to London with her family and finds ice-cream falling from the sky! 9780333576724
The Boy Who Ate a Hyena
The Clay Animals G. Ellison
Ester persuades old Mama Bweupe to show her how to make clay animals properly and how to fire them, but the rains are coming. Will they put the fire out?
The Calabash and the Box
J. Ngumy
B. Sesay
‘Never kill an animal if you don’t need to,’ the old man said. But why, oh why, didn’t they listen?
When the calabash floats away, Lamina rescues it and discovers something exciting from his past.
Chimpanzee Rescue
E. Yongai
Manga loves his dog Check more than anything in the world, but why has he disappeared and where has he gone?
M. House
Kangwa and Kunda find two baby chimpanzees in a box, but what should they do with them and why are they there?
When Sammy’s father breaks his leg, who will go fishing?
Check, Come Here!
Knife Boy
Chichi’s Nature Diary
W. Ijioma
Musa wants to spend all day carving; what a pity he has to find a job. But does he? 9780333595138
More adventures with Chichi as she records her discoveries, helped by her brother’s inventions.
E. Adrienne
Paa Bena and the New Canoe P. Addy
Paa Bena always gets into mischief, even at the blessing of the new canoe.
Pepi Mazamban, Mender of Cars, Age 10
Chichi And The Termites
J. Mason
W. Ijioma
Pepi’s chance to become a mechanic comes sooner than expected!
Chichi takes a closer look at termites – from inside their mound!
Fair Shares
Search for the Stone Bird
L. Kramer
How Thandi and her friends persuade their brothers to help with the hated housework. 9780333595114
S. Davidow
Khanyo promises not to touch the soapstone bird, but when she forgets, an amazing adventure begins. 9780333698761
The Village Storyteller
The Taming of Pudding-Pan
C.M. Adams
B. McIntosh
A long, long, time ago, even before most of us were born, Tante Lou heard the stories of how the island village got its name. She was a little girl then and she is an old lady now.
Uncle Don teaches Francis and Peter how to overcome the bully who shreds their kites.
Go, Krabita, Go!
P. Breinburg
Krabita did not like the shadows of the moon-light. ‘A spirit! Oh, no. It’s the moonlight shining on the mango tree branches’, she thought. ‘Moon gazer indeed’. They say the moon gazer stares up at the sky and gets taller as the moon grows larger.
M. Francois
Alvin wants to run for his school but he is too young and his Grandma doesn’t like “this running thing”. When she has a stroke Alvin has to run his fastest to get an ambulance. And then comes his chance to run in the school Sports Day... 9780333922347
Jeremia and the Trumpet Man Jeremia wants to spend all his time with the Trumpet Man and learn to play as well as he does.
Running for Real
P. Breinburg
Tickets for the Zed Band L. Kramer
Neema and Bef must raise money to buy tickets for the concert. But how? 9780333576953
Tofu in Trouble D. Ridgway
All sorts of problems confront Tofu when he sets out to find his brother who works at the soap factory in town. Tofu meets some street boys but does not know if he can trust them.
Two Eggs for the President M. Brandt
‘What can I give the President?’ asks Miriam on the day he is visiting her village. She finds two eggs, a gift with a special meaning.
Water Girl M. Montgomery
Selling water is hard work for Madisa, especially when she dreams of becoming a dressmaker. 9780333643297
Sally’s Way J. Johnson
One early morning in May, as Sally sits hunched over the gushing water at the village stand-pipe, she sings her multiplication tables to herself. ‘End of term exams soon, I feel a nervous wreck’. 9780333954508
Fire and Steel J. Stone
Melissa introduces her cousin to the delights of the Buccaneers’ steel band. A fire breaks out in the panyard – can the Buccaneers save their pans? Is this the end of their hopes of winning the Panorama competition? 9780333776223
You Can’t Grow Footballs from Seeds M. Spencer
Our heroes nurture the mystery seeds, but all they really want is a football. 9780333622186
POETRY Riding a Rainbow A. Chi-Bikom
An imaginative collection of poems on the joys and beauty of the rainbow and all its colours. Colourfully illustrated and with good rhythm, the poems provide numerous activities for children.
Sometimes when it Rains A. Chi-Bikom
A stunning collection of children’s poems capturing the pleasures and joys of rainfall. The style is simple but appealing to children’s sense of rhythm and drama. 9780333633076
On the Poetry Bus D. Cobb (Editor)
`If you say me a poem you can go for free. I’d rather have your poem than your money’, says he. 9780333640708
All Hop, Step, Jump titles are 234 x 156mm.
HIV • AIDS Action Readers aim to promote good health practice through extensive reading. This important series of readers is designed to help young people to develop the knowledge, attitudes, self-esteem and skills needed to manage their relationships safely and happily, and to cope better with the crisis of HIV and AIDS which is affecting all our communities today. The stories are affirming and empowering for young readers as they portray a variety of strong, believable characters who are finding ways to make choices in adversity and take control of their lives. HIV • AIDS Action Readers can be used across the curriculum: in literacy, social studies, life skills and science classes as well as in after-school or community clubs.
LEVELS The readers are at three levels. Within each level there is some development in reading levels and language is controlled. Level 1 readers are simple stories which encourage good relationships, help children to cope with living in communities with HIV and AIDS and prepare children to protect themselves and understand how their bodies fight disease. Levels 2 & 3 are stories or factual readers about different aspects of HIV and AIDS and include additional factual information and activities.
A Teacher’s Guide accompanies this series.
The Secret Catherine House Theme: Child abuse
Grace has a bad secret she is afraid to tell, but one day her secret becomes too much for her and she tells her teacher, and then the adults around her help to put things right. 9780230013049
The Friendship Tree Catherine House Theme: Helping a sick friend
Chiwila is sad because her best friend, Musosa, is sick. Chiwila’s grandmother helps her to understand how she can be a good friend to Musosa and help her in practical ways.
It’s OK to be Sad
Secret Striker
Adwoa Badoe Theme: Coping with emotions
Polly Alakija Theme: Stigma, poverty of orphans
In this story Kofi is worried about his sick father and gets very angry. A friend helps him to understand that everyone feels sad sometimes and it is OK for men to cry.
Victor and his sister Temi are AIDS orphans. With the help of their friend ‘J’ they find a new interest in football and hope for the future.
We Can Clean! Gisela Winkler Theme: Cleaning and hygiene skills
This story shows how Kumi and his friends clean Kumi’s house and look after his sick mother. Kumi learns how to use bleach to kill germs, to clean properly and prevent his mother from getting infections. 9781405065788
I Still Want to Play Catherine House Theme: The needs of children in the role of ‘the carer’, stigma and fear
This story shows how Kudzi, who looks after his sick mother, is encouraged to play football again and have some fun, while continuing to care for his mother. 9781405063074
We Can Cook! Gisela Winkler Theme: Cooking and nutrition skills
In a world affected by HIV and AIDS many young children have to take on extra responsibilities at home. This story shows how Lungi learns to cook. His friends share their food and show him how to make a nutritious soup for his sick mother. 9781405063098
Time to Heal
My Sister Julie
A Letter to Pearl
Jenny Robson Theme: Orphans, displacement and loss
Adwoa Badoe Theme: Orphans, child-headed households
Michael has lost both of his parents and must leave his home and school to go and live a long way off. At first he finds life in his new surroundings hard: he misses his parents and his old home, and he feels guilty when, at last, happiness seems to be returning.
Suki finds it hard to understand how and why their lives have changed since their mother died. But when Suki gets lost she begins to understand how important her sister is to her and how they need to help each other.
Jenny Robson Theme: Prevention and spread of HIV, abstinence, good relationships
French Edition 9781405099349
French Edition 9781405099387
HIV and AIDS: How to Stay Safe J. Hubley Theme: Prevention and spread of HIV
Young people today need information about how to stay safe from HIV and AIDS. This book helps them learn about how the disease spreads, how to protect themselves, and how to help those who are HIV positive.
Jenny Robson Theme: Talking about HIV and AIDS
Nandi thinks she has a good agreement with her boyfriend, Seth, to keep them both safe from HIV and AIDS. But then Nandi discovers a love letter written by Seth to another girl called Pearl. Has Seth decided to look for excitement elsewhere?
Caring for People Affected by HIV and AIDS
Breaking the Silence
A young teacher, Miss Tumi Chabi is sick in hospital. She decides to write letters to her students telling them the cause of her sickness. Sadly, when her mother and brother are given the letters to post they burn them.
J. Hubley Theme: The needs of children in the role of ‘the carer’
This book is intended to help those young people affected by HIV and AIDS care for others, while protecting and caring for themselves at the same time.
French Edition 9781405099370
French Edition 9781405099301
We’re Growing Up! Catherine House Theme: Puberty
A factual reader in which David and his friends talk about the changes and problems of puberty and adolescence. 9780230011724
The Night the Roof Fell In Catherine House Theme: Community working together to help those with HIV/AIDS
Mama Makonde cares for her six orphaned grandchildren because her children have died of AIDS. When the roof falls in one night, everything seems hopeless, but the family are helped by the community.
French Edition 9781405099363
French Edition 9781405099332
Cross Country Gabriel Ellison Theme: Dealing with peer pressure, making choices about alcohol, drugs and sex
James dreams of winning the inter-school cross country race. His parents and trainer tell him to work. His friend Patrick tells him to enjoy life, go to bars and meet girls. How is he to make the right life choices with all the expectations people have of him?
The Sugar Daddy
Mopati’s Story
Gabriel Ellison Theme: Making the right choices
Jenny Robson Theme: Finding inner strength, making wise decisions
Teleke and Inonge are ambitious schoolgirls who like Mopati starts to believe to have fun. Inonge meets a that his family problems will sugar daddy who she thinks make wise choices about his life can give her a career opening and future impossible, and he in broadcasting. She falls for may as well give up and start a him and believes he loves life of drinking and casual sex. her. Her family and friends try to protect her but she Can he resist this, and take responsibility for his own won’t listen. life and future? 9781405073394
Best Friends
Jenny Robson Theme: Understanding and living positively with HIV and AIDS
Agnes Kimberley Theme: Being open, taking responsibility, good relationships, prevention
When Samuel discovers by accident that his sister, Hope, is HIV positive, he is very angry and does not know what to do. With help from his friend, Johnson, he thinks of a good way to talk to his sister. 9781405063081
All HIV • AIDS Action Readers titles are 234 x 156mm.
Candice isn’t looking for a boyfriend, but then she meets William and really likes him. William, however, is HIV positive and believes he has to be open about his status. How can he talk to Candice? 9781405063050
What Happened to Monday? U. Hafstad Theme: Dealing with everyday problems, making choices
Monday is a likeable, generous and curious boy growing up in difficult circumstances. His curiosity lands him in trouble but it also means that he finds out the truth about HIV and AIDS. 9781405073363
Reading Worlds is a reading series for African primary schools which encourages children to take an active interest in reading for pleasure and for information.
The main aim of Reading Worlds is to help children to develop into confident, independent readers by the time they leave primary school. Then, as they begin secondary school, they will be able to study effectively and learn independently – and they will also learn to enjoy reading. The series provides for the different age groups and competencies found in primary schools in Africa.
Reading Worlds is divided into seven reading levels, and at each level there are three different types of books:
Contemporary, fun and lively stories based on familiar situations and contexts. All the stories and characters are presented in authentic contexts so that children can easily identify and portray a realistic reflection of the world around them. The stories encourage children to think about problems, and the ways people live. The books encourage positive attitudes towards the situations with which the characters are faced in spite of the difficulties encountered.
This diverse collection of fact based readers contains stories drawn from historical, geographical, scientific, sport and cultural sources. They are often supported by purely factual sections. The readers have been written to encourage interest in these areas, to support and complement what the children already learn at school and to promote awareness and pride in Africa’s place in the world.
These are modern and traditional imaginative stories. Many of the readers are based on traditional African or other folktales which have universal appeal and relevance. Some of them are a written version of traditional stories, which come from different parts of Africa. Some of the stories are historical, set in the past. Others are set in fantastical places which will help to stretch the readers’ imaginations and really develop their interest in reading. They are particularly aimed at introducing children to the joy of reading and the love of language that goes with it.
Key Features of Reading Worlds: Wide ranging seven level series covering different interest areas and reading abilities Supports reading at school or at home – encouraging children to find out about things on their own Controlled language and conceptual difficulty across seven levels The levels are not directly linked to a grade or age level but should be used in accordance with the children’s abilities The colour banding is designed to help teachers identify the order in which the readers could be read Provides sufficient material to support reading at all grades of primary learning Notes for teachers/parents at front of each book which provide them with suggestions on how they and their children can get more out of the books Questions/activities for pupils at the back of each book to aid understanding as well as providing extra material for the teacher The readers cover a broad range of subject areas and skills that will assist the student in cross-curricular work, especially science, social studies, life skills, as well as fostering moral attitudes
All Reading Worlds titles are 212 x 156mm.
The Authors The authors are from Africa, Europe, Canada and Australia. Many have teaching experience in African schools. The Series Editor is Jean Conteh, who is a Primary teacher trainer. Jean lived and worked in Sierra Leone for 12 years, first as a teacher, then as a Primary English language teacher trainer. She has a PhD which focuses on the acquisition of reading skills, particularly among children for whom English is a second language..
Beginning level
Beginning reader, 16 pages, approximately 5 words per page
Developing reader
Favourite days Damian Morgan Here comes the band! Polly Alakija Kwame and the moon Sylvia Sikundar Ruth goes shopping George Murphy Splash! Melanie Roome What can I wear? Damian Morgan Where is the family? Damian Morgan The road to market Polly Alakija
9780333953266 9780333955260 9781405026550
A rainbow for dinner Chika Unigwe Jane's hair Clare Kemp Hands and feet Sylvia Sikundar Only one dress Janis Ford Siphiwe and Billy Nola Turkington
9780333955888 9780333955390 9781405026567 9780333991169 9781405023092
9780333955451 9780333955581 9780333953259 9780333955444 9780333955277
Beginning reader, 16 or 24 pages, approximately 10 words per page
Developing reader, 24 pages, 1–5 sentences per page
Developing reader, 36 pages, 3–7 sentences per page
Developing reader, 40 to 48 pages, 5–10 sentences per page
Confident reader, 48 or 56 pages, 8–14 sentences per page
Confident reader, 48 to 64 pages, 10–20 sentences per page
Gogo at school Marguerite Baas Grandfather’s watch Nola Turkington Learning to plait Janis Ford The mountain guides Damian Morgan Thabo’s football Francis Cross Nopinki stories Nola Turkington Turn it off! Janis Ford and Dawn Ridgway
Granny in the news Nola Turkington Habil’s tree Damian Morgan Leo fights back Agnes Kimberley Mimi changes her mind Nola Turkington One stormy night Jenny Robson The birthday party Edison Yongai
9780333955628 9780333955901 9781405013024
Beka and the mouse Nola Turkington Radio rescue Adwoa Badoe The football fan Nola Turkington The great writer Ignatius Musonza Wire is wonderful Dawn Ridgway
Kofi's special sticks Sylvia Sikundar Lineo Frances Cross Right or wrong Agnes Kimberley Takataka's father Ignatius Musonza The bundle of firewood Jairos Kangira The music man Jenny Robertson
Danny Gabriel Ellison Ije at school Chika Unigwe Leo’s lake Damian Morgan The Grasshoppers’ team Caroline Barry The River Queen Marianna Brandt Wall of water Ignatius Musonza
9781405022552 9780333974209 9781405013048 9780333974094 9780333991152
An African ABC Jean Conteh Big seed, small egg Clare Kemp Hippo is hungry Clare Kemp Houses Jean Conteh Lots of legs Clare Kemp
Confident reader
9780333953280 9780333955383 9780333967720 9780333955314 9780333955413
Busy forest, quiet river Polly Alakija Do you like fish? Clare Kemp Spider, spider Damian Morgan Termites Polly Alakija Tondo and the helicopter Dawn Ridgway Safina’s Letter Damian Morgan
9780333955543 9780333996362
A wedding story Adwoa Badoe It’s not fair! Jenny Robson On my way to school Ansu Momoh Powerful pawpaw Polly Alakija Safe and sound Jenny Robson Two gardens Catherine House
9780333974230 9780333991459 9781405013055 9780333955246 9780333991466 9780333991145
9780333955895 9780333955376 9780333953242 9780333955253
9780333934210 9780333955567 9780333955680
9780333974278 9780333974179 9780333955659 9780333934241 9780333974254
9780333974261 9780333991213 9781405028578 9780333955475 9780333991077 9780333955574
9780333991039 9780333955673 9780333974131 9780333991237 9780333955291 9780333955499
Watch out! Adwoa Badoe What goes around Jenny Robson The baobab tree Nola Turkington Oil on the beach Janis Ford The night ape Gabriel Ellison The story of Mary Seacole Sylvia Collicott
9781405026574 9781405028233 9781405022514 9780333974162 9780333990988
A jar of honey Crescentia Odu Ike’s Plant Ignatius Musonza Kudu Agnes Kimberley The Kuomboka Ceremony Heather Rosser The night sky Sylvia Sikundar Tonde Ignatius Musonza
9780333955529 9780333991053 9781405013017
Fantastic fish Nola Turkington Lost in the forest Catherine Adenle Manute Bol Damian Morgan My pen-friend David Maillu Sailors from the East Sylvia Collicott Sarah Margru Kinson Sylvia Collicott
9781405026529 9780333991114 9781405012980 9780333991138
Benja Ngumi Kibera Lake of our dreams Jill Inyundo Malaria Stephen Alumenda and Adwoa Badoe Satu’s journey Ansu Momoh The walking house Anthony Kwamlah Johnson Tombs and lost cities Catherine House
9781405012973 9780333991091
9781405026536 9780333955604 9781405028240
9781405028868 9780333974186
9780333974124 9781405012966 9780333991176 9781405022538
Greedy Ananse Jean Conteh Animals 1,2,3! Sylvia Sikundar Hyena and Hare Susan Kajura The three Billy Goats Gruff Jean Conteh The chickens and the monster Jenny Vincent
9780333991008 9780333955598 9781405026543 9780333974193 9781405013086
Ananse’s wisdom Jean Conteh I'm not scared Janis Ford Jack and the beanstalk George Murphy Josephine's boat Jenny Vincent The enormous yam George Murphy Chief Pangolin George Murphy
9780333990995 9780333991060
A surprise for Bush Pig Janis Ford Clever Sparrow George Murphy Hare on the moon Dawn Ridgway The magic xylophone Kweku Asumang The rich forest John Oppong-Mensah Why Frog jumps about Stephen Alumenda
9780333955345 9780333933343 9780333955536
Abiyoyo George Murphy Azmina and the durian Sylvia Sikundar Grandpa's story Kweku Asumang Why Cock crows George Kamau Liziwe and Lizard Nola Turkington The tree spirit Clare Kemp
A ring in the sand Damian Morgan Catching crooks Maren Bodenstein The torn net Kweku Asumang I’m coming to get you! Ngumi Kibera Stories from east and west Stephen Alumenda, Ignatius Musonza and Adwoa Badoe Mtikazi’s mistake Nola Turkington The secret town Ngumi Kibera
9780333974247 9781405007719 9780333974100 9780333991022
Giant Majuto Amos Isoka Ighewi’s return Meshack Asare Okori’s carvings Stephen Alumenda The magic cow Megha Chandrakant Okhai The storyteller Marialena von Tonder Toma’s land Nola Turkington Voyage of hope Damian Morgan
9780333955352 9781405022521 9781405013109
King Lion in love Beverley Naidoo Lutembe, the crocodile Sylvia Sikundar Five magic stories Nola Turkington The great tug-of-war Beverley Naidoo The hidden spring Ignatius Musonza
9780333991084 9780333974155 9780333955468 9780333991046
9780333991244 9781405007702 9780333955284
9780333990971 9780333991206 9780333974117 9780333955635 9780333955437
9780333955611 9780333953273 9780333991473
9781405013031 9781405013000 9780333955666 9780333991183
9780333934203 9780333955642 9780333955512 9780333991107
Young Lives is a series of factual readers which focus on the working lives of real young women in Africa. The series aims to raise career awareness in a way which will inform and interest children everywhere. Each book tells the personal story of a young woman in the world of work: her background; how she lives; how she trained for her job; the ups and downs of her life; and a typical day at work. The text is presented in a lively magazine-style format with interviews, quotes, photographs, maps, fact boxes and personal reminiscences.
Have you ever wondered what it’s like to work on a busy newspaper? Find out with Portia as she faces the challenges of her chosen career as a journalist.
Afua was determined to follow her dream of becoming a fabric and fashion designer. She worked extra hard to achieve this, and to become an independent businesswoman, too.
Have you ever wondered what it’s like to work on a busy newspaper? Find out with Portia as she faces the challenges of her chosen career as a journalist.
the Young Lives series is about a real person. It introduces a young woman in the orld of work in Africa today. It tells her story, and illustrates the background to her n a way which will interest and inform children everywhere.
kes a positive approach to gender issues, and encourages young readers to explore bs and careers. are simply written, highly illustrated, and supported by lively activities.
series: Worker in the City ching Young Children elping a Rural Community king as a Wildlife Vet nic on the Move usician with a Message nging Water to the People ing High as a Pilot s, Views and the Journalist h Worker in Action ning Fabrics and Fashions
News, Views DESIGNING FABRICS FASHIONS and theandJournalist Each book in the Young Lives series is about a real person. It introduces a young woman in the challenging world of work in Africa today. It tells her story, and illustrates the background to her working life in a way which will interest and inform children everywhere.
The series takes a positive approach to gender issues, and encourages young readers to explore a variety of jobs and careers. All the books are simply written, highly illustrated, and supported by lively activities. Titles in the series: Ann – Social Worker in the City Teresa – Teaching Young Children Margaret – Helping a Rural Community Gladys – Working as a Wildlife Vet Alex – Mechanic on the Move Maureen – Musician with a Message Mwiche – Bringing Water to the People Mwanza – Flying High as a Pilot Portia – News, Views and the Journalist Flora – Health Worker in Action Afua – Designing Fabrics and Fashions
0-333-72565-4 0-333-72566-2 0-333-72567-0 0-333-72568-9 0-333 72569-7 0-333-92449-5 0-333-92450-9 0-333-92451-7 0-333-92452-5 0-333-92453-3 0-333-72570-0
0-333-72565-4 0-333-72566-2 0-333-72567-0 0-333-72568-9 0-333 72569-7 0-333-92449-5 0-333-92450-9 0-333-92451-7 0-333-92452-5 0-333-92453-3 0-333-72570-0
ISBN 0-333-72570-0
ISBN 0-333-92452-5
9 780333 725702
9 780333 9 2 4 5 2 5
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Designing Fabrics and Fashions
Flying High as a Pilot
Afua was determined to follow her dream of being a designer, and she worked extra hard to achieve this. It meant learning how to become an independent businesswoman too.
Working as a Wildlife Vet
Teaching Young Children
As a young schoolgirl, Gladys knew she wanted to be a vet – a wildlife vet. Read her story and find out more about her fascinating work with wild animals.
Teresa always loved young children, so perhaps it’s not surprising that she wanted to become a nursery teacher. Find out how she finally achieved her dream.
Mwansa is one of a growing number of young women pilots. Find out how she first took to the skies, and share her experiences of flying. 9780333924518
Alex Mechanic on the Move
When Alex first went to agricultural college, she was the only girl studying for a mechanics diploma. Find out why she chose this course, and where her job takes her today.
Health Worker in Action
Social Worker in the City
Flora is the health worker for six villages in her home area. Read her story and find out how Flora helps her community where there is no doctor.
Social work is about reaching out to people in need. Ann tells her story and introduces you to her work with street children. 9780333725658
Margaret Helping a Rural Community
Margaret is committed to the development of her region. Find out about the work she does in her community to bring people together and promote new ideas. 9780333725672
Mwiche Bringing Water to the People
Water is a basic need for life. Find out why Mwiche chose to become a water engineer and how she helps to bring water to many thousands of people. 9780333924501
All Young Lives titles are 230 x 185mm.
Today’s Children stories are about brave children caught up in difficult situations, whose lives are disrupted by disasters, whether man-made or natural. They will discover how tolerance, ingenuity and generosity can bring people together and build a foundation for mutual help and understanding.
On the Other Side of the Hill
Cry Baby
Sibylla Martin Theme: Integration and Reconciliation
Lynn Kramer Theme: Integration
Two children from a refugee camp wander outside and meet the local children who are hostile to them. But a love of football brings wary friendship, cemented by a match between the camp children and the local team. English edition 9780333772737
French edition 9780333772744
Portuguese edition 9781405018845
When Zione comes to their school, the other children find that she is different from them in many ways. She eats strange food, she never joins in their games and she is a real ‘cry baby’. But in a moment of danger Zione makes them realise that she is brave and that in fact she cries because she is homesick. English edition 9780333747247
French edition 9780333753019
Portuguese edition 9781405018838
Mumbi Maybe
Kollie Can’t Hear
Kathryn Harper
Ruth Reeves
Theme: Peace and Reconciliation
Theme: Social Issues
When he is brought to the camp, the other children mock Mumbi because he doesn’t know where he came from, but his inventive imagination creates a fantasy world the other children become eager to join.
When they first meet, the other children ignore Kollie because he can’t hear and he can’t speak. But they are intrigued by his sign language and soon they want to learn too. 9780333933442
Writing on Wood Shelley Davidow Theme: Overcoming Family Disasters
Before their father lost both his legs and an arm in a road accident, he was the best carpenter in the village. His son Ajmal tries to continue the family business but faces constant criticism from his father. When Ajmal and his brother Joe start working with their father making signs life becomes more hopeful. 9781405009720
I was Born before the Rains Lars-Eric Berg & Martin Ehrling Theme: Environmental Issues
A young boy tells how his family had to flee from the floods in Mozambique when he was ten. He and his father were marooned up a tree as the water spread below. 9780333933404
Let’s Play One Bounce Shelley Davidow Theme: Social Issues
Jessie and her friends used to ignore Petrus, whose legs were paralysed by polio. But when his quick hands save Jessie from a dangerous snake, and he proves his skill in carving, the children make friends and their game of one-bounce takes on a new form. 9780333933411
A Handful of Sweets Shelley Davidow Theme: Social Issues
Komo and Matthew are worried when their friend, Leah, offers them a handful of unusual sweets. When she is later found unconscious, they get her to hospital and learn about the dangers of drugs. The story is set in an urban area of southern Africa. 9780333779088
The Lost Children Sibylla Martin Theme: Peace and Reconciliation
This is the story of Ibuka and how she and her village are caught in the war which separates her family. Ibuka finds herself at a Lost Children’s Centre where they take care of her and where they search for her family. English edition 9780333745793
French edition 9780333753026
Portuguese edition 9781405018852
All Today’s Children titles are 234 x 156mm.
Maryama Must Go!
The Red Shadow
Mohamed Sheriff Theme: Integration and Reconciliation
Shelley Davidow Theme: Peace and Reconciliation
This story tells of Maryama, who has been mutilated by rebels in Sierra Leone, and is adopted by a village family.
After the war Miriam and her mother return to a devastated village, to find that Miriam’s brother has survived but her father has disappeared. Miriam worries about her brother, who is now so serious and silent, and she dreams of her father’s return.
English edition 9780333748633
French edition 9780333753033
Portuguese edition 9781405018869
After the Rains
Leaving Our Village
Lars-Eric Berg & Martin Ehrling Theme: Environmental Issues
Kweku Duodu Asumang Theme: Environmental Issues
All the animals are dying in the severe drought and the children have to leave the village and trek south. After a terrible journey of five days, Agidi reaches the camp and gets help for the children who had to stop on the way. But are their parents still alive in the village and will help reach them in time?
After the Rains is a sequel to I was Born before the Rains. The boy tells of life in the temporary camp after the floods, how his family is reunited and a new village set up. 9780333973134
My Brother is a Soldier
Letters to Grandma Grace
Clare M.G. Kemp Theme: Rehabilitation
Victoria Francis Theme: Social Issues
A young boy sees his brother return to the village after being kidnapped to become a boy soldier. The brother, Ketu, has bad memories of war and meets antagonism on his return. However, his brave actions lead the villagers to accept him and support his bid for training to learn a new skill and start a new life. English edition 9780333764787
French edition 9780333764794
Letters to Grandma Grace is a collection of poignant letters written and illustrated by two refugee children to the grandmother left behind. They tell of their problems getting schooling, earning money and overcoming antagonism. English edition 9780333764763
Portuguese edition 9781405018876
Night Watch
French edition 9780333764770
Portuguese edition 9781405018883
Winner of the NAMA Award
Kweku Duodu Asumang Theme: Boy Soldiers
The Girl Who Couldn’t Dance
Nine-year-old Dauda has been abducted by rebels to become a boy soldier. For him, the night watch is a time of fear and unexpected encounters. He longs to be back home with his family, to go to school. Will the rumours of a cease-fire come true? Will the war ever end?
Stephen Alumenda Theme: Social Issues
Tamara has lost a leg in a land-mine accident, but her courage attracts her new friend, Lena and overcomes the initial antagonism of schoolmates. Lena’s painting of Tamara, appealing for the clearance of landmines, brings an unexpected prize.
Salome’s Speech Damian Morgan & Mary Grace Kilhampton Theme: Child Labour
Salome’s hopes of being a radio announcer are lost when she is forced to leave school and work on a cashew nut farm. One day policemen come to the farm to see if children are being employed illegally. This gives Salome a chance to make the most important speech of her life. 9781405022668
A Place to Sleep Ruth Reeves Theme: Social Issues
Looking for a place to sleep, Marcus joins a gang of street boys as they find ways of earning money for food. They face the dangers of the streets, hunger, violence and sickness, before finding Star House, a shelter for homeless children. 9780333922668
A collection of exciting and sometimes humorous adventure stories with beautiful colour pictures and naturally integrating environmental themes. Specially written at four graded language levels for children, they are perfect for home, school or your local club. The Fact File accompanying each story is packed with fascinating information about the environmental theme behind the story, bringing together school subjects such as social studies, science and geography. Also included are puzzles, word lists and great ideas for fun things to do. Living Earth readers can be used in conjunction with Our World Environment Macmillan wallcharts (9780333600771).
The Empress
The Greatest Treasure
Fact File theme: Coral reefs
Fact File theme: Deserts
M. Poulton
C. Anson-Lawson
With a little help from the sharks the Empress makes the tourists realise the coral reef is fragile.
A traditional African tale which focuses on desert habitats and the importance of water. 9780333605608
The Storyteller Fact File theme: Water M. Poulton
It looks as if the rains are never going to stop. Then a mysterious storyteller appears at Njombo’s house with a story from long ago. 9780333605585
Jungle Rescue
Leela and the Frogs
Fact File theme: Zoos and endangered species
Fact File theme: The balance of nature T. Jennings
D. Morgan
Leela keeps frogs as pets and is alarmed when a Frenchman convinces the village to catch frogs for money.
Set in Borneo this is the exciting story of Jumaidi who visits his grandfather’s zoo and discovers an orangutan which is about to be taken into captivity. Jumaidi rescues the animal and sees it safely to a rehabilitation centre.
A Very Strange Day Fact File theme: Global warming and climate change L. Carman
The Brownes Go On Holiday Fact File theme: Tourism
Sebastio and his friends are preparing for possible flooding, but Mr Serrano does not want to help or even to try to protect the environment, or think about the future. However, after a very strange day, he changes his mind.
T. Jennings
Honeybees Fact File theme: Forest resources S. Ashe
Samuel begins to learn about beekeeping from his father but when Samuel shows off his hive to his friends Juma is badly stung. Sam realises he has a lot more to learn and his father takes him into the forest to be a honey hunter and learn a traditional respect for the plants and animals there. 9781405063999
A funny story about the terrible Browne family who go on holiday to Turtle Island, a special nature reserve. Will they listen?
Manu’s Beetles Fact File theme: Pesticides D. Hunt
How does Sim save the day for Manu, Moni and the whole village when the pesticide is used unsafely? 9780333605646
The Forest Needs Friends Fact File theme: Managing forests for sustainable timber S. Ashe
After Francis’s father is arrested for handling stolen timber, he and his friend Alex take a day out exploring in the National Park and come upon the tree thieves. Can Francis get back to the warden in time for the rangers to catch them? 9781405064019
Saving the Maize Fact File theme: Sustainable farming S. Ashe
Kenga Ketanga and his family work hard to grow food on their farm in a sustainable way which does not harm the environment. But the biggest problem is protecting the maize from fire, insect pests, birds, hippos and even humans. 9781405064026
Fear in the Forest
Listening to Gorillas
Fact File theme: Tropical rainforests
Fact File theme: Gorillas
M. Sotabinda
M. Poulton and T. Jennings
Our young Cameroonian heroes set out to rescue Mr Tudih, the missing game warden who is investigating illegal tree felling. They discover more than they bargain for!
Was Damali dreaming? Had she really been listening to a silverback gorilla talking? She should not have been up in the forest in the first place and she knew that she was going to get into trouble.
The Stream
The Poachers Fact File theme: Hunting and poaching
Fact File theme: Clean water
M. Poulton
D. Hunt
Ochola has joined the poachers but he is caught by the game wardens. He is asked to play a much more dangerous game in an effort to save the rhino.
Kofi accidentally discovers the cause of the water pollution – but how can he tell the village?
Just a Bit of Wood
Olia’s Trees
Fact File theme: Waste and recycling
Fact File theme: Fuel wood
W. Ijioma
It has become hard to find fuel wood in the village for nearly all the trees have been felled. Olia and her friends plant trees for the future, but someone can’t wait that long.
This is the moving story of Tov who leaves his village to make money but finds the city is no paradise – until someone sees his beautiful carving.
M. Poulton
The Catch Fact File theme: Sea fishing D. Hunt
Fishermen Ousmane and Doura rescue their greedy enemy when he tries to outdo them. 9780333605721
Well Done David! Fact File theme: Pollution M. Poulton
When David’s Uncle Kweko returns, he helps him investigate the bad practices of the local mine. 9780333605714
All Living Earth titles are 248 x 187mm.
Healthy living means looking after ourselves and our environment, preventing diseases and following good health and hygiene rules. Living Health are readers for children aged 8 to 14 which focus on important health topics worldwide. Each book contains a lively story followed by a Fact File of fascinating information and activities, all based on a health theme. They are carefully graded into four language levels and are colourfully illustrated. Macmillan Primary Health Wallcharts (9780333531631) can be used to support the Living Health stories.
LEVEL 1 Kalekwa’s Ambition
Football Crazy Fact File theme: Handwashing C. House
Musa loves football and hates washing. But when he gets ill with diarrhoea and sickness and can’t play for the school team he realises that keeping well is part of being a good team player. 9780230011700
Nombu’s Dream Fact File theme: Road safety
Fact File theme: Living with disability
G. Leggatt
J. Kalindimya
The boys laugh at Nombu because she wants to be a traffic cop. However, when one of the boys runs into the road after a football she saves his life, and is awarded a smart cop’s cap for her work.
The netball team’s celebrations end horribly when the school bus crashes. Kalekwa wakes up in hospital to find she has lost a leg.
LEVEL 2 Hero of the Hills Fact File theme: Health care M. Brandt
Joseph is crazy about trains and wants to be a train driver. One day a different and special train arrives, the Phelophepa hospital train, which enables him to help his family.
The Flying Elephant Fact File theme: Playing safely A. Johnson
Amos, Gina and Musa are bored. They decide to make and fly kites but it is difficult to find somewhere safe to play, and they narrowly escape danger.
The Plastic Throne
Sweet Buns
Fact File theme: Sanitation
Fact File theme: Nutrition
C. Mbali
D. Morgan
Mrs Monyati and her choir are stranded when their bus breaks down. They go to stay with Lerato’s uncle but the old latrine is broken and Mrs Monyati narrowly escapes a fall!
When Maua’s father has to go to the city for work, Maua is sent to stay with her cousins in the village. She misses junk food and does everything to avoid eating healthily. How will Aunty Rina get her to eat properly?
Phiri’s Goal
Keep Away From Alcohol!
Fact File theme: Teeth and dental care
Fact File theme: Damaging effects of alcohol
D. Morgan
J. Robson
Phiri is captain of the football team but he misses an easy goal in an important match. Phiri cannot head the ball because he has a bad toothache. Can his teacher and classmates help him overcome his fear of the dentist?
Mutinta and Esi are looking forward to their friend Farai’s party. But when Farai’s older brother brings alcohol to the gathering, what starts as an evening of fun very nearly ends in tragedy. 9781405083010
I Don’t Have Worms!
Fact File theme: Eyesight
Fact File theme: Worms C. House
G. Ellison
James’s teacher has decided that all the children at the school must take medicine for worms. James doesn’t believe he has worms, and he doesn’t want to take the medicines and decides to skip school that day, but in the end James discovers that this was a mistake.
Dorcas wants to learn but she has to leave school because she has done badly in the yearly exams. Her friend, Manasseh, helps her to realise that her results are bad because she cannot see clearly. They find out that the Flying Doctor is coming to the next village. Will he be able to help her? 9781405028219
LEVEL 3 A Narrow Escape
Fact File theme: Preventing HIV and AIDS
Night Fishing Fact File theme: Vitamins and Minerals G. Winkler
When Sam and his grandfather go night fishing, Sam misses a big fish and gets a nasty shock as he finds he can’t see in the dark. However, with help from the clinic they understand the importance of Vitamin A. 9780230011748
G. Gorden
A young teenage girl has a narrow escape when her friends rescue her from an older boyfriend who is HIV positive. An exciting story raising important issues such as the prevention of infection 9780333698556
Just in Time
Not Too Late
Theme: Respiratory diseases G. Winkler
Theme: Smoking M. Brandt
One afternoon, Anna comes home to find that her baby brother, Jake, is very ill indeed. Anna acts fast to get him to hospital, where a doctor tells her that her brother has pneumonia. Anna’s prompt action has saved Jake’s life.
Alfred steals cigarettes from his grandfather for his friends, and even tries one or two himself. But when his grandfather gets very ill from smoking, Alfred decides not to smoke again, especially as he wants to stay fit for the school soccer team. But will his decision mean that he must lose his friends?
Buzzing Children
You Can Do It!
Fact File theme: Malaria
Fact File theme: First aid
D. Morgan
M. Montgomery
Grandfather dies from malaria and the children start a persistent campaign against mosquitoes to remove the hidden cause of the disease.
Amina and her friends find themselves in a bus crash while on a wildlife club outing. However, Amina is able to put her First Aid Certificate into practice.
LEVEL 4 A Very Special Place Fact File theme: Traditional and western medicine A. Kiss
Wambui wants to be a doctor so her grandmother teaches her about herbal medicine. But when grandmother falls ill Wambui misses a vital exam in order to find the medicine her grandmother needs in the forest. 9780333666234
Riding to the Rescue Fact File theme: Cholera and diarrhoea D. Meers
Nazari rescues the Emir’s favourite horse in a storm and then turns to him for help when the villagers fall sick. Everyone learns how to protect the village from cholera. 9780333924426
Prisca’s Family Fact File theme: Families and health D. Morgan
Family life changes when father has an accident and Aunt comes to stay. They all find themselves doing things they never expected. 9780333682029
Mactracks are illustrated stories and information books for children and young teenagers within the 9 to 14+ age range. This lively and original series is carefully graded into four levels to help children develop their language and reading skills while reading for enjoyment. At the simplest level Starters have a reading vocabulary of about 800 words. The reader can progress through Sprinters and Runners to Winners which have a reading vocabulary of 2,000 words. They are ideal for use as class or independent readers with short, eventful chapters which children can read and discuss in one session. The simple sentences help young readers develop fluency and the illustrations support understanding of the text. Mactracks are written by both new and established writers including Meshack Asare, Barbara Kimenye, Meja Mwangi and Lauretta Ngcobo.
STARTERS Karabo’s Accident
The Hunter’s Dream
Frances Cross
Meja Mwangi
Karabo makes a new friend in hospital and learns to overcome his fears.
Kori and his wife’s dream comes true in a strange way – but can their beautiful child live in the real world?
Follow that Footprint! Jill Inyundo
It was just like every other day until we saw the thief’s footprint in Grandma’s maize field. 9780333626306
How Does Your Body Work? INFO Lorna Evans
Find out with Class 1P and their special magical friend, Factfinder, in this simple introduction to the body and how it works. 9780333676943
Sai’s Big Surprise Remmie Chisenga
Sai is worried – her mother has not come home as promised. Sai goes into the centre of the city to look for her. After several mishaps she is reunited with her mother and the day ends happily with a big birthday surprise.
Fiki Learns to Like Other People Lauretta Ngcobo
Fiki and Nosisa are twins. Nosisa is good and Fiki… Well, Fiki is always in trouble. That is, until the picnic. 9780333595480
Martha’s Mistakes
Martha’s Big News
Mercy in a Hurry
Lorna Evans
Lorna Evans
Mary Harrison
Martha often makes mistakes but today she is helping her mother and she is getting everything right. Or is she?
Martha can’t wait to tell everyone the exciting news. But did she get it right? Well, you know Martha! 9780333655528
Mercy must be at her father’s office before four o’clock. But there seem to be a lot of obstacles... Will she reach her father in time?
Tanzai and Bube
Tell Mama
John Haynes
Selly has to get used to a new town and a new school, where she is bullied by some older girls. Selly wants to talk to her mother about it, but she always seems so busy...
Tanzai may be small but he is clever. Bube is big and dangerous but he is a bully. Who do you think our hero is?
Rosina Umelo
The Little Apprentice Tailor Marcus Kamara
Blama must learn a trade to get money to go to school. But what can he do if Bamie will not teach him to sew? 9780333622858
We’re Still Moving
Zulu Spear
Damian Morgan
This story is about a battle which happened over a hundred years ago in Southern Africa. Although the characters are fictitious, the story shows the great bravery and proud spirit of the Zulus.
Did Vera steal the book box from Mr Chungo? The answer is surprising. 9780333611159
Olive Langa
SPRINTERS Axarob’s Secret Dawn Ridgway
Anton, Annah and their friend Dawie are town children. When they visit Uncle Manfred’s farm in southern Namibia, they meet Axorab. Together they share Axarob’s sectret, but it leads all four into adventure – and danger.
Danger in the Palace Grace Nkansa
No one sees Baffour climb the wall. Will he be trapped in the palace forever, or can his brother find him in time? 9780333647851
Dangerous Flight Hukka Wario
Peter and Mary are on a prize-winning trip to a game park when their plane hits a storm and crashes on Mount Kenya. The pilot is badly injured but the children show true bravery and survival skills right up to their eventual rescue. 9780333729625
Eyes and Ears Brenda Ferry
Can our secret heroes, Eyes and Ears, track down the thieves of the 1,000 year old pot? They can start by looking and listening. 9780333545300
Eyes and Ears Work Hard
Granny Sangoma
Brenda Ferry
Not many people have a granny that can make things happen. But Thabo’s granny is a bit different from everybody else… So watch out, everybody! Granny Sangoma is in town.
Another mystery for our secret group to solve. This time the thief has taken money and a beautiful Christmas cloth. 9780333581438
John Byrne
Magic Trees
Map on the Wall
Jenny Vincent
Colin Swatridge
What’s special about trees? Find out with Tambu and Chido as they travel through time and space in the wonderful hollow tree.
Hassan is kidnapped and the answer to his rescue is in the map on the classroom wall. Will Yussef find it in time?
Ekow Yarney
Mystery of the Sagrenti Treasure A diary, an old map and a search for gold! But who is going to get to the treasure first?
Njambi and the Valley of Secrets
One in a Million
Street Life
Emma Johnson
Stephen Alumenda
Tracey Lloyd
When Simon finds a winning lottery ticket he realises he has no time to spare to put in his claim for the prize. But there is a long way to go.
Life on the streets is very hard for Tamla and his gang. Will their lives ever change?
Njambi is just getting used to her new home in the town when she discovers strange goings on in the nearby valley. She refuses to be frightened off and with her friends uncovers evidence of a serious Post Office fraud.
The Big Match
The Magic Box
Lorna Evans
A Ghanaian boy moves to Swaziland and has trouble at school, until the local Inyanga uncovers the trouble maker.
Nola and her team mates prove to cousin Sipho that football isn’t just a boy’s game – and their coach, Miss Rabakela has a few surprises of her own.
Kwame Owusu-Ampomah
The Past Tells a Story
You Can Draw!
Lorna Evans
John Byrne
How did life on Earth begin? How can we find out about the earliest people? The answers may be hidden in the rocks and earth around us.
INFO Drawing is easier than you think – and it’s fun too! Find out all about it with Rita and Sam, and meet a real artist too. 9780333660058
RUNNERS Guitar Wizard
Crocodile Challenge
Walije Gondwe
James Ngumy
Rosina Umelo
There are a few surprises in store for Daudi and his friends when they set off down the Tana River to look for crocodile eggs.
When Ola gets a job at the busy Newsbird magazine office, she is thrilled. Everybody is kind and helpful – except one girl, who makes trouble for Ola.
Wezi dreams of becoming a famous guitar player. But how can he prove his talent to his family? 9780333542279
Days of Silence
Front Page Story
Rosina Umelo
Maurice Sotabinda
John Byrne
Mother and Father are away, the children are alone and rebel soldiers are moving closer. Where can they go?
How can Fineboy prove his innocence when both his aunt and cousin want to hide the truth?
There’s trouble for Winston and his young team when their news story looks as though it will upset some big people. 9780333652725
Juwon’s Battle
Never Leave Me
Victor Thorpe
Hope Dube
Nandi D’Iovu
Juwon is no ordinary girl. She must prove her Granny is not a witch and rescue her kidnapped brother.
Can Agnes prove that Mary’s new found love, Peter, is not so wonderful as she has been led to believe.
Tanka, a modern independent girl, sets out to help her friend Star. But who is Star? And where did she come from?
Lydia Eagle and Barbara Jackson
Foli Fights the Forgers
Jojo in New York
Kofi Quaye
When Jojo lands in New York, everything is new and exciting – but something happens on the very first night which troubles him. Who can he trust in this strange place, so far from his home in Accra?
A simple guide to beauty care and beauty products. This book is for every teenage girl who wants to look great from top to toe!
Foli’s life suddenly becomes dangerous after declaring he loves new things, new places and meeting new people. Who can help him?
Kayo’s House Barbara Kimenye
Wanda and Jamu are modern girls; they don’t believe in old village stories. But when they find Kayo’s house things don’t seem quite right. 9780333632376
Kofi Quaye
Sara’s Friends
Secret Fear
Rosina Umelo
Fati’s brother is in great danger. But from whom? As acting head of the family, young Musa must find out and save his baby brother.
Sara is going blind but can be helped if her friends can raise money in time. But who is trying to stop them and why?
Mohamed Sheriff
Sport in Africa INFO
Ossie Stuart
This book is packed with facts about sport in Africa – from wrestling to the 4 x 100 metres. It looks at famous sportsmen and women, and presents problems and future challenges in the world of sport. 9780333582039
Trouble in the City Hope Dube
Juma never thought he would impress anyone but he has sharp eyes which turn his life around! 9780333600955
All Mactracks titles are 216 x 138mm.
Adam and Eve 9780333639429
Retold by C. Christian Macmillan Bible Stories are beautifully illustrated storybooks at two language levels that bring freshness and colour to familiar Bible stories. With their simple and readable English, they encourage children to imagine themselves in the places and times the stories portray. What was it like to be Jonah or Ruth? Both children and adults will want to read the stories over and over again.
David the Giant-killer
Jesus is Born
Jesus the Story Teller
Moses in Egypt
When Jesus was a Boy
The Good Samaritan
Jesus Begins God’s Work
Jesus Dies and Lives Again
Jesus the Miracle Worker
Lost but Found
Moses in the Wilderness
Peter and the First Christians
The Macmillan Writer’s Prize for Africa aims to celebrate and promote the very best in story writing from all over the continent.
The winning stories demonstrate vitality of writing, contain intriguing insights into contemporary Africa and never lose sight of the intended young audience. Macmillan is delighted to announce the winners of the fourth biennial Macmillan Writer’s Prize for Africa: SENIOR CATEGORY AWARD
A story for teenagers between the ages of 13 and 17
A story for children between the ages of 8 and 12
A story in either category by a previously unpublished writer
E Eights
Long Juju Man
Jayne Bauling (South Africa)
Nnedi Okorafor (Nigeria)
Chabi finds herself in conflict with her father when a new immigrant family move into ‘E Eights’. But she and her friends are determined to help Hawa and her parents. What happens next leaves its mark on them all.
Ngoli has heard many stories about Long Juju Man from her grandfather. But she is not prepared for her first meeting with him in the forest, or for the strange friendship which follows…
Kwansa and the Bandit Crabs Ekow Kwegyir Bentum (Ghana) Kwansa has many faults: he is lazy and disobedient. But he has brains and a brave heart, and when his village is threatened by great danger, only Kwansa has the courage to face the evil Bandit Crabs. 9780230722095
The panel of judges was made up of the acclaimed writers Meshack Asare, Jack Mapanje, Helen Oyeyemi and Chair Jamila Gavin.
Nominated for the Zambia Arts Council Ngoma Awards, 2005
A Saint in Brown Sandals Elizabeth-Irene Baitie (Ghana) Winner of the Junior section of the Children’s Literature Award Rabi’s frank and entertaining schoolgirl diary records much more than mere everyday events. She records everything with a humour and honesty that can’t fail to delight.
Voice of a Dream Glaydah Namukasa (Uganda) Winner of the Senior section of the Children’s Literature Award Nanfuka is angry. She must take responsibility for her family devastated by AIDS and threatened by the manipulative Aunt Naka, while her own life seems to be on hold. 9781405095921
Bamboo Girl
The House that Kojo Built Ngozi Iseyinwa Razak-Soyebi (Nigeria) Winner of the Special Award for the most promising new children’s writer There are many wild stories about Oga Landlord, and his tenants all fear him. Only young Kojo believes he can make a difference. His determined efforts are finally rewarded, and the quiet strength of this special boy truly changes lives.
Anthony Kwamlah (Ghana) Winner of the Junior section of the Children’s Literature Award Meri leaves her village home for Accra full of confidence. Mma has promised to give her a sewing machine and to teach her how to use it. Mma is lying. Is there any way out for Meri? 9781405060417
Begotten of the Gods Osita Okoroafor (Nigeria) Winner of the Senior section of the Children’s Literature Award The strange, ungainly hero of this story is called Cinema because he loves to spend his evenings at the Metro Cinema. His obsession nearly results in his death. 9781405060394
Wandi’s Little Voice Ellen Mulenga Banda-Aaku (Zambia) Winner of the New Children’s Writer Award The lovable narrator of this novel is Wandi, a young girl balanced between childhood and adulthood, and between the shanty town where she loves to play with her friends and the refined suburbs to which her mother would like to confine her. 9781405060400
Who Are You?
Unanswered Cries Daudi’s Dream
Rosina Umelo (Nigeria) Winner of the Junior section of the Children’s Literature Award When a little girl follows Ada and Chidi home, they soon discover that she is covered with cuts and bruises. Is she lost, or has she run away?
Osmath Conteh (Sierra Leone) Winner of the Senior section of the Children’s Literature Award Olabisi soon finds herself under pressure to follow tradition and become a circumcised bondo woman, but Olabisi is determined to fight for her own freedom of choice.
Susan Mugizi Kajura (Uganda) Winner of the Special Award for the most promising new children’s writer When Daudi learns that there are prizes to be found inside soda bottle tops, he starts to collect them. But others want the winning bottle top, too… 9780333992487
The Sun, the Moon and the Stars
In the Shadow of Inyangani
C.N. Ezeigbo (Nigeria) Shortlisted the Junior section of the Children’s Literature Award Schoolgirl Josie longs to dance for the bishop, but she isn’t even in the dancing group, and its leader Elo, hates her. How can her dreams ever come true?
Someone called Lindiwe
The Interview
Shelley Davidow (South Africa) Shortlisted the Senior section of the Children’s Literature Award When Lomu goes up Mount Inyangani to look for a missing English girl he has no idea that he is about to become the unwitting hero in an impossible quest.
Gail Smith (South Africa) Shortlisted the Senior section of the Children’s Literature Award A sudden revelation about her past forces Lindiwe to reexamine her identity and to make difficult decisions about her future.
Patrick M. Wainaina Ngugi (Kenya) Shortlisted the Senior section of the Children’s Literature Award This interview is Joe Kimani’s big chance. But something comes between Joe and the interview – a weird accident that begins to shape his whole life.
Macmillan is committed to local language publishing and this is reflected in our range of readers available in Kiswahili, Luganda and Chinyanja/Chichewa, Kinyarwanda and Ethiopian languages. Set in African contexts and supported by bright and lively illustrations this expanding programme offers a flexible resource to the reader which can be used to develop confidence and enthusiasm for reading.
HIV•AIDS READERS Ndifanane Ndi Suzgo 9789990870121
Chikokambeta 9789990870138
Wenzulo Yotsiriza 9789990870145
Nkhwangwa Ili M’mutu 9789990870152
K500 Ndi Deresi Lachikasu 9789990844214
Tsogolo Lotayika 9789990844221
Maloto Anzeru 9789990844238
Please contact Macmillan Malawi for further details (see back cover).
Chikondi Cha Dalalivala 9789990844207
KISWAHILI Ndoto ya Lulu 9789987629619
Watoto Wachangamfu 9789987629626
Kuponea Chupuchupu 9789987629633
Kiti cha Enzi cha Plastiki 9789987629640
Wimbo wa Dike 9789987629657
Tamaa ya makuu ya Kalekwa 9789987629664
Bado wakati 9789987629671
Machozi ya Rahima 9789987629688
Setwa aleta ushindi 9789987629695
Mandazi matamu 9789987629602 Please contact Macmillan Aidan for further details (see back cover).
CHINYANJA /CHICHEWA JUNIOR READING Kukula ndi Mwambo 9789990844276
Mkwatibwi Wokhumudwa 9789990844283
Sikusinja ndi Gwenembe 9789990844290
Bwampini 9789990844269
Makangano a Zamoyo 9789990844252
ndi Zopanda Moyo 9789990844245
Miyambi Yatsopano 9789990844306
SENIOR TITLES Onani Angoni 9789990844305
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Omuzannyo ne Jjajja 9780333799437
Zziwa Aliwa? 9780333799390
Emiyembe Kkumi Egyengedde
Mu Kyalo Kya Taata Wange 9780333799444
Tewali Kabi! 9780333799413 Please contact Macmillan Uganda for further details (see back cover).
Nkhani za Mchezo
Ye Achinesh Tesfa
Nyama Zamnkhalango
Jaalala Dhugaa 9781405022590
Please contact Macmillan Malawi for further details (see back cover).
TIGRIGNA Nuzazie Please contact Macmillan Ethiopia for further details (see back cover).
GRADE 4 Tugire isuku 9781405099394
Umupira wa Tito
Kamakeri mu materasi
Akantu k’amayobera (Truc Bizaare)
9780230725881 9780230725904
Turistochu, Lijochina Tenagariwa Wef
Gapusi na Ruturo
Akira agapira kawe
Atabwali Sametana
Langi y’Emisittale (ya Mutoogo)
Nchiyani Mwana Wanga? Nsinjiro zachiyankhulo
GRADE 2 Mama navuye he? 9780230725928
Gatonyi gatonyanga 9780230725935
Maguge kwa Dogiteri Bakame 9780230725942
GRADE 3 Impundu kwa Susa 9780230725959
Fora ndinde? 9780230725966
Akababaro ka Mizero 9780230725973
GRADE 5 Kubabara bibaho 9781405099356
Ikirunga cyarutse 9781405023825
GRADE 6 Umuhungu wariye impyisi 9781405023849
Ijoro ry’inyenyeri 9780230726475 Please contact Macmillan Rwanda for further details (see back cover).
Macmillan Readers is a best-selling graded reading scheme containing new and classic stories from all over the world. These abridged stories have carefully controlled grammatical structures and vocabulary. Each story is preceded with factual and cultural information about the story, plus character listings, maps, notes on the authors and the setting and provides a valuable aid for the classroom or home work. Lively pictures accompany the text to assist readers and there are comprehension questions at the end of each of the books to help students understand plot development and events in the story. For a complete list of Macmillan Readers, please request an ELT catalogue from your local office.
About 1600 basic words
No Longer At Ease
Things Fall Apart
Chinua Achebe, retold by John Milne
Chinua Achebe, retold by John Davey
Okonkwo is respected for his strength, bravery, honesty and wealth. But his people are doomed to be destroyed – from within by the superstition-bound customs of tribal life, and from without by the arrival of the white man. This simply and movingly told story by Nigeria’s foremost novelist has become a classic in African literature.
In this brilliant novel, Chinua Achebe uses the fall of one man, a descendant of the hero in Things Fall Apart, to depict the birth of a whole new age in Nigerian life, a powerful, disillusioning age of corruption. 9781405072991
When Rain Clouds Gather Bessie Head, retold by Margaret Tarner
This semi-autobiographical novel, from one of Africa’s most respected novelists, tells the story of a village in the heart of rural Botswana in the 1960s. It is a time of great change to tribal traditions, social customs, and agricultural methods. But none of the actors on this stage can alter the principal adversary in this drama – the harsh climate. This story has been retold to the upper end of intermediate level, in order to preserve as much of the style and flavour of the original as possible. 9780230024403
About 2000 basic words
Mine Boy Peter Abrahams, retold by Ray Nesbitt
A story which vividly describes the hardships endured by a young Zulu migrant worker. Xuma sees the brutality of the bosses of the mine, the squalor of the township where he lives, and the privileged lifestyle of the white people in the city and he begins to question the racial injustices which surround him. 9781405073264
All Macmillan Readers titles are 198 x 129mm.
Series Editor: Dr C. Swatridge This series offers the perfect introduction to the great story-tellers and classic novels for young native speakers or those learning English as a second or foreign language. Although they are simplified and abridged, care has been taken to preserve as much of the author’s style as possible. A glossary is included at the end of each book.
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Robinson Crusoe
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Jane Eyre
Daniel Defoe
Mark Twain
Mark Twain
The Call of the Wild Jack London 9780333446812
Frankenstein Mary Shelley 9780333490501
Gulliver’s Travels Jonathan Swift 9780333083567
Just So Stories Rudyard Kipling 9780333595459
Kim Rudyard Kipling 9780333454329
Lorna Doone R.D. Blackmore 9780333043899
The Mayor of Casterbridge Thomas Hardy 9780333092651
National Velvet Enid Bagnold 9780333481943
Nicholas Nickleby Charles Dickens 9780333004227
Round the World in Eighty Days Jules Verne
Sir Fred Hoyle
Six Short Stories
Coral Island
E.F. Dodd
R.M. Ballantyne
Six Tales from Shakespeare
The Count of Monte Cristo
William Shakespeare 9780333076125
Stories from Homer Homer
Alexandre Dumas 9780333023235
David Copperfield
Charles Dickens
Strange Tales from the Arabian Nights
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
Margery Green 9780333087695
The Turn of the Screw Henry James 9780333481950
Tom Brown’s Schooldays Thomas Hughes 9780333099261
Treasure Island Robert Louis Stevenson 9780333071168
Wonder Tales from Greece 9780333057117
Charles Dickens
Black Cloud 9780333556016
Jules Verne
Oliver Twist
Charlotte Brontë
Robert Louis Stevenson 9780333433447
Emma Jane Austen 9780333485415
Far from the Madding Crowd Thomas Hardy
Robert Louis Stevenson 9780333032329
On the Beach Nevil Shute 9780333454336
Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen 9780333078600
Tale of Two Cities Charles Dickens 9780333010839
Tess of the d’Urbervilles Thomas Hardy 9780333604557
The Three Musketeers Alexandre Dumas 9780333085219
Three Shakespeare Tragedies William Shakespeare 9780333096789
Great Expectations
Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea
Charles Dickens
Jules Verne
The Great Gatsby
Wuthering Heights
F. Scott Fitzgerald 9780333579213
Hard Times
All Stories to Remember titles are 184 x 123mm.
Charles Dickens
Emily Brontë 9780333031490
Tales of suspense, romance and intrigue. Trendsetters is an exciting series of novels written by new and established African authors specially for teenagers and young adults. They feature gripping stories with young protagonists and problems that will appeal to this age group.
Miracle in the Land C. Botchway
A fifteen-year-old is caught up in a revolution soon after moving to the capital city. 9780333641507
The Last Spear
A. Kwamlah Johnson
P. Penda
The battle of Routh’s Drift is told through the eyes of a young Zulu boy and his sister. Unknown to their family she has been taken in by the enemy, a British family.
The biggest and most valuable diamond in Namibia disappears from a press conference. Ndeshipanda, a fifteenyear-old Ovambo girl, encounters dangerous criminals.
Fast-track Willie D. Asabuhi
Cilana is the best maths student in school, but her parents don’t believe in university education for girls, even though neither of their sons has any chance of going there.
Moses and the Movie
Black Heat
B. Kimenye
J. Chobe
The well-known teenage anti-hero, Moses, who has been expelled from six schools already, is now ready to earn 10,000 shillings by appearing in a movie. 9780333653470
There has been no sign of rain for months and things are desperate for the villagers and their animals. Jos and Sam are sent out to find water. 9780333615935
The Rainy Season S. Davidow
Thandi is her mother’s hope for the future, doing well at school and hopeful of a place at university. But one careless mistake could cost her everything. There is no going back, but how can she face the way forward? Is she the only person who has rights? Thandi has some hard lessons to learn and decisions to make before she can go back into the sunshine she once took for granted. 9780333678404
Soldier-Boy R. Umelo
Sami is captured by the freedom fighters and taken to the forest to become a soldier boy in the struggle against government troops. 9780333615928
The Mukuvisi Vultures J. Chobe
Eddy has come into town to see if he can get a job to help his family through hard times. He is picked up by the police and then befriended by the “Vultures”, one of the many gangs who make a living out of what they can find on the Mukuvisi tip. What Eddy uncovers is trouble of the most dangerous kind. 9780333653456
Waiting for Tomorrow Rosina Umelo
Han’s story is one of hardship and difficulty as families are moved from their homes and forced to take refuge in the ‘camps’. Hana’s education proves to be the saving of her own little group. 9780333641460
All Trendsetters titles are 178 x 111mm.
These highly popular stories of romance, espionage, danger, intrigue and mystery offer a complete library to suit every taste. These stories are written by outstanding African authors and you will want to read them again and again.
Agony in her Voice
Cherished Dreams
Dangerous Waters
Evbu My Love
M. Adyeeri
A. Areo
H. Ovbiagele
P. Katuliiba
M. Sotabinda
Double Dating
The Extortionist
W. Gondwe
C. Nwokolo
Double Trouble
O. Conteh
A. Umelo
Angel of Death N. Dlovu
Child of the Rainbow A.K. Johnson
Dead of the Night P. Phil-Ebosie
Anything for Money
Child of War
Deadly News
B. Chirasha
P. Nga’ab
Dealers in Death
Christmas in the City
A Dream Called September
Finger of Suspicion
V. Thorpe
C. Botchway
R. Umelo
A. Adewoye
A. Assan
The Equatorial Assignment
Finding Francis
D. G. Maillu
D. Asabuhi
Europeans Only?
For Better for Worse
A. Babarinsa 9780333366882
Bittersweet Y. Hunter 9780333487648
Bitter Consequences O. Conteh 9780333647554
Black Temple A. Garba 9780333311479
Blackmailers J. Mangut
Circle of Betrayal J. Irungu 9780333447574
Coup! K. Okpi 9780333345313
The Courage to Say No K. Koranteng 9780333797761
Crossfire K. Okpi
Death is Woman D. Ighavini 9780333325339
Dela Boya: African Detective K. Akwa
A. Mason 9780333537152
The Delinquent M. Sule 9780333259047
Desert Storm H. Dube 9780333582701
Bonds of Love H. Dube 9780333631065
The Border Runners J. Irungu and J. Shimanyula 9780333354124
The Camera Never Lies
The Cyclist P. Phil-Ebosie 9780333329092
Danger Express D. Msere 9780333670934
Dangerous Inheritance C. Nwokolo 9780333445211
A. Mhlope 9780333594827
O. Conteh
All Pacesetters titles are 178 x 111mm.
For Mbatha and Rabeka
Infamous Act M. Sule
Love on the Rocks
The Other Side of Town
The Runaway Bride
D. G. Maillu
A. Sesinyi
S. Aryeetey
B. Kimenye
Forever Yours H. Ovbiagele
The Instrument V. Thorpe 9780333294444
Kind of Marriage Forgive Me Maryam M. T. Garba 9780333408421
A Fresh Start H. Ovbiagele 9780333333181
Mark of the Cobra B. Alily 9780333308653
B. Emecheta 9780333422427
The Last Aloe
Meet me in Conakry S. Sarr 9780333365304
R. Wooding 9780333680841
The Legacy
Money Doublers A. Sotabinda 9780333409077
K. Koranteng
Give Me Money B. Mtobwa 9780333469828
The Gun Merchant
Life is a Lottery M. Sotabinda 9780333363492
K. Koranteng 9780333680858
Harvest of Love S. Aryeetey 9780333357743
Have Mercy J. Mangut
The Lost Generation J. Irungu 9780333391358
Love K. Okpi 9780333568255
Hopeful Lovers A. Areo 9780333269961
Love’s Dilemma W. Gondwe 9780333409084
The Hornets’ Nest
Love Letters
J. Inyundo
R. Umelo
Love Match W. Gondwe 9780333494226
Pains of a Maid S. Mkhonza 9780333496909
A. Mhlope
Poisoned Bait
Second-hand Love
J. Ngumy 9780333582718
Naira Power A. Emecheta 9780333336380
Nanasi Girl D. Asabuhi 9780333642696
The Night of the Full Moon C. Muheki-Rushedge 9780333599396
On the Road K. Okpi 9780333284964
Operation Rhino
W. Gondwe 9780333466636
T. Farrell 9780333798324
M. Nkhana
B. Kimenye
Sea Running
K. Okpi
Moses and the Gunman
H. Ovbiagele 9780333568248
A Picture of Innocence
The Money Road 9780333647547
A. Yalley 9780333352908
President’s Son K. Koranteng 9780333494219
Race Against Rats A. Dlovu 9780333349434
Rassie A. Sesinyi
Secret Blood J. Chitambo 9780333605394
Shadow of Death J. Katondwaci 9780333593967
Shadow of a Dream H. Dube 9780333574997
Shameful Sacrifice C. Anieke 9780333363584
Remember Death G. Meena
Sisi Y. Sikuade 9780333323526
Rich Girl, Poor Boy B. Osanyin 9780333360767
J. Urungu 9780333496961
All Pacesetters titles are 178 x 111mm.
K. Rowley
Symphony of Destruction
Undesirable Element
Where the Children Play
J. Mangut
S. Adebomi
M. Sule
C. Botchway
Teardrops at Sunset
Vicious Circle A. Kanengoni
Who Killed Mohtta?
R. Akoji
E. Yonghai
Small Affairs
Smugglers K. Okpi 9780333230824
Something to Hide R. Umelo 9780333398975
South African Affair
Tell Me No More S. Lukhele 9780333293560
The Wages of Sin I. Oparandu
Who Really Cares?
Helen Ovbiagele
K. Okpi
Thorns of Life
What the Future Holds
D. G. Maillu
S. Mkhonza
Spears Down C. Botchway 9780333469811
Tobacco Smoke
When Love Dies
K. Koranteng
State Secret A. Dube 9780333304242
Stone Vengeance V. Thorpe 9780333325346
Stop Press, Murder B. Garba 9780333346303
Stranger Son R. Reeves 9780333576366
Sunset at Noon A.K. Johnson 9780333496916
Sweet Revenge V. A. Ulojiofor
M. Gladstone 9780333596708
To Have and To Hold S. Davidow 9780333682562
The Treasure P. Katuliiba 9780333398500
Truth Will Out D. Kamkondo 9780333434932
Too Cold for Comfort J. Oguntoye 9780333284971
Too Young to Die O. Makoloo 9780333426562
All Pacesetters titles are 178 x 111mm.
Women for Sale
The Worshippers V. Thorpe 9780333270301
You Never Know H. Ovbiagele 9780333342886
Zero Hour B. Mtobwa 9780333491652
A Child’s Book of African Poetry
A Poetry Anthology for Junior Secondary Schools
An Anthology for Upper Primary Schools
An impressive collection of poetry devised specifically for African children aged 10 to 14. The poems are presented in order of difficulty but can also be picked out according to one’s own inclination or interest. There is an introduction for teachers and notes at the end of each poem for students.
R. Umelo
W. Ijioma
Eighteen lively poems about nature, animals, town and village, people and the sea, all in an African context. Each poem has beautiful illustrations and is followed by fun activities which encourage even the youngest children to relate the poem to their everyday lives.
Sunburst Poems for Junior Secondary Schools I. Gordon
See also our three primary poetry books – all part of the Hop, Step, Jump series (see page 11).
A collection from Africa and elsewhere to illustrate to young learners the many ways in which poetry works – for example by telling a story, painting a picture in words or describing feelings. Each thematic section opens with an introduction and ideas for discussions and writing, and also questions to think about as they read the poems. The accompanying Teacher’s Notes add further commentary and follow-up activities. Pupil’s Anthology 9780333542132
Teacher’s Notes 9780333575963
Crossings: A Senior Poetry Anthology
Poetry of Africa An Introduction for Students
Editors: Grandsaigne and S. Nnamonu
A. Heywood
Originally called A Senior Poetry Anthology, this updated edition is a far-reaching anthology covering themes from folk wisdom, history and love, to death, war, alienation and oppression. The African oral tradition and modern African poetry are emphasized but other traditions are also represented. Crossings is aimed at college and university students. The Teacher’s Notes are now incorporated into the anthology.
A critical analysis for secondary and university students showing how to interpret poetry as distinct from other kinds of text. It looks at how a poem works, provides some in-depth studies of specific examples, and places the poems in a wider cultural and academic context so that reading poetry becomes enjoyable and interesting. 9780333489017
Dogodogo Tanzanian Street Children Tell Their Stories
Emusoi Maasai Girls Tell Their Stories
With a foreword by Gareth Thomas
With the help of their English teacher, eight young Tanzanians recount their experiences as street children – how they came to leave home, how they survived, how they found refuge, how they still love their families.
With a foreword by Cherie Blair
With the help of their English teacher, eight young Tanzanians recount their experiences as street children – how they came to leave home, how they survived, how they found refuge, how they still love their families. These moving and often shocking stories are illustrated by the boys themselves.
9789987373529 Kiswahili edition 9789987373550
9780230722125 Kiswahili edition 9789987373024
Looking for a Rain God and Other Short Stories from Africa
African Short Stories in English An Anthology
Editor: I. Gordon
A unique and stunning collection of 27 contemporary short stories from throughout Africa chosen to represent the best modern writing from both well known and new writers such as Mia Couto, Sarif Easmon, Can Themba, Doris Lessing, Aya Kwei Armah, Grace Ogot, Bessie Head and Ben Okri. The wide diversity of themes and subject matter has been chosen to appeal to a wide audience, including readers in secondary schools, and provides an overall introduction to the place of the short story in African culture.
Editors: Grandsaigne and S. Nnamonu
Eighteen varied stories from across the African continent with an introduction that describes the evolution of the short story and its development in Africa. The notes at the end of each short story provide aid for secondary school and university students. 9780333387382
This well-illustrated series brings the works of Shakespeare alive for secondary school and college students. Each text is accompanied by comprehensive notes on language, history and culture. The introduction includes the story of Shakespeare’s life and the history of the Elizabethan theatre and Elizabethan England. A clear critical analysis of the play is followed by questions for discussion and suggestions for staging the play without the use of sophisticated props.
As You Like It 9780333486290
Hamlet 9780333512357
Julius Caesar 9780333398845
King Lear 9780333423523
Macbeth 9780333419991
The Merchant of Venice 9780333423530
Much Ado About Nothing 9780333485934
Othello 9780333393390
Richard II 9780333523254
Richard III 9780333470695
Romeo and Juliet 9780333393437
Twelfth Night 9780333398852
A Midsummer Night’s Dream 9780333393420
All Macmillan Modern Shakespeare titles are 277 x 210mm.
A AFRICAN LANGUAGES AFAN OROMA Jaalala Dhugaa AMHARIC Turistochu, Lijochina Tenagariwa Wef Ye Achinesh Tesfa
H 30
30 30
CHINYANJA/CHICHEWA READERS Atabwali Sametana 30 Bwampini 30 Kukula ndi Mwambo 30 Makangano a Zamoyo 30 Miyambi Yatsopano 30 Mkwatibwi Wokhumudwa 30 Nchiyani Mwana Wanga? 30 ndi Zopanda Moyo Nkhani za Mchezo Nsinjiro zachiyankhulo Nyama Zamnkhalango Onani Angoni Sikusinja ndi Gwenembe KINYARWANDA Akababaro ka Mizero Akantu k’amayobera (Truc Bizaare) Akira agapira kawe Fora ndinde? Gapusi na Ruturo Gatonyi gatonyanaga Ijoro ry’inyenyeri Ikirunga cyarutse Impundu kwa Susa Kubabara bibaho Kamakeri mu materasi Maguge kwa Dogiteria Bakame Mama navuye he? Tugire isuku Umpira wa Tito Umuhungu wariye impyise KISWAHILI READERS Bado wakati Kiti cha Enzi cha Plastiki Kuponea Chupuchupu Machozi ya Rahima Mandazi matamu Ndoto ya Lulu Setwa aleta ushindi Tamaa ya makuu ya Kalekwa Watoto Wachangamfu Wimbo wa Dike
30 30 30 30 30 30
30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
LUGANDA Emiyembe Kkumi Egyengedde 30 Kiki ekiri mu nsawo ya Jjajja? 30 Langi y’Emisittale (ya Mutoogo) 30 Mu Kyalo Kya Taata Wange 30 Omuzannyo ne Jjajja 30 Tewali Kabi! 30 Zziwa Aliwa? 30 TIGRIGNA Nuzazie African Short Stories in English
30 37
C Child’s Book of African Poetry, A Crossings: A Senior Poetry Anthology
37 37
D Dogodogo: Tanzanian Street Children Tell Their Stories
E Emusoi: Maasai Girls Tell Their Stories
HIV • AIDS ACTION READERS Best Friends Breaking the Silence Caring for People Affected by HIV and AIDS Cross Country Friendship Tree, The Hope HIV and AIDS: How to Stay Safe I Still Want to Play It’s OK to be Sad Letter to Pearl, A Mopati’s Story My Sister Julie Night the Roof Fell In, The Secret, The Secret Striker Sugar Daddy, The Time to Heal We Can Clean! We Can Cook! We’re Growing Up! What Happened to Monday?
13 13 12 13 13 12 12 13 13 13 13 12 12 13 13 12 12 13 13
HIV • AIDS READERS (CHICHEWA EDITIONS) Chikokambeta Chikondi Cha Dalalivala K500 Ndi Deresi Lachikasu Maloto Anzeru Ndifanane Ndi Suzgo Nkhwangwa Ili M’mutu Tsogolo Lotayika Wenzulo Yotsiriza
30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
HOP, STEP, JUMP All-day Dreamer, The Angry Mountain, The Ask Pungu-Pungu Best Bed in the World, The Big Bad Snake, The Boy Who Ate a Hyena, The Boy Who Made Cars, The Bug Collector, The Cabbages and Donkeys Calabash and the Box, The Check, Come Here! Chichi And The Termites Chichi’s Nature Diary Chimpanzee Rescue Choose Me! Clay Animals, The Click! Flash! Cowrie Seekers, The Fair Shares Fire and Steel Fisherwoman Go, Krabita, Go! Goat Called Gloria, A Grasshopper War, The Henry the Last Honeybrown and the Bees Ibuka and the Lost Children In My Father’s Village Jeremia and the Trumpet Man Job on the Moon, A Knife Boy Lily Pool, The Lissa’s Rainbow Dress Lucky Day! My Life on the Wing No Problem! Nondo the Cow Numberheads, The On the Poetry Bus Paa Bena and the New Canoe Pepi Mazamban, Mender of Cars, Age 10 Ping Pong P-Pan Radio Thief Raindrops in Africa Riding A Rainbow Running for Real Sally’s Way Saving Mr Omardeen Search for the Stone Bird Sika in the Snow Sing It, Do It!
13 13
9 8 7 7 8 10 9 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 8 10 8 8 10 11 10 11 8 8 9 9 9 8 11 9 10 9 9 7 9 8 9 9 11 10 10 7 9 7 11 11 11 8 10 10 7
Slow Chameleon and Shammy’s Bride, The Sometimes When it Rains Striped Paint Taming of Pudding-Pan, The Ten Ripe Mangoes Tickets for the Zed Band Tofu in Trouble Two Eggs for the President Under the Cotton Tree Village Storyteller, The Wait and See Car, The Wake-up Whistler, The Walking, Talking, Flying ABC, The Want To Be A Strongman? Water for Monique Water Girl You Can’t Grow Footballs from Seeds
7 11 7 11 8 11 11 11 8 11 8 7 8 9 8 11 11
L LIVING EARTH Brownes Go On Holiday, The Catch, The Empress, The Fear in the Forest Forest Needs Friends, The Greatest Treasure, The Honeybees Jungle Rescue Just a Bit of Wood Leela and the Frogs Listening to Gorillas Manu’s Beetles Olia’s Trees Poachers, The Saving the Maize Storyteller, The Stream, The Very Strange Day, A Well Done David!
20 21 20 21 21 20 20 20 21 20 21 20 21 21 21 20 21 20 21
LIVING HEALTH Buzzing Children Flying Elephant, The Football Crazy Hero of the Hills I Don’t Have Worms! Just in Time Kalekwa’s Ambition Keep Away From Alcohol! Phiri’s Goal Riding to the Rescue Narrow Escape, A Night Fishing Nombu’s Dream Not Too Late Plastic Throne, The Prisca’s Family Sweet Buns Very Special Place, A Windows You Can Do It!
23 22 22 22 22 23 22 22 22 23 23 23 22 23 22 23 22 23 22 23
Looking for a Rain God and Other Short Stories from Africa 37
M MACMILLAN BIBLE STORIES Adam and Eve David the Giant-killer Esther Good Samaritan, The Jesus Begins God’s Work Jesus is Born Jesus Dies and Lives Again Jesus the Miracle Worker Jesus the Story Teller Joseph Lost but Found Moses in Egypt Moses in the Wilderness Peter and the First Christians Ruth When Jesus was a Boy
27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27
Tell Mama MACMILLAN MODERN SHAKESPEARE Trouble in the City As You Like It 38 We’re Still Moving Hamlet 38 You Can Draw! Julius Caesar 38 Zulu Spear King Lear 38 Macbeth 38 Merchant of Venice, The 38 Midsummer Night’s Dream, A 38 Much Ado About Nothing 38 PACESETTERS Othello 38 Agony in her Voice Richard II 38 Angel of Death Richard III 38 Anything for Money Romeo and Juliet 38 Betrayer Twelfth Night 38 Bittersweet Bitter Consequences MACMILLAN READERS Black Temple Mine Boy 31 Blackmailers No Longer At Ease 31 Bonds of Love Things Fall Apart 31 Border Runners, The When Rain Clouds Gather 31 Camera Never Lies, The Weep Not, Child 31 Cherished Dreams Child of the Rainbow MACMILLAN WRITER’S PRIZE Child of War FOR AFRICA Christmas in the City Bamboo Girl 29 Circle of Betrayal Begotten of the Gods 29 Coup! Daudi’s Dream 29 Courage to Say No, The E Eights 28 Crossfire House that Kojo Built, The 29 Cyclist, The In the Shadow of Inyangani 29 Danger Express Interview, The 29 Dangerous Inheritance Kwansa and the Dangerous Waters Bandit Crabs 28 Dead of the Night Long Juju Man 28 Deadly News Saint in Brown Sandals, A 29 Dealers in Death Someone Called Lindiwe 29 Death is Woman Sun, the Moon and the Dela Boya: African Detective Stars, The 29 Delinquent, The Unanswered Cries 29 Desert Storm Voice of a Dream 29 Director! Wandi’s Little Voice 29 Double Dating Who are you? 29 Double Trouble Dream Called September, A MACTRACKS Equatorial Assignment, The Axarob’s Secret 25 Europeans Only? Be Beautiful 26 Evbu My Love Big Match, The 25 Extortionist, The Crocodile Challenge 26 Felicia Danger in the Palace 25 Finger of Suspicion Dangerous Flight 25 Finding Francis Days of Silence 26 For Better for Worse Eyes and Ears 25 For Mbatha and Rabeka Eyes and Ears Work Hard 25 Forever Yours Fineboy 26 Forgive Me Maryam Fiki Learns to Like Fresh Start, A Other People 24 Give Me Money Foli Fights the Forgers 26 Gun Merchant, The Follow that Footprint! 24 Harvest of Love Front Page Story 26 Have Mercy Granny Sangoma 25 Hopeful Lovers Guitar Wizard 26 Hornet’s Nest, The How Does Your Body Work? 24 Infamous Act Hunter’s Dream, The 24 Instrument, the Jojo in New York 26 Kind of Marriage Juwon’s Battle 26 Last Aloe, The Karabo’s Accident 24 Legacy, The Kayo’s House 26 Life is a Lottery Little Apprentice Lost Generation, The Tailor, The 24 Love Magic Box, The 25 Love’s Dilemma Magic Trees 25 Love Letters Map on the Wall 25 Love Match Martha’s Big News 24 Love on the Rocks Martha’s Mistakes 24 Mark of the Cobra Mercy in a Hurry 24 Meet me in Conakry Mystery of the Sagrenti Money Doublers Treasure 25 Money Road, The Never Leave Me 26 Moses and the Gunman Newsbird 26 Naira Power Njambi and the Valley Nanasi Girl of Secrets 25 Night of the Full Moon, The One in a Million 25 On the Road Past Tells a Story, The 25 Operation Rhino Sai’s Big Surprise 24 Other Side of Town, The Sara’s Friends 26 Pains of a Maid Secret Fear 26 Picture of Innocence, A Sport in Africa 26 Poisoned Bait Star 26 Politician Street Life 25 Possessed! Tanzai and Bube 24 President’s Son
24 26 24 25 24
34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35
P PACESETTERS Race Against Rats Rassie Remember Death Rich Girl, Poor Boy Runaway Bride, The Schemers Sea Running Second-hand Love Secret Blood Shadow of Death Shadow of a Dream Shameful Sacrifice Sisi Small Affairs Smugglers Something to Hide South African Affair Spears Down State Secret Stone Vengeance Stop Press, Murder Stranger Son Sunset at Noon Sweet Revenge Symphony of Destruction Teardrops at Sunset Tell Me No More Thorns of Life Tobacco Smoke To Have and To Hold Treasure, The Truth Will Out Too Cold for Comfort Too Young to Die Undesirable Element Vicious Circle Wages of Sin, The What the Future Holds When Love Dies Where the Children Play Who Killed Mohtta? Who Really Cares? Women for Sale Worshippers, The You Never Know Zero Hour Poetry Anthology for Junior Secondary Schools, A Poetry of Africa: An Introduction for Students
35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36
37 37
R READING WORLDS Abiyoyo African ABC, An Ananse’s wisdom Animals, 1, 2, 3! Azmina and the Durian Baobab tree, The Beka and the mouse Benja Big seed, small egg Birthday party, The Bundle of firewood, The Busy forest, quiet river Catching crooks Chickens and the monster, The Chief Pangolin Clever Sparrow Danny Do you like fish? Enormous Yam, The Fantastic fish Favourite days Five magic stories Football fan, The Giant Majuto Gogo at school Grandfather’s watch Grandpa’s story Granny in the news Grasshoppers’ team, The Great tug of war, The
16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16
Great writer, The Greedy Ananse Habil’s tree Hands and feet Hare on the moon Here comes the band! Hidden spring, The Hippo is hungry Houses Hyena and Hare Ighewi’s return Ije at school Ike’s plant I’m coming to get you! I’m not scared It’s not fair! Jack and the beanstalk Jane’s hair Jar of honey, A Josephine’s Boat King Lion in love Kofi’s special sticks Kwame and the moon Kudu Koumboka Ceremony, The Lake of our dreams Learning to plait Leo fights back Leo’s lake Lineo Liziwe and Lizard Lost in the forest Lots of legs Lutembe the crocodile Magic cow, The Magic xylophone, The Malaria Manute Bol Mimi changes her mind Mountain guides, The Mtikazi’s mistake Music man, The My pen-friend Night ape Night sky, The Nopinki stories Oil on the beach Okori’s carvings On my way to school One stormy night Only one dress Powerful pawpaw Radio rescue Rainbow for dinner, A Rich forest, The Right or wrong Ring in the sand, A River Queen, The Road to market, The Ruth goes shopping Safe and sound Safina’s letter Sailors from the east Sarah Margru Kinson Satu’s journey Secret town, The Siphiwe and Billy Spider, Spider Splash Stories from east and west Story of Mary Seacole, The Storyteller, The Surprise for Bush Pig, A Takataka’s father Termites Thabo’s football Three Billy Goats Gruff, The Toma’s land Tombs and lost cities Tonde Tondo and the helicopter Torn net, The Tree spirit, The Turn it off! Two gardens Voyage of hope Walking house, The Wall of water Watch out!
16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16
Wedding story, A What can I wear? What goes around Where is the family? Why Cock crows Why Frog jumps about Wire is wonderful READY, GO Baby Trouble Can a Car Walk? Don’t Do That! Don’t Play in the Road! Game with Granny, A Go Barefoot Grandpa, who is Kakai? Happy Birthday, Joel! I Can Run Fast I Like Fish Ice-cream River, The Kiki and the Storm Kojo and the Hen Coop Kuda’s Rainbow Ball Lindile and the Red Hen Little Hairdresser, The Look About You Malika’s Bath Memuna’s Baby Monster in the Bathroom Ox Race, The Palms to Clap River, The Say it! Do it! Toy That Got Away, The Twins, The Wart-hog Trap, The Welcome, Lula! What Can You See? What is Sand? What’s in Grandma’s Bag? Where is Zami?
16 16 16 16 16 16 16
4 6 6 5 6 6 6 6 6 5 6 6 6 6 6 4 4 4 5 6 6 5 6 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 6
S STORIES TO REMEMBER Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Black Cloud Call of the Wild, The Coral Island Count of Monte Cristo, The David Copperfield Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Emma Far from the Madding Crowd Frankenstein Great Expectations Great Gatsby, The Gulliver’s Travels Hard Times Jane Eyre Just So Stories Kidnapped Kim Lorna Doone Mayor of Casterbridge, The National Velvet Nicholas Nickleby Oliver Twist On the Beach Pride and Prejudice Robinson Crusoe Round the World in Eighty Days Six Short Stories Six Tales from Shakespeare Three Shakespeare Tragedies Turn of the Screw, The Stories from Homer Strange Tales from the Arabian Nights Tale of Two Cities Tess of the d’Urbervilles Three Musketeers, The Tom Brown’s Schooldays Treasure Island Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32
Wonder Tales from Greece Wuthering Heights Sunburst: Poems for Junior Secondary Schools
32 32 37
T TODAY’S CHILDREN After the Rains Cry Baby Girl Who Couldn’t Dance, The Handful of Sweets, A I was Born before the Rains Kollie Can’t Hear Leaving Our Village Let’s Play One Bounce Letters to Grandma Grace Lost Children, The Maryama Must Go! Mumbi Maybe My Brother is a Soldier Night Watch On the Other Side of the Hill Place to Sleep, A Red Shadow, The Salome’s Speech Writing on Wood
19 18 19 18 18 18 19 18 19 18 19 18 19 19 18 19 19 19 18
TRENDSETTERS Black Heat Diamond Fast-track Willie Last Spear, The Miracle in the Land Moses and the Movie Mukuvisi Vultures, The Rainy Season, The Soldier Boy Waiting for Tomorrow
33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33
Y YOUNG LIVES Afua: Designing Fabrics and Fashions Alex: Mechanic on the Move Ann: Social Worker in the City Flora: Health Worker in Action Gladys: Working as a Wildlife Vet Margaret: Helping a Rural Community Mwanza: Flying High as a Pilot Mwiche: Bringing Water to the People Portia: News, Views and the Journalist Teresa: Teaching Young Children
17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17