Pagina II
www.macmillanenglish.com www.macmillanenglish.com/italy www.macmillanenglish.com/italy info@macmillanitalia.it
www.macmillanenglish.com info@macmillanitalia.it
Providing new online resources To enrich the classroom experience for you and your students we have developed a range of online services. Macmillan websites offer high-quality free resources, lesson-plans, practical teaching tips and competitions for English teachers everywhere.
sample page taken from www.macmillanenglish.com
• online catalogue • teacher support with free resources • author information • online shop EMAIL SERVICE: Sign up to weekly email updates at www.macmillanenglish.com/register and get the FREE e-lessons of your choice direct to your inbox
Pagina 1
Welcome to the 2009 Macmillan English Language Teaching Catalogue Macmillan is one of the world’s leading publishers of English Language Teaching materials, with over 150 years of publishing experience. This catalogue contains our complete range of international titles. Publishing quality titles that meet your needs Based in Oxford, and operating in over 40 countries worldwide, we work with practising teachers and teacher trainers to develop highquality coursebooks and supplementary material to suit the needs of teachers and students of all levels.
See page 10
Young Children’s Courses
See page 14
See page 12
Children’s Titles
Teenage Courses
Young Adult/ Adult Courses
Business English
English for Special Purposes
Readers /Literature Collections
Books for Teachers: Methodology
Level Chart
See pages 26
See page 24
See page 21 See pages 29
See page 38
See page 40
Damien Lonsdale Senior ELT Consultant Northen Italy Lombardia, Val D’Aosta, Piemonte,Trentino Alto Adige, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Veneto, Emilia Romagna c/o Beozzo Srl Via Pacinotti 4/A 37026 Settimo di Pescantina (VR) Tel: 045 7152370 - 335 8327031 Fax 045/6756212 e-mail: d.lonsdale@macmillanitalia.it Emily Gregson ELT Consultant Southern Italy Sicilia, Calabria, Puglia, Basilicata, Campania c/o Roberto Michele, Strada Statale 98 (km.80 +0,87) -70026 Modugno (BA) Cell. 334 1467560 Fax 080 5230352 e-mail: e.gregson@macmillanitalia.it
ELT Consultant: to be confirmed Central Italy Lazio, Umbria, Abruzzo, Molise, Marche, Toscana, Sardegna UFFICIO MARKETING: Silvia Petrosillo Italy Marketing and Website Coordinator c/o Mondadori Education, Via Durazzo 4, 20134 Milano Tel: 02/21213569 Fax: 02/21213571 Cell. 347 6709305 e-mail: s.petrosillo@macmillanitalia.it
MACMILLAN CUSTOMER SERVICE c/o Mondadori Education, Via Durazzo 4, 20134 Milano Tel: 02/21213588 Fax 02/21213571 e-mail: info@macmillanitalia.it www.macmillanenglish.com/italy
Titles marked with * will be available while stocks last. See the Digital Section from p. 2 to p.6.
Pagina 2
Onestopenglish The world’s number one resource site for English language teachers With over 6,500 resources, complete lesson plans, worksheets, audio, video and flashcards, you’ll always find what you’re looking for on onestopenglish. Your time is precious so onestopenglish is packed with resources to make your life easier. All materials are written and edited by our expert team of teachers and are organised into core subject areas, such as skills, grammar and vocabulary, business and ESP, exams and young learners.
Your subscription brings you: • • • • •
Access to over 6,500 resources, searchable by age, level and language focus A complete subscription service with resources published every week Weekly news lessons from The Guardian Weekly A huge range of audio material and podcasts, with easy-to-use lesson plans A bank of songs, games, videos and flashcards for children
Whether you teach children, teenagers, adults or business executives, onestopenglish is the only place to come for your English language teaching materials. At only £32 for a year’s subscription, it really is the best value on the web.
Institutional subscriptions available.
Visit www.onestopenglish.com for more information and to subcribe.
Pagina 3
Onestopclil The resource bank for CLIL teachers Who is onestopclil for? Onestopclil is a new subscription teacher resource site for primary and secondary CLIL teachers who use English as the language of instruction.
What does ‘CLIL’ mean? CLIL stands for Content and Language Integrated Learning. It refers to teaching subjects such as science, history and geography through a foreign language. This can be by the language teacher using curriculum content or the subject teacher teaching in a foreign langauge. Both methods result in the simultaneous learning of content and language.
What do you get for your subscription to the site? An exciting range of flexible, ready-made, subject-specific resources for both English language teachers and subject teachers, including: • Worksheets and teacher’s notes for science, geography and history lessons • 100+ topic-based worksheets and teachers’ notes for young learners • Access to Interactive Worlds – a new digital teaching resource which can be used on an Interactive Whiteboard or a computer • Images and diagrams to download from our subject-specific image gallery • Access to the Macmillan School Dictionary online containing key subject vocabulary • Subject-specific wordlists for students with clear definitions • Science Museum, worksheets and animations to use in class • Topic-based webquests and projects • Teaching tips and methodology articles from leading experts to help you teach CLIL effectively
What is available for free on the site? Our free resources include: • • • •
A lesson share area where you can post ideas, resources and lesson plans A discussion forum where teachers can exchange experiences and debate the issues behind CLIL CLIL Teacher magazine – with regular articles by CLIL teachers, tips, news and CLIL events Samples of the types of resources that are available for subscribers
How much does it cost to subscribe? For £30 / € 40 a year you get unlimited access to a huge resource bank of creatively designed, subject-specific CLIL resources that is continually growing. Institutional subscriptions are available.
Pagina 4
Macmillan English Campus Equips teachers, encourages students, enhances learning Have you seen Macmillan’s blended learning solution for students and teachers? Macmillan English Campus is an online learning environment which combines course management tools with a database of over 4,000 resources. These have been specially designed to help institutions support and enhance English language teaching and extend the boundaries of the classroom.
Macmillan English Campus now also includes: • • • •
Test Compiler containing more than 650 exercises English for Academic Purposes (EAP) material ‘Interactive Worlds’ for young learners, focusing on the natural world New and updated material for FCE and CAE exams
Key features: Content • •
4,000 resources ranging from beginner to advanced level including language and vocabulary exercises, listening and pronunciation practice, web projects and games Exam practice materials for TOEFL, TOEIC, IELTS and Cambridge ESOL
Reference Material • • •
Macmillan English Dictionary Online Over 450 grammar reference units Methodology database for teachers
Monitoring •
Automatic markbook allowing students and teachers to track progress
Coursebuilding • •
Coursebuilding tool allowing institutions to create their own specialised courses 31 courses ready-built to use with your classes
Visit www.macmillanenglishcampus.com for a full demo and more information.
Macmillan English Campus now also includes: Test Compiler containing more than 650 exercises; English for Academic Purposes (EAP) material; ‘Interactive Worlds’ for young learners, focusing on the natural world; New and updated material for FCE and CAE exams;
Pagina 5
Macmillan Practice Online Inspiring learners, enhancing teaching Macmillan Practice Online (MPO) provides quick and easy online practice for learners of English as a foreign language. Offering general and coursebook-specific courses at different levels, MPO is self-marking and can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection. Supplementary online practice has never been easier, more flexible or more affordable. Give your learners the MPO advantage now and watch them grow in confidence as they practise… Key features: • Provides great online learning resources that inspire students and improve results • Supports classroom teaching and works alongside your current print resources • Gives students instant marks and immediate feedback on their work • Allows teachers to spend more time on productive skills in the classroom while students practise online • Lets students access comprehensive grammar support and the superb Macmillan English Dictionary Online • Is simple to purchase, with no need for investment in systems, software or staff training: with MPO you just log on and go…
So why not give your school the MPO advantage and choose Macmillan Practice Online today?
For a full demo, more information and to order Macmillan Practice Online, please go to www.macmillanpracticeonline.com
Macmillan Practice Online is available for the following Macmillan titles: New Inside Out Beginner New Inside Out Elementary New Inside Out Pre-intermediate Inside Out Intermediate Inside Out Upper Intermediate Inside Out Advanced Inspiration 1 Inspiration 2 Inspiration 3 Inspiration 4 In Company Elementary In Company Pre-intermediate In Company Intermediate In Company Upper Intermediate Straightforward Pre-intermediate Straightforward Intermediate
978 978 978 978 978 978 978 978 978 978 978 978 978 978 978 978
0230 0230 0230 0230 0230 0230 0230 0230 0230 0230 0230 0230 0230 0230 0230 0230
72521 72522 72559 72524 72525 72526 72531 72532 72533 72534 72527 72528 72529 72530 72555 72556
8 5 1 9 6 3 7 4 1 8 0 7 4 0 3 0
Advanced Academic English Advanced Academic English Advanced Academic English Advanced Academic English PET Practice Online FCE Practice Online TOEIC Practice Online TOEFL Practice Online CEFR Level A2 (British) CEFR Level B1 (British) CEFR Level B2 (British) CEFR Level C1 (British) CEFR Level C2 (British) CEFR Level A2 (American) CEFR Level B1 (American) CEFR Level B2 (American) CEFR Level C1 (American) CEFR Level C2 (American)
(American) (British) with TOEFL (American) with IELTS (British)
978 978 978 978 978 978 978 978 978 978 978 978 978 978 978 978 978 978
0230 0230 0230 0230 0230 0230 0230 0230 0230 0230 0230 0230 0230 0230 0230 0230 0230 0230
72560 74072 72561 74062 74063 74064 74065 74073 74066 74067 74068 74069 74070 74074 74075 74076 74077 74078
7 3 4 4 1 8 5 0 2 9 6 3 9 7 4 1 8 5
Pagina 6
INTERACTIVE WHITEBOARD MATERIAL New Inside Out Digital Interactive Whiteboard software - Adult Beginner, Elementary, Pre-intermediate, Intermediate and Upper Intermediate levels available in 2009! Content delivered via DVD-ROM. New Inside Out Digital has been designed to be completely platform-independent, and can even be used with a simple laptop and projector combination. All of the special tools for interacting with the content are built into the software, not relying on any particular manufacturer’s hardware to operate. Key features • A digital version of the Student’s Book is visible on screen, allowing you to combine traditional book-based learning with the multimedia features of the digital version • All of the audio and video content related to a unit page is instantly accessible by tapping on the relevant icon. No more switching between software applications or hunting around for the correct track on a CD player • The teacher’s area provides a powerful presentation tool that allows you to build custom presentations easily, or simply to adapt the provided templates • Easy navigation provides quick and easy access to pages in the Student’s Book, to the teacher’s area, to printable documents and to help screens • Supplied training material helps you get up to speed quickly with this powerful software
· See also
Beginner Elementary Pre-intermediate Intermediate Upper Intermediate
New Inside Out
978 978 978 978 978
1405 1405 1405 1405 0230
p. 14
09947 09950 09956 09969 00916
9 9 1 1 5
360.00 360.00 360.00 360.00 360.00
Pagina 7
INTERACTIVE WHITEBOARD Busy Board Interactive Whiteboard software - Primary Topic-based Interactive Whiteboard (IWB) materials for the primary classroom that encourage active involvement in the classroom. Containing a large range of activities drawn from language widely taught in primary schools with children from the age of five to 12, Busy Board will capture students’ interest and their sense of fun. Ten beautifully illustrated topic areas and entertaining activities improve lexical and content knowledge through interactive games that get the students moving and motivated to learn. The software can be used as stand-alone material or as a complement to any primary coursebook. Key features: • Platform neutral – can be used on Smart, Promethean, Hitachi or any type of IWB and with any operating system (Linux, Windows, Mac etc.) • Most topic areas have the choice of five or more activities • Teacher’s information area for each topic lists the type of activity, the vocabulary items covered and a description of the activity to help teachers pick the most appropriate activity to complement their lesson
Busy Board IWB CD-ROM: Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Levels 1-3 Pack
978 978 978 978
0230 0230 0230 0230
72985 72986 72987 72988
8 5 2 9
99.00 99.00 99.00 249.00
Demonstration site access is available to your institution and one of our consultants will be pleased to show you the Macmillan English Campus Please contact: englishcampus@macmillan.com.
9781405095662 9781405095686
Single User Network User
27,00 153,00
Pagina 8
Here’s Patch the Puppy
Age 3-5
Here’s Patch the Puppy is a two-level course for very young children. Each level has six song-based units, with extra materials for festivals. The course follows the adventures of Patch, a loveable dog. Songs and TPR are the principal activity types with short, highly visual stories.
Here’s Patch the Puppy Level 2
Level 1 978140507475 9 Pupil's Book with Songs Audio CD 978140507477 3 Teacher's Book 978140507478 0 Classroom Posters(with re-usable stickers) 978140507471 1 Audio CDs (2)
978140507467 4 Pupil's Book with Songs Audio CD 978140507469 8 Teacher's Book 867140507470 4 Classroom Posters (with re-usable stickers) 978140507479 7 Audio CDs (2)
8,25 15,40 16,50 9,90
Hello Robby Rabbit
Age 3-5
Hello Robby Rabbit is a two-level story-based course for very young children learning English for the first time. Children will love learning English through the stories about Robby Rabbit and his friends. Hello Robby Rabbit Level 1
Level 2
978033398859 6 Pupil’s Book 978033398860 2 Teacher’s Book 978033398861 9 Class Audio CD 978033398862 6 Class Audio Cass. 978033398863 3 Story Cards 978033398864 0 Flashcards
8,20 15,00 9,90 9,90 18,00 18,00
978033398866 4 Pupil’s Book 978033398867 1 Teacher’s Book 978033398868 8 Class Audio CD 978033398869 5 Class Audio Cass. 978033398870 1 Story Cards 978033398871 8 Flashcards
Have fun with Patch and Robby and their friends! Lively DVD material for very young learners of English. Key Features • 2 DVDs contain a lively mix of animated stories, songs, games and real life sketches • Patch and Robby puppets • Interactive worksheets to use with DVDs
The Patch and Robby Show 978140509516 7DVD Pack 1+2
8,20 15,00 9,90 9,90 18,00 18,00
Beginner Age 3-5
8,25 15,40 16,50 9,90
Pagina 9
Macmillan Children’s Readers
Beginner to Intermediate
Age 6-12
This series of readers for children aged 6-12 offers a great mix of entertaining stories and factual titles. Key Features • The series reinforces the basic structures and vocabulary found in most primary courses • Each reader has a wordlist or picture dictionary, as well as activity pages at the back of the book • Children can listen, as well as read, with the accompanying Audio CDs
The Macmillan Children’s Readers series can be used as supplementary reading material with most primary courses.
Audio CD
An audio CD is available to accompany the series. A CD containing recordings of all stories for each two levels accompanies every reader. The recorded stories provide great listening practice and reinforcement of the language. Children will love listening to the stories, anywhere, anytime! Macmillan Children’s Readers
Level 4 9781405096799 What’s That Noise?+CD 9781405096751 Riverboat Bill +CD 9781405096782 New Year’s Day+CD
Level 1 9781405096812 Colin’s Colours +CD 9781405096744 Pip the Pirate +CD
3,80 3,80
Level 5
Level 2 9781405096676 Dom’s Dragon +CD 9781405096706 Pat’s Picture+CD
4,50 4,50 4,50
9781405096737 Penguins+CD 9781405096652 Amazing Volcanoes+CD 9781405096690 Castels+CD
3,80 3,80
Level 3
5,15 5,15 5,15
Level 6
9781405096775 The Ant’s Party+CD 9781405096645 The Unhappy Giant +CD 9781405096669 April Fool’s Day+CD
4,50 4,50 4,50
9781405096768 Planets+CD 9781405096720 Machu Picchu+CD 9781405096713 Caves+CD
5,15 5,15 5,15
Macmillan Children’s Dictionary CAROLYN BARRACLOUGH
The Macmillan Children’s Dictionary is a beautifully-illustrated photographic picture dictionary for use alongside any children’s course. Key Features • Over 800 words and photographs • Clear, vibrant photographs which make learning vocabulary easy and exciting • Graded reading and writing activities to practise key vocabulary and allow ultimate flexibility for any age or level • Oral activities to practise vital communication skills • A full wordlist, giving students easy access to all items included • Both British and American vocabulary and spelling for use in any classroom with any syllabus Macmillan Children’s Dictionary 978033395303 7
Picture Grammar Beginner to Pre-intermediate for Children
Age 6-11
A five-level series of children’s grammar books with bright and lively grammar practice to be used alongside any primary course.
Picture Grammar for Children Starter 9780333752562 Student’s Book
Level 2 7,60
Level 1 9780435297343 Student’s Book
9780435297367 Student’s Book
Level 4 7,60
9780435297404 Student’s Book
Level 3 7,60
9780435297381 Student’s Book
Interactive Whiteboard material for the primary classroom... see p. 7.
Age 6-11
Pagina 10
Carol Read Beautifully illustrated and appealing to both children and teachers, this four-level course is designed to meet the needs of teachers and learners who are working at a high level of English. Footprints provides a strong emphasis on cross-curricular content with clearly identified language aims that acknowledge the increasing trend towards contentbased learning. Levels 1 and 2 take students on a magical journey, meeting well-known fairy tale characters to find the treasure at the end of the rainbow. Levels 3 and 4 continue the idea of a quest but the context moves away from the world of fairy tales to one of mystery and adventure, working with the children’s growing maturity and awareness of the world around them. Key features • Strong story element uses a series of clues and riddles to lead the learner to the next episode and to solve the puzzle • Cohesive identity develops throughout the six levels, growing with the level and age of the learner • A clear language progression in harmony with CEF descriptor bands and the Cambridge ESOL and Trinity YL exams • Intercultural learning reflects the increasing importance of this aspect of the CEF • Extensive range of photocopiable worksheets caters for varying needs including materials for mixed-ability classes, wordlists, advice for parents and exam practice pages
CD-ROM Contains 36 interactive games relating to the key language in each unit of the Pupil’s Book. It can be used independently in the classroom or at home.
CD ROM compatible with IWB!
· See also Interactive White Board-Busy Board page 7 500 Activities for the Primary Classroom page 41
Level 1 9780230011991 9780230011908 9780230011915 9780230011922 9780230011953
Level 3 Pupil’s Book Pack (Pupils’ Book, Stories and Songs CD, Cd ROM, Portfolio) Activity Book Teacher’s Book Class Audio (X4) Flashcards
19,80 10,80 20,40 43,40 15,30
9780230012103 Pupil’s Book 9780230012110 Activity Book Pack (Activity Book, Stories and Songs CD, CD DOM, Portfolio) 9780230012127 Teacher’s Book 9780230012134 Class Audio (X2) 9780230012165 Flashcards
16,20 14,40 20,40 29,30 15,30
Level 4 Level 2 9780230012097 Pupil’s Book Pack (Pupils’ Book, Stories and Songs CD, Cd ROM, Portfolio) 97802300120011 Activity Book 9780230012028 Teacher’s Book 9780230012035 Class Audio (X4) 9780230012066 Flashcards
19,80 10,80 20,40 43,40 15,30
9780230012202 Pupil’s Book 9780230012219 Activity Book Pack (Activity Book, Stories and Songs CD, CD DOM, Portfolio) 9780230012226 Teacher’s Book 9780230012233 Class Audio (X2) 9780230012264 Flashcards
Interactive Whiteboard material for the primary classroom... see p. 7.
16,20 14,40 20,40 29,30 15,30
Pagina 11
Way Ahead
Beginner to Intermediate
Age 6-12
This popular six-level course has been revised to make it even more accessible and appealing to young learners of English. Key Features of the new edition • All books have been redesigned to include more photographs, giving a fresher, more modern look to the course • General content has been updated, e.g. using computers in the classroom and at home • Scope and Sequence pages at the beginning of each Pupil’s Book make it easy for children and parents to follow the syllabus. All books now also include Wordlists • The Grammar Practice Books have been expanded to provide even more recycling and revision, plus a new section on handwriting skills • More cross-curricular Reading for Pleasure pages at each level, with detailed teacher notes, which can make a complete lesson or mini-project • A new Story Audio Cassette for each level which contains all the Reading for Pleasure pages. It offers an enjoyable way to consolidate and develop reading, listening and pronunciation skills. Comprehensive support for the teacher • Teacher’s Book – full teaching notes and particular help with teaching the alphabet, plus extension activities and photocopiable tests • Teacher’s Resource Book – 50 photocopiable activities including cut-out • • • •
Web guide Interactive games Monthly e-lesson Free downloadable Resource Book tests • Jargon Bank: teaching terminology explained
activities, paper crafts and finger puppets (The Teacher’s Resource Books for Levels 4 – 6 are now combined with the Teacher’s Books) • Posters – for practising vocabulary and structures, playing games, and for reading and writing practice • Flashcards – for presenting new vocabulary
Way Ahead CD-ROMcompatible with IWB! • This fun-filled CD-ROM is packed with stimulating games and exercises including crosswords and word searches to help students practise what they learn.
Way Ahead Level 1 9781405058551 9781405058599 9781405058568 9781405058520 9781405058575 9781405058582 9781405064149 9781405058605 9781405058612 9781405062336
Pupil’s Book Story Audio cassette Workbook Practice Book Teacher’s Book T B Audio Cass. T Resource Book Flashcards Posters 1 CD-ROM
16,20 16,20 10,80 10,80 20,40 10,20 15,30 15,30 15,30 10,20
Pupil’s Book Story Audio Cassette Workbook Practice Book Teacher’s Book T B Audio Cass T Resource Book Flashcards Posters 2 CD-ROM
16,20 16,20 10,80 10,80 20,40 10,20 15,30 15,30 15,30 10,20
9781405058704 Pupil’s Book 9781405058742 Story Audio Cassette 9781405058711 Workbook 9781405058544 Practice Book 9781405058728 Teacher’s Book 9781405058735 T Book Audio Cass. 9781405064165 T Resource Book 9781405062353 CD-ROM
16,20 16,20 10,80 10,80 20,40 10,20 15,30 10,20
Level 5
16,20 16,20 10,80 10,80 20,40 10,20 10,20
Level 6
9781405059183 Pupil’s Book 9781405059220 Story Audio Cassette 9781405059190 Workbook 9781405059237 Practice Book 9781405059206 Teacher’s Book 9781405059213 T Book Audio Cass. 9781405062374 CD-ROM
16,20 16,20 10,80 10,80 20,40 10,20 10,20
Level 4
Level 2 9781405058636 9781405058674 9781405058643 9781405058537 9781405058650 9781405058667 9781405064156 9781405058681 9781405058698 9781405062343
Level 3
9781405058773 Pupil’s Book 9781405058810 Story Audio Cassette 9781405058780 Workbook 9781405059176 Practice Book 9781405058797 Teacher’s Book 9781405058803 T Book Audio Cass. 9781405062367 CD-ROM
9781405059244 Pupil’s Book 9781405059282 Story Audio Cassette 9781405059251 Workbook 9781405059299 Practice Book 9781405059268 Teacher’s Book 9781405059275 T Book Audio Cass. 9781405062381 CD-ROM
Interactive Whiteboard material for the primary classroom... see p. 7.
16,20 16,20 10,80 10,80 20,40 10,20 10,20
Pagina 12
Hot Spot
A1 - B1
Beginner to Intermediate
Colin Granger and Katherine Stannett Hot Spot is a new course that identifies with the ‘betweenagers’ 10-14 age group. Fun and engaging, it makes the most of the growing identity of the young teenager through motivating texts and stories and lively illustrations and photography. Each book contains seven theme-based modules each made up of three double-page presentation lessons, a cross-cultural or cross-curricular integrated skills lesson, a ‘can do’ review section, and a fun ‘extra special’ lesson to end with. The course has a transparent grammar syllabus which progresses steadily throughout the course, encouraging a discovery approach before practising and then personalising the grammar. There is a balance of skills work through the lessons, and the four skills are practised in the integrated skills lesson which focuses on a cultural or cross-curricular aspect of the module theme.
Providing a focus on the UK and other English-speaking countries, Hot Spot offers a wealth of culturally rich content that will interest and motivate young teenagers learning English.
Key features • ‘Check Your English’ activities at the end of every lesson encourage learners to take responsibility for their language learning in line with the CEF • Grammar references can be found in the illustrated grammar and practice section at the back of the Student’s Book • ‘Pronunciation spots’ in every module focus on common pronunciation problems using rhythm drills, intonation, stress patterns and vowel sounds • Interleaved Teacher’s Book, printed in full colour and spiral bound for ease of use and durability, includes editable tests • Every ‘Extra special’ section contains a mini project that is perfect for homework projects and encourages communicative language use in line with the CEF • The Workbook contains learning diaries for students to recor and review their personal progress, as well as a complete original story
Interactive activities that encourage real communication between individuals and the whole class can be found in every lesson
Key learning objectives are clearly stated at the top of every lesson
‘Study tip’ boxes encourage students to take responsibility for their own learning and offer ideas to help consolidate new language
Brightly coloured and highly detailed illustrations and photographs help to capture students’ imagination and interest ‘Grammar spots’ draw students’ attention to the grammar point being studied without being overwhelming
Hot Spot level 1 Student’s Book + CD-ROM Pack Activity Book Teacher’s Book + Test CD Pack Class CDs
978 0230 72374 0 978 0230 53371 4 978 0230 71788 6 978 0230 53373 8
20,80 13,30 27,00 32,40
level 2 Student’s Book + CD-ROM Pack Activity Book Teacher’s Book + Test CD Pack Class CDs
978 0230 72375 7 978 0230 53375 2 978 0230 71790 1 978 0230 53377 6
20,80 13,30 27,00 32,40
Pagina 13
A1 - B1+
Beginner to Intermediate
Inspiration is a four-level course designed to take teenagers from beginner to intermediate level. Packed with activities, Inspiration offers the perfect balance between teaching the grammar points and practising the target language in a communicative context.
Key Features • Inspires students to learn and appeals to the modern teenager through imaginative and exciting topics • Activities promoting learner autonomy are provided alongside grammar, lexical skills and pronunciation work • Cross-curricular contexts allow students to apply their language skills to other subjects, integrating language and content learning • The Teacher’s Book gives numerous suggestions for warmers, optional activities and additional cultural information to answer tricky questions
• Additional photocopiable materials and a range of activities designed to suit different learner styles can be found in the Inspiration Builder
See p. 5 for Macmillan Practice Online - Inspiration course
• Editable grammar, vocabulary, placement and integrated skills tests can be found on the Test CD with Audio
www.macmillanenglish.com/inspiration Inspiration 1
Inspiration 2
Inspiration 3
9781405029353 Student’s Book 9781405029360 Workbook 9781405029377 Teacher’s Book 9781405029391 Class Audio CD 9781405029551 Inspir. Builder
22,70 13,30 22,00 16,20 10,80
9781405029407 Student’s Book 9781405029414 Workbook 9781405029421 Teacher’s Book 9781405029445 Class Audio CD 9781405066532 Inspir. Builder
22,70 13,30 22,00 16,20 10,80
Inspiration 4 Intermediate
9781405029452 Student’s Book 9781405029469 Workbook 9781405029476 Teacher’s Book 9781405029490 Class Audio CD 9781405066549 Inspir. Builder
22,70 13,30 22,00 16,20 10,80
Levels 1 and 2 9781405093880 Test CD
9781405029506 Student’s Book 9781405029513 Workbook 9781405029520 Teacher’s Book 9781405029544 Class Audio CD 9781405066556 Inspir. Builder
Levels 3 and 4
9781405093897 Test CD
Beginner to Pre-Intermediate
A1 - B1
Tempo is an exciting three-level course for young teenagers (ages 10 – 14).
Student’s Book • New grammar is presented in context, and then reinforced through Grammar Focus boxes and practice exercises • Talk Time sections offer presentation and practice of idiomatic everydayexpressions • The Let’s Check pages give regular opportunities for self-assessment • The How Good Are You? sections allow students to record what they can do in listening, speaking, reading and writing
Workbook with CD-ROM
Workbook • Offers a wide range of extra practice material with strong visual appeal • Grammar files at the beginning of each unit expand on the grammar introduced in the Student’s Book • Culture Spots follow on from Student’s Book culture pages, and provide extra material work for the student’s personal Portfolio • Wordlists allow students to write in their own translation of words and phrases Tempo
Tempo1 9781405019026 9781405074049 9781405019040 9781405019064
Student’s Book Workbook with CD ROM Teacher’s Book Class Audio CD
22,70 13,30 22,00 16,20
9781405019071 9781405074070 9781405019095 9781405019118
Tempo3 Student’s Book Workbook with CD ROM Teacher’s Book Class Audio CD
22,70 13,30 22,00 16,20 10,80
22,70 13,30 22,00 16,20
9781405019125 Student’s Book 9781405074100 Workbook+CD ROM 9781405019149 Teacher’s Book 9781405019163 Class Audio CD
22,70 13,30 22,00 16,20
All Levels 9781405084284 Test Book+Audio CD Pack
Pagina 14
NEW Inside Out
A1 - B2+
Beginner to Upper Intermediate
New Inside Out takes all the best features of the original series – including the personalised speaking tasks and great topics – and adds a host of brand-new features to make it even more engaging for students and teachers alike. Sue and Vaughan have gone back to the classroom and spent time examining exactly what works and how teachers use Inside Out with their students. The result is the most relevant and exciting general English course available. WHAT’S
•Student’s CD-ROM included with every Student’s Book – extra practice for students at home or in language labs. •“Useful phrases”: sections which offer functional language for use outside the classroom. •Expanded grammar sections offer comprehensive coverage of key language points, whilst the new “Grammar Extra” sections recycle and review this language. •“Useful Phrases” and “Vocabulary Extra” sections provide real-world language for use outside the classroom. •Topics and images throughout the books have been fully updated. •New DVD ROM contains video footage for use in lessons. •The comprehensive all-in-one Teacher’s Book contains step-by-step Teacher’s Notes, a wide range of practical teaching tips, Common European Framework (CEF) checklists, a bank of extra photocopiable grammar,vocabulary and communicative activities and a CD with tests you can edit.
The DVD units complement the topics in the Student’s Book and include interviews, features and profiles. DVD Teacher’s Book with teaching notes and photocpiable worksheets is also available.
NEW Inside Out Beginner LEVEL Student’s Book + CD ROM Workbook (with key) + Audio CD Beginner Pack (SB +CD ROM+WB no key + CD Audio) Elementary Student’s Book + CD ROM Workbook (with key) + Audio CD Elementary Pack (SB +CD ROM+WB no key + CD Audio) Pre-Intermediate Pre-int SB Pack + CD ROM Workbook (with key) +Audio CD Pre-Interm. Pack (SB +CD ROM+WB no key + CD Audio) Intermediate Pack NEW Int SB + CD ROM Workbook (with key) +Audio CD Interm. Pack (SB +CD ROM+WB no key + CD Audio) Upper intermediate Pack NEW Upper-Int SB + CD ROM Workbook (with key) +Audio CD Upper-Inter.Pack(SB +CD ROM+WB no key + CD Audio)
978 1405 09946 2 25,80 978 1405 07060 7 14,05 978 0230 71809 8 33,20 978 1405 09949 3 25,80 978 1405 08598 4 14,05 978 0230 71810 4 33,20 978 1405 09954 7 25,80 978 1405 09964 6 14,05 978 0230 71808 1 33,20 978 14 0509 967 7 978 02 3000 909 7 978 02 3073 383 1
25,80 14,05 33,20
978 02 3000 914 1 978 02 3000 923 3 978 02 3073 382 4
25,80 14,05 33,20
NEW Inside Out Teacher’s material Beginner LEVEL TB and Test CD Class Audio CDs Interactive Whiteboard Elementary TB and Test CD Class Audio CDs Interactive Whiteboard Pre-Intermediate TB and Test CD Class Audio CDs Interactive Whiteboard Intermediate NEW TB and Test CD Class Audio CDs Interactive Whiteboard Upper Intermediate NEW TB and Test CD Class Audio CDs Interactive Whiteboard Test CD for all levels
Visit www.insideout.net – You’ll never be stuck for ideas again!
978 02 300 2093 1 978 14 0507 056 0 978 14 0509 947 9
22,00 22,00 360,00
978 02 3002 095 5 22,00 978 14 0508 600 4 22,00 978 14 0509 950 9 360,00 978 02 3002 099 3 978 14 0509 957 8 978 14 0509 956 1
22,00 22,00 360,00
978 02 3002 097 9 22,00 978 14 0509 970 7 22,00 978 14 0509 969 1 360,00 978 02 3002 101 3 978 02 3000 917 2 978 02 3000 916 5 978 14 0506 395 1
22,00 22,00 360,00 10, 65
Pagina 15
15 15 15
DIGITAL SUPPORT! See p. 5 for Macmillan Practice Online - Inside Out course
The new CD-ROM provides a wealth of interactive practice activities with particular emphasis on listening practice. It also includes short film clips that illustrate the Useful phrases introduced in the Student’s Book.
· See also Interactive Whiteboard page 6 Macmillan Readers page 36 Language Practice Series page 33 Macmillan Dictionaries page 42
NEW for 2009: Inside Out portal which directs teachers straight to the edition of the course they are using, complete with new resources and a new, fresh design. Do not forget to download for free New Inside Out Companions - a booklet with a list of words translated in different languages including, of course, Italian!
Inside Out
original edition
Thousands of schools around the world are adopting Inside Out. What is the secret of its success? Teachers are telling each other about the: • Personalised speaking tasks: Inside Out provides the motivation and support to help even the most reluctant students speak in class. • Great topics: Inside Out brings real-life subjects into the classroom. • Contextualised grammar and vocabulary: captivating topics and speaking tasks motivate learners to use new items as they talk, read, listen and write.
Inside Out original edition Advanced level * Students’ Book 978 03 3391 740 4 WB+Key+CD 978 14 0502 916 2 Grammar Companion 978 14 0508 210 5 Teacher’s Book 978 03 3392 344 3 Class cassettes 978 03 3392 342 9
25,80 14,05 5, 75 22,00 22,00
Class CD Video Video TB Resource pack Test CD for all levels
Visit www.insideout.net – You’ll never be stuck for ideas again!
978 978 978 978 978
03 03 03 03 14
3395 3395 3395 3392 0506
801 937 938 345 395
8 4 1 0 1
22,00 12,70 12,15 19,15 10, 65
Pagina 16
Beginner to Advanced
A1 - C1
Straightforward Key features: • is based on what good teachers do in the classroom • has a transparent structure • follows a pragmatic methodology • contains widely varied content with fresh topics for an adult audience
Each Straightforward Student’s Book contains 90 hours of teaching material. Need a bit more? • Follow the self-contained writing course in the Workbook • Improve your students’ reading skills with the extra reading lesson in the Workbook • Use the photocopiable activities, and the extension tasks from Jim Scrivener’s Teacher’s Book
CD-ROM • Self-study CD-ROM now included with every Student’s Book • Complete grammar and vocabulary reference provides invaluable learning support • Extra activities fully linked to each unit in the Student’s Book
· See also Macmillan Readers page 36 Learning Teaching page 40 700 Classroom activities page 41
DIGITAL SUPPORT! See p. 5 for Macmillan Practice Online - Straightfoward course
www.macmillanenglish.com/straightforward Introducing the Straightforward: ‘e-bag’ - just what every teacher needs to make teaching with this coursebook even easier. Open your ‘e-bag’ and download free, useful, instant and effective resources to be used in classroom. You will also find Placement Tests to help you find which level of Straightforward your students should be using. Have a look at the Perfect Reads!: in this section Macmillan recommend the perfect Macmillan Readers to be read alongside your students’ language learning with Straightforward.
Beginner SB+CD ROM Beginner WB+key +CD Audio Beginner WB no key +CD Audio Elementary Pack Elementary SB+CD ROM Elementary WB + Key + CD Audio Pre Intermediate Pack Pre Intermediate SB+CD ROM Pre Intermediate WB + Key + CD Audio Intermediate Pack Intermediate SB+CD ROM Intermediate WB + Key + CD Audio Upper Int. SB +CD ROM Upper Int. WB +key + CD Audio Upper Int. WB no key +CD Audio Advanced SB+ CD ROM
978 978 978 978 978 978 978 978 978 978 978 978 978 978 978 978
0230 1405 1405 1405 0230 1405 1405 0230 1405 1405 0230 1405 0230 1405 1405 0230
price 02076 07516 07517 09643 02077 75198 09644 02079 07525 09645 02078 07522 02080 07528 07529 02147
4 25,80 9 13,50 6 13,50 0 33,50 1 25,80 8 13,50 7 33,50 5 25,80 113,50 4 33,50 8 25,80 0 13,50 1 25,80 2 13,50 9 13,50 1 25,80
Advanced WB + key + CD Audio 978 1405 07531 2 13,50 Advanced WB no key + CD Audio 978 1405 07532 9 13,50 Each Pack includes SB+CD-ROM, WB no key +AudioCD,Portfolio + Companion.
Beginner TB +Resource Book Elementary TB +Resource Book Pre Intermediate TB +Resource Book Intermediate TB +Resource Book Upper Int. TB +Resource Book Advanced TB + Resource Book Beginner Class CDs Elementary Class CDs Pre Intermediate Class CDs Intermediate Class CDs Upper Int.Class CDs Advanced Class CDs
978 1405 07542 8 978 1405 07545 9 978 1405 07548 0 978 1405 07551 0 978 1405 07554 1 978 1405 07557 2 978 1405 01056 6 978 1405 01078 8 978 1405 01062 7 978 1405 01070 2 978 1405 01093 1 978 1405 01086 3
21,60 21,60 21,60 21,60 21,60 21,60 21,60 21,60 21,60 21,60 21,60 21,60
Pagina 17
A1 - C1
Elementary to Advanced
move is ideal for • short intensive courses • long courses with fewer teaching hours move contains • three modules at each level • fifteen teaching hours of topic-based material in each module
Need more? move can be extended by the • Extra practice activities in the Coursebook • Interactive language and vocabulary tasks on the CD-ROM • Photocopiable discussions and communication games in the Teachers Book
Coursebook with CD-ROM • Engaging topics motivate students to respond personally • Imaginative grammar and vocabulary activities encourage students to experiment with the language • Integrated skills tasks are designed to meet the immediate needs of adult and young adult learners • Thorough review units at the end of each module consolidate the language and vocabulary in new contexts • Extra practice pages incorporated in the Coursebook provide further support • The CD-ROM contains grammar and vocabulary practice activities, games, and activities linked to the ‘Can do’ learning aims for each unit
Elementary SB + CD Rom Pre Intermediate SB + CD Rom Intermediate SB + CD Rom Upper Intermediate SB + CD Rom Advanced SB + CD Rom Elementary Teacher’s Book Pre Intermediate Teacher’s Book
978 978 978 978 978 978 978
1405 1405 1405 1405 1405 1405 1405
9 1 5 9 3 8 2
· See also
Language Practice Series Macmillan Readers Macmillan Dictionaries
Intermediate Teacher’s Book Upper Intermediate Teacher’s Book Advanced Teacher’s Book Elementary Class CD Pre Intermediate Class CD Intermediate Class CD Upper Intermediate Class CD Advanced Class CD
price 09512 08614 08616 08618 09514 02295 00316
CD-ROM - Free with every Coursebook • A Common European Framework-linked activity for every unit • Entertaining language learning games and other activities • Customisable wordlist and bookmark features • A useful markbook records progress and can be printed out
21,60 21,60 21,60 21,60 21,60 22,00 22,00
A1 - B2+
9781405003292 9781405003421 9781405022996 9781405022972 9781405003186 9781405003315 9781405003445 9781405023016
page 33 page 36 page 42 22,00 22,00 22,00 22,00 22,00 22,00 22,00 22,00
Beginner to Upper Intermediate
Reward is a five-level general English course for adults and young adults used and recommended
extensively around the world.
Starter SB 978 04352 4216 9 Practice + key 978 04352 4217 6 Practice Audio CD 978 03339 5286 3 Voc/Gram/WB+Key 978 04352 4268 8 Teacher’s Book 978 04352 4248 0 Elementary SB 978 04352 4205 3 Practice + Key 978 04352 4209 1 Practice Audio CD 978 03339 5288 X CD Rom 978 14050 1047 4 Voc/GramWB+Key 978 04352 4269 5 Teacher's Book 978 04352 4242 8
price 23,60 13,25 10,65 10,65 33,10 23,60 13,25 10,65 53,30 10,65 33,10
Video Video Book Pre Intermediate SB Practice + Key Practice Audio CD CD Rom Voc/GramWB+Key Teacher’s Book Video Video Book Intermediate SB Practice+ Key Practice Audio CD
978 03337 5179 4 978 03337 5609 6
74,65 19,15
978 04352 4020 2 978 04352 4021 9 978 03339 5290 0 978 14050 1045 0 978 04352 4270 1 978 04352 4246 6 978 04352 4225 1 978 04352 4227 5
23,60 13,25 10,65 53,30 10,65 33,10 74,65 19,15
978 04352 4024 0 978 04352 4025 7 978 03339 5292 4
23,60 10,65 10,65
CD Rom Voc/GramWB+Key Teacher’s Book Video Video Book Upper Intermediate SB Practice + Key Practice Audio CD CD Rom Voc /GramWB+Key TB Video Video Book
978 14050 1046 7 978 04352 4271 8 978 0435 24247 3 978 0435 24229 9 978 0435 24231 2 9780435242350 9780435240295 9780333952948 9781405010481 9780435242725 9780435242367 9780333751763 9780333742709
53,30 10,65 33,10 74,65 19,15 23,60 13,25 10,65 53,30 10,65 33,10 74,65 19,15
Pagina 18
Pre-Intermediate to Intermediate
Ready for PET is a motivating short course for students preparing for the Cambridge Preliminary English Test. It has a clear and thorough approach to all the tasks found in the exam which ensures that students have the confidence and skills needed to be successful in the various parts of the test. Ideal for students of all ages, Ready for PET consolidates students’ knowledge of language relevant to the exam and their ability to use it communicatively. It can be used alongside a general language course or on its own for intensive exam preparation.
Ready for FCE
Upper Intermediate
Revised and updated for the exam, Ready for FCE is a comprehensive course which offers thorough preparation for the Cambridge First Certificate in English exam. Key Features: •Updated and revised to include the changes to the Cambridge ESOL FCE exam •Contains exercises for the new tasks in the Use of English paper •Exam training and advice on each part of the exam •Review section at the end of each unit with exam-style tasks •’Ready for’ units give detailed information and training on each paper in the FCE exam •Speaking practice throughout, with a complete Speaking test •Complete First Certificate grammar syllabus and reference section •Special emphasis on word-building, collocations and phrasal verbs •Topic-based wordlist for easy reference •Model answers and solid preparation as support for writing tasks •Listening Scripts •Photocopiable vocabulary exercises and practice tests in the Teacher’s Book
suitable for the updated FCE exam
Ready for CAE
Revised and updated for the new exam, the update edition of Ready for CAE gives in-depth exam training to prepare students for the Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English (CAE) exam.
suitable for the updated CAE exam Ready for PET ISBN SB + Key + CD Rom pack 978 02300 2071 9 SB –key + CD Rom pack 978 02300 2073 3 TB 978 02300 2074 0 Class CD 978 02300 2075 7 Ready for FCE ISBN SB no key 978 0230 02760 2 SB with key 978 0230 02761 9 WB no key 978 0230 02762 6 WB with key 978 0230 02763 3
price 15,30 15,30 11,00 16,50 price 26,00 26,00 12,80 12,80
Teacher's Book Class CD Ready for CAE SB with key SB no keyi WB with key WB no key Teacher’s Book Class CD
978 0230 02765 7 978 0230 02764 0 ISBN 978 0230 02886 9 978 0230 02887 6 978 0230 02888 3 978 0230 02889 0 978 0230 02890 6 978 0230 02891 3
22,00 22,00 price 26,00 26,00 12,80 12,80 22,00 22,00
Pagina 19
Revised and updated to include PET preparation tasks and changes to the Cambridge ESOL FCE Examination Laser is a modern and exciting three-level course specifically designed for young students. The engaging and motivating topic-based units cover the lexical and grammatical syllabus based on the Threshold through to Vantage levels of the Council of Europe’s Common European Framework. The course integrates development of key reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. Each student’s book comes with a CD-ROM providing motivating reinforcement of the structures and vocabulary taught in every unit. Each workbook is complete with Audio CD and the Teacher’s Book includes photocopiable tests. Class Audio CDs are also available.
Laser B1
Key Features:
• • • • • •
Dictionary Corner sections, focusing on topic-based lexis, collocations, word formation and phrasal verbs Comprehensive practice in PET-and revised FCE-type exam tasks Revision sections after every two units 16 Composition Planners, providing detailed and comprehensive guidance
Lists of key collocations and phrasal verbs
Grammar database at the back of the book, providing easy-to-use, detailed grammar reference
Laser B1+
Intermediate to Upper Intermediate
Key Features:
Vocabulary Builder sections, focusing on topic-based lexis, collocations, patterns, word formation, phrasal verbs and metaphorical use of language
• • •
Comprehensive practice in revised FCE exam-oriented task types Revision sections after every two units Writer’s database, Word pattern database, Phrasal verb database, Speaking database and Grammar database at the back of the book, for students’ reference
Laser B2
Upper Intermediate
Key Features:
Systematic development of topic-based lexis and lexico-grammar, including collocations, patterns, word formation, phrasal verbs and confusable words
• • •
Comprehensive practice for all five papers of the revised FCE exam Two reading texts per unit Grammar database, Speaking database, Writing database, Key word database and Phrasal verb database, for students’ reference
Laser B1 SB+ CD ROM Pack WB without Key + CD WB with Key + CD Laser B1 + SB + CD ROM Pack WB without Key + CD WB with Key + CD Laser B2 SB + CD ROM Pack WB without Key + CD
ISBN 978 96 0447 148 5 978 96 0447 154 6 978 96 0447 156 0
price 25,30 13,20 13,20
978 96 0447 159 1 978 96 0447 165 2 978 96 0447 167 6
25,30 13,20 13,20
978 96 0447 170 6 978 96 0447 176 8
25,30 13,20
WB with Key + CD Laser B1 TB + Tests CD Pack Class Audio CDs Laser B1+ TB + Tests CD Pack Class Audio CDs Laser B2 TB + Tests CD Pack Class Audio CDs
978 96 0447 178 2
978 96 0447 151 5 978 96 0447 187 4
22,00 22,00
978 96 0447 162 1 978 96 0447 188 1
22,00 22,00
978 96 0447 173 7 978 96 0447 189 8
22,00 22,00
Pagina 20
20KEYEXAMS COURSES LEVEL CHART Check Your Vocabulary Series This range of workbooks has been designed to help students prepare for their English examinations. They contain a range of activities to help build, improve and revise their English vocabulary. Key Features: •Ideal for using in the classroom or for self-study •Tests and improves vocabulary with exercises, word games, puzzles and quizzes •Easy-to-use format with clear instructions and answer key •Covers general and topic-specific vocabulary, as well as grammar and use of English, comprehension, pronunciation and spelling
Pre-Intermediate to Intermediate
Upper Intermediate
Check your vocabulary Series ISBN PET 978 0230 03359 7 FCE 978 0230 03363 4 IELTS 978 0230 03360 3
Upper Intermediate
B2-C1 Upper Intermediate/Advanced
15,40 15,40 15,40
TOEIC TOEFL Academic English
IntermediateUpper Intermediate
Upper Intermediate
978 0230 03362 7 978 0230 03361 0 978 0230 03364 1
15,40 15,40 15,40
Pagina 21
Testbuilder Series Jake Allsop, Judith Ash, Tricia Aspinall, Sarah Dymond, Amanda French, Mark Harrison, Nick Kenny, Lucrecia Luque-Mortimer, Tony D. Triggs, Sam McCarter
from Elementary to Proficiency
Tests that teach! The popular Testbuilder Series is designed to help improve students’ exam performance, develop their confidence and ultimately achieve the grades they need. Ideal for using in the classroom or for self-study. Each book contains:
Four complete practice tests reflecting exactly the level and types of questions to be found in the exam A full range of exam task-types Practice and guidance pages for each part of each exam paper Focus on common problem areas A guided analysis of sample answers
• • • •
With Key and Without Key editions are available for KET Testbuilder, PET Testbuilder, First Certificate Testbuilder, CAE Testbuilder, and New Proficiency Testbuilder.
new edition!
The With Key edition contains a complete answer key with helpful, easy-to-use explanations as to how and why the model answer is right and the others are wrong.
· See also Ready for Series Check your Vocabulary Series Language Practice Series
page 18 page 20 page 33
AUDIO CD Testbuilder Series
KET Testbuilder with Key + CD KET Testbuilder without Key
978 1405 06976 2 978 1405 06974 8
13,75 12,65
PET Testbuilder with Key + CD PET Testbuilder without Key
978 1405 06301 2 978 1405 06299 2
15,40 14,30
First Certificate + Key First Certificate Cassette
978 0435 24492 7 978 0435 24494 1
18,90 11,00
CAE Testbuilder + Key +CD NEW EDITION!
978 02307 2794 6
CAE Testbuilder no Key +CDNEW EDITION!
9780230 72795 3
New Proficiency + Key New Proficiency Cassette
978 0333 95498 0 978 0333 95499 7
26,00 11,00
BEC Preliminary Testbuilder + CD BEC Vantage Testbuilder + CD BEC Higher Testbuilder +CDNEW
978 1405 01833 3 978 1405 01836 4 978 023071703 9
18,10 18,10 18,10
IELTS Testbuilder + Key + CD IELTS Testbuilder 2 +Key + CD
978 1405 01404 5 978 0230 02885 2
25,80 25,80
Pagina 22
22KEYEXAMS COURSES LEVEL CHART Skills for First Certificate
Upper Intermediate
The Skills for First Certificate series provides thorough and comprehensive training in language and exam skills for students preparing for the Cambridge First Certificate in English exam.
Each of the four components Writing, Reading, Listening and Speaking and Use of English has a Student’s Book and a comprehensive and easy-to-use Teacher’s Book.
Skills for First Certificate ISBN Reading SB Writing SB List. & Speak. SB Listening & Speaking Audio CD Use of English SB
price 97814050 1745 97814050 1747 97814050 1749 978 023071696 97814050 1751
9 3 7 4 0
Skills for First Certificate Reading Teacher’s Book Writing Teacher’s Book Listening & Speaking Teacher’s Book Use of English Teacher’s Book
16,80 16,80 16,80 11.00 16,80
ISBN 97814050 1746 6 978 14050 1748 0 978 14050 1750 3 978 14050 1752 7
price 11,00 11,00 11,00 11,00
IELTS band 4 - 5.5
There’s no substitute for experience IELTS Foundation has been written by teachers who have spent many classroom hours teaching low-level IELTS students. It provides a comprehensive package of material to meet the needs of students training towards the IELTS band 4–5.5. You can be confident that the course offers accessible, motivating classroom-tested material that your students will enjoy
IELTS Foundation
learning from, plus a tried and tested approach to exam training.
9781404013925 Student’s Book 9781405013956 Teacher’s Book 9781405013963 Class Audio Cassette 9781405013970 Class Audio CD
IELTS band 4 - 5.5
IELTS Foundation Study Skills are easy to use self-study books for students aiming at IELTS band 4 – 6.5.5 They provide clear and practical information on the IELTS exams and teach students the skills they need to excel in each general or academic module. They can be used as a comprehensive self-access books or in addition to the IELTS Foundation Student’s Book.
IELTS Foundation Study Skills (Academic modules) Reading
• Material written for a non-specialist audience
• Report writing and Essay writng
IELTS Foundation Study Skills (General modules) Reading
• Material encountered in an English-speaking country
• Letter writing and essay writing
IELTS Foundation (Academic Modules) 9781405017220 Study Skills
AUDIO CD IELTS Foundation (General Modules) 9781405082013 Study Skills
25,80 22,00 11,00 11,00
Pagina 23
Improve your IELTS Skills
IELTS band 4.5 - 7.5
Each book in this new IELTS series is another must-have from Macmillan! The Improve your IELTS Skills series are aimed at students between bands 4.5 and 7.5. The series has three preparation courses, Academic Reading, Academic Writing, and Listening and Speaking. The courses develop language, skills and test technique to help students achieve a higher IELTS score. The three books in the series may be used together as a complete course or may be used to target specific skills. Or they may be used separately to supplement other coursebooks.
Key Features: • Listening and Speaking book includes an Audio CD with 140 minutes’ listening and pronunciation practice.
• Ten units in each book, each with corresponding topics. • Ideal for self- study as well as in class, with step-by-step guidance and a clear answer key. Improve IELTS Listening and Speaking Study Skills Pack 9780230009486
Improve IELTS Writing Study Skills Pack 9780230009448
Improve IELTS Reading Study Skills Pak
A must-have for all IELTS candidates!
Tips for IELTS is packed with all the information you need to know about the four skills tested in the IELTS exam:hints on how to tackle specific types of questions; strategies on how to increase your speed and accurancy; what common mistakes to avoid; and useful language to be aware of an to use. Tips for IELTS also includes tips on how to test yourself as you prepare for the exam. Teachers will find it useful as a tool to develop strategies for increasing speed and accuracy and for discussing exam techniques.
Tips for IELTS 9781405096164 10,45
Key Features: • List of golden rules on how to approach each skill • Handy exam summaries on what to expect from each exam. • Photocopiable skills checklists to monitor progress. • Clear exam strategies, from ‘answering multiple-choice questions’ to ‘how to compare and contrast’.
IELTS Graduation
IELTS band 5.5 - 7.5
IELTS Graduation is a comprehensive course for students preparing to take the IELTS academic test. Aimed at the IELTS band 5.5 – 7.5, this topic-based book contains a wide range of activities to train students in all the required skills to help improve their IELTS score. IELTS Graduation 9781405080750 SB
· See also Check your Vocabulary Series Testbuilder Series
page 20 page 21
9781405080798 TB
9781405080804 Class CDs
9781405080781 Study Skills Pack
Pagina 24
The Business
Pre- Intermediate
Introducing the next generation in Business English The Business is a multi-level business English course which offers the student a cutting-edge blend of electronic and print material. The syllabus is organized by topic and has been developed from detailed research into business-related degree courses in learning European Institutions. The Business is a particularly suitable for students studying business at college or university, but the course will also appeal to working business people who need to enrich their vocabulary and express themselves more authoritatively beyond their immediate professional context.
• An integrated self-study DVD-ROM including video, interactive workbook, business dilemmas, interactive business documents, progress tests and the entire course audio. • A flexible modular structure which offers maximum choice and flexibility. The units are devided into speaking, writing, grammar, business knowledge and case study modules. • Thorough and detailed language support including a Student’s Book word list, grammar reference and extensive grammar and vocabulary practice material. • Systematic development of specific business language skills - from report writing to stating your views persuasively in a meeting.
To accompany The Business there is a respurce site which provides a unique range of innovative resources including: - monthly power-point e-lessons straight to your inbox - monthly podcasts featuring conversations with real business people - sample pages - business dilemmas - progress tests Do not forget to sign up to receive FREE our weekly The Business e-lessons at:
Pagina 25
New level!
Upper - Intermediate
The Business DVD-ROM The DVD-ROM is the equivalent of an interactive workbook self-study. It includes everything you would normally find in a workbook - and more! Interactice workbook: the interactive workbook is the core material on the DVD-ROM. It follows the Student’s Book units in topic and contains activities for vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation and listening practice. Video: each unit includes a mini-drama illustrating the communication and people skills practised in each unit, with follow-up exercises to practise the functional language from the video. Business dilemmas: includes four simulated problem-solving activities, which review and practise the target language in a ‘real-life’ situation. Tests: there are four tests, one for every two units. If students do well on a test, they get ‘promoted’; if students do well on all four tests, they become CEO! Business documents: there is a model document for each unit, including letters, invoices, CVs etc. Each document is annotated to explain structure and key phrases - and is followed up with activities to test undertsanding. Grammar reference: students can refer to this any time, even during practice, for help with grammar rules and examples. Class audio: this section contains all the audio recordings from the Student’s Book, together with scrollable scripts.
The Business Pre- Int. SB + DVD ROM Pack Pre- Int. TB Pre- Int. Class Audio CDs Int. SB+ DVD ROM Pack In. TB Int. Class audio CD
978 978 978 978 978 978
0230 0230 0230 1405 1405 1405
ISBN 02156 02157 02158 08369 08186 08184
3 0 7 0 3 9
price 26,50 22,00 22,00 26,50 22,00 22,00
Upper -Int. SB + DVD ROM Pack 978 1405 08371 3 Upper -Int. TB 978 1405 08194 8 Upper- Int. Class Audio CDs 978 1405 08192 4 Adv. SB + DVD-ROM Pack advancedNEW level! 978 0230 02151 8 978 0230 02152 5 Advanced TB NEW level! CDs Advanced NEW level! 978 0230 02153 2
26,50 22,00 22,00 26,50 22,00 22,00
Pagina 26
in company new edition
Elementary to Upper Intermediate
A2 - B2
In Company has established itself as the English course for professionals because of its immediate results through topic-based content, active skills and real-world tasks that are instantly relevant to everyday business life. In Company second edition builds on the success of the original but is now updated and improved with a host of new features.
New editions!
Key Features: • NEW phrase banks with useful phrases for reference and revision • Five NEW case studies within the Stduen’s book reflect real-life business scenarios
• NEW audio recordings with authentic native and non-native accents.
• Units are clearly defined as topic or skills based. • Teacher’s Book addresses how to deal with 1:1 classes • NEW Second edition CD-ROM now includes an interactive glossary and class audio as a dowloadable MP3
DIGITAL SUPPORT! See p. 5 for Macmillan Practice Online - in Company course
In Company Teacher’s Book Provides a further 20 hours of teaching material through photocopiable worksheets, teaching notes and interleaved pages from the Students’ Book with overprinted answer key. The audio material for the calssroom is available on CDs. In Company Stduent’s Book Each lesson is a stand-alone, fast track unit to competence in a particular skill that business professionals will meet in their everyday working life. Topics and texts have been chosen to involve, entertain and provoke students into lively discussion as well as to contextualise key target language. Real-world tasks encourage learners to sharpen their communication skills and draw on their own experience at work, while a great deal of attention is devoted to helping learners boosts their lexical range. Grammar is introduced in a practical business context and is now incorporated into relevant unit along with workbook sections. In Company CD-ROM It is ideal for self-study and provides extensive practice, linked in topic and in language to the Students’ Book units. It contains comprehensive grammar and lexis practice activities and in a variety of extra listening texts with comprehensive questions and follow-up tasks.
In Company NEW EDITION Student’s Book + CD-ROM Pack pre-int. Student’s Book + CD-ROM Pack int. Teacher’s Book pre-intermediate Teacher’s Book intermediate Class Audio CDs pre-intermediate Class Audio CDs intermediate
ISBN 978 978 978 978 978 978
0230 0230 0230 0230 0230 0230
price 71719 71714 71720 71715 71721 71716
0 5 6 2 3 9
26,50 26,50 22,00 22,00 16,50 16,50
In Company original edition Elem. SB PACK +CD ROM Pre Interm. SB PACK+CD ROM * Interm. SB PACK+CD ROM * Upper Interm. SB +CD ROM In Company Test Studies
978 978 978 978 978
0230 0230 0230 0230 1405
02056 02060 02058 02062 07094
6 3 0 7 2
26,50 26,50 26,50 26,50 11,00
In Company Case Studies Elementary Teacher's Book Elementary Cassette Elementary CD Pre Intermediate Teacher's Book* Pre Intermediate Cassette* Pre Intermediate CD* Intermediate Teacher's Book* Intermediate Cassette * Intermediate CD * Upper Intermediate Teacher's Book Upper Intermediate Cassette Upper Intermediate CD
978 978 978 978 978 978 978 978 978 978 978 978 978
1405 0333 0333 0333 0333 0333 0333 0333 0333 0333 0333 0333 0333
07093 95719 95721 95722 95727 95728 95730 95733 95734 95735 95738 95739 95740
5 6 9 6 1 8 1 2 9 6 7 4 0
19,80 22,00 16,50 16,50 22,00 16,50 16,50 22,00 16,50 16,50 22,00 16,50 16,50
Pagina 27
Business Vocabulary Builder
A business vocabulary and practice course for students with an intermediate level of English or above. The course is specifically designed to help business English students enrich and expand their vocabulary, allowing them to express themselves more fluently and confidently in a professional context. Key Features • New vocabulary is grouped according to topic. • Accompanying Audio CD provides essential listening practice and extention activities and features real international business people.
• Recording script is available at the back of the book.
• Mind maps hone the students’ language input in an easily accessible and memorable way. Business Vocabulary Builder NEW 978 0230 71684 1
Essential Business Grammar Builder and Business Grammar Builder A2 - B2 +
Elementary and Intermediate to Upper Intermediate
This two-level series of grammar references books is aimed at professional adults or business students who need to maintain and practise their English in a business context. They present and practise the fundamental grammar requirements for students studying business English at elementary or intermediate to upper intermediate level. Perfect for classroom or indipendent study.
Key Features • Authentic citations from sources such as Newsweek, Wall Street Journal and International Herald Tribune. • Self-administered tests allow students to check their own progress.
SB + CD 9780333754924
• Includes a glossary of key grammar terms, an index and answer key.
Essential Business Grammar Builder SB + CD
• The exercises give excellent preparation for BEC and BULATS (Business Grammar Builder).
Business Builder
Business Grammar Builder
A2 - B1+
978 1405 07048 5
Pre-Intermediate Intermediate
An absolute must-have for any teacher of Business English, Business Builder is a set of photocopiable resource packs providing excellent material for the Business English classroom. Business Builder Modules 1, 2, 3
9780333990940 Teacher’s Resource Book
Modules 4, 5, 6
9780333990957 Teacher’s Resource Book
Modules 7, 8, 9
9780333990964 Teacher’s Resource Book
The Business English Handbook PAUL EMMERSON
B2 - C2
Upper Intermediate Advanced
The Business English Handbook is a high-level grammar reference and practice book for professional adults seeking to refine their Business English. It is ideal for professionals who want a practical reference book for revision purposes, and for business students studying at university and college. The accompanying Audio CD features material taken from authentic interviews with European business professionals.
AUDIO CD The Business English Handbook Handbook + CD 9781405086059
Pagina 28
B2 - C1
Upper Intermediate to Advanced
Find your voice as a presenter! Presentations in English is the ideal choice for anyone who needs to make presentations in English. The flexible seven-step approach helps students to 'find their voice' and develop their own unique presentation style. Key Features: • Presentations in English is ideal for both self study and classroom use • Students can work through the chapters progressively or dip into them to find the skills and language most useful to them • The book presents language, advice and a range of powerful, up-to-date presentation techniques • Teacher's Notes plus a host of other material for business communication skills can be found at www.businessenglishonline.net
• The DVD follows the progress of real students doing the presentation course. It offers insights into their learning, models to follow and opportunities for analysis. The DVD is fully integrated with the book.
Email English
B1 - B2
Presentations in English (with DVD) 978 0230 02878 4 17,35
Intermediate to Upper Intermediate
Email English is a course for students of general or Business English who need to write effective and convincing emails.
A2 - B1
Telephone English
Pre-Intermediate to Intermediate
Telephone English trains students to use the telephone confidently and effectively in the course of their work. Free Resources for both courses: • Free dowloadable worksheets written especially for the course available online on www.businessenglishonline.net
Includes 9781405082211
Email English
Telephone English 11,20
Basic Survival and Survival English
A1- B1
High Beginner to Pre-Intermediate
International Communication for Professional People The Survival series is for professional adults who need English for work and travel.
Basic Survival
Student's Book practice Book Teacher’s Guide Cassette x 2 CD
978 978 978 978 978
1405 1405 1405 1405 1405
00393 00394 00395 00396 00397
3 0 7 4 1
Survival English
25,00 14,10 21,30 10,65 10,65
Student's Book Practice Book Teacher’s Guide Cassette CD
978 978 978 978 978
1405 1405 1405 1405 1405
price 00384 00385 00386 00387 00388
1 8 5 2 9
25,00 14,10 21,30 16,00 16,00
Pagina 29
ENGLISH FOR SPECIAL PURPOSES Elementary to Pre-intermediate
A1 -A2
The latest addition to the Campaign suite of titles, this course is designed to meet the needs of law enforcement personnel, from customs officers to gendarmes and police. Topics and texts have been carefully selected from a variety of law enforcement contexts and all content has been verified by law enforcement officers from all over the globe, including Thailand, Germany, Spain and the UK. English for Law Enforcement covers the full range of essential law enforcement situations including vehicle identification, stop and search, crowd control and issuing statements. Key features • Accompanying CD-ROM provides additional grammar and vocabulary practice, and an intensive workout of situational language in context • Ideal for independent or classroom study • Class audio and answer keys for the Student’s Book available on the CD-ROM • The Teacher’s Book provides detailed background information for those less familiar with the law enforcement world English for Law Enforcement 1 Student’s Book +CD-ROM Pack Teacher’s Book
Aviation English
B1 - B2
978 0230 73258 2 978 0230 73257 5
36,20 22,00
Intermediate Upper intermediate
HENRY EMERY AND ANDY ROBERTS Aviation English is a course in English Language Communication Skills for pilots and air-traffic controllers. It is designed to help students achieve and maintain a Level 4 according to the ICAO* language requirements.The course can be used as a self-study package for individuals or with groups in a classroom. The Student’s Book is based on ICAO document 9835: “Manual on the implementation of ICAO Language Proficiency Requirements”. Everything in it has been carefully designed to help you develop the very specific skills described in the ICAO Level 4 Language Profile. The CD-ROM complements the course by providing interactive simulations, detailed pronunciation and extra listening. The CD-ROM is divided into 12 units which match those of the Student’s Book. As well as containing teaching notes, listening scripts and detailed answers for all the activities in the Student’s Book, the Teacher’s Book includes background information and advice to assist teachers in the delivery and context of the exercises.
Aviation English Student’s Book +CD-ROM Pack Teacher’s Book Class Audio Cds
*ICAO - International Civil Aviation Organisation. For more information go to:
A2 - C1+
978 0230 02757 2 978 0230 02758 9 978 0230 02759 6
36,20 22,00 22,00
False Beginner to Advanced
Campaign is an award-winning course in English for the military. It meets the English language needs of military personnel on international operations including peacekeeping, humanitarian assistance and training exercises. Don’t forget: Campaign Dictionary of Military Terms by Richard Bowyer: The fully updated Campaign Dictionary of Military Terms provides coverage of all aspects of British, American and international military vocabulary. Campaign Grammar Practice by Louis Harrison: Campaign Grammar Practice is the ideal grammar reference and practice book for students who need to use English in a military context. Designed for students studying at elementary level, it can be used both in the classroom and for self study. Campaign 1 9781405009805 9781405009836 9781405028998 9781405009812
Campaign 2
Student’s Book Class Audio CD Workbook & Audio CD Teacher’s Book
25,80 11,00 14,05 27,50
9781405009850 9781405009881 9781405029018 9781405009867
Student’s Book Class Audio CD Workbook & Audio CD Teacher’s Book
25,80 11,00 14,05 27,50
Student’s Book
Campaign 3 9781405009904
9781405009935 9781405029032 9781405009911
Class Audio CD Workbook & Audio CD Teacher’s Book
11,00 14,05 27,50
Campaign Dictionary/ CampaignGrammar 9781405067034 9781405074179 9781405074186
Campaign Dictionary Campaign Dic. Workbook Grammar Practice
22,00 10,80 15,70
Pagina 30
CLIL Pre-Intermediate to Advanced
B1+ - C2
Macmillan Vocabulary Practice Series
suitable for CLIL!
KEITH KELLY A series of CLIL books designed for students who are taught subjects through the medium of English. Created as an easy-to-use reference tool for students, each title in the series includes clear glossaries and motivating activities that practise the vocabulary in context. The subject-specific vocabulary is informed by the Macmillan School Dictionary curriculum corpus.
Key features of the books •
Key subject-specific topic areas
Transparent topic glossary with key headwords, definitions and phonetic transcriptions of individual vocabulary items with examples in context
Engaging practice exercises in each topic using the vocabulary at word, sentence
Clear diagrams to represent tricky concepts visually
and text level
See p. 5 Key features of the CD-ROMs • Easy-to-use, fully searchable glossaries that include pronunciation examples • Interactive activities by topic that help bring the subject to life • Mind-mapping tools, which can be saved, help with lexical imprinting • Comprehensive diagram bank of illustrations available with and without labels
· See also Uncovering CLIL
page 40
Macmillan School Dictionary page 45 Macmillan Vocabulary Practice Series Science (+ Key) and CD-ROM Pack Science (- key) and CD-ROM Pack Geography (+ Key) + CD-ROM Pack NEW Geography (- Key) + CD-ROM Pack NEW
ISBN 978 9230 53506 0 978 0230 53505 3 978 0230 71976 7 978 0230 71977 4
price 22,30 22,30 22,30 22,30
Pagina 31
Macmillan Topics
A1-B1+ Beginner to Intermediate
Susan Holden
suitable for CLIL!
you will never run out of topics for your speaking activities! The Macmillan Topics series presents factual topics in a fun and interesting magazine style format that motivates students to read in English. The cross-curricular nature of the series makes it easy to integrate school subjects with English Language learning. Developing students’ intercultural awareness with articles and projects, the Macmillan Topics offer challenging insights into modern culture and ask students to compare other cultures with their own. The comprehensive Teacher’s Book covers all titles in the series and includes: • Teachers notes and activites for each article or project plus photocopiable worksheets • Audio CDs that bring articles to life and provide extensive listening practice • Advice on how Macmillan Topics can be used in Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) • Suggestions to improve intercultural awareness in the classroom
Macmillan Topics are ideal to practice listening and speaking. They are ideal for Trinity Exam preparation: find out more at www. t rinit ycollege. it
Macmillan Topics ISBN price Beginner People 978 14050 9490 0 4,25 Places 978 14050 9491 7 4,25 Beginner Plus Animals 978 14050 9501 3 4,25
Sports 978 14050 9493 1 Elementary Environment 978 14050 9494 8 Festivals 978 14050 9495 5 Pre-Intermediate Communication 978 14050 9496 2 Entertainment 978 14050 9497 9
CD Audio
4,25 4,25 4,25 5,35 5,35
Intermediate Consumers 978 14050 9498 6 Travel and Tourism978 14050 9499 3 (All Levels) Teachers Pack
978 02300 0974 9
5,35 5,35
Pagina 32
Macmillan English Grammar In Context
suitable for CLIL!
Simon Clarke (Essential level), Michael Vince (Intermediate and Advanced levels)
Elementary Pre Intermediate
Pre Intermediate Upper Intermediate
Presenting Macmillan English Grammar In Context, a three-level grammar practice series with a difference. Incorporating contextual examples in grammar practice activities, Macmillan English Grammar In Context is a grammar book that can be used in both the classroom and for self-study. •Grammar explanations with traditional practice activities and contextual examples •Cross-curricular content areas include: literature, science, geography, history and social science •The CD-ROM contains unit-by-unit interactive material and a fully searchable glossary •Examples demonstrate real-world usage of English grammar
Upper Intermediate Proficiency
Key Features: • Up-to-date ‘real’ English, informed by the corpora used for the Macmillan School Dictionary • Includes a focus on lexical grammar with work on collocations propositions and common verbs • Most units contain one page of grammar explanation and three pages of practice • With and Without Key editions available
Key Features of the CD-ROM: Unit-by-unit interactive practice exercises Fully searchable glossary and contextual vocabulary
· See also Macmillan School Dictionary page 45
See p. 5 Macmillan English Grammar In Context Essential
Student’s Book (With Key) CD-ROM Pack Student’s Book (Without Key) CD-ROM Pack Macmillan English Grammar In Context Intermediate Student’s Book (With Key) CD-ROM Pack Student’s Book (Without Key) CD-ROM Pack Macmillan English Grammar In Context Advanced Student’s Book (With Key) CD-ROM Pack Student’s Book (Without Key) CD-ROM Pack
ISBN 978 1405 07051 5 978 1405 07146 8
price 18,00 18,00
978 1405 07143 7 978 1405 07144 4
18,00 18,00
978 1405 07054 6 978 1405 07148 2
18,00 18,00
Pagina 33
First Certificate Language New Practice
Advanced Language Practice
Essential for exam success
PRACTICE MADE PERFECT FCE and Advanced – new editions for 2009!
Upper Intermediate
This very popular and reliable series is now available in updated editions. An in-depth, detailed approach to English grammar and vocabulary, this is a combination of two books – with grammar clearly presented in the first half, and vocabulary input offered in the second half. It is a thorough and comprehensive series that ensures students’ confidence with language through the progressive levels. Available with or without the answer key, these are ideal for classroom work or independent study. Key features: • Regular consolidation units check students’ understanding of the grammar and vocabulary points presented • Relevant exam-style exercises for the appropriate level • Special focus on word building, collocations and phrasal verbs as well as other problem areas of grammar • New editions now come with CD-ROM for added computer-based practice – ideal for self-study • New editions now in full colour to engage and enthuse students • Advanced and FCE levels now fully updated to incorporate changes to Cambridge exams
First Certificate Language Practice NEW ED. 9780230727113 With Key 9780230727120 Without Key
Advanced Language Practice NEW ED.
25,80 25,80
Elementary A2 Language Practice
9780230727069 With Key 9781405007696 Without Key
Elementary grammar and vocabulary clearly explained and practised • Students gain a wider view of grammar and vocabulary in context, in a variety of immediately useful, everyday situations
Intermediate Language Practice Includes PET exam-style exercises
• Intermediate grammar clearly explained and presented
• KET exam-style exercises included • Presentation and practice of language skills, including spelling, punctuation and word formation
• Vocabulary skills, including word-building and dictionary work, developed and practised
• Vocabulary development in useful topic areas
• The new edition contains additional work on collocation
• Regular consolidation units review and recycle grammar
• Includes exam-style exercises for the updated 2004 PET exam • Grammar index and formation rules
Elementary Language Practice 9781405007641 With Key 9781405007634 Without Key
• Consolidation and extension of vocabulary in common topic areas
• Grammar index and formation rules
25,80 25,80
25,80 25,80
Intermediate Language Practice 9781405007689 With Key 9781405007689 Without Key
25,80 25,80
Language Practice Teacher’s Test CD Teacher’s Test CD • A placement test so teachers can recommend the most appropriate Language Practice book for their students • Grammar and vocabulary practice tests which teachers can customise for their own specific classroom use
Language Practice Test CD 9781405007696 11,00
Pagina 34
Grammar and Vocabulary
Malcolm Mann and Steve Taylore-Knowles
Destination B1 - C1&C2 Destination B1 and C1&C2 are the ideal grammar and vocabulary practice books for Intermediate and Advanced and Proficiency level students. Useful reference sections include irregular verbs, topic vocabulary, phrasal verbs, prepositional phrases, word patterns and word formation. Key Features: • Up-to-date syllabus based on the B1/B2/C1&C2 (Threshold) level of the Council of Europe’s framework • Alternate grammar units and vocabulary units • Systematic practice of all the grammar and vocabulary presented in a wide range of exercise types • Strong emphasis on revision and consolidation with reviews and tests Destination B1 978 02300 3536 2SB + Key 978 02300 3537 9SB no KEY
Upper Intermediate
Destination C1 &C2 19,90 19,90
9780230035409 SB + Key 9780230035416 SB no KEY
19,90 19,90
Destination B2 Destination B2 is the ideal grammar and vocabulary practice book for all students preparing to take a B2 level exam, for example the Cambridge FCE examination or for those students aiming for IELTS band 5. It includes 28 alternating grammar and vocabulary units. Key Features: • Clear, comprehensive grammar and vocabulary presentation tables • Systematic practice of all grammar and vocabulary presentation tables • A strong emphasis on revision and consolidation • A useful Reference Section including irregular verbs, glossary, phrasal verbs, phrases and collocations, word patterns, word formation and US/UK differences The Teacher’s Edition includes the complete answer key and seven extra photocopiable revision tests. Destination B2 9781405096348 Student’s Book 9781405096355 Teacher’s Book
19,90 gratis
Writing in Paragraphs B1
Writing in Paragraphs takes students from sentence formation to paragraph writing through a process approach. This not only develops students’ paragraph writing skills, but also encourages them to become independent and creative writers. The back of the Student’s Book contains peer review forms and a grammar reference section. Key Features:
•Focus on particular aspects of paragraph writing, such as topics, style and development •Writing support to help with brainstorming, organizing ideas, writing topic sentences, and supporting ideas
Writing in Paragraph
•Language support to help with vocabulary, grammar and punctuation •Guidance on reviewing personal and classmates’ writing in order to make revisions •Structured, graded writing assignments at the end of each unit.
Academic Writing
Student’s Book
Academic Writing has been written for intermediate level students who are preparing to study, or are already studying, in an academic environment and need to improve their writing skills. The course takes students from paragraph structuring to essay writing through a process approach. It teaches learners how to order and link paragraphs into cohesive and coherent essays, and to create the various paragraph types that are used in writing assignments.
Academic Writing 9781405086066 Student’s Book
Pagina 35
NEW Inside Grammar -2nd edition A1-B2
New edition!
BeginnerUpper Intermediate
A single volume containing grammar explanations (in Italian) from A1 through to B2. The student’s Book and accompanying CD-ROM contain over 1000 exercises.
STRUCTURE A new section has been included at the beginning of the book: this focuses on the KET level, with basic grammar explanations and exercises. This section may be used as a sort of ‘bridge’ to refresh grammar rules at the beginning of the course. The units are grouped into simple sections for each part of speech, and each section is clearly subdivided into two parts: the first contains the grammar needed up to a B1 (PET) level, and the second explains more complex grammar up to B2 (FCE). This grammar book, designed for Italian students, provides thorough preparation for preparing Cambridge ESOL examinations. Exercises are clearly labeled for KET/ PET and FCE. EXTRA MATERIAL Inside Grammar also has a vocabulary section with exercises on each of the lexical sets mentioned in the PET syllabus. A new section on ‘Translation’: examples, tips and lots of practice to learn how to translate from and into English. Teacher’s Book with CD with tests, answer key and tapescripts of the listening part of the tests. CD ROM for the Student (usable with any Interactive Whiteboard) - a rich variety of grammar activities - a special ‘Test Compiler’ creates numerous, personalised tests to consolidate knowledge - the possibility of recording your own voice in a dialogue and comparing it with mother tongue pronunciation - self-correcting exercises
Inside Grammar
Pre-Intermediate Upper Intermediate
NEW Inside Grammar NEW Inside Grammar SB + CDROM
978 0230717473
NEW Inside Grammar TeacherBook+Test CD
978 0230717503
Inside Grammar 9781405073868 SB 9781405073882 SB + CDROM 9781405080156 Key
original edition
21,50 24,20 3,30
Into Grammar M. VINCE, G. CERULLI
Illustrated vocabulary and grammar explanations. Systematic comparisons between English and Italian. Into Grammar leads students from a beginner (A1) level towards B2. Designed for Italian classes: Into grammar systematically highlights both the similarities and differences between English and Italian grammar and usage. Two headings – ‘Like Italian’ and ‘Unlike Italian’ – are backed up with examples, tips on avoiding and correcting the most common errors, and useful suggestions to help learning. CLIL: an introduction to CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) – for the following school subjects: maths, history, geography, physics, chemistry, biology, business, design and IT. Teacher’s book: teacher’s key with solutions to all the exercises in the book and ready-to-use revision tests. Teacher’s Test CD: editable tests in Word, including listenings, and all the solutions.
English Grammar Practice M. VINCE, L. PALLIN
A2-B2 With this book you have grammar, vocabulary and extensive practice all in one. This book is well suited to students in biennio/triennio of secondary school. Written by the language expert, Lelio Pallini, it pays particular attention to the difficulties Italian speakers may encounter when learning English.
Elementary Upper Intermediate
Into Grammar 9780230011229 SB + CDROM 9780230011236 TB+ CDROM +key
Created for the Italian market, this book has grammar explanations in Italian and useful comparisons between the languages. It also points out common mistakes made by Italian speakers in English, so as to avoid them.
Grammar Foundations English Grammar Practice 9780333758243 SB + Key
97803339766029 SB 25..00
23,30 3,30
Elementary Upper-Intermediate
Pagina 36
Macmillan Graded Readers
Audio CD A1
Carefully graded levels from Starter to Upper intermediate so your students get the right reading material for their ability. Reading for all levels: from A1 to C1 Eight pages of additional exercises on grammar and lexis to recycle vocabulary and idioms just learnt (from beginner level). Audio CD for all titles: to practise listening and pronunciation A truly prestigious list of authors from around the world, contemporary and classic: visit the readers website to read about their lives and works All our supplementary material is available for FREE on our website www.macmillanenglish.com/readers
www.macmillanenglish.com/readers EVERYONE LOVES A GOOD BOOK!
Pagina 37
Sections for students featuring a Book Club, with Tips for Creating Writing and Essays, Wequests and URLs for further reading, Articles, Interviews with Authors and Audio Worksheets.
Improved teachers section with expanded collection of free support material including Worksheets, Answer Keys, Samples Chapters, Sample Audio, Webquests, Author data Sheets and Using Graded Readers in the Classroom (a useful booklet to download).
Stories by Ambrose BIERCE
Starter Level • 300 words Alissa, C.J. MOORE Blue Fins, S. AXTEN In The Frame, P. SWEETNAM L A Detective, P. PROWSE Lost Ship, The, S. COLBOURN Lucky Number, J. MILNE Magic Barber, The, J. MILNE Photo Finish, P. SWEETNAM Sara Says No!, N. WHITNEY Shooting Stars, P. SWEETNAM Ski Race, E. JUPP Umbrella, The, C. HARRIS Well, The, C. HARRIS
978 978 978 978 978 978 978 978 978 978 978 978 978
14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14
0507 0507 0507 0507 0507 0507 0507 0507 0507 0507 0507 0507 0507
788 789 800 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799
0 7 9 3 0 7 4 1 8 5 2 9 6
3,85 3,85 3,85 3,85 3,85 3,85 3,85 3,85 3,85 3,85 3,85 3,85 3,85
978 14 0507 608 1 978 14 0507 612 8 978 14 0507 616 6 978 14 0507 622 7 978 14 0507 628 9 978 14 0507 634 0 978 14 0507 636 4 978 14 0507 624 1 978 14 0508 711 7 978 02 3071 673 5 978 02 3071 653 7
6,80 6,80 6,80 6,80 6,80 6,80 6,80 6,80 6,80 6,80 6,80
978 14 0507 638 8 978 14 0507 640 1 978 14 0507 650 0
6,80 6,80 6,80
978 14 978 14 978 14 978 14 978 14 978 14 978 14 978 14 978 14 978 14 978 14 978 14 978 02
6,80 6,80 6,80 6,80 6,80 6,80 6,80 6,80 6,80 6,80 6,80 6,80 6,80
Beginner Level• 600 words The Adventures of Tom Sawyer,M. TWAIN Dangerous Journey, A. COX Jane Eyre, C. BRONTE The Long Tunnel, J. MILNE Mill on the Floss, G. ELIOT Phantom of the Opera, G. LEROUX Rich Man Poor Man, T.C. JUPP Man in the Iron Mask, A. DUMAS This is London, P. PROWSE The Three Musketeers,A.DUMAS NEW! Princess Diana, A. COLLINS NEW! Elementary Level• 1100 words The Black Cat, J. MILNE Canterville Ghost and other stories, O. WILDE Frankenstein, M. SHELLEY The Hound of the Baskervilles, SIR A. CONAN DOYLE LA Winners, P. PROWSE Legend of Sleepy Hollow, W. IRVING The Mark of Zorro, J. McCULLEY Picture of Dorian Grey, O. WILDE Princess Diaries 1, M. CABOT Princess Diaries 2, M. CABOT Room Thirteen & other stories,M.R. JAMES Seven Stories of Mystery and Horror, E.A. POE The Stranger, N. WHITNEY Tales of Horror, B. STOKER Woman in Black, S. HILL White Fang, J. LONDON Pre-intermediate level • 1400 words Daisy Miller, H. JAMES The Treasure of Monte Cristo,A. DUMAS Selected Short Stories by D H LAWRENCE
0507 652 4 0507 697 5 0507 654 8 0507 699 9 0507 658 6 0508 064 4 0508 066 8 0507 660 9 0507 535 0 0507 662 3 0507 664 7 0507 701 9 3002 673 5
978 14 0508 407 9 978 14 0508 421 5 978 14 0508 735 3
7,95 7,95 7,95
978 14 0508 741 4
Casino Royale, I. FLEMING 978 14 0508 744 5 Far from the Madding Crowd, T. HARDY 978 14 0508 709 4 I, Robot, I. ASIMOV 978 02 3002 682 7 KIng Arthur, S. COLBOURN 978 02 3002 685 8 The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, A. BRONTE 978 14 0508 738 4 The Princess Diaries 3, M. CABOT, 978 14 0508 717 9 The Princess Diaries 4, M. CABOT, 978 14 0508 720 9 The Wizard of Oz, L.F.BAUM, 978 14 0508 714 8 Robin Hood S. COLBOURN, 978 14 0508 723 0 A Midsummer Night’s Dream, W. SHAKESPEARE NO CD 978 14 0508 729 2 Romeo & Juliet, W. SHAKESPEARE NO CD 978 14 0508 730 8 The Secret Garden,F. H. BURNETT 978 02 3002 690 2 Nelson Mandela, K. W. Harl NEW! 978 02 3071 659 9 Robinson Crusoe , D.Defoe NEW! 978 02 3071 656 8 Diamonds are Forever,I. Flemming NEW! 978 02 3071 662 9 Shake Hands Forever,R. Rendell, NEW! 978 02 3072 261 3 Intermediate level • 1600 words A Kiss Before Dying, I. LEVIN 9781405076747 Bristol Murder, P. PROWSE 9781405076708 Dracula, B. STOKER 9781405076722 Dr No, I. FLEMING 9781405080583 Emma, J. AUSTEN 9781405074544 Goldfinger, I. FLEMING 9781405080606 The Great Gatsby, F.S. FITZGERALD 9781405077033 Meet Me in Istanbul, J. MILNE 9781405077057 My Cousin Rachel, D. DU MAURIER 9781405077156 Oliver Twist, C. DICKENS 9781405076760 Sense & Sensibility, J. AUSTEN 9781405080620 Tess of D'urbervilles, T. HARDY 9781405074575 The Queen of Death, J. MILNE 9781405077071 The Sign of Four, SIR A. CONAN DOYLE 9781405076784 The Speckled Band, SIR A. CONAN DOYLE 9781405076807 The Woman Who Disappeared, J. MILNE 9781405076685 Therese Raquin, E. ZOLÀ 9781405075381 Wuthering Heights, E. BRONTE 9781405077095 Hamlet W. SHAKESPEARE NO CD NEW! 978 0230716636 Bridget Jones , H. Fielding, NEW! 978 0230716674 The Merchant of Venice W. SHAKESPEARE NO CD NEW! 978 0230716643
7,95 7,95 7,95 7,95 7,95 7,95 7,95 7,95 7,95
The Pearl, J. Steinbeck NEW! Upper Intermediate level• 2200 words LA Movie, P. PROWSE Officially Dead, R. PRESCOTT Rebecca, D. DU MAURIER Great Expectations, C. DickensNEW!
978 0230031128 9781405077118 9781405076845 9781405077132 978 1405076821*
7,95 7,95 7,95 7,95 7,95 7,95 7,95 7,95 7,95 7,95 7,95 7,95 7,95 7,95 7,95 7,95 7,95 7,95 7,95 7,95 7,95 7,95 7,95 7,95 7,95 7,95 7,95 7,95 7,95 7,95 7,95 7,95 7,95
recommended by Cambridge ESOL for the FCE exam - writing part. www.cambridgeESOL.it
Pagina 38
New! Macmillan Literature Collections
Macmillan Literature Collections Four advanced-level Readers containing original, unsimplified short stories written by famous classic and modern writers. These collections come with substantial support material for each story, including a short summary; a description of major themes; pre-reading vocabulary activities; post-reading language and comprehension exercises; a literary analysis section and essay questions. These collections will help ease students’ transition from graded Readers to authentic reading, giving them the joy of feeling that they are finally reading and studying literature just as it was written. Horror Stories including tales by Conan Doyle, James, Jacobs, Leiber and Gardam, 192 pages. Science Fiction Stories including tales by Dick, Bradbury, Clark, London, 200 pages American Stories including tales by Parker, Updike, Dossier, Fitzgerald, 200 pages. Love stories including tales by Lawrence, Mansfield, Greene, Wells, Bates, Fitzgerald, Highsmith, 192 pages. Macmillan Literature collections NEW! ISBN Horror stories Science Fiction stories
9780230716933 9780230716919
price 9.80 9.80
American Stories Love stories
ISBN 9780230716896 9780230716926
price 9.80 9.80
Pagina 39
Macmillan Books for Teachers The titles in the Macmillan Books for Teachers series have been written to inform teachers worldwide. They are insightful and practical, with a focus on covering the most effective theories and techniques for real-world teaching situations.
Macmillan Books for teachers Macmillan Books for Teachers can help you develop a personal and effective teaching style. Each book has clear and practical aims. Insights from academic research are combined with hands-on experience to create books which focus on teaching solutions for real classrooms. At the same time, the immediately-usable strategies and activities you will find in any of the Macmillan Books for Teachers build up to provide a foundation for longer term development.
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Uncovering EAP How to Teach Academic Reading and Writing Sam McCarter and Phil Jakes Teachers are finding nowadays that they are increasingly being asked to teach academic and study skills to students going on to further study in an English-speaking environment. Uncovering EAP explains the processes involved in teaching academic writing and reading through concise theoretical overviews. These are complemented by an extensive range of practical activities and worksheets which teachers can put to immediate use in their classrooms. Case studies give examples of real-life challenges faced by EAP teachers, along with suggestions on how to tackle these situations. Who is Uncovering EAP for? • Teachers new to teaching academic writing and reading • More experienced teachers looking for new ideas and resources for their classrooms
Uncovering CLIL
Learning Teaching
Content and Language Integrated Learning in Bilingual and Multilingual Education Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) refers to methodologies used in dual-focused educational contexts in which an additional language is used as a medium for the teaching of nonlanguage content. There has been considerable interest in CLIL teaching recently and it is now being adopted as a teaching practice globally. Packed with practical ideas and suggestions about what works in the classroom, and featuring explanations and examples of how to use CLIL at primary, secondary and vocational levels, Uncovering CLIL is the essential companion for CLIL teachers. Who is Uncovering CLIL for? Teachers just getting started in CLIL. Teachers who are already teaching in a CLIL context, and looking for a deeper theoretical understanding or new ideas to try in class.
Learning Teaching has been one of the most successful guides to English since it was first published in 1994. Not only a superb textbook for initial training courses, it is also a nononsense handbook for practising ELT teachers, helping you to succeed from class to class, from week to week and from year to year. This book will help you to deepen your understanding of what happens in the language classroom. But Jim Scrivener’s approach is not merely theoretical: Learning Teaching is packed with practical activities.
Learning Teaching 26,15
978 0230 02719 0 Uncovering CLIL 26,15
TKT symbol stands for: Teaching Knowledge Test.
See p. 5
It is a recent Cambridge ESOL exam, for all teachers and also for people who would like to teach English but do not yet have a teaching position. Learning Teaching, Uncovering Grammar and Teaching Practice are ideal preparation for this exam.
9780230723221 Uncovering EAP 26,15
for further information: www.cambridgeEsol.it
Blended Learning provides a parctical overview of the technology currently available. It combines basic information for the technological novice with sophisticated ideas for using technology in the classroom. 9780230020832 Blended Learning 26,15
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Uncovering Grammar SCOTT THORNBURY
Uncovering Grammar challenges the traditional view of grammar as a thing to be learned, suggesting it is more like as process that emerges. It shows how to create the right conditions for students to uncover grammar. 9781405080064 Uncovering Grammar
An A-Z of ELT
Discover English
Who is An A-Z of ELT for? • Trainee teachers for whom the terminology and concepts may be new • Teachers who want to refresh or clarify their knowledge, and to find out more about the history of teaching methodology. • Teacher-trainers who want to give clear definitions of terms and concepts
An A-Z of ELT
Discover English focuses on a key skill for language teachers: language analysis.
Discover English
A Guide for Teachers in Training
700 Classroom Activities
Teaching Practice
Beyond the Sentence
Introducing Discourse Analysis In this witty and incisive book, Scott Thornbury takes discourse apart to show how it is organized and how it aids communication.
is an essential reference book for EFL teachers and trainers on pre-service courses. It is consistent with Cambridge ESOL’s guidelines for CELTA.
This book provides a huge instant repertoire of teaching ideas – including both classroom classics that all ELT teachers come to know and love and fresh, new activities – from elementary level to upper intermediate. 9781405080019700 Classroom Activities 26,15
9781405080040 9781405064071 Beyond the Sentence
Teaching Practice
Teaching Practice
Sound Foundations English Pronunciation
500 Activities for the primary classroom Carol
Children Learning English
Sound Foundations is an ideal introduction to the
English phonological system and an invaluable resource, whether you teach full pronunciation courses or you’d simply like to improve the quality of your work on pronunciation as it comes up in the classroom.
There is something special about teaching children. Jayne Moon’s academic rigour and classroom experience inform every page of this book – but what shines through is a sense of the privilege it is to participate in someone’s learning at this age in their lives. This is a practical handbook with lots of teaching suggestions – but it is also a source of inspiration.
In this second edition, an Audio CD has been added which contains clearly recorded examples of the sounds described in the book.
9781405080026 Children Learning English 9781405064101
SF (with Audio CD)
Every primary teacher and teacher trainer will want to have a copy of this book! 500 Activities for the primary classroom gives the teachers the right suggestions and ideas to be used in class every day. Aimed at teachers of children between the ages of 3 and 12, this is a lively, varied compendium of ideas and classroom activities.
9781405099073 500 Activities
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B2 - C2
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2nd edition!
The second edition of the Macmillan English Dictionary includes all the features that won it several prestigious awards – and much more. The most frequently used 7,500 words in English – the ideal vocabulary size for an advanced learner – are printed in red, graded with stars, and explained with extra detail about how you should use them. The Macmillan English Dictionary is specially designed to help you to: understand language: find the meaning of words you read and hear - menus take you straight to the right meaning - subject-specific vocabulary, World English and encyclopaedic entries - clear definitions using the most common words use language: write and speak with confidence - more information about the most frequent 7,500 words which are printed in red - collocation boxes - vocabulary-building sections be aware of language: become a better learner by understanding how English works - metaphor boxes - usage notes on style, grammar and varieties of English - Language Awareness pages on idioms, discourse, cultural values, word formation and more This second edition includes: • hundreds of new words (satnav, greenwash, companion animal, adspend, crystal meth, cyberlaw, geoeconomics) • many more collocations, synonyms and antonyms • extra clearly labelled subject-specific vocabulary (equity capital, faultline, heritage language, link rot, culture medium, data compression)
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The Macmillan English Dictionary is available online, and is FREE to anyone who has bought any edition of the Macmillan English Dictionary. • Listen to the pronunciation of every word • If you can’t find the word, the Spellchecker facility will suggest alternative spellings • Double-click on any word in the definition to see the appropriate dictionary entry To access the Macmillan English Dictionary Online, go to www.macmillandictionaries.com/online
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MULTIMEDIA 43 DICTIONARIES 43 GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY 43 The Improve your writing skills section in the centre of the dictionary gives you advice on writing in 18 areas that often cause difficulties. These pages deal with vocabulary and grammar problems, present graphs comparing the use of a particular word or phrase by native speakers and learners, and develop the skills you need to write effectively in different professional and academic contexts.
The Expand your vocabulary section in the centre of the dictionary – on the themes of movement, communication and emotions – helps you to choose the right word at the right time, and to use it correctly and idiomatically.
Macmillan English Dictionary CD-ROM The CD-ROM contains everything in the dictionary and even more! •British and American sound recordings of every word •Recording facility for pronunciation practice •QuickView: point your mouse at a word in a document, e-mail or web page for an instant definition and spellchecker •Create your own Wordlists to revise, improve and extend your vocabulary • thesaurus function for every sense of every word • interactive exercises for self-study writing practice • web links to connect you instantly to relevant Internet resources • customisable view – display as much information as you want and add your own notes Network Edition: All this is also available in a flexible Network Edition, suitable whatever the size of the institution.
See also
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