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NEW for 2009!
page 5
page 4
Climate Change upper primary– lower secondary
3 new Macmillan World Library volumes upper primary–lower secondary
page 14
page 11
India: Land, Life and Culture upper primary– lower secondary
Significant People in Australia's History upper primary– lower secondary
page 22
Forensic Investigations upper primary– lower secondary
page 23
The A–Z of Scientific Discoveries upper primary– lower secondary
Barrington Stoke
pages 30
page 6
page 15
We Are Australian middle–upper primary
Ancient and Medieval People middle–upper primary
page 25
Weather and Climate middle–upper primary
First Peoples middle–upper primary
Global Issues upper primary– lower secondary
Australia's Top Mineral Resources upper primary– lower secondary
page 14
page 10
page 7
page 16
Reconciliation in Australia upper primary– lower secondary
page 9
Energy Choices lower primary
page 21
Animal Attack and Defence middle–upper primary
page 20
Australian Animals lower primary
page 24
Recycling lower primary
pages 33–44
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Geography and Environment
Countries and Cultures
Indigenous Australia
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THEME LIST Animals Animal Attack and Defence NEW Antarctica – Ecosystems China: Land, Life and Culture – Wildlife Earth’s Cycles – The Animal Life Cycle Extreme Jobs – Zoo Keepers Forensic Investigations – Nature Tells NEW Global Issues – Protecting Natural Habitats NEW India: Land, Life and Culture – The Animals NEW Indonesia: Land, Life and Culture – Wildlife Macmillan World Library: Threats to Plants and Animals Macmillan Young Library Australian Animals NEW Emergency Services – Animal Rescue Farm Animals Wonders of the Sea Zoo Animals Protecting Australia’s Wildlife The Arts China: Land, Life and Culture – Arts and Culture Indonesia: Land, Life and Culture – The Arts India: Land, Life and Culture – Arts and Culture NEW Macmillan World Library: Arts and Crafts of Indigenous Australia NEW Reconciliation in Australia – Reconciliation in The Arts NEW Robots and Robotics – Film and Fiction Robots We Are Australian – Storytellers, Artists and Legends NEW
21 7 11 5 19 22 7 11 11 4 20 18 20 24 20 21
11 11 11 4 16 29 14
Asian Studies Ancient and Medieval People – The Japanese Samurai NEW 15 China: Land, Life and Culture 11 Continents – Asia 7 Famous Places of the World – Asia 8 First Peoples – of Asia NEW 10 Global Hot Spots – The Indian Subcontinent 10 India: Land, Life and Culture NEW 11 Indonesia: Land, Life and Culture 11 Our Neighbours 8 Macmillan World Library: Continents NEW 4 Australian History Civic Issues – Federation The Gold Rushes First Peoples – of Oceania NEW Significant People in Australia's History NEW We Are Australian NEW
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Australian Cities/States Macmillan Young Library Celebrations and Festivals – State and National Festivals 9 Significant People in Australia's History NEW 14 We are Australian – People and Places NEW 14 Civics & Citizenship Australia’s Heritage and Identity Civic Issues Law and Order Macmillan World Library: Global Citizenship NEW
12 17 17 4
Significant People in Australia's History NEW Understanding Australia’s Government We Are Australian – National Builders NEW
14 17 14
Countries (see also Asian Studies) Antarctica China: Land, Life and Culture Continents First Peoples NEW Global Hot Spots India: Land, Life and Culture NEW Indonesia: Land, Life and Culture The Macmillan Illustrated Encyclopedia Second edition Macmillan World Library: Continents NEW Our Neighbours
7 11 7 10 10 11 11 5 4 8
Cultural Studies Ancient and Medieval People NEW 15 China: Land, Life and Culture 11 Civic Issues – Immigration 17 Continents 7 Famous Places of the World 8 First Peoples NEW 10 Global Hot Spots 10 India: Land, Life and Culture NEW 11 Indonesia: Land, Life and Culture 11 Life in Indigenous Australian Communities 16 Macmillan World Library: Global Citizenship NEW 4 Macmillan Young Library Celebrations and Festivals – State and National Festivals 9 Homes Around the World 9 Multicultural Australia 13 Our Neighbours 8 Reconcilation in Australia NEW 16 Significant People in Australia's History NEW 14 We Are Australian NEW 14 World Religions 12 Environment Antarctica Australia's Top Mineral Resources NEW Climate Change NEW Environmental Footprints Global Issues 6 NEW titles Natural Disasters Macmillan World Library Future Energy Global Citizenship NEW Our World Our Future Recycle, Reduce, Reuse, Rethink Threats to Plants and Animals Macmillan Young Library Energy Choices NEW Recycling NEW The Seasons Protecting Australia’s Wildlife A Water Report Weather and Climate NEW Geography Antarctica – The Frozen Continent China: Land, Life and Culture – Land and Climate
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Climate Change NEW Continents Famous Places of the World India: Land, Life and Culture – Land and Climate NEW Indonesia: Land, Life and Culture – Land and Climate Macmillan World Library: Continents NEW
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Geology Australia's Top Mineral Resources NEW Earth’s Cycles – The Rock Cycle Extreme Jobs – Miners and Drillers Famous Places of the World Global Issues – Natural Resources Macmillan Young Library Energy Choices – Fossil Fuels NEW Natural Disasters
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9 17 8 10 16 4 23 16 16 14 14
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5 22
upper primary – lower secondary
Exceptional value!
Michael and Jane Pelusey
Understanding global citizenship empowers students, showing them how they too can improve global environments and the well-being of others. This volume focuses on the roles, rights, responsibilities and relationships of citizens living in a global world. Contents
Adopting a geographical approach, this fascinating volume provides comprehensive information on the physical features, climate, plants and animals, history, regions and people, and the environmental and economical sustainability of each continent. Contents
Protecting global environments Respecting cultural differences Understanding human rights Improving the quq ality of life Valuing world heritage Making global connections
Africa Asia Europe South America
$31.95 each approx. (Due March) Set Pack 978 1 4202 2129 9 $127.80 approx. Digital Book Set 978 1 4202 7426 4 $108.55 approx.
Also available: Thinking Themes: Climate Change TRB (pg 37) Macmillan Wall Charts: Climate Change (pg 41)
Antarctica Australia North America
(Due March) (168 pages)
(Due April)
(206 pages)
Arts and Crafts of Indigenous Australia
Future Energy Julie Richards Future Energy explores alternative energy sources and the advantages and disadvantages of each. Discover how each type of energy is collected, stored, converted into power and used. Contents
Linda Bruce and John Hilvert-Bruce Arts and crafts are vital in keeping strong the traditions, stories and culture of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. This stunning resource looks at how Indigenous artists tell their special stories. Contents
Earth’s Cycles
Cheryl Jakab
A look at how Earth’s six main cycles help maintain the balance of nature The books focus on how living and non-living things depend on each other, and on the ways that humans sometimes impact on this interdependence, upsetting nature’s balance.
Painting Sculpture Weaving Ceremonial Art
(168 pages)
The Animal Life Cycle The Food Cycle The Plant Life Cycle The Rock Cycle The Seasons Cycle The Water Cycle
978 1 4202 0527 5 978 1 4202 0525 1 978 1 4202 0526 8 978 1 4202 0524 4 978 1 4202 0528 2 978 1 4202 0523 7
$31.95 each Set Pack 978 1 4202 2287 6 $191.70
978 1 4202 6950 5
978 1 4202 6103 5
middle – upper primary
Solar power Wind power Nuclear power Water power Fossil fuels Geothermal energy and bio-energy
$45.00 approx. (112 pages)
Our World Our Future
Recycle, Reduce, Reuse, Rethink
Threats to Plants and Animals
Sharon Dalgleish
Kate Walker
Kimberley Jane Pryor
Explores the steps we can take to protect our world so that natural replenishment occurs in the future.
Examines different ways to solve the problems of conserving resources, reducing pollution and waste, and protecting the environment.
An informative study of the risks to plants and animals caused by humans.
Habitat destruction Habitat fragmentation Introduced species Overharvesting Pollution Sustainable development
Contents Saving water Cleaning the air Managing the land Renewing energy Protecting forests Caring for wildlife
mac029_Humanities_2.indd 1-2
The books investigate the effects of climate change on the world’s four major climate zones. Case studies allow students to explore these impacts on a more practical level.
978 1 4202 6748 8 978 1 4202 6749 5 978 1 4202 6750 1 978 1 4202 6751 8
$49.95 approx.
$49.95 approx.
This important series shows students how climate change is affecting both the natural and the human worlds.
Climate Change: in the Arctic in the Antarctic in the Tropics in Temperate Zones
978 1 4202 6949 9
978 1 4202 6951 2
Across the world, weather patterns are changing as temperatures rise at a rate faster than ever before.
Susan Watson
978 1 4202 6105 9
Digital Book Set
Stuart Baker
Updated and revised titles in ‘bumper’ volumes Global Citizenship
Climate Change
upper primary – lower secondary
Glass Aluminium Household waste Paper Plastics Steel (176 pages)
978 1 4202 6102 8
(176 pages)
978 1 4202 6104 2
The Macmillan Illustrated Encyclopedia Second Edition
June Loves
lower – middle primary
An essential resource for all school libraries
(168 pages)
Features include: • cross-referencing and links to curriculum topics • content arranged to match the curriculum • eye-catching photos and illustrations 978 0 7329 9788 5 • easy-to-use index volume. $375.00 Also available: Thinking Themes: Using Encyclopedias TRB (pg 39)
(While stocks last)
Macmillan Phone 1300 135 113
10-Volume Boxed Set
Fax 1300 135 103
5 10/12/08 10:15:19 AM
Australia’s Top Mineral Resources Michael and Jane Pelusey
Australia’s Top Mineral Resources presents information about the minerals important to Australia’s economy. It provides: • timelines showing the history of mining in Australia • flowcharts explaining the mining process from ground to product • interviews with industry workers providing vocational information. A focus on the impact on people and the environment generates thought and discussion about the future of the industry.
Digital Book Set
978 1 4202 6607 8 978 1 4202 6604 7 978 1 4202 6603 0 978 1 4202 6606 1 978 1 4202 6608 5 978 1 4202 6605 4
Digital Book Set 978 1 4202 7424 0 $162.95 approx.
New titles Global Warming Protecting Natural Environments Renewable Energy Sustainable Cities Toxic Waste Water Supplies
978 1 4202 6737 2 978 1 4202 6736 5 978 1 4202 6740 2 978 1 4202 6739 6 978 1 4202 6735 8 978 1 4202 6738 9
$31.95 each approx. Set Pack 978 1 4202 7098 3 $191.70 approx. Digital Book Set 978 1 4202 7419 6 $162.95 approx.
Existing titles Biodiversity Clean Air and Water Climate Change Energy Use Natural Resources Overpopulation
978 1 4202 0542 8 978 1 4202 0543 5 978 1 4202 0544 2 978 1 4202 0545 9 978 1 4202 0546 6 978 1 4202 0547 3
middle – upper primary
$31.95 each Set Pack 978 1 4202 2288 3 $191.70
Paul Mason
This important series uses environmental footprints to explore ecological sustainability in a child-friendly way. Each book provides simple examples of how everydayresource use results in ‘heavy’ or ‘light’ environmental footprints. They present information and case studies that allow young students to consider the impact they have on the environment in their daily lives. Environmental Footprints looks at how we can change our ‘footsteps’ and leave a light ‘footprint’ for future sustainability.
How big is your clothing footprint? How big is your energy footprint? How big is your food footprint? How big is your shopping footprint? How big is your travel footprint? How big is your water footprint?
978 1 4202 6152 3 978 1 4202 6150 9 978 1 4202 6149 3 978 1 4202 6153 0 978 1 4202 6151 6 978 1 4202 6148 6
middle – upper primary
Greg Reid
Ecosystems Exploration Human Impacts The Frozen Continent
$31.95 each Set Pack 978 1 4202 2327 9 $191.70
Also available: Thinking Themes: Environmental Footprints TRB (pg 39)
978 0 7329 9723 6 978 0 7329 9722 9 978 0 7329 9725 0 978 0 7329 9724 3
$31.95 each
Also available: Thinking Themes: Antarctica TRB (pg 39)
Africa Antarctica Asia Australia
A pertinent series covering the issues of ecological sustainability facing Antarctica
mac029_Humanities_2.indd 3-4
Issues covered include: • extinction of some large mammals • declining ice cover • high energy demand • over consumption • environmental refugees • toxic chemicals • unplanned population growth • decreasing water supplies.
upper primary – lower secondary
Digital Book Set
Global Issues offers important insights into some of the major environmental issues of our time. Each book explores five issues relating to the featured topic. Each issue outlines the problem and offers solutions for a sustainable future.
$31.95 each approx. (Due April) Set Pack 978 1 4202 2131 2 $191.70 approx.
Environmental Footprints
Cheryl Jakab
‘This excellent series examines the causes of environmental problems and offers realistic solutions for a sustainable future’ SCAN, November 2007
Bauxite Coal Gold Iron Nickel Oil and Gas
Global Issues
Australia is one of the world's richest countries for mineral resources, with thousands of jobs and much of our national wealth coming from minerals manufactured into products or exported for use in other countries.
upper primary – lower secondary
middle – upper primary
Michael and Jane Pelusey 978 0 7329 9168 5 978 0 7329 9174 6 978 0 7329 9169 2 978 0 7329 9170 8
Europe North America South America
978 0 7329 9171 5 978 0 7329 9172 2 978 0 7329 9173 9
$31.95 each
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7 10/12/08 10:16:06 AM
middle – upper primary
A Water Report Michael and Jane Pelusey
This compelling series examines how we can preserve our most precious resource. It presents vital information on:
Natural Water Recycled Water Water Conservation Water Quality Water Supply Water Use
978 1 4202 0308 0 978 1 4202 0313 4 978 1 4202 0310 3 978 1 4202 0311 0 978 1 4202 0309 7 978 1 4202 0312 7
$31.95 each
middle – upper primary
Famous Places of the World Helen Bateman, Jayne Denshire
Africa Asia Australia Europe North America South America
978 1 4202 0437 7 978 1 4202 0438 4 978 1 4202 0439 1 978 1 4202 0440 7 978 1 4202 0441 4 978 1 4202 0442 1
$31.95 each
middle – upper primary
Michael and Jane Pelusey Paperback edition Cambodia,Vietnam and Laos Indonesia Japan Papua New Guinea, The Philippines and East Timor Singapore, Malaysia and Brunei Thailand and Myanmar $17.95 each
mac029_Humanities_2.indd 5-6
• • •
how the energy is collected, stored and used the differences between renewable, non-renewable and sustainable energy how we can use less energy to reduce damage to the environment.
Biofuels Fossil Fuels Nuclear Energy Solar Energy Water Energy Wind Energy
978 1 4202 6720 4 978 1 4202 6722 8 978 1 4202 6721 1 978 1 4202 6717 4 978 1 4202 6718 1 978 1 4202 6719 8
$22.95 each approx. (Due March) Set Pack 978 1 4202 2246 3 $137.70 approx. Digital Book Set 978 1 4202 7421 9 $116.95 approx.
Homes Around the World
lower primary
978 1 4202 6112 7 978 1 4202 6113 4 978 1 4202 6114 1 978 1 4202 6115 8 978 1 4202 6116 5 978 1 4202 6117 2
Set Pack 978 1 4202 2320 0 $107.70
While homes around the world differ to suit the environments they are built in, they all provide humans with shelter. Each book examines five different types of homes and shows how they all meet human needs, regardless of materials or structure.
Cave and Underground Homes City and Country Homes Mud, Grass and Ice Homes Palaces, Mansions and Castles Portable Homes River and Sea Homes
978 1 4202 0560 2 978 1 4202 0565 7 978 1 4202 0561 9 978 1 4202 0562 6 978 1 4202 0563 3 978 1 4202 0564 0
Students will discover amazing facts about each place and learn about what makes them famous. Breathtaking photos bring these extraordinary places to life.
As we think about the future, we need to make choices about the energy that we use. Energy Choices introduces young students to different types of energy and explains:
Debbie Gallagher
Natural and built wonders from six of the continents are explored in this awe-inspiring series.
Explore the countries, people and cultures of the Asia-Pacific region
How much energy do we use?
lower primary
Digital Book Set
the different ways we use water ways to manage our limited water supply what affects the supply of good quality water ways we can recycle water.
Our Neighbours
Julie Richards
Water is essential for life and its conservation is a fundamental concern for us all.
• • • •
Energy Choices
$22.95 each Set Pack 978 1 4202 2289 0 $137.70
Celebrations and Festivals
lower primary
Linda Bruce, John Hilvert, Zita Hilvert-Bruce Country Festivals Family Celebrations Indigenous Australian Festivals New Year Celebrations
978 1 4202 0357 8 978 1 4202 0356 1 978 1 4202 0358 5 978 1 4202 0353 0
Religious Celebrations 978 1 4202 0354 7 State and National Festivals 978 1 4202 0355 4
$22.95 each
Also available: Thinking Themes: Celebrations and Festivals TRB (pg 39)
Macmillan Phone 1300 135 113
Fax 1300 135 103
9 10/12/08 10:16:46 AM
First Peoples Trisha Sertori
Eighteen groups of first people from six different regions are explored. First-hand accounts from elders and extracts from the UN Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples help build students’ understanding of how first people live and how their lifestyles are changing.
Digital Book Set available
India: Land, Life and Culture Rosemary Sachdev
First Peoples of Africa 978 1 4202 6801 0 First Peoples of Asia 978 1 4202 6800 3 978 1 4202 6797 6 First Peoples of the Arctic First Peoples of the Americas 978 1 4202 6798 3 978 1 4202 6802 7 First Peoples of Europe 978 1 4202 6799 0 First Peoples of Oceania $31.95 each approx. (Due May) Set Pack 978 1 4202 2141 1 $191.70 approx.
An authentic insight into life in one of the most fascinating countries on Earth – India. This colourful new series explores the daily lives, cultures, traditions and beliefs of the Indian people. First-hand personal accounts and viewpoints along with vibrant photographs bring the books to life.
upper primary – lower secondary
Digital Book Set available
The Animals Arts and Culture History and Government Land and Climate The People Plants and Agriculture
978 1 4202 6716 7 978 1 4202 6714 3 978 1 4202 6711 2 978 1 4202 6715 0 978 1 4202 6712 9 978 1 4202 6713 6
This intriguing series introduces first peoples from around the world, who have developed their own culture, traditions, laws and ways of life over thousands of years.
middle – upper primary
$31.95 each approx. (Due May) Set Pack 978 1 4202 2139 8 $191.70 approx. Digital Book Set 978 1 4202 7429 5 $162.95 approx.
Digital Book Set 978 1 4202 7430 1 $162.95 approx.
upper primary – lower secondary
China: Land, Life and Culture John and Jackie Tidey upper primary – lower secondary
Global Hot Spots An informed, objective review of some of the world’s major conflict zones Global Hotspots fills in the facts behind the headlines, building students’ understanding of the historical context of the events they see on TV. It provides accounts of real-life experiences and explores ‘how history was made’ in these conflict zones.
Afghanistan The Indian Subcontinent Iran Iraq Israel and Palestine Sudan
978 1 4202 6475 3 978 1 4202 6479 1 978 1 4202 6477 7 978 1 4202 6476 0 978 1 4202 6474 6 978 1 4202 6478 4
Students learn about the daily life, traditions and beliefs of China's diverse peoples, and about China’s history, its varied landscapes, its native plants and animals through first-hand personal accounts.
Arts and Culture History and Government Land and Climate People and Cities Plants Wildlife
978 1 4202 2458 0 978 1 4202 2459 7 978 1 4202 2460 3 978 1 4202 2461 0 978 1 4202 2462 7 978 1 4202 2463 4
Paul Mason, David Downing, Geoff Barker
A fascinating insight into life in China
$31.95 each Set Pack 978 1 4202 2303 3 $191.70
$31.95 each Set Pack 978 1 4202 2330 9 $191.70
Graphically, the books are bold and news-like, with short paragraphs making them accessible to all students. Features include: • quotes from participants and observers • statistical information • hotspot briefings providing interesting background facts.
Indonesia: Land, Life and Culture Trisha Sertori
‘... an important series for Australian schools’ 2007 Book Awards for Educational Publishing
Indonesia offers a captivating first-hand account of life in one of Australia’s most important neighbours.
10 mac029_Humanities_2.indd 7-8
The Arts History and Government The Islands The People Plants Wildlife
upper primary – lower secondary
978 1 4202 0506 0 978 1 4202 0501 5 978 1 4202 0505 3 978 1 4202 0502 2 978 1 4202 0504 6 978 1 4202 0503 9
$31.95 each
Macmillan Phone 1300 135 113
Fax 135 103 Set Pack 1300 978 1 4202 2290 6 $191.70
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11 10/12/08 10:17:55 AM
upper primary – lower secondary
Australia’s Heritage and Identity A topical series exploring the places and things important to our heritage as Australians
Australian society is made up of many different cultural groups. Together they make our lives rich and interesting, and contribute to Australia’s cultural identity.
The series: • covers places of significance that meet criteria set by statutory bodies • develops an awareness of significant places and people at a local level, giving readers a sense of where they belong • presents ‘heritage and identity’ on a personal/familial level, giving readers a sense of who they are.
978 1 4202 6405 0 978 1 4202 6407 4 978 1 4202 6408 1 978 1 4202 6406 7
The series aims to build respect for people of all cultural backgrounds by developing students’ understanding of cultural differences.
$31.95 each Set Pack 978 1 4202 2328 6 $127.80
upper primary – lower secondary
Katy Gerner
$31.95 each Set Pack 978 1 4202 2291 3 $191.70
upper primary – lower secondary
Smart Young Consumers Garry Chapman, Gary Hodges
World Religions focuses on how the six main religions are practised throughout the world today. The books look at how a person’s faith can affect what they wear, eat and drink, and their views on how they should behave and treat others. Students also learn about the leaders, rules, rituals and ceremonies of each religion, including follower worship practices and beliefs about life after death.
Buddhism Catholicism Hinduism Islam Judaism Protestantism
978 1 4202 2464 1 978 1 4202 2465 8 978 1 4202 2466 5 978 1 4202 2467 2 978 1 4202 2468 9 978 1 4202 2469 6
$31.95 each Set Pack 978 1 4202 2325 5 $191.70
This impressive series teaches students about ‘smart’ use and management of money in a safe environment. The books alert students to the power of advertising and promotion, and inform them about the needs, wants, and the role of consumers in the economy. • •
They consider factors affecting spending and why it is important to be an informed consumer. They teach the importance of personal money management and the role of banking, budgeting and saving.
Macmillan Phone 1300 135 113
Consumer Choices Consumer Rights and Responsibilities Getting a Job Managing Money
What beliefs do different people have about god, prayer and worship? How do these beliefs affect their everyday lives?
mac029_Humanities_2.indd 9-10
978 1 4202 0895 5 978 1 4202 0891 7 978 1 4202 0894 8 978 1 4202 0890 0 978 1 4202 0893 1 978 1 4202 0892 4
Each book tells us about the background of a cultural group, what life was like on their arrival and how they have adapted and contributed to Australian society.
World Religions
The Chinese in Australia The English in Australia The Greeks in Australia The Italians in Australia The Lebanese in Australia The Vietnamese in Australia
Garry Chapman
The focus is on understanding what ‘heritage’ means in world, national, local and familial contexts, and developing a sense of personal identity within each of these contexts.
Multicultural Australia
Michael and Jane Pelusey
Family Heritage Local Heritage National Heritage World Heritage
upper primary – lower secondary
978 1 4202 6480 7 978 1 4202 6483 8 978 1 4202 6481 4 978 1 4202 6482 1
$31.95 each Set Pack 978 1 4202 2331 6 $127.80
Fax 1300 135 103
13 10/12/08 10:18:47 AM
Significant People in Australia’s History
upper primary – lower secondary
Rees Barrett
This powerful series profiles the lives and times, incredible battles and daring feats of ancient and medieval warriors.
Periods covered: Through biographies of some of our most significant people, students learn the fascinating story of Australia. • Indigenous Australia
Early sea exploration Early settlements Colonial life New nation Boom times and the Great Depression World War II and post-war recovery Building modern Australia Australia, a global nation
Students will meet some of the most fearsome warriors, raiders and heroes in history. Information and imagery about the warriors’ societies, mythology and codes of honour will engage and fascinate all readers. Special features include warrior profiles, timelines of key historical events, and explanations of foreign or ancient words.
The Roman Gladiators The Medieval Knights The Scandinavian Vikings The Japanese Samurai The Spartan Hoplites The Pharaohs' Armies
978 1 4202 6785 3 978 1 4202 6786 0 978 1 4202 6787 7 978 1 4202 6788 4 978 1 4202 6789 1 978 1 4202 6790 7
• • • • • Each volume features biographies of people from a period in our history, with introductory information about the period. Biographical • entries include a timeline of the person’s life and achievements and • • events that influenced their lives. This multi-volume set profiles people in our history who brought about important events or changes to Australian society through their knowledge, actions or achievements.
Digital Book Set
Louise Park and Timothy Love
9-Volume Set
with FREE Digital Set
middle – upper primary
Ancient and Medieval People
$31.95 each approx. (Due June) Set Pack 978 1 4202 2143 5 $191.70 approx. Digital Book Set 978 1 4202 7428 8 $162.95 approx.
978 1 4202 6615 3 $325.00 approx. (Due April)
Free Digital Set
Each purchase includes a free CD containing a digital version of each volume, valued at over $275.00
Wendy Graham
Australia is a nation made up of many cultures, people and beliefs. One thing binds us all together – we are all Australian. This essential series traces Australia’s history and identity through the people, places and events that have shaped our nation. It explores the unique spirit and character of Australia’s people, from the First Australians through to recent arrivals who now call Australia home. Special features include first-hand accounts and stories from a diverse range of people.
Digital Book Set
middle – upper primary
The First Australians Settlers and Explorers Nation Builders Storytellers, Artists and Legends People and Places Multicultural Australians
The Gold Rushes brings history to life while providing students with the information they need to research the topic effectively.
Ann Parry The Discovery of Gold Everyday Life on the Goldfields Gold Rush Journeys Riots, Robberies and Rebellions
978 1 4202 0513 8 978 1 4202 0514 5 978 1 4202 0515 2 978 1 4202 0516 9
We Are Australian
The Gold Rushes
upper primary – lower secondary
$31.95 each Set Pack 978 1 4202 2292 0 $127.80
978 1 4202 6584 2 978 1 4202 6585 9 978 1 4202 6586 6 978 1 4202 6587 3 978 1 4202 6588 0 978 1 4202 6589 7
Also available: Thinking Themes: The Gold Rushes TRB (pg 39)
$31.95 each approx. (Due April) Set Pack 978 1 4202 2133 6 $191.70 approx. Digital Book Set 978 1 4202 7425 7 $162.95 approx. middle – upper primary
Marvels and Mysteries Paul Mason A fascinating series about the weird, the marvellous and the unexplained Lost Treasure Monsters Mummies Mysterious Monuments Pirates UFOs and Crop Circles
978 0 7329 9694 9 978 0 7329 9699 4 978 0 7329 9695 6 978 0 7329 9696 3 978 0 7329 9697 0 978 0 7329 9698 7
Titanic Jim Pipe
upper primary– lower secondary
A journalist narrator tells the story of the famous maiden voyage in this glamorous, richly illustrated book. 978 1 8404 4250 2 $35.00
$31.95 each
14 mac029_Humanities_2.indd 11-12
Macmillan Phone 1300 135 113
Fax 1300 135 103
15 10/12/08 10:19:29 AM
Reconciliation in Australia Reconciliation Australia
An Indigenous and a non-Indigenous Australian, with special associations to the topic, present each book.
The Reconciliation Journey Reconciliation in The Arts Reconciliation in Environment and Health Reconciliation in Society Reconciliation in Sport Reconciliation in Schools
978 1 4202 6729 7 978 1 4202 6731 0 978 1 4202 6733 4 978 1 4202 6732 7 978 1 4202 6730 3 978 1 4202 6734 1
$31.95 each approx. (Due June) Set Pack 978 1 4202 2137 4 $191.70 approx.
Special features include:
Law and Order
Digital Book Set 978 1 4202 7422 6 $162.95 approx.
Reconciliation Action Plans (RAPs) Ideas and activities for students Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Quotes from people in the field.
Who has the powers to make and change laws in Australia? What happens to people who break the law?
Corrective Services Law Enforcement Agencies Legal People and Processes The Legal System Protective Services The Parliamentary System
This informative series explains to students how Australia is governed and the people and processes involved in keeping law and order. It investigates the questions above and others, including:
978 1 4202 1224 2 978 1 4202 1223 5 978 1 4202 1887 9 978 1 4202 1221 1 978 1 4202 1225 9 978 1 4202 1220 4
This poignant series captures ‘reconciliation in action’ in the arts, sport, schools, society, environment and health. Examples of events, people, organisations and activities around Australia illustrate how reconciliation can be achieved.
upper primary – lower secondary
Leela Burnscott
Digital Book Set
An essential series for 2009 – the International Year of Reconciliation.
• • • •
upper primary – lower secondary
$31.95 each Set Pack 978 1 4202 2301 9 $191.70
• Which organisations protect Australia’s borders from illegal immigration and terrorism? • Who enforces the law in Australia?
in The Arts
in Society
in Sport
in Schools
middle – upper primary
A first-hand account of life in four Indigenous Australian communities Students are introduced to the daily life and culture of a small sample of the diverse community groups that make up Aboriginal societies today.
Focus On: Indigenous Art MACMILLAN
Across the Curriculum TRBs
Dellene Strong
Teacher Resource Books Ages 5–8 | Ages 8–10 | Ages 10+
all primary
Gawa Haasts Bluff Nguiu Warmun
978 1 4202 0326 4 978 1 4202 0327 1 978 1 4202 0329 5 978 1 4202 0328 8
$31.95 each
Macquarie Atlas of Indigenous Australia 'By promoting understanding, it is a publication which also promotes reconciliation' Jackie Huggins, Co-chair, Reconciliation Australia
$42.95 each (see page 41 for more information)
16 mac029_Humanities_2.indd 13-14
978 1 8764 2935 5 $80.00
Civic Issues Ann Parry, Terry Hastings
TRB Conscription Conservation Federation Immigration Indigenous Australians The Republic
Issues in civics and citizenship now constitute fundamental learning for every student. This award-winning series carefully balances presenting information, with challenging students to critically examine issues and formulate their own opinions.
$31.95 each
Each book contains three case studies that show students how becoming involved in civic issues can help influence decision-making. They also demonstrate how democratic rights have matching responsibilities.
upper primary – lower secondary
978 0 7329 9801 1 978 0 7329 9802 8 978 0 7329 9803 5 978 0 7329 9804 2 978 0 7329 9800 4 978 0 7329 9805 9
Also available: Thinking Themes: Civic Issues TRB (pg 39)
Understanding Australia’s Government Linda Bruce, John Hilvert
Life in Indigenous Australian Michael and Jane Pelusey,Trisha Sertori, Communities Linda Bruce and Marilyn Huddleston, Chris Wilson
upper primary – lower secondary
upper primary – lower secondary
Federal Government 978 0 7329 9749 6 Local Government 978 0 7329 9751 9 $31.95 each (While stocks last)
Macmillan Phone 1300 135 113
Fax 1300 135 103
17 10/12/08 10:19:59 AM
lower primary
Debbie Gallagher
Young students can compare how different families all around the world live in this colourful series.
Each book looks at: • where a business is located • what a business sells • shopping (personal, online, phone) • shop workers.
Bread Cheese Chocolate Honey Pasta and Noodles Sausage
lower primary
978 0 7329 9992 6 978 0 7329 9991 9 978 0 7329 9993 3 978 0 7329 9994 0 978 0 7329 9995 7 978 0 7329 9996 4
$16.95 each Set Pack 978 1 4202 2302 6
Humanitarian Organisations An in-depth look at well-known humanitarian organisations around the world and how they strive to help those in need.
$22.95 each
978 1 4202 6122 6 978 1 4202 6123 3 978 1 4202 6118 9 978 1 4202 6119 6 978 1 4202 6120 2 978 1 4202 6121 9
Ann Parry
Amnesty International Australian Volunteers International Doctors Without Borders Greenpeace Red Cross Save the Children
upper primary – lower secondary
Department Stores Markets Newsagencies Service Stations Shopping Centres Supermarkets
Paperback edition
The main areas of focus are: • the history of the food • different kinds of food eaten around the world • large- and small-scale food production in factories • the production process (flowcharts).
‘This most useful series (is) an excellent resource for young students’ SCAN, 2006
Going shopping and ‘playing shops’ is a favourite pastime of young kids. This practical series shows them where and how people buy goods and services.
Carol Jones
They will find out about: • people that make up a family • roles and responsibilities of family members • different ways families celebrate Also available: • different ways spaces or rooms in a home are used Thinking Themes: Families TRB (pg 39) • different ways families eat their meals • how a family’s history and traditions are told through its stories.
June Loves
From Farm to You In a society where city life and supermarkets can cloud young peoples’ views of where the food we eat comes from, this series explains how food is processed from farm to consumer.
Family Celebrations 978 1 4202 6107 3 Family Homes 978 1 4202 6110 3 Family Meals 978 1 4202 6111 0 Family Members 978 1 4202 6106 6 Family Responsibilities 978 1 4202 6108 0 978 1 4202 6109 7 Family Stories $22.95 each Set Pack 978 1 4202 2324 8 $137.70
Shops and Markets
middle – upper primary
978 0 7329 9737 3 978 0 7329 9741 0 978 0 7329 9738 0 978 0 7329 9739 7 978 0 7329 9740 3 978 0 7329 9742 7
$31.95 each (While stocks last)
A simple flowchart teaches students the process of how items get from their source to the shop or market.
Emergency Services Animal Rescue Fire Police
18 mac029_Humanities_2.indd 15-16
978 0 7329 9290 3 978 0 7329 9285 9 978 0 7329 9286 6
Michael and Jane Pelusey Sea Rescue Surf Lifesaving
978 0 7329 9289 7 978 0 7329 9288 0
lower primary
Extreme Jobs
middle – upper primary
Tony Hyland
This compelling series explores dangerous, high-risk jobs and profiles the courageous people that do them.
$31.95 each (While stocks last)
Macmillan Phone 1300 135 113
Fax 1300 135 103
High-rise Workers Stunt Performers
978 0 7329 9811 0 978 0 7329 9813 4
$22.95 each
19 10/12/08 10:20:38 AM
Australian Animals Debbie Gallagher
Digital Book Set
An engaging introduction to some unique Australian wildlife
what they look like where they live the food they eat their life cycles threats to their survival.
Emus and Cassowaries Goannas and Water Monitors Mallee Fowl and Lyrebirds Potoroos and Numbats Quokkas and Quolls Tree Kangaroos and Wallabies
978 1 4202 6484 5 978 1 4202 6489 0 978 1 4202 6487 6 978 1 4202 6486 9 978 1 4202 6485 2 978 1 4202 6488 3
Amazing Armour Clever Camouflage Mimicry and Relationships Venom, Poison and Electricity Tricky Behaviour Warning Colours
978 1 4202 6595 8 978 1 4202 6592 7 978 1 4202 6593 4 978 1 4202 6594 1 978 1 4202 6596 5 978 1 4202 6591 0
$31.95 each Set Pack 978 1 4202 7096 9 $191.70 Digital Book Set 978 1 4202 7417 2 $162.95
Apes and Monkeys Bears Elephants Giraffes and Zebras Lions and Tigers Rhinoceroses and Hippopotamuses
978 1 4202 6155 4 978 1 4202 6157 8 978 1 4202 6154 7 978 1 4202 6159 2 978 1 4202 6156 1 978 1 4202 6158 5
$22.95 each Set Pack 978 1 4202 2323 1 $137.70
middle – upper primary
Protecting Australian Wildlife
The series also looks at the important aspects of zoo work today, including providing environmentally friendly animal enclosures, and protecting rare and endangered animals.
amazing photos showing the attack or defence features of animals key information about the animals, including where they live, what they eat and their main predators.
lower primary
Michael and Jane Pelusey
Each book focuses on a zoo animal in relation to its life in the wild and in a zoo, and explains how zoos feed and look after animals.
Animals display the most bizarre, daring and extraordinary behaviours as they attack prey and defend themselves against predators.
• •
Digital Book Set 978 1 4202 7418 9 $116.95 approx.
middle – upper primary
Digital Book Set
Special features include:
$22.95 each approx. Set Pack 978 1 4202 7097 6 $137.70 approx.
Young readers will adore this series, providing simple information about our favourite zoo animals.
Kimberley Jane Pryor
This exciting new series explores the features and behaviours that animals employ to surprise and confuse prey and predators, and to escape from tricky situations.
Also available: Thinking Themes: Australian Mammals TRB (pg 37) Macmillan Wall Charts: Australian Mammals (pg 40)
Zoo Animals
Animal Attack and Defence
Australian Animals focuses on twelve Australian species. Each book compares and contrasts two species and explains: • • • • •
lower primary
Katrina Schneider
A thought-provoking series exploring the natural and human factors that contribute to animals becoming endangered, and the efforts being made to save them. Each book introduces six endangered animals and provides information on: • appearance • life cycle
Birds Fish and Frogs Mammals Reptiles
978 1 4202 0898 6 978 1 4202 0899 3 978 1 4202 0896 2 978 1 4202 0897 9
$31.95 each Set Pack 978 1 4202 2297 5 $127.80
• shelter and habitat • distribution.
They look at the various threats and focus on initiatives to save these animals.
Farm Animals Cattle Chicken Pigs Sheep
978 0 7329 9281 1 978 0 7329 9280 4 978 0 7329 9282 8 978 0 7329 9283 5
lower primary
Sharon Dalgleish Working Dogs Working Horses
978 0 7329 9284 2 978 0 7329 9279 8
$22.95 each
Also available: Thinking Themes: Farm Animals TRB (pg 39)
Macmillan Phone 1300 135 113
Fax 1300 135 103
Forensic Investigations NE W
This compelling insight into how science is applied to solve crime will fascinate all students.
Special features include: case studies of real-life crimes and the forensic science used to solve them profiles of the experts involved in forensic investigations.
Big Bangs: 978 1 4202 6725 9 looking at explosions and crashes 978 1 4202 6723 5 Body Talk: looking at biological evidence Fact or Fiction: 978 1 4202 6728 0 looking at forensic investigations and technologies Lasting Impressions: 978 1 4202 6726 6 looking at marks and imprints 978 1 4202 6724 2 Lost and Found: looking at traces of evidence Nature Tells: 978 1 4202 6727 3 looking at bugs, plants and the environment $31.95 each Set Pack 978 1 4202 7094 5 $191.70
The A–Z of Scientific Discoveries Pennie Stoyles and Christine Mulvany The history of science brought to life! Eighty-four important scientific discoveries are presented that identify or explain parts of the natural world. Each discovery is explored over a double-page spread, with information on: • • • •
who made the discovery how the discovery was made the significance of the discovery changes related to the discovery over time.
middle – upper primary
978 1 4202 67525 978 1 4202 67532 978 1 4202 67549 978 1 4202 67556 978 1 4202 67563 978 1 4202 67570
$31.95 each approx. (Due March) Set Pack 978 1 4202 2135 0 $191.70 approx. Digital Book Set 978 1 4202 74271 $162.95 approx.
Features include timelines, mini biographies of scientists and a running glossary and definitions.
This updated series captivates readers with the most recent discoveries and findings, including Pluto’s re-categorisation as a dwarf planet.
middle – upper primary
Robin Birch
Also available: Thinking Themes: The New Solar System TRB (pg 37)
The Sun Stars The Moon Mercury Venus Earth
This invaluable resource introduces key science concepts and understandings. It is an outstanding general reference. Each entry relates to one of six different branches of science and the curriculum areas of:
$16.95 each
• Environment • Physics • Space science.
978 1 4202 1196 2 978 1 4202 1195 5 978 1 4202 1191 7 978 1 4202 1190 0 978 1 4202 1873 2 978 1 4202 1874 9
978 1 4202 1189 4 978 1 4202 1188 7 978 1 4202 1194 8 978 1 4202 1197 9 978 1 4202 1875 6 978 1 4202 1876 3
Set Pack 978 1 4202 2293 7 $203.40
The Seasons
Boxed Set 978 0 7329 9974 2 $355.00 48 pages per volume
Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Dwarf Planets
Michael and Jane Pelusey
Young students are introduced to the different seasons and how they affect the ways people, plants and animals behave. The effects of climate change on the seasons is also covered.
Autumn The Dry Spring Summer The Wet Winter
lower primary
978 1 4202 0509 1 978 1 4202 0512 1 978 1 4202 0507 7 978 1 4202 0508 4 978 1 4202 0511 4 978 1 4202 0510 7
$22.95 each Set Pack 978 1 4202 2298 2 $137.70
10-Volume Boxed Set
Paperback edition
All the ‘big ideas’ of science in 10 volumes
Volume 1 A–C Volume 2 D–G Volume 3 H–L Volume 4 M–O Volume 5 P–S Volume 6 T–Z
Digital Book Set 978 1 4202 7415 8 $162.95
The Macmillan Encyclopedia of Junior Science Cheryl Jakab, David Keystone
Digital Book Set available
The New Solar System
• Biology • Chemistry • Earth science
upper primary – lower secondary
Forensic Investigations explores how scientific knowledge and techniques are used in the investigation of crime. Students will find out how virtually every field of science and technology, from electronics to psychology, is used to examine all types of evidence.
Digital Book Set available
Leela Burnscott
• •
upper primary – lower secondary
Macmillan Phone 1300 135 113
Fax 1300 135 103
Kate Walker
The Recycling series will empower young students, teaching them how to save natural resources and keep the environment healthy.
Clothing Food and Garden Waste Glass Metal Cans Paper Plastic Bottles and Bags
The books explain how used products are collected and made into new products. They show young students:
how we use products such as paper, glass and plastic how products are recycled how we can reuse products and reduce use and waste.
Our weather and climate are changing. This timely series focuses on the phenomenon of weather and how it affects people and the environment.
978 1 4202 6613 9 978 1 4202 6614 6 978 1 4202 6612 2 978 1 4202 6611 5 978 1 4202 6609 2 978 1 4202 6610 8
Students will learn how weather forecasting works, explore different weather and climate phenomena, and examine how people live with weather and climate in their regions. Diagrams and maps show the location of weather and climate zones on Earth, and large photos and informative captions explain the effects of weather and climate.
A simple flowchart explains the recycling process for each product. ‘Make and do’ activities provide fun ways to reuse each product.
Wonders of the Sea
lower primary
TRB Hardback edition Paperback edition
978 1 4202 0519 0 978 1 4202 0522 0 Mangrove Swamps 978 1 4202 0517 6 Rocky Shores 978 1 4202 0518 3 Seagrass Beds 978 1 4202 0520 6 The Open Sea 978 1 4202 0521 3
978 1 4202 1210 5 978 1 4202 1211 2 978 1 4202 1212 9 978 1 4202 1214 3 978 1 4202 1215 0 978 1 4202 1213 6
$14.95 each
Living with Weather How Weather Works Extreme Weather Watching Weather Earth’s Climate Climate Change
978 1 4202 6597 2 978 1 4202 6598 9 978 1 4202 6599 6 978 1 4202 6600 9 978 1 4202 6601 6 978 1 4202 6602 3
$31.95 each approx. Set Pack 978 1 4202 7099 0 $191.70 approx. Digital Book Set 978 1 4202 7420 2 $162.95 approx.
Also available: Thinking Themes: Weather and Climate TRB (pg 37) Macmillan Wall Charts:Weather and Climate (pg 41)
upper primary – lower secondary
Natural Disasters Louise Park
Natural disasters can have devastating impacts on communities and the environment. This series investigates how and why disasters occur. The scientific approach to each topic is straightforward and effective. Each book contains ‘disaster file’ case studies that illustrate the scientific information introduced.
Hardback Set Pack 978 1 4202 2294 4 $137.70 Paperback Set Pack 978 1 4202 2295 1 $89.70
‘Disaster relief ’ sections then present the human side of disasters including prevention, warning systems, recovery and aid.
Droughts Earthquakes Hurricanes Tornadoes Tsunamis Volcanoes
Kimberley Jane Pryor
$22.95 each
Robin Birch
$22.95 each Set Pack 978 1 4202 7095 2 $137.70 Digital Book Set 978 1 4202 7416 5 $116.95
This highly visual series introduces young students to the plants and animals of six different sea Coral Reefs habitats and looks at ways we can protect them. Icy Seas
Weather and Climate
middle – upper primary
Digital Book Set
• • •
lower primary
Digital Book Set
978 1 4202 0532 9 978 1 4202 0529 9 978 1 4202 0531 2 978 1 4202 0533 6 978 1 4202 0530 5 978 1 4202 0534 3
$31.95 each Set Pack 978 1 4202 2296 8 $191.70
Also available: Thinking Themes: Wonders of the Sea TRB (pg 37)
How’s the Weather It’s Cloudy! It’s Raining! It’s Snowing!
978 0 7329 8996 5 978 0 7329 8998 9 978 0 7329 9001 5
Julie Richards It’s Stormy! It’s Sunny! It’s Windy!
lower primary
978 0 7329 8999 6 978 0 7329 8997 2 978 0 7329 9000 8
$22.95 each
Macmillan Phone 1300 135 113
Fax 1300 135 103
middle – upper primary
Our Body
Cheryl Jakab
Our Body focuses on the systems of the human body, revealing how our bodies work.
Anatomy (structure) Physiology (how the system works) Paediatrics and nutrition (growth and development) Pathology and medical imaging (disease).
978 0 7329 9864 6 978 0 7329 9865 3 978 0 7329 9866 0 978 0 7329 9867 7 978 0 7329 9868 4 978 0 7329 9869 1
These essential books help develop young students’ own ideas about the values they believe in and how they relate to their family, friends and neighbours. They are a great starting point for discussion.
$31.95 each
Body Fuel for Healthy Bodies Trisha Sertori
This pertinent series examines foods from the different groups and explains why fuelling our bodies with the right foods helps keep them healthy.
Hardback edition Paperback edition
Cooperation Having a Go Honesty Kindness Respect Tolerance
978 1 4202 1871 8 978 1 4202 1200 6 978 1 4202 1201 3 978 1 4202 1202 0 978 1 4202 1203 7 978 1 4202 1872 5
978 1 4202 6492 0 978 1 4202 6496 8 978 1 4202 6493 7 978 1 4202 6491 3 978 1 4202 6494 4 978 1 4202 6495 1
$22.95 each
$14.95 each
Hardback Set Pack 978 1 4202 2321 7 $137.70 Paperback Set Pack 978 1 4202 2322 4 $89.70
Also available: Thinking Themes: Values TRB (pg 38)
• • • •
Values are the things people believe in. They play an integral role in society by guiding the way we think, speak and behave.
Each book looks inside the body to find out how systems work, why things can go wrong and what we can do to stay healthy. Four major areas examined are:
Circulatory System Digestive System Muscular System Nervous System Respiratory System Skeletal System
lower primary
Kimberley Jane Pryor
Healthy Choices
upper primary – lower secondary
Sharon Dalgleish
With childhood obesity on the rise, young students must understand that they need to make choices in order to be fit, healthy and happy.
Dairy Foods 978 1 4202 6174 5 Fats and Oils 978 1 4202 6175 2 Fruits,Vegetables and Legumes 978 1 4202 6173 8 Grains, Bread, Cereal and Pasta 978 1 4202 6172 1 Meats, Fish, Eggs, Nuts and Beans 978 1 4202 6171 4 Vitamins and Minerals 978 1 4202 6176 9
Labelled diagrams show how the different foods are absorbed and which nutrients they supply to the body. $31.95 each Food allergies and intolerances are discussed Set Pack 978 1 4202 2326 2 $191.70 as are the advantages and disadvantages of fresh Also available: versus processed foods.
Thinking Themes: Healthy Body, Healthy Choices TRBs (pg 38) Macmillan Wall Charts: Healthy Body, Healthy Choices (pg 44)
lower primary
The Healthy Choices series gives students lots of fun ideas and simple recipes for healthy eating and drinking. They include: • fun food • snacks to pack • energy drinks
• icy poles • salads for lunch • healthy breakfasts.
Drinks Exercise and Rest Fast Food Lunch Box Food Party Food Snack Food
978 1 4202 0365 3 978 1 4202 0367 7 978 1 4202 0366 0 978 1 4202 0368 4 978 1 4202 0369 1 978 1 4202 0370 7
$22.95 each ($20.86 ex GST)
Also available: Thinking Themes: Healthy Body, Healthy Choices TRBs (pg 38) Macmillan Wall Charts: Healthy Body, Healthy Choices (pg 44)
In Exercise and Rest, activities include listen to your heartbeat, test your arm strength, and make a dream catcher.
Health and Safety Eat Wise 978 1 4202 0432 2 A Healthy Body 978 1 4202 0434 6 Street Smart 978 1 4202 0433 9
Going Bush Home Safety Water Safety
Ron Thomas, Joe Herran 978 1 4202 0430 8 978 1 4202 0431 5 978 1 4202 0435 3
middle – upper primary
Also available: Thinking Themes: Health and Safety TRB (pg 38)
$31.95 each
Macmillan Phone 1300 135 113
Fax 1300 135 103
middle – upper primary
Recreational Sports Paul Mason
Tony Hyland
Not all kids are into competitive sports, but regular exercise is vital for their health and wellbeing.
A fascinating series about robots, including their place in everyday life and amazing possibilities for robots in the future.
This practical series encourages young people to take up recreational sports as a healthy lifestyle choice.
978 1 4202 0580 0 978 1 4202 0585 5 978 1 4202 0583 1 978 1 4202 0581 7 978 1 4202 0584 8 978 1 4202 0582 4
$31.95 each Set Pack 978 1 4202 2299 9 $191.70
Featuring: • ‘Up Close’ character profiles describing the work robots do, the skills they have, and the roles they play • ‘Robofacts’ containing interesting robot facts • activities for the classroom and home, including building and programming a robot.
Film and Fiction Robots 978 1 4202 0555 8 High Risk Robots 978 1 4202 0554 1 How Robots Work 978 1 4202 0550 3 Robots at Work and Play 978 1 4202 0551 0 Scientific and Medical Robots 978 1 4202 0552 7 Space Robots 978 1 4202 0553 4 $31.95 each Set Pack 978 1 4202 2300 2 $191.70
The books present ideas and suggestions on how students can incorporate exercise and physical activity into their lives in the hope that it will become a lifelong habit.
Biking Climbing and Abseiling Fishing Hiking and Camping Kayaking and Rafting Snorkelling and Diving
middle – upper primary
Robots and Robotics
middle – upper primary
How Are They Made? Wendy Blaxland
middle – upper primary
Getting Into… Ron Thomas, Joe Herran, Damien Davis, Luke Davis
Each book in this fast-paced series is a mini-manual, providing everything students need to know to get started in a sport. The skills section provides useful step-by-step instructions with easy-to-follow diagrams. Features include: • • • •
techniques clothing fitness skills
• • • •
equipment officials and competition rules and scoring the playing field.
Australian Rules Football Golf Hockey Mountain Biking Netball Skating Soccer Surfing Tennis Triathlon
978 0 7329 9985 8 978 0 7329 9708 3 978 0 7329 9709 0 978 0 7329 9986 5 978 0 7329 9987 2 978 0 7329 9988 9 978 0 7329 9710 6 978 0 7329 9989 6 978 0 7329 9711 3 978 0 7329 9990 2
$31.95 each (While stocks last)
Students learn about the processes through which raw materials are turned into products we use every day. Each book presents a product familiar to children and describes its production from the raw material(s) to the finished product in a 3-stage flowchart.
middle – upper primary
Pennie Stoyles, Peter Pentland
Inventions are explored over clear double-page spreads, with information on how the invention works, changes over time and related inventions.
$31.95 each Set Pack 978 1 4202 2329 3 $191.70
The A–Z of Inventions and Inventors An in-depth look at 84 inventions that we use everyday
Knives and Forks 978 1 4202 6413 5 Paper 978 1 4202 6411 1 Pencils 978 1 4202 6412 8 Plates and Mugs 978 1 4202 6414 2 Sneakers 978 1 4202 6410 4 T-Shirts 978 1 4202 6409 8
Macmillan Phone 1300 135 113
Book 1 A–B Book 2 C–F Book 3 G–L Book 4 M–P Book 5 Q–S Book 6 T–Z
978 1 4202 0359 2 978 1 4202 0360 8 978 1 4202 0361 5 978 1 4202 0362 2 978 1 4202 0363 9 978 1 4202 0364 6
$31.95 each
Fax 1300 135 103
All You Need to Teach:
Information Literacy
all primary
Barbara Braxton
• The Information Literacy process • Learning outcomes • Making the most of it.
Information Literacy Ages 8–10 (Due June)
All the lessons you need! All the templates you need!
Information Literacy
This timely resource is based on the seven elements of the Information Literacy process:
Ages 5– 8 (Due June)
• presenting • assessing • reflecting.
$42.95 each approx. lower primary
A New Look at Nursery Rhymes all primary
All You Need to Teach: Angela Ehmer
All the teaching tips you need! Levels of thinking What makes comprehension difficult? Supporting students to comprehend texts Comprehension strategies.
All the rubrics and resources you need! All the text models and lesson plans you need! All the worksheets and task cards you need!
On the Go
Ages 5– 8 (Due July)
all primary
Packed with fun, hands-on games that suit individual, group or class work
Dictionary Skills On the Go
Due May Games on the Go: Spelling Ages 5–8 | Ages 8–10 | Ages 10+ Games on the Go: Nursery Rhymes Ages 5–8 Games on the Go: Phonics Ages 5–8 Games on the Go: Grammar Ages 8–10 | Ages 10+
Poetry On the Go Reading and Writing Activities On the Go $36.00 each
$32.95 each approx. (Due July) all primary
All You Need to Teach:
$32.95 each
Spelling Rules!
all primary
Grammar Rules!
Tanya Gibb
Tanya Gibb
Included are teaching tips and essential background information, a bank of mini-lessons, photocopiable text models and assessment rubrics.
Invaluable background information about spelling development and knowledge
Practical resources containing essential background information and innovative strategies
Ages 5–8 | Ages 8–10 | Ages 10+
Ages 5–8 | Ages 8–12+
Ages 5–8 | Ages 8–12+
$32.95 each
$46.00 each Student Books available
$46.00 each
This hands-on resource provides engaging activities that teach essential critical thinking skills.
mac029_TRB_section_2.indd 2-3
Jeni Mawter
Developing critical thinking skills using humorous texts
all primary
Ages 10 + (Due July)
Games on the Go
Full of ideas and activities to use while 'on the go!' Word Study On the Go
Ages 5–8 | Ages 8–10 | Ages 10+
Critical Thinking, Humour and Text
Big Book $38.00 Teacher Resource Book $42.95
Ages 8–10 (Due July)
Each book covers the eight main comprehension strategies of: • connecting • visualising • predicting • understanding main idea • inferring • synthesising • questioning • self-monitoring.
Christine Schelfhout, Illustrated by Stephen Michael King Well-known nursery rhymes are given a new lease of life in this fabulous collection. Each rhyme begins with the traditional verse, but extra modern verses add a twist.
Switching on comprehension skills
They include: • literary techniques and grammar • developing prior knowledge • enriching the reading experience • connecting to other Learning Areas • ideas for displays • eight photocopiable worksheets.
Ages 5–8 | Ages 8–10 | Ages 10+
Ages 10 + (Due June)
$32.95 each approx. (Due June)
• • • •
These new resources are the perfect teaching companion, helping you accelerate literacy standards in the classroom. Each book contains eight units of work. Each unit provides a scaffold for reading a popular children’s novel or picture book.
A theme and topic index is included if you wish to integrate the books across the curriculum.
Information Literacy
Ages 5–8 | Ages 8–10 | Ages 10+
Kara Munn
Accelerating literacy with popular children’s books!
All the teaching tips you need!
defining locating selecting organising
all primary
Your Information Literacy program in one practical book!
• • • •
Focus On:
Macmillan Phone 1300 135 113
all primary
Student Books and Wall Charts available
Fax 1300 135 103
35 8/12/08 4:18:36 PM
Macmillan Masterclass
Providing accurate and up-to-date support for the busy classroom teacher
Bryan Pennington
Hands-on science experiments for the classroom!
A practical guide to integrating ICT across the curriculum
This award-winning series makes organising and running hands-on science lessons easy.
This is a ‘must-have’ resource for all teachers seeking assistance with integrating ICT into their curriculum. Practical strategies are provided for students to create, communicate and collaborate using ICT.
Each book contains: • • •
A plain English glossary demystifies the blogs, the wikis and the web2s of ICT. Chapters include: Using ICT to create Using ICT to research Using ICT to generate understanding Using ICT to manage and organise
• Using ICT to research • Using ICT to communicate and collaborate • Internet safety and cyberbullying
16 hands-on experiments, all trialled in primary classrooms so you know they will work in yours information on science concepts for every experiment, so you can clearly explain the concepts to your students without needing a science background helpful background information about the scientific method and the big ideas behind the Science strand, so the experiments are not only fun for students, but will also have them working scientifically.
Life and Living
Learning with ICT Peter Kent
• • • •
all primary
Science Out of the Box
Energy and Forces
Includes assessment!
$39.95 approx. (Due March)
Interactive Whiteboards
Educating Boys
Peter Kent
The one-stop guide for educating boys
Focusing on strategies that can be applied on any IWB to enhance teaching
Topics covered: • Why take a different approach for boys? • Engaging boys in Literacy • Supporting and empowering male identity • Male role models • Involving fathers • Critical components of a sustainable Boys Education approach • Adapting the curriculum to cater for boys • Simple, quick tips that will make a difference in your classroom
This hands-on resource guides you through the skills you need to get started: using IWBs for quality teaching five keys to success activities you can make yourself classroom management and assessment.
Includes CD! $39.95
Art in Science
all primary
Focus On:
Dellene Strong
Peter Pentland, Pennie Stoyles
This unique series connects Visual Arts with Science topics.
Detailed units of work on topics from the Science curriculum
The books provide step-by-step lesson plans and outcomes and indicators for the strands:
Features include:
Life and Living Earth and Space Materials Energy and Physical Processes.
Ages 5–8 | Ages 8–10 | Ages 10+ $42.95 each
36 mac029_TRB_section_2.indd 4-5
• • •
state outcomes a full page of scientific background information for every unit seven lesson plans and five worksheets per unit.
Ages 5–8 | Ages 8–10 | Ages 10+ $42.95 each Also available: Focus On: Science Wall Charts (pg 41)
Earth and Space
Ages 5–8 | Ages 8–10 | Ages 10+ Ages 5–8 | Ages 8–10 | Ages 10+
Life and Living
Ages 5–8 | Ages 8–10 | Ages 10+ Ages 5–8 | Ages 8–10 | Ages 10+ $32.95 each Earth and Space Ages 8–10 NE W
all primary
Thinking Themes Ready-to-use activities that switch on thinking skills!
$39.95 approx. (Due May)
Focus On:
• • • •
Energy and Forces
all primary WALL CHARTS
These practical resources cross-reference multiple intelligences with critical and creative thinking skills. Australian Mammals Ages 5–8 (can be used with Macmillan Young Library: Australian Animals and Macmillan Wall Charts: Australian Mammals)
• • • •
Earth and Space
Suzan Hirsch
Mini-Beasts Ages 5–8 (can be used with Macmillan Wall Charts: Mini-Beasts) Wonders of the Sea Ages 5– 8 (can be used with Macmillan Young Library: Wonders of the Sea)
Weather and Climate Ages 8–10 (can be used with Macmillan Library: Weather and Climate and Macmillan Wall Charts:Weather and Climate) NE W
The New Solar System Ages 8–10 (can be used with Macmillan Library: The New Solar System) Due April Climate Change Ages 10+ (can be used with Macmillan Library: Climate Change NE W and Macmillan Wall Charts: Climate Change) NE W
$31.00 each
Macmillan Phone 1300 135 113
Fax 1300 135 103
37 8/12/08 4:20:11 PM
all primary
Focus On: Art in Personal Development and Health Dellene Strong
Motivate your students to learn
Art in Personal Development and Health Ages 5–8
Art in Personal Development and Health
(Due June)
Ages 8–10
Art in Personal Development and Health Ages 10+
(Due June)
(Due June)
Ages 5–8 | Ages 8–10 | Ages 10+ $42.95 each approx. (Due June)
At Your Fingertips:
Behaviour Guidance
all primary
Ready-to-use activities linked to multiple intelligences and to critical and creative thinking skills
Tanya Gibb, Katy Collis All the tools you need to guide students towards values, personal learning and interpersonal development!
all primary
Self–Esteem on the Go Activities to build students`' self-esteem
all primary
Peter Maher
Healthy Body, Healthy Choices Ages 5–8 | Ages 8–10 | Ages 10+
Ages 5–8 | Ages 8–10 | Ages 10+
Ages 5–8 | Ages 8–10 | Ages 10+
$32.95 each
$32.95 each
(can be used with Macmillan Young Library: Healthy Choices, Macmillan Library: Body Fuel for Healthy Bodies and Macmillan Wall Charts: Healthy Body, Healthy Choices)
all primary
Families Ages 5–8
(can be used with Macmillan Young Library: Families)
Ages 5–8 | Ages 8–10 | Ages 10+
Environmental Footprints Ages 8–10
$42.95 each
(can be used with Macmillan Library: Environmental
All You Need to Teach:
all primary
Australian Topics
all primary
Kara Munn, Garry Chapman
Photocopiable integrated units
(can be used with Macmillan Library: Antarctica)
(can be used with Macmillan Library: The Gold Rushes)
mac029_TRB_section_2.indd 6-7
Focus On:
Antarctica Ages 10+
The Gold Rushes Ages 10+
Also available: Altas Wall Charts: Australia (pg 43) Macmillan Primary Atlas (pg 45)
(can be used with Macmillan Library: Civic Issues)
(pg 44)
Ages 5–8 | Ages 8–10 | Ages 10+ $42.95 each
Debra Owens
Civic Issues Ages 10+
Ages 5–8 | Ages 8–10 | Ages 10+ $42.95 each
middle– upper primary
Farm Animals Ages 5–8
Using Encyclopedias Ages 5–8
all primary
Atlas and Mapping Skills
(can be used with Macmillan Young Library: Celebrations and Festivals)
(can be used with Macmillan Young Library: Farm Animals)
Art in Society and Environment
$31.00 each
Celebrations and Festivals Ages 5–8
Due March
all primary
Book 1 | Book 2
Using atlases across the curriculum!
• Linked to curriculum topics • Planning sheets for students • Writing play scripts included in Ages 10+ book.
Focus On:
Maths on the Go
(can be used with Macmillan Wall Charts: Anzac Day)
ANZAC Day All primary
upper primary
Activities linked to multiple intelligences and to critical and creative thinking skills.
These photocopiable play scripts are ideal for whole-class performance. Accompanying teacher notes provide discussion questions and activities, and stage notes include ideas for sets, props, costumes, special effects and more.
all primary
Amazing Maths Activities $31.00
Turning problems into solutions!
Thinking Themes
Connecting the curriculum through drama!
primary Indigenous Art Across the Curriculum
Problem Solving
all primary
(can be used with Macmillan Library: Health and Safety)
Paul Kooperman
Focus On:
All You Need to Teach:
Health and Safety Ages 8–10
Play Scripts Across the Curriculum
$32.95 each approx.
Packed with motivational games that develop mathematical skills
$31.00 each
Ages 5–8 | Ages 8–10 | Ages 10+
Maths Peter Maher
(can be used with Macmillan Young Library: Values)
$36.00 each
All the teaching tips you need! All the lesson plans and worksheets you need! All the task cards you need! All the answers you need!
Games on the Go:
Values Ages 5–8
Ages 5–8 | Ages 8–10 | Ages 10+
Thinking Themes
These practical books provide everything you need to both motivate and help your students learn mathematical concepts using calculators.
Topics covered: • Place Value • The Four Processes • Number Structure; Patterns and Algebra • Fractions; Decimals; Percentage • Measurement; Estimation • Working Mathematically.
Colour photos of artwork samples included
all primary
all primary
This unique series focuses on Art's role in helping students understand the importance of social, mental and physical needs in developing a healthy, happy lifestyle. Each book provides eight units of work with learning experiences directly integrating the making and appreciating aspects of visual arts with personal development, physical activity and health.
Peter Maher
Connecting the curriculum!
All You Need to Teach: Calculators
Ages 5–8 | Ages 8–10 | Ages 10+ $32.95 each
$31.00 each
Ages 5–8
| Ages 8–10 | Ages 10+
$42.95 each Also available: Focus On: Australian Topics Wall Charts (pg 43).
Macmillan Phone 1300 135 113
Fax 1300 135 103
39 8/12/08 4:21:26 PM
Climate Change
Stunning wall charts to extend this popular topic!
Motivating wall charts to support this important topic!
lower primary
Teaching notes include:
Topics covered: • • • •
Greenhouse effect Clean energy future Melting glaciers Arctic ice
• • • •
Zero emissions in Antarctica Antarctic food chain Habitat loss What can you do?
• • • •
$39.95 approx. (Due April)
Also available: Macmillan Library: Climate Change (pg 5) Thinking Themes: Climate Change TRB (pg 37).
Wombat Possum Platypus Echidna.
Weather and Climate
The teaching notes on the back of each chart provide:
Also available: Macmillan Library: Australian Animals (pg 20) Thinking Themes: Australian Mammals TRB (pg 37).
Eye-catching wall charts with teaching notes!
• background information about the chart • key ideas covered by the chart • questions that support and facilitate thinking skills. lower primary
Topics covered: • • • •
Earth’s atmosphere The water cycle Wind cycles Measuring and predicting
The teaching notes on the back of each chart provide:
8 charts: 495 x 368mm
• • •
$39.95 approx.
8 charts: 495 x 368mm $39.95
Also available: Thinking Themes: Mini-BeastsTRB (pg 37).
• • • •
Cloud types Light and colour Lightning Greenhouse effect
Also available: Macmillan Library: Weather and Climate (pg 25) Thinking Themes: Weather and Climate TRB (pg 37).
Focus On: Science
background information about the chart an analysis of the key ideas covered by the chart's images questions to ask students, designed to support and facilitate thinking skills.
These motivating wall charts will complement all science programs.
$39.95 approx.
middle– upper primary
Stunning visual images with teacher notes!
8 charts: 495 x 368mm
• background information about the chart • key ideas covered by the chart • questions that support and facilitate thinking skills.
8 charts: 495 x 368mm
background information about the chart key ideas covered by the chart's images questions to ask students, designed to support and facilitate thinking skills.
Topics covered: • Australian mammals • Flying fox • Kangaroo • Koala
The teaching notes on the back of each chart provide:
These practical charts will fill a gap in most classrooms, engaging students with visual stimuli while they undertake this popular topic. • • •
upper primary
Australian Mammals
all upper primary
These fascinating wall charts generate interest and stimulate curiousity.
The teaching notes on the reverse include important background information and questions related to ‘working scientifically'. 16 charts per pack: 495 x 368mm Ages 5–8 | Ages 8–10 | Ages 10+ $64.95 each
Also available: Focus On: Science TRBs (pg 36). 40 mac029_TRB_section_2.indd 8-9
Macmillan Phone 1300 135 113
Fax 1300 135 103
41 8/12/08 4:22:28 PM
Grammar Rules! Important wall charts to support your classroom teaching!
all primary
The back of each chart includes:
• • •
8 charts per pack: 495 x 368mm
background information about the chart key ideas covered by the chart questions to ask students, designed to support and facilitate thinking skills.
Ages 5–8 | Ages 8–10 | Ages 10+
Topics covered:
$39.95 each
• • • •
Also available: Grammar Rules! TRBs (pg 35) Grammar Rules! textbooks.
Katy Collis
Gallipoli Life for the Anzacs Simpson and his donkey Anzac battles
• • • •
Gallipoli today Dawn service Anzac Day march Anzac symbols
8 charts: 495 x 368mm all primary CDs & TRBs
$39.95 approx.
Also available: Thinking Themes: Anzac Day (pg 39).
Giant wall charts that model the nine nonfiction text types
Atlas Wall Charts: Australia
The charts introduce and teach each text type. They are ideal for displaying in classrooms for students to refer to when writing.
Linking maps to the wider curriculum!
Each chart clearly models one text type and: • • • • •
Essential wall charts developed around images of Anzac Day The teaching notes on the back of each chart provide:
major focus and supplementary focus background information about the grammatical feature teaching points for the major focus activities for the supplementary focus.
Nonfiction Text Types
all primary
• • • •
Anzac Day
middle– upper primary
A pack of 10 large wall maps for popular curriculum topics, with teaching notes on the reverse.
lists the purpose of the text type outlines ways to use the text type in spoken and written texts highlights the structure of the text type annotates the main grammatical features points out any visual elements.
10 charts: 736 x 495mm $59.95
Also available: Atlas and Mapping Skills TRB (pg 39) Macmillan Primary Atlas (pg 45).
9 charts per pack: 736 x 495mm Ages 5–8 | Ages 8–10 | Ages 10+ $49.95 each
Punctuation Tanya Gibb
Invaluable wall charts to support this important topic! The back of each chart includes: • background information about the punctuation • teaching points.
Focus On: Australian Topics
all primary
Kara Munn, Gary Chapman all primary
Also available: All You Need to Teach: Nonfiction Text Types TRBs Macmillan Interactive: Nonfiction Text Types CDs (pg 33).
Engaging wall charts with discussion points and background information on the reverse 16 charts per pack: 495 x 368mm Ages 5–8 | Ages 8–10 | Ages 10+ $64.95 each
Also available: Focus On: Australian Topics TRBs (pg 39).
Charts: full stops, question marks, exclamation marks; capital letters; speech marks; commas; apostrophes; colons, semicolons. 6 charts: 495 x 368mm $39.95 42 mac029_TRB_section_2.indd 10-11
Macmillan Phone 1300 135 113
Fax 1300 135 103
43 8/12/08 4:23:13 PM
all primary
Healthy Body, Healthy Choices
Motivating wall charts to support your program
Greg Reid, Cartographer – Damien Demaj
Mapping Australia and the world!
The teaching notes on the back of each chart provide:
Ages 5–8 | Ages 8–10 | Ages 10+ $39.95 each
The third edition contains a broad range of maps integrated with the latest geographical statistics and data – fact files, photographs, satellite images, cross-sections, statistics and illustrations.
Australia’s geography Australia’s states and territories Australia’s place in the world the world.
Essential map and atlas features include: • locator maps • direction – a simple 4-point compass • simple keys on all relevant pages • alphanumeric grids • simple scales • a glossary of geographic terms.
Also available: Macmillan Young Library: Healthy Choices (pg 27) Macmillan Library: Body Fuel for Healthy Bodies (pg 26) Thinking Themes: Healthy Body, Healthy Choices TRBs (pg 38).
Editor – Rob Berry
A wealth of current information includes: • over 270 clear, easy-to-read maps • the latest statistical information. 978 1 4202 0995 2 $25.95
Reprinted with updates
• • • •
8 charts per pack: 495 x 368mm
upper primary– secondary
Macmillan Global Atlas Third edition Australia's most up-to-date school Atlas
The Macmillan Primary Atlas provides large, clear maps designed to introduce young students to:
• background information about the chart • key ideas covered by the chart's images • questions designed to support and facilitate thinking skills.
middle– upper primary
Macmillan Primary Atlas
Quality at half the price
978 1 4202 0549 7 $22.95
Ages 8–10
Macmillan Australian Primary Dictionary
Ages 5–8
Sporting Values
all primary
Images of Australian athletes portraying nine values in action The teaching notes on the back of each chart provide:
• • •
background information about the sport links to the values portrayed questions designed to support and facilitate thinking skills.
9 charts per pack: 495 x 368mm $39.95
Focus On: Art in Society and Environment Dellene Strong These stunning laminated wall charts with works by well-known artists are ideal for whole-class viewing and appreciation. 8 charts per pack: 495 x 368mm Ages 5–8 | Ages 8–10 | Ages 10+ $49.95 each
Also available: Focus On: Art in Society and Environment TRBs (pg 38). 44 mac029_TRB_section_2.indd 12-13
all primary
Ages 6–10
Macmillan Australian Student Dictionary
The essential companion for Australian students beginning their language education.
Young readers and writers can use this best-selling dictionary in the classroom and at home.
Key features include:
Key features include:
• • • • •
• • • • •
definitions written in very simple sentences numerous example sentences simple pronunciation guide information on word families notes indicating the appropriate use of words in particular contexts.
978 0 7329 9972 8 $16.95
clear, straightforward definitions numerous example sentences re-spelling pronunciation guide extensive treatment of word families detailed grammar and punctuation guide.
Ages 10–14
978 0 7329 9973 5 $19.95
Other Words 2nd edition
middle– upper primary
A thesaurus for young writers Leigh Tonks Other Words assists young writers in expressing thoughts accurately in writing. It extends their vocabularies and develops their confidence as writers. A great beginners thesaurus! 978 1 4202 6501 9 $10.25
Macmillan Phone 1300 135 113
Fax 1300 135 103
45 8/12/08 4:23:49 PM
Qty Series/Title
Price Page Qty Series/Title ISBN (ex GST)
A Ancient and Medieval Peoples
15 978 1 4202 2143 5 978 1 4202 6788 4 978 1 4202 6786 0 978 1 4202 6790 7 978 1 4202 6785 3 978 1 4202 6787 7 978 1 4202 6789 1
$191.70* $31.95* $31.95* $31.95* $31.95* $31.95* $31.95*
$174.27* $29.05* $29.05* $29.05* $29.05* $29.05* $29.05*
Animal Attack and Defence ____ Set Pack (6 titles) ____ Amazing Armour ____ Clever Camouflage ____ Mimicry and Relationships ____ Tricky Behaviour ____ Venom, Poison and Electricity ____ Warning Colours
21 978 1 4202 7096 9 978 1 4202 6595 8 978 1 4202 6592 7 978 1 4202 6593 4 978 1 4202 6596 5 978 1 4202 6594 1 978 1 4202 6591 0
$191.70 $31.95 $31.95 $31.95 $31.95 $31.95 $31.95
$174.27 $29.05 $29.05 $29.05 $29.05 $29.05 $29.05
____ Ecosystems ____ Exploration ____ Human Impacts ____ The Frozen Continent
978 0 7329 9723 6 978 0 7329 9722 9 978 0 7329 9725 0 978 0 7329 9724 3
$31.95 $31.95 $31.95 $31.95
$29.05 $29.05 $29.05 $29.05
978 1 4202 7097 6 978 1 4202 6484 5 978 1 4202 6489 0 978 1 4202 6487 6 978 1 4202 6486 9 978 1 4202 6485 2 978 1 4202 6488 3
$137.70 $22.95 $22.95 $22.95 $22.95 $22.95 $22.95
$125.18 $20.86 $20.86 $20.86 $20.86 $20.86 $20.86
978 1 4202 2328 6 978 1 4202 6405 0 978 1 4202 6407 4 978 1 4202 6408 1 978 1 4202 6406 7
$127.80 $31.95 $31.95 $31.95 $31.95
$116.18 $29.05 $29.05 $29.05 $29.05
$31.95 $31.95 $31.95 $31.95 $31.95 $31.95
$29.05 $29.05 $29.05 $29.05 $29.05 $29.05
Australian Animals – Macmillan Young Library ____ Set Pack (6 titles) ____ Emus and Cassowaries ____ Goannas and Water Monitors ____ Mallee Fowl and Lyrebirds ____ Potaroos and Numbats ____ Quokkas and Quolls ____ Tree-kangaroos and Wallabies
Australia’s Heritage and Identity ____ Set Pack (4 titles) ____ Family Heritage ____ Local Heritage ____ National Heritage ____ World Heritage
The A–Z of Inventions and Inventors ____ Book 1 ____ Book 2 ____ Book 3 ____ Book 4 ____ Book 5 ____ Book 6
978 1 4202 0359 2 978 1 4202 0360 8 978 1 4202 0361 5 978 1 4202 0362 2 978 1 4202 0363 9 978 1 4202 0364 6
The A–Z of Scientific Discoveries ____ Set Pack (6 titles) ____ Volume 1 A–C ____ Volume 2 D–G ____ Volume 3 H–L ____ Volume 4 M–O ____ Volume 5 P–S ____ Volume 6 T–Z
23 978 1 4202 2135 0 978 1 4202 6725 9 978 1 4202 6723 5 978 1 4202 6728 0 978 1 4202 6726 6 978 1 4202 6724 2 978 1 4202 6727 3
$191.70* $31.95* $31.95* $31.95* $31.95* $31.95* $31.95*
$174.27* $29.05* $29.05* $29.05* $29.05* $29.05* $29.05*
978 1 4202 2131 2 978 1 4202 6607 8 978 1 4202 6604 7 978 1 4202 6603 0 978 1 4202 6606 1 978 1 4202 6608 5 978 1 4202 6605 4
$191.70* $31.95* $31.95* $31.95* $31.95* $31.95* $31.95*
$174.27* $29.05* $29.05* $29.05* $29.05* $29.05* $29.05*
Australia’s Top Mineral Resources ____ Set Pack (6 titles) ____ Bauxite ____ Coal ____ Gold ____ Iron Ore ____ Nickel ____ Oil and Gas
B Barrington Stoke
4u2read.ok for ages 8–12 (reading age 7) ____ Dead Cool 978 1 8429 9327 9 ____ Fox Friend 978 1 8429 9410 8 ____ Friday Forever 978 1 8429 9070 4 ____ Ghost for Sale 978 1 8429 9324 8 ____ Green Men of Gressingham 978 1 8429 9152 7 ____ Hostage 978 1 8429 9056 8
$14.95 $14.95 $14.95 $14.95 $14.95 $14.95
$13.59 $13.59 $13.59 $13.59 $13.59 $13.59
____ Mad Iris ____ Picking on
978 1 8429 9188 6 978 1 8429 9122 0
$14.95 $14.95
$13.59 $13.59
____ Problems with a Python
978 1 8429 9058 2
____ Robin Hood All at Sea ____ Siege! ____ Swop! ____ Wartman ____ Who’s a Big Bully Then
978 1 8429 9408 5 978 1 8429 9407 8 978 1 8429 9409 2 978 1 8429 9054 4 978 1 8429 9154 1
$14.95 $14.95 $14.95 $14.95 $14.95
$13.59 $13.59 $13.59 $13.59 $13.59
Price Page (ex GST)
$14.95 $14.95 $14.95 $18.95 $14.95 $14.95 $14.95 $14.95 $14.95 $14.95 $14.95 $14.95 $14.95 $14.95 $14.95 $14.95 $14.95* $14.95 $14.95 $14.95* $14.95 $14.95 $14.95 $14.95 $14.95 $14.95 $14.95* $14.95 $14.95 $14.95 $14.95 $14.95* $14.95 $14.95 $14.95
$13.59 $13.59 $13.59 $17.23 $13.59 $13.59 $13.59 $13.59 $13.59 $13.59 $13.59 $13.59 $13.59 $13.59 $13.59 $13.59 $13.59* $13.59 $13.59 $13.59* $13.59 $13.59 $13.59 $13.59 $13.59 $13.59 $13.59* $13.59 $13.59 $13.59 $13.59 $13.59* $13.59 $13.59 $13.59
$14.95* $14.95 $14.95 $14.95 $14.95 $18.95 $14.95 $14.95
$13.59* $13.59 $13.59 $13.59 $13.59 $17.23 $13.59 $13.59
Solos: high-interest fiction for ages 10–13 (reading age 6.5) ____ Cliff Edge (Due term 2) 978 1 8429 9610 2 $16.95* ____ Flash Flood (Due term 2) 978 1 8429 9607 2 $16.95* ____ Help! 978 1 8429 9558 7 $16.95 ____ Killer Croc (Due term 3) 978 1 8429 9634 8 $16.95* ____ The Night Runner (Due term 3) 978 1 8429 9659 1 $16.95* ____ Snow Dogs 978 1 8429 9560 0 $16.95 ____ Thin Ice 978 1 8429 9557 0 $16.95 ____ United, Here I Come! 978 1 8429 9559 4 $16.95
$15.41* $15.41* $15.41 $15.41* $15.41* $15.41 $15.41 $15.41
Fiction for ages 8–12 (reading age 8+) ____ Amazing! 978 1 8429 9530 3 ____ An Alien Ate Me for Breakfast 978 1 8429 9451 1 ____ Betrayal 978 1 8429 9466 5 ____ Biker City War 978 1 8429 9495 5 ____ Catch A Gran 978 1 8429 9371 2 ____ Dead Cooler 978 1 8429 9387 3 ____ Deadline 978 1 8429 9461 0 ____ Desirable 978 1 8429 9531 0 ____ The Dirty Dozen 978 1 8429 9356 9 ____ Dragon! 978 1 8429 9417 7 ____ Firebomb 978 1 8429 9519 8 ____ Game Boy 978 1 8429 9565 5 ____ Game Boy Reloaded 978 1 8429 9566 2 ____ Get that Ghost to Go! 978 1 8429 9131 2 ____ Get that Ghost to Go Too! 978 1 8429 9373 6 ____ The House with No Name 978 1 8429 9377 4 ____ Icefall (Due term 1) 978 1 8429 9570 9 ____ The Jungle House 978 1 8429 9333 0 ____ King John and the Abbot 978 1 8429 9385 9 ____ The Tale of Blackeye Jax (Due term 3) 978 1 8429 9689 8 ____ Life Line 978 1 8429 9442 9 ____ Lift Off 978 1 8429 9443 6 ____ Living with Vampires 978 1 9022 6067 9 ____ Meet the Weirds 978 1 8429 9114 5 ____ One Nil 978 1 8429 9518 1 ____ Outcast 978 1 8429 9464 1 ____ Perry’s 5 (Due term 3) 978 1 8429 9640 9 ____ Pet School 978 1 8429 9334 7 ____ Pompom 978 1 8429 9444 3 ____ The Red Dragons of Gressingham 978 1 8429 9538 9 ____ Resistance 978 1 8429 9047 6 ____ The Robbery (Due term 2) 978 1 8429 9639 3 ____ The Runaway Chair 978 1 8429 9433 7 ____ Sammy and the Starman 978 1 8429 9355 2 ____ The Stepsisters’ Story 978 1 8429 9479 5 ____ The Story of Matthew Buzzington (Due term 3) 978 1 8429 9633 1 ____ The Two Jacks 978 1 8429 9567 9 ____ Under the Skin 978 1 8429 9453 5 ____ War Games 978 1 8429 9182 4 ____ Weird Happenings 978 1 8429 9207 4 ____ Young Dracula/ Young Monsters 978 1 8429 9445 0 ____ Young Wizards 978 1 8429 9539 6 ____ Zack Black and the Magic Dads 978 1 8429 9384 2
Go! for ages 10–14 (reading age 6) ____ Go! Pack Set of Eight 978 1 8429 9623 2
____ Go! Pack Set of Four (Due term 3)
FYI: Fiction with stacks of facts for ages 10–14 (reading age 8+) ____ Assassin 978 1 8429 9458 0 $16.95 ____ Codebreakers (Due term 2) 978 1 8429 9611 9 $16.95* ____ Connor’s Eco Den 978 1 8429 9290 6 $16.95 ____ Counting on Leroy 978 1 8429 9472 6 $16.95 ____ Dead Man’s Close 978 1 8429 9391 0 $16.95 ____ Diary of a Trainee Rock God 978 1 8429 9393 4 $16.95 ____ The Doomsday Watchers 978 1 8429 9473 3 $16.95 ____ The Greatest 978 1 8429 9390 3 $16.95 ____ Into the Storm 978 1 8429 9516 7 $16.95 ____ The Last Viking 978 1 8429 9289 0 $16.95 ____ Moving On (Due term 3) 978 1 8429 9617 1 $16.95* ____ The Number Seven Shirt 978 1 8429 9536 5 $16.95 ____ Smuggler! 978 1 8429 9537 2 $16.95 ____ Space Ace 978 1 8429 9287 6 $16.95 ____ Stat Man 978 1 8429 9543 3 $16.95 ____ Stat Man Goes Greek 978 1 8429 9388 0 $16.95 ____ The Three Legged Mummy 978 1 8429 9389 7 $16.95 ____ Tracking 978 1 8429 9517 4 $16.95 ____ Traitors’ Gate 978 1 8429 9291 3 $16.95
$15.41 $15.41* $15.41 $15.41 $15.41 $15.41 $15.41 $15.41 $15.41 $15.41 $15.41* $15.41 $15.41 $15.41 $15.41 $15.41 $15.41 $15.41 $15.41
978 1 8429 9721 5
Reality Check: true stories stranger than fiction for ages 10–14 (reading age 8) ____ Arctic Hero 978 1 8429 9493 1 $16.95 $15.41 ____ Crazy Creatures 978 1 8429 9457 3 $16.95 $15.41
Qty Series/Title
Price Page Qty Series/Title ISBN (ex GST)
____ Curses ____ Dick Turpin: Legends and Lies ____ Escape from Colditz ____ Germ Wars (Due term 1) ____ Harald Hardnut ____ The Land of Whizzing Arrows ____ The Last Duel ____ Mad Scientists ____ Pocket Hero ____ Snow Tigers (Due term 1)
978 1 8429 9492 4 978 1 8429 9456 6 978 1 8429 9454 2 978 1 8429 9608 9 978 1 8429 9535 8 978 1 8429 9468 9 978 1 8429 9455 9 978 1 8429 9534 1 978 1 8429 9467 2 978 1 8429 9609 6
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