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I am writing this on the First Day of Spring, which is always one of those milestones for renewal and hope that the harsh temperatures are behind us and the sun is going to be here to stay. We're ready to cast off the dulls of Winter and embrace a lighter, brighter lifestyle. We're all sprucing up our wardrobes, our homes, and our yards in true Spring Cleaning Fever. While you are challenging yourself to fill those boxes with clothes, sift through those papers. and clear the counter clutter, might we remind that this is the perfect time to also spruce up your Macomb Area Chamber business directory listing with us as well.
Maybe your business relocated, or you got a new logo, or you just don't use that website anyone. Maybe your hours changed or you added a brand new product/service that you want to show off. Head here, find your business, and look it over for us. We want to make sure that as many people can find you as possible, so if you see something that needs to be spruced up, please let me know and I would be happy to make sure we get your business listing polished up for Spring. It's that simple.
Now get out there, enjoy the season, and don't hesitate to reach out anytime you need anything.
Let's make it a great month!
Thank you to our members who have continued their yearly investment with the Macomb Area Chamber of Commerce within the last month. Your support of the local business community is much appreciated as we look forward to working with you for another great year. Click on the logos below to learn more about each member:
Thank you to our members who have continued their yearly investment with the Macomb Area Chamber of Commerce within the last month. Your support of the local business community is much appreciated and we look forward to working with you for another great year. Click on the logos below to learn more about each member:
The 150% Club is a voluntary membership enhancement that provides additional support to the Macomb Area Chamber of Commerce. The 150% Club is a voluntary membership enhancement that provides additional support to the Chamber. Members who opt in will pay 150% of their membership dues and be recognized in our monthly newsletter and at our annual awards happy hour, plus additional recognition throughout the year on our website and social media platforms. Members are not required to join the 150% Club. The 150% Club is only included on membership renewal invoices. If you choose not to opt in, just pay the membership dues amount on your invoice. Either way, we thank you for choosing to be a Chamber member with us!
WILDFIRE BAR & GRILL: The Ambassador Committee of the Macomb Area Chamber of Commerce held a ribbon cutting on March 8 to welcome WildFire Bar & Grill (928 W. Jackson St., Macomb) to the Macomb Area Chamber and to the local business community.
Open since September 2022, owners and Macomb natives Claire Wienrich and Blake Kelly previously worked in the restaurant business and have worked to create a menu of local favorites; including burgers, sandwiches, salads, wraps, horseshoes, appetizers, breakfast items, wine, beer, and more. Hours are Tuesday-Saturday 7 am to 9 pm, Sunday 7 am to 3 pm, closed on Mondays.
For information, call (309) 421-0231 or find them on Facebook.
Shelter Insurance - Devon Raleigh: The Ambassador Committee of the Macomb Area Chamber of Commerce held a ribbon cutting on March 15 for Shelter Insurance - Devon Raleigh (137 S Randolph Street, Macomb) to welcome him as a Macomb Area Chamber member and new business in the community. Shelter Insurance focuses on auto, property, business, and life insurance. His tagline states, "You name it, we insure it!"
For information: call (309) 836-3000 or visit t
The Chamber Gift Certificate Program has been in existence since the mid 1980's. We sell Gift Certificates and they can be redeemed at participating member businesses. We sell nearly $200,000 worth of certificates every year, meaning all of that money stays in Macomb!
Who accepts Chamber Gift Certificates?
Only Chamber members who opt in to the Chamber Gift Certificate Program can accept certificates. Any Chamber member can opt in at any time. To be added to the list of 140+ area locations, contact at (309) 837-4855 or
How can I help promote the Chamber Gift Certificate Program?
We love when our members and the community help #keepitinmacomb by promoting the Chamber Gift Certificate Program. There are several ways you can do this:
Buy them for your employees, family, friends, teachers, etc.: Chamber Gift Certificates are a win-win since Chamber gift certificates never expire and happy to have a certificate to spend however they would like and you are keeping that money right here in the Macomb area. Tell people about them. Friends and family are always looking for gift suggestions, so why not chime in with the perfect idea.
Find a full range of Chamber and Chamber member events on the What's New? section of our website
Follow us on social media for local updates and activites.
Share your Chamber member events via your Chamber member information center account, on our website, or email them to us!
Governor JB Pritzker and the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) today announced $175 million in available grant funding through the Back to Business (B2B) program.
Following state recovery for businesses totaling nearly $1.5 billion, the latest American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) -funded opportunity is designed to provide additional support for the hardest-hit sectors, including restaurants (B2B Restaurants), hotels (B2B Hotels), and businesses or organizations in the creative arts sector (B2B Arts). To provide hands-on support and raise awareness about the program, the State has mobilized a network of more than 100 community navigators across Illinois. Applications will be open between April 5 and May 10, 2023.
“In the three years since COVID-19 brought our state, our nation, and our world to a standstill, Illinois businesses have come back swinging—in part thanks to our Back to Business program,” said Governor JB Pritzker. “My administration is committed to helping small business owners move past survival and onto long-term success—and this latest investment of $175 million in B2B grants does exactly that.”
Learn more about Back to Business (B2B) Grants for Creative Arts, Hotels & Restaurants by visiting:
As the public relations arm of the Chamber, members of the Ambassadors committee represent the Chamber by hosting Business After/Before Hours, attending ribbon cuttings, and recruiting new members. Our Ambassadors enhance the image of our business community and the organization by presenting a positive and professional attitude at Chamber events and throughout their interactions with the business community. These 20+ volunteers are the ultimate Chamber cheerleaders.
We are reserving this spot each month so that you can get to know each of our Ambassadors just a bit better
Whether you have been with the Chamber for a day or a decade; make the most of your membership with a full range of benefits and opportunities for you and your business.
Membership & Sponsorship Chamber Benefits