種印象,覺得必須遠赴郊野,才可覓得大自然。2019 年,香港賽馬會社區資助
計劃 –" 創不同 " 學院以《自然在城市——立夏篇》為季度主題,邀請大家留在 城市,發現尋常社區裏的生態之趣。希望大家從認識身邊的動植物鄰居開始, 重新思考人、自然和城市的共生關係!
鳥兒,卻容易受人類嫌棄。無論如何,雀鳥是城市裏最容易遇上的野生動物之一, 跟你和我一樣,都是社區的重要成員。牠們有的協助播種,有的吃掉昆蟲,對 維持生態平衡至關重要。但我們對這些鄰居又有多了解?
2019 年 5 月至 6 月," 創不同 " 學院以深水埗區為觀鳥基地,在意想不到的都市 角落,發掘自然生態。項目邀請了香港觀鳥會、醉心自然的作家及畫家葉曉文、 在世界各地創作「Engeki Quest」環境劇場的日本藝術組合偶然空聳(藤原力、
住吉山実里),與一眾參加者遊走深水埗區,一同創作《城市雀仔冒險之書》, 記載與雀仔街坊的相遇及相關知識。
現在,請你帶着《城市雀仔冒險之書》,張開眼、打開耳、邁步走,開展你的 大冒險!
Nature in the City — Summer at Our Doorstep It is often said that Hong Kong is a concrete jungle. Such feeling becomes more intense as we see the densely-packed high-rise buildings from the Peak. While city dwellers like us always have the impression that nature can only be found in the countryside, in 2019, we made "Nature in the City — Summer at Our Doorstep" the seasonal theme of The Hong Kong Jockey Club Community Project Grant: Make a Difference School. We invite you to stay in the urban area to discover the natural beauty hidden in ordinary neighbourhoods. By getting to know the plants and animals around us, let us reconsider the relationship between humans, nature and the city.
City Birds Adventure Book Cute-looking birds like sparrows and red-whiskered bulbuls are loved by humans, while birds who are bad singers or less attractive in terms of appearance are often less welcomed. Whether we like birds or not, they are some of the most common wild animals that we can find in the city. Like you and I, they are important members of the community. Some of them help to spread seeds, while the others eat insects. Birds play a very important role in maintaining the ecological balance, but how well do we know them? From May to June of 2019, the MaD School turned Sham Shui Po District into a bird watching classroom, and invited participants to discover nature in the least expected corners of the city. The project was organised in collaboration with the Hong Kong Bird Watching Society, artist, writer and nature lover IP Hiuman, Human, and the Japanese art group orangcosong (represented by Chikara FUJIWARA and Minori SUMIYOSHIYAMA), who creates environmental theatre performances called "Engeki Quest" around the world. Together with a group of participants, we explored different areas of Sham Shui Po District, and co-created the City Birds Adventure Book to share the stories and knowledge of the birdy kai fongs (neighbours) we met. Now, please bring with you the City Birds Adventure Book, open your senses and start your great adventure!
美孚尋寶大冒險 The great treasure hunt in Mei Foo 走吧,走吧!在荔枝角找一個家 Flat hunting in Lai Chi Kok 長沙灣早鳥導賞團 Cheung Sha Wan early bird guided tour 遊走石硤尾,探訪「老友記」 Hello, "old friends" of Shek Kip Mei!
嗨,人類,你手中拿着一本《城市雀仔冒險之書》,你是想在城市中和鳥兒一起 冒險嗎?但是城市人啊,鳥兒不像你,不怎麼喜歡逛商場、坐地鐵,你必須在城
市四周尋找牠們。這本冒險之書正是你的導航,請依照指示,一步一步探索城市。 但是請緊記以下幾點:
1 鳥兒不喜歡被一大班人類煩着,所以請你單獨行動,這是個獨一無二的旅程。 2 要讀書時,請停下來。不要一邊走路一邊讀書(也不要一邊走路一邊玩電
3 注意防曬和補充水份,留意天氣情況,安全至上!
4 如果想更容易遇上鳥兒,可以在清早和黃昏的時候出發。牠們跟你一樣,如
準備好了嗎?請跳到下一段。→【1】 Hey, human, I see that you are holding a City Birds Adventure Book. So you want to go on an adventure with birds in the city? Well, city dweller, birds are not like you. They don't really hang out in shopping malls or travel on the MTR. You must go around the city in order to find them. This book will be your guide. Read the texts and explore the city step by step. Before you start, please pay attention to the following:
Birds do not like to be bothered by a group of noisy humans. So please walk alone. This is a unique journey of your own.
Stand still as you read. Do not read as you walk (likewise, do not look at your mobile phone when you walk). Beware of traffic.
Protect yourself from the strong sun and keep yourself hydrated. Pay attention to the weather. Safety is the highest priority!
You have a better chance of finding the birds if you go out in early morning or before dusk. Birds are like humans. They rest when the sun is strong or when it is hot.
Are you ready? Please jump to the next section. →【1】
你在哪裏?你身處的地方,比較接近哪個港鐵站? 美孚站。→【12】
荔枝角站。→【34】 長沙灣站。→【57】 九龍塘站。→【83】 Where are you? Which MTR station are you closest to? Mei Foo. →【12】
Lai Chi Kok. →【34】
Cheung Sha Wan. →【57】 Kowloon Tong. →【83】
向上走,看到一家公司前面放了很多盆栽,就像這一帶的綠洲!再走一會,到達 一個分岔路口,左邊有條神秘的上斜路,不如我們去看看? 好啊!→【131】
不要吧⋯⋯我很害怕呢⋯⋯ →【185】 As you walk up the slope, you will see an office with a lot of potted plants outside. This is almost like an oasis of the area! Walk further and we have come to a junction. There is a mysterious side road on the left. Should we go up from there? Yes! →【131】
Nope! I am scared... →【185】
在深水埗,許多鴿子都喜歡在這個角落乘涼。由於人們長期餵飼白鴿,令牠們 數量激增。雖然人們常常叫牠們白鴿,但其實牠們當中有些是珠頸斑鳩,有些 是灰色的原鴿!珠頸斑鳩長年都戴着珍珠頸鏈,身型比較苗條;原鴿則披着
灰衣,當然,穿白衣、褐色、雜色衣裳的都有。在這裏待一會吧,你能看到或聽到 鴿子嗎?
不確定。→【178】 Stop here for a while by the MTR exit. Look around you. Do you see any pigeons at this intersection? In Sham Shui Po, pigeons enjoy resting at this corner. The number of pigeons soars as people feed them regularly. Although people often call them "white pigeons", some of them are actually spotted doves and rock pigeons mixed together. The spotted dove always wears a "pearl necklace" and it looks slimmer. The rock pigeons are not only white. They can be grey, white, brown or multicoloured. Wait for a moment. Can you see or hear them? Yes I can. →【19】
No I can't. →【53】
Hmm... I am not quite sure. →【178】
我們沿着青山道的唐樓直走,沿途仔細向上望,有發現騎樓底上一坨啡色的 東西嗎?這是我們要看的其中一個樓盤啊!不用驚訝,我是一隻家燕,住在鳥巢
也很正常吧!哈哈!但這條大街太熱鬧,不太適合孩子居住。還是再看看吧! →【182】
Let's walk along Castle Peak Road under the tong laus (Chinese tenement buildings). Look up from time to time as you walk. Have you noticed any brownish or blackish thing on the
ceiling? This is one of the properties that we are going to view today! Are you surprised? Haha, I am a barn swallow, so it is no surprise that I'd like to live in a nest! But this street is too busy and noisy for my children. Let's go and find another place! →【182】
面向青銅鶴,轉右原路折返,你會看到「一心亭」在你左手邊。你可以在這裏休 息一下,一分鐘就好了喔!
繼續直走來到分岔路,不知道草地上有沒有合用的巢材呢?不過這地方太小了, 我們眼光要廣闊一點!面向草地左轉,穿過羊腸小徑吧。要靠右走,千萬不要左 轉啊。走到十字路口,直到右手邊出現「德門集慶」牌坊。→【189】
Face the bronze cranes, turn right to return by the way you came. A pavilion called " 一心亭 " will appear on your left. You can take a rest here―for not more than one minute! Keep going until you come to a junction. There is a piece of lawn here. Is there anything suitable for my nest? This space is too narrow though. We need to have bigger vision! Face the lawn, follow the winding path on your left. Stay on the right as you walk. Don't turn left. Eventually, you'll come to an intersection where there is an arch with the words " 德門集慶 " on the right. →【189】
哇!看到大廈大堂裏面的「地球」嗎?其實,我和老婆飛來香港之前,正在環遊 世界,我們到訪過很多地方了!恰巧聽到其他朋友說香港蠻好玩,便過來看看。 好,言歸正傳,現在面向橙色牆,「地球」在你的左手邊,接下來去哪兒好呢? 直走。→【155】 轉右。→【81】
Wow, can you see the "earth" inside the building's lobby? Actually, my wife and I had been travelling around the world before we came to Hong Kong. We've been to many places! Since some of my friends said Hong Kong is fun, we thought we could drop by. Now we are facing the orange wall and the "earth" is on our left. Where should we go next? Go straight. →【155】 Turn right. →【81】
眼前地上有兩條黃線,是車路。瞧瞧右邊,沒有車才好小心過馬路呀。過馬路後 會見到「請勿攜犬入內」的牌子,眼前出現分岔路了吧? 往左走,見到前方有個涼亭。→【123】 往右走,走進一片樹蔭海洋。→【37】
There are two yellow lines on the driveway before you. Look right and make sure no car is coming before you cross the road. After crossing the road, you will come to a sign saying "no dogs allowed". Is there a junction in front of you? Turn left. There is a pavilion over there. →【123】 Turn right to enter a sea of trees. →【37】
真忙!一直走至分岔路轉左,現在戶外泳池在你的右邊,前邊的走廊盡頭有三隻 牙齒在微笑(哈哈),朝它們直走吧。
走到這兒,今天應該已經見過麻雀朋友了吧,牠們白色的臉頰上都有可愛的黑斑 是吧?牠們的全名其實叫「樹麻雀」呢~
嘻嘻⋯⋯樹麻雀見得多,但牠們的家你可能沒見過。牠們很注重私隱啊,所以會 在隱蔽處築巢,如簷下、管道接口等,也會把巢築在大廈外牆較高位置、冷氣機 旁等不易受其他動物捕獵或騷擾的地方。
你正面向那三隻微笑的牙齒,轉向後方,站到窗邊小盆栽旁邊,抬頭找找看。樹 麻雀的巢不算整齊,通常由乾草、樹枝之類的材料築成。你試試稍等一會,牠可 能很快會回來,看的時候要安靜啊。
看到了嗎?探訪完麻雀的家,我們要上路了。→【38】 As you walk in the corridor, you would see a lot of posters about wellness, education and career advice on both sides. Humans are so busy! Turn left when you arrive at a junction. The outdoor swimming pool is now on your right. Go straight towards those three teeth smiling at the far end of the walkway (haha!).
By now, you should have seen some sparrow friends today, right? Have you noticed the prominent black spots on their white cheeks? These birds are actually called tree sparrows! Haha, you've seen tree sparrows, but you probably haven't seen their homes. They love privacy. Therefore, they usually nest in hidden places. You might be able to find them under buildings' canopies or in pipe openings. They might also nest on walls. Since they need a safe and undisturbed environment away from predators, they usually nest next to air conditioners on upper floors.
You're really lucky to have me as your guide. I have a sparrow friend who lives here. Come take a look! Face the three smiling teeth and turn around. Stand next to the potted plants by the window, then look up. I know, nests of tree sparrows are not too tidy. They usually build it with hay, twigs and things like that. You can wait for a while. They might come back anytime. Shh, keep quiet! Do you see that? It's time to continue our journey after visiting the sparrow. →【38】
樹麻雀的特徵是臉頰上有黑斑,繁殖期在每年 3、4 月。雛鳥喙部呈鮮黃色,這黃色會 在成長後期漸漸褪去。有謂「黃口無飽期」,雀爸媽辛苦了。麻雀幼鳥在 5 月離巢時, 嘴邊仍會有一點點黃色,毛色會較成鳥淡一些,頰上黑斑也不明顯。 About Tree Sparrows Tree sparrows have a prominent black spot on their cheeks. Their mating season starts from March and ends in April. Young sparrows have yellow beaks, and this colour fades as they grow. In Chinese, the saying goes "the yellow beaks are never full." Mama and papa sparrows have to work hard to feed their kids! When juveniles leave their nests in May, the yellow colour is still around their beaks. Their feathers are lighter in colour than mature birds, and the black spots on their cheeks are not obvious.
在哪兒呢?好像是 7 樓啊!上去看看吧!
走出升降機後,要找一個門口有藍色招牌的機構,然後進去。原來這裏是香港觀 鳥會的辦公室!架上有很多單張啊!麻煩你幫我拿右上角那份藍色單張給我吧! 謝謝,麻煩你了!現在先回到地面吧。→【143】
Where is it? Oh, I remember it's on the seventh floor! Let's go up and see! After we go out of the lift, there should be a door with a blue sign on it... Let's go into that door. Ah, here's the office of the Hong Kong Bird Watching Society! There are many pamphlets on the shelf! Could you take the one at the upper right corner for me? Yes! That one in blue! Thank you! Let's go back to the ground floor. →【143】
▼ 10
這裏交通有點太繁忙了吧?跟上世紀五十年代還沒填海時相比,我想街坊們會更 喜歡住在那時的海邊,還可以在沙子裏沐浴一番⋯⋯哈!想想都覺得「正斗」! Jap jap jap !
繼續沿着這條早已填平的海岸線直走吧。→【21】 Try to close your eyes and listen as you walk along this road. Can you hear birds chirping? This road is too busy, right? Our birdy kai fongs would probably prefer to live by the sea, before reclamation took place in the 1950s... They could have bathed in the sand! Oh that's the loveliest thing I can imagine, jap jap jap! Let's continue to walk down this reclaimed coastline. →【21】
▼ 11
喂喂~對啦我在叫你啦。這邊是我的「主場」,你走進來,左看右看迷迷茫茫是 要幹嘛?我是誰?沒看到我?耐性啊人類~
其實我今天要去探望老街坊,可是我太受歡迎了,朋友太多,要去的地方可多了, 所以你要跟緊些啊。好吧,我們先飛過去【137】這一段吧——對啊,我除了受 歡迎,還很跳脫,順序閱讀不合我的個性啦~→【137】
Hey~~ Hey~~ Yes I am calling you. This is my home. What are you doing here? Why do you look so confused? Who am I? You can't see me? Patience, human~ Anyway, it's nice to meet you. Let me show you the way!
I am actually going to visit my kai fongs (neighbours) today. Since I am so popular and have so many friends, I have to visit many places. So follow me closely. Now, let's fly to【137】― Oh yes, apart from being popular, I am also spontaneous. Going step by step is never my style~ →【137】
▼ 12
美孚是個環境不錯的社區,想參觀一下嗎?想的話,就前往美孚站 D 出口吧。 出站後,就會有人帶你去玩,請站在出口前耐心等一下。 嗯⋯⋯究竟導遊會從哪邊出現呢?→【144】
Mei Foo is a pretty nice neighbourhood. Would you like to explore the area? If you do, please proceed to Exit D of Mei Foo MTR Station. When you come out of the station, someone will pick you up and show you around, so please wait outside the exit patiently. Hm... From which side will the tour guide turn up? →【144】
▼ 13
繼續前進,你會來到商學院的大堂。找到玻璃牆上反轉了的「6」字嗎?推開門, 上樓梯到 7 樓吧!→【133】
Keep going and you will come to the lobby of the College of Business. Can you find an inverted "6" on a glass wall? Open the door and go up to Level 7 using the staircase! →【133】
▼ 14
一直向前走,要小心啊。很多貨車會在這裏卸下回收物資和廢物。不過,如果你 剛好找到一個可以稍作停留的地方,不妨抬頭看看,或者你可以在大廈的冷氣機 之間,找到雀仔的蹤跡!
地上有一磚磚將要被運走的紙。有時候他們也會回收其他被人廢棄的材料。在 這裏要小心慢慢走呢!因為很多小狗會在這裏聚集,經常在這兒留下「幾両 黃金」!
背向回收公司,靠左向前走到紅色十字標誌路牌旁的消防栓,之後上斜還是過 馬路比較好呢?
走平地算了吧。過馬路直走到下一個路口,再想想要往哪裏。→【171】 Be careful as you walk. There maybe a lot of trucks that are loading or unloading recyclable or waste materials. However, if you can find a place to stop, you may look up and observe if there are birds among the air conditioning units outside the buildings. Go to the end of the road and you will find a recycling company. They mainly handle paper. That's why very often, there are large blocks of paper here waiting to be taken away. Sometimes, this company also recycle other kinds of materials brought in by other people. Walk slowly here because there are many dogs nearby. They always leave their "golden treasures" here! Turn your back to the recycling company, stay on the left and go straight to the fire hydrant next to the signpost with a red cross. Do you think it's better to go up the slope or cross the road? There seems to be a lot of plants up the slope. Let's go up! →【2】
I don't want to climb up the slope. I will cross the road instead. Let's go straight to the next junction and see where to go next. →【171】
▼ 15
小蟲呢。你有看到膠帶、廁紙之類適合當巢材的東西嗎?你好像還沒有撿到甚麼 嘛!
一直往前走,會見到一座噴水池,不過它好像不常開動。水池中間又有一幅抽象 浮雕,不過我完全看不懂。
這裏左邊有一間黃色的店,我聽過有些人說要進去買傢具。所謂傢具,不就是你 們的巢材嗎?那麼裏面也會有適合我的巢材嗎?
應該沒有好巢材吧?離開。→【165】 Continue to move forward until you reach a spacious podium garden. Birds of my kind like foraging on the ground around here. Those areas near the planters are particularly popular. You can find a lot of delicious little bugs. Can you find any plastic strip, toilet paper or anything that would fit my nest? It seems that you haven't found much still! (Mysterious voice: Plastic strip... toilet paper...) Keep going and you will come to a fountain. It is not always operating, though. There is another abstract relief by the fountain, but I don't understand anything about art. To the left of the podium, there is a yellow shop. I have heard humans saying they wanted to buy furniture there. Isn't furniture equivalent to your nest material? Would there be anything useful for me inside? Go in and check it out. →【193】
Probably nothing useful there. Leave now. →【165】
▼ 16
繼續下坡,左邊有很多樹木,有些長滿了漂亮的花朵,也有蜂兒、甲蟲和蝴蝶。 嗨!大家好啊~
我們一直走,終於來到公園的出口。往右轉,再向山腳走到盡頭,便來到警署。 在這兒左轉,過馬路到對面的停車場吧。
一直向前走,前面好像越來越熱鬧了!經過的士站、鳳凰木⋯⋯繼續沿行人路走, 向着天橋方向走到斜坡盡頭。馬路對面有一座外型獨特的舊式酒家,名為「彩龍
大酒樓」。我們依着右邊的紅綠燈,橫過兩次馬路,到它的大門口去吧!→【176】 Keep going down the slope. There are many trees on the left. Some have beautiful flowers, which attract bees, beetles and butterflies. Hello everyone~ Go straight and eventually we will arrive at the park entrance. Leave the park, turn right to go downhill. At the end of the road, there is a police station. Turn left, cross the road and go towards the car park. From here, go straight and walk all the way towards the bottom of the slope. This area is much more vibrant! Pass the taxi stand, the flame trees... Go all the way down following
the pedestrian walkway and you will come to a footbridge at the end of the slope. On the opposite side of the road, there is a special building. It’s an old Chinese restaurant called the “Lucky Dragon Restaurant ( 彩龍大酒樓 )”. Let’s follow the traffic light on the right, cross two roads to reach the entrance of the restaurant. →【176】
▼ 17
再轉身,繼續沿福華街前行吧。現在左邊是商店,右邊是啡色的中華電力變電站。 沿着左邊的騎樓底下行走,不時抬頭看看上面,有看到屋簷上一坨坨啡啡黑黑的
東西嗎?看來這些樓盤更好呢!不用驚訝,我是一隻家燕,住在鳥巢也很正常 吧!哈哈!
你可以抬頭看看有沒有其他適合我們居住的地方啊!可以用相機做個紀錄,麻煩 你了!→【93】
Let's turn around and continue to walk along Fuk Wa Street. On your left, there are some shops. The substation of CLP with brown walls is on your right. Walk along the shops under the balconies of tong laus. Look up from time to time — have you noticed those brownish or blackish things on the ceiling? I think these are the better choices for my home! Are you surprised? Haha, I am a barn swallow, so it is no surprise that I'd like to live in a nest! You can help to see if there are better properties under the balconies! Take photos for record if you want. Thank you! →【93】
▼ 18
離開圖書館,背向門口,轉左走到公廁前的路口。在這裏望向左邊,看到那個小 小的出口嗎?對,就是那幾枝銀色小柱的位置。穿過那個出口離開公園吧。
一直走,直至看見紅綠燈。望向右邊,看到對面馬路寫着「美孚站」的黃色牌子 嗎?向那邊過馬路,到「水漾衣坊」去吧。→【64】
Come out of the library, turn left for the junction next to the public toilet. Look to your left. Can you see that narrow exit? Yes, I mean that exit with a few metal poles. Leave the park from there. After leaving the park, you will see Mei Foo Sun Chuen (those beige-coloured residential buildings) and slender palm trees on the opposite side of the road. Turn left and keep going
until you come to the traffic lights. Look towards your right. Do you see that yellow sign with the words "Mei Foo Station" on the opposite side? Cross the road towards that direction, and you will see "Water Laundry ( 水漾衣坊 )". →【64】
▼ 19
能遇到我的老朋友,你真幸運。牠們通常都在早上聚會,去代我跟牠們打招呼吧! Jap jap !
打完招呼,是時候繼續旅程。我們橫過東京街,向中華基督教會協和小學那邊走。 →【166】
You are lucky enough to meet my friends. They usually gather here in the morning only. Say hi to them on my behalf. Jap jap! Now, it's time to move on. Cross Tonkin Street and walk towards C.C.C. Heep Woh Primary School ( 協和小學 ). →【166】
▼ 20
沿剛才的樓梯返回地面,再朝樓梯後方有蓋位置直走。→【129】 Return to the ground floor via the staircase. Turn around at the end of the staircase and walk towards the covered space behind it. →【129】
▼ 21
一直向前走,你會發現右方的花槽,階磚由白色換成紅色,這表示我們來到另一 個屋苑了。你看到豎立在草叢中、寫着「怡靖苑」的木牌嗎?再前行幾步,在有
紅色消防欄杆的入口進入屋苑吧!歡迎你來到我的舊居,請沿着大路一直走,走 到寧靜閣旁的遊樂埸就可以了~→【170】
Keep going ahead. You will notice that the tiles on the planters on the right have changed from white to red. This means that we have arrived at another housing estate. Do you see the wooden sign of "Yee Ching Court ( 怡靖苑 )" standing in the middle of the planter? A few steps ahead, you will find a red emergency crash gate at the estate entrance. Enter the estate there. Please walk along the main path until you reach the playground by the side of Ning Ching House ( 寧靜閣 ). →【170】
▼ 22
食亭,從它的樓梯爬上上層,你會看到水池上層的小島,我們常常在這邊聚會。 除了我們,其他動物都很喜歡大水池的。你有看到蜻蜓和蝴蝶嗎?有時我聽到 青蛙呱呱叫,但不知道牠們藏在哪兒⋯⋯
從前面有綠色圍牆的梯級上去吧。轉左會看到網球場,前面有適合人類的水源! →【120】
Let's go to the big pond via the little path by the lamp post. The pond has two levels. In the middle of the pond, there is a kiosk that seems to be always closed. Climb up the stairs by the kiosk and you will see a small island on the upper level. We always gather here. The pond is loved by other animals too. Have you seen the dragonflies and butterflies? Sometimes I can hear the frogs, but it's hard to see where they are hiding... I just had a quick chat with a light-vented bulbul and drank enough water. Now it's your turn. Go back to the lower level by the stairs, then walk up the staircase with green walls in front of you. Turn left and there you'll see the tennis courts. Let's look for water suitable for human consumption! →【120】
▼ 23
雖然冷氣很爽,但就是因為冷氣機將討厭的熱空氣都排出戶外,外面才那―那― 那麼熱啊。
黑領椋鳥的巢裏,甚至把我們的蛋踢走,然後我們的小孩就沒了⋯⋯牠們的蛋看 起來跟我們的幾乎一模一樣,我們就糊里糊塗地替牠們孵蛋兼餵哺小孩!想起就
覺得氣憤!冷氣機和噪鵑都是為了營造有利自己的環境,就將炙熱的空氣、人家 的小孩通通扔掉推開。真是可恨。
雖然很矛盾地,外頭實在太熱時,我也不得不到有冷氣的地方消暑⋯⋯ 好,發完牢騷了,繼續走吧。
直走穿過橋底,在右前方會看見一條往上的大樓梯。 上樓梯。→【62】
不想上樓梯了,就朝着樓梯底的方向往前行。→【129】 It is very comfortable here indeed. However, it is exactly because the air conditioners release terrible hot air into the outdoors, that it becomes so hot outside. Did you know that there is a bird call "koel"? Koels never make their own nests. They would lay eggs in the nests of we black-collared starlings. Sometimes they even push our eggs out of the nests, and our children get killed because of that... Their eggs look almost identical to ours. We are cheated into incubating their eggs and raising their children. Just thinking of it makes me angry. Both air conditioners and koels care only about their own benefit. To protect their own benefit, they push hot air and someone else's babies away. They are so disgusting. Although ironically, when it gets too hot outside, I have to hide in air-conditioned places too... Alright, I should stop complaining. Let's go! (Mysterious voice: Hey, is that comparison a bit...) Go to the other side through the passageway under the bridge. A grand staircase should appear on the right before you. Go upstairs. →【62】
I don't want to go up. I will go towards the covered area under the staircase. →【129】
▼ 24
這裏是垃圾站,但不用怕,這兒一點也不髒啊。我觀察過了,這些東西嚴格來 說不是廢物,也非垃圾,而是可以回收甚至重用的物品。當中有紙皮,還有簇 新的桌椅。我聽說過,有人不願讓外人拿走物品使用,便故意將它們破壞,不過
有時也會有仍然完好的物品,因此不少人類街坊也會來這邊尋寶。其實有沒有 更好、更環保的處理方法呢?
我們離開垃圾站繼續走,現在垃圾站在你的右方,前方有個大大的⑤,向這個方 向前進,經過更亭後走出路口往下一站。→【106】
This is a refuse collection point. Don't worry! It's not dirty here. I've observed for a long time. Things here are not necessarily waste or garbage. Instead, a lot of stuff here can be recycled or reused! For example, there are cardboards and even brand new tables and chairs! I've heard that the owners damage the "garbage" intentionally so that other people cannot take things away. But sometimes, if people are lucky enough, they can still find good stuff here. That's why many humans still come here to dumpster dive. Is there a better and more environmentally friendly way to deal with these resources?
Let's leave the refuse collection point and continue our journey. Now the refuse collection point should be on your right. You should be able to see a big ⑤ somewhere ahead of you. Walk towards that direction, leave the university through the gate next to the security booth. We will move on to the next stop. →【106】
▼ 25
來到「香港仔澤記魚蛋粉麵餐廳」,你有看見我的鸚鵡街坊朋友嗎?牠每一天都 在店前跟人打招呼呢!
假如看不到也不要緊,我們繼續直走,過幾個舖位的生果店也有一隻貓兒呢,牠 今天在嗎?現在,你會看到右側的恒生銀行。我們過馬路,轉右沿青山道直走, 於下一個街口的「福泰珠寶」,在面向小販排檔方向的門口停下。→【41】
We're now at "Aberdeen Chak Kee Fishball Noodles Restaurant ( 香港仔澤記魚蛋粉麵餐廳 )". Do you see my parrot friend? It greets everyone here every day! No worries if you can't see it! Let's keep going. There is a cat in the fruit store a few shops away ahead of you. Is it here today? Now you'll find Hang Seng Bank on your right. Cross the street, turn right, then walk along Castle Peak Road. When you reach "Fook Tai Jewellery ( 福泰珠寶 )", go to its side entrance which faces the hawker stalls, and stop there. →【41】
▼ 26
繼續前行,步出山洞。看到前方樓梯旁有一座石燈嗎?但裏面可不是燈泡或蠟燭 啊。猜到這是甚麼吧?
當時的園景設計師真是體貼,想到要這樣藏着這個本來和園區格格不入,又必定 要安裝的東西。公園裏還有不少類似的石燈呢。
為甚麼我會知道?因為我曾以為裏面可能適合築巢⋯⋯不過這個空間太小,而且 又太矮了。
轉右進入「通幽」門。→【158】 Go straight to exit the cave. Can you see the stone lamp next to the staircase in front of you? There isn't any light bulb or candle inside. Can you guess what it actually is? The landscape designer must be very thoughtful to have come up with the idea of using a stone lamp to house this thing which is so necessary, yet doesn't match the aesthetics of the garden. There are many other stone lamps of this kind in this park. Why would I know? That's because I once thought I could build a nest inside... but there isn't enough space and this is too low. I would like to go up the staircase. →【101】
I prefer turning right to enter " 通幽 (Tung Yau)" entrance. →【158】
▼ 27
這個郵箱上面畫了一隻蜂鳥。我沒親眼見過蜂鳥,聽說牠們住在美洲,個子很小 但是飛得很快。為甚麼香港郵政要請外國的鳥兒擔任代言人呢?為甚麼不請鴿 子、紅耳鵯或者燕子?其實本地鳥也很醒目嘛!
嗯⋯⋯我們還是繼續行程吧。面向郵箱和中國銀行,轉右直走到路口,過馬路到 對面的士多,然後轉右直走至一道橙色牆前停下。→【6】
There is a hummingbird logo on the posting box. I’ve never seen a real hummingbird before. I heard that they live in the Americas. They are very tiny, but they move fast. Why would the Hong Kong Post hire a foreign bird as its mascot? Why not a pigeon, a red-whiskered bulbul or a swallow? Actually, the local birds look pretty smart too! Hm… Anyway, let’s carry on with our journey! Face the posting box and The Bank of China. Turn right, go straight and cross the road to reach the corner shop. Turn right and keep going until you arrive at an orange wall. →【6】
▼ 28
看到右邊空地上的那個巨石陣嗎?你知道那是甚麼嗎?有些時候會有人望着它們 沉思,是在想如何把石頭帶回家嗎?
嗯?甚麼?巢材?喔,不。那些石頭都很重,似乎連人類也搬不動,那會壓壞我 的巢啊。我只是想叫你來看看罷了。
面向石頭陣,往右離開。靠左直走回到美孚門。→【110】 Can you see those large stones on the ground to your right? Do you know what they are? Sometimes people stare at them and sink into deep thought. Are they wondering how to bring the stones home? What? Material for the nest? No, no. These stones are too heavy. Not even humans can lift them up. They will damage my nest. I just wanted you to have a look. Face the stones. Turn right to leave. Stay on the left as you walk, and go all the way back to the North Entrance/Mei Foo Gate ( 美孚門 ). →【110】
▼ 29
站在這條隧道的前方,停下來。前面好像甚麼也沒有呢,只得一束光。我們要不 要繼續走?
看不見前面是甚麼地方,別再走吧⋯⋯→【114】 繼續走吧!大白天沒問題的!→【164】
Stop in front of the tunnel. There seems to be nothing much at the end of it. I can only see a beam of light. Should we continue? I can't see what's ahead of us. Let's not go in... →【114】
Keep going! There won't be any problem, it's daytime now! →【164】
▼ 30
我們過馬路,一直走到「福泰珠寶」。要小心啊,其中一條馬路是沒有紅綠燈的。 到福泰珠寶面向小販排檔方向的門口停下。→【41】
Cross the road and go forward until you see "Fook Tai Jewellery ( 福泰珠寶 )". Be careful! One of the roads has no traffic lights! Let's stop at the side entrance, the one facing the hawker stalls. →【41】
▼ 31
這區附近很少綠化地帶,想呼吸一下新鮮空氣也很難呢!如果想看看花草樹木, 只好來到這個小公園。我在這裏認識了不少新朋友,所以這裏也成為了我們的聚
腳點,一起談談天、賞賞花。(你知道嗎?有時候老婆太吵,我也會偷偷來到這 裏唞唞氣呢,別告訴她啊!)
咦?為甚麼有人從上面走下來的呢?難道那裏還有路嗎?我們去看看吧! 再上一層看看。→【85】
不,我們回到地面吧。→【43】 There are not many green spaces in this area. It's difficult to get fresh air. Whenever I want to enjoy some greenery, I would come here. I have made many friends here, and this has become our favourite gathering spot. We can have a chat and admire the flowers. (You know what? When my wife talks too much, I would come here to take a break. Don't tell her though!) Oh, someone is coming down from the upper level. What's up there? Let's go and have a look! Go to the upper level. →【85】
No, let's go down to the street level. →【43】
▼ 32
導賞團!但我太受歡迎,導賞團一早爆滿了。但沒關係,給你一個 VIP 通行證吧。 歡迎你來到我們的家園!
我們全身棕色,兩頰有黑色的斑點。有誰知道我們走路的方式呢?對,是一跳一 跳的。Come on,年輕人!在開始今天的旅程前,來跟着我跳一下作熱身吧! 跳起來了嗎?
好啦,是時候出發,跟緊我的步伐吧。我們要先從長沙灣 C2 出口步行到元州邨 的遊樂場。→【65】
Hello! Do you know Sham Shui Po District well? Well, I, Sam Gor, have been living here for years. Everyone calls me the "Encyclopedia of Sham Shui Po" because I know everything. Actually, I have an important appointment today―I have to lead a guided tour! Yet as I am too popular, the tour was fully booked long ago. Anyway, don't worry, I'll get you a VIP pass. Welcome to my home! As a member of the Sham Shui Po Kaifong Welfare Association, it's my great pleasure to introduce our world of tree sparrows to you! Our feathers are basically brown in colour and we have black spots on our cheeks. Do you know how we walk? That's right, we hop. Come on young people! Let's warm up by hopping around before our journey starts. H-O-P! Now, it's time to set off! Follow me. Let's go from Cheung Sha Wan MTR Exit C2 to the playground in Un Chau Estate. →【65】
▼ 33
逮到你了!噪鵑!就是你一直跟着我們吧?我才不會讓你這麼容易找到我家的 位置!去年我已經幫你帶大兩隻小孩了! (噪鵑:好痛!放開我!)
走!到別的地方去!不要再打我主意! 。。。
位置了。但哪一天你在這公園裏抬頭張望,看見一個用汽水膠帶當門簾的鳥巢, 你就知道那是我的了。
好,我也真的要回家了。你也該回你的家了吧?→【195】 Can't see it? Try to look more carefully... (Mysterious voice: I can't see it either... Where is it? Ouch! It hurts!)
Got you! Koel! So you have been stalking on us the whole time? I won't let you know where I live! Last year I had already raised your two kids! (Koel: Ouch! Let go of me!) Go away! Get out of my sight immediately! Don't ever get close to me! ... Sorry, human! I don't think I can show you my home today as the situation is a little dangerous. But if you visit this park again, look around you. If you see a bird's nest with a portière made of plastic six-pack rings, you know it's mine. OK, I should really go home now. I think you should go to yours too? →【195】
▼ 34
上班,有些角落還是旺中帶靜。想看看嗎?請先到荔枝角站 B1 出口地面,有人 (或鳥)會跟你會合。→【55】
Lai Chi Kok has seen a lot of new development in recent years, with more new restaurants and shopping malls. During office hours, the area is bustling and is filled with office workers, but there are some nice, quiet corners too. Would you like to explore the neighbourhood? Please wait outside Exit B1 of Lai Chi Kok MTR Station. Someone (or a bird) will meet you there. →【55】
▼ 35
我們在長沙灣道上還有大約 10 分鐘的路程,所以如果你需要小休、吃東西、 買些飲品,你可以先到「759 雲吞麵」補充體力,之後我們會繼續餘下的行程。
如果不用的話也沒關係,我們就繼續前行。店名的三個數字中,最後兩個數字是 甚麼?跳到那一段吧。
We will keep walking along Cheung Sha Wan Road for around 10 minutes. Buy some drinks, get yourself some food or take a rest at “759 Wonton Noodle (759 雲吞麵 )” if you need to. When you feel recharged, come with me. What are the last two digits of the three-digit restaurant name? Jump to that section!
▼ 36
繼續向前走一小段路,你會來到紅綠燈。看到對面的屋苑嗎?正對面是啡色的屋 苑,左邊則是白色、粉紅色的屋苑。過馬路後轉左,朝白色、粉紅色屋苑前行吧! →【21】
Keep walking until you reach the traffic light. See the housing estates in front of you? The estate right opposite is brown in colour, while the one to its left is white and pink. Cross the road, turn left and walk towards the white and pink estate! →【21】
▼ 37
沿着池邊走,看到池裏烏龜悠閒地閉目養神。唉,我也很想像牠們那樣啊! 可惜我就是辛苦命⋯⋯
走着走着,涼亭應該出現在左邊。看到涼亭旁有座拱橋嗎? 走到拱橋上去看看。→【172】
直走,走到右邊出現「德門集慶」牌坊。→【189】 Walk along the edge of the pond, you will see turtles chilling around. Sigh, I wish I could live an easy life too, but I am always so busy... Can you see another pavilion in front of you? Walk towards it. Keep going. The pavilion should appear on your left. You see that bridge next to the pavilion? Go up the bridge and look around you. →【172】
Keep going until the " 德門集慶 (Tak Mun Chap Hing)" arch appears on your right. →【189】
▼ 38
楊建文學術樓,山徑的兩旁有眾多樹木和鳥兒。你聽到鳥兒的鳴叫嗎?能分辨出 多少種叫聲?
還是想「尋寶」去?沿小徑直走,右邊的樹每棵都有自己的編號,試找找一條 下山的樓梯,梯旁有方向牌,梯邊欄杆掛着「校園進口」的牌子。梯口那棵樹的 編號是 T2 〇〇,〇〇這兩個數字就是段落號碼,下樓梯了~
Keep going and walk down the stairs. There you'll find a quiet hillside path. Walk along the path and look to your left. It's the Yeung Kin Man Academic Building of the City University of Hong Kong. You will find many trees and birds on both sides. Do you hear the birds sing? How many different types of birds can you hear? Do you want to see our "birdy canteen"? →【192】 Or do you want a little treasure hunt? If you walk along the path, you'll see that each tree has its own code. Find the staircase that leads you down the hill. Next to the staircase is a direction sign. On the railing, a sign leads you to the entrance of the campus. The code of the tree next to the staircase is T2 〇〇 . All you have to do is to jump to section 〇〇 . Now, let's go down the stairs.
▼ 39
在匯豐銀行前過馬路回到對面去,然後轉右直走至 7-Eleven。從 7-Eleven 旁的
門口進入商場,然後靠左直走。一直前行,爆谷的味道就越濃烈⋯⋯蟲子比爆谷 好吃多了,所以別管爆谷,我們繼續直走離開商場吧!→【194】
Cross the road at HSBC. Turn right and go straight until you come to a 7-Eleven. Enter the shopping mall from the entrance next to 7-Eleven. Stay on the left and keep walking. The smell of popcorn gets more and more intense… Insects taste so much better than popcorn. So let’s ignore the popcorn, go straight and leave the mall! →【194】
▼ 40
你來到一個水池,它叫「E 池」。我們最愛乾淨了,天氣熱的時候,水池真是消 暑解渴的好去處。嗯⋯⋯對於鳥兒來說,玩水才是正經事,繼續去間歇瀑布玩! →【72】
Here you are at the pool. It's called "Pool E (E 池 )". We love cleanliness. The pool is the best place to go when it is hot. Of course! Playing with water is a serious matter for birds! Let's go play at the waterfall! →【72】
▼ 41
喂喂,不要被眼前金光璀璨的珠寶迷住了。抬頭一看,你會在騎樓底下找到更讓 人着迷的事物——對了,就是我的燕子朋友的家!看不到嗎?就在騎樓角落呢。
到一群家燕在巢內嗎?牠們十分「長情」,每到春天,都會回到同一個地方築巢。 你知道嗎?燕子個子雖小,但「胃口」卻非常大!一隻燕子一天可吃掉數百隻昆 蟲,幼鳥每天更要進食相當於自己體重的昆蟲,燕爸媽一天內要來回哺食四百多
次,風雨不改。每個夏季,一個燕家庭便可以吃掉 50 至 100 萬隻昆蟲,所以對 人類來說,牠們是消滅害蟲的好幫手。
不過看一會兒就好了,因為我們行程緊湊。現在請你面向排檔,然後選擇接下來 怎麼走。
面向左,在街口停下。→【145】 向右走,繼續前行。→【184】
Hey! Don't be distracted by the jewellery. Look and you will find something more fascinating. This is the home of my swallow friends. Can you locate it? It's at the corner of the ceiling above you! See? The birds are also part of the community and living together with you humans in the neighbourhood. Are the barn swallows home today? They are faithful birds. They come back to the same place to build their nest every spring. Did you know? Although they look tiny, they eat a lot! A single swallow consumes a few hundred insects every day, the total weight of insects consumed by a juvenile swallow equals its weight! Rain or shine, parents have to feed them around four hundred times a day. Every summer, a swallow family consumes 500,000 to one million insects. To humans, they play a very important role in pest control. But don't stay for too long! We have a packed itinerary. Facing the hawker stalls, please decide which way to go next. Turn left and stop at the junction. →【145】 Go right and keep walking. →【184】
▼ 42
他們有沒有好吃的昆蟲或果實呢?你過去看看他們的門口有沒有放餐牌⋯⋯ 有好吃的,進去吃個飯吧。→【73】 不吃。→【163】
I wonder if they serve any insect or fruit here? Can you go and check whether they have displayed their menu at the door? Hm... delicious! Let's go in for a meal. →【73】 I don't want to eat now. →【163】
▼ 43
我有一個朋友常常在這附近出沒,讓我介紹給你認識吧!你看見眼前藍色、白色的 工廠大廈嗎?那是百美工廠大廈。我們過對面馬路,在這大廈旁進入福華街直走。 經過百美工廠大廈的門口,再往前走一點,有看見我的朋友在籠內嗎? 有啊!→【159】
似乎沒有⋯⋯→【186】 I have a friend who often hangs out in this area. Let me introduce it to you! Do you see that industrial building in blue and white in front of you? That is Por Mee Factory Building ( 百美 工廠大廈 ). Let's cross the road and enter Fuk Wah Street next to the building. After passing by the entrance of Por Mee Factory Building, walk on for a short distance. Do you see my friend in the cage? Yes! →【159】
No... →【186】
▼ 44
我們乘升降機到 7 樓,出來後,走進這個叫「AC3 Bistro」的地方。這是你們
吃喝的地方,叫餐廳是吧?你渴了嗎?可以喝喝水啊。我平常都是由餐廳外面看 進來,今天你在穿過餐廳的途中,可以試試往外看,遠眺是城市大學的教職員 宿舍及歌和老街公園,有沒有看到我的朋友?
一直靠左走,轉左再轉左,就會繞到餐廳的另一個入口。這裏有黑白色地板和 紅色天花,從這裏出去吧。向前一直走,進入商學院的大堂。→【133】
Let's take the lift to Level 7. When you come out, walk into the place called "AC3 Bistro". This is where you eat and drink. You call it canteen right? Are you thirsty? You can go drink some water. I usually look at the canteen from the outside. Today you are passing through it. You
can try to look outside. Afar is the City University of Hong Kong Senior Staff Quarters, and the Cornwall Street Park. Can you see my friends? Stay on the left as you walk inside. Turn left for two times, keep going until you reach the other entrance of the canteen. Here the ceiling is red, and the floor is black and white. Leave the canteen from this door, and go straight through the corridor to enter the lobby of the College of Business. →【133】
▼ 45
似很危險的鳥巢,其實是我們棄置的房子啊,不用擔心。我們的房子比較不工整, 築巢材料的種類很多,包括乾草、枯枝、羽毛等。通常房子會築在建築物的隱蔽 位置,例如屋簷底的喉管旁邊。
我們要加快腳步,不然就趕不上行程了。我們現在要去下一站。→【102】 Turn to the left, and take a look at the building sign with three big metal characters on the wall of Un Tai House ( 元 泰 樓 ). Do you see our sparrow neighbours resting here? This time you should be able to hear us! Do you see a birds’ nest on the edge? It looks dangerous, but it’s actually an abandoned nest, so don't worry. Our nests look a bit messy. We build them with all sorts of materials, such as hay, twigs and feathers. We usually build our nests in hidden places of buildings, such as the pipes under the eaves. Let's move on to our next destination! →【102】
▼ 46
了,我們眼光要廣闊一點!面向草地左轉,穿過羊腸小徑吧。要靠右走,千萬不要 左轉啊。走到十字路口,直到右手邊出現「德門集慶」牌坊。→【189】
After crossing the bridge, " 一心亭 (Yat Sum Pavilion)" will appear on your left. You can take a rest here―but not more than a minute! Keep going until you come to a junction. There is a piece of lawn here. Is there anything suitable for my nest? This space is too narrow though. We need to have bigger vision! Face the lawn, follow the winding path on your left. Stay on the right as you walk. Don't turn left. Eventually, you will come to an intersection where there is an arch with the words " 德門集慶 (Tak Mun Chap Hing)" on the right. →【189】
▼ 47
會出現一座水邊的小石亭。這是一個風涼水冷的好地方,你可以走上樓梯看看, 不上也可以,隨你喜歡。現在背向石亭和它的樓梯,走進前方小路吧。途中左邊
會出現一條石板小徑,但是不要走進去,一直沿着石磚路,直走到有亭子的盡頭 吧。→【28】
Follow the path on the right. A flight of stairs on the left will take you across a little knoll. Walk across the stairs. A rock pavilion standing by the water will appear on the right ahead of you. It's a nice, airy space. You can climb up the stairs of the pavilion for a better view, but you don't have to. Do as you please. Now, with your back towards the stone pavilion and its staircase, go into the path in front of you. You will find a stone slab path on the left, but don't go into it. Just stay on the same path in stone tiles, keep going until you reach another pavilion. →【28】
▼ 48
果子,正是我們鳥兒的美食。所以,有榕樹、楠樹、樟樹、鵝掌柴、柃木、銀柴、 杜英、冬青等有果子樹木的地方,便會見到我們了。→【16】
Keep going down the slope and pass by the ⑤ sign. Turn left here and continue to go downhill. Soon you will see another ⑤ sign. Please look for a brown lamp post with the number "B16" on it. The Japanese superb fig behind it is sometimes full of fruits. These fruits are our best treats! You can find us if there are banyan trees, Machilus, camphor trees, schefflera trees, East Asian euryas, aporusas, woodland elaeocarpuses and hollies. →【16】
▼ 49
一直向前走,你就會看到元禧樓和元逸樓之間的車路,中間有個近乎半圓形、種 有植物的分隔島。請你停在這裏,想一想,現在你想怎樣走呢? 先繼續探索元州邨。→【156】
向前直走,從長沙灣港鐵站 C1 出口進站。→【74】 向前直走到港鐵站口後左轉。→【126】
Keep going until you come to the driveway between Un Hei House ( 元禧樓 ) and Un Yat House ( 元逸樓 ). There is a semicircular central island with plants in the middle of the road. Stop here and think about where to go next. Continue to explore Un Chau Estate. →【156】
Enter Cheung Sha Wan MTR Station from Exit C1. →【74】 Go straight and turn left at the MTR exit. →【126】
▼ 50
雖然你今天好像甚麼巢材也沒有找到,但偶爾有個人類陪我聊天遊花園也不錯。 今天就謝謝你了。
沿着緩跑徑靠左走,在飲水機前方的路口轉左走到有蓋廣場。轉左穿過有蓋廣場, 來到露天劇場。
回家的路你應該懂吧?那麼我就先回去啦。人類,希望你很快會再回來幫我找 巢材吧!
Although you haven't found anything today, it is nice to visit the garden with a human sometimes. Thank you for that. Stay on the left as you walk along the jogging trail. Go left at the junction near the drinking fountain, and walk towards the covered plaza. Turn left, walk across the covered plaza, and you will come to the amphitheatre. I guess you should know the way home? Well, I will leave you now. Human, I hope you will come back to help me find nesting materials again soon!
▼ 51
南樂樓這邊有很多商店,順着這條路一直看看吧!在「國昌家品總匯」旁,你會 看見兩座自動櫃員機。我們就從這裏進入街市吧!→【124】
There are many shops around Nam Lok House ( 南樂樓 ). Keep going and check them out! By the side of a houseware shop ( 國昌家品總匯 ), you will see two ATM machines. Let's enter the market here! →【124】
▼ 52
左方有幾朵紅彤彤的巨型玫瑰,每次我看到人類在上面踏來踏去都覺得很不可思 議。他們稱此為「健身」,我想只是藉口吧,明明就是因為你們人類生來就太大 塊頭,很想試試像鳥兒一樣,站在植物上看世界吧!
(謎之音:喂喂人類,你過來這邊,我跟你談談⋯⋯) 好,就跟你去。→【151】
不和不明來歷的雀鳥說話。→【147】 On the left, there are a few giant red roses. I feel amazed everytime I see humans stepping up and down on them. Humans call this "exercise", but I think this is just an excuse. Humans are too big. I guess they just want to stand on plants and look at the world like we birds do. (Mysterious voice: Hey human, come here. I need to have a word with you...) OK. I will go with you. →【151】
I won't talk to any birds I don't know. →【147】
▼ 53
你沒看到牠們,真是可惜啊!可能時候不對,或者太陽太毒辣⋯⋯但如果你有 心尋找牠們,要在城市裏遇到也不是難事,因為牠們跟我們一樣,也不害怕人
類——我在公園休息時常看到牠們的。好吧,我們繼續走,我再告訴你更多故事。 Jap jap !
現在我們橫過長沙灣道,你會看到「759 雲吞麵」就在對面。→【35】
Maybe the time isn't right or it's too hot. It's a pity that you couldn't meet them. But it's not difficult to spot them in the city. Just like us, they’re not afraid of people. When I’m resting in the park, I can always see lots of them. Let's go. I will tell you more stories, jap jap! Let's cross Cheung Sha Wan Road. You'll see "759 Wonton Noodle (759 雲吞麵 )"on the other side. →【35】
▼ 54
將顯示板的數字加起來(如 6+2+3+1⋯⋯),就是本期六合彩的其中一個中獎 號碼了。真的,有一次我偷聽到一個人類如此興奮地說!
的燈柱嗎?上面應該有三個數字,將它們加起來,跳到該段落去吧。可以嗎?不 行的話就跳到【139】吧。
Please add up the numbers on the display board (for example 6+2+3+1...). The sum will be one of the winning numbers of the next Mark Six draw. I really heard a human saying that in great excitement! Whether you believe it or not, I just wanted to train your math skills. To the right of the display board, there is a short garden lamp post in the bush. Can you see it? There should be three numbers on the lamp post. Please add up the numbers, and go to the corresponding section. Can you manage? If not, please jump to 【139】.
▼ 55
把重點寫在你手上的攻略。所以今天我們將會去很多地方,你要好好跟着我,別 走失啊!
出發之前,我想問問你是不是這一區的居民啊? 是。→【167】
不是。→【179】 Hey! Thank you for accompanying me to flat viewing! Actually I've already visited some twenty spots before you arrived, and jotted down the notes in the guide book that you are holding. We're going to many places today. Follow me closely. Don't get lost! Before we set off, may I know if you live in this area?
Yes, I do. →【167】
No, I don't. →【179】
▼ 56
喜歡在這邊活動。我見過樹麻雀在左邊那些樹木的樹洞進出,應該是因為這樣, 人類才喚牠們作樹麻雀吧?除了雀鳥,夏天的時候,蟬會在這裏大聲鳴叫,你覺 得牠們的「歌聲」好聽還是吵耳?我就覺得⋯⋯哈哈!
在左邊有一個綠色閘口,入閘後會看到一塊「深水埗運動場」地圖。經過地圖後, 你會看到右手邊通往運動場的閘口。運動場通常都是開放的,不過舉行運動會的 時候,可能會關門。
運動場現正開放,走進去吧!轉右直走,繞過洗手間,來到跑道前。→【174】 運動場今天不開放,那我在公園逛一下吧。→【100】
After crossing the road, turn left and you will find Cheung Sha Wan Path next to HSBC. Go into Cheung Sha Wan Path. Many birds like to hang around here. I have seen tree sparrows going in and out of the holes on those trees on the left. Perhaps it’s for this reason that humans name them tree sparrows? Apart from birds, during summer, cicadas sing loudly in this park. How do you find their singing? Noisy or sweet? In my opinion, their singing is rather… Haha! On the left there is a green gate. Go into it and you will see a map of “Sham Shui Po Sports Ground”. Walk past the map. On your right, there is another gate that leads you to the sports ground. The sports ground is usually open, but it would be closed when it is booked for a sports game. The sports ground is now open. Let’s go in! Turn right and walk past the toilet. You have now come to the running track. →【174】 The sports ground is closed. I will just have a walk in the park. →【100】
▼ 57
長沙灣一帶有好些老屋邨,也有不少歷史故事可說。今天有個導賞團,集合地點 在長沙灣站 C2 出口地面,快點趕過去吧,不然就滿額了! 咦?導賞員呢?就是這個小不點嗎?→【32】
There are a number of old housing estates in Cheung Sha Wan, and the area has an interesting history too. A guided tour will start outside Exit C2 of Cheung Sha Wan MTR Station. Go immediately or else the tour will be full! Eh? Where is the tour guide? Is this little guy the guide I am looking for? →【32】
▼ 58
左邊的分岔路向前走。→【110】 右邊的路。→【47】
With North Entrance/Mei Foo Gate behind you... Take the path on the left. →【110】
Choose the path on the right instead. →【47】
▼ 59
休息過後,我們再啟程啦!我們背向「759 雲吞麵」門口,選右手邊的紅綠燈位
橫過東京街吧。過馬路後繼續沿着長沙灣道走,你會看到右邊有些樹木和屋苑。 →【21】
Let's continue our journey after a short rest! Now, with our backs "759 Wonton Noodle (759 雲 吞 麵 )", turn right and cross Tonkin Road. Make sure you are still walking along Cheung Sha Wan Road after crossing the road. You'll see some trees and a housing estate on your right. →【21】
▼ 60
真可惜,這些簕杜鵑平常全年都會開花呢。難道是因為你,所以它們都不開花了? 算了,反正這裏不會撿到甚麼巢材,我們還是走吧。 。。。
(謎之音:嚇我一跳!還以為這隻黑領椋鳥提到我的名字,發現我了。好像沒有⋯⋯ 你問我是誰?呃,你聽到我嗎?我才不告訴你我的名字!)
繼續靠右沿着池邊走,會看到一條拱橋,到對岸去吧。→【46】 又或者向左走,進入「通幽」門。→【158】
What a pity. These bougainvillea shrubs usually bloom throughout the year. Is it because of you that they don't blossom today? Anyway, there isn't any good material for my nest here. Let's go. ... (Mysterious voice: Phew! I thought this black-collared starling just noticed me and mentioned my name. It seems that it hasn't noticed me yet... You want to know who I am? What? You can hear me? No, I'm not going to tell you my name!) Hey, why are you standing there? If you have finished looking at the bougainvilleas, turn around to leave the pavilion from the staircase on the right. Continue to walk on the right along the pond's edge. You will come across a bridge. Cross the bridge. →【46】 Alternatively, turn left to go through " 通幽 (Tung Yau)" entrance . →【158】
▼ 61
在公園入口迎接你的,是兩棵細葉榕。它們是香港很常見的樹木,一年四季都是 這個樣子,是一種長青植物。繞過它們再走入一些看看,這裏有一個長得很趣怪 的涼亭。圓形的涼亭上還頂着一支白色的長杆,你覺得它像甚麼呢?有人說它像 一個很大很大的蘑菇,但我覺得它更像一頂超級巨大的清朝官帽呢!喳~
這個小小的公園人流不多,但「雀流」可不少!找張椅子坐下來,嘗試用耳朵聽 聽,有多少種鳥兒在這裏呢?稍稍休息過後,你也可以在公園內到處走走,欣賞 種類繁多的花草樹木啊!→【142】
Once you enter the park, you will be greeted by two Chinese banyan trees. They are very common in Hong Kong. They are evergreen, so they look the same throughout the year. Walk past the trees and you will see a funny looking pavilion. This round pavilion has a white pole on top of it. What do you the pavilion looks like? Some people say it looks like a gigantic mushroom, but I think that it’s more like a giant hat worn by a Qing dynasty official! Ja~
There are not many people in this tiny park, but there are many birds! Sit down on a bench and listen—how many types of birds can you hear? You may also walk around to admire the great variety of plants here! →【142】
▼ 62
走完樓梯,抬頭看看那天花,覺得像哪裏的天花呢?看看右手邊的浮雕,你在別 的屋邨有看過這樣的藝術品嗎?
看到右上角的兩個年份嗎? 1893 年,美孚石油公司的前身首次在遠東地區成立 辦公室。1906 年,第一盞美孚石油燈誕生。整個美孚新邨就是美孚石油公司於
六十年代投資興建的。隨你從這兩個年份中二選一,將第二至第四個數字相加 (例如 1951 年就是 9+5+1),然後跳至該段落吧。
At the top of the staircase, raise your head and look at the ceiling. Does this ceiling remind you of another place? Look at the relief mural on your right. Have you seen any artwork like that in other housing estates? Can you see two dates inscribed at the top right corner of the relief? 1893 is the year when the predecessor of Mobil ( 美孚 ) established its first office in the Far East. In 1906, the first Mei Foo kerosene lamp was invented. Mei Foo Sun Chuen ( 美孚新邨 ) was developed by Mobil in the 60s. Pick either one of these dates. Add up the second to the fourth digits of the date (eg. for 1951, please find out the sum of 9+5+1), then jump to that section.
▼ 63
是不是有一坨黑色的東西?那就是我會考慮的其中一個樓盤!甚麼?你問那是甚 麼?哈哈!不必感到意外,我是一隻家燕,我要找的樓盤當然是用泥和乾草築成 的家燕巢啊!
如果你覺得住在燕巢很奇怪,我要帶你看更奇怪的樓盤!現在橫過馬路到對面去 吧,這裏沒有斑馬線,要小心車輛啊!
5 期」,就會見到紅綠燈,對面馬路有一間匯豐銀行。在這裏過馬路吧!→【56】
I remember there is a property outside this beef brisket restaurant. It’s right above you—right! Look above you. Do you see a lump of black thing under the ceiling? What? You wonder what that is? Haha! Don’t be surprised. I am a barn swallow. Of course I prefer living in a swallow nest made of mud and grass! If you find it weird to live in a swallow nest, I must show you an even weirder property! Now, cross the road to the other side. Be careful! There isn’t any zebra crossing here. After reaching the other side, walking along Kwong Cheung Street. Turn right when you come to the junction. Keep going. After passing by “Hong Kong Spinners Industrial Building Phase 5 ( 香港紗廠工業大廈 5 期 )”, you will see the traffic lights and an HSBC on the opposite side of the road. Cross the road. →【56】
▼ 64
叫聲一律是噪音。就是你也會覺得旁人在聊天很吵耳吧。不過聽說你們總是以「 悅耳的歌聲」來概括一切鳥鳴?這樣形容真是方便呢。
途中經過「美孚獸醫醫院」,人類會將和他們一起生活的動物帶來這裏看病。有 時經過這裏,會聽到牠們在哭着說不要看醫生呢。還好我是自由的鳥,哈哈!
繼續向前走一小段路,直到左邊出現「香港地」餐廳。 轉左。→【140】
繼續向前走。→【180】 After crossing the road, turn right and walk to the next junction. Listen for bird songs on your way. To me, songs sung by birds of other species are just noise. This is similar to how you would feel when other people talk loudly next to you. But I heard that you humans simply describe all kinds of bird's calls as beautiful songs? What a convenient way of describing things. On your way, you would walk past Mei Foo Veterinary Hospital. When animals that live with humans get sick, their human owners would bring them here. Sometimes, when I walk past this hospital, I can hear these animals crying and saying they do not want to see the doctor. I am glad that I am a free bird. Haha! Go straight until "Hong Kong Day ( 香港地 )" restaurant appears on the left. Turn left. →【140】
Go forward. →【180】
▼ 65
沿着右邊的行人路一直走,跟着往元州商場方向的指示牌,到達路的盡頭,看到 右方以太空為主題的遊樂埸嗎?
我們到達元州邨的遊樂場了。你知道元州邨的歷史嗎?「元洲」這個地方被移位 了,以往的元洲位於深水埗北部,即是今天高登電腦中心的位置。元洲由附近三 條村落組成,分別是東南面的田寮村、西面的菴由村,以及西北面的馬龍坑村。 隨着港英政府大力發展深水埗區,菴由村及田寮村於上世紀二十年代被清拆。原
本的元洲村則變成了今天大家熟知的元州街。在 1969 年落成的元州邨,原名為 「元洲街政府廉租屋邨」,但在約定俗成下,大家將「元州街邨」簡化成「元州 邨」。
你看看左邊的樹木——看到我們的街坊嗎?我們活躍於人類活動較多的環境, 特別親近人群。你聽到我們所發出的「jap jap jap」聲嗎? 聽到。→【92】
Walk along the pathway on your right, following the sign directing to Un Chau Shopping Centre ( 元州商場 ), and stop at the end of the road. Do you see the outer space-themed playground? Here we are in the playground of Un Chau Estate! Do you know the history of Un
Chau Estate? Un Chau has been relocated. In the past, It was located at the north of Sham Shui Po, somewhere near today's Golden Computer Centre. It consisted of three villages, Tin Liu Village in the southeast, Om Yau Village in the west and Ma Lung Hang Village in the northwest. Later, as the colonial government started developing the Sham Shui Po district, Om Yau Village and Tin Liu Village were demolished in the 1920s. Un Chau then became a street name, the Un Chau Street. The Un Chau Estate you see now was established in 1969. Its original name was Un Chau Street Government Low Cost Housing Estate, but as time goes by, people just call it Un Chau Estate. Look at the trees on your left, do you see our birdy kai fongs (neighbours)? We like places with human activities and like to stay close to people! Do you hear our "jap jap" chirps? Yes! →【92】 No. →【45】
▼ 66
過完橋會來到分岔路,轉左後繼續靠左走,來到小橋上,橋下有一條靜止的小溪。 上次我飛過這裏時,好像看到一個有五隻腳的人類,還在想你們人類是否嫌兩隻 腳已經不夠效率,還要進化成五隻腳呢? 想想都覺得有點害怕,我們快回家吧!
差點忘記我還要讓你看看我的巢呢!→【148】 There is junction at the end of the bridge. Turn left and go straight until you arrive at a small bridge. The water under it is rather stagnant. When I passed by here last time, I saw a human with five legs. Are you not satisfied with having only two legs, that you need to have five for greater efficiency? It scares me just thinking of it. Let's go home! (Mysterious voice: Yes! Please go home!) I have almost forgot that I need to show you my nest! →【148】
▼ 67
這邊繼續走到盡頭是一道旋轉閘,不過它只在晨運時段開放,一大早便鎖上了, 所以你不一定要走到那裏,隨時也可以回到梯級處啊。
合我和其他朋友們食用,亦因此在大量種植台灣相思的區域,也很少會看見我們。 是時候回到梯級了,下樓梯吧。→【24】
Keep going straight until you see the turnstile. It is open to the public only early in the morning. It's now closed, but we don't have to walk through it. We can always go back to the stairs. Look at the name tags on the trees. These are Acacia confusa. The species was imported to Hong Kong in the 1950s and 1960s for slope-reinforcement. Their legumes and seeds are poisonous, so you seldom see us around them. Now, it's time to go back to the stairs. Walk downstairs. →【24】
▼ 68
沿着緩跑徑靠左走,在飲水機前方的路口轉左,走到有蓋廣場。轉左穿過有蓋廣 場,就會到達露天劇場。回家的路你應該懂吧?那麼我就先回去啦。人類,希望 你很快會再回來幫我找巢材吧!
This is the end of the story. Hurry to the amphitheatre now if you don't want to lose your hair. Stay on the left as you walk along the jogging trail. Go left at the junction near the drinking fountain, and walk towards the covered plaza. Turn left, walk across the covered plaza, and you will come to the amphitheatre. I guess you should know the way home? Well, I will leave you alone now. Human, I hope you will come back to help me find nesting materials again soon!
▼ 69
回頭看看青山道對面、百美工廠大廈左邊的一列唐樓。其實我都有想過住在那裏, 因為距離我們的朋友很近,但這些大廈常常有維修工程,對於我的小朋友來說, 不是理想的成長環境。我們再看下一個樓盤吧!→【17】
Turn around to look back towards those tong lau buildings to the left of Por Mee Factory Building. I have actually thought of nesting there, because it's near to my friends. However, there has been a lot of renovation works over there, so it is not really a good environment for my children! →【17】
▼ 70
到了「新匯江小菜茶餐廳」後,我們沿着永隆街走。如果你看見右面的「永春堂 涼茶」,那就對了,繼續前行吧!我迫不及待向你介紹那些穿灰色衣服的朋友,
你很快就會看見牠們。牠們跟我一樣,都已經是深水埗地膽,聚會的地方來來去 去都是那些。有時啊,人們都太習慣我們的存在,以致他們根本沒有留意,其實 到處都有雀仔。
After we arrive at "Sun Wui Kong Restaurant ( 新 匯 江 小 菜 茶 餐 廳 )", walk along Wing Lung Street. See "Wing Chun Tong Herbal Tea ( 永 春 堂 涼 茶 )" on your right? That's right! Keep going! I cannot wait to introduce you to my friends in grey. You will meet them soon. Just like us, they have been living in Sham Shui Po for a long time and are always gathering at the same places. Sometimes people are just too used to our existence. They don't even realise that birdy friends are all around the city. Please go straight to enter Un Chau Estate. Be careful as you cross the road! →【49】
▼ 71
看到右邊這道寫着「美孚門」的中式大門嗎?這裏就是後花園的入口。 (謎之音:我們沒有時間再在這裏遊花園了!趕快走捷徑回家吧!)
嗯?你剛剛說想快點回家嗎?甚麼?你說不是你在說話,你還想再逛逛公園嗎? 那就奇怪了,剛才明明聽到有人很清晰地說話啊⋯⋯
既然你有落力幫我找巢材,那我也會盡地主之誼,好好招呼你的。穿過美孚門。 →【58】
Can you see the Chinese-style gate with the characters " 美孚門 (North Entrance / Mei Foo Gate)" to your right? This is the entrance to our back garden. (Mysterious voice: We are running out of time! Can you please go home via the shortcut!)
Huh? Did you say you wanted to go home as soon as possible? What? Are you saying that it wasn't you talking just now? You want to spend more time in the park? How strange. I heard someone saying that clearly just now... Anyway, as you have been working so hard, I would do the best I can as a host. Enter Mei Foo Gate. →【58】
▼ 72
往前走,你的右方會出現另一個石壁較高的水池,它附近有個涼亭。嗯,對了。 這裏有個小瀑布⋯⋯咦?怎麼沒有了啦?(揉眼睛⋯⋯你要不要查看一下是否真 的有瀑布?)
有啊!沿路繼續前往「A 池」。→【127】 沒有啊⋯⋯→【89】
Go forward! There's another pool with a taller stone wall on your right. Nearby there is a pavillion. Oh yes, here's a little waterfall! Oops, why is it gone? (Rubbing eyes... Do you want to check if there is really a waterfall?) Yes! Continue to go to "Pool A". →【127】 No! →【89】
▼ 73
喔不⋯⋯今天我們要找的是巢材!嗯,還是不要到餐廳裏去。面向門口右轉, 直走,進去住宅範圍看看吧。→【140】
No... Our mission today is to look for nesting materials! Hm... Let's not go into the restaurant. Face the restaurant entrance, turn right and walk into the housing estate. →【140】
▼ 74
請尋找 A3 出口,然後上地面,深呼吸一下——你看!我們身在長沙灣道,一起 向左望吧。→【3】
You are now in the MTR station. I guess you cannot find my friends here. Let's go out. Please leave the station from Exit A3. Go upstairs. Take a breath when you return to the ground level. See! We are at Cheung Sha Wan Road. Look at your left hand side. →【3】
▼ 75
向前走到第二支燈柱。緩跑徑左邊是我的「飯堂」,我最愛跟老婆在這裏「撐枱 腳」捉蟲子吃,但總是有些原鴿不識相,在附近轉來轉去破壞氣氛!
不如走進草地中慢慢找巢材?我已經找到最棒的門簾了啊!而且偷聽到公園管理 員說,最近這裏出現蛇蹤,你看看左前方那些一條條彎彎曲曲的⋯⋯ 嚇你罷了!我們趕緊回家吧!
沿着緩跑徑一路走到地上出現「300 米」標示。→【52】
Stop at the second lamp post. On the left of the jogging trail is my "canteen". My wife and I love enjoy a romantic meal of worms here. But some oblivious rock doves often mill around and ruin the mood. How about look for our materials on the lawn? I have already got the best material for the portière! By the way, I just overheard the park manager saying there have been snakes here recently. Look at those curvy tubes on the left over there... I'm just joking! Let's hurry home! Walk along the jogging trail until you see the "300m" mark on the floor. →【52】
▼ 76
指示,就會找到 1 號(LIFT 1)和 2 號(LIFT 2)升降機。選其中一部升降機, 按 1 字到地面吧。
如果乘 1 號升降機,出門後請轉左離開大樓;如果乘 2 號的話就轉右。
邊走邊抬頭觀察下四周,如冷氣槽、管道下等位置,有機會看到隱藏的鳥巢, 那是我朋友的家啊~→【183】
Have you noticed that this area is divided into different colour zones? Walk all the way to the green or the purple zones. Follow the signs to find Lift 1 or Lift 2. Pick either lift and go to Level 1. If you have chosen Lift 1, turn left after coming out of the lift. If you have chosen Lift 2, please turn right instead. Look around while you're walking. Check out air conditioner ducts or under the pipes. You might find hidden nests. They belong to my birdy friends! →【183】
▼ 77
這些就是簕杜鵑了。桃紅色的葉子在裝花瓣,它和聖誕花一樣,真正的花其實 小小的,鮮艷的「花瓣」事實上是「苞葉」。
⋯⋯你有看到麻雀嗎?不過我沒有牠們那麼小,不喜歡在樹叢間鑽來鑽去,我要 在偌大的空地走來走去!
(謎之音:嚇我一跳!還以為這隻黑領椋鳥提到我的名字,發現我了。好像沒有 ⋯⋯你問我是誰?呃,你聽到我嗎?我才不告訴你我的名字!) 喂喂,你在發甚麼呆?
看完就背向涼亭,從左手邊的樓梯下去。向前走,回到來時的路口,再繼續往前 走進樹蔭中吧。→【37】
These are bougainvillea shrubs. The magenta "flowers" are actually leaves. Just like the poinsettia, the real flower of bougainvillea is actually very tiny. The bright-coloured parts are called "bract". The bract is a kind of modified leaf. The sparrows said that many people like to visit the "bougainvillea tunnel" in Un Chau Estate, which is located in the same district. Have you seen it? Talking about sparrows... Have you seen them? I'm not as petite as they are. I don't like weaving in and out of bushes. I like striding across open spaces! ... (Mysterious voice: Phew! I thought this black-collared starling had just noticed me and mentioned my name, but no, it seems that it hasn't noticed me yet... You want to know who I am? What? You can hear me? No, I'm not going to tell you my name!) Hey, why are you standing there? Turn around and go down the stairs on the left. Go straight back to the junction where you came from. Continue your way into the shade of the trees. →【37】
▼ 78
往前直走,再下扶手電梯。看到外面的木棉樹嗎?很可惜,雖然可多享受一會兒 冷氣,但你選擇了更遠的路。你要加快步速了,不然跟不上大隊啦。
不過沒有關係啊,你也可以多看一些深水埗區沿途的景色!過馬路,往前走, 走到「香港仔澤記魚蛋粉麵餐廳」,就可以了。→【25】
Go straight then go down the escalator. Do you see a red cotton tree outside? Although it's nice to enjoy the cool air-con for a few minutes, but unfortunately, you have chosen the longer route. You have to hurry! Otherwise you will fall behind the rest of us!
Even if this is the longer route, it's fine. You can enjoy the view en route! Cross the road. Go ahead. There you will see a noodle restaurant called " 香 港 仔 澤 記 魚 蛋 粉 麵 餐 廳 (Aberdeen Chak Kee Fishball Noodles Restaurant)". →【25】
▼ 79
逮 到 你 了! 噪 鵑! 就 是 你 一 直 跟 着 我 們 吧? 我 才 不 會 這 麼 容 易 讓 你 找 到 我 家的位置!去年我已經幫你帶大兩隻小孩了! (噪鵑:好痛!放開我!)
走!到別的地方去!不要再打我的主意! 。。。
人類,真不好意思呢,我想今天還是會有危險,不方便帶你看我的鳥巢的真正位 置了。但哪一天你在這公園裏抬頭張望,看見一個用汽水膠帶當門簾的鳥巢,你 就知道那是我的了。
好,我也真的要回家了。你也該回你的家了吧?→【50】 Can't see it? Try to look more carefully... (Mysterious voice: I can't see it either... Where is it? Ouch! It hurts!) Got you! Koel! So you have been stalking on us the whole time? I won't let you know where I live! Last year I had already raised your two kids! (Koel: Ouch! Let go of me!) Go away! Get out of my sight immediately! Don't ever get close to me! ... Sorry, human! I don't think I can show you my home today as the situation is a little dangerous. But if you visit this park again, look around you. If you see a bird's nest with a portière made of plastic six-pack rings, you know it's mine. OK, I should really go home now. I think you should go to yours too? →【50】
▼ 80
在地上找到一大堆食物!別告訴其他鳥啊!不知道是誰家鳥兒如此大意,常常在 同一個地方遺下珍貴的糧食呢?今天有嗎?
經過「香港風濕病基金會」的辦事處,回到公公婆婆們最喜歡的大路吧!向右轉, 沿着大路走,你會看到右邊是「南山長者健康中心」,至於左邊,就是雀仔的 活動中心啦——一棵棵高聳的大樹,看到就已經精神起來了!
這裏沿途可能會遇上很多在覓食的麻雀朋友。抬頭看看天空,有沒有看到一兩隻 麻鷹?牠們的正式名稱叫黑鳶,屬於猛禽。雖然很「猛」,但牠們通常以魚及腐 肉為食。我看起來不像魚,也不像腐肉,所以相安無事。
灰色的門,寫着「電話機房」。看看在這道門右上角的電線管,你看到上面塞滿 了樹枝嗎?那似乎是一個鳥巢呢!
我們繼續在鳳凰木下前行。南堯樓在右邊,靠左直走到盡頭,然後經天橋到南豐 樓去。→【181】
Not many people come here, but that’s exactly why I love to play and rest here. If you are lucky, you might find a lot of food on the ground! Don’t tell other birds! I wonder what kind of bird is so careless to leave so much food here all the time? Do you see any food here today? Oh… right! I’ve almost forgot that I was to bring you to the trees. Turn left here, and you will see the passageway next to Nam Yiu House ( 南堯樓 ). Pass by the office of “Hong Kong Arthritis & Rheumatism Foundation ( 香港風濕病基金會 )” and get back to the main path. The elderly love to gather here. Turn right and walk along the path, you will find the “Nam Shan Elderly Health Centre ( 南 山 長 者 健 康 中 心 )” on your right. On the left, it’s birdies’ activity centre—see those tall trees? What a refreshing sight! On your way, you might bump into a lot of sparrow friends who are searching for food. Look up and see whether you can spot any black kites? The scientific name of the black kite is Milvus migrans. They are birds of prey, but that doesn’t mean they are dangerous predators. In fact, they feed on fish and carrion. I don’t look like either of those things, so I guess I’m safe!
Go forward and pass by the “Nam Shan General Out-Patient Clinic ( 南山普通科門診診所 )”. A few steps ahead, you will see a door in grey on your right with the words “M.D.F. ROOM” on it. Look at the electrical conduit to its upper right. Do you see that it’s stuffed with twigs and grass? There seems to be a bird’s nest up there! Let’s keep going under the flame trees. With Nam Yiu House on your right, walk on the left side of the road until you come to a footbridge. Cross the bridge to reach Nam Fung House ( 南豐樓 ). →【181】
▼ 81
好!我們過了馬路之後繼續直走。沿路要幫我留意一下有沒有適合居住的地方 啊!我不太喜歡猛烈陽光直接照射着房子,太熱了。
而且,為了養活我的子女,我也要找一個方便覓食的地方。昆蟲充滿蛋白質,最 有營養了!一直走,看看上下左右,有沒有昆蟲出沒呢?→【171】
Good! Let's cross the road and go straight. Please keep an eye on potential homes for me. I don't like places that are hit by direct sunlight. That's too hot for me. Also, I need to settle somewhere with enough food supply, as I have to feed my children. Insects are great. They are full of protein, full of nutrition! Please look around you as you walk. Can you spot any insect here? →【171】
▼ 82
你正面對着一團黑漆漆的荔枝雕塑,背向地鐵站。因為這個雕塑,我一直以為荔 枝都是黑色的。這裏都沒有真正的荔枝給我看啊。
看看雕塑後方,是你們人類都懼怕的綿延樓梯,嘿嘿。你覺得那些扶手的設計像 飛鳥嗎?
左手邊有一棵長滿鬍子的細葉榕,有時我會拔掉它的氣根當巢材,但你這樣做的 話就是破壞公物吧?
向右走,你會看到一塊黑底紅字的電子顯示板。→【54】 Now you should be facing towards a dark-coloured lychee sculpture and having the MTR station behind you. Because of this sculpture, I always thought lychees are black. There isn't any real lychee in this park.
Behind the sculpture is a long staircase. Humans always fear long staircases. Haha! By the way, don't you think the railing of this staircase looks like a flying bird? To your left, there is a Chinese banyan tree with a thick "moustache". Sometimes I would
pluck off its aerial roots for making my nest, but if you humans do the same, I guess that would be considered vandalism? Move towards your right. You will see an LED display board with black background and red lights. →【54】
▼ 83
除了逛商場,九龍塘還有甚麼好玩的嗎?啊!聽說附近有些打卡熱點,是嗎?要 怎麼走呢?
先穿過九龍塘港鐵站 C2 出口的隧道進入又一城,然後沿扶手電梯上兩層到 LG1
樓。看到 COVA 咖啡廳旁的扶手電梯嗎?走過去,上電梯後穿過走廊,就會來到 戶外空間。
咦,好像有誰在叫我?→【11】 Apart from the shopping mall, what is there to do in Kowloon Tong? Ah! I heard that there are some interesting Instagram hotspots around here. How to get to those places? Please exit Kowloon Tong MTR from Exit C2. Enter Festival Walk through the long corridor, then go up the levels to LG1 by the escalators. Can you see those escalators next to a cafe called COVA? Walk towards the cafe, go up the escalator, then walk through the corridor until you come to an outdoor space. Eh? Who is calling me? →【11】
▼ 84
唔⋯⋯照這樣說我的巢就十分安全了,應該不會有無聊的人類碰它。不要失望啊, 我們的巢本來就是要越隱秘越好。唉,不過美麗的門簾沒了,今天一無所獲,一 定給老婆罵死⋯⋯
不如,你給我一束頭髮交差吧?其實,我一直都想擁有人類頭髮做的門簾⋯⋯ 怎樣?將自己的頭髮奉獻給野鳥築巢,應該是你刻板人生中最神奇的經歷吧? 不方便?沒有剪刀?不用啊,讓我就這樣直接拔掉吧⋯⋯→【68】
Hm... I think my nest is pretty safe. No silly humans should find out. Don't be disappointed. It is necessary that we hide our nest well. Sigh... but we don't have anything for the portière now. I have to go home empty-handed. My wife will be mad at me for sure... Ah, how about you give me a bunch of your hair? Actually, I've always wanted to have a portière made of human hair... What do you think? Offering your hair to a wild bird for nesting is probably the most magical experience you can have in your entire life! What? You don't have scissors? You don't need any scissors. Just let me pluck your hair off directly... →【68】
▼ 85
這一層也有座椅呢。噢!你看到座椅前的大樹嗎?我不開心的時候,會在這裏 和它談天。呃⋯⋯其實就只是我單向地跟它說話啦,所以這是一棵傷心的大樹。
你看,它的樹冠這麼大,樹根卻被埋在如此狹窄的盆裏。我和老婆以前環遊世界 時,看過有些樹的樹根從泥土中露了出來,範圍比自己的樹冠還要大呢!不知道 這棵樹會不會很辛苦呢?想想也覺得可憐。我們還可以自由自在地到處走,但大 樹長得再高,也只可以留在原地,再辛苦也不能離開呢⋯⋯
好吧,傷心的事別多說了。我們改天再回來探望這棵大樹吧!現在先繼續行程。 我們沿樓梯回到地面吧!→【43】
There are seats here as well. Oh! You see that big tree in front of the seat? I talk to it when I am upset. Well, of course, it won't answer me. I call it the Big Sad Tree. Doesn't it look sad? Look at its crown. The crown is so big, yet the roots are stuck in such a small space. When my wife and I travelled around the world, we saw trees with very big roots. Their roots can spread so far that they are bigger than their crowns! I wonder whether this tree feels uncomfortable? I feel really sorry for it. We can go around freely. But for a tree, no matter how tall it is, it can only stay in the same place. It can't leave no matter how painful it is... Anyway, let's put these sad things aside. We can come back to see this tree later. Let's continue our journey. Walk down the stairs to return to the street level. →【43】
▼ 86
一直走,經過圖書館來到第一個路口,你的右前方有一座「荔枝角公園體育館」。 右轉來到體育館門前,看到上面的人影嗎?
他們離開體育館。每次過來,我都看到最右邊那個人拉着弓,隨時要放箭的樣子。 為了生命安全,我勸你還是快點離開這裏比較好。
面向這個拉弓的人,轉右,沿馬路旁靠右直走,直至看見紅綠燈。看到對面寫着 「美孚站」的黃色牌子嗎?向那邊過馬路,到「水漾衣坊」去吧。→【64】
Keep going until "Lai Chi Kok Park Sports Centre" appears on the right in front of you. Turn right and go near to its entrance. Can you see the silhouettes of people on it? These people are always here, but I have never seen their faces clearly, and they never leave the sports centre. Every time I come, I see the person on the right drawing a bow and preparing to shoot an arrow. For safety, I think you should leave here as soon as possible. Face this archer, turn right. There is a carriageway in front of you. Take the right and walk until you come to the traffic lights. Can you see a yellow sign with the words "Mei Foo Station" on the opposite side? Cross the road to get to that side, and look for "Water Laundry ( 水漾衣坊)". →【64】
▼ 87
我們進入元州商場了,但這商場有兩個出口,你可以選擇⋯⋯ 直走。→【122】
We're now in Un Chau Shopping Centre ( 元州商場 ). There are two exits here. You can either... Walk straight. →【122】
Go up the escalator. →【78】 Just be careful―the choice you're making is a significant one. You'll have to walk extra miles if you choose the wrong way.
▼ 88
面向木頭車,選擇左面貼近蝴蝶花圃的路,一直走到木造的八角大涼亭下。甚 麼?才走了一會你又想休息了嗎?
上次我在這附近找巢材時,聽見屋頂下有些聲音。你抬頭看看涼亭中心位置,有 麻雀在狹縫間進出嗎?真不敢相信牠們居然能夠容忍在這又小又窄的空間築巢! 我可是要把最好的環境送給我的下一代,很快你就會看到我的傑作了。 (謎之音:我也很急不及待要看到你的傑作呀!)
面向緩跑徑,進入左邊寫着「起點」的緩跑徑。→【75】 Face the wooden cart. On the left there are different paths. Follow the one that is closest to this flower bed with butterflies, and stop at a large octagonal pavilion made of wood. What? You want to rest again? When I searched for nesting materials around here last time, I heard some voices under the roof. Look at the middle of the ceiling. Can you see any sparrows sneaking in and out of those gaps? I can't believe that they can nest in such narrow spaces! I always give the best to my children. Soon you will see my masterpiece. (Mysterious voice: I can't wait to see your masterpiece too!) Face the jogging trail. On your left hand side is a trail marked with the words "START POINT ( 起點 )" on the floor. Follow it. →【75】
▼ 89
這個石壁池其實有流水,它會流向一個有很多我的朋友一起居住的地方。沿着同 一條路繼續走,一起到「A 池」去跟他們打招呼吧。→【127】
There is really running water. It flows to the place where many of my friends live. Keep walking along the same path. Let's go to "Pool A (A 池 )" and say hi to them. →【127】
▼ 90
你知道嗎?早在 1920 至 30 年代,就有工業家在青山道開設與紡織或製衣業有 關的工廠。從 50 到 70 年代,長沙灣更發展成紡織製衣業的重鎮。不過,自 80
這些工廈,裏面再也沒有轟隆隆的工業機器。雖然如此,這區仍有很多製衣公司 辦公室和時裝批發市場!
上完歷史課,我們原路折返吧。咦,前面有個綠色郵箱呢,我們過去看看吧! →【27】
You know what? As early as the 1920s and 30s, some industrialists started to set up textile or garment factories at Castle Peak Road. From the 50s to the 70s, Cheung Sha Wan had developed into a major hub of the textile and garment industries. However, since the 80s, many manufacturers began to relocate their production lines to the Mainland, and many factories had been redeveloped into office buildings. In industrial buildings like Garment Centre, there are actually no more heavy machines. Even so, there are still many garment company offices and wholesale fashion markets in this area! Well, we have finished our history lesson. Let’s go back by the way we came. Eh? Do you see a green posting box over there ahead of you? Let’s go and take a look. →【27】
▼ 91
面向馬路,看到右手邊有紅綠燈嗎?看到綠燈就過對面吧。到達對面之後馬上 左轉,一直走到「香港地」餐廳。→【42】
Face the road. Can you see the traffic light on the right? Cross the road when the green light is on. When you reach the other side, turn left and keep walking until you come to a restaurant called "Hong Kong Day ( 香港地 )". →【42】
▼ 92
請繞過粉紅色的矮牆,但不要在飛機搖搖騎前停下,我們再往裏面走入一點,望 向左邊方向吧。歡迎你來到花槽,我們最愛在這裏洗沙浴,在泥沙打滾,既可以 清潔羽毛,又可以驅除身上的寄生蟲。所以,我一有空就會到泥沙裏走一趟。 我們要加快腳步,不然就趕不上行程了。我們現在去下一站!→【102】
Go around the pink low wall, but don't stop at the aeroplane spring rider. Get closer and look at your left. Welcome to the flower bed! We love to roll in the sand and clean ourselves. By rolling in the sand, we keep our feathers clean and get rid of parasites. So I come here whenever I have time. Let's move on to our next destination! →【102】
▼ 93
戲院。聽附近的雀鳥朋友說,以前這裏不是這個樣子的。你看這種新型的建築物 外牆,採用很多光滑的玻璃、金屬板等物料,不論在外型上或物料上,都令我們 很難築巢。所以,大家唯有聚在城市僅有的舊唐樓。我們跟你們一樣,越來越難 置業了!→【169】
As you walk on Fuk Wa Street, you will notice a newly renovated building across the street on your right. There is a cinema inside. Humans love it. The birds who live nearby told me that the building was different in the past. Look, renovated or newly constructed buildings always use glass and metal panels. These smooth surfaces and the design of these new buildings make it difficult for swallows to nest. Therefore, we can only stay under old tong laus. Like you humans, it is difficult for swallows to find a home these days! →【169】
▼ 94
從正門進入商場一直走。看到「展鋒電訊」轉右,繼續前行,右邊是屈臣氏, 左前方會看到萬寧。
繼續需要冷氣的滋養嗎?可以在這裏待一會也沒關係,因為等一下就要勞役你。 哈哈!
Go into the mall from the main entrance. Turn right when you see "Chin Fung Telecom ( 展鋒 電訊 )". Watsons will appear on your right. Further on, you will find Mannings on your left. Do you need to enjoy the air-con? It's ok if you need to rest for a bit― because I will make you work in a minute. Haha! (Mysterious voice: Sigh! When will this black-collared starling go home?) Walk until you reach Maxim's Cakes ( 美心西餅 ). Turn left and prepare to return to the outdoor world again. Please stop for a moment. →【23】
▼ 95
上梯級後便會見到籃球場。轉左直走,右邊是一棵棵高聳的大樹,看到就已經精 神起來了!
會遇上很多正在覓食的麻雀朋友。抬頭看看天空,有沒有看到一兩隻麻鷹?牠們 的正式名稱叫黑鳶,屬於猛禽,雖然很「猛」,但牠們通常以魚及腐肉為食,我 看來不像魚,也不像腐肉吧,所以相安無事。
我們繼續在鳳凰木下前行。南堯樓在右邊,靠左直走到盡頭,然後經天橋到南豐 樓去。→【181】
After you go up the stairs, you’ll see a basketball court. Turn left and keep walking. It feels good to see the tall trees on the right! Go straight and you will see another staircase on the right. Walk up the stairs, turn left and walk towards the far end. You might see a lot of sparrow friends searching for food along the way. Look up and see whether you can spot any black kites? The scientific name of the black kite is Milvus migrans. They are birds of prey, but that doesn’t mean they are dangerous predators. In fact, they feed on fish and carrion. I don’t look like either of those things, so I guess I’m safe! Let’s keep going under the flame trees. With Nam Yiu House ( 南堯樓 ) on your right, walk on the left side of the road until you come to a footbridge. Cross the bridge to reach Nam Fung House ( 南豐樓 ). →【181】
▼ 96
找到了,請翻到樹麻雀相關的頁面。希望你可多多認識我,jap jap !
現在,我們要離開圖書館了,乘扶手電梯回到街上吧。你現正背向保安道市政大 廈,我們往左邊,沿着順寧道直走。過一個街口,你會見到「大昌食品專門店」
和「公文式長沙灣順寧教育中心」在你的左邊,這時你的右方就有幾棵大樹。只 要你靜下心來,就會聽到雀仔街坊們在歌唱或者聊天了。
接下來往回走,你會看到位於街口的「百份百餐廳」,旁邊有紅綠燈,請過馬路, 前往永隆街 14 號。→【191】
Yay! Please turn to the page of tree sparrows. I hope you can know more about me, jap jap! Now we are leaving the library. Go down the escalator. The Po On Road Municipal Services Building is now behind you. Let's go to the left and walk along Shun Ning Road. Cross the junction and you will see "DCH Food Mart ( 大昌食品專門店 )" and "Kumon Cheung Sha Wan Shun Ning Education Centre ( 公文式長沙灣順寧教育中心 )" on your left. There are a few trees on your right. Just listen. You may hear our birdy friends sing!
Now turn around and go back a little. You will see "Café 100% ( 百份百餐廳 )" at the junction, with a traffic light near to it. Cross the road, then walk along Wing Lung Street and look for number 14. →【191】
▼ 97
未準備好就乖乖先睡一會吧,我去通知麻鷹這裏有輕易到手的獵物⋯⋯不想睡就 回到⋯⋯→【144】
Take a nap if you are not yet ready. I will tell the black kite that there is an easy prey here... Go back if you don't want to sleep. →【144】
▼ 98
經過亭子來到分岔路,轉右,靠左直走至有綠色牆的樓梯吧。在旁邊的草地上, 經常可以見到樹麻雀、原鴿及珠頸斑鳩啊~ 現在你有兩個選擇:
燈柱,它旁邊有一條非正式的小路。燈柱上面有一個號碼,到那個號碼的段落去 吧。
或者你也可以直接到前方的網球場辦事處補給,我玩完水再跟你會合!→【120】 After passing by the pavilion, you will come to a junction. Turn right, then go straight and stay on the left. Stop at the staircase with green parapet walls. You can always see some tree sparrows, spotted pigeons or rock pigeons playing in the grass around here. You have two options:
You may go downstairs and follow me to the pond~ See the round pavilion? Walk towards it. To the right of the pavilion there is a yellow lamp post. There is an informal footpath besides it. Jump to the section of the number as printed on this lamp post. Alternatively, you can go straight to the tennis court office and get a drink. I will go to the pond and join you in a minute! →【120】
▼ 99
今年我們改良了設計!平常的鳥巢都是碗形的,但這次我們建了個屋頂,那些 可惡的噪鵑就不能隨便降落生蛋了!厲害吧?
(謎之音:可惡⋯⋯這隻黑領椋鳥也太聰明了,今天算我運氣差,明天再找另一 隻沒有這麼聰明的黑領椋鳥!)
人類,真抱歉沒法邀你進來坐坐咧。說來,沿途聽見的奇怪聲音也好像不見了。 你也該回家了吧?→【50】
We have improved the design this year. Our nest is usually built in the shape of a bowl, but we added a roof to it this time to prevent those annoying koels from laying eggs in it. Aren't we smart? Darling! I am back! See what I've found! How about turning it into a portière? (Mysterious voice: Huh! This black-collared starling is too clever. I have bad luck today. Let me find a dumb black-collared starling tomorrow!) Human, I am sorry that I can't invite you in. By the way, it seems that the strange voice has disappeared. I think it's time for you to go home now? →【50】
▼ 100
方的小路走去,來到一個形狀奇特的涼亭。雖然家燕習慣在人類的建築物上築巢, 這亭子也太矮了一點,叔叔伯伯們又常常在這裏下棋,我感覺不太安全。
再往前走,會看到大榕樹。紅耳鵯最喜歡吃榕果,不過我的口味跟牠們不一樣啦。 看到寫着「人傑地靈」的牌坊嗎?穿過牌坊後轉左直走,回到匯豐銀行。→【39】
What a pity! I can't show you the strange property today. Let's come back on another day. With your back to the gate of the sports ground, go into the path in front of you, and stop at a strange pavilion. Although barn swallows always nest on buildings constructed by humans, this pavilion seems a little too low to my taste. Also, it is often used by uncles for chess games, so I feel that it’s not a very safe place to nest. Keep going. You will come to a large banyan tree. The red-whiskered bulbuls love figs, but my taste is different. Do you see an arch with the words “ 人傑地靈 (Yan Kit Dei Ling)”? Go through the arch, turn left and return to the HSBC. →【39】
▼ 101
袋碎都可以啊。有幼樹枝當然好,但其他東西更容易找到嘛,反正你們都丢很多。 我們身形如此大,要很多材料才能築成一個大巢耶。
再回頭看看涼亭的後方和樓梯旁的矮灌木叢,有開花嗎? 有開花。→【77】
沒有開花。→【60】 Look up. Can you read the name of this pavilion? The name is... actually I can't read. Haha! Look out from the pavilion. Have you spotted anything suitable for my nest? What are the suitable materials? Tissue paper, plastic strips, pieces of plastic bag can all do. Twigs are good of course, but other things are easier to find. You throw a lot of rubbish anyway. We are big birds. We need a lot of materials in order to build a big enough nest. Turn around to look at the shrubs behind the pavilion and next to the stairs. Are they blossoming? Yes. →【77】 No. →【60】
▼ 102
繼續沿行人道往前走吧,看到商場入口左邊的 7-Eleven 嗎?我們先休息一會 吧,休息是為了走更遠的路,你有需要的話,可以購買一些飲料。不過,別休息
太久,一兩分鐘就好了啊。而我老人家身子弱,不適合吹冷氣。「大樹好遮蔭」, 我還是回到大樹底乘涼吧。
好,時間差不多,我們從右側的門口進入元州商場吧。→【87】 Keep going down the pathway. Do you see a 7-Eleven on your left by the shopping centre entrance? Let's take a rest there. We still have a long way to go. Get yourself a drink if you need to. Just don't pause for too long. A minute or two is good enough. I am too old and weak for air-conditioning. I'll just take a rest over there in the shade of the big old tree. OK, it's time. Let's go into Un Chau Shopping Centre ( 元州商場 ) from the entrance on the right. →【87】
▼ 103
啊,好涼快!在這裏拭拭汗,喝點水吧。不過圖書館內好像是不准飲食的,可惜。 讓你休息一下,隨便走走,享受完冷氣才繼續行程吧。
走到「自助借書服務」的吊牌下。看到遠方天花吊着的卡通動物嗎?當中有隻藍 色的小鳥,牠的頭一定是太大、太重,所以頸椎斷裂,頭才這樣掉了下來吧⋯⋯ 我實在不明白為何兒童圖書館要放着如此恐怖的裝飾。
看到寫着「兒童特大書籍」、位於樓梯底的那幅梯形牆壁嗎?好,求這塊梯形牆 壁的面積,然後跳至該段落。
哈哈,開玩笑而已啦。數數圖中有多少花兒有藍色花蕊,這是目的地段落的十位 數。數數圖中有多少棵樹,這是目的地段落的個位數。 將兩個數字合體!到該段落去吧。
覺得很難的話,離開圖書館,往右走。→【86】 Ah... It's so cool here! Wipe your sweat off and drink some water. Oh, I think you aren't allowed to eat or drink in the library. What a pity. Take a rest, look around and enjoy the cool air.
Go below the sign of "Self-charging Service". Can you see those cartoon animals suspended from the ceiling over there? Among them, there is a blue bird. Its head must be too big and heavy that it has broken its spine and made its head drop like that... I don't understand why they have such a horrifying decoration in the children's library.
Can you see the trapezoid wall with the words "Junior Oversize Books ( 兒童特大書籍 )" under the staircase? Good. Please calculate the area of this trapezoid wall, and jump to the corresponding section. Haha! I'm just joking. Count the number of flower with a blue core on the wall. That will be the tens digit of the number of the next section. Count the number of trees. That will be the units digit of the number of the next section. Put the two digits together, and go to the corresponding section.
This is too complicated. I'll leave the library, then go towards the right. →【86】
▼ 104
繼續前行,在醫院入口旁有一條向下的樓梯,從這裏走下山。一直向下走,右邊 是一個小公園,有沒有聽到甚麼動物的聲音?
到達樓梯底後轉右,會看到公園入口。進去看看吧!→【118】 Go straight. Near the hospital entrance, there is a staircase that can take us to the street below. As you walk down the stairs, you will notice a small park on your right. Can you hear any animals? When you reach the street level, turn right. You will find the park entrance. Let's check it out? →【118】
▼ 105
今年我們改良了設計!平常的鳥巢都是碗形的,但這次我們建了個屋頂,那些可 惡的噪鵑就不能隨便降落生蛋了!厲害吧?
不如,你給我一束頭髮交差吧?其實,我一直都想擁有人類頭髮做的門簾⋯⋯ 怎樣?將自己的頭髮奉獻給野鳥築巢,應該是你刻板人生中最神奇的經歷吧?
不方便?沒有剪刀?不用啊,讓我就這樣直接拔掉吧⋯⋯→【68】 You have sharp eyes! We have improved the design this year. Our nest is usually built in the shape of a bowl, but we added a roof to it this time to prevent those annoying koels from laying eggs in it. Aren't we smart? Sigh... but we don't have anything for the portière now. I have to go home empty-handed. My wife will be mad at me for sure... Ah, how about you give me a bunch of your hair? Actually, I've always wanted to have a portière made of human hair... What do you think? Offering your hair to a wild bird for nest building is probably the most magical experience you can have in your entire life. What? You don't have scissors? You don't need any scissors. Just let me pluck your hair off directly... →【68】
▼ 106
穿過停車場大閘離開學校,往左走有個安全島是嗎?對面這座就是南山邨的南明 樓了。
在這兒橫過馬路,之後左轉稍稍往前行,留意右手邊的欄杆會出現「南山商場」 的牌子,旁邊還有木棉樹,從這裏進入南山邨吧。每年到 5、6 月便是木棉飄絮
的時節,是我喜愛的初夏風景。看!剛有一夥麻雀朋友飛過,屋簷上和地上也有 啊,有留意到牠們在做甚麼嗎?樹上聲音悅耳的紅耳鵯是我哥哥啊~
再聽聽,有沒有聽到「咕嗚!咕嗚!」一直升 key 的叫聲?牠是噪鵑,叫聲很獨 特呢。我們現在面向南明樓。 向左走,賞賞樹。→【188】
向右走,也別有景緻。→【149】 Go through the gate of the car park and leave the campus. When you turn left, do you see a refuge island? The opposite building is Nam Ming House ( 南明樓 ) of Nam Shan Estate. Cross the road here. Turn left and go ahead. As you go down the road, a sign of "Nam Shan Shopping Centre ( 南 山 商 場 )" will appear on the railing on the right. There is a silk cotton tree beside it. Walk into Nam Shan Estate from here. By the way, the cotton floss dances in the breeze every May and June. Those are my favourite moments in early summer. See! Flocks of sparrows
are passing by on the ground and above the canopies! Can you see what they are doing? That red-whiskered bulbul with a sweet voice is my brother! And can you hear the ascending "ko-el, ko-el" call? It is the koel. It has a very unique call, right? Now let's face Nam Ming House.
Turn left and go learn about trees. →【188】 Turn right for other surprises. →【149】
▼ 107
請你沿着大路一直走,經過閒靜閣外牆的大字,你會見到一個寬敞的休憩空間。 請你向左轉 90 度,看到嗎?
的~為甚麼人們要這樣修樹呢?樹木都是生命啊!好了,追憶夠了,再不開心也 要前行⋯⋯
Please go down the main road. After walking past Han Ching House ( 閒靜閣 ), you'll see a large recreational space. Turn left, do you see that? The tree in front of Han Ching House was cut down to the extent that it does not look like a tree anymore! My goodness! I enjoyed singing and resting here. Those were the good old days... Let's move on... Turn around. We'll move on to the next stop~ →【152】
▼ 108
在山洞裏,看看左邊的兩塊告示板。請朗讀出來。有讀到餵飼野鴿要罰款嗎? 嗯,恭喜你,我想這塊告示板是為你而設的。
因為你是我見過唯一一個會如此認真看這塊告示板的人啊!(你身邊也有人跟你 一起看嗎?)
現在就將兩塊告示板上全部共六組數字逐個相加(如 1+5+0+0),可以嗎?可 以的話,就跳至該總和的段落吧!
覺得很煩,不想計算的話就轉左沿路步出山洞,返回剛才進入山洞入口前的分岔 口,右轉登上樓梯吧。→【101】
In the cave, look at the two notices on the left. Please read out what is written on them. Do you see the line about the penalty for feeding pigeons? Hm... Congratulations. I think this notice is meant for you, because you are the only person I saw who would read it so carefully! (Is anyone looking at it with you?) Now please add up all the digits of the 6 sets of numbers on these two notices, for example 1+5+0+0. OK? If you can do that, please jump to the section of that total number. If you think it's too troublesome, please turn left, exit the cave and return to the junction that you just came across. Turn right and climb up the stairs. →【101】
▼ 109
啊,終於可以在遊樂場坐下來,真舒服。謝謝你今天跟我四圍遊,一起探索社區, 尋找適合家燕的住處!
剛才走訪了那麼多地方,我想我已經可以選定最理想的築巢地點了。想知道是哪 裏?哈哈,你逛街時多加留意吧!
每年三月到七月,家燕都會回到香港生兒育女,通常都會回到同一個巢,或者同 區附近的巢。所以,我們一定會再見的!現在我先找老婆吃飯了,拜拜!
Ah, we can finally sit down in the playground. It's so comfortable here. Thank you for exploring the neighbourhood together and helping to look for an ideal home for barn swallows! We have visited so many places today. I think I can decide where to build my nest now. You want to know where? Haha! Watch out for my nest when you come here again. I will raise my children here until they can fly and be independent. I will then go back to Southeast Asia for wintering. Actually, barn swallows return to Hong Kong every year from March to July for breeding. We would usually return to the same nest, or one in the same area. Therefore, I am sure we will meet again! Now I'll go and meet my wife. Bye bye!
▼ 110
現在背向美孚門,轉左,穿過圓形拱門後,看看你的右邊,看到一個華麗的中式 涼亭嗎?穿過那道門走到池邊,就會來到花園的中心位置。
人類好像叫這裏做水榭,是一種建在水池邊讓遊人休息的樓閣。比起休息,我看 來這邊的人類⋯⋯通常只顧拿着手機拍個不停⋯⋯
欣賞完就走上眼前的九曲橋過對岸吧,不過小心點,要是你顧着拍照掉進水裏, 我可不會救你!→【66】
With the North Entrance/Mei Foo Gate ( 美孚門 ) behind you, turn left, and go through the circle entrance. Look towards your right. You see that elaborate Chinese pavilion? Go to the edge of the pond through the door. You are now in the middle of the garden. Humans call this the Water Pavilion. A water pavilion is a structure built for people to rest by the waterside. However, compared to resting, I think the humans here are more interested in taking photos nonstop with their phones... When you finish admiring the view, go to the other side of the pond via the zigzag bridge in front of you. Be careful though. I'm not going to save you if get too obsessed with photo shooting and fall into the water! →【66】
▼ 111
你是不是有點累了?如果有需要就休息一下吧,也可以到便利店買些飲品。休息 完,我們再從 A1 出口離開,呼吸新鮮空氣。左轉沿有蓋行人通道直走,在通道
盡頭,望向你的左邊,那是長沙灣道。回到長沙灣道旁繼續向前走吧,右邊一直 都是屋苑。→【10】
Are you tired? Take a rest if you need to. You may also get a drink from the convenience store. Afterwards, let's leave the station from Exit A1. Take a deep breath, turn left and follow the covered walkway. At the end of the walkway, look towards your left and you will see Cheung Sha Wan Road again. Let's continue to walk along Cheung Sha Wan Road with the housing estates on our right. →【10】
▼ 112
我們到公園去了~沿斜路一直向上走,會經過「歡迎光臨深水埗區」的牌子,繼 續走就會來到公園入口。走進去吧!
我們繼續直走吧,右邊是遊樂場,不過我還是想帶你去一個大大的水池啊~記得 我說過我們最喜歡水池了嗎?所以繼續前進吧。→【98】
Let's go to the park~ Go up the slope. Walk past a sign that says "Welcome to Sham Shui Po District" and you will arrive at the park entrance. Let's go in! Oh! That's my aunt! Long time no see~ You look great! Let's keep walking. There is a playground on the right, but I want to bring you to the big pond instead~ Remember I said that we love ponds? Keep going forward! →【98】
▼ 113
面向巨型蝴蝶,左面是分岔路,選擇靠左的那條路繼續走吧。在林蔭下直走一會 兒後,會見到右邊的門球場。雖然經常看到老人家們在玩門球,但我對門球的規 則甚麼的完全沒有興趣。倒希望不要有人訂場,那我就可以獨佔這一片美麗的草 地了!
繼續前行,在分岔路轉左,再走一會,會見到下一個分岔路,轉右。馬上就要到 我們荔枝角公園鳥民引以為傲的後花園了!→【71】
Face the giant butterflies. There is a junction on your left. Follow the path on the left. Walk for a while under the tree shade until you see a gateball court on your right. Although I often see the elderly people playing gateball here, I am not interested in the game rules. It would be great if no one books this court, so that I can have this beautiful lawn all to myself! Continue the journey. Turn left at the next junction. There will be another junction after a short walk. Go right. Soon you will arrive at the back garden that we birds of Lai Chi Kok Park are so proud of! →【71】
▼ 114
Actually, I was already a little scared when we were at the junction. Let's go back! →【185】
▼ 115
真可惜啊,不過沒關係~我們可以去另一個景點!先下電梯,向右拐,上樓梯, 就會看到一個隱蔽的出口。我們要過馬路,然後向右行。你會經過「阿波羅」、
7-Eleven 和李鄭屋邨信義樓。繼續直走,就會來到「漢花園」入口,園內有一個 蹴鞠臺。
漢代風格設計,園內有闕型門柱、灰瓦粉牆、亭台樓閣、小橋流水、綠樹池塘, 古意盎然,特別適合我居住,所以我很喜歡帶大家到此參觀。
別逛太久,我們還要去新景點呢。返回剛才的入口,看到右面的紅綠燈嗎?我們 要在那裏過馬路,沿永隆街一直走,尋找下一站。→【191】
What a pity! But it's OK. We can go to another spot. Go down the escalator and turn right. Go up the stairs and you will reach a hidden exit. Cross the road and turn right. You will pass by "Apollo ( 阿波羅 )", 7-Eleven and Shun Yee House of Lei Cheng Uk Estate ( 李鄭屋邨信義樓 ). Keep walking. You will see the entrance to the "Han Garden ( 漢花園 )". There is a Chinesestyle platform inside. I believe you've all heard of the Lei Cheng Uk Han Tomb. Did you know there's a Han Garden in Lei Cheng Uk Estate? The garden was designed in Han style. You can find carved stone pillars, grey tiles, white walls, classical pavilions, Han style bridges and a beautiful pond. I love this tranquil space and I always bring my friends here. Take your time―but not too much! We have to go to the next stop! Go back to the entrance. Can you see the traffic light on the right? Let's cross the road there and walk along Wing Lung Street for the next stop! →【191】
▼ 116
走到「400 米」標示。啊!這不是欣賞我家鳥巢的最佳位置,轉身往後走三四 步吧。看!看到你右手邊對面那棵樹中的鳥巢嗎?就在圓形燈柱對上! 看到。→【99】
Go to the "400 M" mark. Ah! This is not the best spot for admiring my nest. Turn around and go back three or four steps. Look! Can you see the bird's nest on the tree to your far right? Just above the round lamp post! Yes, I can. →【99】 No, I can't. →【79】
▼ 117
看看右方一列黃色水碼,大概即將有新的建築物吧﹖如果沒看到黃色水碼的話, 可能工程已經完成了。
有看到我的朋友嗎?時間差不多了,要探下一個朋友去了~背向舞台,看到左手 邊保安亭中心的走廊入口嗎?進去吧!→【8】
Can you see the yellow plastic barriers on your right? I guess new buildings are coming soon. If you cannot see any yellow barriers, perhaps the construction work has already been finished. Do you see my friends? It's almost time. Let's set off to our next destination. With the mini stage to your back, do you see the entrance to the corridor next to the security office on your left? Go in. →【8】
▼ 118
好,現在我們沿着樓梯上一層,在公園內休息一會吧! 好啊!我也有點累。→【31】 不用啦!繼續走吧。→【43】 OK, let's go up one level by the staircase and rest in the park for a while. Good idea! I am a bit tired. →【31】
No, I'm alright. Let's keep walking. →【43】
▼ 119
過斑馬線到對面。一直穿過住宅大廈之間的中庭,便會來到一個廣場。左前方有 座水池,上面有拱橋。跨過拱橋後,會看到萬事達廣場的入口,就在逗趣的旋轉 樓梯旁。
登上那個旋轉樓梯看看。→【132】 Maybe it's just an illusion. How strange... Cross the road. Go straight and move through the courtyard between the residential towers. Then you will come to a plaza where there is a pool on the left in front of you. Across the pool there is a bridge. Cross the bridge to get to the entrance of Mount Sterling Mall, which is located beside an interesting spiral staircase. Go inside. →【94】
Climb up the spiral staircase. →【132】
▼ 120
洗手間、飲水機和自動售賣機。稍稍歇歇吧,補充水分對人類來說也是很重要的。 休息夠了嗎?我們再出發啦~ →【157】
With the tennis courts on your right, go straight and stop at a cream-coloured building. There are toilets, a drinking fountain and a couple of vending machines. All are meant for humans. Take a rest. Humans also need to drink enough water. Feeling recharged? Let's move on! →【157】
▼ 121
喂,你給我停下來!斗膽沿着緩跑徑飛,還要飛得那麼低,是想把跑步的人類撞 倒嗎?你害人還嫌害得不夠嗎!我要啄掉你的尾巴!別走!
麗巢材,我也在所不惜!你的孩子就是這樣張開黃口,騙走了我和老婆辛苦找來 的食物,害我們去年的孩子那麼瘦削,幸好最後也能成功長大離巢!
噪鵑:啊⋯⋯我⋯⋯我⋯⋯我說不到話⋯⋯ 快走!不要再接近我家! 。。。
呼,終於趕走了這個壞蛋。沒有嚇着你吧?在野生世界,為了保護自己,用點暴 力也是在所難免。
咦,剛好來到「400 米」標示的這個位置⋯⋯考考你的眼力吧。 看!看到左手邊對面那棵樹中的鳥巢嗎? 看到。→【105】
看不到。→【84】 Hey you, stop! How dare you fly so low along the jogging trail. Were you trying to knock the human joggers down? Have you not done enough horrible things to the others? I must peck your tail off! Don't run! Now! Open your mouth now! Let me stuff whatever I have found just now in... in... into your mouth! I don't care if I have to sacrifice my beautiful nesting materials! This is exactly what your kids did ― they opened their yellow gapes, and ate all the food my wife and I found. It's because of these scammers that my own children grew so thin! We were lucky that they managed to grow big enough to leave the nest in the end! Koel: Argh... I... I... I can't speak... Go away now! Don't ever get close to my home! ... Phew! The bad guy is finally gone. I hope you are not scared? To protect oneself in the wild, a little bit of violence is inevitable. Oh, we have arrived at a "400m" mark. Let's test your eyesight. Look! Can you see the nest on the tree to your left? I can see it. →【105】
I cannot see it. →【84】
▼ 122
不過,請你先找出一個隱藏的神秘數字。回頭看看商場的玻璃門,右方有一個號碼 門牌,它所在的牆壁與我的小腳一樣是粉紅色的。請你根據號碼的前兩個數字走吧。 Congrats! You have chosen the shorter route! Follow me for the shortcut! But you will need to find a hidden number first. Turn around to face the glass doors of the shopping centre. There's a door number on the wall to your right. Like my legs, this wall is pink in colour. What are the first two digits? Move on to that section!
▼ 123
往涼亭方向走。看右方的水池,有看到烏龜嗎?有時我想,為何他們不用築巢呢 往左邊上樓梯。→【101】
往右邊進入山洞。→【108】 Walk towards the pavilion. Look at the pond on the right. Can you see any turtles? Sometimes I wonder why turtles do not need to build any nest. Go up the stairs on the left. →【101】
Enter the cave on the right. →【108】
▼ 124
這是一個十分傳統的香港屋邨街市,雖然沒有華麗的外表,但麻雀雖小,五臟俱全! 經過櫃員機向右轉,直走至「南昌辦館」後轉左,繼續前行。沿路有很多果菜, 很吸引啊!
一直走,來到大樓梯前,左手邊有一間「歡記雞鴨」。天啊!這些鳥兒都困在籠 裏!斑鳩、麻雀等朋友有時會在雞檔附近覓食,真是奇怪的場面。 現在上樓梯看看吧!→【187】
This is a traditional market of a public housing estate. It doesn't look fancy, but you can find everything you need!
Pass the ATM machines and turn right. When you reach the grocery store ( 南昌辦館 ), turn left and go straight. There are so many fruits and vegetables here. Yummy! We have now come to a grand staircase. Look to your left. There is a poultry stall ( 歡 記 雞 鴨 ). My goodness! The birds here are all locked in cages! Sometimes my friends, doves and sparrows, would find food here. It's such a weird scene... Now, let's go up the stairs! →【187】
▼ 125
走 的 時 候 留 意 一 下 你 的 右 方, 有 看 到 每 隔 幾 步 就 有 一 支 燈 柱 嗎? 走 到 寫 着 「AP81」的燈柱就停下來,我的家就在附近!背向 AP81 燈柱,抬頭看!看到你 眼前樹上的鳥巢嗎? 看到。→【190】
Look to the right as you walk. Have you noticed the lamp posts on the side? Stop at the lamp post with the number "AP81". My home is just around there! Turn your back to lamp post AP81 and look up. Can you see a bird's nest on the tree in front of you? I can see it. →【190】
I cannot see it. →【33】
▼ 126
你現在身處長沙灣道,請繼續直走。你看到前面有一座行人天橋,橋下有另一個 港鐵站出口嗎?→【3】
You're now on Cheung Sha Wan Road. Please keep walking. Do you see a footbridge ahead of you? There is another MTR exit underneath. →【3】
▼ 127
這個大池又叫「A 池」,水池的石壁上有「敬業樂群」的刻字,附近有水、有石、 有樹木,高瞻遠矚的我也能站到枝頭上,邊吃東西邊與大家聊聊天,真棒啊! →【162】
Red-eared slider, koi! How are you doing? You can tell I am red-whiskered bulbul when you hear my voice, right? This larger pool is also called "Pool A (A 池 )". On the side of the pond, there is a large rock with the inscription " 敬業樂群 ". I love it here as there are water, rocks and trees. I can also stand at the top of the tree and chat with my friends while enjoying food. →【162】
▼ 128
我們現在身處楊建文學術樓內。去探朋友之前,我們要穿過這大樓,現在先往前走吧。 這裏雖然是室內,但抬頭看,是不是有自然光照進來呢?這樣的天然採光也很不 錯,可能也有些雀鳥朋友在上面停棲,跟牠們打個招呼吧。
走到大樓盡頭便到達位於 10 號升降機旁、扶手電梯底的紅色大門。推門出去吧!
想知道如何去到探望我朋友的段落嗎?直走到對面的牆壁,上面有些金屬牌匾是 嗎?看看威爾斯親王是在哪一天駕臨城大的呢?那一天就是下一段的數字。
We are now in the Yeung Kin Man Academic Building. We have to go through this building before meeting our friends. Now, let's keep walking. This is indoors, but when you look up, you'll see natural light coming in. The natural light is pretty cool. My birdy friends might be perching up there. Let's say hello to them. Walk towards the far end of the building and you'll see a red door next to lift 10, under the escalator. Let's go out! On our left is a mini stage. Shall we go and see if my friends are there? →【117】 Which section tells you where my friends are? Walk straight to the opposite wall. Do you see the plaques over there? Find out on which day the Prince of Wales came to the City University. That day is the number you need. Jump to the section with that number.
▼ 129
看到「文記漫畫站」嗎?看看有沒有以鳥類為題材的漫畫?有就給我買一本啦! 聽說這裏的飲品很便宜啊。
(謎之音:先讓我跟漫畫站老闆討點汽水喝再走⋯⋯) 買飲料。→【175】 不買。 →【146】
Do you see "Man Kee Comic Station ( 文 記 漫 畫 站 )"? Do they have any comic books about birds? Buy one for me if there is any! I also heard that the drinks here are pretty cheap. (Mysterious voice: Please let me get something to drink from the shop owner before continuing with the journey...) Buy a drink. →【175】
No, I'm not buying any drink. →【146】
▼ 130
九龍工業學校有很長的歷史——它比我還要老呢,jap jap !它啊,在上世紀七十
年代曾經是全香港最大的學校,很多立法會議員和歌手黃耀明都是「九工」校友。 在學校球場外面有一個巴士站,圓形站牌上寫滿巴士路線編號。看看站牌左上角 第一個路線編號是甚麼?現在,請跳到這個號碼的段落吧。
Kowloon Technical School has a very long history. It is even older than me, jap jap! It used to be the biggest secondary school in Hong Kong back in the 1970s. Lots of Legislative Council members and the singer Anthony Wong Yiu Ming are the alumni of this school. There's a bus stop next to the school playground. Look for the sign showing the bus routes. Check out the first number at the top left corner of the sign. Now, jump to the section with that number!
▼ 131
一直走,你也許會聞到一陣熟悉的味道。沒有?再走前一點點吧。聞到了嗎?知 道是甚麼嗎?沒錯!就是烘焙食品的味道。原來左面其中一座工廠,是製作蛋撻 的工場啊!讓這陣香甜氣味帶我們繼續前進,一直去到天橋底的位置!→【29】
Go up the road. Perhaps you can smell a familiar aroma. No? Walk up a little bit. Can you tell what that smell is? Right! It's the aroma of pastry. You know what? In one of these industrial buildings on your left, there is an egg tarts factory! Let us follow the scent and keep going until we find ourselves under a bridge. →【29】
▼ 132
你的好奇心真旺盛。不過這也不是一件壞事,畢竟要有好奇心才能幫助我尋找不 同的巢材嘛。對了,上來這裏可以俯視整個戶外廣場,有看到好的巢材嗎?
這裏有樹蔭也有水,是個休息的好地方。不過繁忙時間除了鳥兒,還有很多人在, 有時候還挺擠迫的,所以我通常都在清早無人的時候才過來玩。
好了,看夠了吧?下樓進去萬事達廣場吧。裏面好像有各式各樣的東西,快去幫 我看看!
You are so curious. That's not a bad thing. After all, you have to be curious in order to find different nesting materials for me. Right, now you can see the whole outdoor plaza on top of the staircase. Have you spotted any good nest material? There are trees and water here. It's a good place to rest and relax. However, during the busy hours, it can be crowded with birds and people. So I usually come here in the early morning, when there are not many people around. Had enough of the view? Go downstairs and enter Mount Sterling Mall. There are probably different materials inside. Go and help me take a look! Go downstairs and enter Mount Sterling Mall. →【94】
▼ 133
沿「商學院」字樣旁的走廊繼續直走到盡頭,就可以穿過玻璃門回到戶外了!(深 呼吸一下~)來來來~帶你去個好地方。
現在一直向前走,走到盡頭就往左轉,直走至更亭。你看見旁邊的黃色的箭嘴牌 嗎?上面寫着「學生宿舍(Student Residence)」,跟着箭嘴走,不久就轉入 籃球場旁邊的樹蔭小徑了。走出小徑後左轉吧。→【112】
There is a corridor next to the sign of " 商學院 (College of Business)". Follow it all the way to the end. Go through the glass doors. Now we are back to the outdoors! (Take a deep breath~) Come on~ Let me take you to a nice place. Now keep moving forward. Turn left at the end of the road. Walk towards the security booth. Do you see the yellow sign with arrow? It says "Student Residence." Follow the arrow and turn to the shady path beside the basketball court. At the end of the path, turn left. →【112】
▼ 134
像麻鷹那麼大的蝴蝶⋯⋯幸好,牠們好像不會動。雖然如此,我每次都會刻意避 開,不在牠們背上飛過。試想想,如果牠們突然拍翼,而我剛好在上面的話,一 定會給夾死!
想到處逛逛吧,不用瞎編藉口,直接說就好了。既然門簾已經找到了,我就帶你 到處逛逛吧!看在你那麼落力幫我找巢材的份上,儘管說說你想看些甚麼! (謎之音:你這個可惡的人類!) 想探索神秘的緩跑徑。→【88】
想看看我引以為傲的後花園。→【113】 In front of you, there are several gigantic butterflies. They are perching on a wooden cart covered in grass and leaves. I have never seen butterflies that are as big as the black kites... It seems that they never move. Even so, every time I come here, I would still avoid flying above them. If I fly above them when they suddenly flap their wings... Can you imagine? I would definitely get killed! Go home! Go home! We must go home now! (Mysterious voice: Yes, please go back now!) What? Did you say we'd better not go home now? Why? Someone has been following us? Really? Ah! I know. You must be too shy to say you want to hang around for a bit longer. There is no need to make up such a bad excuse. Just say it directly. Now that we have found the portière material, I will show you around. To thank you for working so hard today, you can just tell me where you would like to go! (Mysterious voice: You annoying human!) I would like to explore the mysterious jogging trail. →【88】 I would like to visit the beautiful back garden. →【113】
▼ 135
一直走,又來到另一個街口。怎麼樣,有沒有看到好樓盤?走了一整天,需要坐 下來整理一下搜集到的資料嗎?過馬路,右轉直走到遊樂場去吧!→【109】
Keep going until the next junction. How is everything? Have you found any good properties on the way? You have been walking for the whole day. Do you need to sit down and organise the information collected? Let's cross the road, turn right and go straight for the playground! →【109】
▼ 136
地在這裏覓食,還有些鳥兒跟我們一樣,是來找巢材的。留意地上,沿路有好東 西要告訴我啊。
咦,你有聽到那傢伙的叫聲嗎?還是我聽錯了?看你一臉茫然,應該是我聽錯了 吧。難道是天氣太熱,導致幻聽?
有看到我老婆的蹤影嗎?她喜歡站在這裏俯瞰整個公園,以便監視我⋯⋯啊不, 是以便搜尋食物。
圖書館就在右邊。不如先進圖書館享受一下冷氣吧! 從第一道門進去。→【103】
我覺得戶外天氣剛好,繼續直走。→【86】 Keep going ahead. Are there any birds on the floor on the two sides of the path? Usually, sparrows forage here in groups. Some birds would also gather nesting materials here like what we are doing now. Pay attention to the floor around you. Tell me if you spot any useful materials! (Mysterious voice: Chiu... Chiu... Chiu... Chiu! Chiu! Chiu!) Hm... Did you hear that? Or is it an illusion? You look confused. Maybe it's just an illusion. Maybe it's too hot that I begin to have auditory hallucination? Continue the journey and beware of cars. Now you should be able to see a building in front of you. Look at the top of the nearby lamp posts. Can you see my wife? She loves to oversee the whole park from up there. It's easier for her to check my whereabouts this way... I mean, to look for food. The library is on your right. Let's go in to enjoy the air-con! Enter from the first door. →【103】
I think the outdoor temperature is just right. I will keep going forward. →【86】
▼ 137
來了嘛,慧根不錯~這裏是城市大學的入口,但這入口並不單純,因為你以為只 有直勾勾走進學校一途嗎?非也~
右轉有三岔路,走向細葉榕旁那條有矮石牆的小徑進入花園看看啊。→【40】 直走當然也可以啦。→【168】
Here you are! You are pretty smart. Here's the entrance of the City University of Hong Kong, but this is not an ordinary entrance... Do you think this is the only way to enter the university? Of course not! Turn right and you'll see an intersection. Next to the Chinese banyan is a small path flanked by a low stone wall. The path leads to the garden. Check it out! →【40】 Of course you can also go straight. →【168】
▼ 138
現在寧靜閣旁的遊樂埸在你的左前方,請你左轉直走,再穿過大廈底下的通道, 你會看到一個水池。多走兩步,到達水池邊,我告訴你一段故事。
很久以前,我的野鴿朋友都很喜歡在這裏喝水和談天。但不知從甚麼時候開始, 這裏的居民不喜歡牠們⋯⋯現在你抬頭看一下——不少單位的窗前都掛着 CD 和 紅紙,好像非要嚇走我們不可。
唉!看着我也覺得不安。我們還是回頭,穿過大廈,回到原來的大路向左繼續走 吧。→【107】
The playground near Ning Ching House ( 寧靜閣 ) is now on your left ahead of you. Please turn left and go through the passageway underneath the building. Walk towards the fountain and stop by its side. I'll then tell you another story. A long time ago, my pigeon friends used to drink and meet up here. Seeing this, people started to dislike them... Look up and you will find CDs and pieces of red paper hanging outside the windows of some flats. People are determined to get rid of us! Sigh! This makes me feel uneasy. Let's turn around and go through the building. When we return to the main path, turn left and keep going. →【107】
▼ 139
原來你不懂計算加數?不要緊,讓我來教你吧。假設你吃了 1 顆果實,再吃 1 顆, 總共就是 2 顆了。然後你又忍不住多吃了 5 顆⋯⋯數數總共吃了多少顆?對了, 就是 7 顆啦!明白了沒有?接下來還有練習計算的機會,要學好喔~ 現在到【7】去吧。
Oh, you can't do maths? Don't worry. Let me teach you. Suppose you have eaten one fruit after another, so you have eaten two in total. Later on, you can't help eating five more... Now, how many fruits have you eaten in total? Right, seven! Got it? There will be further chances for math exercise. Soon you will get the hang of it~ Please go to【7】now.
▼ 140
之上。這鳥巢是「家燕」這種燕子的育嬰室呢。(你知道我不是說額前有「寶石」 的那位影視紅星⋯⋯)
叫你來這裏是讓你看看家燕的巢,然後就要告訴你: 我―的―巢―比―牠―的―大―啊!呵呵!
(謎之音:對,就是你的巢如此大我才選在你的巢裏下我的蛋。但首先,我要知 道你的巢到底在哪裏⋯⋯這樣跟蹤真是很累,而且為何這隻黑領椋鳥要這樣走走 停停,又跟人類說這麼多廢話⋯⋯) 咦?你有聽到別的聲音嗎? 有。→【154】
Keep walking until you reach a shop called " 花膠大王 (King of Fishmaw)". Look up. Can you see the nest of swallows? It is right above the CCTV camera. This nest is the nursery of barn swallows. I asked you to look at the swallow nest because I want to tell you: MY NEST IS BIGGER THAN THIS! HA―HA―HA!
(Mysterious voice: Yes. This is exactly why I want to lay my eggs in your nest. But first I need to know where your nest is... It's so tiring to stalk on this black-collared starling. Why does it have to stop from time to time and say so much nonsense to a human...) Eh? Did you hear that? Yes. →【154】 No. →【119】
▼ 141
看到「麗菊樓」三個大字嗎?右轉,向前走,再過馬路便來到我們到最後一站—— 深水埗公園(二期)。
兒一大清早就吱吱喳喳地叫,人類可能因此睡不着覺,所以生氣吧?所以有能力 的雀鳥都搬走了!往事不堪回首⋯⋯
但你有否想過,城市本來就有各種動物生活其中,大家都有不同的習性。今天你 跟我逛了一趟社區,是不是對我們有更多了解呢?其實你也有能力令大家更加了
解社區內的動物街坊,令香港成為一個人鳥共融的地方。不如你立即把今天拍攝 的照片放上社交網站,呼籲其他朋友關注社區內的動物吧!
今天我們的導賞團已經圓滿結束,謝謝大家捧場,又不嫌棄我老人家囉唆,下次 有緣再相見!
See the building sign of Lai Kuk House ( 麗菊樓 )? Turn right, go straight, then cross the road. Here comes our last stop, Sham Shui Po Park (Stage II). This place used to be our paradise, but as you can see, human kai fongs don’t seem to like us. I guess they were disturbed because some birds unintentionally interrupted their sleep when they sang and talked? Many bird neighbours have moved away... Those nightmares... Actually, have you ever thought that we—including you humans, we birds and many other species—share the environment in this city? Isn't it understandable that each of us has different habits, behaviour and characteristics? After today's tour, have you learnt more about us? You can actually help improve other people's understanding of us and make Hong Kong an ideal living environment for all! Why don't you upload the photos you took today to social media and ask your friends to pay more attention to animals in the community?
This is the end of the guided tour. Thank you for joining me. Hope you didn't find me too much of a chatterbox. We'll meet again someday!
▼ 142
那邊,有兩棵樹特別古怪,你能幫我看看嗎?那裏有一個圓錐形的淺啡色屋頂, 旁邊就是那兩棵樹了!看到嗎?它們的樹幹滑溜溜的,葉子是很堅硬的一大塊。 風起的時候,其他樹木的葉子都會搖搖擺擺,但這兩棵不會!很奇怪呢⋯⋯
起初以為是年紀很大的烏龜伯伯。後來和牠打了幾次招呼,牠也不理我,一副高 傲的樣子,真是沒禮貌⋯⋯別理牠了,我們離開公園到別處吧!古怪動物的屁股 剛好向着公園出口呢,就向那邊走吧!
踏出公園門外向右走,經安全島橫過大坑東道,然後從右前方的入口進入南山邨。 轉右直走,右邊有一株高大的鳳凰木,初夏花開時,整個樹冠都被紅通通的花兒 蓋滿,我們飛過時都會被它吸引呢。呃,你的視線水平會看到嗎?偶爾也抬頭留
意一下身邊的樹木吧~看!剛有一夥麻雀朋友飛過,屋簷上和地上也有啊,有留 意到牠們在做甚麼嗎?呀,聽到了嗎?樹上聲音悅耳的紅耳鵯是我哥哥啊~ 現在向南明樓的方向走。→【188】
There are many types of trees in the park. Even I cannot recognise all species. The two trees in the children’s playground are particularly strange. You must go and have a look. There is a conical roof in light brown colour. The two strange trees are next to it. Can you see? Their tree trunks are very smooth, while their leaves are hard and large. When the wind blows, the leaves of all other trees shake in the wind, but the leaves of these two trees don’t move a bit. How strange… Oh! There is also a strange animal next to the strange trees! Originally, I thought it’s an old turtle as it’s big and bluish green. I tried saying hello to it before, but it ignored me every time. How arrogant… Well, let’s ignore it and go somewhere else. The butt of the strange animals points towards the park exit. Let’s leave the park from there! After coming out of the park, turn right and cross Tai Hang Tung Road via the refuge island. Turn right, walk until you see the entrance to Nam Shan Estate. Go into the estate, turn right again and you will find a tall flame tree. In early summer, its entire crown is covered in fiery red blossoms, attracting a lot of birds. Ah… Can you see the tree crown from your height?
Pay attention to the trees around you. Look! A flock of sparrows has just flown past. Now they are on the ground. Some are on the building’s façade. Can you see what they are doing? Ah, can you hear? That red-whiskered bulbul who is singing on the tree is my brother~ Now, let’s walk towards Nam Ming House ( 南明樓 ). →【188】
▼ 143
想到公園的話,過對面馬路,轉右沿石牆向前直走至圓形紅色交通標誌前停下。 左邊的樓梯就是公園入口。→【118】
不如去遠一點的地方看看吧?轉右直走,在福華街轉右,前行至青山道再轉右, 在「德龍清湯腩」前停下。→【63】
Where should we go after V Ga Building? How about checking out the park opposite, or leaving this industrial area? If you want to visit the park, cross the road, turn right and keep walking along the stone wall until you come to a red, round traffic sign. The staircase on the left is the park entrance. →【118】
Let’s get away from here. Turn right and go straight, then turn right again at Fuk Wa Street. Keep going until you reach Castle Peak Road. Turn right and stop at ”Tak Lung Beef Brisket ( 德龍清湯腩 )”. →【63】
▼ 144
好好幫我撿材料築巢就好了。甚麼?你說是來玩的?你不知道你今天是來打工的 嗎?主辦單位怎麼搞的?他們說有義工幫忙,我才答應合作耶!
這樣吧,反正你都來到了,就到處走走,幫我撿巢材吧。你可能會覺得很好玩的, 反正你們人類覺得好玩的東西都莫名其妙⋯⋯
過程很簡單,要看我在說甚麼時,就低頭專心看,抬頭時,就留心觀察四周的事 物。要好好給我找巢材啊!
其實我也時常走路啊,而且對自己的步姿滿有自信的,嘿嘿,你若見到我,就會 知道了。
每一段的最後一句都會指示你跳至不同的段落,並走到不同的地方。記得要先瞄 一瞄新的段落才起行啊。
好,先喝點水吧,要走好多路呢。準備好了嗎? 想先看看這裏有沒有巢材。→【82】
向右走,你會看到一塊黑底紅字的電子顯示板。→【54】 未準備好。→【97】
Hey there! What are you looking for? I am right in front of you. Well, you don't have to find me out. You just need to find nesting materials for me. What? You have come here to play? Don't you know you need to work today? What's wrong with the event organiser? They told me some volunteers would help me today. That's why I agreed to collaborate with them in the first place! Well, since you have come anyway, why don't you walk around and help me find building materials for my nest? Maybe you will find it fun. Humans always find pleasure in things that I don't understand... Your task is simple. When I say something, stand still and read carefully. Look around attentively, and try your best to get nesting materials for me! Now I'll teach you how to move. I know you can't fly, so I have already designed a walking route for you. See how nice I am! Actually, I always walk too, and I am full of confidence as I walk. Haha! You will know when you see me. Every section in this book is numbered. This section is【144】. See? There is an instruction at the end of every section, that will lead you to the next spot. Remember to read the new section carefully before you leave your current spot. Good. Take a sip of water first as there will be a lot of walking. Ready? I'd like to check whether there are any nesting materials here first. →【82】
Turn right and look for a black electronic display panel with red lights. →【54】 I am not ready yet. →【97】
▼ 145
走到「福泰珠寶」另一邊的正門,望向對面。看到了嗎?我是說那幢白色的唐樓 呀!如果看不到的話,那即是它已經被拆卸重建了⋯⋯
是全港極罕有的戰前弧形轉角唐樓之一(另一個例子是文青打卡必去的「雷生 春」)。它誕生於三十年代,真是「食鹽多過我哋食米」呀。如果你來的時候它 已不在,就太可惜了⋯⋯
現在背向福泰珠寶,跟着我向左繼續走吧!我們下個目的地是青山道的一間 藥房。→【160】
Go to the main entrance of "Fook Tai Jewellery ( 福泰珠寶 )" and look towards the opposite side of the street. Do you see that? I'm asking you to look at the white tong lau (Chinese tenement house). If you can't see it, that means the tong lau has been demolished already... This tong lau is very special. It looks different from other tong laus. It's actually an extraordinary building! It's one of the few tenement houses with a curved corner built before the Second World War (another example is the photogenic "Lui Seng Chun [ 雷生春 ]") in Hong Kong. Built in the 1930s, it's way older than us! Such a pity if it's already gone when you come here... With Fook Tai Jewellery to our back, let's turn left. Our next destination is a pharmacy on Castle Peak Road. →【160】
▼ 146
面向漫畫站正門,轉右,然後靠左前行,經過一條金黃色的大鎖匙後,就會到達 「大同地產」。色彩運用是不是有點像⋯⋯廟宇?給你一分鐘,思考甚麼是「凹 海」、「凸海」和「翼海」。是你們人類給海鷗的暗號嗎?
再向前走,小心過馬路,到達一個圓形空地,又看到公園在對面了!回去那邊會 較容易有收穫吧?
啊等等!我找到了一片膠紙!正好當鳥巢的門簾呢!太好了!老婆一定好喜歡! 那我們回家吧!
(謎之音:剛才刻意將汽水的膠腰帶放在這裏,果然管用。牠終於打算回巢了! 再忍耐多一會兒,我的孩子,媽媽很快會就幫你找到家了。) 繼續向公園走去。→【134】
Face the entrance of the comic station, turn right, then keep left as you walk. After passing by a big yellow key, you will arrive at Tai Tung Estate Co ( 大同地產 ). Doesn't it look like... a temple? You have one minute to think about the meaning of "concave sea ( 凹海 )", "confex sea ( 凸海 )" and "sea wing ( 翼海 )". Are these secret messages for seagulls? Continue forward and cross the road carefully. Keep going until you arrive at an open space with a large, round planter. The park is just over there before you! Let's go in. I guess it's easier to find materials in the park after all. Ah, wait! I have found a piece of plastic! This can make a great portière. Yeah! I'm sure my wife will like it! OK, let's go home! (Mysterious voice: My strategy of leaving the plastic six-pack rings on the floor worked! This bird has finally decided to go home! My children, please hold on for a moment. Mummy will soon find you a home.) Walk towards the park. →【134】
▼ 147
這聲音!我聽到了!是那傢伙的聲音!在哪裏? (謎之音:糟糕!)
噪鵑!我見到你了!你躲在涼亭這裏幹甚麼?不要走!去年的舊帳我還未跟你算 清楚!→【121】
(Mysterious voice: Hey hey... I am talking to you!!) This voice! I can hear it now! It's the voice of that guy! Where is it? (Mysterious voice: Oh no!) Koel! I see you now! What are you doing there under the pavilion? Don't run! You must pay for the nasty things you did last year! →【121】
▼ 148
過小橋後來到分岔路,前面有株雞蛋花樹,樹下有一座怪石。右前方是有蓋的迴 廊,地上鋪着赤色方磚,走進去便來到長方形水池的一角。轉右,一直走到露天 的廣場吧。
在這個廣場的中央,有我們鳥民最最最尊敬的仙禽——鳳凰!在古代傳說中,牠 可是吉祥的象徵啊!我每次飛過時都要點頭致意,你還不趕快向牠鞠躬?! (謎之音:喂喂人類,你過來這邊,我跟你談談⋯⋯) 好,就聽聽你有何話說。→【177】
After crossing the bridge, you will come to a junction where a piece of porous rock sits under a frangipani tree. Look behind the rock on the right, there is a covered walkway in front of you. Its floor is paved with red square tiles. Go in and you will come to the corner of a rectangular pond. Let's turn right and walk all the way to the outdoor piazza. In the middle of this piazza lies the icon of our most respected bird―the phoenix. In ancient myths, the phoenix was the symbol of auspice! I nod at the phoenix every time I fly across this piazza. You should bow at it now! (Mysterious voice: Hey human, come here. I need to talk to you...) OK. Let's hear what you have to say. →【177】
▼ 149
看看你的右方!護土牆上那層平台,政府安裝了一些公共晾曬架。不過在陽光充 沛的日子,也無阻居民繼續在四周的欄杆上曬衣服。我們都經常笑說,這些五顏 六色的衣服,正好構成一道屬於屋邨的獨特風景。我和朋友都喜歡站在家家戶戶 的晾曬架上看風景呢!
罝畢竟有限,所以曬衣服、被子一向都是你們香港人類的煩惱。有時見你們逼於 無奈,也只好把衣物晾曬於公眾地方。
Come! Let's go around to the other side of Nam Ming House ( 南明樓 ) and keep walking. Look at your right! Do you see those public laundry racks set up by the government on the podium above the retaining wall? During sunny days, other than using these official laundry
racks, residents would simply hang their clothes on the railings everywhere. We all think that the colourful clothes form a very unique landscape. My friends and I like the view from the clotheslines! You know? Although you can find clotheslines in public housing estates, those racks are often installed at locations with inadaequate sunlight. Since there is always a lack of space, Hong Kong people have to look for other places to air their laundry and blankets. That's why sometimes people hang their clothes in public areas. I believe they do so without any other choice. With Nam Tai House ( 南泰樓 ) on our left and the retaining wall on our right, let's go straight to our next destination! →【153】
▼ 150
現在我們站在永康街和汝州西街交界,「製衣中心」在我們的右後方,左邊是地 盤圍板。我們沿永康街直走吧。
一直向前走,你會發現左邊有好些大樹,右邊都是高樓。留意右手邊,有個停車 場入口,旁邊的偉基大廈入口上有個大大的三角形。
聽朋友說,我們會在這裏找到住屋資料呢。不如上去看看吧! 好啊!→【9】
咦?門口被鎖住了啊⋯⋯回頭吧!→【143】 Now we are standing at the junction of Wing Hong Street and Yu Chau West Street. Garment Centre ( 製衣中心 ) is now behind us on the right, while the construction site is on our left. Let's walk along Wing Hong Street. As we go forward, you will see a number of trees on the left, while the right side of the street is
all occupied by tall buildings. Pay attention to your right side. You will see a car park entrance. Next to it is "V Ga Building ( 偉基大廈 ), which has a large triangular pediment above its entrance. My friend said we can find property information there. Let's go in! Sure! →【9】
Hm... The door is locked unfortunately... Let's go back! →【143】
▼ 151
賦予我的生存之道啊!其他雀鳥都有築巢的本能,但我們就是沒有。我們也是順 應本能,世世代代都是靠把自己的小孩放到別人家來繁衍後代的。如果我不將蛋 放在牠的巢,我的孩子也會死掉啊。可以不要以人類的姿態干擾我們嗎?) 。。。
喂喂,人類,你在下面幹甚麼?今天也玩了好久了,我真的要回家啦。見你今天 也沒有帶給我甚麼麻煩,讓你看看我的家吧!
上樓梯回到緩跑徑上,靠左繼續直走。→【116】 (Mysterious voice: Come! There is a staircase on the left not far in front of you. Go downstairs. You will find me by the railing at the bottom of the steps. I know that you don't want to me to find the nest of this black-collared starling because you think I would do bad things to it. But that's how I survive! It's our animal instinct. Other birds may know how to build a nest, but we don't have that ability. We just follow our natural instinct to breed our offspring in other birds' nests. That's how we do it for generations. If I don't lay my eggs in its nest, my children would also die. Can I beg you not to intervene as a human?) ... Hey, human! What are you doing down there? We have had a lot of fun today. I need to go home now. To thank you for not bringing me any trouble today, let me show you my home. Go upstairs to return to the jogging trail. Turn left and continue the journey. →【116】
▼ 152
往前走,你看到麗菊樓旁的屋邨指示牌嗎?留意一下指示牌旁的那棵樹,有發現 任何疤痕嗎?
想當年,一班從外地來的家鴉阿哥到此定居。我固然感到不悅,但其他街坊就比 我更加討厭牠們,所以後來街坊們就要求看更阿叔用力打樹,把樹上的家鴉阿哥 嚇走⋯⋯沿路的樹都傷過痛過,多無辜!
好吧,已經在這公園裏停留很久了。我們繼續向前,去另一個景點吧!→【141】 Go ahead. Do you see the signpost next to Lai Kuk House ( 麗菊樓 )? Look at the tree next to it. Do you see any scars on it?
Here's another story. A long time ago, some foreign house crows chose to settle here. I didn't like them, but the human kai fongs hated them. They asked the security guards to beat the tree violently, so that the crows would be scared off. These innocent trees have all suffered! Alright, we have spent a lot of time here. Let's move to the next spot! →【141】
▼ 153
沿路前行便能走到南山邨的「人肉飛行棋」了,要玩玩嗎?我看看就好,你才是 棋子啊。要拍照是吧,好吧好吧,去拍個夠吧,人類啊真是不懂活在當下,又這 ⋯⋯(下刪一萬字)
哼咳!嗯,繼續向前走,會來到社區園圃,壁畫上有神仙和看起來很精神的仙鶴。 現在我們的右邊是社區園圃,左邊是南泰樓。有鳥兒在園圃裏嗎? 看看鳥朋友,然後沿社區園圃右邊的梯級往上走。→【95】
Walk along the road and you'll find the human-size aeroplane chess board. Do you want to go and play? I'm not the chess. You are! I'll just stay here and watch. Photos, photos~ Fine! Take as many photos as you wish! Live in the present! And this... (the chirping goes on and on...) Ach! OK, let's keep going! Go straight, and you will eventually arrive at a community garden. There is a mural depicting some Chinese fairies and white cranes who seem full of energy. Now, the community garden is on our right, and Nam Tai House ( 南泰樓 ) is on our left. Are there any birds in the garden? Look at the birds for a while, and then you may go up the stairs on the right of the community garden. →【95】
▼ 154
真的?那是誰的聲音?不如先到 7-Eleven 商討一下!繼續向前走,「花膠大王」 後兩個舖位就是 7-Eleven 了,進去吧。
好,這裏應該沒有別的雀鳥了。你說說看,那是甚麼聲音?難怪我老是聽到有誰 在喃喃自語。甚麼?她說會在我的巢生蛋?那不就是我老婆了?還有誰可以在我 的巢下蛋?她不是應該在巢裏看家嗎?怎會在這裏? 你說那是別的鳥?那就更沒可能了,別開玩笑吧!
離開 7-Eleven,回到「花膠大王」,過斑馬線到對面。走過中庭後,會看到左前 方有座水池,上面有拱橋。跨過拱橋後,會見到萬事達廣場的入口,就在逗趣的 旋轉樓梯旁。
登上那個旋轉樓梯看看。→【132】 Really? Whose voice was it? Let's talk about this in 7-Eleven. 7-Eleven is two shops away from the "King of Fishmaw ( 花膠大王 )". Go in. OK. There shouldn't be any other birds here. Tell me, who was it? No wonder, I always heard someone whispering. What? She said she would lay her eggs in my nest? That must be my wife. Who else can lay eggs in my nest? But didn't she tell me that she would stay at home? Why would she be here? Are you saying it's another bird? That's impossible. You must be kidding! Alright. Let's carry on with our hunt for nesting materials. I will be scolded by wife if I can't find anything. Leave 7-Eleven and return to the "King of Fishmaw". Cross the road. Move through the courtyard and you will eventually see a pool on the left in front of you. There is a bridge across the pool. Cross the bridge and you will see the entrance to Mount Sterling Mall, right next to an interesting spiral staircase. Go inside. →【94】
Climb up the spiral staircase. →【132】
▼ 155
一直走到路的盡頭,看到對面的空地嗎?這裏只有幾間小屋,四周又有樹木, 所以我也想過在這附近建房子。不過這些並不是渡假小屋,好像是存放工業用品
的地方,有點危險呢⋯⋯這邊也有很多車輛出入,似乎有點嘈吵。你看到有人在 運送石油氣嗎?要小心,不要阻礙他們工作啊!
我們現在向右邊直走,看看其他地方吧!→【14】 Walk to the end of the street. Do you see a yard on the opposite side? There are just a few small buildings on this lot, and there are many trees nearby, so I have thought of nesting here before. However, these buildings are not vacation homes of humans. They are in fact industrial storage spaces, so it is a bit dangerous here. There is a lot of traffic here as well, so it is quite noisy. Do you see someone transporting LPG cylinders? Be careful not to block their way! We will now turn right, go straight and check out other places. →【14】
▼ 156
如果你選擇繼續探索,可能會遇到更多麻雀街坊。轉向左邊,現在你面向元逸樓, 它的左邊是元慧樓。沿兩座之間的路向前走吧。四處探索和跟雀仔街坊打招呼的 同時,記得要繼續緊隨我的導賞團啊!
沿路直走到盡頭,便回到大馬路,這裏有個巴士站。右轉直走至港鐵站口,你會 來到鴿子的地盤。→【3】
If you choose to explore the estate, you may meet more of my sparrow neighbours! Turn left. You are now facing Un Yat House ( 元逸樓 ). Sitting on its left is Un Wai House ( 元慧樓 ). There is a path between these two blocks. Let's follow this path and go straight. When you are exploring around and greeting the birds, please also remember to follow me closely! At the end of the path, you will arrive at the main road. There is bus stop here. Turn right, go straight and you will come to the pigeons' place by the MTR exit. →【3】
▼ 157
剛下斜路,便會聽到嗡嗡低吟、持續不斷的聲音,是從哪裏傳來的呢?除了這嗡 嗡聲,你還聽到其他自然的聲音嗎?→【48】
There is a driveway in front of the building. Turn left and walk downhill following this road. Be careful of cars! Just when you start to go down the slope, you would hear a humming sound that never stops. Do you know where it comes from? Apart from the hum, can you hear other sounds of nature? →【48】
▼ 158
些時候,那些門一打開便傳來一陣難聞的氣味,我才不要我的巢臭臭的!不過我 知道在這後面有乾淨的水可以喝。你也來喝一點吧。
喝完之後就原路折返,穿過拱門後轉左。一直靠着右手邊的水池走,會看到一條 拱橋。→【46】
Many people go in and out here between those doors. Are you also going in? Find nesting materials here? No way! Sometimes when those doors are open, a very bad smell comes out. I don't want my nest to smell like that! But I know there is clean water at the back. You should get some water too. After drinking, please return by the way you came. Go through the circle entrance, turn left, then keep to the right as you walk beside the pond. Soon you will see a bridge. →【46】
▼ 159
牠會跟你打招呼的。如果不怕的話,也可以摸摸牠啊!→【186】 Say hello to it! If you're brave enough, you can try to touch it! →【186】
▼ 160
請在「恒生中西參茸藥房」前停下來,但不要阻礙到店家做生意啊!現在,抬起 頭吧,看到另一個燕子窩嗎?
俗語有云,「巧燕來歸好風水」,燕子一般會在風水好的地方做窩。有燕巢的話, 代表那個地方風水好,所以當燕子在商店或家門前築巢,人們不會趕走牠們, 因為那是是家道興旺的徵兆。燕子一般會挑通風良好、採光度高,覓食方便的 地點築巢。牠們也非常愛乾淨,從來不把自己的窩搞得亂七八糟骯髒邋遢⋯⋯
然大家仍可在深水埗及離島等舊區看到牠們的蹤影,但現時香港的燕巢數量還是 越來越少,所以大家要好好珍惜我們的街坊啊!
我們往回走,在「福泰珠寶」轉右,沿排檔直走到盡頭,過馬路後就會到達 圖書館。→【184】
Please stop at "Hang Seng Dispensary ( 恒生中西參茸藥房 )". Remember not to block the shop entrance. Look up. Do you see another swallow nest? The saying goes "swallows return to good feng shui." In other words, people believe that swallows are attracted to places with good fortune. Therefore, when swallows nest, people usually don't expel them. In fact, swallows usually choose places with good ventilation, plenty of daylight and an abundance of food. They also keep their nests clean. Under urban renewal and building maintenance schemes, old buildings in Hong Kong are gradually replaced by new buildings, which usually do not have cantilevered balconies. In other words, barn swallows and house swifts, which often nest under these balconies of old buildings, are now unable to suitable places for nesting. Although we still see swallows and swifts in Sham Shui Po, the outlying islands and other old districts, the number of swallow nests is falling. Therefore, we need to treasure our good neighbours! Let's turn around and go back to "Fook Tai Jewellery ( 福泰珠寶 )". Turn right, walk down the street along the hawker stalls, then cross the road. Let's go to the library. →【184】
▼ 161
看到這個後花園的名字嗎?今天給你介紹了個好地方,啊!但你最好不要跟太多 人分享,我希望以後能繼續在這個後花園避世啊!
我們今天已經走了很久,趕快讓你看看我的家吧!背向紅磚石碑,你應該可以看 到右邊有兩條上斜路,選擇靠左有粉紅色矮牆的那條,一直走吧!→【125】
Leave the rectangular pond behind. Walk past the wooden panels and go out from the gate. Go behind that red stone wall. Look at the back of the stone wall. Can you see the name of this garden? I have introduced this paradise to you, but you'd better not share this secret with too many people. I hope I can continue to enjoy the tranquility here!
We have walked a long way today. I will show you my home now! Turn your back towards the red stone wall. You should be able to see two ramps on your right. Pick the one on the left with pink parapets and keep going! →【125】
▼ 162
水池對出有一條車路,靠右沿斜路向上走一小段路,再過馬路前往設計獨特的劉 鳴煒學術樓。來到大樓門口,進入電梯大堂吧。 今天是星期日?→【173】
今天不是星期日!→【44】 There is a driveway near to the pond. Stay on the right, walk up the ramp a little, then cross the road to reach the uniquely designed Lau Ming Wai Academic Building. Go into the building and head to the lift lobby. Today's Sunday? →【173】
Today's not Sunday! →【44】
▼ 163
對!對!今天我們要找的是巢材!還好你沒有忘記你今天的任務。面向餐廳門口 轉右,直走,進去民居看看吧。→【140】
Right! Today we need to look for nesting materials! I am glad that you haven't forgot your mission. Face the restaurant entrance, turn right and walk into the housing estate. →【140】
▼ 164
原來這裏是一個墳場啊!我們進去看看吧。沿着斜路直上,左邊有一片大空地, 望出去是高速公路⋯⋯
在這裏越走,感覺就越寧靜⋯⋯不過,這裏並不是我們今次的目的地,我不想住 在墳場裏,我們還是回去吧!沿路折返,回到分岔路口。→【185】
Oh it's a cemetery! Let's go in and see. Walk up the ramp and you'll see an empty space on your left. Outside the cemetery is the highway...
It feels more and more quiet along the way... but this is not our destination. I don't want to live in a cemetery... Let's go back! Follow the path where we came from and get back to the junction. → 【185】
▼ 165
啊等等!我找到一片膠紙!是樽裝汽水的腰帶吧?正好當鳥巢的門簾呢!太好 了!老婆一定會喜歡! 那我們回家吧!
(謎之音:總算能引牠回巢了!再忍耐多一點點,我的孩子,媽媽很快就幫你找 到家了。)
智慧,一道藍色的門出現時,旁邊的門總會是粉紅色的,但這裏好像打破了這個 定律⋯⋯
下樓梯後直走,走到荔枝角公園入口。→【134】 Let's go. Face the relief, go forward by the left side of the fountain. There isn't much here. Oh wait! I have found a piece of plastic sheet! It probably came from the packaging of bottled soda? This can make a great portière. Yeah! I'm sure my wife will like it! Now, let's go home! (Mysterious voice: Finally I managed to make it return home! Hold on for a while, my babies. Mummy will soon find you a home.) Move towards the staircase behind the red brick wall. Please look to your right as you walk. See those two doors? According to my experience, when there is a blue door, there would always be a pink door next to it. Things are different here... Walk down the stairs and go straight to the entrance of Lai Chi Kok Park. →【134】
▼ 166
過馬路後就來到協和小學。咦,你知道鄧紫棋 G.E.M 和「宇宙最強」甄子丹都是 協和的著名校友嗎?
是海岸線呢!哇,我想住在海邊必定是一件快樂無比的事,我或許還能交到白鷺 朋友(雖然牠的體型遠比我大⋯⋯)。我也能在沙子裏打滾和洗澡⋯⋯來,你也 合上眼,和我一起想像這裏以前的樣子吧!
After crossing the road, we are approaching Heep Woh Primary School ( 協和小學 ). Hey! Do you know that G.E.M Tang and Donnie Yen are its famous alumni? I heard from my father that Cheung Sha Wan Road was actually the coastline before reclamation in the 1950s. Hmmm... being able to live by the sea would be so nice! I might become friends with egrets (although they're so much bigger). I can roll and bathe in the sand. Close your eyes and imagine the past with me! Open your eyes~ Keep walking until you reach Kowloon Technical School ( 九龍工業學校 ). →【130】
▼ 167
現在先向前走,過馬路後轉左,繼續直走至中國銀行的路口,再過馬路,然後 轉右。咦,前面有個綠色郵箱呢,我們過去看看吧!→【27】
That's great! Please give me some advice on which property to choose then! Now, let’s go straight, cross the road and turn left. When you reach The Bank of China at the next junction, cross the road and turn right. Oh, do you see that green posting box over there? Let’s go and take a look! →【27】
▼ 168
前面這列門,我聽這裏的人都叫它做「紅門」。進去後飛上去⋯⋯ 啊,我可以飛, 但你不行,那你就直走到盡頭,在書店旁乘扶手電梯到 4 樓綠區去吧。
來到 4 樓,扶手電梯在你背後,前面是偌大的空間,有些座椅,上面有天窗,有 時還有展覽。
轉身向反方向直走,尋找 1 號(LIFT 1)或 2 號(LIFT 2)升降機。→【76】 Everyone calls this door the "red gate." Fly up after you go in... Oh, well, I'll fly. As for you, walk straight to the end, take the escalator next to the book shop and go to the green zone on Level 4. Here we are on Level 4! The escalators are now behind you. Before you is a large space with chairs, sofas and skylights. Sometimes there are exhibitions. Keep going. →【128】
Turn around and go in the opposite direction. Look for lift 1 or lift 2. →【76】
▼ 169
坐下來整理一下搜集到的資料嗎?小心過馬路,轉右,走進遊樂場去吧!→【109】 Keep going until you reach the next junction. How is everything? Have you found any good properties on the way? You have been walking for the whole day. Do you need to sit down and organise the information collected? Let's cross the road, turn right and go into the playground! → 【109】
▼ 170
經過「寧靜閣」幾個大字後,你將會身處於寧靜閣旁的遊樂埸。剛才經過那一段 小路時,你能聞到雞蛋花的香味嗎 ? 聞到。→【107】
After walking past the building sign of Ning Ching House ( 寧靜閣 ), you'll be at the playground by Ning Ching House. While you're walking, can you smell the sweet fragrance of frangipani? Yes, I can. →【107】
No, I can't. →【138】
▼ 171
看到藍色的工程圍板嗎?去看看吧。如果看不見,那可能工程已經完成,你眼前 應該是一座光鮮的辦公室大樓。
朋友告訴我這裏從前是熟食小販市場,1977 年啟用,相信曾經很熱鬧吧!為甚 麼這些熟食小販市場好像最後都會結束重建的呢?工程完成後,或許很多人類會 來上班,但對社區內的其他動物來說,會有甚麼分別呢?→【150】
Do you see the blue hoarding of a construction site? Let's go and take a look. If you don't see any blue hoarding, that means the construction works have been completed. You should ee a new, glamorous office building instead. My friend told me that this place used to be a cooked food hawker bazaar. The bazaar opened in 1977. Imagine the hustle and bustle! I wonder why this kind of bazaars always have to be closed down and get redeveloped? After the completion of the new building, maybe many humans would come here to work. But for other animals in the community, would there be any difference? →【150】
▼ 172
這 個 說 法 在 公 園 老 一 輩 之 間 很 流 行。 每 當 一 隻 成 鳥 遇 到 另 一 隻 識 於 微 時 的 成鳥時,牠們就會高呼「青銅鶴!青銅鶴!」不過我們年輕的雀鳥就只是覺得⋯⋯ 呃,好奇怪的俚語。
數數這裏有幾多隻「青春的同學」,然後跳至該段落吧。 To humans like you, the view from the bridge should be pretty good already. How is it? Alright. So how many bronze cranes can you see in the pond? Bronze cranes mean "old friends" in our bird language. This expression is popular among the older birds in the park. Whenever an adult bird bumps into a childhood friend, the two birds would cry "bronze cranes! Bronze cranes!" But we youngsters just find it a rather strange expression. Count the number of bronze cranes here, and jump to the section with that number.
▼ 173
平常我都飛也似的便上去了,你還是進升降機後按 6 字吧。
在 6 樓,順着走廊一直走。來到有扶手電梯和玻璃幕牆的空間,轉左繼續走, 前面的走廊有些孔雀綠色沙發。向左邊的窗外看看——如果建築工程仍在進行的 話,可能會看到那邊有很多砰砰作響的機器在搬動那些大石頭。
那邊是個運動中心,2016 年的某一天,那裏忽然一聲巨響,然後它的天花倒榻
了,真的「嚇死寶寶」了⋯⋯甚麼?這麼久之前的事我也知道?你問我多大了? 秘密~不過可以告訴你,我們紅耳鵯的公公婆婆可以活到 13 歲高齡啊。
繼續朝綠色牆走去,它的旁邊是一道木牆,上面有黃色的指示牌。第一行最後兩 個數字是甚麼?那數字就是我們要前往的段落!
Usually I fly upstairs. As for you... You'd better take the lift and go to Level 6. On Level 6, follow the corridor. When you come to a large space with escalators and curtain walls, turn left to go into another corridor. There you will see some turquoise-coloured sofas. Look outside the windows on your left. If the construction work is still going on, you might see some giant machines moving a lot of big stones. That's a sports centre over there. In 2016, its roof collapsed. There was a big bang and I was so frightened! What? How did I learn about this? How old am I? It's a secret. But I can tell you, some old red-whiskered bulbuls have a lifespan of 13 years! Walk towards the green wall. There is a piece of wooden wall next to the green wall, and there is a yellow sign on it. What are the last two digits in the first line? That's the section we are heading to!
▼ 174
走近中間的大草地看看,有沒有鳥兒在草地上「開餐」或散步呢?我知道麻雀、 黑領椋鳥、喜鵲、八哥都喜歡逛運動場,不過我不像牠們,不喜歡在地上慢慢找 吃的,一邊飛一邊張開嘴吃飛蟲不是更有效率嗎?
最底層一直走到看台的另一端。在看台的盡頭,不要下樓梯,轉左繞到看台背面, 你會看到前面有一排柱子支撐着看台。在第一和第二條柱之間,上面有幾個灰色 的盒子般的東西⋯⋯相信人類工程師才知道它們是甚麼!走近灰色盒子,看到
左起第四個盒子旁的雜草堆嗎?那就是我想帶你看的奇怪樓盤!對啊,樹麻雀就 是喜歡在這種隱蔽狹窄的地方蓋房子。如果你沒看到,那可能麻雀巢已被管理
人員拆掉了,人類拆掉鳥兒的家也不是新鮮的事,我們家燕的巢建造得那麼用心, 有時都會被拆⋯⋯
離開運動場。出閘後向前方的「人傑地靈」牌坊走去,穿過牌坊後轉左直走,回 到匯豐銀行。→【39】
Go near to the great lawn in the middle. Do you see any birds having a feast or taking a stroll here? I know that the sparrows, black-collared starlings, magpies and mynas love hanging around in the sports ground. Unlike them, I don’t really enjoy feeding on the ground. Isn’t it more efficient to catch flying insects on the wing? Go back to the toilet. There is a staircase next to it. Walk up one floor to the lowest level of the spectator’s stand via the stairs, then go all the way to the other end of the spectator’s stand. After reaching the end of it, don’t go down the stairs. Turn left and go to the back side of the spectator’s stand. There is a row of columns that support the large structure. Between the first and the second columns, there are several grey box-like objects above… I think only the human engineers can tell what they are! Get near to the grey boxes. Do you see a messy lump of grass around the fourth box from the left? That’s the strange property that I wanted to show you! Yes, tree sparrows prefer building their nests in this kind of hidden, narrow space. If you don't see what I'm talking about, it means that the nest has been removed by the management already. This kind of thing happens from time to time. Even the carefully constructed swallow nests get torn down by people sometimes… There is a staircase next to you. Go back to the ground floor. Go straight, walk past two vending machines, and leave the sports ground from the gate on the right. Walk towards the arch with the words " 人傑地靈 (Yan Kit Dei Ling)". Go through it, turn left to go back to HSBC. →【39】
▼ 175
雖然這裏叫漫畫站,但在炎熱的天氣下,相信很多人都像你一樣,會買漫畫以外 的東西吧!難怪我最近飛過時,都看到老闆在頻頻進貨。
Although this is named "comic station", many people would buy things other than comics just like you when it's hot. No wonder I often see the boss stocking the shop with drinks. Have you finished your drink? Don't be lazy. Continue to find nesting materials for me! →【146】
▼ 176
「彩龍大酒樓」的正門有一個霓虹燈招牌。白天可能沒甚麼特別,但一到晚上, 繽紛的霓虹燈會為這個平靜的小區增添一些色彩。我們圍着這八角形的建築繞一 圈看看吧!
走到後面的「外賣部」,可以聞到一陣很香的米飯味呢!有時候也會看到麻雀朋 友聚過來,我想牠們也是衝着外賣而來的吧!
再沿着酒樓外圍走,會看到「東龍樓」的入口。這個招牌字體很大,還是用紙皮 石砌成的呢!我聽到一些攝影師說,現在很少會看到如此有心思的公屋字體設計 了。
面向着東龍樓,左邊近馬路有三根綠白相間的矮圓柱。我們從那裏離開,過馬路 後向右直走。→【51】
Above the main entrance of Lucky Dragon Restaurant, there is a neon sign. It may not look very special during the daytime, but at night, the colourful sign brightens up this quiet neighbourhood. Let’s walk around this octagonal building! There is a “Takeaway Section ( 外賣部 )” at the back of the building. Here the air always smells of hot rice! Sometimes my sparrow friends would gather here. I think they are coming for the takeaway as well! Continue to walk around the restaurant building, then you will see the entrance of "Tung Lung House ( 東龍樓 )". The building names are big, and they are made of mosaic tiles! I heard from some photographers that nowadays, you can rarely see such stylish typographic designs in public housing estates. Facing Tung Lung House, you will see three round posts near the road on the left. They are painted in green and white. Let’s leave the estate from there and cross the road. After that, turn right and go straight. →【51】
▼ 177
賦予我的生存之道啊!其他雀鳥都有築巢的本能,但我們就是沒有。我們也是順 應本能,世世代代都是靠把自己的小孩放到別人家來繁衍後代的。如果我不將蛋 放在牠的巢,我的孩子也會死掉啊。可以不要以人類的姿態干擾我們嗎?) 。。。
今天也玩了好久了,我真的要回家啦。見你今天也沒有帶給我甚麼麻煩,讓你看 看我的家吧。→【161】
(Mysterious voice: Come here quickly! I am hiding behind the strange rock by the water. You can't see me unless you kneel down! I know that you don't want to me to find the nest of this black-collared starling because you think I would do bad things to it. But that's how I survive! It's our animal instinct. Other birds may know how to build a nest, but we don't have that ability. We just follow our natural instinct to breed our offspring in other birds' nests. That's how we do it for generations. If I don't lay my eggs in its nest, my children would also die. Can I beg you not to intervene as a human?) ... Hey, human! Why are you squatting over there? We had a lot of fun today. I need to go home now. To thank you for not bringing me any troubles today, let me show you my home. →【161】
▼ 178
唔⋯⋯可能你聽到牠們的聲音,卻沒見到牠們?或者你不確定你看到的是珠頸斑 鳩還是原鴿?如果你下次再經過這裏,不妨再找找牠們。
請從這個港鐵站口下樓梯,我再告訴你更多故事。來吧!跟我一起跳下去——呀, 人類還是一步一步走比較安全,jap jap !→【111】
Hmm... maybe you hear their voices without seeing them? Or you are not sure whether they are spotted doves or rock pigeons? When you come here next time, try to look for them again. Please go downstairs from this MTR exit. I'll then tell you more stories. Come on, hop down with me! Oh, wait! It's safer for you humans to walk... jap jap! →【111】
▼ 179
直走至中國銀行的路口,再過馬路,然後轉右。沿青山道直走一會兒,就會來到 「製衣中心」的門前。→【90】
Oh, never mind! Maybe I can tell you the history of this neighbourhood first! Go straight, cross the road and turn left. When you reach The Bank of China at the next junction, cross the road and turn right. Walk along Castle Peak Road and stop at the entrance of “Garment Centre ( 製衣中心 )”. →【90】
▼ 180
一直向前走,小心橫過馬路,繼續直走至左邊出現港鐵站 C1 出口。
轉左直走一小段路,會來到中央有座拱橋的水池。讓我先在這裏喝喝水,你也可 以喝啊⋯⋯如果你不怕肚子痛的話!
看看右邊,萬事達廣場的入口就在這裏。先別進去,抬頭看看「萬事達廣場」招 牌中的「廣」字。
(謎之音:對,就是你的巢如此大我才選在你的巢裏下我的蛋。但首先,我要知 道你的巢到底在哪裏⋯⋯這樣跟蹤真是很累,而且為何這隻黑領椋鳥要這樣走走 停停,又跟人類說這麼多廢話⋯⋯) 好,現在可以進去了。→【94】
Keep walking. Cross the road carefully, then continue to go forward until you see MTR Exit C1 on your left. Turn left, walk for a short distance. You will eventually come to a pool with a bridge arching
over it. Let me take a sip of water here first. You can drink some water too... if you are not afraid of getting sick! Look at your right. You will see the entrance to Mount Sterling Mall. Don't go in yet. Look at the character " 廣 " of the " 萬事達廣場 " sign. I brought you here because I want to tell you: MY NEST IS AS BIG AS THAT CHARACTER! Cool? (Mysterious voice: Yes. This is exactly why I want to lay my eggs in your nest. But first I need to know where your nest is... It's so tiring to stalk on this black-collared starling. Why does it have to stop from time to time and say so much nonsense to a human...) Great. Let's go inside the mall. →【94】
Let's climb up that spiral staircase. →【132】
▼ 181
穿過天橋後左轉稍往前行,會看到「沛華園」左邊那條有粉藍色門的通道,可在 此通往有各式小店的平台去。
出通道後轉左直走,不久便來到「品香樓」。先別心急吃飯⋯⋯這裏的香味很吸 引,我的麻雀朋友經常在這裏覓食,但我們的行程也快完了,多走一會就 OK 啦!
經過品香樓之後,走到盡頭轉左,看到髮型屋嗎?它旁邊有另一個通道,穿過去, 再順着右前方的樓梯走到地面去。→【51】
After crossing the bridge, turn left. You will see a corridor with pale blue doors to the left of "Pui Wah Yuen ( 沛華園 )". Enter the corridor to see the many small shops on the podium. After coming out of the corridor, turn left and go straight until you see "Ban Heung Lau ( 品 香 樓 )". Don't think about food immediately! I know, I know the aroma is tempting. My sparrow friends often come here for food. But we're getting close to the end of our journey! Just a few more steps to go! After you pass by Ban Heung Lau, keep going and turn left at the end. Do you see a barber shop? There is another short corridor next to it. Go through the corridor, then go down to the street level via the staircase on the right ahead of you. →【51】
▼ 182
沿着騎樓底行走,你可以繼續抬頭看看有沒有其他適合我們居住的地方啊!有需 要可以用相機作紀錄,麻煩你了!→【135】
Continue to go forward until the next road junction, then turn right to enter Fuk Wing Street. Oh, this street feels better! Walk along the tong laus. Continue to look for any suitable properties under the ceiling. You may take photos for record. Thanks a lot! →【135】
▼ 183
沿車道一直走至校園出口。轉左,一直靠左沿着校園圍牆走,不要過馬路,直至 來到紅綠燈才停下。在馬路中間的分隔島,長了一株美麗的大榕樹,真是壯觀啊!
大榕樹很受雀仔和昆蟲歡迎,它結滿果子時,我們紅耳鵯就來這裏吃自助餐!奇 怪地,雖然榕樹常常結果,我卻未見過它開花。有次我聽到一位大學教授跟他的 學生說,榕樹的花是隱藏在榕果裏面的,所以人們叫這種果作「無花果」。
過馬路欣賞一下大榕樹,然後轉右過兩次馬路,再沿桃源街前行吧。現在你的右 手邊是「桃源街變電站」,左邊是一間學校。一直走到盡頭,會看到馬路對面寫 着龍珠街的路牌,從路牌旁的入口進入公園。→【61】
Walk along the driveway until you reach the exit of the university campus. Turn left, keep to the left as you walk. Don’t cross the road. Keep going along the the wall of the university campus and stop at the traffic light. Here, there is a large banyan tree on the divider island between the roads. How spectacular it is! The banyan tree is very popular with birds and insects. When it fruits, we red-whiskered bulbuls all come here for a buffet! Strangely, although I often see the fruits of the banyan, I have never seen its flowers. Once I heard a university professor explained to his student that the banyan flowers are hidden inside the fruits. That’s why people call these figs the “flowerless fruits” in Chinese. Let’s cross the road to admire the tree for a little while, then turn right and get to the other side of the road. Walk along To Yuen Street. “To Yuen Street Substation” is now on your right, and there is a school on your left. Walk to the end of the street and you will see the street sign of Lung Chu Street across the road. Enter the park through the entrance next to the sign. →【61】
▼ 184
看到保安道市政大廈嗎?我們上扶手電梯再左轉,就會到達保安道公共圖書館。 雖然圖書館有時要進行工程,或會被圍板圍着,但其實它仍然是開放的。請按現 場指示尋找圖書館入口吧。
你已跟不少市區鳥朋友見過面,想進一步了解牠們嗎?快進去圖書館,用電腦尋 找《香港鳥類圖鑑》吧。 找到了!→【96】
找不到/圖書館正閉館。→【115】 Can you see the Po On Road Municipal Services Building? Let's go up the escalator and turn left. We will reach the Po On Road Public Library. There's a chance that the area is under renovation but the library is actually still open. If the place is boarded up, please follow the direction signs to find the library entrance. You have met many of my bird friends. Do you want to know more about them? Go inside the library and look for A Photographic Guide to the Birds of Hong Kong ( 香港鳥類圖鑑 ). Found it! →【96】
I can't find it / the library is closed. →【115】
▼ 185
鳥兒和昆蟲都喜歡在這些榕樹上棲息,但願它們不會無緣無故被砍下來吧⋯⋯ 不過,我並不習慣住在樹上,所以繼續看其他地方吧!→【104】 OK! Let's go forward and walk along this stone wall covered in tree roots. Do you see those trees on the stone wall? I like them very much! They are beautiful and provide shade. Many birds and insects like to perch and forage in these banyan trees. I hope they won't be cut down out of no reason some day... However, I am not used to living on a tree. So let's move on to visit other places! →【104】
▼ 186
那麼,繼續靠着百美工廠大廈向前走吧。在十字路口轉左,麵包店對出有紅綠燈, 我們在這裏橫過青山道到對面的唐樓吧。現在我們轉左還是繼續向前走呢? 轉左。→【4】
Never mind. Let's continue to go forward by the side of Por Mee Factory Building ( 百美工業 大廈 ). When you arrive at the intersection, turn left, go forward for a few steps and you will see a traffic light. We will cross Castle Peak Road here to the other side with tong lau buildings. Now, should we turn left or go forward? Turn left. → 【4】
Keep going forward. →【69】
▼ 187
啊~這裏便是「老友記」集中地——南山邨的商場平台了。我指的老友記不只是 鳥兒和昆蟲,還有人類長者。早說了啊,我朋友很多的!
南山邨周圍樹木茂密豐富,附近也沒有大興土木,所以環境安寧舒適。這裏還有 舊式屋邨常見的開揚熟食檔,是人類和雀鳥朋友覓食的好去處。這裏的公公婆婆 生活節奏比較慢,也是我們可以和平共處的原因吧。
些老字號已經屹立數十載,有些店舖相當有個性,你以為它已停止營運嗎?卻原 來仍在做生意,真是耐人尋味。
我大概已經是一家大小了,能力越大真是責任越大,但我不會忘記你這新相識, 期待與你變成老朋友,下次再聊啦~
Ah~This is the podium of Nam Shan Estate Market, where my old friends gather. My "old friends" are not only birds and insects, but also the human elders! I told you―I have a lot of friends! There are many trees in Nam Shan Estate, and not many construction sites nearby. It is a very peaceful area. There are also some old-style food stalls in the estate, which is a great thing for both humans and birds! The elderly people here enjoy a slow pace. Perhaps that's why we can live together in peace. You can go on to explore this colourful estate and visit the old shops here. Some of them have been here for decades. There are also some shops with strong characters. You think they are no longer in business? They are still thriving! Can you see the Chinese arch with the words " 多謝光臨 " on it? Let's end our journey here. I'll leave the rest to you. It's lovely to visit my old friends, and I've made a new friend too! It's you! I'm now going for a date. Come back to visit me next time! When you see me next again, I think I will have my own family. I will be shouldering lots of responsibilities then... but I won't forget you, my new friend. See you next time!
▼ 188
向着南明樓前行數步,會看到南明樓與南泰樓之間的通道,通往邨內車道。走過 去吧,來到分岔路轉左直走幾步,會看到地上的巨型飛行棋,右邊則是大斜路。 我們上去看看!
在斜路左方會看到可愛的壁畫,描繪着南山邨的景觀。終於爬上了斜路頂端了 嗎?好~先深呼吸,休息兩秒再起程吧!你看到斜坡盡頭的石屎牆嗎?牆上有很
是走大廈底下的那條通道,但其實石屎牆旁也有路可走呢!那是我的秘密花園! 我們在這裏左轉進去吧,走的時候要留意車輛啊!→【80】
As you walk towards Nam Ming House, you will come to a passageway between Nam Ming House ( 南明樓 ) and Nam Tai House ( 南泰樓 ), which leads to a driveway. Go into the passageway and turn left at the junction. After walking for a few steps, you will see a large aeroplane chess board on the floor before of you. On your right, there is a long ramp. Let’s go up! As you go up the ramp, you can admire the lovely mural of Nam Shan Estate on the left. Have you climbed up to the top of the ramp yet? OK~ Take a deep breath and rest here for a bit. By the way, do you see those drainage holes on the concrete wall in front of you? Sparrows love to hide inside these holes. Not many people would walk past there. They usually use the
corridor further down the slope to go through this building. Actually, we can go around the building via the path next to the concrete wall too! That’s my secret corner. Let’s turn left and go inside. Beware of cars as you walk! →【80】
▼ 189
右轉,穿過牌坊離開公園。→【91】 直走。→【136】
There is an arch with the words " 德門集慶 (Tak Mun Chap Hing)" on your right. Turn right and leave the park through the arch. →【91】 Go straight. →【136】
▼ 190
今年我們改良了設計!平常的鳥巢都是碗形的,但這次我們建了個屋頂,那些可 惡的噪鵑就不能隨便降落生蛋了!厲害吧?
(謎之音:可惡⋯⋯這隻黑領椋鳥也太聰明了,今天算我運氣差,明天再找另一 隻沒那麼聰明的黑領椋鳥!)
人類,真抱歉沒法邀你進來坐坐咧。說來,沿途聽見的奇怪聲音也好像不見了。 你也該回家了吧?→【195】
We have improved the design this year! Our nest is usually built in the shape of a bowl, but we added a roof to it this time to prevent those annoying koels from laying eggs in it. Aren't we smart? Darling! I am back! See what I've found! How about turning it into a portière? (Mysterious voice: Huh! This black-collared starling is too clever. I have bad luck today. I will find a dumb black-collared starling tomorrow!) Human, I am sorry that I can't invite you in. By the way, it seems that the strange voice has disappeared. I think it's time for you to go home? →【195】
▼ 191
我們要一邊努力前行,一邊抬頭看看,嘗試找出「14」這個門牌,就會看到下一 個景點了。要過兩條馬路哦!如果真的找不到,就專注看左邊吧。
其實社區中也有不少動物鄰居,除了我們這些鳥兒外,還有可愛的店舖貓。快點 跟牠們打招呼吧!
接下來請繼續往前走,橫過元州街到對面的「新匯江小菜茶餐廳」。→【70】 Let's keep going! Don't forget to raise your head and watch. Our next destination is marked by a door plate with number 14. You'll have to cross the roads twice. If you can't find it, focus on the shops on your left. If you've paid attention, you'll see different animal neighbours in the community. Apart from us, there are also cute shop cats. Let's say hello to them! Next, let's keep going. Cross Un Chau Street and we'll be at "Sun Wui Kong Restaurant ( 新匯江小菜茶餐廳 )". →【70】
▼ 192
前行吧!走約 2 至 3 分鐘,在路旁找找一枝叫「CA3 RC 1Y」的燈柱吧,在它後
面有棵雀榕,樹身有時會長滿果子,那些是我們鳥兒的美食!不過碰巧它沒有果子 時,我們也有別的飯堂,例如其他榕樹、楠樹、樟樹、鵝掌柴、柃木、銀柴、杜
英、冬青等有果子樹木的地方。想多看見我們?現在你們知道要種些甚麼樹了吧? 繼續走~→【67】
或是往回走,回到梯級去,沿樓梯走到地面。 →【24】 Go ahead! Walk for around 2 to 3 minutes and search for a lamp post numbered "CA3 RC 1Y". Behind it is a Japanese superb fig tree. Its fruits are very tasty. When it doesn't bear fruit, we move to other fruit-bearing trees like banyans, Machilus, camphor trees, schefflera trees, East Asian euryas, aporusas, woodland elaeocarpuses and hollies. If you want to see us more often, you know what trees to grow! Keep going. →【67】
Or turn around and go back to the stairs. Go down the stairs to the ground level. →【24】
▼ 193
這裏的東西還真多⋯⋯但是怎麼全部都那麼複雜呀?嗯⋯⋯仔細看看好像都是做 好了的東西呢。難道你們都喜愛一式一樣的巢?我和老婆的愛巢必須是親自設 計,一喙一腳建成的!
咦!那邊的太太,你掉了一張紙啊!喂、喂!喔⋯她走掉了。這張上面還有花紋 哩!還挺適合我的巢。好,我們回家吧。
(謎之音:總算能引牠回巢了!再忍耐多一點點,我的孩子,媽媽很快就幫你找 到家了。)
離開店舖,上樓梯回到平台花園,左手邊應該有一條可通往地下的樓梯。 下樓梯,然後直走到荔枝角公園入口。→【134】 轉右,回到龍雕塑前。→【20】
There are so many things here... but why are they all so complicated? Let's take a closer look. Hm... why is everything prefabricated? Do you all prefer your nests to look the same? My wife and I insist on designing our own nest, and we build it bit by bit with our own beak and claws. Hey! The lady over there, you have dropped a piece of paper! Hey! Hey! Oh... She is gone. This piece of paper has some lovely patterns. It is perfect for my nest! Great. Let's go home. (Mysterious voice: Finally I managed to make it return home! Hold on for a while, my babies. Mummy will soon find you a home.) Leave the shop and go up a few steps to return to the podium garden. Look for a staircase that leads to the ground level on the left. Go straight and make your way to the entrance of Lai Chi Kok Park. →【134】 Turn right to return to the dragon relief. →【20】
▼ 194
步出商場,對面是一排唐樓,過馬路到唐樓那邊,然後轉右直走。這邊是我們 家燕的置業熱點,一邊走,一邊抬頭看看哪個樓盤比較好?→【93】
After coming out of the mall, there is a row of tong laus (Chinese tenement buildings) in front of you. Cross the street to reach the tong lau side, then turn right. This area is very popular for we barn swallows. Keep walking. There are a number of properties above. Which one is better? →【93】
▼ 195
雖然你今天好像甚麼巢材也沒有找到,但偶爾有個人類陪我聊天遊花園也是不 錯。今天就謝謝你了。
背向燈柱,轉左沿路返回嶺南之風東大門前。望向右方可以看到公園的露天劇場。 回家的路你應該懂吧?那麼我就先回去啦。人類,希望你很快會再來幫我找 巢材吧!
Although you haven't found anything today, it is nice to visit the garden with a human sometimes. Thank you for that. Turn your back towards the lamp post, turn left to return to the east gate of Lingnan Garden. On you right you will see the amphitheatre of the park. I guess you should know the way home? Well, I will leave you alone now. Human, I hope you will come back to help me find nesting materials again soon!
反思: • •
你覺得大自然的世界裏,真的有好壞之分嗎? 噪鵑和冷氣機的分別
Reflection: •
Do you think there is good or bad in the world of nature?
The difference between koels and air conditioners
Our Bird Neighbours
咘咇 ...... 咘咇⋯⋯我不是消防車啊,這是我 紅耳鵯的聲音! Bulbit… bulbit… I am not a fire engine, I am a Red-whiskered Bulbul!
我們最喜歡三五成群 在樹上齊歡唱。
I like singing on trees with my friends.
Fruits are delicious~
你不准說我是小胖子, 我只是羽毛蓬鬆而已。
Don’t you dare say I am fat? I am just ruffling my feathers!
喜愛的食物 Favourite food
種子 seeds
果實 fruits
昆蟲 insects
Distinctive pointed black crest
白色面頰 和喉部
Red whisker marks
White cheek and throat
名字 : 紅耳鵯 學名 : Pycnonotus jocosus 科名 : 鵯科 體長 : 20 厘米
Name: Red-Whiskered Bulbul Scientific name: Pycnonotus jocosus Family: Pycnonotidae Length: 20 cm
我頭上頂著一個時尚的黑色頭 冠,眼睛下方有紅斑,所以叫紅 耳鵯。因為我們歌聲美妙,外型 醒目,所以有人會把紅耳鵯當成 寵物飼養,幸好我是自由的!
I have a fashionable pointed black crest on my head, and two distinctive red patches below my eyes, hence the name “redw h i s k e r e d b u l b u l ”. A s r e d whiskered bulbuls are smartlooking singers, some people keep us as pets. I'm glad that I am free!
Brown upperparts and tail
Black legs
Red under-tail covert
㗩㗩㗩 !
Jap jap jap!
白色的面頰上 有黑色的斑點
Black spots on white cheeks
B ro w n p l u m a g e w i t h b l a c k streaks on the back
名字 : 樹麻雀 學名 : Passer montanus 科名 : 雀科 體長 : 15 厘米
Name: Eurasian Tree Sparrow Scientific name: Passer montanus Family: Passeridae Length: 15 cm
粉紅色小腳 Pink legs
你好, 我是樹麻雀。人類看我們身型嬌小, 便覺得麻雀都是小孩子,其實有些「鳥瑞」 可以活到超過十歲呢!我們像香港人一樣靈 活變通,能夠適應城市環境,公園、路邊、 冷氣機旁、護土牆的排水孔⋯⋯處處都可以 見到我們!
Hello, I am Eurasian Tree Sparrow. As tree sparrows are tiny, humans tend to think we are cute like children. Actually, some of our elders can live up to more than ten years! We are as adaptive and flexible as Hong Kong people. We are very well-adapted to the urban environment. Parks, roadsides, gaps between air conditioning units, the drainage holes on retaining walls… You can see us everywhere!
I forage on the ground
Find me under protruding building structures
果實 fruits
喜愛的食物 Favourite food
種子 seeds
昆蟲 insects
麵包 breadcrumbs
吱吱吱喳! Wit wit wit!
我是一隻已婚的家燕,我是屬於怕老婆科 的,吱吱吱⋯⋯喳, 不是,是燕科的。我 也是一個好工匠,因為每年繁殖季都要使用 同一個巢,房子一定要夠耐用!
I am a married barn swallow. I am from the good husband family, wit wit wit… sorry, slip of tongue, I am from the Hirundinidae family. I am also a great builder. We barn swallows often return to the same nest every year for breeding, so our nest needs to be very durable!
額頭及喉部 都是紅褐色
Forehead and throat are in reddish brown
頭部及背部帶 有藍色的光澤
My head and back are in lush bluish black
腹部至尾下的覆羽 是白色的
The feathers from my tummy to my tail are in white
喜愛的食物 Favourite food 名字 : 家燕 學名 : Hirundo rustica 科名 : 燕科 體長 : 15 至 20 厘米
Name: Barn Swallow Scientific name: Hirundo rustica Family: Hirundinidae Length: 15 – 20 cm
飛翔的小昆蟲 flying insects
我們家燕多在舊樓的簷蓬下營巢。我們夫妻 分工明確:我要負責選址築巢,老婆則負責 下蛋,生育下一代。寶寶出世後,我們一起 外出覓食,不斷回巢餵飼牠們。
Fledglings in a nest
We usually nest under the canopies of old buildings. My wife and I share different duties. I am responsible for selecting the nesting site, while my wife needs to lay eggs and incubate them. After our babies hatch, we would both go out for hunting, and keep returning to the nest to feed our children.
我是飛行高手,常常在空中捕食 飛蟲。看到我飛行時拖着一條明 顯的長叉尾? I am a superb aerial acrobat who is able to snatch flying insects on the wing. Do you see my distinctive V-shaped tail while I am flying?
我家的雛燕十分可愛,在我餵食時,會張大嘴, 露出黃色的口腔。
My children are very cute. When they are hungry, they would open their mouths wide to show their yellow gapes.
我喜歡開揚的地方,例如舊樓附近就 有很多電線方便我站立,我可以輕鬆 地隨時起飛,吱吱吱⋯⋯喳。
I like to stay in a place with open views. For example, around old buildings, there are a lot of wires where I can perch and take off easily. Wit wit wit… wit!
Yellow skin around the eyes
名字 : 黑領椋鳥 學名 : Sturnus nigricollis 科名 : 椋鳥科 體長 : 20 至 30 厘米 Name: Black-Collared Starling Scientific name: Sturnus nigricollis Family: Sturnidae Length: 20 – 30 cm
Black collar
喜愛在地上覓食, 走路時左搖右擺。
I always forage on the ground and waddle as I walk.
淡粉紅色的腳 Rosy legs
喜愛的食物 Favourite food
Ji-ji-ji-hoo— Ji-ji-ji-hoo—…
蚯蚓 earthworms 我是神氣的黑領椋鳥,聲音嘹亮悅耳。 不幸地,有時我們會被噪鵑騙到,牠會 在我的巢中生蛋,不知情的黑領椋鳥們 會繼續為噪鵑孵蛋。牠們的小孩比我們 的長大得更快,慢慢地長得越來越不似 我們!
Here I am, the handsome Black-collared Starling. My call is loud and bright. Unfortunately, we black-collared starlings are sometimes cheated by the Asian koels. They are brood parasites who lay eggs in our nests, so that we would incubate their eggs and feed their children. Their children grow very fast and as they grow older, they look more and more different from us!
漿果 berries
你知道我多聰明嗎?我會活用各種 物料築巢,例如草、羽毛、樹枝, 甚至膠袋!
Do you know how intelligent I am? I use all kinds of materials to build my nest: grass, feathers, twigs, and even plastic bags!
Head in grey
Goo goo goo…
White-spotted black collar patch around the back of the neck
Body in brown
Red legs
名字 : 珠頸斑鳩 學名 : Streptopelia chinensis 科名 : 鳩鴿科 體長 : 30 厘米
Name: Spotted Dove Scientific name: Steptopelia chinensis Family: Columbidae Length: 30 cm
喜愛的食物 Favourite food
種子 seeds
漿果 berries
你好,我是珠頸斑鳩,後頸披著黑白斑點 披 肩, 常 常 珠 光 寶 氣。 我 可 能 長 得 有 點 像 原 鴿, 但 我 身 型 較 纖 瘦, 也 優 雅 多 了 ( 至 少 我 是 這 麼 想 )。 我 不 像 鴿 子 那 樣 喜 歡 一 大 群 出 現, 我 通 常 獨 自 一 個 在 地 上踱步,或者跟兩三個同類一起。
Hello! I am Spotted Dove. I have grey and brown plumage and a spotted “shawl” that covers the back of my neck. I may look a bit similar to the rock pigeon, but I am slimmer and way more elegant (at least that’s how I feel). Unlike pigeons, we don’t usually appear in a large flock. You may see us walking around on the ground alone or in a small group.
Often foraging on the ground
喳⋯⋯喳⋯喳⋯⋯ Za... ... Za... Za... ...
我們喜歡在樹上唱歌。 We like singing on trees.
The female birds have grey and white plumage.
名字 : 鵲鴝 學名 : Copsychus saularis 科名 : 鶇科 體長 : 19 至 21 厘米
Name: Oriental Magpie – Robin Scientific name: Copsychus saularis Family: Muscicapidae Length: 19 – 21cm
喜愛的食物 Favourite food
主要吃昆蟲 mostly insects 我 是 鵲 鴝, 別 名 豬 屎 渣, 是 鳥 類 中 的 歌 神, 叫聲非常多變,有時唱出優美的旋律,有時發 出發出長長的「渣⋯⋯」一聲,有時還會模仿 其他雀鳥的聲音!我很活潑,常在地上和枝頭 間跳躍,尾巴還會上下擺動,或者展開扇形的 尾羽。
小量種子 sometimes seeds I am Oriental Magpie-Robin. I am the king of song among birds, with a large and diverse repertoire. Sometimes I sing beautiful melodies, sometimes I burst into a long “za…”, and I can even imitate other birds’ calls! I am a sprightly and lively bird. I often hop around on the ground and among tree branches. I often wag my tail up and down or spread my tail feathers into a fan shape.
我是雄性鵲鴝,身穿黑白色 衣服,羽毛鬆起時,就像一 顆黑白波波球。
I am a male bird. My plumage is black and white. When I puff up my feathers, I look like a dual-coloured ball.
戶污~戶污~ Ko-el~ Ko-el~
Always sings during the breeding season
雌性全身深褐色, 毛上有淺色斑點
Fe m a l e o ft e n h a s d a r k b ro w n b o d y with light dots on feathers
噪鵑會在黑領椋鳥的巢下蛋,利用 黑領椋鳥代其孵卵及養育子女。
The koel is a brood parasite who lays eggs in the nests black-collared starlings and other birds, and rely on others to raise their young.
本小姐名叫噪鵑,Eudynamys scolopacea , 全身高貴深褐色,毛上有淺色斑點。 男友全身藍黑色,炯炯有神精神爽。 食用昆蟲能滋補,果實確保身材好! 繁殖期時常鳴叫,層層遞進聲清脆, 管你白天或黑夜,管你白天或黑夜!
The “Koel Rap” Koel, the most “prestigious” group in Animalia, also called the Eudynamys scolopacea. My dark brown outfit makes me look elegant, the light dots on my feathers are prominent, My boyfriend’s bluish black “tuxedo” is extravagant, he is totally magnificent! Insects are our favourite food, fruits for us are also good! We sing and sing in the breeding season, our ascending calls are so very pleasant. We sing day and night, we sing day and night.
名字 : 噪鵑 學名 : Eudynamys scolopacea 科名 : 杜鵑科 體長 : 43 厘米
Name: Asian Koel Scientific name: Eudynamys scolopacea Family: Cuculidae Length: 43cm
Male with bluish black body
喜愛的食物 Favourite food
昆蟲 insects
果實 fruits
嗶——啊啊啊—— Psee—err…
Hooked beak
Incredible eyesight
Long primary feathers like fingers
全身大致深褐色 Brown plumage
名字 : 黑鳶 學名 : Milvus migrans 科名 : 鷹科 體長 : 58 至 69 厘米
Name: Black Kite Scientific name: Milvus migrans Family: Accipitridae Length: 58 – 69 cm
A distinctive forked tail
喜愛的食物 Favourite food
漂浮的死魚 floating dead fish 三英里外的人類!我看到你了,停下來! 別驚慌,我叫黑鳶,別名麻鷹,我想讓你 欣賞我的花式飛行表演罷了!我常常在城 市上空盤旋覓食,利用上升氣流優雅地滑 翔,黃昏回巢前更喜歡和一眾黑鳶朋友聚 在棲息地上空炫技!
你 為 甚 麼 這 樣 拘 謹? 因 為 我 是 猛 禽? 哈哈!其實我是腐食性的鳥類、大自然的 清道夫,主要吃動物屍體、死魚和內臟等 人類不要的食物殘渣,我倒不覺得太可怕!
腐食動物屍體 carrion
You, the human three miles away, I see you, stop! Don’t be nervous. I am the black kite. I just want to invite you to my aerobatics show! I often hover around high above the city in search for food. I glide elegantly by soaring on thermals. Before returning home in the evening, I always gather with my fellow black kite friends, circling in the sky near our roosting site and displaying our superb flying skills! Why do you still look so uneasy? Is it because I am a bird of prey? Haha! Actually, I am a scavenger. I mainly feed on carrion, dead fish and food remains discarded by humans, such as animal organs. That doesn’t sound too scary, right?
Always hovering high in the sky
名字:黑臉噪鶥 學名:Garrulax perspicillatus 科名:畫眉科 體長:30 厘米 特徵:後背是灰褐色的,臉上帶著黑色面罩, 尾部成深褐色的,常以小群出沒。
名字:暗緣繡眼鳥 學名:Zosterops japonica 科名:繡眼鳥科 體長:11 厘米 特徵:俗稱相思,頭、上身及尾部 綠色,有明顯的白眼圈。喉和臀部 黃色,常成群一起活動。
Common name: Japanese White-Eye Scientific name: Zosterops japonica Family name: Zosteropidae Length: 11 cm Characteristics: Its head, upperparts and tail are green in colour, and it has prominent white eye rings. Its throat and vent are yellow. The Japanese white-eyes often appear in groups.
Common name: Masked Laughingthrush Scientific name: Garrulax perspicillatus Family name: Timaliidae Length: 30 cm Characteristics: It has greyish brown plumage and a black mask on its face. Its tail is dark brown in colour. The birds often appear in small groups.
名字:紅嘴藍鵲 學名:Urocissa erythrorhyncha 科名:鴉科 體長:65 厘米 特徵:頭到胸部都是黑色,後枕白 色,嘴巴及腳為紅色。上體藍色, 肚白色,有很長的尾羽。
Common name: Red-billed blue magpie Scientific name: Urocissa erythrorhyncha Family name: Corvidae Length: 65 cm Characteristics: black from head to breast, white from crown and nape. Its beak and legs are red, while its back and the topside of the tail are blue.
名字:白頭鵯 學名:Pycnonotus sinensis 科名:鵯科 體長:19 厘米 特徵:全身橄欖綠色,後枕及 喉部白色。嘴和腳呈黑色。
Common name: Light-vented Bulbul Scientific name: Pycnonotus sinensis Family name: Pycnonotidae Length: 19 cm Characteristics: It is covered in olive green. There is a large white patch that covers the nape and the sides of the bulbul’s head. Both its beak and legs are black in colour.
《城市雀仔冒險之書》共創者 Co-creators of City Birds Adventure Book 節目伙伴|葉曉文
香港作家及畫家。愛好自然郊野,近年投身自然書寫,2014 年及 2016 年出版圖文着作《尋花》及《尋花 2》,2017 年 推出動物相關着作《尋牠-香港野外動物手札》。2019 新作 為自然小說集《隱山之人 In situ》。 Programme Partner | IP Hiu-man, Human An artist and writer, Human IP loves nature and has been focusing on nature writing in recent years. Published works include In Search of Flora (2014), In Search of Flora 2 (2016), and In Search of Fauna (2017). Her latest novel, Hermit In situ, has been published in 2019.
偶然空聳成立於 2019 年,主要成員為藤原力和住吉山実 里。 團 隊 過 去 曾 以 橫 濱 和 京 都 為 基 地, 但 近 年 經 常 都 在 旅途上,致力連結被無形之牆分隔的世界。他們的「ENGEKI QUEST」項目曾在不同城市演出,參加者會獲得一本冒險 之書,並按照書中指示,自行在城市中冒險。 Guest Facilitator | orangcosong (Japan) Founded since 2019, "orangcosong" is an art collective with two core artists, Chikara FUJIWARA and Minori SUMIYOSHIYAMA. They have based in Yokohama and Kyoto, but are now always on journeys to connect worlds divided by invisible walls. In their tour project "ENGEKI QUEST", which has been run in various cities, participants choose their own directions according to the instructions of Adventure Book. * 嘉賓主持之旅費由 The Saison Foundation 資助 The Guest Facilitator's travel expenses are covered by The Saison Foundation
* 攝影 Photo by: Hajime KATO
成 立 於 1957 年,2013 年 成 為 國 際 鳥 盟 的 正 式 成 員 (Partner),亦是本港註冊的法定慈善機構。致力教育、科 研、生境管理與保育政策倡議,啟發及鼓勵公眾一起欣賞與 保護野生雀鳥及其生境,達至「人鳥和諧 • 自然長存」。
近年觀鳥會更將自然教育工作推展至幼稚園及中小學,並發 展生態藝術教育活動。 Community Partner | Hong Kong Bird Watching Society Established in 1957, became a partner of Birdlife International in 2013, and is an approved charitable institution. HKBWS promotes appreciation and protection of birds and their habitats through education, research, habitat management and conservation advocacy, so that people and birds live in harmony. HKBWS has recently extended nature education work to kindergartens, primary and secondary schools, and developed eco-art education programmes for the public.
參加者| Participants
編輯| Editors
陳天欣 Tina CHAN
樊樂怡 Helen FAN
翟朗怡 CHAK Long-yee, Cherry 陳穎聰 CHAN Wing-chung, Angus 鄭穎茵 Winki CHENG
張綺婷 Stella CHEUNG
張潔盈 CHEUNG Kit-ying, Natalie
蔡梓婷 Sara CHOI
藤原力 Chikara FUJIWARA
葉曉文 IP Hiu-man, Human
方潤梅 FONG Yun-mui, Green
翻譯| Translation
葉梓懷 IP Tsz-wai, Roy
蔡梓婷 Sara CHOI
何鳳儀 HO Fung-yi
葉雲芊 IP Wan-chin, Sharon 黎穎欣 Vanessa LAI Polly LEUNG
梁慧瑩 LIONG Hui-ying, Joanna 陸秀雯 LUK Sau-man, Ashley 吳潔儀 NG Kit-yee, Teresa 吳思銳 Rhiannon NG
彭灼楹 PANG Cheuk-ying, Angel 曾曉渝 TSANG Hiu-yu, Dawn 策劃小隊| Curatorial Team 張慧婷 Stephanie CHEUNG 蔡梓婷 Sara CHOI
樊樂怡 Helen FAN 李詠茵 Ada LI
實習生| Interns 李倩盈 Joelle LI
羅楚翹 LO Chor-kiu
吳思銳 Rhiannon NG 謝靄霖 Beatrice TSA
張慧婷 Stephanie CHEUNG 樊樂怡 Helen FAN 李倩盈 Joelle LI
校對| Proofreading
陳燕明 Christina CHAN 蔡梓婷 Sara CHOI
葉曉文 IP Hiu-man, Human 李詠茵 Ada LI
李倩盈 Joelle LI
梁棨豪 Nicky LIANG 羅楚翹 LO Chor-kiu
吳思銳 Rhiannon NG 謝靄霖 Beatrice TSA
黃靜雯 Jessica WONG 封面設計| Cover design 進士遙 Haruka SHINJI 插畫| Illustration
葉曉文 IP Hiu-man, Human 進士遙 Haruka SHINJI
平面設計| Graphic Design PLAY Production
關於 MaD
MaD(Make a Difference)成立於 2010 年,由香港當代文化中心主辦。MaD 相信青年人可以 帶動改變,致力支持亞洲各地青年人,發揮創意,為個人、經濟、社會和環境創造正面改變。從 以創意、創業、創新及發現為主軸,MaD 演進成為一個銳意推動跨界思維的平台,以多元及共 創的精神,與來自不同背景的人交流合作,發現個人與社會更多的可能性。
香港賽馬會社區資助計劃 –" 創不同 " 學院 跨界 • 創新 • 具社會意識 • 強調行動
自 2012 年開始,MaD 獲香港賽馬會慈善信託基金捐助成立賽馬會 " 創不同 " 學院,為公眾提 供跨界、創新、具社會意識及強調行動的學習經驗。從 2017 年起,我們開展香港賽馬會社區 資助計劃 –" 創不同 " 學院項目,更專注於社區,積極連結本地及海外的伙伴,與公眾一起透過 文化藝術體驗,身體力行深入社會議題,同時繼續建立一個充滿創意和行動力的學習社群。
About MaD Founded in 2010 by the Hong Kong Institute of Contemporary Culture, MaD (Make a Difference) believes in the potential of young people. MaD inspires and empowers youngsters all over Asia to create positive personal, economic, social and environmental changes.
The Hong Kong Jockey Club Community Project Grant: Make a Difference School CROSS-DISCIPLINARY • INNOVATIVE • SOCIALLY CONSCIOUS • ACTION-ORIENTED Since 2012, thanks to the support of The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, MaD initiated the Jockey Club Make a Difference School to offer cross-disciplinary, socially relevant, innovative and action-oriented education to participants from all walks of life. In 2017, we launched The Hong Kong Jockey Club Community Project Grant: Make a Difference School, placing a stronger focus on communities by collaborating closely with local and overseas partners on arts and cultural programmes, delivering in-depth learning experiences for all while continuing to build a reflective learning community exploring the mindset, values and methodologies conducive to positive changes.
作為一個非牟利機構,MaD 有賴各方支持才可永續發展,持續推動創意公民社會, 支持更多年輕人透過 MaD 體驗,尋找理想、拓闊視野,為社會創不同。我們歡迎你 透過以下途徑捐款支持 MaD 的長遠發展: 1. 銀行過戶
請將捐款存入 " 創不同協作有限公司 " 戶口: 上海商業銀行,戶口號碼:328-82-550515 2. 支票
請將劃線支票(抬頭請寫上 " 創不同協作有限公司 "),連同捐款人姓名、地址、聯 絡電話及電郵地址郵寄至: 創不同協作有限公司
九龍青山道 500 號百美工業大廈 13 樓 B 室 請於信封面註明 "MaD 捐款 " 你亦可以成為我們的夥伴或擔任義工,詳情請參考 http://www.mad.asia/support。
Support Us As a non-profit making initiative, MaD needs your contributions to make it happen on a sustainable basis. With your support, we can continue to build towards a creative civil society, and enable more young people to be inspired by their experience at MaD and create positive changes for the society. We welcome your contributions to support the long-term development of MaD. You can make a donation through: 1. Direct Transfer Please deposit your donation at the bank account of "Make A Difference Institute Limited": Shanghai Commercial Bank, A/C No: 328-82-550515 2. Cheque Please post a crossed cheque payable to "Make A Difference Institute Limited", together with the donor's name, address, contact number and email address, to: Make A Difference Institute Limited Unit B, 13/F, Por Mee Industrial Building, 500 Castle Peak Road, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon Please put "MaD donation" on the envelope. You can also support us by becoming our partner or volunteer. Please visit http://www.mad.asia/support for details.
出版| Publisher
創不同協作有限公司 Make A Difference Institute Limited 出版日期| Publishing Date 2019 年 7 月 July 2019
地址| Address
香港九龍青山道 500 號百美工業大廈 13 樓 B 室 Unit B, 13/F, Por Mee Industrial Building, 500 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong 電話| Telephone +852 3996 1950 傳真| Fax
+852 3020 3396 電郵| Email
ask@MaD.asia 國際書號| ISBN
©2019 創不同協作有限公司 Make A Difference Institute Limited 本著作係採用創用 CC 姓名標示 - 非商業性 3.0 Unported 授權條款授權
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License, http://creativecommons.org/license/by-nc/3.0
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