NUE: Sustainable - Ethical - Luxury - Fashion

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NUE Sustainable - Ethical - Luxury - Fashion

The only 10 items you need in your closet this year! USA $42.00


Welcome to the breath of fresh air that is NUE. In other words, you are about to see the only ten garments you need to buy this year. Do you have any idea how much waste is created daily by your clothing and care? We didn’t either. That’s why we created this book. We want to share all that is going on within the fashion and textile industry and all we can do to make a

the environment. NUE has built our luxury ready-to-wear company on the idea of reducing carbon footprints and bettering the integrity of the fashion industry. Our hopes in writing this book is to not only encourage our customer’s interest in our product, further changes towards a greener lifestyle. So, inhale, exhale, and enjoy.

xx, NUE

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C O N T-



Maddi Ponko Co-Founder, Creative Director

Co-Founder, Sourcing Director

Sarah Scheurich Co-Founder, Brand Director

Marrying form, function and fashion - NUE is about creating luxury ready-towear with sustainability as its platform. NUE believes that women shouldn’t have to environmentally responsible and raising awareness within the highly wasteful apparel industry. NUE’s purpose is to be the bridge between ecofriendly and fashionforward.

Marketing and Management program at Savannah College of Art and Design, and that the three decided to sit down for a bit to catch up. It was then that the women found

had endured in the previous months. That is where the idea for ten garments as an entire discovered that they could meet many needs of jet setting women, like themselves.

NUE - 01


Interview with Co-Founder and Brand Director, Sarah Scheurich

Where did the idea for NUE originate? It all started with 3 colleagues and a t-shirt.

We’re discovering how important it is to slow down and appreciate what we have, to see something for what it really is. NUE designs time to focus, to understand, to acknowledge.

into a brand. After the t-shirt came the blazer, the high waisted skirt, the trousers and so on. We saw a space. There wasn’t another brand

Were you always interested in design? Actually I got my degree in fashion marketing, which has proven to be extremely valuable when running a business. Maybe that’s why

The product needs to be made out of renewable, recycled or organic materials a way that doesn’t pollute the environment. It’s also important to know that people who made the product were treated right. When it comes to high in-demand natural goods, it’s usually the people at the the problem of slave trade exists, there are other,

always had an interest in aesthetics and design. Who would be your dream customer? Someone who buys NUE because they love

a heavy amount of pesticides to grow and every more and more pesticides. The farmers don’t

ethical reasons. We don’t only want to preach to the converted. I think at NUE, we skew toward an older market – an educated consumer who’s been shopping for years. The main thing we thought was lacking in the sustainable market were basic luxury pieces. Our core business are those pieces that you really want to have accessible to you, but you don’t really want to worry about, like a great pair of trousers. NUE’s aesthetic is very minimalistic. Is there a message behind it?

are forced to borrow from pesticide lending companies. Each year they need more and more pesticides and slide further into debt until they are estimates at least 10,000 deaths a year, including suicides; occur as a result of conventional

Which eco issues are most important to you? I am intertwined in the clothing industry so making a positive change in clothing manufacturing is very important to me. We go to huge detail

for timeless simplicity. We aim for styles that are

ethics or sustainability. In our modern world full of endless choices, I think an awakening is occurring - that less is actually more.

fair trade farmers to the working conditions of the factory workers who stitch our clothing. We India every 4 months, so we can walk the talk.

NUE - 03

We saw a space. There wasn’t another BRAND basics in a LUXURIOUS, SUSTAINABLE way

who what

NUE made a commitment to make products that are 100% sustainable and we are determined to stay on the right track. from formaldehyde, nickel, lead and other materials along the passionate about maintaining this standard throughout the entire process. It’s a goal at NUE to show other companies that it’s possible to run a luxury business that is ethically conscious. With a 100% transparency policy, the concept behind NUE is

We conduct extensive research into the sources of the raw materials, we trace back the origins of fabrics and materials used in the products to be certain that every element in each garment is as environmentally friendly as possible, that the wellbeing of our consumer is taken into consideration and that the working conditions in the production facilities are safe, for every product we sell. NUE chooses not to distribute leather goods, or clothes that are made or trimmed with fur, shell or horn. The only animal products our selections do contain are wool and silk. The wool used in where laws on farming ensure the welfare of animals. The


NUE’s selection is made with respect for people and animals. We want to ensure every component in every product we sell has the smallest impact on our health and environment. The earth is in an environmental crisis. NUE is motivated the opportunity to shop in a completely conscious way.

NUE - 05

Acting in line with our beliefs, being honest and truthful, taking pride in our craft.

Respecting the current and future conditions of the earth.

Desire for artistic beauty and never settling for an average product.

We seek intellectual stimulation, innovative mindsets, truth and understanding. Knowing the product is caring about it.

+FAIRNESS Similar opportunity, quality for all, respecting everyone’s rights.

Getting ahead, being ambitious, aspiring to higher levels. We never settle.

+COMPETITION If you thrive in a high-energy, competitive team enviornment then you’ll love it here.

Finding new ways to do things and being innovative.

+COMMUNICATION Open dialogue, exchange of views. We hear and we listen.

Cooperating with others toward a common goal. Learn from one another. NUE - 08



Our social responsibility is that NUE will be recognized as a leading luxury retailer, known as one of the most sustainable, open and trusted companies in the industry. We will be the company that has gone beyond business as usual and sought to drive and act to keep a positive impact, we are with our suppliers, partners and customers.

NUE - 11

NUE will..

better lives: ..for people linked to our business ..for people in the community

linked to: ..sustainable design & products ..sustainable production & supply chain ..sustainable stores

better planet: educating ourselves and others. involving customers, suppliers, partners and other stakeholders to interact, share knowledge, collaborate and generate new ideas.

NUE - 14

NUE - 07

“ We truly believe each individual’s spending power makes a DIFFERENCE and anyone who is aware of what’s happening feels OBLIGATED to do his or her part to better the situation. Anyone can make CHANGE happen. ”

how often do you think about the clothes you're wearing or its impact on the people who make it?

+poor working conditions +minimal environmental regulations +child labor +slave labor

are common in this $2 trillion garment industry.

NUE - 18

did you know..

Almost three quarters of world clothing exports are made in developing countries.

In developing countries, an estimated 250 million children ages 5 to 14 are forced to work.

According to the National Labor Committee, the average woman sewing one pair of pants makes 24 cents per garment that will eventually sell for about $140.

Men and women alike are subjected to verbal, physical, and sexual abuse in factories from their managers and supervisors. They are sometimes trapped in the factory and forced to work overnight or multiple shifts.

America has stronger labor laws than most undeveloped countries, but it is not free of sweatshops.

NUE - 20

NUE didn't like the idea of people across the planet earning less than their work was worth for the sake of a t-shirt — or any clothing for that matter. We will not support an industry that often pays unfair doing everything to steer clear of the global problems linked to production. We are creating fair trade clothing using environmentally sustainable methods and a visible supply chain. Currently our production supply chain is located totally in India. We partner farm according to organic standards - no pesticides,

They provide proper, fair trade wages for lockalso provide free education for the children of factory workers and free healthcare for the workers and their families - including children and grandparents. Worker rights are protected, including the right to organize.

NUE - 21


We don't believe anyone who is truly aware of what is going on in the world would want to turn their heads and support a slave trade economy. �

+ materials. + Education, Cow Shed and Cow Donation programs in the farmers villages. + which are free of hazardous elements such as nickel, lead, formaldehyde, amines, pesticides and heavy metals. + Employees receive a living wage and factory pays for their social security and pension funds.

+ Employees receive free transport services to the factory. + Employees receive paid holiday leave, sick pay, medical insurance, subsidies lunches and overtime pay. + Employees children all receive free schooling. + Employees work in a well lit, well ventilated and spacious working environment. +

NUE - 24


Money from that purchase then goes directly into a worker controlled fund.

$$$ Workers then spend that money to improve their communities


“ With Fairtrade, Everyone wins. ”

did you know..

While the clothing industry’s impact on forest is

rarely acknowledged, its

footprint is expanding.

rare forests are cut down, pulped and spun into suit jacket linings, dresses, skirts, t-shirts and tank tops.

70 million trees are cut

An estimated

annually for fabric production and is expected to

double in 20 years.

Currently around

30% of viscose and rayon

comes directly from dissolvable pulp from endagered and ancient forests. Demand for pulp is projected to increase by

122% in the next 40 years.

30% of tree matter is actually useable for clothing. The other 70% Only

becomes waste. NUE - 28

NUE began its partnership with American Forests, vowing to plant a tree in America for every purchase of a NUE product made with tencel fabric. NUE has set an ambitious goal of planting 100,000 trees by the year 2016. NUE’s commitment to forest restoration stems from the use of wood pulp in some of their garments and their 360-degree philosophy of giving back to the environment what they take from it.

American Forests

plant a tree with style

For every tencel product we sell, we will plant a tree in America.

From tree to yarn to fabric.

our goal: PLANT


{ 226







NUE - 30



did you know..

Everyday and night we are surrounded by fabrics. From clothing to sheets on our beds to upholstery on furniture or car seats, these are the fabrics of our lives. Fabrics are around us nearly all the time, but did you know that your material choices could either help or harm your health? Polyester and nylon are made from petroleum and contribute to increase global warming. Manufacturing them involves large amounts of crude oil which releases dangerous chemicals into the atmosphere, including acidic gases such as hydrogen chloride.

Any garment that is advertised as being anti-shrink, antibacterial, antimicrobial, antistatic, anti-odor, antichemicals not tested for safety on humans.

Acrylic fabrics are polycrylonitriles and may cause cancer, according to the EPA.

illegal to feed 'gin trash' to livestock, because of the concentrated levels of pesticide residue. Instead, this gin trash is used to make furniture, mattresses, tampons, swabs,

NUE - 34

Not that long ago, people stuck to

you take a look at your clothing labels like rayon, polyester, acrylic, acetate and nylon. And your shirts and slacks may be treated to be wrinkle-free or stain resistant. These technological advances in fabrics may make our lives simpler, but at what cost? Chemically treated natural and synthetic fabrics are a source of health and the planet’s wellbeing.

NUE - 35

did you know..

2.5% of the world's cultivated land yet uses 16% of the world's insecticides, Cotton covers

more than any other single major crop.

Cotton is considered the world's

dirtiest crop

due to its heavy use of insecticides, the most hazardous pesticide to human and animal health.

It can take almost a

1/3 pound of

synthetic fertilizers to grow one pound of raw cotton in the US, and it takes just under one pound of raw cotton to make one t-shirt.

20,000 people a year die in developing countries from pesticide poisoning, and 3 million people

It is estimated that as much as

65% of cotton

production ends up in our food chain, whether directly through food oil or indirectly through the milk and meat of animals.

NUE - 38



The choice for a certain fabric not only influences the final piece of clothing at NUE, but also the production process and the environment. That’s why with every design we carefully look, comfort for the wearer and the environmental impact of the production process. We are pretty proud of how we make our stuff so you can not only feel good in your NUE clothes but feel good about where they came from too.

Organic cotton is grown in an environment where no pesticides, chemical fertilizers or herbicides have been used for a minimum of a strict procedure for chemical use in processing, eliminating all materials harmful to the body and the environment. Organic cotton is grown and cultivated in farms with fertile earth, free of pesticides, herbicides and chemical fertilizers, and it’s weaved and produced without toxic chemicals. Organic Cotton eliminates synthetic pesticides that poison our waters, wildlife, and the people who work with them. Organic takes the enormous toxic impact out of producing cotton. It helps farmers feed their families. Organic farmers grow a crops, farmers also diversify their income, helping insure farmers save precious water. Organic cotton production uses less water than conventional growth, preserving a scarce resource. It helps combat climate change. Not only does organic cotton produce up to


less greenhouse gas emissions, it actually helps remove CO2 from the atmosphere because organic soil becomes a carbon ‘sink’.

organic cotton

benefits for farmers

Improved ecosystem


and enhanced

situation and


food security.

Improved access to markets.

Training and education.

benefits for retailers

Participate in a dynamic market.



risk and

to ecological

Credibility and

and social




benefits for YOU


Do good


for the

impact on



clear product.

standards and labels.

NUE - 44


One of the most environmentally rational option is organic wool.









organic grass. The whole cleaning process of the wool is







with minimum environmental impact, it’s biodegradable and, due to its high humidity absorbance it’s very comfortable. Wool is a highly resistant fabric and hypoallergenic. Wool is a The American Sheep Industry Association explains how the

50% when wet and 30% when dry, and still bounce back more than


times without breaking. The natural

elasticity of wool makes woolen fabrics resistant to tearing. The chemical structure of wool also prevents it from compressing. This natural crimp gives wool bounce, body and soft support

organic wool

benefits of organic wool + Chemical Free

+ Natural Insulator + Temperature Regulator + Durable + Alleviates Pressure + Renewable and Sustainable

hazards of conventional wool + Toxic Chemicals + Antibioic Use + Devastating Environmental Impact

NUE - 46

Organic silk is created without the use of any chemicals or treatments using insecticides, pesticides or synthetic additives (often used by some silk suppliers to provide often produced in small villages by indigenous people and is the choice for the purest silk. It is a highly sustainable crop with cocoons being produced when the silkworms are about

35 days old. Organic Silk is grown in 22

countries all over the world. Organic silk has the versatility to

care products to help reducing wrinkles and in hair products to help hair looking glossy. Untreated, organic silk is not only the

skin. This is because silk is naturally hypoallergenic, and is resistant to dust mites and mold. Silk also is a breathable

organic silk

benefits of organic silk

+ Naturally hypoallergenic + No harmful trace chemicals

+ Sustainable

NUE - 48

moisture absorption. In addition, Tencel has an exceptionally soft hand, and is found to be particularly agreeable to those with skin sensitivities.Tencel shares many properties with other

represents a milestone in the development of environmentally sustainable textiles. Tencel is made from cellulose found in wood pulp which has been harvested from tree farms. Cellulose is the natural polymer that makes up the living ‘closed loop’ solvent spinning process, with minimal impact on the environment and economical use of energy and water. It's softness and special touch is perfect for dresess and Forest Stewardship Council and comfort





100% with




advantages of tencel + Fully biodegradable + Naturally breathable + 50% greater moisture absorption + Anti-bacterial

+ Durable

disadvantages of tencel + More expensive than most eco fabric alternatives

NUE - 50



Our product is completely inspired by modernism. We want to bring women collections every season to accentuate her lifestyle and express her love of fashion today. NUE is a line of fashion forward basics that provide our consumer with numerous

tunics, tshirts, trousers, shorts, dresses, tops, and skirts to create the perfect look for any possible occasion. We provide women with a fantastic wardrobe while keeping her on trend, classically beautiful, and most importantly, ecofriendly.

NUE - 53

fall collection 2015


NUE - 56



NUE all began with the idea of simplicity. As traveling women, we were discussing the idea of a clothing line that could be worn in multiple climates, and in various ways. That is how we our garments to be versatile for the many situations thrown at the modern day woman and easily paired to meet the needs of these endeavors. NUE is a play on the word neutrals. This was to show that less can be more when it comes to silhouette and color scheme. Oncethe concept of NUE was born, we needed products to match our vision. It all began witha white tshirt, made out of high end materials to create the comfort and luxury NUE deserved. From there, we developed silhouettes for blazers, jackets, trousers, and more. Our decision to go green was inspired by our NUE consumer as well. With our women being so busy, it is very hard to be environmentally sometimes end up being not so harmless. We want our customer to know that none of us are perfect when starting a is not contributing to the problem when they wear NUE.

NUE - 59

Care Instructions: Wash with like colors Wash in cold water

or Air cycle, No heat Iron on low heat Do not use chlorine bleach

If you mean business, you have to dress accordingly. faux pockets,and a single button closure. Fully lined. When it’s time to discuss the details, pair it with a simple tunic dress and a killer pair of stilettos. Or throw it on with a maxi skir t and a belt for a more

Care Instructions:


Do not tumble dry Iron on cold Do not use chlorine bleach

Time to warm it up. This oversized wool coat has an exaggerated collar and a three button hole closure in the front. Drop shoulder detailing, and full lining. Per fect with a pencil skir t and some

Do not wring Dry flat

Arnet Coat

Care Instructions:

or Wash with like colors Wash in cold water Delicate cycle Do not bleach Do not tumble dry Warm iron inside out

The days of hating in between weather are officially behind you. is made of organic silk with pockets on both sides, an open front, and cuffed sleeves. When the weather can’t make up its mind, throw this on top of trousers and a tee, and you’re out the door.

Care Instructions:

or Wash with like colors Wash in cold water Delicate cycle Do not bleach Do not tumble dry Warm iron inside out

soft Camille Tunic in your wardrobe- it goes with literally everything and anything. Not only does it have a super comfor table fit, but it also features small slits at sides and a scoop neckline. Pair it with your favorite trousers, a maxiskir t or a pair of shor ts for a versatile

Camille Tunic

Care Instructions: Wash with like colors Wash in cold water Tumble dry low Remove promptly Do not bleach Warm iron if needed

Sabelle Top

We don’t take any crap, but we’ll take a crop any day of the week. The Sabelle Crop has a wide scoop neck with a comfor table, loose fit to keep you relaxed in any situation.Pair it with high waisted trousers and heels for a professional look.

Care Instructions: Wash with like colors Wash in cold water Tumble dry low Remove promptly Do not bleach Warm iron if needed

The Carlton tee is the ultimate closet staple. It features a boxy fit, raglan sleeves and soft organic cotton. Rock it with skinnies, a pencil skir t, or your favorite shor ts. This tee goes with everything and can be worn for every occasion.

Carlton T-Shirt

Care Instructions:


Do not tumble dry Iron on cold Do not use chlorine bleach Do not wring Dry flat

If you’re ready to fall in love, we have your pair. These Marlene trousers are made in organic wool and feature a high waisted design, front and back pockets, and pleat embellishment. Tapered silhouette, unlined, with a front zip closure. Wear it with a blazer, your favorite tee, or the per fect tunic dress.

Marlene Trousers

Care Instructions: Wash with like colors Wash in cold water

We’re all about cheeky shor ts, but sometimes you need to take the long route. These Lunette shor ts feature a structured fit, pockets at

or Air cycle, No heat Iron on low heat Do not use chlorine bleach

button closure at front.Throw them on with a black crop top and heels for the per fect minimal look.

Lunette Shorts

Everyone needs a super sexy maxi skir t .. don’t worry, we’ve got you Care Instructions: Wash with like colors Wash in cold water Tumble dry low Remove promptly Do not bleach Warm iron if needed

skir t features super soft cotton and a stretch band at waist. Pair it with anything from a tee to a structured crop top and booties. The fun doesn’t stop there. Turn this skir t into a strapless dress in an instant to meet the needs of any occasion.

resor t get away.

Linden Dress

Care Instructions:

or Wash with like colors Wash in cold water Delicate cycle Do not bleach Do not tumble dry Warm iron inside out

Nothing like a sleek silhouette to keep the night interesting. a midi length, pencil silhouette, and finished hemline. Fully Lined. Wear it with the Carlton Tee, or mix it up with a crop tank and trench coat.

green laundry tips

For the everyday items you wash at home, there are easy, earth-friendly solutions that will get your laundry greener and cleaner. These tips are best for machine washable fabrics.

+ Vinegar

wash them by hand, add 1 or 2 tablespoons of vinegar to the rinse water help dissolve detergent residue.

+ Baking Soda and leave your laundry smelling fresh without fragrance.

like blood, wine, perspiration, and vomit to kill the odor and help remove the stain. +Lemon Juice machine wash as usual. For an allover white brightener, replace the bleach in your wash cycle with 1 cup of lemon juice.

Machine wash as usual. NUE - 72



7 billion people

There are over 7 billion people on this planet. If you count one number a second without stopping until you reach a billion, you would be counting for

31 years, 259 days, 1 hour, 46 minutes & 40 seconds.

That’s how much a billion is.

NUE - 75

So if each person owned only one pair of pants, one shirt, and one jacket, that would be 21

billion articles of clothing.

If you were to count each of those, one per second, it would take nearly 672


safe to assume that most people own more than three items of apparel.

clothes are one of the three basic needs, the statistics surrounding the textile and fashion industry are nothing short of staggering.

What you didn’t know about your hoarding habits..

the average woman owns 120 articles of clothing

which leaves

and only wears about 20%

96 unworn garments

on top of that


she is spending $3,400 a year on resulting in

3x more space than we needed in 1950 AND stll not enough room

not to mention 24x more contributing to a $22 billion storage industry NUE - 78



unsustainable options? NUE performed a comparative analysis of our Wear This, Not That looks. We compared our products which are eco-friendly and socially responsible to well known fashion brands across various segments. The data revealed that a shopper can on average save


less by purchasing NUE apparel.


want to be successful at saving shoppers money while still being fashion-forward. We’ve been most successful

and fairly made alternatives to mainstream moderateluxury and luxury brands. Our marketplace is a testament to a better way of manufacturing that pulls from preindustrial revolution times. Clothing and accessories,

homes and in our communities can be designed in a better way. Products can save money, look good, protect your health, protect the Earth and protect human rights, if the brand has the intention to manufacture that way.

NUE - 81



NUE - 85


No commitment to eco-friendly manufacturing

No transparency in supply chain Made in India

Transparent Supply Chain

Fair Trade


Clothing contains pesticides and harmful chemicals

No commitment to a living wage

NUE - 87


Animal Cruelty

Organic Wool

No transparency in supply chain

Made in India

Poor enviornmental reporting

Transparent Supply Chain

No commitment to a living wage


NUE - 89


‘Code of Conduct’ with no substance No transparency in supply chain


using sweatshops

Made in India

No commitment to a living wage

Naturally dyed fabric

Fair Trade


NUE - 91


100% organic silk ‘Code of Conduct’ with no substance

Transparent supply chain

No transparency in supply chain

Clothing contains pesticides and harmful chemicals No commitment to eco-friendly manufacturing

NOT THAT! Topshop

NUE - 93


100% Organic Cotton

Made in India

Transparent Supply Chain

No commitment to eco-friendly manufacturing No transparency in supply chain

Clothing contains pesticides

No commitment to a living wage


NUE - 95


100% Organic Cotton Contracts sweatshops Made fairly in India

Fair Trade

No transparency in supply chain

Clothing contains pesticides and harmful chemicals

No commitment to a living wage

NOT THAT! Ralph Lauren

NUE - 97


100% organic wool

Sweatshop and child labor free Transparent Supply Chain

Sustainable textiles


No transparency in supply chain

Uses pesticides and toxic chemicals

No transparency in supply chain

NUE - 99


Fairly made in India Contracts sweatshops Fair Trade No transparency in supply chain

Clothing contains pesticides and harmful chemicals No commitment to a living wage


NUE - 101


Lack of transparency in supply chain No commitment to eco-friendly manufacturing 100% organic cotton

Made in India


Clothing contains pesticides and harmful chemicals No commitment to a living wage

Fair Trade

NOT THAT! Alexander Wang

NUE - 103


100% organic silk

No commitment to eco-friendly manufacturing

Made in India

No transparency in supply chain

Clothing contains pesticides and harmful chemicals Fair Trade No commitment to a living wage


NUE 10 Items

=$1,235 Competitor 10 Items

=$10,694 You can save up to..


NUE - 105

your clothing care costs BEFORE:

your clothing care costs AFTER:

NUE - 107

Did you know... up to 90% of the energy to wash your clothes is attributed to heating water? So, wash your clothes in cold water!




be used again in one form or another. Discarding would be a waste, not just of the material itself, but of the water and energy that went into the manufacturing. those items far outweighs the small inconvenience of putting such items aside for recycling. Fresh water is a dwindling resource and energy use contributes to global warming, the biggest environmental problem of our times. At NUE, we encourage that hen you are done with your fashion garments, make them available for reuse. What is old to you, is new for someone else. Why not having a swap party with your friends? If you’re not into swapping, you can always bring your garments into a charity organization or second better than throwing the clothes in the trash bin. Considering that it takes 29,000 litres of water to produce 1 kilo of conventional cotton... reusing and recycling is all about good conserving of the nature’s resources. There post-consumer textile waste is typically sold to developing countries. It is

NUE - 112



NUE is solely an online entity. We want to not only be accessible to our consumer on a global level, but we want to have an open communication between us and our customers as well. NUE’s website is not only a onestopshop for the only wardrobe youneed this year, but it allows anyone to learn all about the products and our brand. NUE’ssustainability is a huge part of who we are, but it is not all that we are. Our website is not only educational on what is ecofriendly within the brand, but it illustrates what is on trend for the versatile, fashion forward, NUE customer.

w w

NUE About


Sustainable Fabrics

NUE - 116


Nue believes in looking good while feeling good and that is why our packaging is 100% recyclable and it is made entirely from repurposed materials. Our packaging is as sustainable as our clothing,

of product our company sells. This sleek and clean packaging gets the product delivered to customers and still has life after its purpose was been achieved. Costumers can keep the box and use it for storage or organization of their homes.

NUE packaging

NUE - 118

future expectations

As a company, we realize there are so many possibilities for our growth in the future. Right now, we are strictly an online company and entity. Soon enough, however, we hope to be able to bring NUE’s concept and aesthetic to our

with brick and mortar shop-in-shops and pop-up shops. We know that a luxury

chain. Once we gain a large enough following, we aspire to open our own brick

vision globally. Although we ship worldwide and we have an online presence, we would love to bring our international, traveling consumer the full experience of entering a NUE location. After all, it is many of these ladies that inspired the brand.

On the road to sustainability, NUE wants to ensure that throughout our progression as a company, we remain environmentally conscious. As of right now, our main dedication to the environment is through our materials, sourcing, and social initiatives. For the future, we hope to expand this eco-friendly attitude through all aspects of the business including packaging, freight and transport methods, and

and care methods to help our green consumer stay friendly and fashionable. NUE - 120




market research

Apparel is the largest segment of the global apparel, accessories and luxury goods market, accounting for 66.1% of the market’s total value.

-The United States is without doubt the most important market for luxury goods and services -Over the past 20 years, the number of luxury consumers throughout the world has tripled from 90 million consumers in 1995 to 330 million at the end of 2013 -There are 10 million new consumers in the luxury market per year and it will likely reach 400 million throughout the world in 2020 and about 500 million consumers by 2030.

shift between luxury and designer second lines. Fleeting luxury consumers make up 10% of global spending with about â‚Ź150 spending annually. The true luxury consumers

-In 2016, the global apparel, accessories and luxury goods market is forecast to

-The compound annual growth rate of the market in the period 2011–16 is predicted to be 3.9%

of people who are exposed to advertisements for certain products generally have aspirations of being able to own these products someday. The purpose of this research is to analyze this ever-changing industry by means of an

is necessary to implement because it allows manufacturers to increase their revenues by focusing on selling their products in countries with rapidly growing

change drastically from year to year, and for the fashion-conscious consumer, industry types will attempt to provide styles of clothing that will keep up with the current season’s trends and for which they are able to command a price premium. The apparel industry exists in a very competitive environment where

retailers, or both. The apparel and footwear industries are highly competitive and fragmented due to low barriers of entry. It is fairly easy for new companies to enter into the apparel and footwear industry, however most companies lack sourcing, diversifying to survive, and following the demographics.



Sales continue to grow in the US for the luxury market. 2013 had strong growth in the luxury market as the growing number of consumers kept the demand developments boosting sales and luxury electronic gadgets experiences double digit growth.

expectations for future

key brands and labels

The luxury market consists mainly of baby boomers which are 45% of luxury consumption worldwide. The customer is a baby boomer that looks for products that last for more that one season but are unswayed by brand messaging or advertising. They shop online when they can and is dominated by women.

overall customer

1. The world clothing and textile industry (clothing, textiles, footwear and luxury


6. The world market for textiles made from organically grown cotton was worth

footwear, and related products and services.

on clothes since the beginning of 2012.

consumer waste

accounted for 52-54 percent of the world’s total production. 13. The Chinese textile industry creates about 3 billion tons of soot each year. 14. Millions of tons of unused fabric at Chinese mills go to waste each year when dyed the wrong color. 15. A single mill in China can use 200 tons of water for each ton of fabric it dyes; many rivers run with the colors of the season as the untreated toxic 16. In 2010, the textile industry ranked third for overall in Chinese industry for wastewater discharge amount at 2.5 billion tons of wastewater per year. 17. The textile industry discharges about 300,600 tons of COD and

6,000 records of textile factories violating environmental regulations, pollutants; improper use of wastewater treatment facilities; exceeding total pollutant discharge allowed; and using production facilities that were shut down by the authorities for various reasons. 19. After preliminary investigations into links between well-known apparel brands and textile manufacturers with environmental violations, a group of

NUE will be manufacturing at, which has become a leader in the area of Indian Organic cotton production and other organic materials. Leading the way in this industry of the future, RCM has been able to inscribe its name in golden letters. At RCM, they will grow our organic cotton and also source our other sustainable materials such as tencel, organic

Organic textile products. Export destinations include United States, most European countries, Japan, New Zealand and Australia.


RCM can develop your collections for you and produce them in a cost own patterns or wish to work with our pattern masters, CAD process and sampling teams. RCM can handle every step from sourcing materials and accessories to the production and packaging of products, according to your

1 - Engineering stripe, Single jersey, 1 - Engineering stripe, Interlock,

While making clothes is fun, it’s also serious business. We don’t just work with anyone – we’ve got rules, and they all support our mission.

No person shall be employed at an age younger than the age of 15 compulsory education where such age is higher than 15.

There shall not be any use of forced labor, whether in the form of prison labor, indentured labor, bonded labor, or otherwise.

Each employee will be treated with dignity and respect. No employee will be subject to corporal punishment, threats of vio- lence or any other forms of physical, sexual, psychological or verbal harassment or abuse. NONDISCRIMINATION No person shall be subject to any discrimination in employment, or retirement on the basis of gender, race, religion, age, disability, pregnancy, union membership, marital status, sexual orientation, nationality, political opinion, or social or ethnic identity.

code of conduct

FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION Each employee shall have the rights of freedom of association and collective bargaining, so long as such activity is conduct- ed in a peaceful and lawful manner, without penalty or interference. In the absence of freedom of association laws, manufac- turers must facilitate parallel means a collabo- rative manner to address workplace issues.

Employers shall provide a safe and healthy working environment to prevent accidents, injury, and illness arising out of, linked with, or occurring in the course of work or as a result of the operation of employer facilities. Employers shall comply with all applicable laws regarding workplace safety and health, however employers may be expected to substantially exceed protection. At a minimum, employers should provide reasonable access ventilation, and reasonable as- surance of personal safety. Such minimum standards must be met both in workplaces as well as in any employerprovided housing. FAIR COMPENSATION We expect our partners to recognize that wages are essential to meeting employees’ basic needs. Our partners will, at a min- imum, comply with all applicable wage and hours laws and including those related to minimum wages, overtime, maximum hours, piece rates and other elements of in a timely manner.

FAIR COMPENSATION We expect our partners to recognize that wages are essential to meeting employees’ basic needs. Our partners will, at a min- imum, comply with all applicable wage and hours laws and including those related to minimum wages, overtime, maximum hours, piece rates and other elements of compensation and provide legally mandated

on regular and overtime hours allowed by the law of the country, if such laws are more

hours worked and one thirty minute meal break per each eight hour shift. Extraordinary business circumstances will not justify work in excess of 72 hours per week for more than four months per year.

In addition to compensation for regular hours of work, employees shall be

In order to manage our supply chain, maintain codes of conduct, and ensure business is being conducted in accordance to our policies, the internal monitoring approach. We will have ins to guarantee all guidelines are being strictly adhered to we will issue two warnings before we end all business with a factory or supplier. When perform- ing check-ins monitors will observe facilities are hygienic and safe, as well as interview employees one-on-one to assure that they are being treated fairly as well as being paid in a timely

Environmental responsibility is just another piece of the puzzle that makes us who we are. Not only is it prevalent in our products, but it is also about being connected to the entire supply chain and the complete manufacturing process for our business. Though we are a developing worldwide issues. While taking steps to ensure that we are environmentally responsible, it supports our success and report with customers, employ- ees and shareholders. materials, we make sure our customer is not only aware of how to care for it when they have the garment, but also how to dispose of it once they are through. We focus our

of our water and energy consumption, along with minimizing our carbon footprint when it comes to transportation, we can continue to work towards our goal of helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the US by at least 20% in the next couple of years. We will take the steps necessary to transport by sea, as opposed to by truck, and we will work to fund various organizations working towards the same cause.

WATER people this is not reality. Roughly this means that almost one in ten of the world’s population lack access to clean water today. This is why we need to household carefully with the planets resources. The water issue is very important to Lindex, and is part of our long-term sustainability commitment. Partly because it is a precondition for our business, and mainly because access to clean water is essential to human life. We are continuously working to improve our processes and reduce our environmental impact, both in own projects and together with others. We have an environmental code of chemicals, waste treatment and emissions that our wet process suppliers has to undertake, and we follow up with environmental inspections in these factories. Our largest water impact lies in the production process, is wa- ter-intensive, and by selling products that is then washed by our customers. We work to minimize the environmental impact in the entire value chain; from design and production to the use and washing by our customer.

NUE mission + vision

Mission: NUE is about creating luxury RTW with sustainability as its platform marrying form, function, and style. Vision: NUE strives to be at the forefront of the

dedicated to minimizing our footprint in the environment and improving social responsibility.

NUE cost


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