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Your opinions count
Employee Opinion Survey 2021
Your thoughts will help us shape the way we do things in the future
Every Voice Counts! Your Line Managers are looking at your feedback and will let you know what we plan to do to make the scores even better next year
Employee engagement Up 4% (DPDHL 91%)
77% 75%
Up 3% (DPDHL 89%)
Up 3% (DPDHL 89%)
Common DNA Employer of Choice
Up 7%
Common DNA Provider of Choice
Up 9%
Common DNA Investor of Choice
Up 5%
68% 80% 77%
Future & Strategy Up 7%
68% 81%
Up 10%
Up 3%
“This year’s Employee Opinion Survey top-line results have been excellent across the board with a 91% response rate.
Overall, DHL Parcel UK has increased scores in all KPIs compared to 2020. This is an incredible achievement, something of which you and your team should be very proud.
The top four increases are: • Digitalisation – up by 10% • Provider of Choice – up by 9% • Future & Strategy/Employer of Choice – both up by 7%.
We are definitely heading in the right direction but the Executive Board is now thinking – where do we go next? After all, EOS is all about continuous improvement. Managers are sharing the results of your department/site and once Peak is over the business of action planning begins.
The focus for 2022 action plans will be First Choice, Customer Feedback and Colleague Care.
Watch out for a newsletter early in the New Year with more details.”
Sarah Maddox, Vice President – HR
The top three comments you agreed with ...
“I am passionate about contributing to the success of my company.”
“Where I work, we are accountable for our actions and decisions.”
“My company promotes diversity and an inclusive environment where employees feel accepted regardless of gender, race, religion, disability, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, age or any other characteristic protected in law.”
… and the bottom three most of you didn’t
“Where I work, we regularly use customer feedback to improve our services and processes.”
“I have the support needed to take advantage of digitalisation.”
“Where I work, we constantly apply First Choice tools to drive continuous improvement and quality.”
Recruitment Business Partner
Daisy Smith on her ‘fab’ new job, cooking fl ops and secret Ed Sheeran obsession
Tell us a little about your new role, the challenges you’ve been given and what you want to achieve.
I’ve been brought in initially to support the recruitment of drivers and warehouse – it’s a huge role given the labour and driver shortage in the UK at the moment, which is aff ecting almost everybody in one way or another.
I am part of the HR team and will be working with Site Managers, supporting them in providing suitable candidates for consideration as well as forward planning for future recruitment needs and coming up with and implementing new and creative ways of attracting talent.
I am really excited to be a part of DHL Parcel UK and look forward to supporting the business with all recruitment needs.
Where did you work before?
I’ve worked in recruitment for almost 10 years, six of them in Dubai before relocating back to the ‘sunny’ UK in 2020.
I have recruited across many direct sectors, from offi ce support to interior design and architecture, but love working in fast-paced industries that really challenge me.
How do you relax?
I go to the gym at least four times a week and enjoy lifting weights and going to the occasional spin class but this is countered by my passion for eating out! I love going to nice restaurants and eating great food, although when I try to recreate it at home, it never quite seems to go to plan!
Words or phrases you most overuse?
“Fab!” I hear myself say it at least 20 times a day!
What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Moving to Dubai alone when I was 24. I moved as I was off ered an amazing job opportunity and moved to a country I’d never visited and didn’t know a soul there! It was a steep learning curve but turned out to be one of the best things I’ve ever done – I only planned on staying a year and stayed for six.
What do you most value in your colleagues?
Collaboration. We are all working to the same goal and working together we will get there quicker. Also, a sense of humour! I thrive in working with ambitious and motivated individuals – positivity breeds positivity.
What CD, book and luxury item would you take to a desert island?
Anything by Ed Sheeran – who doesn’t love him? I love any books by Dolly Alderton and I would take my sunglasses, so I could relax – enjoy the sun, music and read while trapped!
Favourite holiday destination?
Thailand. I have been lucky enough to travel to Thailand twice and I also went to a fi tness camp for four months out there alone – amazing experience! I love the food, the culture, weather and people – everything about it.
Three dinner party guests and why?
Princess Diana, a true icon of our lifetime. I’d love to get a true insight into the Royal Family. Karen Brady, a strong businesswoman in a typically man’s world, something I admire so I’d want to know more about her career. Finally, I’d invite James Acaster, my favourite comedian who would defi nitely bring the laughs!