Volume 19: Issue 7 November 2017
BOTTOM LINE Sharing ideas, solutions, resources and experiences that help dairy producers succeed.
Fill up with learning this fall Page 2 Ketosis research considers body condition
The late fall and winter period is ideal for refueling with expert-led programming. In November and December, several programs are available for producers to refill their learning tanks.
Page 4 Simple steps lead to calf survival
Page 6 Attitude adjustment coming up
Page 8
Feed and Nutrition Conference
modified organisms, hormones, antibiotics, air and water quality, market access and exports are just a few of the difficult topics that will be brought to light. The gathering features several top-level movers and shakers to speak to those issues and welcome questions from attendees. Dairy farmers, policy makers, educators and allied leaders who want to have a role in determining the future of dairy should plan to attend.
Transition Cow Nov. 14 in Marshfield, Wis- Workshop consin; Nov. 15 in Arlington, Dec. 12 in Eau Claire, Wisconsin; Dec. 13 in Appleton, Wisconsin In two one-day sessions, Wisconsin leading feed and nutrition T h i s experts will share informafull-day workshop tion. is designed • Managing molds and toxfor dairy ins in feed fa r m e rs, • Potential benefits of new nutritiongenetic forage varieties ists and • Maximizing feed-byveterinariproduct ingredients ans looking to optimize cow health in the critical transition phase. Four leading experts will present new discoveries in transition diets, liver function, ketosis, animal treatment, culling and early-lactation production.
This five-part series will be presented on-farm in two Wisconsin locations – one in Kewaunee County and the other in Clark County. Attendees will learn leadership and communication skills to position their dairies for business success, develop plans to protect their brands and increase their farms’ value to their communities. The sessions will be hosted by Pagels Ponderosa Dairy and Boon Farms. World Class Webinars
To be held online at noon Central Time “Simplifying Hoof Health from Day One” will be presented by Dr. Nigel Cook, veterinarian, chair of the Department of Medical Sciences and a Professor in Food Animal Production Medicine at the Un ive rs i ty o f Wi sco n sin-Madison School of Veterinary Medicine. Cook will share ideas, solutions, tips and tricks to create a plan to reduce lameness in dairy herds, all while protecting the dairy’s bottom line. Continuing-education credits are available for all the programs, through Dairy AdvanCE, UW-Madison’s Food & Policy Summit Dairy’s Visible Voice School of Veterinary Medicine Dec. 6-7 in Madison, WisDec. 13 in Kewaunee, Wis- and/or the American Registry consin consin; Dec. 14 in Greenwood, of Professional Animal ScienGene editing, genetically Wisconsin tists.
Interest rates on the rise
Professional Dairy Producers™ I 1-800-947-7379 I www.pdpw.org