Volume 20: Issue 3 April 2018
BOTTOM LINE Sharing ideas, solutions, resources and experiences that help dairy producers succeed.
Consider tips for tough times Page 2 Take steps to limit stillbirths
ositive change can be implemented during challenging times by changing just a few things. Choosing the right thoughts, choosing thankfulness and committing to ongoing learning can redirect an off-course life without costing a dime. Choose the right thoughts
Page 2 On-farm training planned
Every word spoken and every action taken first begins with a thought. Most people don’t realize thoughts quickly become part of subconscious daily actions. Because conscious thoughts become beliefs, our subconscious mind works to Hank Wagner prove our beliefs are correct – even if those beliefs are inaccurate. If we believe a certain thing, our subconscious mind accepts it as truth. Choose to be thankful
Page 3 Protect family, farm future
Page 6 Measure heifers for profits
It can be difficult to be thankful during challenging times but that’s when it’s most important. When faced with circumstances that seem bad ask “compared to what?” I spent time in Togo, Africa, and saw poverty-stricken people helplessly watch their children and other loved ones slowly starve to death. Most of us have food to eat, water to drink and homes in which to live. The people of Togo don’t have beds, bathrooms or flush toilets. Nor do they have a realistic way out of their prison of poverty. The government could help but chooses not to, instead robbing people of the little they have. The soil is nutrient-poor and jobs are virtually non-existent, leaving the people unable to afford even bare necessities. Our worst day is likely better than their best day. I believe there is always something to be thankful for. The people with whom I spent
time in Togo lived in deplorable conditions but chose to be thankful anyway. Their attitudes could not be stolen by government or poverty. Indeed it’s probably precisely what sustained them through their daily challenges. Learn the lesson Challenges can bring both pleasure and pain; the most influential is pain. Anyone who has touched an electric fence, after being warned not to, knows the experience of pain was more influential than the warning that preceded it. And so it is with times of challenge. The pain that accompanies challenge often forces us to consider ways to do things differently, to avoid repeating an unpleasant experience. Change how you think, choose to be thankful and seek to learn the lesson. Your life will never be the same. Hank Wagner is a dairy producer and a John Maxwell Team teacher, mentor, speaker and coach. To learn more about nurturing thankfulness, consider reading Hank’s book “Teachable Moments.” It’s available online at amazon.com and at most book stores. Contact hwagner@frontiernet.net for more information.
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