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739748 Solid 108 20 $55 4ft. Sectio108 n

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73 9730 Pe rforated Aeration systems Aeration system Aeration Aeration systems Aeration systems 4ft . Section Aeration systems 12” Round Duct Components and Accessories 12” Round Duct Components and Accessories Accessories Aeration systems 12” Round Duct Components and Accesso 1 2” Round Duct Compo Aeration systems Aeration Aeration Aeration Aeration systems systems systems systems 12” Round Duct Components and Aeration Aera tio Aeration systems 12” Round Duct Components and Duct Components and systems Accessories 12” Round Duct Components and Accessories T1 2 1 1 12” Round W ay Cross 12” Round Duct4 Components and Accessories Accessories 12” Round Duct Components and Accessories Ae Part # Model # Description Wt. Price Part # Model # Description Wt. Price Aera tion system 12” Round Duct Components and Accessories del # Description Par t # M o d e l # Description 12” Round Duct Components and Accessories 12” Round 12” 12” Duct Round Round Components Duct Duct Components Components and Accessories and and Accessories Accessories Part # Model # Description Wt. Price 12” Duct and 1 2” ound 12” Round Duct Components and Accessories Duct systems 12”Round Round DuctComponents Components andAccessories Accessories Part ###Aeration Description Wt. Price Part1 #R Model Description Wt. Price Part # Model Description Wt. Price Part ## # Model Model Description Wt. Price12” T 1 2 2 Y and 1 2” Round Duct Components Accesso Part # Model # Description Wt. Price Part # Model # Description Wt. Price Part # Model # Description Wt. Price Part # Part Model Part # # # Model Model Description # # Description Description Wt. Wt. Price Wt. Price Price RPD-12-FWIA RPD-12-FWIA 1212 Price -12-FWIA RPD-12-FWIA 90 62 62 Part ### RPD-12-FWIA Model Description 12” Round Duct Components and AccessoriesWt. 12 Model # Part Descr Model Description iption Wt. Price Part Model###system Description Wt. Price 62 RPD-12-FWIA 12 Aera tion RPD-12-FWIA 12 d e 62 Aeration systems 62 RPD-12-FWIA 12 RPD-12-FWIA 12 62 Par t # M o l # del # Description RPD-12-FWIA 12 RPD-12-FWIA 12 62 RPD-12-FWIA RPD-12-FWIA RPD-12-FWIA RPD-12-FWIA 12 12 12 12 62Price 62 Part # RPD-12-FWIA Model # Description Wt. Centrifugal low speed speed 62 12 RPD-12-SD 20 20 -12-SD RPD-12-SD 59 RPD-1 2-FWIA RPD-12-FWIA 12 RPD-12-FWIA 12 35 62 1 2”low Round Duct RPD-12-SD Components and Accesso 20 62 626262 35 35 12” Round Duct Components and Accessories Centrifugal low Centrifugal speed RPD-12-SD 20 RPD-12-SD RPD-12-SD 20 35 35 Centrifugal low speed RPD-12-SD 20 RPD-12-SD 20 35 RPD-1 2-FWIA -1Centrifugal 2-FWIA Centrifugal low speed Caldwel RPD-12-SD 20 RPD-12-SD 20 low speed Centrifugal Centrifugal low low speed low speed speed 35 12 RPD-12-SD RPD-12-SD RPD-12-SD RPD-12-SD 20 20Wt. 20 20 35Price Aera tion system 62 d e2-PD l Centrifugal # 35 Centrifugal low RPD-12-SD 20 Centrifugal low speed Part # RPD-12-FWIA Model #Aeration Description RPD-12-PD RPD-12-PD 20 20 PART # MODEL # Description DIA. HPspeed PRICE RPD-1 2-SD RPD-12-SD -1 RPD-12-PD RPD-12-SD 20 35 35 72 47 353535 4735 systems 20 # MODEL DIA. HP PRICE 47 Price RPD-12-PD 20 PART # MODEL # DIA. HP PRICE RPD-12-PD RPD-12-PD 20 PART # PART MODEL DIA.# PRICE 47 47 RPD-12-PD 20 PART # # DIA. HP PRICE RPD-12-PD 20 PART # #MODEL MODEL # HP low DIA. HPspeed PRICE RPD-1 2-SD -1 2-SD 47 1 2” Round Duct Components and Accesso Centrifugal RPD-12-PD PART # ###MODEL MODEL # #HP DIA. HP PRICE RPD-12-SD -12-FWIA RPD-12-PD 20 47 35 12” Round Duct Components and Accessories RPD-12-PD RPD-12-PD RPD-12-PD RPD-12-PD 20 2020 20 4762 # # MODEL DIA. PRICE PART PART PART MODEL MODEL #MODEL DIA. DIA. DIA. PRICE HP HP PRICE PRICE RPD-12-FWIA 12 9401216 CF27-1012T 27” 47 RPD-12-PD 20 perfor PART # # DIA. HP PRICE RPD-1 2-PD RPD-12-PD 20 PART ## MODEL # # HP DIA. HP PRICE RPD-12-PD 2020 9401216 CF27-1012T 27” PART MODEL DIA. HP PRICE 47 466 s. PART 47 474747 47 Aera tion system 2,722 9401216 CF27-1012T 27” 9401216 CF27-1012T 27” # Description 10 2,722 RPD-12-RR RPD-12-RR 3 3 Price 9401216 CF27-1012T 27” -1 d e2-RR l # 9401216 CF27-1012T 27” RPD-12-RR 2,722 16 16 Aeration systems 17 RPD-1 2-PD RPD-12-RR 3 -1 2-PD 4,070 2,722 Part # Model # Description Wt. 30” CF30-2532T 9754135 9401216 CF27-1012T 27” RPD-12-RR 3 -12-SD RPD-12-RR RPD-12-SD 3 16 RPD-12-PD Centrifugal low speed 30” PART # MODEL # DIA. HP PRICE 9401216 9401216 CF27-1012T 9401216 9401216 CF27-1012T CF27-1012T CF27-1012T 27” 27” 27” 27” CF30-2532T 9754135 RPD570 s. 16 2,722 20 47 RPD-12-RR 3 RPD-12-RR 3 35 Floor T 9401216 CF27-1012T 27” 1 2” Round Duct Components and Accesso 3,252 9401216 CF27-1012T 27” 16 2,722 2,722 2,722 2,722 9401216 CF27-1012T 27” 30” CF30-2532T 9754135 30” CF30-2532T 9754135 2,722 15 3,252 2,722 RPD-12-RR 3 30” CF30-2532T 9754135 30” CF30-2532T 9754135 Aera tion system 3,252 RPD-12-RR 3 16 Model 12” Round DuctBin Components and Accessories RPD-12-RR 33 RPD-12-RR RPD-12-RR RPD-12-RR 3 RPD33 1616 4,959 -12-FWIA 3,252 RPD-12-RR RPD-12-SEC RPD-12-SEC 2 2 9736454 CFT27 transition 30” RPD-1 RPD-12-RR 33 16 CF30-2532T 9754135 RPD-12-SEC RPD-12-RR 14 Standard 16 16 161616 1416 RPD-12-SEC 2 9736454 CFT27 30” 30”transition 30” 30” 2-RR CF30-2532T CF30-2532T CF30-2532T CF30-2532T RPD-12-FWIA 12 9754135 9754135 9754135 9754135 611 3,252 602 s.2-SEC 62 30” CF30-2532T 9754135

12” Flanged Inlet| A daptor |Inlet 12” Fan 852475 12” Flanged Wall Inlet Adaptor | 12” Fan F l a n g e d 852475 Wa In A d a p tWall or 12 ” F a n 8l 5l247 5l e t 12 ” F l a n g e d W a l l $$$$I n l e$t A d a p t o 852475 12” Flanged Wall Adaptor | Fan $ 852475 12” Flanged Wall Inlet Adaptor || 12” 12” Fan 852475 12” Flanged Wall Adaptor 12” Fan $$ 852475 12” Flanged Wall Adaptor 12” 852475 12”Inlet Flanged Wall|Inlet Inlet Adaptor | 12” Fan Fan $ 852475 12” Flanged Wall Inlet Adaptor | 12” Fan $ $$$$$ $ $ $ 5 247 5 12 ” 12” F852475 l852517 an g eG d Wa l l 4ʼ In l12” eFlanged t Flanged A12” d aWall p tGa o rDuct | 12 ”c F aGa n 852475 Wall Inlet Adaptor | 12” Fan 852475 852475 12” 12” 12” Flanged Inlet Flanged Adaptor Wall Wall Inlet | Inlet 12” Adaptor Fan Adaptor | | 12” 12” Fan Fan 852517 Solid Duct Long 12” 22 Solid Inter 4ʼ Long locking 22 Interlocking Seam Seam 12 ” S o l i d 8D u ct 4 ʼ2 517 L o n g852475 2 2 a I n t e r l o k i n g S e a $L o n $ 85 12 ” S o l i d D u cm t 4 ʼW g 2l 2 l Ga Flanged Wall Inlet Adaptor | 12” Fan 852475 12 ” Flanged F Wall l Inlet a Adaptor n | 12” Fan g e d a 852475 12”Solid Flanged Inlet22 Adaptor | 12” FanSeam 852517 12” DuctWall 4ʼ Long Long Ga Interlocking Interlocking $$$ $ 852517 12” Solid Duct 4ʼ 22 Ga Seam 852517 12” Solid Duct 4ʼ Long 22Duct Ga Interlocking Seam 852517 12” Solid 4ʼ Long 22 Ga Interlocking Seam 852517 12” Solid Duct 4ʼ Long 22 Ga Interlocking Seam 8 5 2 4 7 5 12 ” Flanged Wa l l Inlet A 852517 daptor | 12 ” F an $ $ $ 12” Solid Duct 4ʼ Long 22 Ga Interlocking Seam $ $ $ $ 8 5 2 517 12 ” S o l i d D u c t 4 ʼ L o n g 2 2 G a I n t e r l o ck i n g S e a m 852475 12” Flanged Wall Inlet Adaptor |Ga 12” Fan Seam 852517 12” Solid Duct 4ʼSolid Long 22 Ga Interlocking Seam 852517 852517 12”” Solid Duct 12” 4ʼ 12” Solid Long 22 Duct Duct Ga 4ʼInterlocking 4ʼ Long 22 Ga Seam Interlocking Interlocking $ 4 ʼ 852517 Solid Duct 4ʼ Long 22 Ga Interlocking 12” Per for ated Duct 4ʼ12” Long 852525 12” Perforated Duct 4ʼLong Long 852517 12 Solid S Duct 4ʼ o Long 22 l Ga Interlocking i d u c 12 ” P e r f o r a t852525 e d 8D u L o n g $$$$$ct 52 5c 2t 5 4 ʼ852517 12 ” P eSeam rSeam fSeam oD rate d D u 852517 12” Solid Duct 4ʼ Long 22 Ga22 Interlocking Seam 852525 12” Perforated Duct 4ʼ Long $$$ t 4 ʼ L o n g $ 852525 12” Perforated Duct 4ʼ Long 12” Perforated Duct 4ʼ Long 852525 12” Perforated 4ʼ Long 852525 12” Perforated Duct 4ʼc Long 8 5 2 5 17 12 o li D u c tc k 4i ʼnL oS n852525 ga2 2 G a I n t Ga. e r lDuct oSeam k iG na g S e a m 20 Ga. Inter locking Seam 20 Interlocking 2 0” GS a . Id n t8 e r l o g e m 2 0 . I n t e r l o c k i n g S e$ am $ 20 Ga. Interlocking Seam 852525 Perforated Duct 4ʼ Long $ $ $ $ 852517 12” Solid Duct 4ʼ Long 22 Ga Interlocking Seam 12 ” F l a n g e d W a l l I n l e t A d a p t o r | 12 ” F a n $ 52525 12 ” Pe r 852525 fo r a t e d 20 D uGa. c12” tInterlocking 4Perforated ʼ Perforated L12” o nGa. g 852525 12” Duct 4ʼDuct Long 852525 852525 12” 12” Duct Perforated Perforated 4ʼWall Long Duct Duct 4ʼr 4ʼLong Long 852475 12” Flanged Inlet |f 12” Fan $$$ d $ 20 Interlocking Seam $ Seam 852525 Perforated 4ʼ Long 852525 12 ” 12” Perforated P Duct e 4ʼ Long o r aM t e D u $ 852525 12”Ga. Perforated Duct 4ʼAdaptor Long 20 Interlocking Seam 20 Ga. Interlocking Seam Par t # o $$ e i n f o r c852541 $ ” R $$t t $ g ( Td 20 Ga. Interlocking Seam $ 852541 cement rGa. ing 12” (Two Reinforcement per 4ʼ ring Length (Two per 4ʼof Length Duct) of Duct) 20L G12” a852541 .T IReinfor n t8 e rg lo ck i2 ng S e a m 12 ed m8 e tc r i4 nʼ g ( w o p e r 4 ʼ L e n g t h o f D u c ) $ 5n 2 5 41 12 ” R e i n f o r c e m e n r i n wo 20 Interlocking Seam 20 Ga. Interlocking 20 20 Ga. Ga. Seam Interlocking Interlocking Seam Seam 5 5 2 5 12” Reinforcement ring (Two per 4ʼ Length of Duct) 12 ” P e r f o r a t e D u t o n 20 Ga. Interlocking Seam $ 2 0 G 20 Ga. Interlocking a . Seam I n t e r l o c k i n $ o 20 Ga. Interlocking Seam $ $ $ 852541 12” Reinforcement ring (Two per 4ʼ Length of Duct) 12 S l i d D u c t 4 ʼ L o n g 2 2 G a I n t e r l o c k i n g S e a m $ 852541 12” Reinforcement ring (Two per 4ʼ Length of Duct) $ $ ” $ $ $ 852525 Perforated Duct 4ʼ 22 Long $ 8 5 24 7 5 852517 12” Duct 4ʼ Long Ga per Interlocking $$$ 852541 Reinforcement ring (Two 4ʼ of 852541 12” Solid Reinforcement ring (Two per 4ʼ Length LengthSeam of Duct) Duct) $ $ $ $$ $ $ 2 0 G a . I n t e r l o c k i n g S e a m $ 852541 12” Reinforcement ring (Two per 4ʼ Length of Duct) $ $ 8 5 2 5 41 12 ” Re i n f o r c e m e n t r i n g ( Two p e r 4 ʼ L e n g t h o f D u c t ) $ 852541 12” Reinforcement ring (Two per 4ʼ Length of Duct) 852541 852541 852541 12” Reinforcement 12” 12” Reinforcement ring Reinforcement (Two per ring 4ʼ ring Length (Two (Two per of per Duct) 4ʼ 4ʼ Length Length of of Duct) Duct) $ 12 ” ” F a ge WC a l I67 nlet A d a p to r | 12 ” F a n $ ln 852541 12” Reinforcement ring (Two Length of 20 Interlocking Seam 12” 852467 Solid End Cap” 12” Solid End Cape $ l 12 S o id Ed n852467 d a p 852541 12 Reinforcement R ring (Two iper per n 4ʼ Length f of o e e n 8 5l 24 12 ” S l iDuct) d Er n dc Ca p$$$$$ m 852541 12”Ga. Reinforcement ring (Two per 4ʼ Length ofDuct) Duct) $ $ $ $$ 852467 12” Solid End Cap 852475 Flanged Wall Inlet Adaptor | 4ʼ 12” Fano 8 5 2 5 17 $$$ e $ 2 852467 12” End Cap 12 ” f o r a t e d Number Duct 4 ʼ LRPD-12-SEC o n g 30” CF30-2532T 9754135 $HP P $c 852467 12” Solid End Cap RPD-12-SEC 9736454 CFT27 transition 9401216 CF27-1012T 27” 30” CF30-2532T 9754135 d e2-PD l # 1 $ t) -1 9736454 CFT27 transition $$ 852525 Perforated Duct L 4ʼ Long Dia. $$ r 852467 12” Solid End Cap 852467 12” Solid Solid Endʼ Cap RPD-12-PD 20 PART # MODEL # Description DIA. 8 5 2 5 41 12 ” R PRICE e info r c e m e n Components t rin g ( Tw o p e r 4 en g t h 2 o f Accesso D u RPD-12-SEC 2 9736454 CFT27 transition RPD-12-SEC 2 9736454 CFT27 transition RPD-1 2-RR 2” Round Duct and -1 2-RR Fine - .0 Part # Model # Description Wt. $$Price $ $ $ 852467 Solid End Cap $ $ $ $ 852541 12” Reinforcement ring (Two per 4ʼ Length of Duct) 9736462 CFT30 transition 8 5 24 67 12 ” S o l i d E n d C a p $ RPD-12-SEC 2 9736454 CFT27 transition RPD-12-RR 3 $ $ RPD-12-SEC 2 $ $ $ $ $ $ 852467 852467 852467 852467 12” 12” Solid Solid End End 12” Cap 12” Cap Solid Solid End End Cap Cap 12 ” S o l i d D u c t 4 ʼ L o n g 2 2 G a I n t e r l o c k i n g S e a m 8 5 2 5 2 5 RPD-12-SEC 2e20 RPD-12-SEC RPD-12-SEC RPD-12-SEC 22 9736462 CFT30 transition -12-SD 9736454 CFT27 transition 9736454 9736454 9736454 CFT27 CFT27 CFT27 transition transition transition 852558 12” Per forRPD-12-SEC ated End Cap 852558 12” Perforated End Cap2212 2 0$”GP a . od c k in n g Sa ep a m RPD12 e fn ot re artl e d 735 s. $$$ rI 8E 5 2 5 5 8C ” d P eSeam r f oE r2 at d E n$$$d CC ap a p 852467 12” Solid End RPD-12-PEC RPD-12-PEC 22 2 12 ” S o lInterlocking i n d 852467 Solid End Cap 2-PEC $ $ l RPD-12-PEC 852467 12”Ga. Solid EndCap Cap 9736454 CFT27 transition 20 Interlocking Seam RPD-1 2-SEC RPD-12-SEC 852558 Perforated End Cap 9736454 CFT27 transition 852517 12” Solid Duct 4ʼ Long RPD-12-SEC 9736462 CFT30 9736454 CFT27 transition 30” CF30-2532T RPD-12-PEC RPD-12-SD 9736462 CFT30 transition $$a 12 ” F nged Wa l l Inle t ARPD-12-PEC d ap t r | 12 ” Ga F an $ 2 852558 12” Perforated End Cap -1 9736462 CFT30 transition 9736462 CFT30 transition 852558 12”o Perforated End Cap RPD-12-PEC 2 $$$ d e2-FWIA l # 9754135 Description $ o 2 9401216 CF27-1012T 27” 852558 12” Perforated End Cap 852558 8 5 12” Perforated End CapAdaptor | 12” $ RPD-12-PEC 2 RPD-12-PEC 2 2 4 6 7 852475 12” Flanged Wall Inlet Fan 12 ” S l i d E n d C a p 9736462 CFT30 transition $ RPD-1 2-SEC RPD-12-FWIA 12 -1 2-SEC $ $ $ $ 738088 18ʼ St and $ 9736462 9736462 CFT30 9736462 9736462 CFT30 CFT30 transition CFT30 transition transition transition 852558 12” Perforated End ring Cap $$$$ r $ $$c $ 22 $t $ ) $ 15” to 35” diameter air foil blower wheel transition 78 1 s. 12 ” R e in fo r ed mRPD-12-PEC en t t r i4 nʼ g ( w o e r 4 L e n4ʼ g tofh o f2 2 D u 8x 5a 2 5c 5 12 ” Pe rT fRPD-12-PEC r- aBox t eRPD-12-SEC d RPD-12-PEC ERPD-12-PEC n dp C a pPerforated RPD-12-PEC 852467 Solid End Cap 9736462 CFT30 -1 9736462 CFT30 transition 852558 12” End Cap 852558 852558 852558 12” Perforated 12” End Perforated Perforated Capʼ End EndCap Cap 9736454 CFT27 transition 9736462 CFT30 transition 852541 12” Reinforcement (Two per Length 15” to 35” diameter air foil blower wheel RPD-12-PEC 2a 2e 12 ” P e fo t8 e u L o n g RPD-12-RR 3 -12-RR 2-PD 733964 12” 733964 Yo 12” YPerforated -P Box 852558 12” End Cap B or 7D 33 9c 6 42 12 ” Yo - Duct) B ox 852558 12 ” End e Cap r f r t E n 8 5 5 4 1 RPD-12-Y RPD-12-Y 29 RPD-12-PEC 2 852558 12”12” Perforated End Cap $$$$$ d$ RPD-12-Y RPDRPD-1 2-PEC RPD-12-PEC 2 15” to 35” diameter air foil wheel 733964 YPerforated RPD-12-PEC 229 15” to 35” diameter foilMODEL blower 852525 12” Perforated 4ʼ Long RPD-12-Y $ l RPD-12-PD 20 PART #airHP # blower DIA. HP Y PRICE S o ln id D uc t a 4 ol n 2RPD-12-Y 2 a t e r lDuct o c kF in Sea m 30” CF30-2532T 9754135 $ 29 12 ” F a ge d W lʼ l L In eg t A d aG p t o rn| 12 ” ag n 29 3.0 100 HP ratings 15” to 35” diameter air foil blower wheel 15” to100 35” diameter airwheel foil blower wheel 2-SD 733964 12” YYY ---- Box Box -12-Y 2-FWIA 12” Y -I Box RPD-12-Y 29 $ $$ 3.0 to ratings 757880 18ʼ F in 733964 Box 733964 8 5 12”8 Box RPD-12-Y 29 2 5 5 RPD-12-Y 29 2 0 GP ae . rI od ck in nd g C S733964 ep am 852517 12” Solid Duct 4ʼ Long 22 Ga Interlocking Seam 15” to 35” diameter air air foil blower wheel s. 1 035 12 ” fn ot re artle E a $ 3.0 to 100 HP ratings RPD-1 2-PEC RPD-12-SD 20 -1 2-PEC 3.0 to to 100 HP ratings 9736462 CFT30 transition $ 15” 35” diameter air foil blower wheel 15” to 35” 15” diameter 15” to to 35” 35” air diameter diameter foil blower air foil wheel foil blower blower wheel wheel $ 733964 Y Box $ $ $ $ 3.0 to 100 HP ratings 3.0 100 HP ratings 20 Ga. Interlocking Seam 15” to 35” diameter air foil blower wheel 7 3 3 9 6 4 12 ” Y B ox RPD-12-Y 29 8 5 2733964 4 6 7 852558 12” Perforated End Cap 12 ” S o l i d E n d C a p $ 15” to 35” diameter air foil blower wheel Galvanized housings TEFC motors standard RPD15” to 35” diameter air foil blower wheel RPD-12-Y 29 RPD-12-PEC 2 733964 12” Y Box 733964 733964 12” Y Box 12” 12” Y Y Box Box -1 2-SEC $ $ $ $ RPD-12-Y RPD-12-Y RPD-12-Y RPD-12-Y 29 29 29 29 852467 12” Solid End Cap Galvanized housings TEFC motors motors standard 224 9736454 CFT27 transition 12” 770339 4 12 Wa yRPD-12-SEC Cr oss ”12” 12” Cross 733964 Box 12 ” 4 Wa y C 770339 r o s7 s7 0 $$ 733964 -Way Box B x 339 12 ” 4 o Wa y C r 29 o ss 3.0 to 100 HP ratings RPD-12-4WC RPD-12-4WC 24 RPD-12-Y 733964 12”e -Y Box -1 2-4WC RPD-1 2-Y RPD-12-Y 29 RPD-12-4WC $ o RPD-12-Y 29 770339 4Y44YY-Way $ 3.0 to3.0 100 ratings to HP 100 3.0 HP 3.0 ratings to to 100 100 HP HP ratings ratings Galvanized housings TEFC standard 9401216 CF27-1012T 27” RPD-12-4WC 24 $c Galvanized housings TEFC motors standard 12 ” S l i D u ct 4 ʼ n g 2 2 G a In t rCross l oL ce kn in g So ef a m P e r fd o r a te d D uL co t 4 ʼ L( o n g $ 24 3.0 to 100 HP ratings -1 2-SD 770339 12” Way Cross 3.0 to 100 HP ratings 2-PD 1 005 s. Galvanized housings TEFC motors standard 3.0 to 100 HP ratings Galvanized housings TEFC motors standard 1750 & 3500 rpm motors 230, 460 or 575 volt controls 12 ” R e i n f o r c e m e n t r i n g T w o p e r 4 ʼ g t h D u t ) 770339 12” 4 Way Cross RPD-12-4WC $ $ -1 2-RR RPD-12-4WC 24 1750 &35” 3500 rpm motors 230, 460 or ” 575 volt controls 7381 12 21ʼ 770339 12” 44 Way $ St and 770339 12”4 Way Cross CrossDuctring 73 396 RPD-12-4WC 24 8 5 2 5 5 8 12 Y ox RPD-12-4WC 24 852525 Perforated 4ʼ Long 852541 12” Reinforcement (Two per 4ʼRPD-1 Length of Duct) RPD-1 2-Y 15” to diameter air foil blower wheel Galvanized housings TEFC motors standard RPD-12-PD 20 PART # MODEL # DIA. HP PRICE RPD-12-RR 32-Y 1750 & rpm motors 230, 460 or 575 volt $ -r B $ 1750Galvanized & 3500 rpm motors 230, 460 or 575 volt controls Galvanized housings TEFC motors standard Galvanized Galvanized housings TEFC housings housings motors TEFC TEFC standard motors motors standard standard 9736462 CFT30 transition 770339 Cross $ $$$$$ $ $ 12 ” P e fn ot r tl E 733964 12” Y4Cross -Way Box 7e 7a 03 9e 12 ”m 4852558 Wa y Cro s sRPD-12-4WC RPD-12-4WC 24 -1 2-PEC 1750 & 3500 rpm motors 230, 460 or 575 volt controls $controls 1750 & 3500 rpm motors 230, 460 or 575 volt controls Galvanized housings TEFC motors standard RPD-12-Y 29 RPD-12-4WC 24 Single or3500 three phase units 770339 770339 770339 770339 12”” 12” 4 Way 4 Way Cross 12” 4 4Way Way Cross Cross 2 0 G a . I r3 od ck in nd g C Sa ep a Galvanized housings TEFC motors standard $ 12” Perforated End CapW a y 24 24 Galvanized housings TEFC motors standard 30” CF30-2532T 9754135 RPD-12-4WC RPD-12-4WC RPD-12-4WC 24 RPD-12-PEC 2 $24 Single or three phase units 770339 12” 44412” Way Cross 770339 12 12” Way 4 Cross C r o s s RPD-12-4WC 24 770339 12” Way Cross s. 1 459 RPD-1 2-4WC RPD-12-4WC 24 to ratings 1750 &100 3500 rpm motors 230, 460 or 575 volt controls RPD-12-4WC 24 Single or three phase units 20 Ga. Interlocking Seam 1750 &or3500 rpm motors 230, 460 or 575 volt controls 1750 &3.0 3500 1750 1750 rpm & &HP motors 3500 3500 rpm 230, rpm motors motors 460 or 230, 230, 575 460 460 volt or controls or575 575 volt volt controls controls Single three phase units 757880 21ʼ F in 12 ” P e r fd or a td ed Dp u ct 3 4ʼ 9 Lon g 7 3 6 4 -1 2-PD RPD1750 & 3500 rpm motors 230, 460 or 575 volt controls Single or three phase units 12 ” S o l i E n C a Single or three phase units Dynamically balanced blower wheels 1750 & 3500 rpm motors 230, 460 or 575 volt controls 1750 & 3500 rpm motors 230, 460 or 575 volt controls 2-SEC $ $ Dynamically balanced blower wheels 7 7 0 3 3 9 12 ” 4 W a y C r o s s 9401216 CF27-1012T 27” RPD-1 2-4WC $ 852467 12” Solid End Cap -1 2-4WC Single or three phase units RPD-12-SEC 2 9736454 CFT27 transition Galvanized housings TEFC motors standard $ 12 ”GY R n f o rr cle ein in ( T w RPD-12-4WC o p e r 4 Way 4ʼ Length o f 24 D u $$c t ) 15” to 35” diameter air foil blower wheel Dynamically balanced blower wheels -1 2-RR Single or three phase units Single or three Single Single phase or or three three units phase phase units units Dynamically balanced blower wheels 12 ” B o x 770339 2-Y s. 1 639 Single or three phase units 2 0 ae .-i I n t e om c k nt g rS eg am Dynamically balanced blower wheels 733964 12” - Box Cross ring (Two per 4ʼ Length of Duct) Dynamically balanced blower wheels $ Single or three phase units Single or three phase units RPD-12-Y 29 852541 12” YReinforcement RPD-12-RR 3 7 7 0 3 3 9 RPDDynamically balanced blower wheels 1750 & 3500 rpm motors 230, 460 or 575 volt controls 3.0 to 100 HP ratings $ e Dynamically balanced blower wheels Dynamically Dynamically Dynamically balanced blower balanced balanced wheels blower blower wheels wheels 30” CF30-2532T 9754135 12 ” P End C a38 p $ r f o r a t e d 7381 24ʼ and -1 2-PEC Dynamically balanced blower wheels 9736462 CFT30 transition Dynamically balanced blower wheels $ Dynamically balanced blower wheels $ St 852558 12” Cap RPD-12-PEC s. Number Description Number Wt. Price Description Wt. Price Number Number Description Description Wt. Price Wt. Price1 ription De Single or2239 three phase TEFC units Wt. Number Wt. Price 12 ” R eW iPrice n fy o r cr e m e n r i n Description gNumber ( Tw o p eWt. r Perforated 4 ʼEnd Number L eng th o f 2 Du ct ) S l i d E n d C a pt -1 2-RR Galvanized housings motors standard 2-SEC Description Price Number Description Wt. Price 12 ” 4o a C o ss 2-4WC 770339 12” 4Solid Way Cross $$ RPD-12-4WC 24 Number Description Wt. Price Number Description Wt. Price $ 852467 12” End Cap Number Description Wt. Price Number Description Wt. Price RPD-12-SEC 2 9736454 CFT27 transition 757955 24ʼ F in Number Description Wt. Price Number Description Wt. Price Number Description Wt. Price Number Description Wt. Price Dynamically balanced wheels 1750 3500 rpm motors 460 or ” 575 volt controls 12 Y - Number B o T1 xT1 15” to&35” diameter airblower foil230, blower wheel -1 2-Y $ $ Par t # M o d e l # $ 208208 TransitionT1208 Transition2 1 21 Number Description Wt. Price Number Description Wt. Price $ t i o n 2 1 $ Tr ansition2 1 Description Wt. Price Description $ Number Description Wt.Price Price Description Number Number Description Description Description Wt. PriceNumber Description Description Description Price Wt. T1208 Transition21 733964 12” YWt. - Price BoxPrice - -Number -- Number -- -Number - Number --- --29 -Wt. - Wt. -Wt. -$-Wt. -Price -----Price -Wt. - Price -- -Price -RPD-12-Y -Number Number Description Wt. Description Wt. Price 12 ” P e fd or a td ed En CNumber ap andard Descr iption Number Wt. Description Wt. Price Pr Number ice Price So li E n Ca pd $ Number Description Wt. Description T1208 Transition21 2-PEC -1 2-SEC $ $ r Single or three phase units T1208 Transition21 Wt. 9736462 CFT30 transition 3.0 to 100 HP ratings 12” Round 12” Round $ o u nd $PriceEnd Cap T1208 Transition21 1 2” ound T1208 Transition21 ---Number ------------ - - - - Description ---------------- 2 - - - - ---Wt. ----$--------St ---Price ---------- and 852558 R 12” Perforated 12” Round RPD-12-PEC N umber Descr $ T1208 Transition21 7381 6 1 27ʼ 12” Round Number Description $ ription Wt. Price Number De T1 208 Transition21 12” Round $ $ $ $ T1208 TransitionT1208 T1208 T1208 TransitionTransitionTransition21 21 21 21 8 5 2 4 7 5 Dynamically balanced blower wheels 12 ”o 4 W a y Cro ss RPD-1 2-FW 12” Round 12” Round -1 2-4WC $ T1208 Transition21 Galvanized housings TEFC motors standard - - -t $ $ T r a n s i t i n T1208 Transition2 1 21 $ Number Description Wt. Price TransitionT1208 214 $Way - - -Wt. ---------------s - - - -- - - - Number ----- - -a - -Description - - - - -------------24 -------$-----------$-Price ------ 770339 12” --------r RPD-12-4WC 12” Round T i T 2 0 8 Ye -r B or x ------$ ------- - n 12 ”1 P fo a te d E nd C aT p Transition21 12” Round $ $ 2-Y -1 2-PEC 12” Round 12” Round 12” 12” Round Round 21 T1 209 T1209 21 21 TransitionTransitionT1 80 1 T1801 TransitionTransition21 2R 1 $ $ Cross 2 1 t i o n T 1 8 0 1 T a 15” to diameter air foil230, blower wheel T1 209 2 1 r ansition$ T1209 TransitionT1801 Transition21 12” Round $1 2 ” R o u n d 12” Round &35” 3500 rpm motors 460 or 575 volt controls 12” Round T1201 757989 Fr in $ T r a n s i t21 i” o n T1 2 0 8 t i o n -1750 2 1 733964 12” Y $ - Box 27ʼ $ $ 1 2 o RPD-12-Y 29 $ $ T1209 21 TransitionT1801 Transition21 14” Round T1209 21 TransitionT1801 Transition$ $ $ $ 18” Round 1 18” Round 8 18” 18” Round Round TransitionT1208 21 ou un nd d 1 8” T1209 T1801 Transition8” R ound T1209 215 TransitionT1801 Transition21 3.0 to 100 HP ratings 2 5Number 17 18” Round 18” Round 2-SD 1 2 ” R o n d -18” - - T1801 - T1801 -RPD-1 - - -u -21 - - $-21 ---- 1 o ription Price De Single or three phase units Wt. $Price $Price $ $i T1209 21 TransitionT1801 Transition21 18” Round 18” Round Number Description Description $ $ Wt. T1 209 21 TransitionT1 80 1Number Transition18” Round Round T1209 T1209 T1209 TransitionT1801 Transition2121$ $Wt. 21 21 TransitionTransitionTransitionT1801 TransitionTransitionTransition21 21 n 21 12 ”1 Y B o xC 4 W a y ro s s9T1209 T 2 0 T r a s t 12” Round $ $ 18” 18” Round 18” Round 18” Round -1 2-Y 2-4WC $$ $30ʼ $ $$ $$2 T1209 21 TransitionT1801 Transition21 T1209 2 1 21 T r a n s i t i o n TransitionT1801 Transition21 T1209 21 TransitionT1801 Transition21 Galvanized housings TEFC motors standard 738187 and $ St Dynamically balanced blower wheels 18” Round 18” Round 770339 12” 4$ Way Cross $ $ $ 8 $ $ $ 1 8” Round 1 8” Round 1 8 ” R o RPD-12-4WC 24 T1 202 T1202 Solid End Cap 8 Solid End Cap 8 Solid Solid End End Cap Cap T1 802 T1802 8 E n d C a p 8 S o l T 1 8 0 2 18” Round 18” Round 18” Round 18” 18” Round Round 18” Round 18” 18” Round Round T1 202 Solid End Cap 8 $ 18” Round 18” Round $ t i o n 2 1 T1202 Solid End Cap 8 Solid End Cap T1802 8 1 8 R o u d 18” 18” Round 18” Round Round 18” Round $ 2 5T T1 2 0 9 T r a n s i t i o n TransitionT1208 21 2 1 ti on -1750” 1 8 0 1 T r a & 3500 rpm motors 230, 460 or 575 volt controlsn $Cap8 $ 5 2 5 $ T1202 Solid End 8 Solid End Cap T1802 8 RPD-1 2-PD T1202 Solid End Cap 8 Solid End Cap T1802 8 $ 30ʼ $- - - $ ---- o - End -End - -l -21 -8-d -d T1209 TransitionT1801 TransitionT1202 Solid End 8 Solid Cap T1802 8 T1202 SolidRound End Cap Cap 21 8 $ Solid Cap T1802 F in o u n d 12 ”1 4 $ W ay C r o s 758003 s2 T 2 0 S i E -1 2-4WC $ $ $$ 8 1 1 8 ” R o u n 12” o u n d 8 ” $ $ $ $ T1202 Solid End Cap 8 Solid End Cap T1802 8 Single or three phase units $ $ $ $ $ $ $ T1 202 Solid End Cap 8 Solid End Cap T1 802 7397 48 739748 Solid 20 Solid 20 2 0 739 7 48 Solid 20 $ $ T1202 T1202 T1202 T1202 Solid End Cap 8 Solid End Cap T1802 Solid End Solid Cap Solid End 8 End Cap Cap 8 8 Solid End Solid Cap Solid End End Cap Cap T1802 T1802 T1802 8 8 8 8 ription Price De $ 739748 20 18” Round 18” Round 20 20 $ T1202 Solid End 888 $$$$Price Number Solid End Cap T1802 888 $$$Price T1202 739839 739839 Solid Solid SolidWt. En d C a p 8 Solid End Cap End Cap T1802 7 3 9 8 3 9 Sol T1202 Solid End$Cap CapWt. Solid End CapWt. T1802 20 739748 Solid 20 Number Description Number Description 739839 Solid 739748 Solid Section 20 7 3 9 7 4 8 S o l 20 Dynamically balanced blower wheels 4ft. Section 4ft. Section 739748 20 739748 Solid 20 $ e c ti o n 20n $ i 739839 Solid 4ft. $ Price $ 739839 Solid 4ft. Section 2 1 t i o n 1 8 1 T r a 20 20d $ $ $33ʼ $ 4ft. 4ft. Section Section 739839 Solid T 1 2 0Solid 2 739839 Solid S o l i0 d E d C a p 4 ft . E n d Ca p 8 S o l 2 $ T1209 21 TransitionT1801 Transition21 739748 Solid 20 4 f t . S e $8 $ $ 5T 4ft. Section 739748 Solid 20 $ 4ft. Section t i o n 2 1 4ft. Section 7 4 4797 St and 739748 739748 739748 739748 Solid 20 Solid Solid Solid 20 20 20 $ $ 20 5 2 41 20 $ $ $ 739839 T1202 Solid End Cap 8 T1802 Solid End Cap 8 RPD-1 2-RR 4ft. Section 4ft. Section $ 739748 20 4ft. Section 20 20 20 20 739839 Solid $ $ $ $ 739748 S o l i d 2 Solid 0 20 $ 739748 $ TransitionSolid 20 $ 4ft. Section T1208 21 739839 Solid 739839 Solid Solid Solid ou un nd d 1 8” 20 20 $$- 20 4ft. Section 4ft. Section 18” Round 18” Round 20 739839 Solid 739839 Solid 4ft. Section $ -739839 - - 739839 - 739839 -r - - -6 f -20 --- $ --Solid $ $ o 4ft. Section $ $ 739730 739730 20 20 $ 739756 739756 4ft. Section 4ft. Section 4ft. 4ft. Section Section 20 Perforated Perforated Perforated Perforated 2 0 7 3 9 7 5 r a te P e r 739 730 20 P erfor ated $ ription Wt. Price Number De 1363 7 3 9 7 3 0 P e o r 4ft. Section $ 739730 739756 20 4ft. Section Perforated Perforated 4ft. Section 4 ft. S e c t i o n 4ft. Section 12” Round 7 3 9 7 4 8 S o l i d 2 0 4ft. Section 4ft. Section 4ft. Section 4ft. 4ft. Section Section $ $ 758029 33ʼ F in $ 739730 20 739756 20 Perforated Perforated 4ft. Section Number Description Wt. Number Description Wt. Price S 7397304ft. 20 $ 739756 20 $ 4ft. Section Perforated Perforated 7 3 9 8 3 9 o 4ft. Section $ $Price $ 4 f t . S e 739748 20 Solid 4ft. Section 4ft. Section 4ft. Section 739730 739756 e c ti i on n 4 ftl . 739730 20 739756 20 $ Perforated Perforated Section 4ft. Section Perforated Perforated E n d Cap 8 S o l 1 8 0 2 20 4ft. Section 4ft. Section 8 5 2 4T 6 7 $ $ 739839 Solid 4 ft . S e c t i n 2-SE RPD-1 e c t o $ $ T1202 Solid End20 Cap 8 20 End Cap T1802 8 $20 $ $r 739730 739756 20 Perforated Perforated $ 4ft. Section 4ft. Section $o ti o n -$ $ 2 1 739730 20 739756 T 1 8 0 1 T a Perforated Perforated 4ft. Section 4ft. Section 739730 739730 739730 739730 20$ $20 739756 20 739756 739756 739756 20 20 20 Perforated Perforated Perforated Perforated Perforated Perforated Perforated Perforated 4 ft . $ $ 4ft. Section 14 1 8 $ $$ $$ $$ $$20 4ft. Section 4ft. Section 4ft. Section 739730 20 739756 20 Perforated Perforated T 1 2 1 1 4 W a y 739730 2 0 20 739756 20 ription Wt. Price Number De P e rf o r a t e d Perforated Perforated T1209 21 TransitionT1801 Transition21 739730 20 739756 20 Perforated Perforated $ T1208 4ft. Section $ $ 36ʼ $- 20 $ 4ft. Section $ T1 2 1 1 T121 1 4 Way Cross 20 4 Way Cross 20 T1 8 1 1 T181 1 4 4 Way Way Cross Cross 20 7 4 4797 St and $ y C r o s s 2 0 T 1 8 1 1 4 W o u n d T1 2 1 1 4 W ay Cr oss 20 1 8 ” 4ft. Section 4ft. 4ft. Section Section $ $ $ 4ft. Section 4ft. Section 4ft. Section 4ft. 4ft. Section Section 4ft. Section 4ft. 4ft. Section Section T121 1 4 Way Cross 20 T181 1 4 Way Cross 20 2 0 4ft. Section 4ft. Section $ $ 4 f t. S e c t i o n 4ft. Section 4ft. Section 18” 18” Round 739748 Solid 20 7 3 9 7 3 0 4ft. Section 4ft. Section $ $ $ P e rf o r a te d 2 0 7 5 6 T121 1 4 Way Cross T181 1 4 Way Cross 20 r a te d P e r 12” Round $ $ T121 1 4 Way Cross 20 T181 1 4 Way Cross 20 8 5 2 5 5 8 7 3 9 8 3 9 S o l T 1 2 1 2 Y RPD-1 2-PE 20 $ $ 1832 739839 Solid T121 4 T181 1 4 T1211 1 4 Way Way Cross Cross 20 20 $ T181 1 4 Way Way Cross Cross 20 20 $$ $ ti o n -n 2 1 739730 739756 Perforated Perforated e c t o $ -1 -T181 T121 14 4 Way Cross 20 T181 1 4 Way Cross 20 4 ft . e c t i 758029 F in Section e c ti i o n $ $r $ $36ʼ $n T121 1 4 W ay CrossT121 20 T1 8 1 1 4 W ay Cross T1 2 122 T1212 Y 20 Y 20 Y Y T1 8 1 5 T1815 20 $ $ 2 0 Y 1 $$ $o $ 20 $$20$ T1 1 2 Y 20 4 ft . T121 11 T121 T121 T121 1Way 1$ 4ft. 4Way Cross 20 T181 1 45 Way Cross Cross 44 Way Way 20 Cross Cross 20 T181 1 T181 4S Way 11 Cross 44 Way Way Cross Cross 20 20 $ E n d Cap 8 2 S o l 2 1 ti o n T 8 0 1 T a $ $ T1212 Y Y T1815 4 Way Cross 20 T181 4 Way Cross 20 $ $$ $ $$ 20 o u n d T121 4 W a y C r o s s 2 44 Way 0 Cross 20 T181 44 Way Cross 20 $ $ 4ft. Section 4ft. Section T121 Way Cross 20 T181 Way Cross 20 $ T1202 Solid End 8 20 T1802 Solid End 8 20 T1212 Y Y T1815 $ $ $Cap 20 $Cap 20 T1212 Y 111 20 Y 111 T1815 20 T1209 21 TransitionT1801 Transition21 1983 $ $ $ $ T1212 Y 20 Y T1815 20 T1212 Y 20 Y T1815 20 o u n d 1 8 ” 7 3 3 9 6 4 RPD-1 2-Y $ 2 0 7 3 9 7 5 6 T 1 2 1 1 4 W a y C r o s s r ate d P e r y Cr oss T 1 8 1 1 4 W $ $ T1212 Y Y T1815 $ $ T1 2 1 2 Y 20 Y T1 8 1 5 20 739730 20 739756 20 $ Perforated Perforated $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 18” Round 18” Round T1212 T1212 T1212 T1212 Y 20 Y T1815 Y Y Y 20 20 20 Y Y Y T1815 T1815 T1815 20 20 20 20 2 0 $$$ $ T121 12 4 Cross 20 20 T181 1 4 Way Cross T1212 YYYWay YYY3 T1815 $ $$ 42ʼ $ $ T1212 Y 0 20 T1815 738278 and 20 T1212 20 $ T1815 20St 2 1 ti o n -n T 1 8 0 1 T r a 7 3 9 8 9 20 S o l 739748 Solid e c t o 4 ft . 1 8 2 20 $ 4ft. Section 4ft. Section $ 739839 Solid e c ti i o n E n d C a p1 8 T 1 8 0 2 S o l $ o u n d 1 8 T1 2 1 2 Y 2 0 Y 1 5 4 ft” . 7 7 0 3T 31 9 8 4ft. Section $ $ RPD-1 2-4W T1202 Solid End Cap 8 T1802 Solid End Cap 8 $ $ 759142 42ʼ F in $ T1212 Y 20 T1815 Y 20 4ft. Section $ y Cro ss 20 T 1 8 1 1 4 W 2 123 $ $ T121 1 4 Way Cross 20 T181 1 4 Way Cross 20 $ 2 0 7 3 9 7 5 6 r a te d P e r $ En d Volts C p T 1 8 0 2 Sol $ 7 3 9 8 39 20 PART #a Control MODEL Wt. # 8 Dia. Price HP PH PH Control Control Volts Volts Wt. Price 739730 20 $ 739756 Perforated Wt. Price 739748 Perforated Solid $ # MODEL # Wt. 20 $ e c tio n 4 739839 Solid $Control 1 972 0 Y T 1 8 1 5 PART # # Dia. HP PH Volts Wt. Price 738294 and PART # PART MODEL Dia. HPDia. PH HP Control Volts Wt. Price PART # MODEL # Dia. HP PH Control Volts Wt. Price Price $ T1212 Y Section 20 $ 48ʼ Y Section T1815 20 St 4ft ft. . Model Bin PART # MODEL # Dia. HP PH Control Volts Wt. Price 4ft. 4ft. PART # #MODEL MODEL #2 Dia. HP PH Control Volts Wt. Price $ $ $ 2 0 PART # MODEL # Dia. HP PH Control Volts Wt. Price 4ft. Section $$466 Volts Wt. Price 466 N 1 15/230 9850008 AF12-751NC 53 lbs. 12” .75 1 N 115/230 53 lbs. PART # PART # PART PART # # MODEL # Dia. HP PH Control Volts Wt. Price MODEL MODEL # MODEL Dia. # # HP Dia. Dia. PH HP HP Control PH PH Control Control Volts Volts Volts Wt. Price Wt. Wt. Price Price 466 53 lbs. $ Number Dia. 7 3 9 8 3 9 S o l 466 9850008 AF12-751NC 12” .75 1 N 115/230 53 lbs. $ PART # MODEL # Dia. HP PH Control Volts Price $$Price y C r o s s T 1 8 1 1 4 W PART # MODEL # Dia. HP PH Control Volts Wt. Price $ Wt. $ PART # MODEL # Dia. HP PH Control Volts Wt. 2503 2 0 7 3 9 7 5 6 7581 10 48ʼ F in r a te d P e r 466 9850008 AF12-751NC 12” .75 1 N 115/230 53 lbs. $ 9850008 AF12-751NC .75 1 N 115/230 lbs. 615 466 AF12-751NC 12” .7512” 1 .75 N1 115/230 53 lbs. 53 ec9850008 tio9850008 n $ $ T121 1 4 Way Cross 20 T181 1 4 Way Cross 20 466 AF12-751NC 12” N 115/230 lbs. 466 9850008 AF12-751NC 12” .75 1 N 115/230 53 lbs. $ $ $ $ $ 739730 Perforated 20 739756 Perforated 20 $ 570 4 $ $ Wt. Price $lbs. $ $ $ Floor Type N9850008 115/230 9102136 AF12-11NC 67 lbs. 12” 1 1N11Control N NN 115/230 115/230 67 570 e c ti o n 4ft ft. . 570 67 lbs. 9850008 AF12-751NC 12” 1 N 53 $ Floor Type 466 1 15/230 53 Floor Type 9102136 AF12-11NC 67 570 Floor Type $ $$466 466 466 466 466 AF12-751NC 12” .75 1.75 115/230 53 9850008 9850008 9850008 AF12-751NC AF12-751NC AF12-751NC .75 12” 12” 1 .75 .75N 115/230 115/230 115/230 53lbs. lbs. 53 53 lbs. lbs.Price $53 7 3 8 0 8 8 1 8 ʼ $$ Floor Type PART # lbs. MODEL # 12” Dia. HP Volts Wt. $ 466 9850008 AF12-751NC .75 53 2 0 T 1 8 1 5 Y 570 9102136 AF12-11NC 12” 1 1 N 115/230 67 lbs. $ 466 9850008 AF12-751NC 12” .75 11 115/230 N 115/230 lbs. Number Descriptio No. of No. of4ft. No. No. ofNo. of20 $ 4ft. Section Section 466 9850008 AF12-751NC 12” .75 N Model 115/230 53 lbs. of 9102136 AF12-11NC 12” 1 1 67 lbs. 570 9102136 AF12-11NC 12” 1 1 N 115/230 56 lbs. 647 Bin Model BinType Floor Floor Price Price Floor Type Floor Price Model Bin Floor Floor No. of No. of $ 9102136 AF12-11NC 12” 1 1 N 115/230 67 lbs. 570 9102136 AF12-11NC 12” 1 NPH 1 N 115/230 67 lbs. 570 Model Bin Price T1212 Y 20 $ Floor T1815 Y5 0 7 3 9 7 6 r a te d P e r $ Floor Type $ Floor Type Price Price $ $2 $ Standard .090 Standard .090 No. of No. of Standard .090 Standard .090 $ $ $ $ No. of $$ Model Bin Floor Price Price 602 602 N9102136 1 15/230 9747485 AF14-11NC 79 lbs. 14” 1 1 N 115/230 79 lbs. 9102136 AF12-11NC 12” 1 1 N 115/230 67 lbs. 570 7 57 8 8 0 1 8 ʼ Model Bin Floor Price Standard .090 $ 602 79 lbs. y C r o s s 2 0 T 1 8 1 1 4 W 1 15/230 67 lbs. 570 466 3 lbs. $ No. of No. of No. of No. of Floor Type $ 570 9102136 AF12-11NC 9102136 9102136 AF12-11NC AF12-11NC AF12-11NC 12” 12”1112” 112” 12” 1.75 1 N 1115/230 115/230 115/230 N 115/230 115/230 67 67lbs. lbs.67 67 67 lbs. lbs.$$$$Floor 570 570 570Type 602 9747485 AF14-11NC 14” 111N1Floor N 115/230 79 lbs. $570 Supports Supports Flashing Flashing Model Bin Floor Price Model BinFloor Floor Price Supports Price $67 Number Dia. Number Dia. Lbs Wt. LbsOnly) (Floor Only) Standard ---7791 .090 Floor Type Type Floor Floor Type Type$(Floor Wt. Lbs (Floor Number Dia. Wt. Lbs (Flo AF12-11NC 1 1 N 115/230 lbs. Standard -Wt. .090 Supports Flashing ec9747485 ti o9102136 n 4 ft 570 9102136 AF12-11NC 12” 11 11 N 115/230 lbs. 9102136 AF12-11NC 12” NN 115/230 67 lbs. 570 602 9747485 AF14-11NC 14” 79 Number Dia. Wt. Lbs (Floor Only) 466 9850008 AF12-751NC 53 Floor No. of No. of Price T 2 0 8 r a n s i$tio n - . T121 1Bin 4 Way Cross 20 T181 1T 4 Way Cross 20Price 602 AF14-11NC 14” 1 NPH 79 lbs. Type Floor Type .090 9747485 AF14-11NC 14” 1 1 N 115/230 63 lbs. 679 Standard .090 No. of of Floor Type 81-1 3” suppo Model Bin Floor Price Fine - .050 Fine .050 Fine .050 Supports Flashing Fine -Only) .050 No. of No.Price of No. of No. No. No.of of of No. No. ofof Bin Floor Price 9747485 AF14-11NC 14” 1 1 N 115/230 79 lbs. 602 9747485 AF14-11NC 14” 1 1 Model N 115/230 79 lbs. Supports Flashing Number Dia. Wt. Lbs (Floor Only) Model Bin 1 Floor Model Model Model Bin BinStandard Floor Floor Floor PricePrice Price Price $ --- Type .050 Dia. Wt. Lbs (Floor Only) PART # -lbs. MODEL #$ Dia. HP Control Volts Wt. Price $ No. of No. of $$602 Model Bin Floor Price $ Price No. of No. of Supports Flashing Supports Flashing No. of No.No. of Standard .090 Price Bin Model Bin Floor Price Floor Number Dia. Wt. Lbs (Floor Only) Number Dia. Wt. Lbs (Floor Only) $lbs. $lbs. $ Number $ Standard - .090 Model Bin Floor Price 735 N9747485 9850032 230 AF18-11NC 109 lbs. 18” 1.5 1 N NN 230 109 lbs. 735 Price Price Price Price u Fine .050 109 lbs. 735 9747485 AF14-11NC 14” 18 N 115/230 79 Standard -Standard .090 Standard - Fine .090 Standard - .090 -(Floor .090 570 7 lbs. 7 3 1 1 2 21 ʼ Fine - .050Lbs 602 1 15/230 79 1 2 ” R o n d 9850032 AF18-11NC 18” 1 230 109 735 $ Standard ----.090 Price 2 0 T 1 8 1 5 Y Floor Typ 602 602 602 602 AF14-11NC 14” 10 11.5 N 115/230 79 lbs. 9747485 9747485 9747485 AF14-11NC AF14-11NC AF14-11NC 14” 1 14” 14” 1 11 NNumber 11 115/230 115/230 115/230 79 lbs. 79 lbs. lbs.$$$$$$$602 Price Floor Type Supports Flashing $7979 Fine .050 Price Fine .050 Standard .090 Standard .090 Supports Flashing Standard .090 Number Dia. Wt. Lbs (Floor Only) 602 9747485 AF14-11NC 14” 79 Supports Flashing Supports Supports Supports Flashing Flashing Flashing Dia. Wt. Only) $ 9850032 AF18-11NC 18” 1.5 1 230 109 735 602 9747485 AF14-11NC 14” 1 1 N 115/230 lbs. y C r o s s 2 T 1 8 1 1 4 W 9102136 AF12-11NC 12” 1 N 115/230 67 lbs. 570 602 9747485 AF14-11NC 14” 1 1 N 115/230 79 lbs. Number Dia. Wt. Lbs (Floor Only) Number Number Number Dia. Dia. Dia. Wt. Lbs Wt. (Floor Wt. Lbs Lbs Only) (Floor (Floor Only) Only) 9850032 AF18-11NC 18” 1.5 1 N 230 109 lbs. 735 73 Supports Flashing No. of 9850032 AF18-11NC AF18-11NC 18” 1.5 1 1 N 230 lbs. $$Fine 852 Floor Type $ Supports Flashing Fine -Fine .050 Model T1212 YDia. T1815 20$940 Floor Price Supports Flashing 9850032 18” 1.5 N 230 109 lbs. Dia. Lbs (Floor Only) 9850032 AF18-11NC 18” 1.5 1 8 N 738088 230 109 lbs. 735 -Standard .050Number Dia. Number Dia. Wt. Lbs (Floor Only) Wt. Lb Number Wt. LbsBin (Floor Only) $ $735 Fine-623 - .050 Fine .050 Fine - 20 .050 - .050$ Wt. $7 18ʼ 738088 18ʼ Standard 1192 623 1192 122 122 Y 7272 $9 40 8 0 21 ʼ Standar d57 623 1 192 122 12 ”

316 Centrifugal low speed Centrifugal low speed 316



120 Perforated 20 $ 4ft. Sectio120 n


132 4 Way Cros 20 $ 132

61 1 3,252 3,252 3,252 3,252 14 14 61 1 2,722 3,252 47 611 3,252 14 580 61 1 16 61 1 14 1414 759 11 61 1 61 1 61 61 1 1 14 14 141414 1414 61 1 35 759 61 1 759 3,252 14 900 14 759 14 2,722 62 759 759 759 759 759 14 14 14 1416 759 611 759 267 14 325 14 141414 267 47 3,252 267 267 267 35 759 267 267 267 267 267 267 348 14 348 267 336 611 267 267 2,722 348 348 348 47 16 348 759 267 348 348 348 348 348 14 3,252 348 348 348 14 2,722 A 611 20” arch 20” arch 30” 30” arch arch rch 30” a 20” arch 348 267 16 20” arch 30” arch 20” arch 30” arch 3,252 759 20” arch 30” arch arch 30” arch n 20” arch 30” arch 20” 20” arch 20” arch arch 30” 30” arch 30” arch arch1414348 20” arch 30” arch ” arch 20” arch 30” arch in-line fan 611 20” line fan fan in-line fan axial fan in-line fan axialaxial fan in-line fan 20” arch rch 30” a axial fan in-line fan 20” ar 279 279 2 7 9 279 320 267 20” arch 30” arch axial fan in-line fan in-line fan axial fan in-line fan axial axial axial fanfan fan fan in-line in-line in-line fanfan fan fan 279 axial in-line 279 759 axial fan in-line fan 279 14 279 279 279 279 279 279 line 279 279 2 7 rch 30” a 279 348325 325 20” arch 30” arch axial fanfan in-line fan 35 1 351 3 5 1 35 1 9 320 373 27 9 351 325 351 325 267325 351 279 325 351 351 351351 351 351 325 325 325 325 325 axial fan in-line fan 351 325 3 5 1 351 325 351 325 403 348 47 47 47 47 rch 30” a 4 7 4 7 2 7 9 20” arch 30” arch 35 1 279 47 47 m 47 47 78 47 47 351 325 47 47 47 47 55 55 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 55 55 55 47 4 7 85 47 47 55 47 47 85 85 55 55 55 rch 30” a axial fan in-line fan 85 85 112 3 5 1 47 85 325 55 20” 30” arch 55arch 55 351 55 55 55 2 7 9 47 47 85 55 55 5 5 85 55 85 85 85 85 279 84 85 85 85 53 53 87 87 5 3 53 rch 30” a 55 53 87 53 87 55 53 87 axial fan in-line fan 4 85 47 53 87 53 87 37 5 1 2 7 9 53 47 87 53 53 53 87 87 87 121 53 87 53 5 3 87 351 325 53 87 279 90 206 206 382 382 25 06 206 5 55 5 3 206 382 206 382 85 206 382 53 87 2 7 9 206 382 206 382 165 4 7 1 6 5 165 10 65 382 248 3 5 1 206 382 206 206 206 382 382 248 438 165 248 238 206 382 206 2 382 47 47 206 382 165 248 351 325 165 2486 165 248 5 3 2 0 6 165 248 53 87 1 65 248 5 5 165 248 165 165 165 248 248 248 Caldw 285 206 382 165 248 3 5 1 165 1 65 248 191 165 248 55 85 4 7 450 rpm axialaxial axial fans 3450 rpm 1 6 5 47 47 fans 3450 rpm fans fans 3450 3450 rpm 165 248 perfo axial rpm 2 0 6 206 382 axial fans 3450 rpm n rpm 5 5 3 axial fans 3450 rpm axial axial axial fans fans fans 3450 3450 3450 rpm rpm rpm 4 7 axial fans 3450 rpm axial fans 3450 rpm 53 87 55 85 1 65 165 248 axial fans 3450 5rpm 5 20” arc 23 06 5 206 382 53 87 axial fans 3450 rpm 1 6 5 -line f an 5 3 165 248 206 206 382 1 6 5 2 0 6 axial fans 3450 rpm $ $ 738088 Standard 623 738088 18ʼ Standard 623 1192 122of Standard 72 of $940 $ 165 248 No. No. 466 9850008 AF12-751NC 12” .75 115/230 53 $lbs. $lbs. $$ Fine ---.050 Standard - 18” .090 738088 18ʼ Standard 623 1192 122 72 $940 Fine .050 Fine .050 Model Bin Floor Price 781 781 N230 230 143 lbs. 9744698 AF18-31NC 18” 31.5 1N N230 230 143 9850032 AF18-11NC 18” 1 N 230 109 735 Fine .050 78 1 1 43 lbs. lbs. $$$781 735 109 lbs. 602 9 lbs. 9744698 AF18-31NC 18” 3 1 N 230 143 lbs. 735 9850032 9850032 AF18-11NC 9850032 9850032 AF18-11NC AF18-11NC AF18-11NC 18” 1.5 1.5 18” 18” 11.5 1 1.5 230 N 109 109 230 230 lbs. lbs. 109 lbs. lbs. 735 735 735 18ʼ $ 738088 18ʼ Standard 623 1192 122 72 $940 $ 109 Price Supports 738088 18ʼ T(Floor Standard 1192 122 72 $940 Standard -623 .090 $$602 735 9850032 AF18-11NC 18” 1.5 1 230 109 Number Dia. 1 2 0 9 T ra n s itio 9850032 AF18-11NC 18” 1.5 11 11 230 N 230 109 lbs. 735 Wt. Lbs Only) 781 9744698 AF18-31NC 3 143 lbs. 9850032 AF18-11NC 18” 1.5 NN 230 109 lbs. 735 $ 9747485 AF14-11NC 14” 1 N 115/230 79 lbs. 738088 18ʼ Standard 623 1192 122 72 $940 781 9744698 AF18-31NC 18” 3 1 NN 143 lbs. 738088 18ʼ Standard 623 1192 122 72 $940 $ 2 0 T1 8 1 5 Y 9744698 AF18-31NC 18” 3 1 N 230 lbs. 958 Supports Flashing 781 9744698 AF18-31NC 18” 3 1 N 230 143 lbs. $ Fine -n .05 781 9744698 AF18-31NC 18” 3 1 N 230 143 lbs. Fine .050 Number Dia.18ʼ Wt. Lbs (Floor Only) $ $ $ 1 6 5 $$1048 757880 18ʼ Fine 757880 18ʼ 615 Fine 1353 615 1353 122 122 72 72 $1048 $1048 $ F ine 615 1353 122 738088 18ʼ Standard 623 1192 122 72 $940 $ 757880 18ʼ Fine 615 Floor Type 9102136 AF12-11NC 12” 1 1 N 115/230 67 lbs. $$570 7 3 8 1 3 8 2 4 ʼ 738088 18ʼ Standard 623 1192 122 72 $9 40 $ $lbs. $$ Y 9850065 230 AF18-312 150 lbs. 18” 3 1 Y 230 150 lbs. 1035 1035 757880 Fine 615 1353 738088 18ʼ Standard 623 1192 122 72 $940 738088 738088 738088 18ʼ Standard 18ʼ Standard Standard 623 623 623 1192 1192 1192 122 122 122 72 72 $940 72 $940 $940 781 9744698 AF18-31NC 18” 3 230 143 1 50 lbs. 1035 1 8 ” R o u n d Floor Type Fine .050 PART # MODEL # Dia. HP PH Control Volts Wt. Price $ 1634 735 09 lbs. 781 230 143 lbs. N 9850065 AF18-312 1 Y 150 1035 $ 738088 18ʼ Standard 623 1192 122 72 $940 781 781 781 781 9744698 AF18-31NC 18” 3 1 N 230 143 lbs. 9744698 9744698 9744698 AF18-31NC AF18-31NC AF18-31NC 18” 3 18” 18” 1 3 3 N 1 1 N 230 N 143 230 230 lbs. 143 143 lbs. lbs. $ $ No. of 18 ʼ St a$n d a 757880 r 738088 d 18ʼ Standard 623 1192 122 72 6 $940 Fine 615 1353 $1048 738088 18ʼ Standard 623 1192 122 72 $940 2 3

372 372

206 20 $165 144


$ 3 T1815 Y$35 20 1 450 T1212 Y Caldwell full floor system well full floor s Caldwell full f Caldwell full floor system 450 144 $41 09 Caldwell full floor system Caldwell full floor system Caldwell full floor system Caldwell full floor system Caldwell full floor system Caldwell Caldwell Caldwell full full full floor floor floor system system system Caldwell full floor ldwell ful Caldwell full floor system system perforated perforated channel channel lock lock orated channel perforated ch


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No. No. 781 9744698 AF18-31NC 18” 33 Y 1 11 N 230 143 lbs. 9850065 AF18-312 Y 150 1035 781 18” 1.5 N 230 9744698 AF18-31NC 18” N rpm 230 143 lbs. 735 Model Bin Floor Price 757880 18ʼ Fine 615 1353 122 72 $1048 98500659850032 AF18-312AF18-11NC 3 18” 1fans 230 150 lbs. 109 1035 757880 18ʼ Fine-615 615 1353 122of 72 of $1048 9850065 AF18-312 3 1 Y 230 lbs. 1212 Standard - 18” .090 9850065 AF18-312 18” 3 1 Y 230 150 lbs. 1035 9850065 AF18-312 18” 3 1 Y 230 150 lbs. 1035 ora ted channel axial Price Standard .090 757880 18ʼ Fine 615 1353 122 72 $1048 well full floor 738088 18ʼ Standar 757880 18ʼ Fine 615 1353 72 $1 048 s Standar d 623 1 192 122 602 9747485 AF14-11NC 1 1 N 115/230 79 lbs. Supports 1005 1005 Y 9850073 230 AF18-332 150 lbs. 18” 3 33 Y 3Y3450 230 150 lbs. 757880 18ʼ Fine 615 1353 122 72 $1048 757880 757880 757880 18ʼ 18ʼ Fine Fine Fine 615full 615 615 1353 1353 1353 122122 122 72system 72 $1048 72 168 $1048 $1048 9850065 AF18-312 18” 3 Y 230 150 lbs. 1035 perforated channel lock 1005 1 50 lbs. Wt. Lbs Only) 78 1 43 lbs. 1781 230 150 lbs. 1035 Supports Flashing 1005 9850073 AF18-332 18” 3 3 YY 230 150 lbs. 9850065 AF18-312 18” 314” 1.75 230 150 lbs. 9850065 9850065 9850065 AF18-312 AF18-312 AF18-312 18” 318” 18” 1 11 230 Y 230 Y 150 230 230 lbs. 150 150 lbs. lbs. 1035 1035 1035 1035 757880 18ʼ Fine 615 1353 122 72 $1048 738112 21ʼ Standard 738112 21ʼ 858 Standard 1560 858 1560 168 168 84 84 $1236 $1 236 466 9850008 AF12-751NC 12” 1 N 115/230 53 lbs. Number Dia. Wt. Lbs (Floor Only) Standar d 858 1560 1 8 ʼ F i n e 757880 18ʼ Fine 615 1353 122 72 6 $1048 1 5 T(Floor 1 2 0 2 S o l i d E n d C 7381 12 21ʼ Standard 858 757880 18ʼ18ʼ Fine 615 1353 122122 72 $1048 738088 623 1192 $940 Caldwell floor 9850065 AF18-312 Y 150 1035 Fine .050 738112 21ʼ Standard 858 1560 168 84 $1236 9850065 AF18-312 18” 3 1 Y 230 150 lbs. 1035 1005 9850073 AF18-332 3 9850065 AF18-312 18” 3 1 Y 230 150 lbs. 1035 781 9744698 AF18-31NC 18” 3 1 N 230 143 lbs. 1005 9850073 AF18-332 18” 3 3 Y 150 lbs. Fine .050 738112 21ʼ Standard 858 1560 168 84 $1236 9850073 AF18-332 18” 3 3 Y 230 lbs. 1185 1005 9850073 AF18-332 18” 3 3 Y 230 150 lbs. 1005 9850073 AF18-332 18” 3 3 Y 230 150 lbs. 738112 21ʼ Standard 858 1560 168 84 $1236 z m i n g e r s t e e l . c o m 738112 21ʼ Standard 858 1560 168 84 $1236 738112 21ʼ Standard 858 1560 168 84 $1236 757880 18ʼ F ine 9850032 AF18-11NC 18” 1.5 1 N 230 109 lbs. 735 F ine 615 1353 122 Y230 230 208 9850099 AF24-512 24” 5 1 Y 230 208 lbs. 1459 1459 PART # ine MODEL #lbs. Dia. HP PH Control Volts Wt. Price Floor Type 208 lbs. 1 459 1005 9850073 AF18-332 3 3 150 50 lbs. 1 035 1005 150 lbs. 18” lbs. 9850099 AF24-512 24” 5 Y 230 208 1459 9102136 AF12-11NC 12” 1 1 N 115/230 67 lbs. 570 1005 1005 1005 1005 9850073 9850073 AF18-332 9850073 9850073 AF18-332 AF18-332 AF18-332 18” 18” 3 3 18” 18” 3 3 3 3 Y Y 3 3 230 Y 230 Y 150 150 230 230 lbs. lbs. 150 150 lbs. lbs. 757880 21ʼ Fine 757880 21ʼ 849 Fine 1782 849 1782 168 168 84 84 $1385 $1 385 F 849 1 782 168 well full floor s 738112 21ʼ Standard 858 1560 168 84 $1236 757880 21ʼ Fine 849 18ʼ 615 1353 122 72 $1048 18” Y 230 150 lbs. 21ʼ150 Standard 858 1560 84 $1236 Floor Type 4 No. of Fine 849 $1385 1005 9850073 AF18-332 3 738112 757880 21ʼ Standard 15601782 168 $1236 738112 738112 21ʼ 21ʼ Standard 21ʼ Standard Standard 858 858 1560 1560 1560 168168 168 168 84 84l 84 $1236 84 122 $1236 $1236 9850099 AF24-512 24” 5 208 1459 1005 9850073 AF18-332 18” 33 Y 1 33 738112 YY 230 150 lbs. 7 3 9 7 S o i d Floor Price 1005 9850065 18” Y 230 lbs. 1035 9850073 AF18-332 18” 230 150 lbs.d 2155 9850099 AF24-512AF18-312 1 3 230 208 lbs. 1459 ora ted channel 738112 21ʼ Standard 858 1560 168 84 $1236 Standar d5 24” 623 1 192 21 ʼ St a n a r 738112 d 21ʼ Standard 858 1560 168 84 8 $1236 5 8 757880 Fine 849 1782 $1385 9850099 AF24-512 24” 5 1 Y 230 208 lbs. 1459 No. No. of 738112 21ʼ Standard 858 1560 168of 84 $1236 9850099 AF24-512 24” 5 1 Y 230 208 lbs. 1459 9850099 AF24-512 5 1 Y 230 lbs. 1720 757880 21ʼ738112 Fine 849 8588588 1782 168 84 $1385 Model Bin Floor Price 738088 18ʼ Standard 623 1192 122 72 $940 Standard - 24” .090 757880 21ʼ Fine 849 1782 168 84 $1385 757880 21ʼ Fine 849 1782 168 84 $1385 9744698 AF18-31NC 3 1 N 230 143 lbs. perforated channel lock Y230 230 250 lbs. 9850149 AF24-1012 24” 10 1 230 250 lbs. 1639 1639 9850099 AF24-512 24” 5 55 Y YY230 208 1459 Price 250 lbs. 1 639 Standard -Fine .090 208 lbs. 1459 Supports 1 005 50 lbs. 4 ft . S e c ti on 466 9850008 AF12-751NC 12” 53 9850149 AF24-1012 10 1 Y 230 250 lbs. 1639 9850099 AF24-512 24” 518” 1.75 208 lbs. 9850099 9850099 9850099 AF24-512 AF24-512 AF24-512 24” 5 24” 24” 1 Y757880 11 230 Y 230 Y 115/230 208 230 230 lbs. 208 208 lbs. lbs.781 1459 1459 1459 1459 Wt. Lbs (Floor Only) 602 9747485 AF14-11NC 14” N 79 lbs. 757880 21ʼ Fine 849 1782 168 84 $1385 9850099 AF24-512 24” 5 208 1459 7381 12 21ʼ Standar 21ʼ Fine 849 1782 168 84 $1 385 Standar d 858 1560 168 9850099 AF24-512 24” 5 1 Y 230 208 lbs. 1459 757922 757880 21ʼ Fine 849 1782 168 84 $1385 757880 757880 757880 21ʼ 21ʼ 21ʼ Fine Fine 849 849 849 1782 1782 1782 168 168 168 84 84 $1385 84 $1385 $1385 Supports Flashing 9850149 AF24-1012 10 1 Y 230 250 1639 9850099 AF24-512 24” 5 1 Y 230 208 lbs. 1459 1005 9850073 AF18-332 18” 3 3 150 lbs. Fine .050 2357 9850149 AF24-1012 24” 10 1 Y 250 lbs. 1639 Number Dia. Wt. Lbs (Floor Only) 757880 21ʼ Fine 849 1782 168 84 $1385 F ine 615 1353 122 21 ʼ F i n e 757880 21ʼ Fine 849 1782 168 84 8 $1385 4 9 24ʼ Standard 738138 24ʼ Standard 1917 1122 1917 208 96 $1568 757880 21ʼ 1122 Fine 849 1782 208208 168 8496 $1385 $1568 9850149 AF24-1012 24” 10 1 Y 230 250 lbs. 1639 738112 Standard 858 1560 $1236 Standar d 24” 191 7 208 9850149 AF24-1012 24” 10 1 Y 738138 2301122 250 lbs. 1639 9850149 AF24-1012 10 1 Y 230 lbs. 1035 1954 738138 24ʼ Standard 1 122 757880 18ʼ Fine 615 1353 122 72 $1048 Fine - .050 Floor Type 738138 24ʼ Standard 1122 1917 96 $1568 ora ted channel 9850065 AF18-312 18” 3 10 1 Y 230 150 lbs. 9850172 Y230 230 AF28-1212 297 lbs. 28” 2239 12.5 1Y11 N 297 lbs. 2239 9850149 AF24-1012 24” 10 250 1639 297 lbs. 2239 08 lbs. 1 459 738138 24ʼ Standard 1122 1917 208 96 $1568 250 lbs. Y 230 1639 9102136 AF12-11NC 12” 1 115/230 67 lbs. 570 No. of 738138 24ʼ Standard 1122 1917 208 96 $1568 9850172 AF28-1212 28” 12.5 297 2239 9850149 AF24-1012 24” 10 1 Y 230 250 lbs. 9850149 9850149 9850149 AF24-1012 AF24-1012 AF24-1012 24” 10 24” 24” 1 10 Y 230 Y 250 230 230 lbs. 250 250 lbs. lbs. 1639 1639 1639 1639 9850032 AF18-11NC 18” 1.5 109 lbs. 735 Floor Price Floor Type 9850149 AF24-1012 24” 10 1 Y 230 250 1639 757880 21ʼ F ine 738138 24ʼ Standard 1122 1917 208 96 $1568 F ine 849 1 782 168 738138724ʼ Standard 1122 1917 208oferf 96 of o $1568 39 730 P rated 9850149 AF24-1012 24” 10 11 230 250 lbs. 1639 9850172 AF28-1212 297 lbs. 2239 9850149 AF24-1012 24”1 12.5 10 230 250 lbs. 1459 1639 AF24-512 24” 5 Y1 YYY 230 9850172 9850099 AF28-1212 12.528” 230 297 lbs. 208 2239 Standard - 28” .090 No. No.

ns 3450 rpm

600 600

Caldwell full floor system perforated channel lock

$$ $ $ $ $ $$ $ $ $ $ $$$ $ $ $ $ 3 81 6 1 $7 $ $ $ $ $$ $$$ $ $ $ $ $ 7 57 989 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $$ $ $$$ $ $ $ $ $ $ 7 3 8187 $$ $ $ $ $ $ $$ $ $$$ $ $ 758003 $ $ $ $ $ $ $$ $ $ $$ $ $$$ $ 7 4 47 97 nized housings 12”|to toTEAO 28” diameters diameters motors | .75 .75 to to standard 12.5 horsepower ratings || Galvanized Galvanized housings housings | TEAO TEAO motors motors standard standard otors standard 12” 28” | 12.5 horsepower ratings | $ 12” 28” diameters | .75 to horsepower ratings | Galvanized housings | motors standard $ 12” to 28” diameters | or .75 to 12.5 ratings | Galvanized | TEAO motors standard $ 12” to 28” diameters |controls .75 to 12.5 horsepower ratings ||housings Galvanized housings || TEAO TEAO motors standard 12” to to 28” diameters |horsepower .75$ to|12.5 horsepower ratingsunit Galvanized housings TEAO motors standard 5 8 0 2 9 230, 460 575 volt7 |12.5 Single or three three phase unit $ 230, 460 575 volt Single or phase 12” to 28” diameters |12.5 .75 to 12.5 horsepower ratings | Galvanized Galvanized housings |motors TEAO motors standard sings12” | to TEAO motors standard 12” 28” toor diameters 28” 12” diameters 12” to | toor 28” .75 28” |diameters to .75 diameters 12.5 to controls horsepower |or |.75 horsepower .75 to to12.5 12.5 ratings horsepower ratings horsepower | Galvanized | Galvanized ratings ratings |housings |Galvanized housings Galvanized |housings |TEAO TEAO housings housings motors | |TEAO TEAO standard standard motors motors standard standard 230, 460 or 575 controls | Single or three phase unit 230, 460 575 volt controls |volt Single three phase unit 12” to 28” diameters | .75 to 12.5 horsepower ratings | | motors standard $ 12” to 28” diameters ||standards .75 to 12.5 horsepower ratings || Galvanized housings ||TEAO TEAO motors standard 230, 460 or 575 volt controls | Single or three phase unit Designed to meet CSA standards | Meets OSHA requiremer 230, 460 or 575 volt controls | Single or three phase unit 12” to 28” diameters .75 to 12.5 horsepower ratings Galvanized housings TEAO motors standard $ $ Designed to meet CSA | Meets OSHA requiremer 4 97 230, 460 or 575 volt 7 controls | Single or three47 phase unit $7 $ $

57 955 $ $$

PH Control Volts Wt827 . Price


168 168

$4766 $5606

24 ʼ


27 ʼ 27 ʼ


30ʼ 30ʼ


24ʼ Fine 757955 24ʼ 1108 Fine 2262 1108 2262 208 208208 9696 $1763 $1 763 Model Bin24ʼ Floor Price 757880 21ʼ Fine 849 1782 168 84 $1385 F ine 108 2262 208 9850172 AF28-1212 28” 1 Y 230 297 lbs. 2239 $$1763 738138 Standard 1122 1917 $1568 9850172 AF28-1212 28” 12.5 12.5 1 738138 Y 757955 2301 297 lbs. 2239 757955 24ʼ Fine 1 108 9850172 AF28-1212 12.5 1 Y 230 lbs. d 2688 Standar d 28” 623 1 192 122 24ʼ Standard 1122 1917 208 96 $1 568 757955 24ʼ Fine 1108 208 96 738138 24ʼ (Floor Standard 1122 208 96$1763 $1568 738138 738138 24ʼ Standard 24ʼ Standard Standard 1122 1122 191719172262 1917 1917 208 96 $1568 96 $1568 $1568 Supports 2738 Price 9850073 AF18-332 18” 3 3 Y 230 150 lbs. 738138 Standard 1122 1917 $1568 Standar d 858 1560 168 Wt. Lbs Only) Standard .0901122 4 ft . S e c t i o n 738088 18ʼ 623 1192 122 72 $940 9850172 AF28-1212 28” 1 297 2239 24 ʼ a n a r 738138 d 24ʼ Standard 1122 1917 208 96 1 $1568 1 2 2 757955 24ʼ Fine 1108 2262 208 96 $1763 50 lbs. 1 639 738138 24ʼ Standard 1122 1917 208208 9696 $1568 230 297 2239 Y 738112 21ʼ Standard 858 1560 168 84 $1236 602 9747485 AF14-11NC 14” 79 lbs. 757955 24ʼ738138 Fine 2262 208 96 Floor Type 9850172 9850172 9850172 9850172 AF28-1212 28” 12.5 112.5 230 297 lbs. 2239 AF28-1212 AF28-1212 AF28-1212 28” 12.5 28” 28” 1 12.5Y Y 230 Y 115/230 297 230 230 lbs. 297 297 2239 lbs. lbs.1005 2239 2239 781 9744698 AF18-31NC 18” 312.5 N 230 143 lbs. Fine - lbs. .050 9850172 AF28-1212 28” 12.5 111Y11 St Y 297 2239 757955 24ʼ Fine 1108 2262 208 96 $1763 3 3 ʼ 757955 24ʼ Fine-1108 1108 2262 208 96 $1763 Supports Flashing lbs. Number Dia. Wt. Lbs (Floor Only) 9850172 AF28-1212 28” 12.5 Y 230 297 lbs. 2239 9850172 9850149 AF24-1012 24” 10 1 Y 230 250 AF28-1212 28” 12.5 Y 230 297 lbs. 2239 1639 No. of Floor Price 757955 24ʼ Fine 1108 2262 208 96 $1763 $ Fine .050 F ine 615 1353 122 738138 24ʼ Standar 757955 24ʼ Fine 1108 2262 208 96 $1 7 63 Standar d 1 122 191 7 208 757955 24ʼ Fine 1108 2262 208 96 $1763 757955 757955 757955 24ʼ 24ʼ 24ʼ Fine Fine Fine 1108 1108 1108 2262 2262 2262 208 208 208 96 96 $1763 96 $1763 $1763 9850099 AF24-512 24” 5 1 Y 230 208 lbs. 1459 Standard .090 3001 F ine 849 1 782 168 757955 24ʼ Fine 1108 2262 208 96 $1763 757880 18ʼ 615 1353 122 72 $1048 738161 27ʼ 738161 27ʼ 1432 Standard 2456 1432 2456 262 262 108 108 262 $1959 $1C 959 24 lbs. ʼ F in e 757955 24ʼ Fine 1108 2262 208 96 1 $1763 1 0 8 Standar d 1432 2456 32456 3 ʼ 738161 27ʼ Standard 1432 757955T(Floor 24ʼ 2 Fine 1108 2262 208 W 96 $1763 97 2239 1 1 1 4 a y r o 738138 1122 1917 $1568 9850032 AF18-312 AF18-11NC 1.5 1 N 109Lbs 735 Standard 21ʼ 849 1782 168 84 $1385 9850065 18” 3 Y 230 150 lbs. 1035 738161 27ʼ Standard 1432 262 108 $1959 Supports Wt. Only) 738161 27ʼ Standard 1432 2456 262 108 $1959 9850172 AF28-1212 Y 2301 297 lbs. 2239 Standar d 28” 12.5 1 623 1 192 122 738161 27ʼ Standard 1432 2456 262 108 $1959 Fine .050 738161 27ʼ Standard 1432 2456 262 108 $1959 738161 27ʼ 1416 Standard 1432 2456 262 108 $1959 $2208 757955 24ʼ F ine Fine 108 2262 208 9850149 AF24-1012 24” 10 1 Y 230 250 lbs. 1639 738088 18ʼ Standard 623 1192 122 72108 $940 757989 27ʼ Fine 757989 27ʼ Fine 2828 1416 2828 262 262 108 $2208 F ine 1416 2828 262 3 6 ʼ $$2208 738161 1432 2456 262 108 $1959 757989 27ʼ Fine 1416 Standar d 858 1560 168 757955 24ʼ 1108 2262 208 96 $1763 781 9744698 AF18-31NC 1 N 230 143 lbs. 738161 27ʼ Standard 1432 Standard 2456 262 108 $1 959 757989 27ʼ Fine 1416 2828 1005 9850073 AF18-332 18” 3 3 Y 150 738161 27ʼ Standard 1432 2456 262 108 $1959 738161 738161 738161 27ʼ 27ʼ Standard 27ʼ Standard Standard 1432 1432 1432 2456 2456 2456 262 262 108 262 108 $1959 108 $1959 $1959 Designed to meet CSA standards Meets OSHA requiremer 230, 460 or 575 volt controls | Single or three phase unit T 1 2 1 2 Y Designed to meet CSA standards | Meets OSHA requiremer 3424 230, 460 230, or 460 575 or 230, volt 230, 575 460 controls volt 460 or controls or 575 575 | Single volt | volt Single controls controls or three or | three | Single phase Single phase or unit or three unit three phase phase unit unit 738161 Standard 1432 2456 262 108 $1959 738112 21ʼ 858 1560 168 84 $1236 Standar d 1 122 191 208 27 ʼ230, St a nd ar 738161 27ʼ Standard 1432 2456 262 108 $1959 432 757989 27ʼ Fine 1416 2828 $2208 ors standard requirements 738161 27ʼ Standard 1432 2456 262 108 1 $1959 Designed to meet CSA standards || Meets OSHA requiremer Designed to meet CSA standards Meets OSHA requiremer 460 or 575 controls |||Single or phase unit F ine 615 1353 122 757989 27ʼ d Fine 1416 7 2828 262 108 $2208 230, 460 or 575 volt controls Single or three phase unit 738138 24ʼ Standard 1122 1917 208 96 $1568 230, 460 or 575volt volt7 Single orthree three phase unit 757989 27ʼ Fine 1416 262 108 $2208 757989 27ʼ Fine 1416 2828 262 108 $2208 5 8 0 2 9 32828 6ʼ 12” to 28” diameters |controls .75 to 12.5 horsepower ratings |1Galvanized housings | TEAO motors standard Designed to meet CSA standards |OSHA Meets OSHA requiremer Standar d 623 1 192 122 9850172 AF28-1212 12.5 Y 738187 230 29730ʼ lbs. $$2239 757880 18ʼ 615 1353 122 72120 $1048 Designed Designed to meet toDesigned meet Designed CSA CSA standards to to standards meet meet | CSA CSA Meets |standards Meets standards OSHA |28” requiremer |Meets Meets requiremer OSHA OSHA requiremer requiremer 757989 Fine 1416 2828 262 108 $$2208 F ine 849 1 782 168 9850065 AF18-312 18” 3 150 lbs. 1035 738161 27ʼ Standar 27ʼ Fine 1416 2828 262 108 $2208 Standar d 1432 2456 262 to CSA standards |||Meets OSHA requiremer 9850099 AF24-512 24” 5 1 757989 Y 230 208 1459 Designed to meet CSA standards Meets OSHA requiremer 757989 27ʼ 27ʼ Fine2989 1416 28282989 262316 $2208 757989 757989 757989 27ʼ 27ʼ 27ʼ Fine Fine Fine1416 1416 1416 2828 2828 2828 262 262 108 262 108 108 $2208 108 $2208 $2208 Designed tomeet meet CSA standards Meets OSHA requiremer Standard 738187 30ʼ 1928 Standard 2989 1928 2989 316 316 120 $2388 $2388 d 1928 316 738187 30ʼ Standard 1928 3760 757989 27ʼ Fine 1416 2828 262 108 $2208 757880 21ʼ 849 1782 168 84 $1385 F 1 108 2262 208 738187 30ʼ Standard 1928 120 $2388 27 Standar ʼDesigned F in e 757989 27ʼ Fine 1416 2828 262 108 1 $2208 4 1 6 757989 27ʼ Fine 1416 2828 262 108 $2208 738161 1432 2456 $1959 757955 24ʼ Fine 1108 2262 208 96 $1763 230, 460 or ine 575 volt controls | Single or three phase unit 738187 30ʼ Standard 1928 2989 316 120 $2388 738187 30ʼ Standard 1928 2989 316 120 $2388 F ine ine 615 1353 122 Standar d3 858 1560 168 7 8 27 8 4 2 ʼ 738187 30ʼ Standard 1928 2989 316 120 $2388 738187 30ʼ 1753 Standard 1928 2989 316 120 $2388 $1005 fans 3450 rpm 757989 27ʼ F ine 9850073 AF18-332 18”OSHA 3 3Galvanized 150 lbs. F 1416 2828 262 rpm 9850149 AF24-1012 24” 10 1 Y 230 250 1639 758003 30ʼ Fine 758003 30ʼ Fine 3450 1753 3450 316 316 120 120 $2697 $2697 in-line centrifugal fans 3450 rpm Designed to meet CSA standards | Meets requiremer $ F ine 1 753 3450 316 12” to 28” diameters | .75 to 12.5 horsepower ratings | housings | TEAO motors standard 738187 Standard 1928 2989 316 120 $2388 758003 30ʼ Fine 1753 738112 21ʼ 858 1560 168 84 $1236 738187 30ʼ Standard 1928 2989 316 120 $2388 758003 30ʼ Fine 1753 3450 $2697 738187r 30ʼ 30ʼ Standard 1928 29892989 $2388 738187 738187 738187 30ʼ 30ʼ Standard 30ʼ Standard Standard 1928 1928 1928 2989 2989 2989 316 316ʼ 316 120 316 120$2697 120 $2388 120 $2388 $23882 757989 27ʼ 1416 2828 262 108 $2208 in-line centrifugal fans 3450 rpm Standar d 1 122 191 7 208 4178 in-line centrifugal fans 3450 rpm 738187 Standard 1928 316 120 $2388 7 5 9 1 4 2 4 2 30 ʼ St a n d a 738187 d 30ʼ Standard 1928 2989 316 120 1 $2388 9 8 758003 Fine 1753 3450 $2697 738187 30ʼ Standard 1928 2989 316 120 $2388 758003 30ʼ Fine 1753 3450 316 120 in-line centrifugal fans 3450 rpm Standar d 1432 2456 262 738138 24ʼ 1122 1917 208 96 $1568 $ F ine 849 1 782 168 758003 30ʼ Fine 1753 3450 316 120 $2697 758003 30ʼ Fine 1753 3450 316 120 $2697 738161 27ʼ Standard 1432 2456 262 108 $1959 $ 230, 460 or 575 volt controls |centrifugal Single orPrice three phase unit 9850099 AF24-512 24” 5 fans 1 758003 Y3450 230 208 lbs. 1459 in-line centrifugal fans 3450 rpm s 3450 9850172 AF28-1212 28” 12.5 297 2239 858 1560 168 in-line in-line in-line in-line centrifugal centrifugal fans fans fans 3450 3450 rpm 3450 rpm rpm rpm $$2697 758003 Fine 1753 316 120 Control Volts MODEL Wt. #centrifugal Dia. HP PH Control Volts Wt. Price PART #rpm 757880 21ʼ 84930ʼ 1782 168 84120 $1385 738187 Standar 30ʼ Fine 1753 3450 $2697 Wt. Price Standar d 1928 2989 316 in-line centrifugal fans 3450 rpm 758003 30ʼ 30ʼ Fine 1753 34503450 316ʼ $2697 758003 758003 758003 30ʼ 30ʼ 30ʼ Fine Fine Fine1753 1753 1753 3450 3450 3450 316316 316 120 316 120 120 $2697 120 $2697 $2697 MODEL # Dia. HP PH Control Volts Wt. Price PART # F ine 1 108 2262 208 in-line centrifugal fans 3450 rpm 4596 316 120 758003 30ʼ Fine 1753 3450 $2697 3 0 ʼ F i n e 758003 30ʼ Fine 1753 3450 316 120 1 $2697 7 5 3 7 3 8 2 94 4 8 758003 30ʼ Fine 1753 3450 316 120 $2697 738187 Standard 1928 2989 316 120 $2388 744797 33ʼ Standard 744797 33ʼ 2158 Standard 3638 2158 3638 372 372 132 132 $2948 $29 48 Designed to meet CSA standards | Meets OSHA requiremer Wt. Price MODEL # Dia. HP PH Control Volts Wt. Price PART # Standar d 2158 3638 372 744797 33ʼ Standard 2158 F 1416 2828 262 MODEL #MODEL Dia.# HP PH 10 Control Volts Wt. Price PART # PART 757955 24ʼ 1108 2262 208 96 $1763 $ 744797 33ʼ Standard 2158 3638 372 132 $2948 757989 27ʼ Fine 1416 2828 262 108 $2208 Dia. HP PH Control Volts Wt. # MODEL #d Dia. HP PH Control Volts Wt. lbs. Price Price PART # ine # # Dia. HP PH Control Volts Wt. 9850149 AF24-1012 24” 1 1 Y 1 230 250 744797 33ʼ Standard 2158 3638 372 132 $2948 rpm 744797 33ʼ Standard 2158 7 3638 372 132 $2948 $ $ 1639 849 1 782 168 $ 7 1 122 191 208 758003 30ʼ F ine # Dia. HP PH Control Volts Wt. Price PART # F ine 1 753 3450 316 744797 33ʼ Standard 2158 3638 372 132 $2948 $ 744797 33ʼ 2128 Standard 2158 3638 372 132 $2948 Volts Wt. Price 8 0 4 8 ʼ 1363 1363 MODEL #MODEL HP PH Control Volts Wt. Price MODEL MODEL # MODEL Dia. ## 5 HP Dia. Dia. PH HP HP Control PH Control Control Volts Wt. Wt. Price Wt. Price Price #Standar PART # PART PART #ine YPART 230 164 lbs. 9778464 ILCF18 312 18” 3 1 YVolts 230 164 lbs. 1363 in-line fans 3450 rpm 4 lbs. 12” to 28” | Dia. .75 to 12.5 horsepower ratings | PH Galvanized housings |Volts TEAO motors standard 1363 $ 9778464 ILCF18 ---centrifugal 312 18” 3 1 Y 230 164 lbs. MODEL # Dia. HP PH Control Volts Wt. Price PART # $ 758003 30ʼ Fine 1753 3450 316 120 $2697 758029 33ʼ Fine 758029 33ʼ Fine 4145 2128 4145 372 372372 132 $3245 $3245 MODEL ##d Dia. HP PH Control Volts Wt. Price PART # $ $$2948 F 2128 4145 372 738138 24ʼ 1122 1917 208 96132 $1568 MODEL Dia. HP PH Control Volts Wt. Price PART # #diameters 744797 33ʼ Standard 2158 3638 372 132 758029 33ʼ Fine 2128 744797 33ʼ Standard 2158 3638 372 132 $29 48 $ 758029 Fine 2128 4145 $3245 1363 $$ 1432 2456 262 744797 33ʼ Standard 2158 3638 372 132 $2948 744797 744797 744797 33ʼ 33ʼ Standard 33ʼ Standard Standard 2158 2158 2158 3638 3638 3638 372 132 372 132 $2948 132 $2948 $2948 466 53 lbs. 9778464 ILCF18 312 18” 3 1 Y 230 164 lbs. 1363 5152 9778464 ILCF18 312 18” 3 1 Y 230 164 lbs. Standar 1928 2989 316 744797 Standard 2158 3638 372 132 $2948 9850172 AF28-1212 28” 12.5 1 Y 230 297 lbs. 2239 3 3 ʼ St a n d a r 744797 d 33ʼ Standard 2158 3638 372 132 21 $2948 5 8 1363 1363 758029 33ʼ Fine 2128 4145 $3245 744797 33ʼ Standard 2158 3638 372 132 $2948 9778464 ILCF18 312 18” 1 Y 230 164 lbs. 9778464 ILCF18 ---$ 312 18” 3 1 230 lbs. 738187 30ʼ 1928 2989 316 120 $2388 9778464 ILCF18 312 18” 33 unit 1 230 164 lbs. 738161 27ʼ 1432 2456 262 108 $1959 758029 33ʼ Fine 2128 4145 372 132 $3245 $$1494 F ine 1 108 2262 208 230, 460 or 575 volt controls | Single or three phase $ 758029 33ʼ Fine 2128 4145 372 132 $3245 758029 33ʼ Fine 2128 4145 372 132 $3245 Wt. Price $ $ $ $ $ 1363 9778464 ILCF18 312 18” 3 1 Y 230 164 lbs. 230 164 lbs. 1418 1418 $$1363 Y9778464 230 9778472 ILCF18 lbs. 332 18” 3 3 Y 230 160 lbs. 1363 1363 1363 1363 1418 Standar d 1 122 191 7 208 $ ILCF18 - 160 312 18” 3 11 Y 230 164 lbs. 9778464 9778464 9778464 ILCF18 -CSA ILCF18 312 ILCF18 18” -1363 -312 312 18” 318” 33PH Y1758029 1 Control Y Y Volts 164 230 230 lbs. 164 164 lbs. lbs. $$Price 0 lbs. 757955 24ʼ 1108 2262 208 96144 $1763 758029 33ʼ Fine 2128 4145 372 132 $$3245 MODEL # Dia. HP Wt. PART # 1418 9778464 312 1 164 lbs. 74 4797 33ʼ Standar ILCF18 -----centrifugal 332 18” 3 3 Y 230 160 33ʼ Fine 2128 4145 372 132 $3245 Standar d 2158 3638 372 1363 $ 1416 2828 262 758029 33ʼ Fine 2128 4145 372 132 $3245 758029 758029 758029 33ʼ 33ʼ 33ʼ Fine Fine Fine 2128 2128 2128 4145 4145 4145 372 372 132 372 132 $3245 132 $3245 $3245 1363 9778464 ILCF18 312 18” 33requiremer 1 YY230 230 164 lbs. 570 7 lbs. 9778464 ILCF18 312 18” 1 230 164 lbs. Designed to ine meet standards |3Meets OSHA 744797 36ʼ Standard 744797 36ʼ 2572 Standard 4317 2572 4317 450 450 144 $3513 $35 1 3 5530 in-line fans 3450 rpm 77 9 1 8 1 1 3 F 1 753 3450 316 Standar d 2572 431 7 450 $$1418 744797 36ʼ Standard 2572 Flo 9778472 ILCF18 332 18” 3 3 Y 230 160 lbs. 758029 33ʼ Fine 2128 4145 372 132 $3245 1418 36 3 ʼ9778472 F i n e 758029 33ʼ Fine 2128 4145 372 132 21 $3245 2 8 9778472 ILCF18 332 18” 3 Y 230 160 lbs. 758029 33ʼ Fine 2128 4145 372 132 $3245 744797 36ʼ Standard 2572 4317 450 144 $3513 2158 3638 $2948 758003 30ʼ 1753 3450 316 120 $2697 757989 27ʼ 1416 2828 262 108 $2208 9778472 ILCF18 332 18” 3 333 Y housings 230 170 lbs. 1571 1418 $ 9778472 ILCF18 ---$ 332 18” 3 YY 230 160 lbs. 9778472 ILCF18 332 18” 3 230 160 lbs. $ $$1418 744797 36ʼ Standard 2572 4317 450 144 $3513 $ 12” to 28” diameters | .75 to 12.5 horsepower ratings | Galvanized |1432 TEAO motors Model Bin 36ʼ Standard 2572 4317 450 144 $3513 1 363 $$standard $ $744797 lbs. 1832 1832 Y 230 9779314 ILCF24lbs. 512 24” 5 1 Y230 230 230 lbs. F ine 1 108 2262 208 744797 36ʼ Standard 2572 4317 450 144 $3513 1832 744797 36ʼ 2566 Standard 2572 4317 450 144 $3513 9778472 ILCF18 -- 332 18” Y 230 160 lbs. Standar d 2456 262 30 lbs. $ 230 160 lbs. 1832 1418 1418 1418 141836ʼ 758029 33ʼ F ine F ine 2128 4145 372 9779314 ILCF24512 24” 5 1 Y 230 230 lbs. 9778472 ILCF18 - 230 332 18” 3 3 33 Y 230 160 lbs. 9778472 9778472 9778472 ILCF18 - ILCF18 332 ILCF18 18” -1418 -332 332 18” 318” 33Y 3 Y3744797 3 230 Y Y758029 160 230 230 lbs. 160 160 lbs. lbs. $$$$$$$1418 Stand $ 1363 9778464 312 164 1418 602 79 lbs. 758029 36ʼ Fine 758029 36ʼ Fine 5096 2566 5096 450 450 144 144 $4109 $4109 9778472 ILCF18 332 18” 3 3 Y 230 160 lbs. 1418 F ine 2566 5096 450 $ 744797 Standard 2572 4317 450 144 $3513 Fine 2566 1832 1418 9778472 ILCF18 332 18” 3 3 Y 230 160 lbs. 9779314 ILCF24512 24” 5 1 230 9778472 ILCF18 332 18” 3 3 Y 230 160 lbs. 36ʼ Standard 2572 4317 450 144 $35 1 3 1832 738161 27ʼ 1432 2456 262 108 $1959 Standar d 1928 2989 316 9738229 9779314 ILCF24512 24” 5 1 230 lbs. 758029 36ʼ Fine 2566 5096 $4109 33ʼ 2128 4145 372 132 $3245 744797r 36ʼ 36ʼ Standard 2572 2572 43174317 450144 $3513 744797 744797 744797 36ʼ 36ʼ Standard 36ʼ Standard Standard 2572 2572 2572 4317 4317 4317 450Dia. 144 450 144$4109 $3513 144 $3513 $3513 230, 460 volt controls | Single or$threeHP phase unit MODEL # Dia. Volts Wt. Price PART # or 575ILCF24Number 5947 1832 9779314 512 24” 5 1 YY 230 lbs. 9779314 ILCF24512 24” 55 PH 1 230 230 lbs. 744797 Standard 450 144 $3513 9779314 ILCF24 -$ 3512 24” 1 Control Y 230 230 lbs. 2021 $1832 3 ʼ St a n d a 744797 d 36ʼ Standard 2572 4317 450 144 2 $3513 57 2 $ 758029 Fine 2566 5096 $4109 738187 30ʼ 1928 2989 316 120 $2388 744797 36ʼ Standard 2572 4317 450450 144144 $3513 $ $ Standar d 2158 3638 372 36ʼ Fine 5096 450 $$ $ $758029 Fin 1983 1983 744797 33ʼ Standard 2158 3638 372 132 $2948 758029 36ʼ Fine 2566 5096 450 144 $4109 Y6 230 9783951 249 ILCF24lbs. 712 24” 7.5 1 230 249 lbs. 758029 36ʼ Fine2566 2566 5096 450 144 $4109 1983 1 4 1 8 F ine 1416 2828 262 9779314 ILCF24512 24” 5 Y 230 230 lbs. 49 lbs. 1832 lbs. $ 230 230 1983 1832 1832 1832 1832 9783951 ILCF24712 24” 7.5 1 YY 230 249 lbs. 9779314 9779314 9779314 ILCF249779314 ILCF24512 ILCF24512 ILCF2424” 24” 512 512 5 24” 524” 11 55Y 1 Y 1 230 230 YY 249 230 230 230 230 lbs. lbs. 230 230 lbs. lbs.$$$$$$$1832 Designed tolbs. meet CSA standards | Meets $ 1832 735 1 09 lbs. 9779314 ILCF24512 24” 5 1 230 1832 758029 Fine 2566 144 $$4109 1432 2456 262 1983 1832 9779314 ILCF24512 24” 55requiremer 1 YY230 230 230 lbs. 74 4797 36ʼ Standar 9778472 ILCF18 --centrifugal 332 18” 3 3 Y 230 160 lbs. 36ʼ Fine 2566 5096 450 144 $41 09 9783951 712 7.5 249 9779314 ILCF24512 24” 1 Y1758029 230 230 lbs. Standar d 2572 431 7 450 757989 27ʼ 1416 2828 262 108 $2208 F ine 1 753 3450 316 1983 758227 9783951 ILCF24712 24” 7.5 1OSHA lbs. 758029 36ʼ 36ʼ Fine 2566 50965096 450450 $4109 758029 758029 758029 36ʼ 36ʼ 36ʼ Fine Fine Fine2566 2566 2566 5096 5096 5096 450 450 144 450 144 144 $4109 144 $4109 $4109 $1418 in-line fans 3450 rpm 450 144 6991 1983 1983 9783951 ILCF24712 24” 7.5 Y 9783951 ILCF24712 24” 7.5 1 Y 230 249 lbs. 758029 36ʼ Fine 2566 5096 $4109 1363 3 6 ʼ F i n e 758029 36ʼ Fine 2566 5096 450 144 2 $4109 5 6 6 $ $ 9778464 ILCF18 312 18” 3 1 230 164 lbs. 738278 42ʼ Standard 738278 42ʼ 3512 Standard 5831 3512 5831 600 600 168 168 $4766 $47 66 758003 30ʼ 1753 3450 316 120 $2697 $ 758029 36ʼ Fine 2566 5096 450 144 $4109 Standar d 3512 5831 600 744797 Standard 2572 4317 450 144 $3513 $ $ 9783951 ILCF24 713 24” 7.5 1 Y 230 249 lbs. 2326 738278 42ʼ Standard 3512 F ine 2128 4145 372 $ $$ $$ 738278 42ʼ 3512 5831 600 168 $4766 758029 33ʼ Fine3512 2128 4145 372 132 $3245 1812 1812 Y 230 245 lbs. 9734939 ILCF24732 24” 7.5 3 230 245 lbs. 18 1 2 1 832 9783951 ILCF24712 24” 1 Y 230 249 lbs. 45 lbs. 1983 0 lbs. 230 249 lbs. $ 1812 1983 1983 1983 1983. 738278 42ʼ Standard 3512 5831 600 168 $4766 9734939 ILCF24732 24” 3 YY 230 245 lbs. 738088 Sta 9783951 9783951 9783951 ILCF249783951 ILCF24712 ILCF24712 ILCF2424” 24” 712 712 7.5 7.5 24” 24” 1 7.5 7.5 Y 230 YY 245 249 249 230 230 lbs. lbs. 249 249 lbs. lbs.$$$$$$$1983 $ 738278 42ʼ Standard 5831 600 18ʼ 168 $4766 Standar d 1928 2989 316 1 1983 9783951 712 7.5 249 lbs. 1983 78 1 1 43 lbs. 1416 2828 262 1832 1812 1983 9783951 ILCF24712 24” 7.5 1 Ye 230 249 lbs. 758029 36ʼ F ine 738278 42ʼ Standard 3512 5831 600 168 $4766 738278 42ʼ 3476 Standard 3512 5831 600 168 $4766 F ine 2566 5096 450 9779314 ILCF24512 24” 5 1 Y 230 230 r s t e l c o m 9734939 732 7.5 3 245 9783951 ILCF24712 24” 7.5 1 Y11 230 Y230 230 249 lbs. 1812 9734939 ILCF24732 24” 7.5 31 7.5 YPH lbs. $ 1812 $1418 1812 738187 30ʼ 1928 2989 316 120 $2388 9734939 ILCF24732 24” 7.5 3 Y 230 245 lbs. 9734939 ILCF24732 24” 7.5 3 Y 230 245 lbs. 759142 42ʼ Fine 759142 42ʼ Fine 6910 3476 6910 600 600 168 168 $5606 $5606 $ $ F ine 3476 6910 600 $ 758029 36ʼ Fine 2566 5096 450 144 $4109 738278 42ʼ Standard 3512 5831 600 168 $4766 759142 42ʼ Fine 3476 $ $ $ MODEL # Dia. HP Control Volts Wt. Price PART # $ 738278 42ʼ Standard 3512 5831 600 168 $47 66 9778472 ILCF18 ----332 18” 3 7.5 3 Y 160 lbs. 9778332 ILCF24 732 24” 7.5 3 Y33 St Y YY 230 230 245 lbs. 2107 Standar d 2158 3638 372 759142 3476 6910 $5606 $1812 $$ $$ 738278r 42ʼ 42ʼ Standard 3512 58315831 600168 $4766 738278 738278 738278 42ʼ 42ʼ Standard 42ʼ Standard Standard 3512 3512 3512 5831 5831 5831 600 168 600 168$5606 $4766 168 $4766 $4766 2123 2123 Y 230 283 lbs. 9779413 ILCF28 1012 28” 10 1 Y 230 283 lbs. 21 23 $ 1 983 9734939 ILCF24732 24” 7.5 3 Y 230 245 lbs. 8334 83 lbs. 1812 9 lbs. Standar d 2572 431 7 450 738278 Standard 3512 600 168 $4766 230 245 lbs. $$2123 $ 4 2 ʼ a n d a 738278 d 42ʼ Standard 3512 5831 600 168 3 $4766 51 2 1812 1812 1812 1812 759142 Fine 3476 6910 $5606 $ 738278 42ʼ Standard 3512 5831 600600 168168 $4766 9779413 ILCF28 1012 28” 10 1 230 283 lbs. 9734939 ILCF24732 24” 7.5 Y 230 245 lbs. 9734939 9734939 9734939 ILCF24ILCF24732 ILCF2424” 732 732 7.5 24” 24” 3 7.5 245 230 230 lbs. 245 245 lbs. lbs. 757880 18ʼ 33ʼ 2158 3638 372 132 $2948 744797 36ʼ 2572 4317 450 144 $3513 759142 42ʼ Fine 6910 600 F ine 1 753 3450 316 $ ILCF2424” YY 1812 9734939 732 3 245 1812 1 50 lbs. 1 035 759142 42ʼ Fine 3476 6910 600 168 $5606 2123 1812 9734939 ILCF24732 24” 7.5 3 230 245 lbs. $$1983 759142 42ʼ Fine3476 3476 6910 600 168 $5606 9783951 ILCF24712 24” Y 230 249 lbs. 9779413 ILCF28 -centrifugal 1012 28” 10 YY 283 9734939 ILCF24732 24” 7.5 3 Y230 230 245 lbs. 2123 in-line fans 3450 rpm 9779413 ILCF28 - 1012 28” 10 13 7.5 Y1 230 283 lbs. Standar d 1928 2989 316 $$2123 2123 758003 30ʼ 1753 3450 316 120 $2697 9779413 ILCF28 1012 28” 10 1 230 283 lbs. 9779413 ILCF28 1012 28” 10 1 230 283 lbs. $ $ 759142 42ʼ Fine 3476 6910 600 168 $ $ $$5606 738278 42ʼ Standar 759142 42ʼ 3476 6910 600 168 $5606 $1832 Standar d 3512 5831 600 9779314 ILCF24512 24” 5 1 YY 230 230 F ine 2128 4145 372 759142 42ʼ Fine 3476 6910 600 168 $5606 759142 759142 759142 42ʼ 42ʼ 42ʼ Fine Fine Fine 3476 3476 3476 6910 6910 6910 600 600 168 600 168 $5606 168 $5606 $5606 $$ $ $ Fine 1363 1972 1972 9778464 ILCF18 ------$ 312 18” 3 164 lbs. 9779413 1012 28” 10 1 Y 230 283 lbs. 2354 2123 Y 230 9779454 280 ILCF28 lbs. 1032 28” 10 3 Y 230 280 lbs. 600 168 1972 $ 1 8 1 2 9779413 ILCF28 1012 28” 10 1 Y 230 738294 48ʼ Standard 738294 48ʼ 4600 Standard 8106 4600 8106 827 827 192 192 $6188 $6 1 88 9537 80 lbs. 2123 F ine 2566 5096 450 5 lbs. Standar d 4600 8106 827 759142 42ʼ Fine 3476 6910 $5606 230 283 lbs. 738294 48ʼ Standard 4600 4 2 ʼ F i n e 759142 42ʼ Fine 3476 6910 600 168 3 $5606 47 6 $ 1972 2123 2123 2123 2123 759142 42ʼ Fine 3476 6910 600 168 $5606 $ $ $ 738278 Standard 3512 5831 600 168 $4766 9779454 ILCF28 1032 28” 10 3 Y 230 280 lbs. 9779413 ILCF28 1012 28” 10 1 Y 230 283 lbs. 9779413 9779413 9779413 ILCF28 ILCF28 1012 ILCF28 28” 1012 1012 10 28” 28” 1 10 10 Y 1 1 230 Y Y 283 230 230 lbs. 283 283 lbs. lbs. 33ʼ 2128 4145 372 132 $3245 758029 36ʼ 2566 5096 450 144 $4109 738294 48ʼ 4600 8106 827 192 $6188 $ lbs. 2123 9779413 ILCF28 -----# 1012 28” 10 1 283 2123 1972 2123 9779413 ILCF28 1012 28” 10 11 YY 280 230 283 lbs. 1 005 150 lbs. $1812 9734939 ILCF24732 24” 3 YY 230 245 9779454 1032 280 9779413 ILCF28 1012 28” 10 230 283 lbs. $$Price 1972 738294 48ʼ Standard 4600 8106 827 192 $6188 9779454 ILCF28 - 1032 28” 10 3 7.5 YPH 230 lbs. 738294 48ʼ Standard 4600 8106 827 21ʼ 192 $6188 F ine ine 1753 3450 316 7381 12 Sta 1972 9779454 ILCF28 1032 28” 10 3 230 280 lbs. Standar d 2158 3638 372 9779454 ILCF28 1032 28” 10 3 Y 230 280 lbs. MODEL Dia. HP Control Volts Wt. PART # 738294 48ʼ Standard 4600 8106 827 192 $6188 738294 48ʼ 4553 Standard 4600 8106 827 192 $6188 $ $1972 759142 42ʼ F ine $ $ F 3476 6910 600 $ $ 9783951 ILCF24712 24” 7.5 1 YY 230 249 lbs. $$ $$ 2503 2503 1972 Y 230 9774828 339 ILCF28 lbs. 1532 28” 15 3 Y 230 339 2503 $$$1983 2 1 23 9779454 ILCF28 1032 28” 10 Y 758110 48ʼ Fine 758110 48ʼ Fine 9332 4553 9332 827 827 192 192 $7283 $7283 39 lbs. F ine 4553 9332 827 1972 $ 9779454 1032 2 8” 10 3 Y 230 280 lbs. 2290 3 lbs. 1418 738294 Standard 4600 8106 827 192 $6188 7581 10 48ʼ Fine 4553 744797 33ʼ 2158 3638 372 132 $2948 230 280 lbs. lbs. 9778472 ILCF18 332 18” 3 3 Y 230 160 lbs. 2503 738294 48ʼ Standard 4600 8106 827 192 $6 1 88 1972 1972 1972 1972 Standar d 2572 431 7 450 759142 42ʼ 3476 6910 600 168 $5606 $ $ 9774828 ILCF28 1532 28” 15 Y 339 9779454 9779454 9779454 ILCF28 9779454 ILCF28 1032 ILCF28 1032 ILCF28 28” 28” 1032 1032 10 10 28” 28” 3 3 10 10 Y Y 3 3 230 230 Y Y 280 280 230 230 lbs. lbs. 280 280 lbs. lbs. 758110 48ʼ Fine 4553 9332 $7283 738294r 48ʼ 48ʼ Standard 4600 4600 81068106 $6188 738294 738294 738294 48ʼ 48ʼ Standard 48ʼ Standard Standard 4600 4600 4600 8106 8106 8106 827 827192 192 827 192$7283 $6188 192 $6188 $6188 0 0 $ lbs. 10 230 lbs. 13,131 1972 1032 3 280 1972 2503 1972 208 lbs. 1 459 9779454 ILCF28 1032 28” 10 3 YY 339 230 280 lbs. 738294 Standard 827 192 $6188 $ 9779413 ILCF28 ---- 1012 YY 230 283 9774828 1532 15 339 9779454 ILCF28 1032 28”3 10 10 3 230 280 lbs. d 4 8 ʼ9779454 St a n a 738294 d 48ʼ Standard 4600 8106 827 192 4 $6188 6 758110 Fine 4553 9332 $7283 744797 36ʼ 2572 4317 450 144 $3513 2503 Standar d 3512 5831 600 738294 48ʼ Standard 4600 8106 827827 192192 $6188 9774828 ILCF28 - 1532 28” 1528” Y1 230 lbs. 758110 48ʼ Fine 9332 827 $$2123 738278 42ʼ Standard 3512 5831 600 168 $4766 757880 21ʼ 2503 2503 F ine 2128 4145 372 9774828 ILCF28 1532 28” 15 3 230 339 lbs. 9774828 ILCF28 1532 28” 15 3 230 339 lbs. 758110 48ʼ Fine 4553 9332 827 192 $7283 758110 48ʼ Fine4553 4553 9332 827 192 $7283 $ 1812 $ 9778464 ILCF18 -----$ 312 18” 3 1 230 164 lbs. 9734939 ILCF24732 24” 3 YY 245 $1363 $$ $$ 2503 2158 3638 372 $$ 1 972 9774828 ILCF28 1532 28” 15 3 Y 48ʼ Fine 4553 9332 2503 $$7283 0 230 lbs. 758029 33ʼ4553 2128 4145 372827 132192 $3245 339 lbs. 9779314 ILCF2424” 5 Y 230 lbs. 738294 48ʼ Standar 48ʼ Fine 9332 827 Standar 4600 8106 827 F ine 2566 5096 450 2503 2503 2503 2503 9774828 ILCF28 1532 2 8” 15 3 Y 230 339 lbs. 2813 $ $1832 9774828 9774828 9774828 ILCF28 9774828 ILCF28 - 1532 - ILCF28 1532 ILCF28 28” 28” -d -1532 1532 15 15 28” 28” 3 7.5 3 15 151 Y Y 3758110 3 230 230 YY 230 339 339 230 230 lbs. lbs. 339 339 lbs. lbs.n $ 758110 758110 48ʼSUPPORT Fine 4553 9332 827827 $7283 758110 758110 758110 48ʼ 48ʼ 48ʼ Fine Fine Fine4553 4553 4553 9332 9332 9332 827 192 827 192192 192 $7283 192 $7283 $7283$7283 ILCF28 --- 512 28” 33 YY 230 lbs. FLOOR SUPPORTS 2503 827 192 14,033 FLOOR S 9774828 1532 15 339 2503 FLOOR SUPPORTS FLOOR SUP 758110 48ʼ Fine 4553 9332 $7283 1972 2503 9774828 ILCF28 1532 28” 15 230 339 lbs. 4 8 ʼ F i e 758110 48ʼ Fine 4553 9332 827 192 4 $7283 5 5 3 250 lbs. 1 639 9779454 ILCF28 1032 28” 10 3 Y 230 280 lbs. 9774828 ILCF28 1532 28” 15 3 Y 230 339 lbs. 758029 36ʼ 2566 5096 450 144 $4109 F ine 3476 6910 600 758110 48ʼ Fine 4553 9332 827 192 $7283 738294 Standard 4600 8106 827 192 $6188 FLOOR SUPPORTS 759142 42ʼ Fine FLOOR7 3476 6910 600 168 $5606 $ | 230, 460 or 14” 575 to 28” 28” volt diameter controls housings | 11 to to 15 15 horsepower horsepower ratings || 230, 230, 460 or or 575 575 volt283 controls ontrols $ FLOOR SUPPORTS $ SUPPORTS 2123 14” to diameter housings | ratings 460 volt controls $ 9779413 ILCF28 - 332 1012 28” 10 1 Y volt 230 lbs. Standar d 2572 431 450 1418 FLOOR SUPPORTS 2128 4145 372 9778472 ILCF18 18” 3 3 Y 160 2503 9 lbs. 1983 7581 10 48ʼ F 14” to 28” diameter housings | 1 to 15 horsepower ratings | 230, 460 or 575 volt controls 779181-13” support 18 gauge $5.00 ea 736660-13” support 16 gauge $5.72 ea ine 779181-13” support 18 gauge $5.00 ea 736660-13” support 16 gauge $5.72 ea 738138 24ʼ 9783951 ILCF24712 24” 7.5 1 230 249 lbs. F ine 4553 9332 827 3” suppor t 1 8 gauge $5.00 ea 736660-1 3” suppor t Sta -7 779181-13” support 18 gauge $5.00 ea $ 14” to 28” diameter housings | 1 to 15 horsepower ratings | 230, 460 or 575 controls FLOOR SUPPORTS $ 779181-13” support 18 gauge $5.00 ea 736660-13” support 16 gauge $5.72 ea 14” to 28” diameter housings || 11 to 15 ratings || 230, 460 or 575 volt controls FLOOR SUPPORTS 3 14” to 28” diameter housings to standard 15 horsepower horsepower ratings 230, 460 oror 575 volt339 controls 744797 36ʼ Standard 2572 4317 450 144 $3513 2503 FLOOR SUPPORTS 9774828 ILCF28 1532 28” 15 3 Y 230 lbs. otors | single Galvanized or three housings phase | ODP motors | 3450 rpm motors | single three phase 758110 48ʼ Fine 4553 9332 827 192 $7283 297 lbs. 2239 FLOOR FLOOR SUPPORTS FLOOR SUPPORTS FLOOR SUPPORTS SUPPORTS ase 779181-13” support 18 gauge $5.00 ea 736660-13” support 16 gauge $5.72 ea Standar d 3512 5831 600 779181-13” support - 188106 gauge $5.00 ea 4600 736660-13” support - 16support gauge $5.72 ea $7.00 $ Galvanized housings ||to ODP motors standard | 3450 3450 rpm motors |230, single or three phase FLOOR 14” to 28” diameter |1 to 15 horsepower | or 230, 460 or 575 volt280 controls FL FLOOR SUPPORTS $ FLOOR SUPPORTS 779181-13” support ----$3.33 18 gauge $5.00 ea 736660-13” -- 16 $5.72 ea 0 or 575 volt controls 779181-13” support 18736926-Flashing gauge $5.00 eaSUPPORTS 736660-13” support 16 gauge gauge $5.72 ea Standar d 4600 827 1972 $ 14” to 14” 28” to diameter 28” 14” diameter 14” to housings to 28” housings diameter diameter | 1housings housings 1-15 housings to horsepower 15 horsepower |to 1standard 1 to to15 15 ratings horsepower horsepower ratings | 230, |ratings 230, ratings ratings 460 460 or | |230, 575 575 volt 460 volt 460 controls or controls or 575 575 volt volt controls controls 738278 42ʼ $5.00 Standard 3512 5831 600 168 $4766 Galvanized housings | motors | rpm motors | single three phase 9779454 ILCF28 1032 28” 10 3 230 lbs.par ine 2566 5096 450 738294 48ʼ 8106 827 192 $6188 779181-13” support 18 guage $6.00 ea 736660-13” support 16 gauge ea Galvanized housings |28” ODP motors standard 3450 rpm motors | single three phase 1832 or 12 Pieces for $40.00 736926-Flashing part $3.33 or 12 Pieces Pieces for $40.00 9779314 512 5 1 YYor 230 14” to 28” diameter housings |||1 15 horsepower |||230, or 575 volt controls 736926-Flashing t736926-Flashing or 1 2 Pieces for $40 part $3.33 14” to 28” diameter housings 11|to to 15 horsepower ratings 230, 460 or 575 volt controls 1812 14” toF 28” diameter 15 horsepower ratings 230, 460 oror 575 volt controls Galvanized housings |housings ODP motors standard | rpm motors ||460 single or three phase 9734939 ILCF24732 24” 7.5 3 230 245 lbs. Galvanized housings | ODP ODP motors standard | 3450 3450ratings rpm motors single or three phase 757955 24ʼ 779181-13” support 18 gauge $5.00 ea 736660-13” support 16 $5.72 ea part $3.33 or 12 for $40.00 779181-13” support -$3.33 18 gauge ea support - -----16 gauge $5.72 ea Standar d 2572 431 7 450 779181-13” support -736926-Flashing 18 gauge $5.00 ea 736660-13” support -gauge 16 gauge $5.72 ea 779181-13” 779181-13” 779181-13” support -part 18 support support gauge 18 -736660-13” 18 gauge gauge ea 736660-13” $5.00 ea eaS 736660-13” 736660-13” support - 16 support support 16 -gauge 16 gauge gauge ea $5.72 $5.72 758029 36ʼ Fine 2566 5096 450 144 $4109 FLOOR SUPPORT 736926-Flashing part $3.33 or 12 Pieces for $40.00 779181-13” support --part gauge $5.00 ea 736660-13” support 16 gauge $5.72 ea Galvanized housings | ODP motors |rpm 3450 rpm motors single or three phase 9 1 8 1-1 3” suppor t 779181-13” support 1 8 18 gauge $5.00 gauge ea 736660-13” support 16 gauge $5.72 ea $5 736926-Flashing $3.33 or 12$5.00 Pieces for $40.00 779181-13” support -18 18- $5.00 gauge $5.00 ea 736660-13” support 16- $5.72 gauge $5.72 eaeaea F ine 3476 6910 600 gle or three phase $ Galvanized Galvanized housings Galvanized housings Galvanized | ODP |ILCF28 housings ODP housings motors motors | standard |1532 ODP ODP standard motors motors | standard 3450 | standard 3450 standard rpm motors | |motors 3450 3450 |rpm single |rpm single motors motors or| or three | three |single single phase phase or orthree three phase phase 736926-Flashing part $3.33 or 12 Pieces for $40.00 736926-Flashing part $3.33 or 12 Pieces for $40.00 $ trols FLOOR SUPPORTS F ine 4553 9332 827 Galvanized housings | ODP motors standard | 3450 rpm motors | single or three phase Galvanized housings | ODP motors standard | 3450 rpm motors | single or three phase 759142 42ʼ 3476 6910 600 168 $5606 2503 $ motors standard Galvanized housings | ODP motors standard | 3450 rpm motors | single or three phase 9774828 28” 15 3 Y 230 339 lbs. 758110 48ʼ Fine 4553 9332 827 192 $7283 736926 Flashing 12 pieces $59.00 1983 9783951 ILCF24712 24” 7.5 1 Y 249 736926-Flashing part $3.33 or 12 Pieces for $40.00 2123 736926-Flashing part $3.33 or 12 Pieces for $40.00 14” to 28” diameter housings | 1 to 15 horsepower ratings | 230, 460 or 575 volt controls 9779413 ILCF28 1012 28” 10 Y 230 283 lbs. 7791 81-1 3” suppor 736926-Flashing part $3.33 or 12 Pieces for $40.00 736926-Flashing 736926-Flashing 736926-Flashing part $3.33 part or part 12 $3.33 $3.33 Pieces or or for 12 12 $40.00 Pieces Pieces for for $40.00 $40.00 3” suppor t 1 8 gauge $5.00 ea 736660-1 3” suppor t Sta F ine d 2566 5096 450 Standar 3512 5831 600 736926-Flashing part or for 736926-Flashing 736926-Flashing part $3.33 or 12 Pieces for $40.00 p 736926-Flashing part$3.33 $3.33 or12 12Pieces Pieces for$40.00 $40.00 e 779181-13” support - 18 gauge $5.00 ea 736660-13” support - 16 gauge ea 738161 27ʼ $ 738278 42ʼ Standard 3512 5831 600 168 $5.72 $4766 $ Standar d 8106 827 Galvanized housings | ODP motors standard7.5 | 34503rpm motors | single or 4600 three 280 phase 1812 9734939 ILCF24732 24” Y 245 lbs. FLOOR SUPPORT S 736 1972 736926-Flashing par t $3.33 or 1 2 Pieces for $40 9779454 ILCF28 1032 28” 10 Y 230 738294 48ʼ Standard 4600 8106 827 192 $6188 FLOOR SUPPORTS ine 3476 6910 600 736926-Flashing part $3.336910 or 12 Pieces for 14” to F 28” diameter housingsd to 15 horsepower ratings | 230, 460 or 575 volt controls 757989 27ʼ Standar 3512 5831 600 759142 42ʼ 736660-1 Fine 3476 600$40.00 168 $5606 $ 3” sales suppor t| 1 110 8 3 $5.00 ea 3” suppor t s F ine 4553 9332 827 $ 2123 o 779181-13” support - 18 gauge $5.00 ea 736660-13” support - 16 gauge ea 9779413 1012 1 gauge 283 2503 9774828 ILCF28 - 1532 28” Yw 230 339 lbs. [701] @enzmingersteel.com 252-6118 sales @enzmingersteel.com www.enzmingersteel.com 758110 48ʼwww.enzmingersteel.com Fine z 4553 9332 827www 192 $5.72 $7283 w . e n m i n g e r @enzmingersteel.c m .en Galvanized housings | ODP motors standard15 | 3450 rpm motors | single or threew phase [701] 252-6118 sales @enzmingersteel.com www.enzmingersteel.com [701] 252-6118 sales @enzmingersteel.com www.enzmingersteel.com Standar d 4600 8106 827 F ine 3476 6910 600 736926-Flashing par t $3.33 or 1 2 Pieces for $40 $ [701] 252-6118 sales @enzmingersteel.com www.enzmingersteel.com 738187 30ʼ Sta 736926-Flashing part $3.33 or 12 Pieces for $40.00 1972 - 1032 28” 10 3 Y 230 280 lbs. 738294 SUPPORT 48ʼ Standard 4600 8106 827 192 $6188 FLOOR S [701]ILCF28 252-6118 sales @enzmingersteel.com www.enzmingersteel.com sales9779454 @enzmingersteel.com www.enzmingersteel.com

827 $

192 $6188 Caldwe 192 perfor $7283

1 N 115/230 53 lbs. 466 RTS $ 1 N 115/230support 67 lbs. 570 - 16 gauge 0-13” $5.72 ea Floor Type Model Bin Standard - .090 Floor Price No. of No. of Price 2 Pieces for$ $40.00 1 N 115/230 79 lbs. 602 Supports Flashing


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Power Swing

Get Get the the job job done done faster faster with with O]kl^a]d\ k f]odq \]ka_f]\ O]kl^a]d\ k f]odq \]ka_f]\ Power Power Swing. Swing. Available Available in in 12V Electric Remote 12V Electric Remote or or Hydraulic Hydraulic drive, the drive, the Power Power Swing Swing features: features: .


1535 1535 1545 1545

SEE THE FX OF CHANGE ON THE BATCO FIELD LOADER. SEE THE FX OF CHANGE ON THE BATCO FIELD LOADER. The FX Series has been engineered for ease of maintenance, optimized containment The FX Series has been engineered for ease of maintenance, optimized containment and maximum speed. The FX Series is 50% faster than previous models reaching up and maximum speed. The FX Series is 50% faster than previous models reaching up to 9,000 bph for the 1500 Series and 14,000 bph for the 2000 Series. The optional to 9,000 bph for the 1500 Series and 14,000 bph for the 2000 Series. The optional heavy-duty mover tackles all terrains with ease and the modified hopper keeps grain heavy-duty mover tackles all terrains with ease and the modified hopper keeps grain where it needs to be - on the belt. where it needs to be - on the belt.

wind . Top wind jack jack to to adjust adjust wheel wheel traction traction .. Top Large lug tires for positive grip Large lug tires for positive .. Two wheel drive design grip wheel drive design .. Two Easy Easy installation installation


12 12 Volt Volt Electric Electric Powerswing Powerswing

A-363 A-363 MK100 MK100 10”.......................................$3,363 10”.......................................$3,363 A-264 A-264 MK130 MK130 13”.......................................$3,383 13”.......................................$3,383 A-271 A-271 Add. Add. Remote........................................$225 Remote........................................$225


20” wide belt, 14” tube diameter 20” wide belt, 14” tube diameter Available in 45’ length Available in 45’ length Capacity up to 14,000 bu/hr Capacity up to 14,000 bu/hr




8” 31’-51’ lengths Up to 3,500 BPH 10” 31’-51’ lengths Up to 5,500 BPH

WR & TFX2 Hopper

O]kl^a]d\ k f]o aflYc] `ghh]j ^gj qgmj O]kl^a]d\ k f]o aflYc] `ghh]j ^gj qgmj WR WR or or TFX2 TFX2 auger auger makes makes itit easier easier to unload bins and to unload bins and fill fill trucks. trucks.

AA -250 -250 8” 8”



$ $

.. Available in 8” and 10” models in 8” and 10” models .. Available Optional wheel kit with adjustable Optional wheel adjustable height height .. Wear Edge flightkitinwith hopper Wear Edge flight in hopper .. Self-leveling hopper with tapered transition neck hopper with tapered transition neck .. Self-leveling Easy clean out with Easy clean out with removable removable access access plate plate .. Complete with low Complete with low hitch hitch & & fixed fixed position position stabilizer stabilizer bar bar


$ $

AA -255 -255 13” 13” Intake 8” multiple lengths available Up to 3,000 BPH $ WRXHopper $555 A-260 8”..............................$963 10” multiple lengths available Up to 4,800555 BPH A-260 TFX2 TFX2 8”..............................$963 A-249 10”............................$1,023 A-249 TFX2 TFX2 10”............................$1,023 Several Drive Options to Choose From A-254 A-254 WR WR 13”..............................$1,164 13”..............................$1,164


1500 1500

A-164 A-164

A-175 A-175

Poly Spouts & Hoppers

6-7” Poly Poly Spout A-163......$139 6-7” ......... $167 Poly Spout SpoutA-163. A-163......$139 8-10” Poly Spout A-164....$146 ....... $175 8-10” Poly Poly Spout SpoutA-164. A-164....$146 Poly Spout A-175.......$255 13” Poly Spout A-175. . ......... $307 13” Poly Spout A-175.......$255 16” Poly Spout A-280.......... $452

Poly Hoppers

13” $277 5-section Durable, Durable, flexible flexible poly poly hoppers hoppers allow allow easy easy dumping dumping with with minimum minimum spillage. spillage. VV- style style 13” $239 hopper -- 10“ hopper fits fits augers augers sizes sizes from from 6” 6”16” $463 10“ in in diameter. Large round hopper fits augers diameter. Large round hopper fits augers 3-section 8” 8” and and 13“ 13“ diameter. diameter.

2000 2000

2400 2400

MKX 16-125

P1211513 - (13”) Ideal for Field Loaders P1211514 - (16”) Ideal for all 24 Series units A-163 A-163

TOP TOP DRIVE DRIVE . Hydraulic . Hydraulic

. . . .

Gas Gas Electric Electric

Single lift cylinder with supported heavy-duty slider for added rigidity and stability Single lift cylinder with supported heavy-duty slider for added rigidity and stability Hydraulic joystick controlled 4-wheel steering for effortless maneuverability Hydraulic joystick controlled 4-wheel steering for effortless maneuverability Spring loaded walking axles to keep tires on the ground Spring loaded walking axles to keep tires on the ground 6.5” wide all-terrain tires for added floatation to allow the unit to ride over rough terrain 6.5” wide all-terrain tires for added floatation to allow the unit to ride over rough terrain



. Electric Gas drive standard with soft start electric clutch . Electric BPH Gas drive53’-83’ standard withlengths soft start electricUp clutch 10” to 6,600 13” 64’-114’ lengths Up to 11,000 BPH 16” 85’-125’ lengths to 23,000 OPTIONAL HEA DUTY MOVER KIT OPTIONAL HEAVY VY DUTY Up MOVER KIT BPH . . . . . . . .

AA -251 -251 10” 10”

20” wide belt, 14” tube d 20” wide belt, 14” tube d Available in 45’ length Available in 45’ length Capacity up to 14,000 bu Capacity up to 14,000 bu


. Gas (optional soft start electric clutch) . Gas (optional soft start electric clutch) . Electric . Electric

Wheel kit

FEATURES FEATURES . Bearings are positioned fo . Bearings are positioned fo easy maintenance and se easy maintenance and se . containment . Optimized Optimized containment . coat paint for a d . Powder Powder coat paint for a d . 12.5” discharge hood to a . 12.5” discharge hood to a



2045 2045

.. Weather guards are standard on all conveyors Weather guards are standard on all conveyors .. Maximum service height at 30-degrees Maximum service height at 30-degrees .. All belts are made of 2-ply Chevron, with nylon slider back All belts are made of 2-ply Chevron, with nylon slider back .. Plastic hood and collapsible canvas hoppers provides excellent Plastic hood and collapsible canvas hoppers provides excellent cushioning cushioning for for fragile fragile materials materials

10” 10” Tube Tube || 13” 13” Belt Belt

.. Capacity rated up to 3,500 bu/hr Capacity rated up to 3,500 bu/hr .. Available in lengths from 30’ to 55’ Available in lengths from 30’ to 55’ .. 10” 10” diameter diameter,, 14-gauge 14-gauge tube tube


FEATURES FEATURES .. A-frame undercarriage A-frame undercarriage .. Cable trussing on the 55’ Model Cable trussing on the 55’ Model .. Optional self-propelled kit available Optional self-propelled kit available

Enclosed Collapsible Hopper DRIVE OPTIONS DRIVE OPTIONS

10” 10” Tube Tube || 15” 15” Be Be

.. Capacity rated up Capacity rated up .. Available in lengt Available in lengt .. 10” 10” diameter diameter,, 14 14 .. 12-gauge tube 12-gauge tube 30’ 30’ on on the the 55’55’-


.. A-frame underca A-frame underca 30’ 30’ -- 55’ 55’ lengths lengths .. Hydraulic scissor Hydraulic scissor .. Offers greater Offers greater

.. Pinch S-Drive (55’ The new enclosed collapsible Pinch S-Drive (55’ only) only)hopper is a cost ef.. Gasdelivers ease of use and maxi- and bin cleara fective option that and bin cleara Gas .. Electric mized efficiency. The hopper mounts over your.. Cable Electric Cable trussing trussing on on . PTO .. Extendable axles PTO and releases with the removal existing intake .cage Extendable axles .. Optional self-prop Optional self-prop of two hitch pins. A removable access door makes for easy cleanout. Comes complete with tow hitch.

8-10” Poly Spout A-164....$146 diameter. Large round 1500 1500 1500 250 250 25 13” MK13-91 Poly SpoutUsedA-175.......$255 Westfield Auger.......................... 10,000

. Large lug tires .for opper with tap positive grip Add. Two wheel drive design . Two . Two .wheel A-271 Remote............ Two wheel wheel drive drive drive design design design . Two wheel drive . design Easy installation . Easy . Easy . Easy installation installation installation with removab . Easy installation 12 Volt Electric Powerswing 1212 Volt 12 Volt Electric Volt Electric Electric Powerswing Powerswing Powerswing SERIES SERIES SERIES low hitch & fix 12 Volt Electric Powerswing A-363 MK100 10”.............. A-363 A-363 A-363 MK100 MK100 MK100 10”.......................................$3,363 10”.......................................$3,363 10”.......................................$3,363

8” and 13“ diameter. pper O]kl^a]d\ k f]o aflYc] `ghh] FX SERIES FX SERIES

A-363 MK100 10”.......................................$3,363 A-264 MK130 13”.............. $ FEATURES FEATURES FEATURES FEATURE FEATUR FEAT A-264 MK130 13”.......................................$3,383 A-271 Add. Remote............ WR & TFX2 FIELDHopper LOADERS FIELD LOADERS . 20” . 20” . 20” . 20” . 20” . 20” wide wide belt, wide belt, 14” belt, 14” tube 14” tube diameter tube diameter diameter wide wide bel wi A-271 Add. Remote........................................$225 . . . . . .

A-264 A-264 A-264 MK130 MK130 MK130 13”.......................................$3,383 13”.......................................$3,383 13”.......................................$3,383 A-271 A-271 A-271 Add. Add. Add. Remote........................................$225 Remote........................................$225 Remote........................................$225

Available Available Available in 45’ in 45’ length in 45’ length length 2045 1535 1545 . Capacity . Capacity . Capacity up up to 14,000 up to 14,000 to 14,000 bu/hr bu/hr bu/hr

Power Swing Power Swing X2

1535 1545


Available Available Availab in 4i

. Capacity . Capacity . Capaci up u WR or TFX2 auger makes it et 8”............ Get the job done faster with to unload bins and fill trucks Get the job done faster with DRIVE DRIVE DRIVE OPTIONS OPTIONS OPTIONS DRIVE DRIVE DRIV OP O]kl^a]d\ k f]odq \]ka_f]\

Poly Hoppers

Power Swing

. Available in 8” and 10” models O]kl^a]d\ k f]odq \]ka_f]\ X2 1 0”........... Power Swing. Get Available in done faster the job . Optional Power Swing. Available in WR & TFX2 Hopper 12V Electric Remote or Hydraulic wheel kit with adjustabl with Westfield’s newly .O]kl^a]d\ k f]o aflYc] `ghh] the Power1 Swing features: 12V Electric Remote or Hydraulic Wear Edge flight in hopper Wheel Wheel Wheel kit kit kit Rdrive, 3”............. Top wind jack designed todrive, adjust wheel tractionSwing. . Self-leveling hopper with tapered Whe thePower Power Swing features: SEE THE FX OF CHANGE ON THE BATCO S-DRIVE FIELD LOADER. FEATURES S-DRIVE S-DRIVE . Bearings are positioned for reduced exposure, The FX Series has been engineered for ease of maintenance, optimized containment . THE . Gas . Gas SEE FX OF CHANGE ON THE BATCO FIELD LOADER. Gas (optional (optional (optional soft soft start soft start electric start electric electric clutch) clutch) clutch) easy maintenance and serviceability and maximum speed. The FX Series is 50% faster than previous models reaching upfor ease The FX Series has been engineered of maintenance, optimized containment . Electric . Electric . Electric . Optimized containment TOP TOP DRIVE TOP DRIVE DRIVE to 9,000 bph for the 1500 Series and 14,000 bph for the 2000 Series. The optional and maximum speed. The FX Series is 50% faster than previous models reaching up .(FX . Hydraulic . long . Hydraulic heavy-duty mover tackles all terrains with easeUNDER andUNDER theUNDER modified hopper keeps grain Powder coatonly) paint for a durable, lasting finish MOUNT MOUNT MOUNT S-DRIVE S-DRIVE S-DRIVE (FX 1545 (FX 1545 1545 only) only) Hydraulic to 9,000 bph for the 1500 Series and 14,000 bph for the 2000 Series. The optional . 12.5” discharge hood to accommodate capacity where it needs to be - on the belt.

. . Large lug tires for positive grip . Top wind jack to adjust wheel traction . Two wheel drive design . Easy installation. Large lug tires for positive grip


FEATURES . Gas . Gas . Gas . Bearings are positioned for re . Electric . Electric . Electric easy maintenance and servic . Optimized containment . Powder coat paint for a durab . 12.5” discharge hood to acco

WR or TFX2 auger makes it e . . .

Available in 12V Electric Remote or Hydraulic drive, . Two wheel drive design 12 Volt Electricthe Powerswing . Swing features: Easy installation WRWR WR & &TFX2 &Power TFX2 TFX2 Hopper Hopper Hopper A-363 MK100 10”.......................................$3,363

. Easy clean out with removable ac unload bins and fill trucks .to with low hitch & fixed p . Complete A -250 A -250 A -250 Available in 8” and 10” models . Optional OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL HEA HEA HEA VY VY DUTY VY DUTY DUTY MOVER MOVER MOVER KIT KIT KIT wheel kit with adjustabl 8”8”8” .O]kl^a]d\ k f]o aflYc] `ghh] . . . Wear Edge flight in hopper $ $ $ Single Single Single lift cylinder lift cylinder lift cylinder with with supported with supported supported heavy-duty heavy-duty heavy-duty slider slider for slider added for for added added rigidity rigidity rigidity and and stability and stability stability A-264 MK130 13”.......................................$3,383 O]kl^a]d\ k f]o aflYc] `ghh]j ^gj qgmj O]kl^a]d\ k f]o aflYc] `ghh]j ^gj qgmj O]kl^a]d\ k f]o aflYc] `ghh]j ^gj qgmj 12 Volt • Top A-260 winElectric jack toPowerswing adjust FEATURES FEATURES TFX2 8”................... .WR . Hydraulic . Hydraulic . Hydraulic joystick joystick joystick controlled controlled controlled 4-wheel 4-wheel 4-wheel steering steering steering for effortless for hopper for effortless effortless maneuverability maneuverability maneuverability O]kl^a]d\ k f]o aflYc] `ghh]j ^gj qgmj A-271 Add. Remote........................................$225 Self-leveling with tapered or TFX2 auger makes it e . . A-363 MK100 10”.......................................$3,363 20” wide belt, 14” tube diameter 20” wide belt, 14” tube diameter WRWR orWR or TFX2 or TFX2 TFX2 auger auger auger makes makes makes it easier it easier it easier wheel traction . Spring . Spring . Spring A-249 TFX2 10”................. .walking loaded loaded loaded walking walking axles axles to axles keep to keep totires keep tires on tires the on the on ground the ground ground . Available in 45’ length . Available in 45’ length Easy clean out with removable ac WR or TFX2 auger makes it easier A-264 MK130 13”.......................................$3,383 to unload bins and fill trucks . 6.5” . 6.5” . 6.5” . Capacity up to 14,000 bu/hr . Capacity wide wide all-terrain wide all-terrain tires tires for tires added for for added added floatation floatation floatation allow to allow to the allow the unit the unit tounit ride to ride to over ride over rough over rough terrain rough terrain terrain to to unload to unload unload bins bins bins and and fill and fill trucks. fill trucks. trucks. up toto 14,000 bu/hr FEATURES FEATURES . all-terrain A-254 WR 13”................... • Large Complete with low hitch & fixed p lug tires for A-271 Add. Remote........................................$225 A -251 A -251 A -251to unload . and bins fill trucks. . 20” wide belt, . 20”models in 8” and 10” . Available . Available . Available 14” tubeAvailable diameter wide belt, 14” tube diam in 8” in 8” in and 8” and 10” and 10” models 10” models models Get the job done faster with DRIVE OPTIONS DRIVE OPTIONS positive grip . Available in 45’ length . Available in 45’ length 10” 10” 10”. Available in 8” .and 10” models Optional wheel kit with adjustabl . Optional . Optional . Optional S-DRIVE S-DRIVE wheel wheel wheel kit kit with kit with adjustable with adjustable adjustable height height height . Capacity up to 14,000 bu/hr . Capacity up to 14,000 bu/hr O]kl^a]d\ k f]odq \]ka_f]\ . Gas (optional soft . . start electric clutch) . Gas $ $ $ • Optional wheel kitWear with adjustable height Edge flight in hopper Two wheel design . Wear . Wear . Wear $ . Electric Get the job done faster with Edge Edge Edge flight flight flight in drive hopper in hopper in hopper . A-260 TFX2 TOP DRIVE. . Weather . Weather guards guards guards are8”................... are standard are standard standard onon all on conveyors alltapered conveyors all conveyors Power .Swing. Available in in Wheel kitneck Wear Edge flight hopperElectric . Weather Self-leveling hopper with . Self-leveling . Self-leveling . Self-leveling . Hydraulic UNDER MOUNT S-DRIVE (FX 1545 only) DRIVE OPTIONS DRIVE OPTIONS BELT BELT BELT CONVEYORS CONVEYORS CONVEYORS hopper hopper withwith tapered with tapered tapered transition transition transition neck neck • Easy hopper installation O]kl^a]d\ k f]odq \]ka_f]\ . A-249 TFX2 10”................. . . . . . Electric Gas drive standard with soft start electric clutch Maximum Maximum Maximum service service service height height height at 30-degrees atS-DRIVE 30-degrees at 30-degrees S-DRIVE 12V Electric Remote or Hydraulic Self-leveling hopper with tapered transition neck Easy clean out with removable ac . Easy . Easy . clean Easy clean clean outout with out with removable with removable removable access access access plate plate plate . Available Power in Gas (optional soft start electric clutch) . Gas .Swing. . 2000 . with . All 1300 1300 1300 1500 1500 1500 2000 2000 2400 2400 2400. All A-254 WR 13”................... All belts belts are belts are made are made made of 2-ply of 2-ply of Chevron, 2-ply Chevron, Chevron, with with nylon with nylon nylon slider slide s b Easy clean out with removable access plate Complete low hitch & fixed p . Complete . Complete . Complete A -255 A -255 A -255 drive, .the Power Swing features: . Electric withwith low with low hitch low hitch hitch & fixed & fixed & fixed position position position stabilizer stabilizer stabilizer barbarbar A -250 . Electric DRIVE $ . Plastic . TOP . Plastic 12V Electric Remote or Hydraulic Wheel kit . Plastic hood hood hood and and collapsible and collapsible collapsible canvas canvas canvas hoppers hoppers hoppers provides provide prov e Complete with low hitch & fixed position stabilizer bar . OPTIONAL HEA VY DUTY MOVER KIT 13” 13” 13”wind A 363 10” Elec PS 4,020 Top jack UNDER to adjust wheel traction MOUNT S-DRIVE (FX 1545 only) Hydraulic 8” WR & TFX2 Hopper Power Swing . Electric . Single lift cylinder . cushioning cushioning cushioning for for fragile for fragile fragile materials materials materials drive, the Power Swing features: Gas drive standard with soft start electric clutch $ with supported heavy-duty slider for added rigidity and stability O]kl^a]d\ k f]o aflYc] `ghh]j ^gj qgmj $ $ $ Large 4-wheel lug tires foreffortless positive grip A -16529 4 A steering maneuverability $. Hydraulic joystick.. controlled Getjack the job done faster A-260 TFX2 8”................... WR or TFX2 auger itTFX2 easier Topaxleswind toforadjust wheelwith traction . 4,043 Amakes 334 13” Elec PS A-260 A-260 A-260 TFX2 TFX2 8”..............................$963 8”..............................$963 8”..............................$963 Spring loaded walking to keep tires on thedesign ground Two wheel drive A -163 A -164 A -17 O]kl^a]d\ k f]odq \]ka_f]\ . 6.5” wide A -250 all-terrain tires for added floatation to allow the unit to ride over8”..............................$963 TFX2 to unload bins and fill trucks. .. Easy Large lug tiresA-260 for positive grip rough terrain A-249 TFX2 10”................. installation 10” 10” Tube 10” Tube Tube | 13” | 13” Belt | 13” Belt Belt 10” 10” Tub 10T A -251 A-249 A-249 A-249 TFX2 TFX2 TFX2 10”............................$1,023 10”............................$1,023 10”............................$1,023 SEE THE FX Power Swing. Available in 10”............................$1,023 $ OPTIONAL HEA VY DUTY MOVER KIT Available in 8” and 10”333 models 8” . Two wheel WR &adjustable TFX2 Hopper A-249 TFX2 drive design The FX Series A 13” Hyd PS 2,560 10” A-254 WR 13”................... . . . . . . C Capacity Capacity Capacity rated rated rated up up to up 3,500 to 3,500 to 3,500 bu/hr bu/hr bu/hr Capac Cap Optional wheelA-254 kitO]kl^a]d\ k f]o aflYc] `ghh]j ^gj qgmj with height A-254 A-254 WR WR 13”..............................$1,164 WR 13”..............................$1,164 13”..............................$1,164 12V Electric Remote orwith Hydraulic . Single $ lift cylinder supported heavy-duty slider for added rigidity and stability 12 Voltinstallation Electric Powerswing and maximum . Easy $ 529 WR 13”..............................$1,164 Wear Edge flight in hopper .A-254 543 . . . . . . A Hydraulic joystick controlled 4-wheel steering for effortless maneuverability to 9,000 bph f . drive, the Power Swing features: Available Available Available in lengths in lengths in lengths from from 30’ from 30’ to30’ to 55’ to 55’55’ Availa Ava Weather guards are standard on all conveyors $ CONVEYORS A-363 MK100 10”.......................................$3,363 WR TFX2 auger it easier BELT Self-leveling hopper tapered transitionmakes neckMKX 6-7” Poly Spout A-163......$ . Spring loaded walking axles heavy-duty m Awithor262 1000 RPM Red/Rev 4,016 . Top wind to keep tires on the ground . jack to adjust wheel traction . . . . . . Electric Electric Electric Gas Gas drive Gas drive standard drive standard standard with soft with soft start soft start electric start electric electric clutch clutch clutch heavy-duty mover tackles allwith terrains with ease and the modified hopper keeps grain where it needs to be - on the belt.

& TFX2 Hopper 1500WR 2500 SERIES WR SERIES Intake Hopper & TFX2 Hopper



Intake Hopper 555 555 555Intake Hopper

Intake Intake Intake Hopper Hopper Hopper


2500 S

529 529 529 SERIES Power10” Swing Wheatheart under semi transfer Power2 orbit Swingmotors / no Intake Hopper u-joint, 3’x4’x10 ¾” Hopper 543 543 543variable speed control valve................................. 2,500

Poly Spouts & Hopper Hop 1


New U Hopper

Reg Poly Hopper

Big R

12 Volt Electric Powerswing A-264 MK130 13”.......................................$3,383 to unload bins and fill trucks. Large lug tires for positive grip A -255 A -251 8-10” Poly Spout A-164....$ out A -1 63.. A-363 MK100 10”.......................................$3,363 A-271 Add. Remote........................................$225 Available in 8” and 10” models Two wheel drive design A 271 Additional Remote 271 13” FEATURES FEATURES FEATURES 10” A-264 MK130 13”.......................................$3,383 Intake Hopper Easy installation 13” Poly Spout A-175.......$ Optional wheel kit with adjustable height $ 555 Wear Edge flight in hopper A-271 Add. Remote........................................$225 543 pout A -1 64 Poly Spouts & Hopper 12 Volt Electric Powerswing A 147 Corn Screens , 8”x43” 448 150 FEATU FEA FE BELT CONVEYORS Self-leveling hopper with tapered transition neck A-363 MK100 10”.......................................$3,363 6-7” Poly Spout A-163......$ Easy clean out with removable access plate Poly Hoppers A-264 MK130 13”.......................................$3,383 -255 out 75... Complete with low hitch & fixed position stabilizer bar A A-1 A-271 Add. Remote........................................$225 ,0 Oa\] 9m_]j . / 0 )( 9 8-10” Poly Spout A-164....$ 13” 13” Auger Easy clean out with removable access plate Complete with low . hitch & fixed position stabilizer bar

. A-260 TFX2. 8”..............................$963 A-249 TFX2. 10”............................$1,023 . A-254 WR 13”..............................$1,164 .







. 2400 . .

Maximum service height at 30-degrees 10” 10” diameter 10” diameter diameter , 14-gauge , 14-gauge , 14-gauge tube tube tube . wide all-terrain tires for added floatation to allow the unit to ride over rough terrain . All6.5” belts are made of 2-ply Chevron, with nylon slider back A -163 A -164 . Plastic hood and collapsible canvas hoppers provides excellent cushioning for fragile materials


10” Tube | 13” Belt

. Capacity rated up to 3,500 bu/hr 1500 2000 2400 . Available in lengths from 30’ to 55’


Intake Hopper

A-163 A-163 A-163A-164 A-164 A-164 A-175 A-175 A-175

555 A-260 TFX2 8”..............................$963 Durable, Durable, Durable, flexible flexible flexible poly poly poly hoppers hoppers hoppers allow allow allow easy easy easy A-249 TFX2 10”............................$1,023 dumping dumping dumping with with with minimum minimum minimum spillage. spillage. spillage. Vstyle VVstyle style A-254 WR 13”..............................$1,164 6-7” 6-7” 6-7” Poly Poly Poly Spout Spout Spout A-163......$139 A-163......$139 A-163......$139 $

Poly Poly Poly Spouts Spouts Spouts & &Hoppers &Hoppers Hoppers


10” 10” di1 where it need .



A-frame A-frame A-frame undercarriage undercarriage undercarriage . Weather guards are standard on all conveyors 10”. Tube Belt . Cable .| 15” Cable Cable trussing trussing trussing the on the 55’ the 55’ Model 55’ Model Model . Maximum service heighton aton 30-degrees .

Capacity up to 6,000 bu/hr . Optional . made .rated . All belts . A-fram . A-fr . A Optional self-propelled self-propelled kit with kit available kit available available areOptional of self-propelled 2-ply Chevron, nylon slider back FEATUR . Available in lengths from 30’ to 100’ . Plastic . 20” wide be and collapsible canvas hoppers provides excellent . 10”hood 30’ 30’ 5 3 diameter, 14-gauge tube

A -163 A -164 DRIVE DRIVE OPTIONS OPTIONS OPTIONS .DRIVE cushioning for fragile 12-gauge tube formaterials the first A-164 A-175

. 10” diameter, 14-gauge tube


12-1 A -17

A -17 . Available in 4

. Hydrau . Hyd . H 13” Poly Spout 30’ on theWheel 55’-100’ models Kit A-175.......$

. Off . . Pinch . Pinch . Pinch Wheel kit S-Drive S-Drive S-Drive (55’ (55’ only) (55’ only) only) Hopper Poly Spouts & DRIVE O . . . 10” Tube | 13” Belt 10” Tube | 15” Belt and Gas Gas Gas FEATURES flexible Poly Spouts6-7” & Hoppers kit Durable, Poly Spout A-163......$ . Electric . Electric .Wheel . Cab . C Poly Hoppers Electric dumping with. Cable min 6-7” Poly Spout A-163......$139



per s 8-10” 8-10” 8-10” Poly Poly Poly Spout Spout Spout A-164....$146 A-164....$146 A-164....$146

. A-frame undercarriage . Cable trussing on the 55’ Model

. Optional self-propelled kit available

A-103..........$139 Wheel kit

. Capacity rated up to 3,500 bu/hr . A-frame undercarriage on . Available.inPTO . PTO . PTO lengths from 30’ to 55’

. Capacity up



. Capacity.rated up to Gas (option Electric . Available.in .lengths . .

hopper hopper hopper fitsfits augers fits augers augers sizes sizes sizes from from from 6”6” - 10“ 6” - 10“ - in10“ in in DRIVE OPTIONS 8-10” Poly 30’ - 55’ lengthsSpout Extend ExtE A-164....$ A -250 A-163 A-164 A-175 UNDER MOU fits auger . 10”. Hydraulic . 10” lift on tube 65’ - 100’ hopper diameterscissor , 14-gauge diameter , 14-ga . . . stO 8-10” Poly Spout A-164....$146 Option Opt Gas drive diameter. diameter. diameter. Large Large Large round round round hopper hopper hopper fitsfits augers fits augers augers . OffersSpout 8”. 12-gauge WR & TFX2. Pinch Hopper A-175.......$ S-Drive (55’ only) 13” Poly greater reach tube fo 13” Poly 13” Poly Spout Spout Spout A-175.......$255 A-175.......$255 A-175.......$255 Durable, flexible poly hoppers easy dumping diameter. Large r Durable, flexibleallow poly hoppers allow easywith minimum Poly 13” Spouts &Poly Hoppers A -250 . Gas FEATURES and bin clearance 8”8” and 8” and 13“ and 13“ diameter. 13“ diameter. diameter. $ $ 13” Poly SpoutNew A-175.......$255 30’ on the 55’-10 O]kl^a]d\ k f]o aflYc] `ghh]j ^gj qgmj A -250 dumpingfits withaugers minimum spillage. style in diameter. 633 U Hopper Reg 529 spillage. V’style hopper sizes from V-6”-10” . Electric . Cable trussing 8” and 13“ diame 6-7” Poly Spout A-163......$139 on the 55’ 100’ models WR TFX2 Hopper . A-frame undercarriage OPTION . PTO makes 8” $ 8” WR or&TFX2 it easier WR &auger TFX2 Hopper . Extendable axles on 85’ - 100’ models hopper fits augers8” sizes from 6”diameter. - 10“ in 8-10” Poly Spout A-164....$146 Large round hopper fits augers and 13” FEATURES Poly Hoppers 13” Auger O]kl^a]d\ k f]o aflYc] `ghh]j ^gj qgmj . .,0 . Poly Poly Poly Hoppers Hoppers Hoppers Single lift cyli Cable trussing on the 55’ Model $ 13” Poly Spout A-175.......$255

O]kl^a]d\ k f]o aflYc] `ghh]j ^gj qgmj Optional self-propelled kit available to unload bins andHoppers fill trucks. 529A529 Poly . Optional self-propelled kit available . A-frame undercarria -251 WR or TFX2 auger makes it easier WR or TFX2 auger makes it easier . Available in 8” and 10” models A-223.........$255 A-10 to unload bins fill and trucks. fill trucks. 30’ - 55’ lengths unload binskitand . to A -251 10” Optional wheel with adjustable height DRIVE OPTIONS

diameter. Large round hopper fits augers 8” and 13“ diameter.

. Hydraulic joy . Spring loade . 6.5” wide all

. Hydraulic scissor lift . Available in 8” and 10” models A -251 . Wear Available inflight 8” and 10” models 10” $$650 . Optional Edge in hopper . OffersReg New U Hopper S-Drive (55’ only) greater rea wheel kit with adjustable height . Pinch 10” Durable, flexible poly hoppers allow. easy Poly Spouts & Hoppers $ Optional. Wear wheel kitflight with height neck. Gas BE Self-leveling hopper with tapered transition Edge inadjustable hopper and bin clearance 543 $ 13” Auger ,0 . Self-leveling dumping with minimum spillage. V- .style BELT CON with tapered transition neck Wearclean Edge flight inhopper hopper . Electric . Cable Easy out with removable access plate 6-7” Poly Spout A-163......$139 trussing on th . Easy clean out with removable access plate 130 . Complete A -255 . PTO BE Self-leveling hopper with tapered transition neck . Extendable hopper fits augers sizes from 6” 10“ in axles on with low hitch & fixed position stabilizer bar 1300 1500 A-10 . Complete with low hitch & fixedA-223.........$255 A -255 8-10” Poly Spout A-164....$146 position stabilizer bar . Easy clean . Optional self-propell out with removable access plate diameter. Large round hopper fits augers 13” 13” A -255 130 13” Poly Poly Spout A-175.......$255 CompleteIntake with lowHopper hitch & fixed position stabilizer bar $ $ $ Reg Hopper U Hopper8” and 13“ diameter. Big Round 50”. Dia.

Poly Hoppers A-163



543 543

Intake Hopper

New U Hopper555 665 555 New New New U UHopper UHopper Hopper Reg Reg Reg Poly Poly Poly Hopper Hopper Hopper BigBigBig Round Round Round 50” 50” 50” Dia. Dia. Dia.New 13” Reg A-2608”..............................$963 TFX2 8”..............................$963 A-260 STX/WRX 8”...........................$1,153 A-260 TFX2 Intake Hopper New U Hopper Reg Poly Hopper Big Round 50” Dia. U Hopper Reg Poly Hopper B 48” WideHoppers Auger 6” 7” 8” 13” Auger 10” Auger $ A-249 STX/WRX TFX2 10”............................$1,023 A-249 10”.........................$1,225 [701] 252-6118 13” Auger Poly 13”13” Auger 13” Auger Auger ,0 Oa\] 9m_]j . / 0 ,0 Oa\] 9m_]j . / 0 ,0 Oa\] 9m_]j . / 0 )( 9m_]j )( 9m_]j )( 9m_]j A-249 TFX2 10”............................$1,023 555 ,0 13” Auger ,0 Oa\] 9m_]j . / 0 )( 9m_]j

pper A-103......... $167 A-223......... $307 A-104......... $307 A-223.........$255 A-103..........$139 A-104..........$255 A-223.........$255 A-223.........$255 A-223.........$255 A-103..........$139 A-103..........$139 A-103..........$139

[701] 252-6116

A-254 WR13”. 13”..............................$1,164 A-260 TFX2 8”..............................$963 A-254 WR ..................................$1,392 13” Auger ,0 Oa\] 9m_]j . / 0 ) 3232 HP 32 HP KOHLER HP KOHLER KOHL E 32 HP KOHLER ENGINE INCLUDED WR 13”..............................$1,164 A-223.........$255 A-10 WITH BATCO FIELD LOADER WITH WITH WITH BATCO BATCO BATC FIEF A-104..........$255 A-104..........$255 A-104..........$255 A-254 A-249 TFX2 10”............................$1,023 A-103..........$139 A-223.........$255


$21, $21 $21

SALES@ENZMINGERSTEEL.COM WWW.ENZMINGERSTEEL.COM A-254 WR 13”..............................$1,164


[701] 252-6118


10” Std

Angle Ring


10” HD

Angle Ring



100-00-1300 10” Haven SSD-77 Angle Ring Boone/Rolfes KF100 Boone/Rolfes Independent Authorized Dealer Independent Authorized Dealer

VERMETTE WOOD PRESERVERS Temperature Monitor Temperature Monitor


&Angle POLES Ring TREATED POSTS & POLES VERMETTE WOOD PRESERVERS Prevent costly caused by moisture, mold or or Prevent costlyspoilage spoilage caused by moisture, mold or Regular temperature monitoring insects. Regular temperature monitoring alerts you serious alerts you to toproblems problemsbefore before serious damage cuts into your hard-earned ]ZfZ`^ \nml bgmh rhnk aZk]&^Zkg^] profits. You rate profits. You run runfans fansatatcontrolled controlled rate enough to just enough tomaintain maintainaagoos good temperature balance thethe temperature balancethroughout throughout grain.


12” Split Ring



12” AR


595 ./)

Independent Independent Authorized Authorized Dealer Dealer



$ $

25 17

#777GRY 11 OZ. TUBE Door #777GRY 11 OZ. TUBE

5 5








$ 64 $ 64FAN 145

Chute ANGLE RINGS 18-12 T1812 Reducer Hardware Kit

Part Number Can be installed with 06-AR-STD-NM grain in the bin.6” Std


Part Number


$ T1871

Reducer8 $

Angle Ring



7808-AR-STD-NM RUBBER 8” Std SEALANT Angle Ring 18” BUTYL TTM18R............ 237

5 $ 64

$ 64 351 8


$ 11 OZ. TUBE #777GRY 18” TTM18R. ..........$ 270 18” TTM18R............ $237 $ 24” TTM24R............ 258 08-AR-H-NM Angle Ring 13 T129T $ $ $ 8” HD $ 24” TTM24R............ 24” TTM24R. . ......... 292 46 27” TTM27R............ 28-18 T28182RUBBER Reducer $258 BUTYL SEALANT 303 $ 800-00-1300 Angle Ring 19 $$8” Haven #777GRY 11 OZ. TUBE T189T 27” TTM27R............ 27” TTM27R. . ......... 338 303 $ 32” TTM32R............ 347 $ $ 10-AR-STD-NM $ $ 10” Std Angle RingReducer 9 49 32” 28-24 T28242 32” TTM32R............ T249T TTM32R. . ........... 385 347 $ 37” TTM37R............ 470 $ 37” TTM37R............ TOUGH-T REMOTE 10-AR-H-NM 10” HD AngleLID Ring OPENER 14 37” TTM37R...........$$470 578 T1412



351 & Caldwell POLES $ BUNDLE 51 T1298ATOUGH-T GRAIN PORTS TREATED POSTS & POLES AGNEW STEEL 36 Fan Cover 12” FC $ BUNDLE 100-00-1300 MAERTEN’S GRAIN PORTS $25 10” Haven GRAIN Angle Ring TOUGH-T PORTS T1812 18” TTM18R............ 237 TTM-GP 18” diameter hatch 24” tube 237 TOUGH-T REMOTE LID OPENER $$ GRAIN SPREADER TTM-GP 249 TTM-GP 18” 18”$diameter diameter hatch hatch 24” 24” tube tube 237T2412 24” TTM24R............ $ 258 12-AR-STD-NM 12” Std Angle Ring 17 $ 47 Fan Cover 53 18” TTM18R............ T1498A $237 14” FC 27” TTM27R............ 303 $ Split Ring GOOSENECK 9852079 Caldwell 78 T24182 24” TTM24R............12” 258 VENTS $ .21 .&- 4”-5” 160 $11.12 680 GOOSENECK VENTS 32” TTM32R............ $ .&- 3”-4” 240 $9.10 ---347 $ $ 12”X12” GS-1270.... $72 12”X12” GS-1270. ....... 75 27” TTM27R............ 18” FC 57 Fan Cover 303 / 3”-4” 220 $10.25 9701011 28” Caldwell -- -- -- -61 T1898A .&- 4”-5” 160 AR $11.12 9851873 12” AR Caldwell 46 T28182 AG 100XL 12”X12” GS-1270.... $ ....... $72 / 4”-5” 150 $12.25 -- -- -- -37” TTM37R............ 15”X15” GS-1570. 79 $ 15”X15” GS-1570.... $75 / 3”-4” 220 $10.25 470 32” TTM32R............ 347 / 5”-6” 110 $15.83 -- -- -- -$ 0-1 / . 4”-5” 150 $12.25 9747790 49 15”X15” GS-1570.... T28242 795 $ 0 4”-5” $15.43 $14.74 $ 14” AR $75 Caldwell / Live Northern 5”-6”PCJack Pine120 110 $15.83 ---2 BIN BUNDLE LEVEL 37” TTM37R............ Caldwell 17”x12” 470 88 Caldwell 17”x12” 9747790 14” AR TREATED POSTS Independent Authorized Dealer

VERMETTE WOOD PRESERVERS . Live Northern Jack Pine $ . Creosote treating 9851881 18” AR Caldwell Live Northern JackoilPine . Pentachlorophenal DISCOUNT Creosote treating oiltreat . Pentachlorophenal treat DISCOUNT Length Width Bundle Count Sharp Blunt $ 9851899 24” AR Caldwell AG100 Length Width Bundle Sharp Blunt .&- 2”-3” 320 Count $7.55 ---.&- 240 $9.10 -- -- -- -$ 3”-4” $ .&- 2”-3” 320 $7.55

PART # 6” CB 0 <; 8” CB 10” CB 12” CB


$ $ $






24” FC





Fan Cover 237 237 Fan Cover


ILC FC 14 14



G R A I9N S AV E R 16 109 10 12 $ 18



Independent Authorized Dealer

Guard Rail Guard Rail

Part #

2.99 2.99

5% WT

3”-4” 220 $10.25 4”-5” 150 $12.25 $ 5”-6” 110 $15.83 00 $ $4”-5” 120 $15.43 00 00 $ 5”-6” 90 $19.50 00 $ $6”-7” 70 $26.10 00 00 7”-8” 50 $35.71 4”-5” ------5”-6” 80 $31.55 AVAILABLE IN 13.5’ & 26’ LENGTHS 6”-7” 60 $42.15

---------$14.74 $18.80 $25.43 $35.03 $23.17 $30.55 $41.15

154 166 Caldwell 17”x12” $ 169 Gooseneck Vent... $151 $ 201 12”X12” GS-1270.... $72 15”X15” $ GS-1570.... $75



18” FC

58 88 58 $ 64 6 98 28” FC T2898B ILC FC BIN SEALANT 109 195 BIN SEALANT 17 14 .75X.75X14.5 14195 T2498B


130 21” 1))&*1&,)*) $-/ *+ & *) /))&+*&,)*) ,1 149 POST HOLE AUGERS 1,800 POST POST HOLE HOLE AUGERS AUGERS 209. 2” $ +- *- & - /))&+-&,)*) -+ $ 209. 2” 209. 2” 142 162 1))&*2&,)*) -1 2 9/16” 282. +0 *. & *) /))&+0&,)*) -1 2 2 9/16” 9/16” 282. 282. $ $ $ *0 & - ., 176 154 ,) 1))&+*&,)*) .+ Guard Rail /))&,)&,)*) $ 2.99 / / / 0 0 0 0 )( )( )(




Price $


TOUGH-T GRAIN PORTS 0 5”-6” $19.50 $18.80 treating oil 90 0 . Creosote 4”-5” 120 $15.43 $14.74 $ . Caldwell 17”x12” Gooseneck Vent... 0 6”-7” 70 $26.10 $25.43 $ Gooseneck Vent...... 211 T1298A 9851881 18” AR$$151 Caldwell 51 . Live Northern Jack 0 Pentachlorophenal 5”-6” 90Pine $19.50 $18.80 Fills bin evenlytreat - fits all bins & augers | Adjustable TTM-GP 18” diameter hatch 24” tube TOUGH-T GRAIN PORTS . 0 7”-8” 50 $35.71 $35.03 Creosote treating oil Gooseneck Vent... $151 0 6”-7” 70 $26.10 $25.43 $ Controls Lowers moisture |-$35.71 No $ $53 )( 4”-5” -50 -treat - - Count - - - moving parts $23.17 . Pentachlorophenal 0 7”-8” Bugs | $35.03 TTM-GP 18” diameter tube Length Width Bundle Sharp Blunt 9851899 24” AR hatch 24” Caldwell T1498A )( 5”-6” 80 $31.55 $30.55 )( 4”-5” ------$23.17 .&- 2”-3” 320 $7.55 -- -- --Blunt -.&- 2”-3” Width 60 320 $7.55 )( 6”-7” $41.15 Length Bundle Count $42.15 Sharp )( 5”-6” 80 $31.55 $30.55 $ 9701011 28” AR Caldwell 61 95 T1898A .&- 3”-4” 240 $9.10 .&- 3”-4” 240 $9.10 $ 7” X 32” LOW PROFILE )( 7”-8” 45 $55.25 $54.22 $ )( BIN 6”-7” 2”-3” 60 $42.15 $41.15 LEVEL .&- 320 $7.55 $ .&- 4”-5” 160 $11.12 -$42.62 (67469) .&- 4”-5” 160 $11.12 - -- -- -.75X.75X14.5 )( 7”-8” 25 GOOSENECK )( INDICATOR 45 $55.25 $54.22 12”X12” GS-1270....VENTS $72 TAPERED T329 .&- 7”-8” 3”-4” 240 $9.10 ---$ 95 2 PC BIN LEVEL / 3”-4” 220 $10.25 / 3”-4” 4”-5” 220 160 - - - -- - - )* 5”-6” 80 $37.70 $36.36 $ T2498A (67469) .75X.75X14.5 .&- 7”-8” )( 25 -$10.25 - - - $11.12 $42.62 CLAMP BANDS INDICATOR 12”X12” GS-1270.... $72 / 4”-5” 150 $12.25 -$49.19 / 4”-5” 3”-4” 150 220 $12.25 - -- -- --- - - )* 6”-7” 60 $50.56 15”X15” GS-1570.... $75 / $10.25 )* 5”-6” 80 $37.70 $36.36 $ 30 / 5”-6” $15.83 -$58.00 / 5”-6” 110 150 $15.83 - -- -- --- - - ). 6”-7” -$50.56 - - - $12.25 / $110 $ )* LevALERT 6”-7” 4”-5” 60 $49.19 LevALERT BIN $ T2898A PART # PRICE $75 15”X15” GS-1570.... (290040-R) MESH 4’X325’ 0 4”-5” 120 $15.43 $14.74 0 4”-5” 120 $15.43 $14.74 / 5”-6” 110 $15.83 LODGE POLES/RAILS RR TIES ). 6”-7” 30 ---$58.00 BUTYL RUBBER $ Caldwell 17”x12” SEALANT 0 5”-6” 90 $19.50 $18.80 0 5”-6” 90 $19.50 $18.80 $ 0 $15.43 $14.74 6” CBOZ. TUBE MESH 9 4’X325’ (290040-R) 00 1 $15. 95 3” X */ Rails 4”-5” $ $13.120 LODGE POLES/RAILS RR TIES0 q2 q1 #777GRY 11 Caldwell 17”x12” Gooseneck Vent... $151 T1898B 0 6”-7” 70 $26.10 $25.43 0 5”-6” 90 $19.50 $18.80 0 6”-7” 70 $26.10 $25.43 1 $ $ $15.20 3 /2” X */ 0 <;GooseneckBUTYL *) 0 q2 q*) $21. (PR160034U) 48 Penta 16 $151 13. 1 $35.71 0 q2 q1 $15. 95 3” Rails Rail Vent... RUBBER SEALANT 0 6”-7” 7000 $26.10 $25.43 0 7”-8” 50 $35.03 Our innovative design means $ 00$ 0 - X */ 7”-8” 50 $35.71 $35.03 $ SUMP SAVER 1 $ (CAA) *+ $24. 16 3 */ Green Treated$ WOOD ” XX */ 20 8” CB *) --PRESERVERS 0 q2 q*) $21. (PR160034U) 48 15. Penta Rail 0 7”-8” 5084 $35.03 10 )( 4”-5” -- -- --VERMETTE -$- 16. -can $23.17 you easily unplug your )( /- 24” 4”-5” - -- -0 q2 q*+ - $35.71 $23.17 #777GRY 11 OZ. TUBE ALUMINATION T2498B $ THE MINI 6-8” Round Incline Powerhead 6” Round Horizontal Powerhead )( MIGHTY 4”-5” - -84 - -00 POSTS - - - POLES - from $23.17 155. */ 0 q2 q*/ 66$892 +) 7” (15 bundle count) TREATED & )( 5”-6” 80 $31.55 $30.55 $ X */ (CAA) 16. *+ 0 q2 q*+ $24. 16 3 Green Treated )( -- X4” 5”-6” 80 $$467 $31.55 $30.55 grain bin the $38. safety of 10” CB 12 $ ALUMINATION 8-10” Round Incline Powerhead $434 8” Round Horizontal Powerhead $1040 )( 5”-6” 80 $31.55 $30.55 $ )( 6”-7” $41.15 )( X +) 6”-7” 60 $155.00 $42.15 $41.1566 TOUGH-T REMOTE LID OPENER your tractor seat. Installation is POST HOLE Trough AUGERS */ $42.15 0 q2 q*/ $38. 7” (15 bundle count) 60 BIN SEALANT $ 12” CB Incline Support Stand $651 10” U Powerhead 5 GAL. PAIL (301050) $83 )( 6”-7” 60 $42.15 $41.15 18 T2898B $ )( 7”-8” 45 $55.25 $54.22 )( 7”-8” 45 $55.25 $54.22 $ quick and easy as blockages $$ 209. 2” $ 9500 U Powerhead $995 18” TTM18R............ 237 POST10” HOLE AUGERSIncline )( Trough 7”-8” 45 00 $55.25 $54.22 (301050) $ 95 5 GAL. PAIL (67469) (67469) .75X.75X14.5 )( 7”-8” 25 $42.62 )( 7”-8” 7”-8” 25 $$282. - - - - - - - - up in seconds, $42.62 are broken sav2 .75X.75X14.5 (67469)(67469) 24” TTM24R............ $258 25 00 $42.62 209. 2”9/16”)( 00 )* 5”-6” 80 $37.70 $36.36 )* 5”-6” 5”-6” 80 $ 80 $37.70 $36.36 ing you time and money. The $ )* $37.70 $36.36 27” TTM27R............ 303 2 9/16” 00 ( G R A I N S AV E R ) )* 6”-7” 60 $50.56 $49.19 )* 6”-7” 6”-7” 60 282. $50.56 $49.19 $ from Super Mighty Mini Saver )* 60 $50.56 $49.19 32” TTM32R............ $347 AVAILABLE IN 13.5’ & 26’ LENGTHS PER FOOT ). 6”-7” 30 $58.00 ). 6”-7” 6”-7” 30 30 - - - - - -$ $58.00 ). - - slices and $58.00 effortlessly crushes $ $$ 37” TTM37R............ $470 (290040-R) (290040-R) MESH4’X325’ 4’X325’ (290040-R) MESH LODGE POLES/RAILS RR TIES LODGEBin POLES/RAILS RR TIES IN 13.5’ & 26’ LENGTHS PER FOOT the LODGE POLES/RAILS RR TIES approaching (290040-R) obstacles . LiveAVAILABLE Northern Jack Pine Dia. Rails Length Price Part # WT Price Part # $ BUNDLE $13.00$ Part TOUGH-T GRAIN PORTS . Creosote 1 0 q2 q1 $15. 95 3” treating oil 00 grain 0 q2 q1 $15. 00 13. Rails 13. 1 # 1 sump, 0 q2 q1 $15. 95 95 3” XX */ */ 3” X */ Rails safelyWT restoring $ . DISCOUNT Pentachlorophenal treat TTM-GP 18” diameter hatch 24” tube 1 237 $ $15.20$15. 3 /2” X */ 20 $ $ *) 0 q2 q*) $21. (PR160034U) 48 3 Penta Rail X */ 311//22”” X18” */ *) 0 q2 q*) $21. (PR160034U) 48 Penta Rail grain flow without ever step20 *) 0 q2 q*) ,. $21.48 15. Penta** & - Rail (PR160034U) 130 149 /))&*1&,)*) 1))&*1&,)*) -/ *))&*1 Length $$Width$ Bundle Count Sharp Blunt (CAA) Treated 0 q2 q*+ $24. 3 -- 4” XGreen */ Green foot inside the bin 84 16.84 ping (CAA) 16. *+ *+ 0 q2 q*+ $24. 16 16 3 Treated (CAA) 16. 0 q2 q*+ 3 ---- 4” 4” XX */ */ Green Treated $ $ .&- 2”-3” 84 320*+ $7.55 - - - - $24.16 ALUMINATION 142 162 $ 19” ** & *) /))&*2&,)*) ,/$38.66 1))&*2&,)*) -1 *))&*2 ALUMINATION $ GOOSENECK VENTS .&- count) 3”-4” 240 $9.10 ---$ 00 155. 0 q2 q*/ (15 bundle $155. $ 00 66 7” count) 00 155. */ */ 0 q2 q*/ 0 q2 q*/ $38.$ 66 +) 7” X +) (15 7” XX +) (15 bundle bundle count) .&- 4”-5” 160*/ $11.12 - - - - $38. $ $



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fits all bins &r augers $ $ d u e T24182 24-18 Reducer 403 AG100 00 9747790 14” AR Caldwell 63.00 $ el l 8 $$ Controls Bugs | Lowers moisture | No moving parts $ $ $ $ $ $$53 $ 7 47351Reducer Fan Cover 9851899 24” AR Caldwell T1498A 14” FC24-18 9852079 12” Split Ring Caldwell 78T24182 9852079 9852079 9852079 12” 9852079 Split 12” Ring Split 12” 9852079 Split Ring Caldwell Ring 12” Caldwell Split Caldwell 12” Ring Split 78 Ring Caldwell 78 78 Caldwell 7824-18$78 24-18 24-18 24-18Reducer 24-18 35 351$351 T24182 Reducer T24182 T24182 T24182 T24182 Reducer Reducer Re $ $ $ 9851881 c e 18” AR Caldwell 84.00 du r T28182 Caldwell $ 28-18 T1898A 18” Reducer 403 $ $ FC 57 Fan Cover 6 9701011 28” AR ell $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $61 $ 4 $ $ 9851873 12” AR Caldwell 46 9851873 9851873 9851873 9851873 12” AR 12” 9851873 AR 12” AR Caldwell Caldwell 12” AR Caldwell 12” 46 AR Caldwell 46 46 Caldwell 46 46 G R A I N SAV E R 28-18 28-18 28-18 28-18 28-18 28-18 35 T28182 351 351 351 Reducer T28182 T28182 T28182 T28182 T28182 Reducer Reducer Reducer Reducer Re XL 100XL AG 100XL 9851899 24” AR Caldwell 84.00 $ $ ducer 2 PC BIN LEVEL 28-24 T2498A T28242 Reducer 403 88 24” FC Fan Cover CLAMP$BANDS INDICATOR$ 4 9 $ l e l $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 9701011 28”9747790 AR 9747790 Caldwell 14” 84.00 9747790 14” AR Caldwell 49T28242 35 9747790 9747790 14” AR 9747790 AR 14” AR Caldwell Caldwell 14” AR Caldwell 14” 49 AR Caldwell 49T28242 49 Caldwell 4928-24$49 351$351 28-24 28-24 28-24 28-24Reducer 28-24 Reducer T28242 Reducer Reducer Re T28242 T28242 T28242 $ 351Reducer $ 98 28” FC T2898A LevALERT BIN PART # PRICE Fan Cover C ove r T1298A 12” FC Fan Cover 43 $ L 6” CB 9 ell 1 $$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 5 $ 18” FC 57 T1898B ILCFan FC Cover R T1298A 36 Fan Cover 9851881 18” AR Caldwell 51 T1298A T1298A T1298A T1298A T1298A 36 36 36 Fan Cover Fan Cover Fan Cover Fan 9851881 9851881 9851881 9851881 18” AR 18” 9851881 AR 18” AR Caldwell Caldwell 18” AR Caldwell 18” 51 AR Caldwell 51 51 Caldwell 51 51 12” 12” 12” 12” 12” 12” FC FC FC FC FC FC 2 PC CLAMP BANDS y Adjustable fits all bins & augers n justable le Fills Adjustable evenly fits bin all evenly fits Adjustable bins all fits & bins all augers Adjustable bins & augers fits & all augers bins fits all & augers bins & augers | | | | $ 0 <; 16 C ove r T1498A 14” FC Fan Cover 55 $ 8” I CB B $ 10 PART # 88 T2498B ILC FC 3 e l l $ $ $ $ |Lowers |No |moisture |No |moving |Horizontal |moisture |parts |6-8” moisture No moving parts oisture ers Controls s Lowers Bugs moisture Bugs Lowers No Lowers moving parts moving moisture No parts moving No parts parts$892 PRICE $ $ $ $ $ 5 $ 24” FC $467 Roundmoving Incline Powerhead 6” Round Powerhead 47 47FCFan 47Cover 47 10” CBAR Fan Cover Fan Cover Fan Cover Fan Cover Fan 9851899 24” AR Caldwell 53 T1498A 9851899 9851899 9851899 9851899 24” AR 24” 9851899 24” AR Caldwell Caldwell 24” AR Caldwell 24” 53 AR Caldwell 53 53 Caldwell 53 53 T1498A T1498A T1498A T1498A T1498A 12 14” 14” 14” 14” 14” 14” FC FC FC FC FC $ $ 8-10” Round Incline Powerhead $434 8” Round Horizontal Powerhead $1040r C ove 109 6” CB $9.45 $ T1898A 18” FC Fan Cover 68 12” CB Incline Support Stand $651 10” U Trough Powerhead 98 $83 18 28” FC T2898B ILC FC $ 10” U Trough Incline Powerhead $995 el l 6 1 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 18” $ 7” CB $16.80 18”18” 18”Cover FC18” FC FCFCCover FCFan FCFan 57 Cover 57 57 57 Fan Fan Fan Cover Cover Fan 9701011 9701011 28” Caldwell 61 T1898A 9701011 9701011 9701011 28” AR28” 9701011 AR 28” Caldwell ARAR Caldwell 28” AR Caldwell 28” 61 AR Caldwell 61 T1898A 61 Caldwell T1898A T1898A 61 61 T1898A T1898A $18” C ove r T2498A 24” FC Fan Cover 102 R A I N SAV E R R I A SAV N G I N SAV R E A G SAV R I R N E A R E SAV I N R SAV E R E R UNLOAD SCREWS ( G R A I N SAV E R ) 8” CB $10.50 V L E E L V E L $ $ $ $ 0 PC 2 2 PC 2 PC 22 PC PCBIN 2 PC BIN LEVEL LEVEL BINBIN LEVEL LEVEL BINT2498A LEVEL BIN LEVEL 88 88FCFan 88Cover 88 24” FC24” 24”24” 24”Cover FC FCFCCover FCFan T2498A T2498A T2498A T2498A T2498A Cover Fan Fan Fan Cover Fan $24” C O A R T O R Bin C ove r 10” CB $12.60 T2898A 28” FC Fan Cover 113 CLAMP BANDS INDICATOR CLAMP CLAMP BANDS CLAMP BANDS BANDS CLAMP CLAMP BANDS INDICATOR BANDS INDICATOR INDICATOR INDICATOR INDICATOR Dia. Length Part # WT Price Part # WT Price Part # WT Price $N $ $ $ T ER B T I N B I 12” CB $18.90 $ $ $ 98 98FCFan 98Cover 98 $28” 28” 28” 28”Cover FC Cover FC28” FC FC68 FC T2898A T2898A T2898A T2898A LevALERT BIN LevALERT LevALERT LevALERT BINLevALERT BINBIN LevALERT BIN PART #PART PRICE PARTPART # PART #,. #PRICE PRICE # PART PRICE #1))&*1&,)*) PRICE PRICE Fan Cover Fan Fan Fan Cover Fan 130 149 T2898A 205 18” ** & - C /))&*1&,)*) -/ *))&*1&,))0 C F T1898B 18”BIN FC T2898A ILC28” FC 68



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$ $ $ 142 162 223 19” ** & *) /))&*2&,)*) ,/ 1))&*2&,)*) -1 *))&*2&,))0 0* $ CB $ $ $ $ CB 6”$$154 6” CB6” CB 6”6”CB CB 6” 9 9 9 9 9 9 $ $ $ 176 242 21” *+ & *) C /))&+*&,)*) ,1 1))&+*&,)*) .+ *))&+*&,))0 00 18” 18”18” FC FC18” FC18” FC FCILC FC $ILC FC$ $ IL T1898B T1898B T1898B T1898B T1898B T1898B ILCFC FC ILC FC FC ILC$18” C F P r $$ $0 <; $ $ $ $ $ $ 0 <; 0 <; 0 <; 0 <; 0 <; 166 16 16 189 260 16 16 16 +- 6”x8” *- & - /))&+-&,)*) 10”x8” -+ .1 *))&+-&,))0 86 $35 $38 161))&+-&,)*) $ $ $ $ 169 216 297 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ +0 *. & *) /))&+0&,)*) -1 1))&+0&,)*) /*))&+0&,))0 96 1 $ $ $ CB 8”10 8” CB8” CB 8”8”CB CB 8” 10 CB 1010 10 10 $24” 24” 24” 24” 24” 24” FC FC FC FC FC FC T2498B T2498B T2498B T2498B T2498B T2498B ILC FC ILC FC ILC ILC FC ILC FC IL C F C $ $ $FC 8”x8” $35 12”x8” $52 $ 201 229 316 ,) *0 & - /))&,)&,)*) ., 1))&,)&,)*) 0) *))&,)&,))0 *). $467 6-8” Round Incline Powerhead $467 6-8” $467 Round 6-8” Incline Round 6-8” $467 Round Powerhead Incline Incline Powerhead 6-8” $467 Round Powerhead 6-8” Incline Round Powerhead Incline Powerhead $ erhead zontal ound ead Horizontal Powerhead Powerhead 1 $892 $892 $892 $892 $892 $892 $ $ $10”$ CB $ $ 10” CB 10” CB 10” 10” CB CB 10” CB 12 12 12 12 12 12 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 8-10” Round Incline Powerhead 8-10” Round 8-10” Incline 8-10” Round Round Powerhead Incline Incline 8-10” Powerhead Round Powerhead 8-10” Incline Round Powerhead Incline Powerhead $434 $434 $434 $434 $434 erhead zontal ound ead Horizontal Powerhead Powerhead 225 257 353 $1040 $1040 $1040 $1040 $1040 ,, *1 & *) /))&,,&,)*) .0 $1040 1))&,,&,)*) 0/ *))&,,&,))0 **1 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ CB $12”$ CB $ $ $ $ 12” CB 12” CB 12” 12” CB CB 12” Incline Support Stand Incline Support Incline Incline Support Stand Support Stand Incline Stand Support Incline Stand Support Stand $651 $651 $651 $651 $651 U owerhead Trough Powerhead $83 $83 $83 $83 $83 $83 18 18 18 18 18 18 28” T2898B 28” 28” 28” 28” T2898B T2898B T2898B T2898B T2898B FC FC FC FC FC ILCFCFCFC ILC FC IL ILC FC ILC FC ILC28” 237 270 372 $ ,/ 252-6116 +) & - /))&,/&,)*) SALES@ENZMINGERSTEEL.COM /, 1))&,/&,)*) 82 *))&,/&,))0 *+, [701] WWW.ENZMINGERSTEEL.COM 1 $995-+ $995 $995 $995 +, & - $995 erhead U ncline ead Trough Powerhead Incline Powerhead $ $ 311 428 1))&-+&,)*) 2*))&-+&,))0 *-* $ 2 $ $ 352 483 -1 +/ & - 1))&-1&,)*) 106 *))&-1&,))0 *.2 $



24” FC


57 57 5757 102

88 88 8888 113

1 0 1 9 0 9 109 109 109 109 109 109 T2898B

28” FC


98 98 9898



AG 100XL $

0-1 PART #

PRICE LevALERT BIN T2898A 28” FC Fan Cover

Fills bin evenly | Adjustable - fits all bins & augers





12” AR



14” AR





18” AR





24” AR





28” AR




T28182 T28242 T1298A

53 6” CB 9 61$ G R A I N SAV E R 18” FC 57 T1898B I L C FC $BIN SALE 0 <; A L 16 $ $ 8” CB S A E 10 L 88 24” FC T2498B I L C FC d Incline Powerhead $892 109 $ 10” CB 12 $ nd Incline Powerhead $1040 UNLOAD SCREWS $ $ pport Stand $83 12” CB 18 T2898B 28” FC ILC FC 98 Controls Bugs | Lowers moisture | No moving parts


Independent Authorized Dealer



PART # 6” CB 0 <; 8” CB 10” CB 12” CB


Powersweeps with gearbox $467complete 6-8” Round Incline Powerhead $892 6” Round Horizontal Powerhead are assemblies, sweep, & Round pinion controls. 8-10” Incline Powerhead $1040 $434 rack 8” Round Horizontal Powerhead Stand $651 BinIncline 10” U Trough Powerhead $83 10” U-trough dia.Support 19’-60’ 10” U Trough Incline Powerhead $995 UT POWERHEAD

Bin Dia.


18” ** & - TRACTOR PUSH 19”$6297 ** & *) 21” *+ & *) +- *- & - +0 *. & *) CLUMP BUSTER $233 ,) *0 & - ,, *1 & *) ,/ +) & - SPILL SHEILD -+ +, & - $69 -1 +/ & - 8”

8” $1289 10” $1447

Part #



$ 130 /))&*1&,)*) ,. INCLINE SUPPORT STAND $ 142 /))&*2&,)*)$233 ,/ $ 154 /))&+*&,)*) ,1 $ 166 /))&+-&,)*) -+ 5:1 REDUCTION WHEEL $ 169 /))&+0&,)*) -1 $689 $ 201 /))&,)&,)*) ., $ 225 /))&,,&,)*) .0 10:1 REDUCTION WHEEL $ 237 /))&,/&,)*) /,






16 $ 10 HORIZONTAL ROUND $POWERHEAD 12 $662 | $689 | $912 $ 6” 18 | 8” | 10”


Part #

T2898A T1898B


( G R A I N SAV E R )


8” $689 10” $912


8” & 10” UNLOAD HOPPERS $ 19’-48’ BIN DIA. 9





$1308 | $1531 6”-8” | 8”-10”





Upper and Lower Gearboxes for Grain Saver Powersweeps $ 149 1))&*1&,)*) -/ $ 162 1))&*2&,)*) -1 $ 176 1))&+*&,)*) .+ $ 189 1))&+-&,)*) .1 $ 216 1))&+0&,)*) /$ 229 1))&,)&,)*) 0) 002-00-4001 Lower Gearbox for Powersweep $591 $ 257 1))&,,&,)*) 0/ 002-00-4002 Upper Gearbox for Powersweep $519 $ 270 1))&,/&,)*) 82 U-Joint with Splined Connector $ $ 311 1))&-+&,)*) 295 for 8”-10” UT Powersweeps $ 352 1))&-1&,)*) 106


Part #

*))&* *))&* *))&+ *))&+ *))&+ *))&, *))&, *))&, *))&*))&-

FOR BIN SWEEPS line# sales roof WT systems Bin Dia. Length Part # WT Price. Top of the Part Price [701] 252-6118 @enzmingersteel.com www.enz $ anchoring system 18’ 11’ 4” 800-18-3010 46 $212 . Strongest 100-18-3007 68 318in 7” diameter for $ $ 19’ 11’ 10” 800-19-3010 48 225 the industry 100-19-3007 71 333 5” sweeps.........................$108 U R $ . $ f s y s t e m SWS galvanized coating 21’ 12’ 10” 800-21-3010 52 244 Best 100-21-3007 77 355 9” diameter for $ $ o f s y t e m ss n g s y t 24’ 14’ 4” 800-24-3010 58 s 265 . Leads competition in strength 100-24-3007 86 366 7” sweeps.........................$118 $ $ r i n y t i n 27’ 15’g 10” 800-27-3010 s 64 286 with 100-27-3007 96 401 e stiffeners design 11” diameter m for $ $ 30’ e 17’ 4” 800-30-3010 70 318 . “Easy 100-30-3007 105 477 c 7” & 9” sweeps.................$174 z d o a Walk” door 26” x 62” $ $ n i z d c o a t i n g 33’ e 18’ 10” 800-33-3010 76 339 100-33-3007 114 514 12” rubber tread replacementr superior corrosion resistance n i n s t e $ $ 36’ 20’ 4” 800-36-3010 82 363 n i n s t r e g t h 100-36-3007 123 553 n for 5:1 reduction wheel.....$121 (no tools required) g n 42’ 23’ 4” 800-42-3010 94 $419 100-42-3007 141 $625 s i g n 20” rubber tread replacement $ 2 6 ” x 6 $ 48’ 26’ 4” 800-48-3010 106 469 100-48-3007 159 726 for 10:1 reduction wheel...$159 r 2 6 ” x 6 2 ” n r e s i s t a n [701] r e s i s t a n c e 252-6116 SALES@ENZMINGERSTEEL.COM WWW.ENZMINGERSTEEL.COM d )


WT Price

&,)*) ,. &,)*) ,/

[701] 252-6118

130 $ 142 $

Part #

WT Price

1))&*1&,)*) -/ 1))&*2&,)*) -1

149 $ 162 $

sales @enzmingersteel.com

Part #

WT Price

*))&*1&,))0 68 *))&*2&,))0 0*


205 $ 223 $

Independent Authorized Dealer

3 HP Axial fan motor, 3450 RPM 3 HP ILC fan motor, 3450 RPM 10 HP Centrifugal fan motor, 1750 RPM 10 HP Centrifugal fan motor, 3450 RPM 10 HP Centrifugal fan motor, 1750 RPM

I n d Independent Authorized n Dealerd e n t RPM 1 PPH EE 11 8 0 0 e -p 1 HAASe S


11 8 0 0 R P M - 3 E 3 P H AS E
















3 / 4 3 4 5 0 C R O P D RY E R 1 H P AG 3 6 0 0 C R O P D RY E R 1. 5 H P 3 - 4 . 5 3 4 5 0 C R O P D RY E R 5 - 7 7 - 9 18 2 T Z 3 4 5 0 1 0 - 15

R P M P M , 1 7 5 0 , 3 4 5 0 , 1 7 5 0




GT 1 0 2 2

16 L


256TZ E S 990 33660 ASSEE1 E 00 0 R RP PM M -- 11 P H A 1 8 0LEESON 0 R CROP P M DRYER - 3MOTORS PHAS E 3600 R LEESON CROP DRYER MOTORS p rPi R cIeC E

ra e P pR r Ii c mO od M De El L h Hp P f FR Am ME Ce E $$ E837 1 5 1 455TT 226596m o d e l 14 1 ..5 $$ E952 1 455TT 442055E 8 3 7 14 2 CROP DRYER MOTORS $$ GT 1 01100 1 338635E 9 5 2 1 8822TT 3 10 $$ GT 1 01133 1 4TT 431955G T 1 0 1 0 1 884 5 10 $$ GT 1 01166 2 3 650734 21 13 7 .5 10 GT 1 0 1 3 $$ GT 1 01199 1 0 2 5 763916G T 1 0 1 6 21 15 10 10 $$ GT 1 02 22 2 1 5 998492G T 1 0 1 9 10 15 2 54 3

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732438 778274 724492 779546 721936



$ f rPaDRYER mRY eER pric e o d LEESON MO h/m p 3 4 34 50 C RO D 2 $423 3/4 3450 CROP 5 5 CROP DRYER $ 1 AG 3 6 0 0 1CROP C4RO D RY E R $ 2 5 6 2 $426 5 TP DRYER 8 3 7 1H .E 5P AG3600 1HP L5 E3 E 3 / 4 34 5 0 C RO $ $ 1. 5HP 3 $239 145T 9 E 5 2 1.5HP L4 E5 E 1 H P AG 3 6 0 0 2 C 405 $ $ 3 -3 4 . 5 34 50 C RO P TD RY E R T 182 G 0 6 $067 L3 E1 E 1. 5 H P 3-4.5 3450 CROP DRYER 7 365 $ $ 184T G T 5 -5 7 6 $264 L5 E1 E 3 - 4 . 5 34 5 00 CR 395 5-7 5 $ $ 7-G .9518 T 0 7 2 T Z 34 52 01 3 7 $571L8E1 E 5-7 574 7-9 182TZ 3450 9 $ $ 215 1G 0- 15 T L E1 E 7 - 9 18 2 T Z 0 34 5 10 696 9 $51,000 2 10-15 $ 1G 5 2 54 T 0 L E1 E 10 - 15 942 p r i $ 2 4 $ 2 4 $ 3 2 $ 6 0 $ 6 2 $ 7 5 $ 9 5

$ $ $ $ $

c e 3 6 9 7 4 1 2

4 8 2 4 7 3 2 0 8 8 1 1 0 0 3 1 1 3


Baldor Crop Dryer Fan Motors Chief 3 H P A x i a l f a n m oto r , 3 4 5 0 R P M 732438



482 3 H P A x i a l3 f a n m o t o r , 3 $445702 3RPM 3 H P I L C f a n m o t o7 r ,3 23443580 R P M 7 3 H$P I L C f 7 a n m o t o r , 3 4 5$ 2 0 0R8 74 7 8P8M 1 0 H P C e n t r i f u g a l 7f 7 a8 n2m oto r , 1 7 5 0 RPM 92 0 H P C e n t2 r i f u g a l f a n m$o1 t1 o r0, 1 7 5 0 R P M 04 1 0 H P C e n t r i f u g a l 7f 2 a4 n 4m o t o r , 3 47 5 0 R P1M $ P C e n t7 10 H r i f u g a l f a n m$o3t1o1r 779546 7 9 3, 3 4 5 0 R P M 1 0 H P Ce ntr i f u g a l f a n m oto r , 1 7 5 0 R P M 1 0 H P C e n t2 r i f u g a l f a n m o t o1 r , 1 7 5 0 R P9 M 721936 7 $




Chief horizontal c hain conveyors come standard wit h fully galvanized intermediate sections and can be customized to your application by combining exterior gauging, liners, c hain types, sproc ket options, paddles and speed requirements. By using components fabricated to exacting specif ications, your Chief c hain conveyor will be easy to assemble and provide long lasting ser vice. The galvanized ahnlbg` k^lblml \hkkhlbhg' Bm l bgm^`kZe lmZ``^k^] l^Zf construction provides a flush connection t hroughout t he interior of t he conveyor wit hout use of welding.


724492 732438 779546 778274 721936 779157 779603 779546 724492 721936 754119 748798

3 HP Axial Fan Motor 3 HP ILC Fan Motor 5 HP ILC Fan Motor 7.5 HP ILC Fan Motor 10 HP ILC Fan Motor 10 HP Cent Fan Motor 15 HP Cent Fan Motor 25 HP Cent Fan Motor 7.5 HP Cent Fan Motor

3450 RPM 3450 RPM 3450 RPM 3450 RPM 3450 RPM 1750 RPM 1750 RPM 1750 RPM 1750 RPM

Enc 1ph 481 OPD 1ph 471 OPD 1ph 897 $ OPDCHIEF 1ph HORIZONTAL 1099 CHIEF H CONVEYORS OFFER $ CONVEY OPD 1ph 1099 MAXIMUM FLEXIBILITY MAXIM $ Enc Galvanized 1ph for 2079 superior corrosion resistance Galvanized for $ chain conveyors come standard with fullyhorizont Chief Enc Chief 1ph horizontal 3101 galvanized intermediate sections and can be customized galvanized int $ your application liners, your applic Enc to 3ph 2486by combining exterior gauging, to chain types, sp chain types, sprocket options, paddles and speed $ requirements. Enc requirements. 3ph 973 By using components fabricated to exacting



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10-17 HP 15 HP 10-16 HP 15 HP 10-13 HP .75 HP DC

1ph 1ph 3ph 1ph 1ph 1ph

$ 256U ODP 2060 CHIEF BUCKET $ 2082 ELEVATORS ARE $ 1760 RPM BUILT TO LAST960 $ Cap Remote 2202 AND ARE EASY $ TO MAINTAIN. 1725 RPM 215T 798 $ 56C 540

specifications, specifications, your Chief chain conveyor will be easy to assemble and assemble and provide long lasting service. The galvanized ahnlbg` k^lblml ahnlbg` k^lblml \hkkhlbhg' Bm l bgm^`kZe lmZ``^k^] l^Zf p construction provides a flush connection throughout construction the interior of the interior of the conveyor without use of welding.




[ 7 0 1 [701] ] 252-6118 2 5 sales @enzmingersteel.com 2 6 [701] 252-6118 sales @enzmingersteel.com www.enzmingersteel.com

.................... ”................... POST PRICES BUTYL RUBBER SEALANT .................... #777GRY 11 OZ. TUBE



$ 64

SHARP BLUNDT BUNDLE COUNT WIDTH LENGTH Independent Authorized Dealer $ 8.13 NA 320 2”-3” 6.5’ VERMETTE WOOD PRESERVERS $ 9.24 NA 240 3”-4” 6.5’ $ TREATED POSTS & POLES 11.27 NA 160 4”-5” 6.5’ $ 10.10 NA 220 3”-4” 7’ TOUGH-T REMOTE LID OPENER $ 12.44 NA 150 4”-5” 7’ 18” TTM18R............ $237 $ $ 16.06 NA 110 5”-6” 7’ 24” TTM24R............ 258 $ $ $ 16.27 15.53 120 4”-5” 8’ 27” TTM27R............ 303 32” TTM32R............ $347 $ $ 22.58 21.90 90 5”-6” 8’ A$ -1 75 37” TTM37R............ 470 $ $ 30.38 29.69 70 6”-7” 8’ . Live Northern Jack Pine $ $ TOUGH-T GRAIN PORTS POSTS NATURALLY PEELED . Creosote treating 41.53 40.85 50 BUNDLE 7”-8” 8’ oil $ . DISCOUNT Pentachlorophenal treat $ $ TTM-GP 18” diameter hatch 24” tube 237 35.10 34.09 80 5”-6” 10’ ARE 50% STRONGER THAN Length Bundle Count Sharp 6”-7” 10’ Blunt $ $ 47.25 Width 46.24 60 .&- 2”-3” 320 $7.55 ---DOWELLED GOOSENECK VENTS POSTS $.&- 3”-4”$61.01 240 $9.10 ---62.03 45 7”-8” 10’ .&- 4”-5” 160 $11.12 ---12”X12” GS-1270.... $72 $/ 3”-4”$40.68 220 $10.25 ---42.02 80 5”-6” 12’ / 4”-5” 150 $12.25 ---15”X15” GS-1570.... $75 $/ $ 5”-6” 110 $15.83 --56.65 55.30 60 6”-7” 12’ 0 4”-5” 120 $15.43 $14.74

Hopper s 5%

A -1 63......$1 A -1 64....$1 5% BUNDLE DISC. -1 75.......$2 0 0 0 )( )( )( )( )( )* )* ).

5”-6” 6”-7” 7”-8” 4”-5” 5”-6” 6”-7” 7”-8” 7”-8” 5”-6” 6”-7” 6”-7”

90 70 50 ---80 60 45 25 80 60 30

LODGE POLES/RAILS 3” X */ Rails 31/2” X */ Penta Rail (PR160034U) 3 -- 4” X */ Green (CAA) Treated 7” X +) (15 bundle count) POST HOLE AUGERS 2” 2 9/16”

13.00 15.20 $ 16.84 $ 155.00 $ $

209.00 $ 282.00

$19.50 $26.10 $35.71 ---$31.55 $42.15 $55.25 ---$37.70 $50.56 ----


1 *) *+ */

$15.95 $21.48 $24.16 $38.66

Caldwell 17”x12” Gooseneck Vent... $151




(67469) [TREATED] 2”-3” - 16 .75X.75X14.5

PR160034U 3 1/2 - 16’ PR160034CCA PR160045

2.99 2.99









9.24 1495


15.20 DOWLED




(290040-R) MESH 4’X325’ $ 3”-4” - 16’ 14.28


3”-4” - 16’


4”-5” - 16’



POST HOLE AUGERS 2” - $240.00


12” WIDE Guard Rail AVAILABLE IN 13.5’ & 26’ LENGTHS

[701] 252-6116

0 q2 q1 0 q2 q*) 0 q2 q*+ 0 q2 q*/

$18.80 $25.43 $35.03 $23.17 $30.55 $41.15 $54.22 $42.62 $36.36 $49.19 $58.00


2 9/16”









FARM FANS CFAB 510 DRYER • • • • • •


FFI’s optional Watchdog software allows remote monitoring of dryer functions such as moisture, temperature and dryer status from a web accessible computer. Web based (no app needed) for greater accessibility, the Watchdog keeps you advised from the comfort and convenience of your home, office, or personal digital assistant (PDA).




[701] 252-6116



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