Tom Bednarek, Mayor (920)928-2280 www.cityoffoxlake.org
Tom Bednarek, Mayor (920)928-2280 www.cityoffoxlake.org
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for reading the Fox Lake Visitors Guide. We are very proud of our community and hope that you will enjoy learning about Fox Lake. We strive to provide a clean, healthy, and safe environment and are committed to preserving an exceptional quality of life for everyone who visits. If you are staying in our community, either temporarily or permanently, take advantage of your favorite water sport on the lake, our aquatic center, go golfing at the 18-hole Fox Lake Golf Club, dine at one of our restaurants, enjoy one of our beautiful parks or library, or shop at our many downtown or west side businesses. If you have any questions about the Fox Lake area, feel free to stop in at City Hall, and one of our friendly staff members will be happy to answer those for you.
Tom Bednarek, MayorOn behalf of the board, and as chairman of the Town of Fox Lake, welcome to our town. We are glad that you chose our area to live, vacation or visit. Every season has something special to offer. From ice fishing in the winter to boating and swimming in the summer. We have three beautiful lakes surrounded by hundreds of acres of farmland. The lakes offer opportunities for boating, skiing, swimming and fishing. Fish found in our area lakes include trophy musky, walleye and northern pike as well as great pan fishing.
The town of Fox Lake is UTV friendly and has many roads which are connected to other neighboring towns and cities for even greater enjoyment. Other available activities include golfing, snowmobiling, hiking and biking. There are also many good restaurants in the area as well as a number of businesses for you to investigate and experience.
Wayne Kok, Fox Lake Town Chairman (920)904-5825 www.townoffoxlake.org
We work hard to ensure that our community is safe and enjoyable all year round. It is our goal to make the Town of Fox Lake a great place to live, work and visit.
On behalf of the Fox Lake Chamber of Commerce, welcome to our beautiful city and town of Fox Lake, WI. We have so many opportunities for you to enjoy our wonderful area. Whether you are here on a permanent basis or for business or pleasure, Fox Lake has an abundant amount of exceptional businesses for you to explore. Fox Lake has always been known for our picturesque lake and fishing opportunities. Our lake is spectacular during all seasons. There is so much to do on and around Fox Lake. Check out our many fisherees sponsored by local Fox Lake businesses and groups. If you’re not from the area, we invite you to experience our lodging opportunities located directly on Fox Lake.
Vicki Matheys, Chamber President (920)928-3777 www.foxlakechamber.com
We have several secrets yet to be discovered within our alluring community. There are businesses and restaurants galore just waiting for you to visit. We also sponsor several special events throughout the year which are second to none in the eyes of children and adults alike. We have a Halloween “Spooktacular”, a “December to Remember” Christmas event, a 4th of July extravaganza and an amazing St. Patrick’s Day parade, just to name a few. Please check out our calendar of events printed for each and every one of you, our new friend. You will see how truly special Fox Lake is.
Please stop in at our chamber office at 305 W. State St. or call us at (920)928-3777 should you have any questions or ideas regarding our wonderful community!
Vicki Matheys, Chamber President
All non-written history is on display at the Fox Lake Historical Society in the many buildings they operate for the community. The Society is responsible for the preservation of the Fox Lake Depot building, which houses the main society displays, as well as the Car Shed. The Car Shed houses a 1940s-era Fairbanks gas-engine-powered track car, the summer kitchen, working blacksmith shop, and Sinclair Gas Station building on the Depot grounds. It also operates the Community Congregational Museum up the street from the Depot grounds, which is one of the first churches in town being built in 1855 and was the longest running continuous church. It held its final service in October of 2012.
Take a step back in time
Housed are items related to the theme of each building as well as farming and local business artifacts, Native American arrowheads, tools, weapons, military uniforms and equipment, an extraordinary Civil War artifact collection, a Bunny Berrigan collection dedicated to the famous jazz musician, and photographs of the people, places, buildings, and businesses that made Fox Lake what it is today. Please look for 2nd Saturday programs over the winter months and a special event on May 6. The Depot Museum at 211 W. Cordelia St., is open the 1st and 3rd Sundays from 1-4pm from June to the first weekend in October. The church is open for special events or by appointment only. Call (920) 296- 0254.
The room is established to preserve historical material relating to the City of Fox Lake and the surrounding area and, to honor the memory of Harriet R. O’Connell, who devoted much of her time and energy to the preservation of existing material. The Fox Lake Public Library houses the room in the lower level of the library but is a separate entity with its own governing board of trustees. The room is a vast collection of Fox Lake history, and it has been cited by members of the Wisconsin State Historical Society as the “largest collection of small-town history in the state”.
At the present time there are several volunteers indexing the tax records, scrapbooks and newspapers dating back to the mid 1800’s. With past funding from a private source, cataloging the room resources has made great strides and there are thousands of entries leading researchers back to information about people, places, and events of Fox Lake and surround area. Library staff and volunteers are working to create digital records of the collection for better access and preservation. The historic newspapers are available on newspapers.com, with free access at the Fox Lake Public Library.
Due to the huge project of putting the room in order, it is not possible for the library staff to do large personal research for people. Though the lower level is closed to the public, library staff and volunteers are available to assist researchers locate records. For further information or to make an appointment to research, contact the library at (920) 928-3223 or email the library director at eanders@monarchlibraries.org. More information about the historical room, digital collection and room policies can be found at https://www.foxlake.lib.wi.us/historical-room/
We are always in need of volunteers to preserve Fox Lake history. Volunteers typically meet Thursday afternoons, 1 – 3 pm, fall to spring. Other times can be arranged to fit any schedule. If interested in becoming a volunteer, contact the library Director.
Fox Lake’s settlement history dates back approximately 10,000 years before the white man came here. It was a fertile place and Native Americans favored the lake for good hunting, fertile cropland, easy living, and as a gathering spot. With Jacob P. Brower came the era of recorded history in Fox Lake, and by all accounts it was a peaceful transition. The name of the city changed three times in the early years: Frankfurt in 1839, Waushara in 1840, and finally Fox Lake in 1856.
In 1860, at the beginning of the Civil War, the community had a population of 2,643, with nearly 2,000 individuals being residents of the Village proper. The community contributed greatly to the fight for the Union, sending three full companies to duty, including the Iron Brigade and the Eagle Regiment, as well as 20% of Berdan’s Sharpshooters, and numerous individual regimental volunteers. Fox Lake men were present at most eastern theater battles from Bull Run to Appomattox. Riverside Cemetery is the final resting place of war veterans from the War of 1812 through current conflicts and all in between, as well as the rejected lover of Florence Nightingale.
Fox Lake has the oldest wood-framed building in Dodge County. They had a marine US mail route, along the Military Road. Fox Lake also hosted the first Wisconsin school for women, the Wisconsin Female Academy, later known as Downer College.
Every Saturday January - December
Boat House Pub and Eatery N10575 Chief Kuno Trail. Live music Call (920) 928-3470 for details.
Fox Lake Public Library 117 W. State St. Story time is every Monday at 11 am. Crochet group meets every Tuesday from 10-noon.
Every Saturday April - October
Fox Lake Flea Market
Saturday morning, Living Hope Food Pantry. See page 10 for more details.
Memorial Day – Labor Day
Drunken Clam – N10604 Chief Kuno Trail Friday & Saturdays and some Sundays.
Live Music All Summer Long!
June to 1st weekend in October
Fox Lake Historical Museum
Located at 211 W. Cordelia St.
Open 1st and 3rd Sundays from 1pm-4pm
See page 6 for details.
June 22, 29, July 6, 13, and 20
Activities and Crafts at the Community Center/Fireman’s park - Thursdays at 11 am
June 21, 28, July 12, 19, 26
Performances at the Community Center/ Fireman’s park - Wednesdays at 11 am
Saturdays June - August
Brat Frys and Bake Sales
Legion-220 W. State St.
7 State Kitty Kat Snowmobile Races on the ice, in front of the Boat House. Open to the public for spectating. Practice and hot laps start at 9:00 a.m.
14 Ice Softball Tournament
Held at the Boat House. Begins at 10 a.m. Only $25 per team. Contact the Boat House for additional information (920) 928-3470.
21 Wisconsin Elite Fishing Tournament
Held in front of the Boat House. 6:30a.m.-2:30p.m. Registration opens at 5:30 a.m. Contact Justin at (414) 406-6350.
28 Fox Lake Chamber of Commerce 20th Annual Winter Fisheree Contact the Boat House for information at (920) 928-3470.
See page 13 for details.
31 Red Cross Blood Drive
Noon - 5:30 p.m. at Fox Lake Community Center. Hosted by the American Legion Post 521
4 Ice Golf Tournament Play 9 holes of golf on the ice in front of the Boat House beginning at 1 p.m. Win fabulous prizes. Contact the Boat House for additional information (920) 928-3470.
4 American Legion Annual Fisheree
See page 13 for details.
5 Free Kids Ice Fisheree Free to all children 14 years and under. 7 a.m. – noon. Prizes and
trophies awarded. Held at the Boat House, N10575 Chief Kuno Trail. For more information please call Pete Haupf at (608) 609-2707.
10-12 9th Annual Fish Tales Bait & Liquor Winter Jamboree Call (920) 520-0015 for further information. See page 13 for details.
11 Fox Lake Historical Society Annual Soup Dinner 4-7 p.m. at Fox Lake American Legion.
11 FLPO Cabin Fever Social Event
This year’s event will be held at the Shores. Call 920-928-3486 for more information.
14 Treat Your Sweetheart to Dinner at Schaumburg Supper Club. All ladies receive a box of chocolates. Call for reservations. (920) 928-3348
25 Fox Lake Charities Fisheree
12th Annual Ice Fisheree: 7 a.m. - 2 p.m. at the Boat House Pub & Eatery, N10575 Chief Kuno Trail. See page 13 for details.
12 Annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade Parade begins at 1 p.m. See p. 19 for details.
12 Corned Beef and Cabbage at Schaumburg Supper Club.
Call (920) 928-3348 for reservations.
12-18 Corned Beef and Cabbage at The Boat House Pub and Eatery. Call (920) 928-3470 for additional information.
1 Brunch with the Easter Bunny
Come and visit with the Easter Bunny at the Boat House. Enjoy a full brunch beginning at 11 a.m. For more info call (920) 928-3470.
8-9— Master’s Watch Party
Fox Lake Golf Club Call (920) 928-2508 for information.
9 Easter Buffet
Schaumburg Supper Club. Register to win the “Easter Basket” 11am-2pm. Reservations appreciated. (920) 928-3348
17 11th Annual Friends of SAGES’
Banquet & Auction -Doors Open at 5:30 p.m., Dinner & Program at 6:30 p.m. Held at the Fox Lake Community Center. The public is invited for a lively evening featuring a catered meal, live and silent auctions, raffles, and special school presentations. This annual fundraiser event benefits educational efforts at the School for Agricultural and Environmental Studies (SAGES). Learn more at www.waupun.k12.wi.us/o/sages.
22 2nd Annual BHHS Earth Day
9am - 5pm. Join the crew to assist in cleaning up the Fox Lake shoreline ditches: Chief Kuno Tr., Howard Dr., Blackhawk Tr., etc. Pizza, beer and goodies to local volunteers at The Boat House afterwards. Starts at The Shores parking lot at 9 am-call ahead or meet us along the way. Call or text for more info (773) 251-8066.
10 Couples Fun League Starts
(Every other Wednesday)
Fox Lake Golf Club Call (920) 928-2508 for information.
13 Mother’s Day Celebration
Held at Hoekstra’s Market & Greenhouse. Door prizes, refreshments and lots of Mother’s Day gifts to choose from! Saturday kids plant a flower for Mom. FREE! N10348 Co. Hwy A, Fox Lake. Call for more information (920) 928-2398.
13 Fox Lake Citywide Rummage Sale
Fox Lake and the area surrounding the lake.
14 Treat Mom to Dinner at Schaumburg Supper Club. Serving Buffet from 10:30am – 2pm. Reservations appreciated. (920) 928-3348.
19 Children’s Radiothon Golf Outing
Fox Lake Golf Club - Open to the public. Call (920) 928-2508 for information.
20 2nd Annual Kids Golf Tournament
Fox Lake Golf Club - Call (920) 928-2508 for information.
28- Parade on Howard Drive
Sponsored by FLPO starting at 11:00 a.m. from the Northwest corner of lower Howard Drive following Howard Drive and ending at Cabby’s Patio and Grill. Line up is at 10:45 off of Cty A and Howard Drive. Decorate your old cars, tractors, bikes, ATVs, golf carts, motorcycles, floats, pets, or just walk the route.No registration required.
3 Fox Lake Fire Dept. Golf Outing
Fox Lake Golf Club at 11am. Scramble. For more information call the Club at 920-928-2508
17 Fox Lake Preservation Organization
Special Friends Outing See page 12 for details.
18 Chamber of Commerce Golf Outing
10am registration, 11am shotgun start. Call the Chamber for additional information or to reserve a spot (920)928-3777.
19- Fox Lake Public Library
Summer reading registration starts.
24 Tunes on the Lake
Sponsored by the FLPO from 1-5pm with a band playing off the Lorenty’s pier, off Blackhawk Trail
25 Trenton Highlights 4-H Club Fundraiser
Leroy Meats Brat Stand, Fox Lake. 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Call Sherry at (920) 928-2478 for more info.
1 Brat Fry
Put on by Living Hope Food Pantry at LeRoy Meat Market.
1 Parade on Blackhawk Trail
Sponsored by FLPO starting at 1 p.m. from Town Park. This is a family fun activity, so decorate your old cars, tractors, bikes, ATVs, golf carts, motorcycles, floats, pets, wagons or just walk the route. No registration is required.
1 FLPO Boat Parade
The Fox Lake Preservation Organization is sponsoring a 4th of July boat parade starting at 5:00 p.m. from Del Bern Acres. Line up is at 4:45 pm. No registration required.
1 Fox Lake FREE Concert in the Park City of Fox Lake Riverside Park shelter. Food, beer and soda available. Live music from 6:30 p.m. til dusk. Call the Fox Lake Chamber at (920) 928- 3777 for information.
1 Fireworks at Dusk
Fireworks show over the lake. Rain date July 2. See page 19 for details.
14 4th Annual Fox Trot-Red, White and Brews Wine and Beer
Walk in downtown Fox Lake from 5-8 p.m. Sponsored by the Fox Lake Chamber of Commerce. Call for additional information (920)928-3777.
15 Leroy Meats Customer Appreciation event from 12-4pm
21 Drunken Clam Annual Casual Car Show A preview to the main car show on July 22 in the park. Live music from 4-9 p.m. You are welcome to bring any style of vehicle to show.
22 Firefighters 21st Annual Car Show
Held at Fireman’s Park, rain or shine, at 9 a.m. See page 20 for more details.
23— Fox Lake Golf Club Big Cup Golf Outing and Sunday Brunch
4 person scramble, the cups are really big!! Call the club for more information (920) 928-2508
5 15th Annual Kuno Fest
Chief Kuno Trail on Fox Lake. Enjoy food, fun and live bands at the Boat House, The Clam and The Shores. Contact the Boat House for more information (920) 928-3470.
18 11th Annual SAGES’ Golf Outing
Held at Fox Lake Golf Club. Pull together a team, come play as an individual, or simply join us for lunch. Proceeds benefit project-based learning at the School for Agricultural & Environmental Studies (SAGES). Learn more at, www.waupun. k12.wi.us/o/sages.
20 Dog Swim
Held at Fox Lake Aquatic Center
25 Family Night Golf
Kids golf for free with a paying adult. Glow in the dark balls and a lit up course. Fox Lake Golf Club Call (920) 928-2508 for information.
26 Tunes on the Lake
Sponsored by FLPO from 1–5 p.m. with a band playing off the Drury’s pier, off Howard Drive
26 Night Golf
Fox Lake Golf Club 8:30 pm. 4 person scramble with glow in the dark balls and a “lit up” course. Call (920) 928-2508 for additional information.
9 Boat House’s Annual 4-Person Scramble Golf Outing Held at Fox Lake Golf Club. Outing and hole activities and prizes. Contact the Boat House for additional information (920) 928-3470.
23 Snappers Golf Outing
Fox Lake Golf Club at 11. Scramble. For more information call the Club at 920-928-2508
8 Fox Lake Ladies Shotgun for the Cure Invitational Best ball scramble. Includes lunch, prizes and raffles. Call Fox Lake Golf Club for more information (920) 928-2508.
13 —Fire Prevention Open House
Fox Lake Fire Department
14 20th Annual Boat House Hayride
Ride around the lake on hay wagons pulled by tractors. Contact the Boat House for additional information (920) 928-3470.
21 13th Annual ‘Spooktacular’ Event in downtown Fox Lake. Noon to 3. Tons of kids’ activities. Sponsored by the Fox Lake Chamber of Commerce. See page 19 for more details.
28 Trunk or Treat
3-5 p.m. at St. John’s Lutheran School, 110 Edgelawn Dr. Fox Lake (920) 928-3296
28 City of Fox Lake Trick-or-Treat
Tentatively 4 p.m. - 6 p.m.
11 Veterans Day Program
Flag Memorial at 11 a.m. at American Legion.
23 Thanksgiving Dinner at Schaumburg Supper Club 10:30am-2pm. Reservations appreciated. (920) 928-3348
2— Breakfast at the Legion-220 W. State St Free breakfast for all city residents until food is gone. Santa and Mrs. Claus will be in attendance. Children under 10 receive a free gift.
3 Advent by Candlelight
3:00 p.m. at St. John’s, 110 Edgelawn Dr., Fox Lake (920) 928-3296
9— “December to Remember” Christmas Extravaganza
12:30 p.m. - 6 p.m. Call (920) 928-3777 for more information. See page 19 for details.
9— Breakfast with Jesus
8:30 a.m. - 11 a.m. at St. John’s Lutheran School, 110 Edgelawn Dr., Fox Lake (920) 928-3296
12 Fox Lake Preservation Organization
Annual Golf Outing Held at the Fox Lake Golf Club. Best-ball scramble that is open to the public. Complimentary lunch served at the turn and drawing for many golf prizes and raffle items. Tee time is 10 a.m. Plan to join the fun!
16 Buffet Brunch with Santa
Enjoy a bit of the North Pole while visiting with Santa at the Boat House. Festivities begin at 11 a.m. Contact the Boat House for additional information (920) 928-3470.
ServingBurgers,Pizza,ChickenWings,Breakfast, FridayFishFryandMore;
Burgers•FishFry•Pizza•Camping CoRdGonBeaverDamLake 920-326-5121
Now in its 21st year, the Fox Lake Flea Market continues to grow. It is held Saturday mornings, April-October in the parking lot of the Fox Lake Food Pantry on State Street. Vendors sell everything from dollar items to antiques. Both local and outof-town customers look forward to seeing the flea market flag flying along Hwy. 33. New vendors are always welcome. Vendor space is free. Call Don Taddey, (262) 353-1704, for further details. A diverse assortment of flea market treasures are sure to please everyone and will make your visit to downtown Fox Lake memorable. The Fox Lake Flea Market is proudly sponsored by American Legion Post 521 and the Fox Lake Food Pantry.
Fox Lake
Size: 2,625 acres Depth: 19 feet
DESCRIPTION: One of the most diverse fisheries you’ll find anywhere. The lake has wonderful scenery, including six islands. Ice fishing is very good on Fox Lake also.
Walleye, Northern Pike, Muskies, Perch, Large Crappie, and Bluegill
ACCESS: Town of Fox Lake Park on Blackhawk Trail, the City of Fox Lake at Clausen/Riverside Park and the Boat House Pub & Eatery on Chief Kuno Trail
Lake Emily
Size: 268 acres Depth: 14 feet
DESCRIPTION: Small, spring-fed lake with lots of undeveloped shoreline. In the winter, it is a popular ice fishing destination.
Bluegill, Largemouth Bass, Walleye, Muskie and Northern Pike
ACCESS: Public boat launch located on Lake Drive
Beaver Dam Lake
Size: 6,600 acres Depth: 9 feet
DESCRIPTION: A large body with a fishery to match its size. The lake is also shallow, making it easy to fish without electronics. Fertile water and careful lake management have led to an extremely healthy fishery.
Giant Crappie, Jumbo Perch and Walleye
ACCESS: Town of Fox Lake Launch on Spring Road, Derge, Edgewater, Water Works and Tahoe parks
LAUNCH FEES FOR ALL LAKES: Fox Lake Residents $4 per season, Non-Residents; Seasonal $40 yearly or $5 daily
The Fox Lake Preservation Organization (FLPO) and the Town of Fox Lake worked together on purchasing a new ADA Kayak Launch for Fox Lake! This partnership resulted in obtaining funds from the WDNR Recreational Boating Facilities Grant and from the FLPO to purchase the kayak launch. This new feature on Fox Lake will allow paddlers of all abilities to enjoy the 2,700+ lake acres.
The kayak launch is located at the Town Park, which is on Blackhawk Trail toward the northwest corner of the lake. The launch is free to use and all kayakers are invited to use it!
The Fox Lake Preservation Organization invites special needs adults and chaperones to be their guests at Town Park, Blackhawk Trail, for pontoon boat tours on Fox Lake. Snacks and beverages are provided. After several hours of touring the lake, the guests return to shore for a cook- out lunch. Held for 28 years, traditionally on the third Saturday in June, the Friends of the Lake Outing has become the popular social event for our friends from ARC of Dodge County and Bethesda Lutheran Home in Fox Lake. It takes many volunteers, pontoon boat captains and “first mates”, cooks, servers and dockside attendants to make the outing a memorable experience for the guests. For further information please call Bob Bergman at (920)-928-3486
The year round recreation is never ending in the greater Fox Lake area. Snowmobile trails, cross-country skiing, hiking, hunting, just to name a few. Golf at our 18-hole golf course, shop the downtown or swim at our sparkling aquatic center. It doesn’t matter what you do for fun, there are many ways to enjoy yourself in Fox Lake. The lakes offer limitless recreational opportunities, such as fishing, kayaking, boating, skiing, tubing and outdoor lakeside dining. Fox Lake continues to be a tourist destination year after year. Come join us!
Fox Lake is continuing to earn its reputation as one of the top 10 fishing lakes in the state of Wisconsin. Abundant fish include perch, crappies, blue gills, muskie, northern, walleye and bass. Fishing is a year-round sport in Fox Lake, whether it happens from boats, docks, or public piers at the Town of Fox Lake Park/Boat Launch on Blackhawk Trail or the City of Fox Lake Clausen-Riverside Park/Boat Launch. Winter ice doesn’t stop us either. Ice fishing is alive and well in Fox Lake! You may pick up a map of Fox Lake, courtesy of the Fox Lake Chamber of Commerce, at area resorts and businesses. Fox Lake isn’t the only lake in the area. Lake Emily is just northwest of Fox Lake and Beaver Dam is just south. Each have public launches.
The Mill Creek Dam is also a favorite spot for fishing throughout the entire spring and summer. Located at the end of Mill Street, this dam controls water flow from Fox Lake to neighboring Beaver Dam Lake. The Mill Creek Restoration project provides a handicap fishing and picnicking area with a handicap-accessible table by Riverside Park. For more information regarding the Mill Creek Restoration project, call the Fox Lake City Hall at (920) 928-2280.
To promote the recreational use of Fox Lake, the Fox Lake Preservation Organization (FLPO) in conjunction with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) continue to commit itself to an extensive yearly fish stocking program.
On October 3rd at 9:30 am, the FLPO worked with 5th and 6th grade students from SAGES to release 2,600 - 7 to 9 inch walleye, 4,290 - 5 to 7 inch perch and 4,620 black crappies into Fox Lake at Town Park on Blackhawk Trail.
The success of the annual fish stocking program is made possible by fundraising events, donations, and FLPO membership dues. The generous financial support and the time and effort of volunteers assure that Fox Lake remains a top-rated fishing lake.
Nineteen years ago, the Fox Lake Chamber decided to bring back its Annual Ice Fisheree. Hosted at the Boat House Pub & Eatery by Vicki Matheys, the 2023 event will be held on Saturday, January 28, starting at 7 a.m. and ending at 3 p.m. There’s a full day for catching the many fish available in Fox Lake and chances to win prizes for the largest fish in any of the legal categories.
Not into winter sports? All afternoon, those who prefer the indoors, have a chance to participate in the silent auction and the many raffles put on by the Chamber.
All award-winning fish entries are announced and prizes are awarded at 4 p.m., along with an invitation to stay into the evening to enjoy some musical entertainment.
The Fox Lake American Legion Fisheree will be held on Saturday, February 4. Registration is at the Fox Lake Legion beginning at 5 a.m. Fisheree time is 7 a.m.–2 p.m. at the Boat House Pub and Eatery launch.
Raffles, silent auction, door prizes, and
bucket raffles begin at 2 p.m. at the Legion. Cash prizes in all fish categories for children and adults begin at 4 p.m. A “special items” pre-raffle is available. Food and beverages will be served beginning at 2 p.m. at the Legion. A full menu will be available at the Boat House beginning at 11 a.m., beverages will be available at 7 a.m.
The mission of the fisheree will be to provide funds that will allow the Legion to help local veterans.
The Fox Lake Legion is asking for donations of materials or money that will help them achieve their goals. Please contact Dave DePrey at (920) 296-0098 or the Fox Lake Legion at (920) 928-2381 for additional information or to make a donation.
The 10th Annual Fish Tales Bait & Liquor Winter Jamboree event is February 10-12. A large 40’ x 80’ heated tent will be set up on the Town Park, on Blackhawk Trail. There will be live music, a beer stand, and food. You must pre-register at Fish Tales Bait Shop located at 529 West State St. or call (920) 520-0015. This is one of
the largest fisherees in the area. Tent and entertainment open to the public. Proceeds go to the fish stocking of Fox Lake.
Eleven years ago there was a Saturday in February without an event at the Boat House, so they started a charity fisheree.
This year the 12th annual Fox Lake Local Charities Fisheree will be held on Saturday, February 25. The fisheree will run from 7 a.m.-2 p.m. at the Boat House Pub and Eatery, N10575 Chief Kuno Trail.
There will be prizes for the largest fish caught in six different categories: walleye, northern, perch, crappie, blue gill and bass—for adults and children alike. Raffles, door prizes, silent auctions, and a full menu will all be available beginning at 11 a.m. Beverages will be available at 7 a.m.
Please contact the Boat House at (920) 928-3470 for additional information or if you would like to have a group, individual, association, etc. considered as the charity recipient.
The Fox Lake Golf Club, established in 1922, is a beautiful 18 hole facility located on the shores of Fox Lake. The course consists of a mixture of tree lined fairways and open fescue grass with greens that roll true. The FLGC is able to accommodate all sizes and group golf outings, receptions, parties and banquets. The
golf course is open to the public from March 14 to November 14, with a full bar and serving food.
All types of golf memberships are available. They have Men’s, Women’s, Senior, and Couples Leagues. They are extremely proud of their Women’s League/Club for raising over $15,000 for breast cancer this year. Check out
the Early Bird Golf Specials Monday thru Friday 7 a.m. - 10 a.m.
The Fox Lake Golf Club is located at N10500 Indian Point Road, Fox Lake. The phone is 92-928-2508. Find them online at www.foxlakegolfclub.com.
In the summer of 2003 the City of Fox Lake Beautification Committee made a dream become a reality by turning the old railroad loop into a walking trail from the Depot to Fox Lake Junction. The loop is approximately one mile long using the route through Fox Lake that the railroad company created to bring the railroad line to town. It was used until the 1960s by Fox Lake.
By 2006, a prairie garden, other gardens, and several trees were planted next to the walking trail. Signage and two gated arbors on the Trenton Street entrance were also installed.
Walkers can enter the trail at any point; however, the Depot Railroad Museum on Cordelia Street is considered the beginning of the trail. Any season—winter, spring, summer and fall—just look for signage and enjoy a hike on the Fox Lake Loop Walking Trail.
Fireman’s Park Disc Golf Course is a 9 hole course, set in a multi-use park that plays around a swimming pool and baseball diamonds. There are discatcher baskets on all holes. It offers a mix of shots with some longer holes and plenty of out-of-bounds with fences. The course is mostly flat and lightly wooded. Tee pads are varied, with some on concrete, some on roads. There are two tees per hole (white/ blue) that are signified by blocks in the ground. Even the natural areas are level and easy to throw from. There are nice differences in distance, especially between tees. The alternate pin placements really change the distances. It is located at 248 E. State St., Fox Lake.
Each fall, deer hunters gather in and around Fox Lake in Dodge County to take home that special trophy. Many public hunting areas are available. For more information, contact the Horicon DNR at (920) 387-7860 or Wildlife Intake Line at (608)267-0866.
Public Hunting near Fox Lake
Shaw Marsh Wildlife Area
903 acres, state-owned Horicon Marsh Wildlife
11,009 acres, state-owned Westford Public Hunting Grounds
682 acres, state-owned Fox Lake Fishery Area
464 acres, state-owned
When visiting Fox Lake during the summer, make a point of checking out the city’s Aquatic Center. It is fun for the entire family. The zerodepth entry or “beach entry” is handicap-accessible along with several bubble jets and a swirling slide to go down. A large umbrella area is perfect for taking a break and relaxing in the shade.
The Aquatic Center offers swimming lessons for all ages, contact Dodge County YMCA for details. For more information, please call the City of Fox Lake at (920) 928-2280 or visit www.cityoffoxlake.org.
Fox Lake Aquatic Center Availability:
June 3 - August 20
Open Swimming
Monday - Friday 1 - 7 p.m.
Saturday - Sunday 12 - 7 p.m.
Private Parties - Reserve one week prior, based on availability. Sat.-Sun. 10 a.m.-12 p.m.
Swim Lessons
Morning and Evening sessions
Volleyball court available during pool hours
Dog Swim - August 20, 2023
Call City Hall for reservations and pool hours (920) 928-2280
The Fox Lake community offers its residents and guests more parks than many larger localities.
Located on Highway 33 on the south end of the city, Adams Spring Park features a memorial to Bunny Berigan, a famous jazz trumpeter from Fox Lake who performed with some of the best bands of yesteryear.
Fox Lake Aquatic Park is located just east of the Fox Lake Community Center and features pools to keep kids and adults cool on hot summer days.
John ‘Red’ Solis Memorial Park is the newest addition on the west end of the city and is located on Forest Street in the City of Fox Lake. Get your children some exercise on colorful playground equipment
Town Park is located between Blackhawk Trail and the northwest corner of the lake, in the Town of Fox Lake. It has a handicap-accessible pier, public access for boating, and a shelter with restrooms.
Veterans Memorial Park is a small park on the corner of College and State streets in the City of Fox Lake. It was constructed in 2002 to honor all area veterans.
Located on the north end of the City of Fox Lake, Clausen Park features a 60-foot-tall Memorial Tower, donated to the city by Leon Clausen in 1955. Public restrooms are at the base of the tower. Clausen Park is the site of the annual Memorial Day Observances, as well as other activities.
Fireman’s Park offers baseball diamonds and volleyball and basketball courts. It is located adjacent to the City of Fox Lake offices, fire department, police department and community center.
Riverside Park is immediately west of Clausen Park. It features a large playground, BBQ grills, and a shelter for picnickers and other guests. It also has a public boat launch, with parking for vehicles, as well as a handicap-accessible pier for fishing. Great view of the 4th of July fireworks and festivities. Also available to rent for private parties, call City Hall for details.
The West Crocker Street Park got a new look in 2019! Thanks to a community wide effort to improve the park, kids now have more play area and new play equipment including an array of tunnels, slides, handicapped access swings, ladders, monkey bars and other activities. There is also a park sign in the shape of a big fox, which can’t be missed. Even with the additions there is still plenty of green space for kids and families to play games, to have a picnic or just relax.
Both are free to the public. They are located at the North end of Booth Street. The dog park is in the Little league Diamond and the sledding hill is located just north of the Little League Diamond on other side of the concessions stand.
Fox Lake celebrates its strong Irish heritage once again this year. For over 40 years, the Fox Lake St. Patrick’s Day Parade has delighted old and young alike. Come and celebrate in the small town where everyone is Irish for a day! The parade will be held on Sunday, March 12, at 1:00 p.m. Lineup for the parade begins at 12:00 p.m. on Depot Street. All entries are welcome. A $10 fee will be charged for those floats wishing to participate in the judging for cash prizes. No float is too big or too small! The parade is different each and every year with floats from all over! Bring the whole family and help Fox Lake celebrate. Find the hidden leprechaun in Fox Lake, turn it in after the parade, and win a prize. For more information, please contact Marcy Benz at (920) 557-1399.
This celebration is sponsored by the Fox Lake Chamber of Commerce, the FLPO and Ergo Bank along with many other local businesses and individuals. It is held on Saturday, July 1. The day begins with a parade on Blackhawk Trail. It continues on with a Boat Parade at 5 p.m., followed by live music from 6:30 p.m. until dusk at Riverside Park. Food and refreshments will be available. One of the area’s best fireworks displays begins at dusk. Come by car or boat. Riverside Park and the public boat launch area at Riverside Park offer excellent viewing. The west and north shores of the lake also offer great viewing opportunities. When the fireworks end, stick around and watch the parade on the lake as all the lighted boats head for home. The alternate rain date for fireworks is Sunday, July 2.
The 13th Annual Fall “Spooktacular” Festival takes place along downtown State Street (Hwy 33) on Saturday, October 21 from Noon to 3pm. Festival activities include pumpkin-carving, face painting, children’s costume contest and pet costume contest, brat fry, fire trucks, flea market and candy treats galore. Bring your camera and take photos of your family with our many face painted BOO boards! Many of the downtown businesses will also be spookily decorated for the event. The Fox Lake Chamber of Commerce is always looking for vendors, groups and local businesses to display and share their wares, as well as zombies and ghouls to walk the streets! This is a Fox Lake Chamber sponsored event. Please come and support Fox Lake. Please Note: City Wide Trick or Treating will tentatively be held the following Saturday, October 28 from 4-6 p.m.
This celebration is held at the Fox Lake Community Center on Saturday, December 9 and is sponsored by the Fox Lake Chamber of Commerce. The event starts at 12:30pm and is free and open to the public. It includes fun activities such as salon pampering, cupcake decorating, ornament painting, a coloring contest and other activities. Visit Santa and his Christmas friends. Adults can enjoy shopping, raffles, silent auctions, and bake sale items. Lunch will be available for purchase. The parade of lights begins at 5 p.m. Line up is at the corner of Mill and State St. with parade ending at the Fox Lake Community Center. Following the parade, Santa will meet with all of the children. Enjoy school band performances and local carolers spreading holiday cheer. The City of Fox Lake will provide a free dinner to the community. Bring a non-perishable food item for our food pantry. Visit the Fox Lake Chamber of Commerce for schedule of events, to volunteer or to submit float entries
“A Day On & Around Fox Lake”
A popular event, one that many people look forward to attending every summer, returns when the Fox Lake Firefighters 22nd annual Car Show takes place Saturday, July 22, 2023 at Fireman’s Park, 246 East State Street in Fox Lake. There will be a live band in the evening, starting around 7 p.m. In 2022 the band, The Toys, performed. Gates open at 9am rain or shine, welcoming all vehicles from all years. This includes cars, trucks, motorcycles, and anything else you can drive through the gate. Awards include trophies and plaques, also dash plaques to the first 150 vehicles. Good food, beer and other refreshments are also available to keep you going all day long. T-shirts will also be available for purchase. Judging is concourse style with $10 at the gate for judged show vehicles and $5 for show only/non-judged vehicles. Spectators are free.
The Aquatic Center is also located on the show grounds, with many areas for kids, and good music, that translates to good times.
There’s no experience quite like taking home one of our trophies or plaques from a great family-oriented atmosphere with great prices, great people, and great fun. Experienced judges and staff with topnotch dedication will be on hand, as it should be. We are not like most other car shows. This is a passion. We look forward to welcoming you on Saturday, July 22.
For information regarding the annual car show, and vendors, (no food vendors please), contact the Fire Department at (920)-928-6115 or email at flfd@foxfd.com. On behalf of the Fox Lake Fire Department and its dedicated people and committee, we look forward to your visit. All proceeds generated from this event are used to purchase needed equipment for the Fox Lake Fire Department. This is a non-profit organization and this event is made possibly strictly by generous sponsors and non-paid volunteers.
There are many small Amish businesses just a short drive from Fox Lake. The Markesan and Kingston/ Dalton Historical Societies can provide visitors with in-depth information on where the Amish came from, their traditions and customs and how they have integrated into their neighboring communities, as well as what trades they are known for.
Locate the Amish businesses below by finding their number on the map.
The Amish community includes Marquette, Columbia, and Green Lake Counties. When traveling in the area many motorists are not aware of how to drive when they come upon a horse and buggy. In an effort to increase the safety of all those who use the roadways in this area, here are some safe driving tips.
1 Dim your headlamps when you meet a horse and buggy at night.
2 Give a wide berth when passing a horse and buggy.
3 Avoid rapid acceleration or unnecessary vehicle noises when passing or near a horse and buggy, loud noises may startle the horse as well.
Following a few simple tips as a motorist will help make our roadways safer.
48. BP Lumber
49. Long Lane Greenhouse
50. The Fancy Tails Collection
51. Dog & Gypsy
52. M&M Pet Supply
53. Hillcrest Supply
54. Mast FinishingAlso Refinishing
Fox Lake’s best kept secret is it’s variety of culinary choices. You will find perfectly prepared steaks, seafood dishes, and the traditional Wisconsin fish fry. Enjoy the local favorites, including a hearty breakfast, delicious pizza, the ultimate bloody mary or nostalgic carhopping.
Whether you prefer a private cottage or a resort for your family getaway, Fox Lake has just what you are looking for. They accomodate different stays whether they are daily, weekly or yearly. Choose from spacious year round cottages that will accommodate 2 people, to resorts that will accommodate 20 people. Our assortment of facilities offer motor boats, paddle boats, lake access, boat launches, dining and bar options, air conditioning, cable TV, and much more. Make Fox Lake your next vacation destination!
The information below was provided by the resort owners. The Fox Lake Chamber of Commerce is not responsible for any changes in accommodations listed.
See ad on page 25
See ad on page 25
•NetworkingopportunitiesatChamberevents,includingmonthlymembershipmeetings heldatvariouschambermemberbusinesses.
•InclusionintheexclusiveChambermemberonlygiftcertificateprogram. Giftcertificates forallparticipatingbusinessesareavailableattheChamberoffice.Thesegift certificatesmayonlybeusedatbusinesseswhoareFoxLakeChambermembers.
•ProvideadvertisingopportunitiesonChamber’swebsite,fbpage,FoxLakemap andFoxLakeVisitorsGuide.
•Chamberclothing(sweatshirts,caps,T-shirts,etc.)availableatcostatthe Chamberoffice.
•Distributionofyourbusinessinformationthroughe-mail,phone,welcomebagsor pick-upattheChamberoffice.
TheFoxLakeChamberisamember-basedorganizationdedicatedtoestablishingandmaintainingitselfasthe primaryvoiceandresourcetodetermineandenhancethefuturegrowth,economicvitality,directionandsuccess ofthegreaterFoxLakebusinessorganizations.
Over 45 miles of trails are groomed and maintained by volunteers from the club. The club’s mission is to provide groomed trails and fun, safe activities. The club meets once a month from September - April. A schedule of events and meetings, membership information, and trail conditions can be found on their website at http://foxlakesnowblazers.wix.com/fox-lakesno-blazers or on facebook at fb.me/foxlakesnoblazers.
Riding the trail system is a privilege, not a right. Respect landowners by staying on the marked trails. Maps are available at several area businesses. Always check that trails are open before heading out by phoning the Dodge County Hotline at (920) 296-9091. For more information e-mail foxlakesnoblazers@gmail.com. Join our club for a discounted trail pass!
Fox Lake’s American Legion Post 521 currently has 160 members in its 2022 membership and is always looking for more. The Post supports area active duty military members as well as local, state and national support for our veterans. The Post has a bar which is open to the public as well as veterans, and a hall available for a nominal charge. This hall is provided free of charge to non-profit groups and returning active duty military personnel. They invite you to enjoy the fun atmosphere and listen to or tell some military stories to people who have also been there. They serve meals the first Saturday of the month, call ahead for details and time of raffle. Come enjoy our Polka Bands every Friday from 7:30 until 10 p.m. They will host a free children’s breakfast with Santa and Mrs. Claus on December 2nd and also have brat frys throughout the summer. Please stop by and visit us, and the Military Veterans Memorial on State Street, here in Fox Lake. Call (920) 928-2381 for more information.
The Fox Lake Chamber of Commerce meetings are held on the 3rd Monday of each month at one of the chamber member’s businesses. Please visit www.FoxLakeChamber.com for the exact location each month.
The Town of Fox Lake monthly board meetings are held the 2nd Monday of each month, unless otherwise posted, starting at 7pm at Fox Lake Town Hall, located at W10543 Cty Rd. FW, Fox Lake.
Annunciation Catholic Church
Reverend John J. Radetski, Pastor 305 West Green St., Fox Lake (920) 928-3513
Friday Mass: 8 a.m.,
Saturday Mass: 6 p.m.,
Sunday Mass: 8:30 a.m.,
Wednesday Communion
Prayer Service: 8 a.m.
Sacrament of Reconciliation:
After Mass on Friday and Saturday
Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction
After Mass the 4th Friday of the Month www.visitannunciationparish.org
The City of Fox Lake Council meetings are held the 1st Wednesday of each month and the committee of the whole meeting is the 3rd Wednesday of each month. Meetings begin at 6:30pm at Fox Lake City Hall, 248 E. State St. Call City Hall with any questions, (920)928-2280.
The City of Fox Lake RDA monthly meetings are held the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm at Fox Lake City Hall, 248 E. State Street. Call City Hall with any questions, (920)928-2280.
Fox Lake Public Library Board meetings are held the 1st Tuesday of every month at 6 pm at the Fox Lake Community Center, located at 248 E State St. The Historical Room meeting is held just prior to the Library Board meeting at 5:30 pm.
American Red Cross Blood Drive
Barb Rechek (920) 928-3119
Boy Scouts/Waupun
Tony Niemeyer (920) 728-2106
Cub Scouts/Waupun
Jessica Schultz (920) 763-5272
Fourth of July Fireworks
Tim Nehls (920) 210-0321
Fox Lake Chamber of Commerce
Vicki Matheys, President (920) 928-3470
Fox Lake Garden Club
Lori Schultz (920) 210-5156
Fox Lake Historical Society Scott Frank (920) 296-0254
Fox Lake Preservation Organization Mike Tegtmeyer mtegs@comcast.inc
Girl Scouts/All Levels Michelle Niemeyer (608) 577-2887 chellhopp@yahoo.com
Living Hope Community Church
Pastor Rod Galindo
740 W. State Street, Fox Lake (920)928-6610
Summer Sunday Worship
(June-August): 9:00 a.m.
Sunday Service (Sept.-May): 10 a.m.
Sunday School (Sept.-May): 9 a.m.
Take part in our faith buidling opportunities via our active youth groups, small groups, Bible studies and Living in Victory group. See the calendar on our website for meeting times.
St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church
Pastor David Nottling 110 Edgelawn Drive, Fox Lake (920)928-3296
Sunday Worship: 8 a.m. & 10:30 a.m.
Sunday School and Bible Class: 9:15 a.m.
Wednesday Worship: 7 p.m.
Summer Worship
(Memorial Day–Labor Day)
Sunday 8 a.m. & 9:30 a.m.
Wednesday 7 p.m.
Sonbeams - Will run for 6 weeks on Wednesday mornings starting January 11, 203 for children ages 2-4 with a chaperone.
St. Patrick’s Day Marcy Benz (920)557-1399 or contact on Facebook
Trenton Highlights 4-H Club
Sherry Helmer (920) 928-2478
YMCA of Dodge County Marni Lemmenes (920) 887-8811
Located in Fox Lake, the School for Agricultural and Environmental Studies (SAGES) is Waupun Area School District’s project-based, public charter school for grades 4K - 6th. This small school with a family-feel offers an innovative educational program infused with agricultural and environmental science. In 2021, SAGES was recognized by the Wisconsin Department of Public Education for its efforts to implement an equitable system of support in the area of behavior. Community support for Waupun Area School District’s Fall 2017 Facility Improvements Referendum resulted in SAGES adding and upgrading learning spaces, including a new Agriculture Classroom with Teaching Kitchen, Media Center, Collaboration Spaces, Greenhouse, and larger classrooms. SAGES is proud to continue its focus of building strong relationships with their learners and families. Support from partnerships with local businesses and organizations have been integral in providing SAGES’ learners with realworld experiences that positively impact them and the community.
Staff members have a renewed energy and commitment to providing SAGES’ learners with meaningful, project-based learning opportunities that engage the multiple learning styles of the 21st century learner. Offering a rigorous, standards-based curriculum that engages learners in the learning process, SAGES’ personalized learning methods include: questioning, off-school grounds learning, and project-based learning. SAGES’ hands-on approach allows students to learn through observation and problem solving by using the area’s natural venues as classrooms. Routine off-campus field experience trips include excursions to: SAGES community garden, the school forest, Fox Lake, Marsh Haven Nature Center, Mills Creek, and ventures to local businesses. With class sizes being no greater than 20, all learners become part of the intimate SAGES community, where they have the opportunity to grow academically, socially, and emotionally. Collaboration is fostered through multi-age and buddy class learning activities.
For more information about SAGES or to schedule a tour, please call 920-9283136. Also, find SAGES on Facebook or at www.waupun.k12.wi.us/o/sages.
St. John’s Lutheran School provides a Christ-centered education for children in 3-year-old Kindergarten through 8th grade in a safe, caring environment. The students at St. John’s are taught through strong academic programs using up-to-date and innovative methods, technology and materials. St. John’s provides a low student –to – teacher ratio. Our classes are multi-age, providing the teachers the opportunity to teach each child at his or her individual ability. We teach our students the love that our dear Savior has for them and the gift of forgiveness He gives to us all. Each day your child will be able to hear the Word of God and be strengthened in faith through the Holy Spirit. If you have any question or are interested in our school, please contact the school office at 928-3296.
St. John’s has now added a 3-YearOld Kindergarten program. These students love to dive in with both hands—whether it is finger-paint, glue, crayons, paint, or playdough! Moving in new ways with diverse materials helps promote fine motor skills and
reinforces mind-body connections in the developing brain. We encourage this kind of play and plan handson, age appropriate activities in art, science, math, and pre-reading skills to keep their creative juices flowing! At this time, the cost for the 3-Year-Old program is $50 per month.
St. John’s hosts an early childhood program called SonBeams. Due to Covid, this program is temporarily on hiatus. Please watch our website or facebook page for information about when this program will resume. We would also invite you to join us for a worship service. Services are currently held at 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. on Sundays with a repeat service on Wednesday evening at 7 p.m. Our services are also live streamed at 8 a.m. on Sundays and are available for viewing on our website. Our church and school are affiliated with the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod. Please contact Pastor Nottling at 920-928-3250 or visit our website, www.stjohnsfoxlake.org for any questions about our congregation or what we have to offer.
Fox Lake is proud to have the Fox Lake Public Library located in the heart of the city at 117 W State Street. The library offers a collection with over 17,000 volumes. The library is a member of the Monarch Library System, giving patrons the ability to borrow over a million holdings from over 30 libraries in Dodge, Washington, Ozaukee, and Sheboygan Counties. Library cardholders can use the Monarch Catalog or Monarch2Go App to check their library account and put hold requests on any of the items in the Monarch Library System. Library cards are free and grant access to more item and resources than ever before. Apply for a card in the library or through the Monarch catalog!
The library offers new DVDs, best seller fiction and non-fiction books, local newspaper, and magazine titles. Come explore our “library of things” that includes board games, yard games, early learning curriculum, Cricut Maker, and more. Need to print, copy, scan, or fax? We can help for little to no cost. The library offers high-speed internet on four public computers. We also have open WIFI for public use that reaches outside the building. Access to Fox Lake historic newspapers is accessible in the library through Newspapers.com on the public computers and library WIFI.
Your library card grants free access to many digital resources. Digital books, audiobooks and magazines are available through the Wisconsin Digital Library and the Libby app. Access reference databases, from auto repair to genealogy, for all ages with Badgerlink. Learn a new language with Transparent Languages. This app has over 100 languages to learn at your pace from Afrikaans to Zulu and English as a second language. Hoopla, a digital service that offers books, audiobook, comic books, movies, Tv series, and music albums! Find all your entertainment and media needs in one streamlined app.
The Summer Reading Program for area youth ages birth-17 is held from mid-June to late July. Program highlights include craft sessions, live performances, and prizes. In addition, other reading challenges for all ages are offered year-round. Adult programs are offered periodically from fall to spring. The library Facebook page and website, https://www.foxlake.lib. wi.us/ , has dates and details of these programs.
The Fox Lake Public Library is open to the public Monday – Saturday. For more information about the library, events, or to schedule an appointment for researching in the Harriet O’Connell Historical Room, call 920-928-3223 or email us at foxlakelibrary@monarchlibrary.org or Library Director Erin Anders at eanders@monarchlibraries.org.
to like us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram!
• Weddings
• Anniversaries
• Birthdays
• AnySpecialOccasion ($100-Capacity200people)
220W.StateStreet FoxLake,WI 920-928-2381
Fox Lake offers a variety of industry throughout the city and rural areas. Fox Lake is a large rural area with agricultural industry. Our rural areas produce various crops as well as livestock. The City of Fox Lake offers a 62-acre industrial park on the city’s south side. Full-service lots range from 3 to 5 acres. Currently, the industrial park contains several companies ranging from trucking to manufacturing. The Fox Lake Redevelopment Authority can assist industrial or commercial businesses relocating to the Fox Lake area. Financial assistance is available. For more information contact the City Administrator at (920) 928-6288 or e-mail cityadmin@cityoffoxlake.org.
Bothlocations OPEN 5amto10pm
American Legion Post 521
220 W State Street, Fox Lake 920-928-2381
Annunciation Catholic Parish
305 W Green Street, Fox Lake 920-928-3513
Berkshire Hathaway Home Services
Metro Realty-Agent Angela 920-477-0064
Boat House Pub & Eatery
N10575 Chief Kuno Trail, Fox Lake 920-928-3470
Cabby’s Grill & Patio
N10351 Howard Drive, Fox Lake 920-928-3338
cabbysgrillandpatio@gmail.com cabbysgrillandpatio.com
Chalet of Fox Lake
814 W State Street, Fox Lake 920-928-2425
Christopher Brooks Dental Office
608 W State Street, Fox Lake 920-928-2228
Church Health Services
115 N Center Street, Beaver Dam 920-887-1766
City of Fox Lake
248 E State Street, Fox Lake 920-928-2280
cityclerk@cityoffoxlake.wi.gov cityoffoxlake.org
Copper Tap LLC
221 W State Street, Fox Lake 920-520-0000 • copper@coppertap.net
Cottage in Fox Lake LLC
213 Davis Street, Fox Lake 480-299-4888 • tom_carr@msn.com
Curb Appeal Lawn Care LLC
303 Forest Street, Fox Lake 920-928-6443
Daily Citizen 805 Park Avenue, Beaver Dam 920-887-0321 • wiscnews.com/bdc
Detjens Randolph Piggly Wiggly 164 Kienow Drive, Randolph 920-326-5800 adetjen@shopthepig.com shopthepig.com
Early Times Antiques W11020 Howard Dr., Fox Lake 920-382-3470 dockside_5121@yahoo.com
Facebook-Early Times Antiques and Vintage Creations
Electronic Components & Services (ECS) 103 Industrial Drive, Fox Lake 920-928-2611 ecs@ecspcb.com ecspcb.com
ERGO Bank 314 W State Street, Fox Lake 920-928-3161 info@ergobank.com • ergobank.com
Excalibur Knifeworks N10435 Chief Kuno, Fox Lake 920-296-8825 excaliburknifeworks@gmail.com excaliburknifeworks.com
Fish Tales Bait & Liquor LLC 529 W State Street, Fox Lake 920-520-0015 sold@nehlsrealty.com foxlakefishtales.com
Fox Future Storage LLC 635 Spring Street, Fox Lake 920-296-9385 foxfuturestorage@gmail.com
Fox Lake Chamber of Commerce 305 W State Street, Fox Lake 920-928-3777 info@foxlakechamber.com foxlakechamber.com
Fox Lake Chamber Website Admin beachgirlsewing@gmail.com
Fox Lake Clinic AHC-A member of SSM Health Care 703 W State Street, Fox Lake 920-928-6300
Fox Lake Community Fire Department 246 E State Street, Fox Lake 920-928-6115 • flfd@foxfd.com • flfd.us
Fox Lake Correctional Institution W10237 Lake Emily Rd., Fox Lake 920-928-3151
Fox Lake Food Pantry 103 Spring Street, Fox Lake 920-520-0166
Fox Lake Golf Club Inc.
N10500 Indian Point Road, Fox Lake 920-928-2508
foxlakegolfclub@gmail.com foxlakegolfclub.com
Fox Lake Inland Lake Protection and Rehabilitation District
W10543 CTY F, Fox Lake 920-928-2772
Flilpard@centurytel.net • Flilpard.org
Fox Lake Preservation Organization PO Box 32, Fox Lake 920-344-2881
Fox Lake Self Storage W11202 State Road 33, Randolph 920-319-6527 info@foxlakestorage.com foxlakestorage.com
Fox Lake Sno-Blazers 548 E. Jefferson St, Waupun 920-296-9091
foxlakesnoblazers@gmail.com foxlakesnoblazers.wixsite.com/foxlake-sno-blazers
General Lee’s Dawg Haus Inc. 302 N High Street, Randolph 920-253-3294
Glacier Valley Campground
N8129 Larson Road, Cambria 920-348-5488 info@glaciervalleycampground.com glaciervalleycampground.com
Hayes Resort
W10551 Blackhawk Trail, Fox Lake 920-928-2616 hayesresort@centurytel.net hayesresort.com
Hoekstra’s Market & Greenhouse LLC
N10348 Cty Hwy A, Fox Lake 920-928-2398 hoekstrasllc.com
J.D. Fox Manufacturing LLC
101 West Cordelia Street, Fox Lake 920-355-2155 Dev.beal@jdfoxmfg.com www.jdfoxmfg.com
J Schraufnagel Construction LLC
158 Prospect Ave., Beaver Dam 920-382-7800 jschraufnagelconstruction@yahoo.com
Jen-Ter Wire & Element Inc.
115 Industrial Drive, Fox Lake 920-928-2022 info@jen-ter.com • jen-ter.com
Karavan Trailers Inc.
100 Karavan Drive, Fox Lake 920-928-6200 gail.lindsey@karavantrailers.com karavantrailers.com
Karen’s Hip Hop Diner
530 W State Street, Fox Lake 920-520-0041 khiphopdiner@gmail.com karenshiphopdiner.com
Ken’s TV & Antenna Service
N11295 County A, Fox Lake 920-928-2462 kenstv@centurylink.net
Kratz-Smedema Funeral Homes, LLC
312 S. College Ave, Fox Lake 323 Mary St., Cambria 920-928-3121 deerlegs@centurylink.net • kratzfh.com
Krieser Construction Co., Inc N10411 Chief Kuno Trail, Fox Lake 920-948-1665 • kurt@krieserinc.com
Kwik Trip #367 701 W State Street. Fox Lake 920-928-2070 • kwiktrip.com
Leroy Meats & Catering 739 W State Street, Fox Lake 920-485-2554 X2 foxlake@leroymeats.com
Living Hope Community Church 740 W State Street, Fox Lake 920-928-6610 info@livinghopefoxlake.com livinghopefoxlake.com
Marshfield Medical Center
Beaver Dam
707 S University Avenue, Beaver Dam 920-356-6519 kern.liz@marshfieldclinic.org • bdch.com
Mazzolari Electric P.O. Box 361 920-296-3677 jjmazzolari@gmail.com
Mullin’s Drive-In 104 Spring Street, Fox Lake 920-928-2040 jjd196550@gmail.com
Nehls Realty LLC 305 W State Street, Fox Lake 920-928-2548 sold@nehlsrealty.com nehlsrealty.com
Ness Electric Inc. 380 Enterprise Drive, Markesan 920-398-2221 nesselectric@ymail.com nesselectric.com
On Lake Time 211 W State Street, Fox Lake 920-520-0202 onlaketimefoxlake@yahoo.com
Pepsi Beverages Company
N8601 Cty A, Beaver Dam 920-887-3774 mike.lipski@pepsico.com
Pine Hill Insurance Services
919 DeClark Street, Beaver Dam 920-219-9046 smohammed@pinehillinsurance.com pinehillinsurance.com
Pub 33 309 W State Street, Fox Lake 920-928-2420 Pub33.309@gmail.com
Quade Real Estate LLC 214 W State Street, Fox Lake 920-928-2422 office@quaderealestate.com quaderealestate.com
Quit-N-Time 317 W State Street, Fox Lake 920-928-2808 • tappyjeff@gmail.com
Riverstone Machining LLC 107 Industrial Drive, Fox Lake 920-928-3771
sales@riverstonemachining.com riverstonemachining.com
SAGES School for Agriculture & Environmental Studies
200 S. Depot Street, Fox Lake 920-928-3136 waupun.k12.wi.us/o/sages
Sallie Tomato 300 Spring Street, Fox Lake 920-520-0083 jess@sallietomato.com sallietomato.com
Salon 311 LLC
311 W State Street, Fox Lake 920-928-3113 salon311@gmail.com • salon311.com
Sam’s Automotive 701 Spring Street, Fox Lake 920-928-3454 s734@centurytel.net
Schaumburg Supper Club N11935 County Road A, Randolph 920-928-3348
Shoreline Boat Center 509 Commercial Ave, Green Lake 920-294-3145 boats@shorelineboat.com shorelineboatcenter.com
Smedema Trucking Inc. 102 Karavan Drive, Fox Lake 920-928-6800
Snappers Sports Bar 219 W State Street, Fox Lake 920-520-0193 troybenz@gmail.com
Spirits on State Street 302 W State Street, Fox Lake 920-520-0016 Kharmsen21@gmail.com
St. John’s Luthern Church & School 110 Edgelawn Drive, Fox Lake 920-928-3250 info@stjohnsfoxlake.org stjohnsfoxlake.org
State Street Pizza 319 W State Street, Fox Lake 920-928-2929
mystatestreetpizza@gmail.com mystatestreetpizza.com
Streich Motors Inc. 411 W State Street, Fox Lake 920-928-2335 streichmotors@centurytel.net
SV Signs & More 303 W State Street, Fox Lake 920-382-8489 sv.signsnmore@gmail.com
Terminator Pest Control 902 W Commerce Street, Cambria 920-348-6010 info@terminatorpc.com terminatorpc.com
The Shores of Fox Lake N10604 Chief Kuno Trail, Fox Lake 920-928-2576 theshoresoffoxlake.com
Total Business Products Inc. 205 DeClark Street, Ste 1, Beaver Dam 920-356-1711 totalbusiness@sbcglobal.net totalbusinessproducts.com
Town of Fox Lake PO Box 124, Fox Lake 920-928-3573 clerk@townoffox.wi.gov townoffoxlake.org
Tru Cleaners LLC N3836 Savage Road, Brandon 920-210-0747
Waupun Area School District 950 Wilcox Street, Waupun 920-324-9341 shill@waupun.k12.wi.us waupun.k12.wi.us Wedge’s Resort LLC
W10771 Howard Drive W, Fox Lake 920-382-1551 wedgesresortllc@gmail.com
YMCA of Dodge County 220 Corporate Drive, Beaver Dam 920-887-8811 mlemmenes@theydc.org theydc.org
Any comments or questions concerning the Fox Lake Chamber of Commerce website, please contact Renee at beachgirlsewing@gmail.com