PDPW Dairy's Bottom Line -- January 2019

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Volume 21: Issue 1 January 2019

BOTTOM LINE Sharing ideas, solutions, resources and experiences that help dairy producers succeed.


Page 4 Don’t cut corners when establishing alfalfa

Page 6 Use tools to monitor calf microclimate

Page 10 Be aware of corn silage issues

Page 12 Increase herd resiliency against clostridia

Choose thankfulness Hank Wagner

The year 2018 is in the history books — even if we still have financial records and year-end business numbers to sort through. While it’s certainly important to understand how our businesses performed, there are other parts of life and business that are equally — if not more — significant. As we look Hank Wagner back at this past year, all family and team members should think about and answer reflective questions. • What lessons did we learn in 2018? • What went right? • What victories did we have? • What did 2018 bring to us that we’re thankful for? As we begin a new year, it’s important to determine our hopes and expectations as well as to consider how we can use what we learned in 2018 to bring improvement in the new year. Consider what priorities, expectations and goals we should set for ourselves as individuals and also for our families, marriages, business and teams. And once

again, remember what you’re thankful for. It’s important as we assess a year gone by and cast a vision for the year ahead to fo c u s o n t h a n k f u l n e ss because the things we are intentionally thankful for grow and multiply; things we’re not thankful for decrease or exit our lives. That powerful truth is at work in our lives every day, even if we don’t realize it or make a conscious choice to apply it. Those of us who are dairy producers are thankful for our animals. We understand they are our livelihood; we care for

them to the best of our abilities. We hire nutritionists, veterinarians, reproductive specialists and other consultants so we can give excellent care to our animals. Many of us consider our cattle extensions of family. Our crops also receive fo c u se d a t te n t i o n . We assemble experts, develop plans, purchase quality seed, apply necessary nutrients, prepare suitable seedbeds and g ive d e l i b e ra te c a re throughout the growing season. That approach is also See WAGNER, page 2

Professional Dairy Producers™ I 1-800-947-7379 I www.pdpw.org

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