Volume 20: Issue 7 November 2018
BOTTOM LINE Sharing ideas, solutions, resources and experiences that help dairy producers succeed.
Full plate of education coming up Page 2 Manage heifer inventory strategically
Page 4 Fungicide potential management tool
Page 9 Water-quality considerations for out-wintering cattle
Page 15 Keep kids safe, away from tractors
Among the highlights of the recently released 20182019 Professional Dairy Producers of Wisconsin educational programs are four producer favorites. Review details on four upcoming programs in the next several weeks. There are three Calf Care Connection Workshops. Each are one-day workshops that will be held from 9 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. in separate locations. • Nov. 13 in Fennimore, Wisconsin • Nov. 14 in Eau Claire, Wisconsin • Nov. 15 in Chilton, Wisconsin Three world-renowned calf experts will challenge attendees on the latest in research on calf health, feeding, sanitation protocols and more. • Donald Sockett, veterinarian and Ph.D., will discuss strategies to combat Salmonella Heidelberg as well as proper cleaning and disinfecting protocols of facilities and equipment. • Richard Wallace, veterinarian, will discuss proper vaccinating approaches, drug-injection techniques and perform a calf necropsy to give attendees an inside look at setting the stage for healthy digestive and respiratory systems in calves. • An extensive lab facilitated by Jud Heinrichs, Ph.D., will showcase how rations
impact rumen development and growth in the wet calf. Necropsies will display the effects of feeding calves all milk, mostly milk with grain, or milk with grain and minimal forage. One in a series of four topics, the Dairy’s Visible Voice Crisis Management Workshop is scheduled for Dec. 11 at the office of Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin, 8418 Excelsior Drive, Madison, Wisconsin. The workshop is open to dairy farmers and allied industry professionals. Media and communication experts Linda Wenck and Judy Rupnow of MorganMyers will provide attendees with an in-depth look into
risk management for dairy businesses. Participants will learn techniques to rank and prioritize crisis situations, develop a response plan, identify basic response materials and equip family members and dairy employees to react efficiently in a crisis. A one-day Dairy Human Resources Workshop is scheduled for Dec. 12 in Wisconsin Dells. The workshop is for dairy producers managing people in addition to cows. The realm of human resources often leads to added stress, leading to a cycle of poor outcomes that affects the entire See EDUCATION, page 2
Professional Dairy Producers™ I 1-800-947-7379 I www.pdpw.org