Volume 21: Issue 2 March 2019
BOTTOM LINE Sharing ideas, solutions, resources and experiences that help dairy producers succeed.
2019 PDPW Business Conference
March 13 & 14, 2019
Alliant Energy Center | Madison, WI
Chris Britton Pioneer Territory Manager
Stephen Hawk Grower
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Pioneer.com/HarvXtra HarvXtra® is a registered trademark of Forage Genetics International, LLC. HarvXtra® alfalfa with Roundup Ready® technology is enabled with technology from The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, Inc. Roundup Ready® is a registered trademark used under license from Monsanto Company. Do not export Pioneer® brand alfalfa seed or crops containing Genuity® Roundup Ready® technology, including hay or hay products, to China pending import approval. In addition, due to the unique cropping practices, do not plant this product in Imperial County, California. ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW PESTICIDE LABEL DIRECTIONS. Alfalfa with the Genuity® Roundup Ready® technology provides crop safety for over-the-top applications of labeled glyphosate herbicides when applied according to label directions. Glyphosate agricultural herbicides will kill crops that are not tolerant to glyphosate. ACCIDENTAL APPLICATION OF INCOMPATIBLE HERBICIDES TO THIS VARIETY COULD RESULT IN TOTAL CROP LOSS. Pioneer® brand products are provided subject to the terms and conditions of purchase which are part of the labeling and purchase documents. TM, ®, SM Trademarks of Dow AgroSciences, DuPont or Pioneer, and their affiliated companies or their respective owners. © 2018 PHII. PION8GENL070_FP27
PDPW Board of Directors President Jay Heeg Colby, Wis. 715-507-0030 jcheeg@yahoo.com
Vice President Katy Schultz Fox Lake, Wis. 920-210-9661 katylschultz@gmail.com Secretary Dan Scheider Freeport, Ill. 815-812-4012 dnscheider@gmail.com Treasurer Brian Forrest Stratford, Wis. 715-650-0267 bforrest70@gmail.com Directors Mitch Breunig Sauk City, Wis. 608-963-6819 mysticvalley336@gmail.com
March 2019 • PDPW • Dairy’s Bottom Line
Get a Step Ahead Those who are in the dairy business for the long haul know they need to continually sharpen their skills. A committee of dairy producers who share that commitment developed the 2019 Professional Dairy Producers of Wisconsin Business Conference. Attendees will have access to a broad array of content at this year’s event, scheduled for March 13–14 at the Alliant Energy Center in Madison, Wisconsin. While the agenda is packed with sessions, there’s also plenty of time for networking in
the Hall of Ideas Trade Show. An abundance of industry partners will be available to showcase products, technologies and innovations to help dairy producers succeed.
Wednesday, March 13 8 a.m. — Hall of Ideas opens 8:45 to 10 a.m. — Hands-On and Specialty sessions 10:15 to 10:45 a.m. — Learning Lounge and Preview Stage 11 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. — General Session with David Kohl, and then Scott Burrows 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. — lunch in Hall of Ideas 1 to 1:30 p.m. — Learning Lounge and Preview Stage 1:45 to 2:15 p.m. — Learning Lounge and Preview Stage See STEP AHEAD, Page 4
Andy Buttles Lancaster, Wis. 608-723-4712 stonefront@tds.net Janet Clark Rosendale, Wis. 608-341-6709 vafarmsllc@hotmail.com Marty Hallock Mondovi, Wis. 715-495-2812 marbec@nelson-tel.net Steven Orth Cleveland, Wis. 920-905-2575 orthlanddairy@gmail.com
PDPW Advisers Jim Barmore GPS Dairy Consulting Verona, Wis. jmbarmore@gpsdairy.com
Mark Binversie Investors Community Bank Manitowoc, Wis. mbinversie@investors communitybank.com Dr. Randy Shaver UW- Madison Dairy Science Madison, Wis. rdshaver@wisc.edu Andrew Skwor MSA Professional Services Baraboo, Wis. askwor@msa-ps.com
Directions to the Alliant Energy Center The Alliant Energy Center is located at 1919 Alliant Energy Center Way, Madison, Wisconsin. Visit www.alliantenergycenter.com or contact 608-267-3976 or aec@alliantenergycenter.com for more information. • From Chicago (South): I-90 to exit 142A, west on U.S. Highways 12/18, 5 miles to Rimrock Road, exit 262 • From Green Bay (North): I-90 to exit 142A, west on U.S. Highways 12/18, 5 miles to Rimrock Road, exit 262 • From Milwaukee (East): I-94 West, I-90 South to exit 142A, west on U.S. Highways 12/18
to Rimrock Road, exit 262 • From Minneapolis (West): I-90 South to exit 142A, west on U.S. Highways 12/18 to Rimrock Road, exit 262 • From Des Moines (South): I-80 East to I-380 North, north on U.S. Highway 151 to U.S. Highways 12/18E, exit at Rimrock Road, exit 262 The Alliant Energy Center is served by four entryways: the Main Gate from Rimrock Road on the southeast; the Nolen Gate from John Nolen Drive on the east; the Olin Gate from Olin Avenue on the north; and the Rusk Gate from Rusk Avenue on the south.
March 2019 • PDPW • Dairy’s Bottom Line
2019 PDPW Business Conference Industry experts drive home key messages Presenter topics for Day 1 of the 2019 PDPW Business Conference include consumer trust, managing animal care, p e o p l e , te c h n o l o g y a n d finances, and fine-tuning practical dairy-production strategies. Attendees can select one 75-minute morning session for Day 1, in addition to any Hands-On Hub sessions held in the New Holland Pavilion. See page 17 for speaker biographies. Day 1: Wednesday, March 13 — Morning Lights, Camera, Action: Media veteran Katrina Cravy will teach critical tips to navigating situations involving negative publ i c i t y. H e r strategies are i n te n d e d to Katrina create a crisis Cravy plan and position businesses to maintain consumer trust. Robotic Management: A team of experts with
Step Ahead Continued from Page 3
2:30 to 6 p.m. — Hands-On and Breakout sessions 4:30 to 6:15 p.m. — Connection Reception in Hall of Ideas
i n te r n a t i o n a l experience will present the latest regarding what is known about robotic design, animal Nigel Cook health and productivity. Dr. N igel Cook, ve te r i n a r i a n , joins Dr. Virpi Kurkela, veterinarian, and architect Jouni Virpi Kurkela P itkäranta to showcase a vast array of analytics available to help in facility design. The Europeans have been quick to Jouni adopt robotic Pitkäranta technology; attendees will learn from their experiences – both good and bad. What’s your checkoff dollar doing? Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin CEO Chad Vincent and Dairy Management Inc. CEO Tom Gallagher will
6:30 to 8 p.m. — dinner and evening program with keynote Richard Pimentel and live music from The Jimmys Until midnight — evening hospitality
Explore calf-mortality causes ... page 5 Additional session details ......... page 7 Hands-on Hub ....................... page 8
present what happens when the Wisconsin milk-checkoff p rog ra m a n d the national program work Chad Vincent together. The two will shed light on their individual roles and divulge what they’re currently wo r k i n g o n . Tom Discover how Gallagher checkoff dollars are marketing dairy products around the world. Boost bedding management: Bedding types and bedding management can have significant impacts on bacteria counts — and subsequently on mastitis risk and milk quality. World-ren ow n e d c a l f expert Dr. Sand ra G o d d e n , Sandra veterinarian, Godden
will address benchmarking bacteria counts in bedding materials as well as tips to improving bedding management to reduce mastitis risk.
Thursday, March 14 8 a.m. — Hall of Ideas opens 8 : 3 0 to 9 : 4 5 a . m . — Hands-On and Specialty sessions 10 to 11 a.m. — General Session with Jason Karszes joined by David Kohl 11 to 1:15 p.m. — lunch in Hall of Ideas
11:30 a.m. to noon — Learning Lounge and Preview Stage 12:30 to 1 p.m. — Learning Lounge and Preview Stage 1:15 to 3:20 p.m. — Hands -On and Breakout sessions 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. — closing keynote Merril Hoge The Alliant Energy Center is located at 1919 Alliant Energy Center Way, Madison.
Registration form .................... page 9 Learning Lounges ............ pages 10-11 Keynote speakers ............ pages 12-13
Day 1: Wednesday, March 13 — Afternoon Afternoon sessions will give attendees an opportunity to select three 60-minute sessions from five total sessions. Hands-On Hub sessions will also be held at the same time in the New Holland Pavilion. They just don’t get it: Leadership and sales-training co n s u l ta n t Be c k y S tewart-Gross will showcase how effective communication re s ts o n t h e ability to consider and respond to the mindsets of five Becky different generStewartations. TradiGross tionalists, Baby Boomers, Generation Xers, Generation Yers and incoming Generation Zers all have different ways of
PDPW Board candidates ... pages 14-15 Research previews .................. page 17 Speaker bios .......................... page 17
March 2019 • PDPW • Dairy’s Bottom Line thinking, working and communicating. Discover the predominant traits of each. Learn how to communicate effectively with team members across all generational segments. Decisions with each dairy in mind: The need to balance big-picture concepts and longterm strategic decisions while optimizing day-to-day operations is difficult. Tom Overton will draw attention Tom Overton to the areas of m a n a ge m e n t where a dairy can receive the biggest bang for its buck. Feeding is one of the greatest investments; it’s also the area
that can yield the greatest return. Best management practices for group-housed preweaned calves: Raising calves in group housing isn’t always easy. While there are some benefits, there are also risks. Dr. Sandra Godden, ve te r i n a r i a n , will walk attendees through the Sandra best practices to Godden mitigate disease risk and enhance performance with a dairy’s youngest calves. What’s ahead for animal welfare? In just a decade’s time “animal welfare” has become part of standard dairy vernacular. While priorities continue to
change and evolve, producers need to know what’s coming down the pike. Jennifer Van Os and Dr. Nigel Jennifer Cook, veterinarVan Os ian, will outline approaches to employ for the good of production animals and the future of dairy farms. The session is only Nigel Cook presented twice — from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. and from 3:45 to 4:45 p.m. Business and Financial IQ: Both business IQ and financial IQ are vital in an
industry of razor-thin margins and extreme economic volatility. More agriculture lenders are determining a p r o d u c e r ’s financial IQ to prioritize and assess risk. David Kohl will equip attend- David Kohl ees with the tools needed to improve management factors and evaluate present business position. Attend the session to learn about the four Cornerstones of Management – planning, strategizing, executing and monitoring. The session is only presented twice — from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. and 3:45 to 4:45 p.m.
Explore calf-mortality causes PETE WICKHAM For Agri-View
Ask baseball fans about following their favorite pastime, and they might lament the fact that it has become a mathematician’s playground – with a dizzying array of sabermetrics and analytics that leave mere mortals in a fog. Dr. Franklyn Garry, veterinarian, is a Colorado State University-Extension specialist and veterinary professor. He also believes in using a n a ly t i c s to accurately assess Franklyn circumstances – Garry albeit in an altogether different ball game. His goal is to teach dairy producers to explore causes of calf mortalities and learn from those events. He’ll present strategies on this topic while also showcasing new data-collection tools at the 2019 PDPW Business Conference in a Hands-on Hub
Dr. Franklyn Garry, veterinarian, works with a group of students to encourage attention to causes of calf mortality. National surveys of calf mortality have been taken since 1992, with rates fluctuating through time between 6 percent and 12 percent. At the greater levels that mortality takes a toll on the herd.
session entitled “Explore, Learn, Record.” “PDPW has a longstanding working relationship with Dr. Garry,” said Shelly O’Leary, PDPW communications and outreach specialist. “He’s able to convey complex technical
and scientific issues in layman’s terms and provide action steps that lead to improvements.” Garry’s presentation will occur five times during the PDPW Business Conference in an interactive format inside the
New Holland Pavilion. “ We c a l l t h e m o u r Hands-on Hub sessions,” O’Leary said. ”It’s where attendees roll up their sleeves and get a close-up look.” Garry works to encourage attention to causes of calf mortality. National surveys of calf mortality have been taken since 1992, with rates fluctuating through time between 6 percent and 12 percent. At the greater levels that mortality takes a toll on the herd. Regular infusion of young lactating cows is needed to replace aging and non-productive animals. But even at the 6 percent to 8 percent mortality level, he said, the rate represents a loss of genetically superior animals, loss of resources and significant welfare concerns. Improved reproductive technologies help, especially with sexed semen that guarantees more heifers are born. But Garry said when calves die there has been little attention See EXPLORE, Page 6
March 2019 • PDPW • Dairy’s Bottom Line
Effects on Heifer Calves — Deaths
Effects on Heifer Calves — Disease
Franklyn Garry
Franklyn Garry
Explore Continued from Page 5
paid to the exact causes and whether those causes could be prevented. Usually a cause will be listed simply as birth, accident, diarrhea or respiratory. “If producers would have more accurate descriptors of why calves die, it can be really useful,” he said. “It can give workers who manage calf care and development clues as to whether simple inexpensive steps – such as feeding more colostrum or fluids, more bedding, a heating lamp or oxygen – might lead to better survival rates. You can also detect a problem pattern that might be developing that you can work to change.” The clues come from a more detailed evaluation or necropsy performed either by a veterinarian or by farm workers who have been trained regarding what to look for when they do an exam. “Generally it takes 10 to 30 minutes to do a necropsy,” Garry said. “After learning what to do a worker can get most of the information he
Franklyn Garry
“Despite the importance of calf health, and the high incidence of calf disease and death, this area receives limited attention from producers and veterinarians.” — Franklyn Garry needs to know. And if he sees something out of the ordinary he can get the veterinarian on the cell phone.” The investment already put
in before a calf is born makes it worth sweating those details. “You put a lot of good money into genetics and pre-natal care of the adults,” he said. “It makes
sense to take care of the details and take that extra step.” On average producers only do necropsies on 3 percent to 4 percent of calves who don’t survive, Garry said. “If we could get that number to 10 percent to 15 percent, that would be a good indication that producers are paying better attention,” he said. It comes down to a couple of basic principles. “You can’t manage well what you don’t understand, what you don’t see and what you don’t measure,” he said. “Once you see a problem, understand it and measure it, you pay attention to it and common sense takes over. When you get busy doing other things, sometimes you miss certain details. You need tools to direct attention to a problem. You do that with information and investigation.” And yes there’s a baseball analogy in his message. “The adult herd is your big club; the calves are the farm team,” he said. “If you worry only about the big club, eventually the problems in the minors will catch up to you and cause big trouble.” Visit pdpw.org and extension.colostate.edu for more information.
March 2019 • PDPW • Dairy’s Bottom Line
Day 2 steps ahead with more learning Day 2 of the 2019 PDPW Business Conference presents several more learning opportunities to put dairy professionals in positions to succeed. In the morning attendees can select one of four 75-minute sessions in addition to one of the Hands-On Hub sessions being held in the New Holland Pavilion. See page 17 for speaker biographies.
Day 2: Thursday, March 14 — Afternoon
Elsa Condon
Dan Kaufman
Day 2: Thursday, March 14 — Morning Mark Binversie
David Kohl
Tread lightly: What’s ahead for dairy and our carbon footprint? Frank Mitloehner will present a scientific view of the growing global demand for dairy as well as its impact on the planet and the false claims buzzing around Frank the topic. His research of agri- Mitloehner culture’s actual contribution to air emissions and other social issues have helped clear the air on the topic in recent years.
Understand the WHY on farm lending: The session will be presented by a panel of agricultural lending and finance experts. Elsa Condon, Dan Kaufman and Mark Binversie will outline why lenders are seeking new and different information from farm businesses. As bank rules change alongside the pressure points for farm financing, parameters and rules guiding each lending institution are critical for dairy managers to understand. David Kohl will facilitate the panel.
Putting leadership to work: Tom Thibodeau will illustrate the difference between leaders and managers. Leaders have people who follow them; managers have peoTom ple who work for Thibodeau them. To keep a dairy driving forward both skills need to be finely tuned. Thibodeau will outline skills and word choices that will pay dividends to attendees who use them.
Top 20 percent – what are they doing? From 2012 through 2017, 128 dairy farms participated in the Dairy Farm Business Summary and Analysis Project. Jason Karszes will outJason line how farms in Karszes the best 20 percent differentiated themselves in key categories. With a focus on costs and capital efficiency, the session will take a closer look at management strategies.
The afternoon sessions give attendees an opportunity to select two 60-minute sessions from four sessions. Hands-On Hub sessions will also be held at the same time in the New Holland Pavilion. I win, you win — bridge -building negotiations: Negotiations happen in everyday life. Becky Stewart-Gross will equip attendees with constructive negotiation and communication strategies. Participants will learn to conduct Becky i n te ra c t i o n s Stewartthat ensure Gross everyone is satisfied with the final results and feel like winners.
Scott Falkenberg
Ankica Runac
Dairy trends: To catch a sneak preview of up-and-coming consumer and food trends as well as their potential impacts, listen to a panel of t re n d se t te rs from a few segments of the dairy-value c h a i n . Sc o t t Falkenberg of Kwik Trip, Ankica Runac of Adrian Bota
PDPW’s Mission Statement
PDPW’s mission is to share ideas, solutions, resources and experiences that help dairy producers succeed.
Fa i r l i f e a n d Adrian Bota of Origin Milk will shed light on t h e i r ta rge t audiences and key strategies. Renea Heinrich will facilitate the panel.
Renea Heinrich
Navigating the roadways of stress: John Shutske will showcase what stress can do to the mind and body. He’ll map t h e n e ga t ive o u tc o m e s o f unresolved chronic stress John Shutske and its impacts on a person’s health. Attendees will learn how to break the chronic-stress cycle. Managing your creditors — farm-business reorganizations: Hear from attorney Paul Swanson as he shares strategies and tips on working with creditors in an uncertain e c o n o my. Challenging times call on Paul dairy producers Swanson to manage their relationships with lenders. As an expert in the field Swanson sheds light on the decisions that may mean the difference between staying in business and liquidating the operation.
March 2019 • PDPW • Dairy’s Bottom Line
Hands-On Hub popular learning place Year after year attendees rank hands-on learning at the top of the list. Three hand-on sessions will run simultaneously both days of the 2019 PDPW Business Conference. Day 1: March 13 • 8:45 to 10 a.m. • 2:30 to 3:45 p.m. • 4 to 5:15 p.m. Day 2: March 14 • 8:30 to 9:45 a.m. • 1:15 to 2:30 p.m. This land is your land – how does it handle rainwater? The session will showcase a water-runoff simulator in action to help attendees understand the best ways to protect sensitive soils. The simulator will mimic the effects of rainfall and other weather scenarios on different soil types. Participants will see how ground cover, topography and land management impacts what happens on a specific plot of land – and downstream.
Explore, learn, record Why do calves die and what are producers doing about it? In a hands-on lab Franklyn Garry gives participants a front-and-center look at calf necropsies to explore problems calf raisers encounter. He’ll incorporate new data-collection tools and show attendees how to learn from necropsies.
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Herdsperson hub A trio of veterinarian-guided stations will provide new skills and insights to even the savviest herdsperson. • Station 1 — Reproductive ultrasonography: seeing is believing ... Participants will learn about uterine and ovarian pathology, detecting twins, pregnancies and identifying gender. The pros and cons of ultrasound versus other cowside tests will also be discussed.
• Station 2 — Walk around the fresh-cow pen: tips for a healthier herd ... Attendees will develop a systemized observation and hands-on routine that includes blood β-hydroxybutyric acid testing — BHBA, temperature checking, drenching and record-keeping to better diagnose, prevent and care for fresh cows. The station also covers special care techniques. • Station 3 — Quality milk begins here: run the tests ... Participants will learn how to culture effectively while also utilizing information from other sources — including te s t i n g fo r so m a t i c ce l l count and the California mastitis test. The station highlights proper plating techniques and other on-farm testing systems. It also demonstrates how logging data in DairyComp helps reduce new infections while identifying chronic cases.
Visit Hall of Ideas, Dairy Technology Hub The Hall of Ideas Equipm e n t a n d Tra d e S h ow alongside the Business Conference sessions offers a wealth of information. In one convenient area attendees have access to companies and suppliers providing worldclass innovations, technologies and products. Vendors from across the nation will be on-site to share leading-edge ideas and services at the conference. Resources from vendors will be available to attendees long after the event concludes.
The Dairy Technology Hub features representatives from U.S. Cellular as well as Interquest Corp., a full-service technology firm in Beaver Dam, Wisconsin. Experts will be on-hand to answer questions about devices and applications, backup methods, virus-protection programs, features to look for when purchasing a new device, how to protect devices, virtual-reality glasses and more. Attendees with questions regarding computers, tablets, cell phones or other devices will want to stop.
March 2019 • PDPW • Dairy’s Bottom Line
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March 2019 • PDPW • Dairy’s Bottom Line
Learning Lounges lead to knowledge Throughout Day 1 and Day 2 of the 2019 PDPW Business Conference, 30-minute Learning Lounge Sessions will be presented. The sessions are held in the green, blue or red lounge areas in the Hall of Ideas. Day 1: Wednesday, March 13 10:15 to 10:45 a.m. Green Lounge: Feeding smart for components Tom Overton will discuss the butterfat and protein in milk and why they m a t te r m o re than ever before. Tom Overton It’s not just what cows are fed – the when, the how and everything involving the cow also matters.
Blue Lounge: Safety matters Rhonda Strebel will discuss why it doesn’t matter if team members are new or seasoned; their safety is paramount. The session will show Rhonda how to build a Strebel tool kit for safety. Red Lounge: What’s the impact? National checkoff dollar Tom Gallagher, Dairy Management Inc. CEO, will present what national-checkoff dollars are doing to maximize opportunity and sales in the domestic Tom fluid market. Gallagher
1 to 1:30 p.m. Green Lounge: Global perspective — robotics and cow health Jouni P itkäranta and Dr. Virpi Kurkela, ve te r i n a r i a n , will discuss what producers in other counVirpi tries do to optiKurkela mize cow health when applying robotic technology. Learn the top-five things to do to maximize return on investment with robots.
Jouni Pitkäranta
Blue Lounge: Five essential practices for a successful leader Becky Stewart-Gross will discuss impacts on producers who frequently work w i t h o t h e rs. Success depends 85 percent on self-knowledge and people skills Becky — and only 15 Stewartpercent on techGross nical knowledge. Learn about five essential practices to be a leader. Red Lounge: Get more power out of your poop Aaron Pape will talk about improving soil conditions to increase manure-spreading opportunities in order to improve nutrient retention. Dig
March 2019 • PDPW • Dairy’s Bottom Line into techniques from traditional to cutting-edge, ranging from manure timing to n ew a n d alternative cropping systems.
Day 2: Thursday, March 14 11:30 a.m. to noon
Aaron Pape
1:45 to 2:15 p.m. Green Lounge: Wisconsin’s dairy-checkoff program Chad Vincent w i l l p re s e n t what’s new with W i s c o n s i n ’s dairy checkoff. Receive an update on what the state check- Chad Vincent off is doing and how it’s returning dollars. Blue Lounge: Avoid the common pitfalls of heifers and hooves D r. N i g e l Cook will discuss why not all i n d u s t r y changes have been the best for replacement Nigel Cook heifers. Learn the key areas to watch for when designing and managing heifer facilities. Red Lounge: Dairy animal welfare: issues and answers Meet Jennifer Van Os, dairy’s new animal -welfare specialist. Hear what new information, insights Jennifer and opportuniVan Os ties she brings to businesses.
Green Lounge: Prevent silage hazards and fatalities Keith Bolsen will discuss how to avoid common hazards of managing silage in bunker silos and drive-over p i l e s. S i l a ge Keith Bolsen safety should be a priority on a dairy; detailed accounts of accidents will send the message home. Blue Lounge: Stop stressing and get your mojo back Josie Rudolphi will present the potential health effects of chronic stress as a serious – and very real – threat to dairy producers. Learn proven Josie ways to help Rudolphi minimize stress. Gain access to resources to mitigate stressors associated with farming. Red Lounge: Real solutions with real effective sanitation Donald Sockett will talk about the limitations of currently used best practices to control nesting bugs such as Salmonella Heidelberg, particularly for dairy operations. Discover Donald key insights on Sockett the super bug’s motive and strategies to take control, including the proper way to clean and disinfect.
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12:30 to 1 p.m. Green Lounge: Testing for accuracy Donald Sockett will discuss a new test offered by the Wisconsin Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory to assess milk osmolality, percent total Donald solids and bacSockett terial counts for cleanliness of the calf’s liquid-feed diet. Blue Lounge: Let’s clear the air Frank Mitloehner will talk about why, when issues receive the attention of the non-agricultural consumer, the dairy indust ry n e e d s to Frank know the facts. Hear the latest Mitloehner
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research on the effects of air emissions on animal health and welfare from a leading expert whose findings have opened eyes worldwide. Red Lounge: Dairy Revenue Protection IQ Lori Fetzer and Michelle Sell will discuss the new Dairy Revenue Protection policy. Learn what questions to ask, what numbers to know and what coverage is best.
Lori Fetzer
Michelle Sell
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March 2019 • PDPW • Dairy’s Bottom Line
Keynote speakers blend The keynote sessions at the 2019 Professional Dairy Producers of Wisconsin Business Conference bring attendees together in one session for a deeper look into practical — as well as motivational — topics for those in the dairy industry. Day 1: Wednesday, March 13 Your Time is Now David Kohl will present the first of five keynote sessions. In “Your time is now” Kohl will steer attendees around the world to examine what’s happening economically and internationally – and what’s around the corner for U.S. d a i ry. T h e wo rl d - re nowned economic and David Kohl business-management expert will impart upper-level views, insights and action steps to take home.
s Paid Here, Stay ium He em r Pr
Prepare for a level of information and ideas only Kohl can bring. Find your grit Scott Burrows has had his share of both triumphs and trials. At 19 years old Burrows was a star football athlete at Florida State University and a successful kick-boxing competitor. H is final victory was broadcast on ESPN. But his life was tragically altered soon afterward when a car Scott accident left him paralyzed Burrows from the chest down. He was diagnosed a quadriplegic but he was determined to move forward. He employed a method that neuroscience has proven to be the key to rewiring the brain’s messages to the body. What came innately to Burrows at such a young age has incredible
implications today for the dairy industry. In “Find your grit” he teaches individuals how to rise above challenges to propel forward through difficult circumstances — by engaging vision, managing mindset, and most importantly finding their grit. What’s your why? Richard Pimentel will reflect on important questions in the evening keynote session. When milk prices are good and business is moving in the right direction it’s easy to feel on top of the world — strong, resilient and ready to tackle it all. But when the world s h i f ts, q u e s t i o n s a n d Richard doubts start flooding in. Pimentel The wondering “why?” begins. Pimentel found himself at a pivotal moment when his
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March 2019 • PDPW • Dairy’s Bottom Line
education, inspiration commanding officer told him to stay behind and hold the line. Pimentel asked a question – and the answer defined the rest of his life. The decorated Vietnam veteran shares what it means to take care of business and be responsible.
Evening entertainment will be provided by The Jimmys. Namesake Jimmy Voegeli hails from Monticello, Wisconsin; the band’s music is a blend of blues, soul, funk, and rhythm and blues. Featuring a three-piece horn and sax section, along with harmonica, keyboard, bass and guitar, The Jimmys have been named a “top 10 summer festival band.”
Day 2: Thursday, March 14 Investment balance: maximize your business potential Jason Karszes is the general-session keynote; he brings home hard-hitting information vital to dairy producers. Attendees will learn the power behind investment balance. Karszes will delve into the management stratJason egy used by high-performKarszes ing businesses to maximize earnings. Attendees will see what a game changer it is when all investment areas on a dairy are honed to run at 100 percent economic capacity. Karszes will help attendees determine maximum economic capacity. He will show how to incorporate operational and strategic planning to capture the full potential of each business. Karszes will be joined by David Kohl.
Make your way forward Merril Hoge in the closing keynote shares how his life was not at all the fairy tale it seemed to spectators. Though he enjoyed an NFL career and later the role of ESPN analyst, Hoge would say he comes from common ground. Reality gave him an opportunity to learn what it takes to overcome odds and Merril Hoge separate himself from the pack. Not a person who subscribes to common thinking, his story changes perspectives and lives. For those who find themselves needing to be thinkers, problem solvers and survivors, Hoge’s message will hit home.
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March 2019 • PDPW • Dairy’s Bottom Line
Five candidates on the Three PDPW dairy-producer members will be elected to seats on the 2019-2020 board of directors during the PDPW Business Conference. Board members ultimately help facilitate the development of programs that bring cutting-edge research, elite traini n g , p e e r- n e two rk i n g eve n ts a n d hands-on educational opportunities to the dairy industry. They are involved in PDPW programs and committees. They proactively seek leadership opportunities on non-PDPW committees in the agricultural industry. PDPW bylaws allow one vote per dairyfarm membership. Because the PDPW Board of Directors has three available positions, each PDPW member can vote for as many as three. This year’s candidates, all from Wisconsin, bring different skill sets and ideas from their diverse range of experiences.
Ken Feltz owns and operates Feltz Family Farms Inc. and Feltz’s Dairy Store Inc. with his wife, Jackie, and their family. Their Stevens Point dairy consists of 570 cows that are milked in Ken Feltz a double-12 parallel parlor with an additional 110 cows milked with two robots. The robotic barn is attached to the retail store — where cheese, milk, ice cream, meat, chocolates and many other products are sold. The family operation employs 16 fulltime people at the farm and dairy store. The Feltz family earned the Master Agriculturist award in 2015; they co-hosted the 2014 Wisconsin Farm Technology Days. They’ve twice hosted Portage County’s June Dairy Breakfast.
John Haag owns and operates Haag Dairy LLC near Dane with his son Josh Haag. They raise all their replacements on the 150cow dairy. They sell about 50 cows each year to other John Haag farmers for their replacements. They began using two DeLaval robots in August 2018 in their milking routine. They hosted the Dane County Breakfast on the Farm in 2011. Since then John Haag has been involved with the Dane County Promotion Committee, serving as a director-at-large for the past four years. He’s been the Lodi FFA alumni president for 12 years as well as an East Central/Select Sires delegate for seven years.
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March 2019 • PDPW • Dairy’s Bottom Line
ballot for PDPW board Corey Hodorff is part of the fourth generation to own and operate his family’s Century Farm with his wife, Tammy, brother Clint Hodorff, and parents Doug and Linda Hodorff. Corey They milk 1,000 cows and Hodorff crop 1,200 acres at Second Look Holsteins LLC near Eden. In addition to the dairy entity, the family business structure also includes Peniel Acres Ltd. as well as Hodorff Seeds and Agronomy. On the farm Corey Hodorff oversees team members and management of dairy operations. He has served as 4-H leader, Fond du Lac County Dairy committee member, Fond du Lac County Junior Holstein adviser and Fond du Lac County Holstein Association director.
Ben Jones owns and operates Trillium Hill Farm with his brother Mike Jones, and parents David and Julie Jones. The Berlin dairy has 1,100 cows; they raise all their heifers. The Ben Jones family grows 2,000 acres of corn and alfalfa; they employ 20 full-time people. A graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Ben Jones worked for UW-Health studying and mapping epileptic onsets in the brain, before returning to the farm. With a belief that advocating for agriculture should be science-based, he has worked closely with Wisconsin Manufacturing and Commerce, the Dairy Business Association and the American Dairy Coalition to address Department of Natural Resources leachate-collection guidelines.
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Paul Lippert of Pittsville owns Grass Ridge Farm LLC, with his father, Matt Lippert, and brother Carl Lippert. The dairy is home to 600 registered Holsteins and Jerseys as Paul Lippert well as 500 young stock. Paul Lippert is the herdsman and human-resources manager. He graduated from UW-River Falls with a dairy-science degree. Grass Ridge Farm in 2018 hosted the Pittsville FFA Dairy Breakfast. Lippert believes strongly in PDPW’s educational focus, attending many events himself. He currently serves as president for the Wood Area Holstein Breeders and as chair of the Purple Ribbon Classic Sale.
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March 2019 • PDPW • Dairy’s Bottom Line
Continuing-education credits offered Every session offered during the 2019 PDPW Business Conference is eligible for continuing-education credits through one or more accredited providers. Dairy AdvanCE, powered by PDPW, is a continuing-education accreditation provider for dairy-industry professionals. Visit www.dairyadvance.org for more information on tracking credits, reporting, and finding additional continuing-education providers and courses. University of Wisconsin-School of Veterinary Medicine — UW-SVM; some courses run in partnership with an accredited continuing veterinary-medical education provider. Some boards have limitations regarding the number of hours accepted in certain categories and/or restrictions regarding certain methods of delivery. Continuing veterinary-medical education hours will be awarded to veterinary professionals who attend the program in its entirety.
American Registry of Professional Animal Scientists — ARPAS; select sessions have been approved by a registry that provides certification of animal scientists through examination, continuing education and commitment to a code of ethics. Limitations and restrictions apply to the number of continuing-education credits that can be obtained. Certified Crop Advisor — CCA — has approved select sessions at the 2019 PDPW Business Conference. The program is one of the professional-certification programs offered by the American Society of Agronomy — ASA. See www.certifiedcropadvisor.org for more information. Visit pdpw.org for a list of sessions and continuing-education credits; download the Business Conference flyer.
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March 2019 • PDPW • Dairy’s Bottom Line
Researchers give previews On the Business Conference Preview Stage world-leading researchers and University of Wisconsin-Madison master’s and doctoral students will highlight what’s coming in dairy research. Wisconsin is the hub for dairy discoveries. Dairy enthusiasts and business leaders from around the globe come to the Badger state for new insights and answers to tomorrow’s challenges. Stay a step ahead with an early preview of what’s being discovered and soon to be published. Calcium: potential game changer Managing calcium status at calving is critical to the longterm metabolic and physiological health for a dairy cow. Laura Hernandez will talk about managing calcium Laura during the transition period. Hernandez
She will be joined by student Meghan Connelly. Going deeper into amino acids Establishing an interaction between insulin and amino acids could lead to dietary strategies that reduce dietary protein. It could allow for supplementation with only a few r u m e n - p r o - Sebastian I tected amino Arriola Apelo acids. Sebastian I Arriola Apelo will lead attendees through ongoing research. He will discuss how infusion of different amino acids to cows fed low-protein diets can improve milk-protein yield at normal stages or during insulin infusion. He will be joined by student Haowen “Tom” Hu.
Putting data to work Farmers are bombarded by d a ta . V i c to r Cabrera has analyzed applications of data integration and decision making on dairy farms. In the session Victor he’ll show how Cabrera applying actionable data-driven decisions will improve dairyfarm bottom lines with improved economic performance. He will be joined by students Jorge Barrientos, Hector Delgado and Liliana Fadul. Leveraging the Liver Shifting liver metabolism may help cows respond better to the metabolic challenges associated with the transition to lactation. Research by Heather White and partners in her research group demonstrates that cows with sub-clinical ketosis have shifts in
nutrient utilization in the liver, when compared to cows without sub-clinical ketosis. But it may be possible Heather to influence that White nutritionally. She will be joined by students Kristina Weld, Ryan Pralle and Rafael Caputo Oliveira. Is the grass greener? Grazing heifers on certain grass species may result in greater forage production — in addition to Matt Akins enhanced quality and heifer growth. Dairy Heifer Management Specialist Matt Akins is at the head of research to learn how producers can use that information to their advantage. He will be joined by student Chelsey Hribar.
Speakers offer wide variety of expertise, knowledge Matt Akins, assistant scientist and dairy-management specialist at the University of Wisconsin– Madison, works with producers and industry professionals with a specific Matt Akins focus on dairy-replacement-heifer management and nutrition. He collaborates closely with scientists at the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Service’s Institute for Environmentally Integrated Dairy Management at the UW-Marshfield Agricultural Research Station.
Sebastian I Arriola Apelo, assistant professor in the dairy-science department at UW-Madison, earned his doctorate in dairy science and his master’s in crop and soil-envi- Sebastian I ronmental sci- Arriola Apelo ence from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. The goal of his re s e a rc h i s to i m p ro ve dietary-nitrogen efficiency and reduce nitrogen excretion from dairy-production systems by understanding milk-protein-synthesis regulation by amino acids.
Mark Binversie is president and co-founder of Investors Community Bank. He has more than 40 years of agricultural-lending experience and was instrumental in redesigning the
USDA Farm Service Agency’s Guaranteed Loan Program. He has assisted in the Wisconsin Housing Economic Development See SPEAKERS, Page 19
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March 2019 • PDPW • Dairy’s Bottom Line
he consults with dairy farms and their silage teams throughout North America.
Continued from Page 17
Authority’s Credit Relief Outreach Program for Wisconsin farmers. He was the past chair of the Wisconsin Bankers Association Agricultural Bankers Mark Section. Binversie
Keith Bolsen founded Keith Bolsen Silage Safety Foundation to promote safe silage-management practices. Known as The Silageman, Bolsen for 32 yea rs ta u g h t courses of principles of livestock feeding and silage tech- Keith Bolsen nology at Kansas State University. Currently
Adrian Bota is founder and CEO of Origin Milk. He has a knack for navigating the opportunities in a diverse food economy. His background is i n c o r p o ra te strategy in the Adrian Bota health-care sector and multiple startups. His experiences helped shape his business acumen and his intriguing approach to marketing in the dairy industry. Scott Burrows played football at Florida State University a n d w a s a t o p - ra n k e d kick-boxing black-belt champion at age 19. That same year a car accident left him paralyzed from the chest down. During six months of physical therapy at a hospital in Denver he
battled numerous life-threatening complications. Despite the challenges he returned to college and Scott graduated with Burrows a b a c h e l o r ’s degree in finance. He’s the author of the best-selling book, “Vision Mindset Grit.” Victor Cabrera is a professor and UW-Extension specialist in dairy management. His primary focus is on model-based decision support in dairyVictor farm production Cabrera systems to improve cost efficiency and profitability. In addition he uses simulation techniques, artificial intelligence and expert systems to
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enhance environmental stewardship on dairy farms. Elsa Condon is a vice-president in agricultural banking with BMO Harris Bank. She’s a graduate of UW-River Falls and the Wisconsin Bankers’ Association Advanced Agricultural Lending School. She has served on multiple state committees including the Wisconsin Bankers Association Agricul- Elsa Condon tural Bankers committee and the Wisconsin Livestock Identification Consortium. Dr. Nigel Cook, veterinarian, is chair of the department of medical sciences and a professor in food-animal production medicine at the UW-Madison School of Veterinary Medicine. He also See SPEAKERS, Page 20
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March 2019 • PDPW • Dairy’s Bottom Line
Speakers Continued from Page 19
manages Dairyland Initiative, a guide to welfare-friendly dairy-cattle housing. It’s an outreach proNigel Cook gram aimed at ensuring Wisconsin dairy producers build and remodel dairy-cattle facilities with up-to-date approaches that safeguard well-being while optimizing productivity. Katrina Cravy is an Emmyaward-winning TV and radio personality and author who wore headgear to high school. Her fun-loving but get-thejob-done style has made her a requested keynote speaker and trusted coach for leaders looking to create and communicate a story that sells. With more
than 20 years of experience as an i nve s t i ga t ive reporter, news anchor and talk-show host, Cravy is on a Katrina personal misCravy s i o n to h e l p teams and executives communicate with confidence during both good and bad times. Dr. Scott Earnest, veterinarian, is a livestock veterinarian with Lodi Veterinary Care in Wisconsin. After attending Deep Springs College and the University of Scott California Earnest -Berkeley, Earnest graduated from UW-Madison School of Veterinary Medicine. He has a particular interest in udder health.
Dr. Mike Etter, veterinarian, is a graduate of Purdue University Veterinary School. He joined the Lodi Veterinary Care team in 19 8 6. He ’s a member of the Mike Etter American Veterinary Medical Association, the Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association, the American Association of Bovine Practitioners and the American Association of Small Ruminant Practitioners. He practices dairy, beef, swine, sheep, goat, deer, elk and other wildlife medicine. Scott Falkenberg is a senior category manager at Kwik Trip Inc. overseeing all food-commodities purchasing as well as item planning and integration. A Scott native of the La Crosse, Wis- Falkenberg consin, area, Falkenberg has more than 25 years of retail experience with Kwik Trip and Sam’s Club in areas of procurement, innovations, petroleum and store operations. Lori Fetzer is a dairy-lending specialist at Compeer Financial. She works alongside commercial and progressive -minded dairy farmers to meet their lending and business-planning needs. She has a b a c h e l o r ’s degree from UW-River Falls. Having grown up on a dairy farm near Lori Fetzer New Richmond, Wisconsin, she has been involved in the dairy industry her whole life. Her husband, along with his family, operate a 1,500cow dairy near Elmwood, Wisconsin.
Tom Gallagher is CEO of Dairy Management Inc. During his leadership the organization has built trust in and demand for dairy. He did that by investing in partnerships Tom with major U.S. Gallagher and global food leaders like McDonald’s, Domino’s, Pizza Hut and Taco Bell as well as U.S.-based milk companies. The work is intended to develop and launch new dairy options for consumers. He also serves as the CEO of the National Dairy Council and the Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy, as well as the secretary-treasurer of the U.S. Dairy Export Council. Dr. Franklyn Garry, veterinarian, is a Colorado State University-Extension specialist with the College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences department of clinical sciences. After Franklyn earning his docGarry torate he worked in a dairy practice in New York, then performed advanced clinical training at The Ohio State University as well as at Maximillian University in Munich, Germany. Garry has been in the department of clinical sciences since 1987. Dr. Sandra Godden, veterinarian, is a professor of dairy-population medicine at the University of Minnesota. With a full deck Sandra of awards for Godden excellence in teaching, Godden is a long-standing expert on topics related to calf-health management, mastitis control, Johne’s disease control, transition-cow management and more.
March 2019 • PDPW • Dairy’s Bottom Line Dr. Melissa Haag, veterinarian, graduated in 2012 from the UW-Madison School of Ve t e r i n a r y Medicine. She began working at Lodi Veterinary Care shortly after. Melissa Haag Haag’s primary interest is in advanced bovine reproduction, embryo transfer and other reproductive technologies. She and her husband own a dairy farm; she manages the breeding and registering of cattle. Renea Heinrich, counselor at strategic communications firm MorganMyers, leads farmer trust-building campaigns for clients — including the Illinois Farm Bureau, the Illinois Corn Marketing Board and the Midwest Dairy Association. Her specialties include strategic-proRenea gram developHeinrich ment, program management, and communications training to create opportunities for meaningful conversations between urban and rural audiences. Laura Hernandez is an associate professor of lactation biology in the dairy-science department at UW-Madison. Her area of research has focused on how serotonin controls the mammary gland and various
aspects of lactation. She combines basic research from the cell to the whole-animal level in a variety Laura of species, to Hernandez focus on the role of the mammary gland and its contributions to successful lactations in dairy cattle. Merril Hoge is a former National Football League running back, ESPN analyst, cancer survivor, p ro f e s s i o n a l speaker and author of “Find a Way: Three Wo r d s T h a t Merril Hoge C h a n ge d My Life.” Hoge shows others how those three words helped him beat cancer and overcome family tragedies. Currently he helps others apply the same concepts to their situations.
Dr. Jason Kroll, veterinarian, graduated from the UW-Madison School of Veterinary Medicine and in 2017 joined the Lodi Veterinary Care team. A member of the American Veterinary Medical Association, the Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association and
Jason Kroll
David Kohl is a professor emeritus in the agricultural and applied-economics department at Virginia Tech, where he was on staff for 25 years. He’s David Kohl currently president of AgriVisions LLC, a knowledge-based consulting firm. He’s also a business coach and part owner of Homestead Creamery, a value-added dairy business in the Blue Ridge Mountains. See SPEAKERS, Page 22
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the American Association of Bovine Practitioners, he has a particular interest in dairy-production medicine and calf health.
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Dan Kaufman is a vice -president of commercial lending for GreenStone Farm Credit Service’s dairy division. Throughout his 12-year career Kaufman has served numerous dairy-farm owners of all sizes in WisDan consin and the Midwest. Kaufman
Jason Karszes is senior Cornell University-Extension associate with the PRODAIRY program. With a focus on management education he coordinates the Cornell Dairy Executive Program to furt h e r d eve l o p business-manJason agement skills Karszes of dairy producers across the country. He also has worked in the fields of business expansion, personnel management, estate planning and dairy-replacement analysis.
March 2019 • PDPW • Dairy’s Bottom Line
Speakers Continued from Page 21
the Lodi Veterinary Care team; he has a particular interest in beef and dairy medicine.
D r. V i r p i Kurkela, veterinarian, is a veterinary specialist with 4dBarn Consulting, a Finland-based Virpi Kurkela consulting business. Kurkela is also a consulting veterinarian for dairy farms in a rural advisory organization. Much of her post-graduate experience is in udder-health management, as well as the influence of barn environment and design on the health and production of dairy cattle.
Frank Mitloehner is professor and air-quality University of California-Davis-Extension specialist in the department of animal science. An expert on agricultural air Frank quality, livestock housing Mitloehner and husbandry, he conducts research to mitigate air emissions from livestock operations. He also conducts research on implications of emissions on health as well as the safety of farm workers and neighboring communities.
D r. T y l e r Majerus, veterinarian, earned his degree from UW-Madison. He in 2015 joined
Tom Overton is a professor in the animal-science department and director of PRODAIRY at Cornell University. With an emphasis on transit i o n - c ow n u t r i t i o n a n d
Tyler Majerus
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management, he researches practical strategies producers and industry professionals can use to improve animal well-being and profitability.
Tom Overton
Aaron Pape is education coordinator for UW-Discovery Farms. His work focuses on how to optimize farm systems to improve profitability and protect water quality. His expertise Aaron Pape is in tile drainage, soil health and rotational grazing. His master’s degree is in natural-resource planning from Purdue University. Dr. Scott Pertzborn, veterinarian, is a graduate of the UW-Madison School of Veterinary Medicine and has since 1987 been with the Lodi Veterinary Care team. He’s a member Scott of the American Pertzborn Veterinary Medical Association, the Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association and the American Association of Bovine Practitioners. He’s a graduate of the Dairy Health Management Certificate Program. Pertzborn practices mainly dairy and beef. Richard Pimentel is a Vietnam War veteran, disability-rights advocate, writer and comedian. He has developed a supervisor-level training proRichard gram on disabilPimentel ity issues to i n c re a s e j o b placement of disabled people. He has trained thousands of
workers, supervisors, managers and representatives of U.S. government agencies and Fortune 500 companies on disability awareness, disability management, and return-to-work models for injured and recently disabled employees. Jouni Pitkäranta is an architect with 4dBarn Consulting. He graduated in 2006 from the University of Technology in Helsinki with a specialty in d a i ry, yo u n g Jouni stock and calf- Pitkäranta barn design. His primary focus is on robotic -milking barns. To date he’s designed about 700 dairy barns in Finland, Sweden, Estonia, Russia, Lithuania, Holland and Germany. Ankica Runac is senior brand manager for Brand Expansion at Fairlife. With m o re t h a n a decade of brand-manageAnkica ment experiRunac ence, she has been instrumental in increasing the size of the Fairlife Yup line by more than double. Josie Rudolphi is an associate research scientist at the Marshfield Clinic Research I n s t i t u te ’s National Farm Medicine Center. She graduated from the University of Iowa’s College of Public Health Josie with a doctorate Rudolphi in occupational and environmental health. She works with research focused on farmer and rancher mental health as well as resiliency among agricultural communities.
March 2019 • PDPW • Dairy’s Bottom Line Michelle Sell is an insurance officer at Compeer Financial. Her main focus is on livestock-insurance products including Livestock Gross Margin, Livestock Risk Protection and Dairy Revenue Protection. She has a bache- Michelle Sell lor’s degree in animal science from the University of Illinois. Sell grew up on a grain and livestock farm in central Illinois. John Shutske is a professor and UW-Extension specialist at the department of biologica l - sys te m s engineering. He also has an affiliate-professor appointment in UW-Madison’s family-practice department in John Shutske the School of Medicine and Public Health. Dr. Donald Sockett, veterinarian, is a diplomat for the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine. He’s a veterinary microbiologist and epidemiologist at the Wisconsin Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, where he’s responsible for diagnostic cases submitted by veterinarians Donald and livestock Sockett producers. Previously he was the ruminant-species epidemiologist at the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection. Sockett holds degrees from the University of Guelph, Colorado State University and UW-Madison. Dr. Bob Steiner, veterinari a n , g ra d u a te d f ro m t h e UW-Madison School of Veterinary Medicine and in 1994 joined the Lodi Veterinary
Care team. He is a certified member of the American Embryo Transfer Association and the American Association of Bovine Practitioners. He focuses on Bob Steiner dairy-herd health for large herds, Dairy Comp record analysis and embryo-transfer work. Becky Stewart-Gross is owner, founder and president of Building Bridges Seminars, a company that offers custom-designed leadership and sales training. A former associate professor at Aquinas College in Michigan, Becky Stewart-Gross Stewartearned a docGross to ra te f ro m Michigan State University and completed The Program on Negotiation at Harvard University Law School. Dr. Pete Strassburg, veterinarian, joined the Lodi Veterinary Care team after completing his undergraduate and doctorate degrees at the UW-Madison Pete School of Veterinary Medi- Strassburg cine. He has a particular interest in beef and dairy medicine, production medicine and bovine advanced-reproductive techniques. Rhonda Strebel is executive director of the Rural Health Initiative. She has earned degrees in exercise science, culinary arts and health care. Rural Health Initiative is a nonprofit Wisconsin-based program with the mission of improving and sustaining the health and safety
of the farming c o m m u n i t y. Through a concept called Kitchen Wellness, the organization proRhonda vides on-site Strebel health-risk a sse ss m e n ts, screenings, health coaching, and referrals to producers and their families on the farm. Paul Swanson is an attorney partner in Steinhilber Swanson LLP. He represents individuals and businesses in financial reorganizations, restructuring, b a n k r u p t c y, receiverships and other debt-adjustm e n t s t ra te gies. He also Paul serves as a Swanson S ta te Co u r t Receiver in liquidation proceedings supervised by Circuit Court judges. He has since 1982 served as a panel trustee for the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin. Tom Thibodeau is a Distinguished Professor of Servant Leadership and director of the Master of Arts Servant Leadership program, both for Viterbo University. As a popular trainer in and out of the industry he is known for his honesty, communication, Tom sense of humor, c o n f i d e n c e , Thibodeau commitment, positive attitude, creativity, intuition and the ability to inspire. Jennifer Van Os is an assistant professor of dairy science and a UW-Extension s p e c i a l i s t . He r re sea rc h focuses on understanding, evaluating and improving the welfare of dairy animals from
a biological p e r s p e c t i ve . Van Os earned her doctorate in interdisciplinary animal behavior at the University of California-Davis.
Jennifer Van Os
Chad Vincent, CEO of Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin, has driven growth at Fortune 500 corporations and privately held ventures. At Miller Brewing Company he managed a $2 billion portfolio of brands and a $900 million marketing b u d g e t . A s Chad Vincent p re s i d e n t o f Miller’s Asia-Pacific region he introduced Miller into China, Korea, Japan and Indonesia. As managing director at Heinz Frozen Foods, Vincent ran a $500 million division. Prior to his current role he was chief marketing officer and head of strategy at Sartori Cheese, where he introduced Sartori into retail and global markets. Heather White is an associate professor of dairy science and nutritional physiology at UW-Madison. She earned her d o c to ra te a t Purdue Univers i t y, w i t h a focus on the pathways and Heather genes that conWhite t ro l g l u c o s e production and fatty-acid oxidation in the liver of transition dairy cows. Her research focuses on metabolism of the liver during transition to lactation. White is the recipient of the Cargill Animal Nutrition Young Scientist Award and was recently named by AgSource as the 2018 Friend of the Cooperative.
March 2019 • PDPW • Dairy’s Bottom Line
Register for Youth Leadership Derby Dive in, dissect and discover
Local regulations should be consulted concerning the status of this product in the country of destination. All information only for export outside Europe, USA and Canada.
Youth from 15 to 18 years old who want to discover their leadership abilities and explore potential careers will want to register for Youth Leadership Derby. It’s scheduled for April 6-7, 2019, at Kiel High School in Kiel, Wisconsin. Students attending the weekend lock-in will participate in hands-on labs, interactive learning sessions, tours and leadership activities. In addition to touring the Farm Wisconsin Discovery Center, students will visit Lakeshore Technical College to participate in hands-on labs. They’ll learn about soil types and bovine mammary-gland anatomy as well as
male and female bovine reproduction. Students will also have the opportunity to try artificial insemination with a breeding simulator or reproductive tracts. A tour of LaClare Family Creamery near Malone, Wisconsin, will showcase the family’s goat farm, retail-business shop and café. Leadership sessions will offer tips on public speaking, mastering first impressions, working with different personality types and more. A career roundtable and keynote speakers will complete the program. Registration is limited; the fee includes training materials, tours, transportation during the event and meals. Visit www.pdpw.org or call 800-947-7379 for more information.
PDPW Youth Leadership Derby participants learn practical and leadership skills in a weekend program designed for 15- to 18-year-olds.
Go paperless with app Have all 2019 PDPW Business Conference happenings readily available – sessions, speakers, times and sponsor listings. Download the conference’s mobile application from an app store. Reminders can be set for specific sessions. Download the app now so when at the Business Conference it’s easy to dive right in. • From a mobile device’s app store, search for “2019 PDPW Business Conference.” • Enter the event password “dairy2019” when prompted. • Or scan the QR code with a smart phone to go directly to the CrowdCompass attendee hub.
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March 2019 • PDPW • Dairy’s Bottom Line
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Mission Sponsors
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A special thank you to our PDPW Business Conference committee members. These fellow dairy farmers are key to developing this program. All PDPW programs germinate from our grassroots membership. #mypdpw #PDPW2019
March 2019 • PDPW • Dairy’s Bottom Line
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