January 25, 2018 Agri-Mart

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January 25, 2018

Call TollFree Free Call Toll 1-888-247-4843 1-888-247-4843

In the Madison Area, Call 608-250-4163 (1-888-AGRI-VIEW) Email: ag-class@madison.com In the Madison Area, Call 608-250-4163

Classifieds Classifieds

FaxYour Your Classified Classified Ad to: Agri-View P.O.P.O. BoxBox 8457 Madison, WI 53708-8457 Fax Adto: to:608-250-4155 608-250-4155or orMail Mail to: Agri-View 8457 Madison, WI 53708-8457

‘16 JCB 135

‘13 JCB 524-50

‘14 JCB 535-95 AGRI PLUS

(2) JCB 541-70 AGRI PLUS

Cab w/Heat, Warranty, ONLY 76 HOURS! $26,900

4WD, 1850 Hrs, 83 HP, Excellent $49,700

4WD, 755 Hrs, Never In Manure, 7,000# Lift $87,500

4WD, 3,305 & 3,525 Hrs, Call for Details $69,900 & $79,500

‘04 NH LM435

‘11 Bobcat T870

‘11 JD 318D

‘11 JD 320D

4WD, 2,450 Hrs (est), C/H/A $43,700

2,880 Hrs, C/H/A, 2 Spd, Bobtach $39,500

1,494 Hrs, C/H/A, 2 Spd, Coming In $23,700

1,070 Hrs, C/A, New 12x16 5 Tires $29,800

Coming IN ‘06 JD 325

‘08 GEHL 5640E

‘16 JCB 260

COMING IN -’13 JCB 260

New Tires, C/H/A, 3,318 Hrs, Excellent $29,800

C/H/A, 2,200 Hrs, 2Spd, Smooth Ride $29,900

Like New-Never Been In Manure, 2 Spd, Only 650 Hrs, $29,500

Hand & Foot Controls, 2 Spd, 2,988 Hrs ...........................................$23,900

‘12 Great Plains 1006NT

‘15 JD 1775NT

‘16 MF 4607M

‘16 MF 4610M

Like New-587 Acres, DD, Press Wheels, $22,800

12R30, Front Fold, Flex Frame, LOADED $119,000

MFWD, MF 921X Loader, ONLY 39 HOURS! $46,900

MFWD, 540/1000, 12 x 12 Shuttle, ONLY 95 HOURS! $44,900

Modena 715-946-3168

Menomonie 715-231-3168


833961 • 6-14-17

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