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For Sale: IOWA DAIRY/BEEF FARM 515 +/- Tillable Acres, 157 +/- Acres of Improved Rotationally-Grazed Pasture. All land can be Certified Organic in 2018. All new cattle facilities in 2015, 86’ x 400’ monoslope barn, cattle yards with wind breaks, commodity sheds, shop, office, living quarters for employees, working and calving facilities, 28-stall Dairymaster Parlor, 2 homes and more! 500 head of Crossbred Dairy Cattle for sale. Call 563-357-2043 See our listing at, #17111.
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6952 hrs, FWD, this one has the 4 speed power shift transmission with power shuttle! 2 remotes, good rubber, runs good! $
2012 Versatile 250 2035 hrs., 16 spd. P.S. trans., 29 mph, weights, 4 remotes, dual PTO, new rubber, Ultra Steer frt. axle.
2007 JD 7930 $
3300 hrs, 38 mph, full suspension, Evo seat, big screen monitor, Michelin tires, strobes.
2014 CIH Mag 370
1100 hrs., CVT trans., 31 mph, suspended class 5 frt. axle, 540/10000 PTO shafts, HiFlow hyd., 6 remotes, loaded.
OTHer USeD eqUIpMeNT & MISC. 2017 Pottinger S10 30ft Triple Mower, 1200 acres, like new......................................................................... $49,500 Pottinger V10 Triple Mowers, no conditioners.......................................................................... Starting at $18,000 JD 4440 2WD, shows 7940 hrs., Quad Range trans................................................................................................$ Call JD 3155 FWD, 8050 hrs., new front tires, Nice. ................................................................................................. $19,500 2) Mitas 710/70/R38 new tires.............................................................................................................$3,500 / pair
Financing available to qualified buyers. W10313 Hixwood Rd., Thorp, WI 54771
North Country Tractor
Wed., November 29TH • 11:30 AM At the Great Northern Sales Arena, Fond du Lac, WI
72 Registered & Grade Homebred Holsteins Sell
A High Producing Homebred Herd Bred to Milk
RHA: 2x 27,173 3.5% 951 3.1% 848
v October SCC: 68 v Negative Staph, Strep
& Mycoplasma
J&M 525 Grain Cart, w/NEW 23.1x24 tires ..$10,500 EIGHT MORE GRAIN CARTS IN STOCK! TILLAGE • Just In - Glencoe 7400 chisel plow, 9 shank, w/buster bar................ $6,200 • JD 712 11 shank disc chisel w/ new blades & bearings, spring loaded shanks ............. $7,800 • Landoll 5 shank chisel plow ......$5,300 • Knowles 7 shank disc chisel.......$3,500 M-C 15’ Stalk chopper, 1,000 PTO, good knives .................................................$3,800
2013 Fendt 828
JD 6620 Hydro, 23.1x26, Rebuilt & Ready To Go ............. $7,500 JD 443 cornhead.................... $2,800 PACKAGE ONLy $9,500 JD 6620 Sidehill, w/6RN corn head .......................................... $8,800 PKG ‘83 IH 1440 Combine, 3,826 hrs, E/H rocktrap, w/844 cornhead ..........$8,500 Gleaner MII, low hrs, always shedded, w/ 4RCH ................................. $6,800 • JD 693 w/ knife rolls, hyd. deck plates, SUPER! $13,500.... $13,000 MOvE IT OuT! • JD 643 CH w/ knife rolls ........$7,200 • Calumet 4500 gallon tanker, w/ truck float. tires .........................$5,200 • NH 155 Spreader...................$4,850
Cows (80% in 1st & 2nd lactation); 7 Bred Heifers due with 60 days; 15 Heifers bred for spring calvings and 7 short bred heifers sell v Select Sires top bulls have been used for years in the Folcik herd. Current service sires include King boy, Mogul, Montross, Petty, Kenosha & Supersire with sexed semen used on many of the heifers.
5100 hrs., Blue Power edition, Auto Command trans., Frt. PTO & hitch, air ride seat, cab suspension, new rubber.
Milking Herd & Bred Heifer Dispersal
v 43
2014 NH T7.270
6500 hrs., IVT trans., TLS, leather seat, Greenstar ready, heavy front hitch.
COMBINES AND HEADS ‘96 JD 9500, 3,800 sep. hrs, ($15,000 in repairs in last 2 years) New tires, bin ext., good runner - field ready! $32,500
v Raised in headlocks & freestalls, Milked in a stall v Excellent Herd Health/Vaccination program
Year end SpecialS
1999 NH TS110
Section F • November 23, 2017
715-631-7056 call for an appointment
SABATHIA 2 yr old 110 lbs. SCC 13 & serviced to Kingboy sells with her twin sister just fresh - their dam VG, 34,000M; EX-91 EX-MS 34,430 ATWOOD fresh with 134 lbs. sells from a VG 37,040 BW Marshall; 2 grade GOLD CHIP daughters - one with 35,410 sells milking 96 lbs. & bred to Wipe Out -- the other just fresh after making 26,191 4.0 1045 @ 2y; a VG87 GUTHRIE twice over 28,000 & bred to Headliner sells with her SHOT 2y just fresh; a VG-88 EX-MS GOLD CHIP with 33,760 3.7 1262 @ 2-04 sells bred to Dopper, milking 96 lbs. -- her MAYFIELD hfr sells bred to sexed Kenosha; a 25, 198 MOGUL sells due in Dec. to Bradnick; VG GOLD CHIP headed for 30,000 at 3y & bred to Kingboy sells from an EX, 1215F dam; SHOT AL 33,087 @ 2y & due in Jan. to Supersire; 34,590 SANCHEZ milking 127 lbs. & bred to Headliner;VG-86 32,090 @ 2y MAYFIELD milking 92 lbs. SCC 23 plus her VG 2y GULF sister milking 89 lbs.; MOGUL 2y fresh with 86 lbs. SCC 35 first test; ATWOOD 30,070 @ 2y fresh with 128 lbs. SCC 13; a GABOR 2y milking 92 lbs. & a VG 30,450 DAMION milking 93 lbs. & bred to Armani. AND BRED HEIFERS LIKE: Guthrie springing to Kingpin from 2 dams over 34,000M; a grade bred to sexed Headliner from a 30,450 Bradnick; a grade springing to sexed Shamrock from a 1237F dam & a Gulf due to Armani from an EX, 29,340 Damion!
‘08 Peterbilt 388, ISX Cummins 485 HP, 10 spd, New tires & brakes, 670,000 miles, SUPER SHARP $53,500 .................. $48,500
‘06 International, ISX Cummins 460 HP, 10 spd, sleeper, excellent rubber .......... $12,500 ‘02 Wilson grain trailer, 66” sides, AR, tarp, NICE............................$13,900 PACKAGE ONLy ......................$25,000
‘93 Ford L9000, 3316 Cat, LL 8 spd, triaxle, 24’ box, cargo doors, tarp, good tires, recent motor work.................Was $19,500 MOvE IT OuT..............................$17,500 ‘79 Intl. S series, tandem, steel box..$9,200 ‘96 Wilson grain trailer, 41’ air ride, w/electric tarp ......................... $10,800 ‘84 Wilson grain hopper, SR, rebuilt . Coming In TRACTORS • JD 4650, MFWD, 18.4x42 duals, PS, new AC, triple hyd.................................$31,750 • JD 8200, MFWD, 6400 Hrs, Buddy seat, weights, duals, 46” rubber ............$63,500 • IH 686 w/ loader, bale spear, dsl, Good TA........................................$7,850 ‘75 IH 1086, New motor & tires, 18.4x38...................................$10,500 ‘75 IH 1066, 5,500 Hrs, cab, 20.8x38 ................................................$10,500
The Folciks have bred a hard working herd that all dairymen can appreciate. Cows that know what they are supposed to do & they do it with ease! Owner: Marilee Folcik, Wilson, MI
GREAT NORTHERN LAND & CATTLE CO., INC. W4226 St. Rd. 23 E, Fond du Lac, WI 54937 • PH: 920-923-6991 Catalog online:
M&S SALES Hillsboro, Wi
608-553-0403 • 608-489-4180
Wisconsin’s Leading Agricultural Newspaper Online
HRH PROPERTIES LLC RETIRMENT Location: Onawa, IA 2013 Agco-Challenger Tracked Tractors 2006 Ag-Chem RoGator 1074 SelfPropelled Sprayer -- And Lots More!
OHIO AG EQUIPMENT Location: Washington Court House, OH 2008 New Holland CR9040 Combine 2005 New Holland 74C Flex Head 2012 Massey Ferguson 1359 Disc Mower -- And Lots More!
A. GILBERT & PATRICIA KURTZ RETIREMENT Location: Mitchell, NE 2009 John Deere MFWD Tractor 2006 John Deere MFWD Tractor 2002 Freightliner FLD Semi Tractor 2007 Timpte Grain Trailer -- And Lots More!
FARM CREDIT LEASING SERVICES Location: CA & TX Locations 2015 Versatile 550 DT Tracked Tractor (2) 2016 Case IH Magnum 280 MFWD Tractors
JAMES ANEST FARMS INC RETIREMENT Location: Bridgeport, NE 2011 John Deere MFWD Tractor 2011 McFarlane Reel Disk 2012 John Deere 568 Round Baler 2011 Case IH Early Riser 1230 12R30 Planter -- And Lots More!
ROGER & NANCY MCNETT RETIREMENT Location: Wellington, KS 1998 John Deere 9610 Maximizer Combine 1998 John Deere 9200 4WD Tractor 1998 John Deere 9400 4WD Tractor -- And Lots More!
JIM & VICKI HERZOG (H&H CATTLE CO.) RETIREMENT Location: Bloomfield, NE 2013 Caterpillar 924K Wheel Loader 2016 Kenworth Roto-Mix Feed Truck 2016 New Holland L230 Skid Steer 2015 John Deere W150 Windrower -- And Lots More!
Visit to view more upcoming auctions or to sell your equipment.
FARM CREDIT LEASING SERVICES Location: AR & OH Locations 2012 Case IH 350 HD 4WD Tractor 2016 Fendt 722 S4 Vario MFWD Tractor 2015 Rhino RC120 Stalk Chopper 2015 Rite-Way F3-46 Roller
WED DEC 6 JOHN MURPHY Location: Montgomery, IN 2006 Case IH 8010 Combine Case IH RMX 340 Disk Landpride RCM 5615 Rotary Mower
WED DEC 13 WALLACE DUNCAN Location: Correctionville, IA 2002 John Deere 9550 Combine 2013 Jet-Co 26 Ft T/A Grain Trailer 2000 Volvo Day Cab S/A Truck Tractor
WED DEC 27 BB&T TRUCKING LLC ESTATE OF ERIC LAREW Location: Tunnelton, WV 2016 Kenworth Log Truck 2016 International Log Truck 2013 - 2015 Kenworth Truck Tractors 2013 - 2014 Peterbilt Truck Tractors 2017 Chevy Silverado 4x4 Pickups
2013 - 2018 Peterbilt Dump Trucks 2013 - 2016 Kenworth Dump Trucks 2014 Mack Granite Dump Trucks 2013 Case Hyraulic Excavators 2015 JLG Telehandler 2004-2006 Caterpillar Dozers 2012 - 2013 Mac T/A Dump Trailers 2012 - 2015 Talbert Lowboy Trailers | 1-800-937-3558