October 5, 2017
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FaxYour Your Classified Classified Ad to: Agri-View P.O.P.O. BoxBox 8457 Madison, WI 53708-8457 Fax Adto: to:608-250-4155 608-250-4155or orMail Mail to: Agri-View 8457 Madison, WI 53708-8457
New Demco 1102 graiN cart 1100 bushel. 1000 PTO. 20 inch unloading auger. Automatic reset cutoff clutch ....... Financing available.
New Demco 450 gravity box aND wagoN 450 Bushel. Used truck tires and rear brakes ............................................................Call for pricing.
1102 Model Grain Cart
New Demco 750 gravity box aND gear 750 bushel, 60 wide door and 4 wheel brakes. 445/65R-22.5 used truck tires. Rear lights .... CASH NO TRADE PRICING.
New Demco 365 gravity box aND gear 365 bushel. Used truck tires. ..............Cash pricing or financing available.
UseD Demco 365 gravity box aND gear 365 bushel. 11.00-22.5 truck tires. Lights, and extendable tongue. Good condition .................$5,995
650 Model Grain Wagon
ciH 2366 (3814E/ 2418R hrs.) Bin extension, yield monitor, straw chopper, field tracker. Stone retarder drum, Over $9,000 in reconditioning costs.......................$69,995
ciH 1680 (4,061 hrs.) Low hrs on a reman engine and radiator. 3 spd trans, standard rotor................... Extensive reconditioning has been done and is now field ready.
1981 iH 5288 (5785 hrs.) 1000 hrs on new engine. 177 hp. 20.8-R38 rears w duals. 10 front weights. 1 3/8 inch 1000 pto. 3pt with top link............................... $29,995
Carl F. Statz & Sons
2009 case iH 2020 25’ flex head. 3 cut. Full finger auger, plastic teeth, and long dividers. Johnson grain savers. Hydraulic fore and aft...Completely serviced and reconditioned.
Waunakee, WI. (888) 867-8289
2008 mccormick mtx120 (650 original hrs). 24 x 24 powershift transmission. 540/1000 pto. 18.4-38 rears. (70%). Financing available...........$57,500
M-Thurs 7:30am to 7:00pm. Fri 7:30am to 5:00pm. Saturday 7:30-3:00pm.
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Precision Farming Needs? Call Chad Toedter or Steve Wambold.
Jeremy Belter @ (608) 770-3941 • Chad Toedter @ (608) 317-8463 • Dave Zeimet @ (608) 770-3939 • Fax: (608) 849-5699 • Jared Hitchins @ 1-608-293-1260
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