PDPW Dairy's Bottom Line -- March 2021 Business Conference

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March 2021 • PDPW • Dairy’s Bottom Line


Welcome to the 2021 conference! W ho’d have thought an in-person conference would be unique? As we’ve so recently seen, the work you do every day is critical … important … essential. And so is taking care of your most vital asset – you and Shelly Mayer your ability to learn, grow and transform with the times. Savvy new ideas run full tilt at the 2021 PDPW Business

Conference. Unveiling 42 sessions, 44 speakers and two new introductions to the agenda, the program is tailored for you by fellow dairy producers. The content of the conference is guided by a desire to help producers make new discoveries. We know many dairy producers and other professionals are excited to meet together again, but please know your safety is our priority. We’ll follow Centers for Disease Control and Prevention-recommended guidelines. Safe distancing – Capacities

have been calculated for each room; attendance will be capped in sessions as necessary. Extra audiovisual will be created in overflow areas to allow for social distancing while learning. Rooms will be arranged in a freestall manner; each attendee can sit where he or she chooses, and can reposition chairs as desired to maintain safe distances. Masks and hand sanitizer – Masks and hand sanitizer will be part of a training kit along with meeting proceedings.

Discover what’s new this year In addition to a new venue and location, the Professional Dairy Producers® (PDPW) Business Conference is introducing two new features to its annual conference. The two-day event will be held March 17-18, 2021, at the Kalahari Resort Convention Center in Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin. Responding to a call for leading-edge innovations to the forefront of dairy, PDPW will debut the Nexus™ stage. Showcasing innovators, creators and idea-generators who have been selected to present their products and-or services at the conference, Nexus is a cross between TED talks and the reality television show “Shark Tank.” Presenters will have 15 minutes to summarize how their innovations meet a specific need, with each followed by a five-minute question-and-answer session. The other new addition is a fourpart youth-leadership series specifically for high-school students ages 15 to 18. A series of four sessions – one during each morning and afternoon of the two-day event – will be available for the next generation of leaders who have an interest in dairy. Youth-coach and trainer Hans Gochenaur will facilitate sessions that build the skills of communications, teamwork and collaboration. Registered teens will also

have the opportunity to attend other breakout and keynote sessions at the conference. “After a challenging and often isolating 2020, we are all looking forward to the opportunity to gather together in a safe and engaging environment to learn together and recharge for a successful 2021,” said Katy Schultz, PDPW Board president and a dairy producer from Fox Lake, Wisconsin. The program and location have been adapted to meet Centers for Disease Control and Prevention-recommended guidelines regarding COVID-19. While providing flexibility and comfort, capacities have been calculated for each room with seating arrangements that allow attendees to reposition chairs to ensure safe distances. To promote social distancing during sessions, extra audiovisual equipment will be prepared in overflow areas. All food and beverages will be individually served by Kalahari staff, and masks and hand sanitizer will be included in training kits for each attendee. Full program and registration information, including the PDPW Business Conference flier, is available at www. pdpw.org or by calling 800-947-7379. Reduced rates for students will apply, including for teens attending the youth-leadership sessions and fulltime students 19 and older.

Food service – All food and beverages will be individually served by Kalahari staff. Bottled water and unlimited milk will be provided. And of course if you’re not feeling well please don’t attend the conference. Be ready. A whole new world of discovery awaits at the Kalahari Resorts and Conventions in Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin. Shelly Mayer is the PDPW executive director and a dairy producer from Slinger, Wisconsin.

Conference Agenda DAY ONE 8:00 am 8:45 8:45-10:00 10:15 11:00

12:30 pm 1:00 1:45 2:30 2:30-3:45 6:30


Registration and Hall of Ideas open Hands-On and Specialty Sessions Youth Session: You, your world, your path Learning Lounges Opening Session: emcee Pam Jahnke Evangelo “Vann” Morris Lt. General Russel L. Honoré Lunch Learning Lounges Learning Lounges Hands-On and Breakout Sessions Youth Session: Discovering your leadership style Dinner

DAY TWO THURSDAY, MARCH 18 8:00 am 8:45 8:45-10:00 10:15 11:00 12:30 pm 12:45 pm 1:30 1:30-2:45 3:45

Registration and Hall of Ideas open Hands-On and Specialty Sessions Youth Session: Building a team with potential Learning Lounges General Session: Dan Basse Lunch Learning Lounges Hands-On and Breakout Sessions Youth Session: Practical tools in today’s world Closing Session: Captain Charlie Plumb

Index Map and Calendar ........................... page 4 Keynote Speakers............................. page 5 Registration Form ............................ page 7 Learning Lounges ............................page 9

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