MADISON– While Madison residentsknow ToyotaField asthehomeofthe RocketCity TrashPandas baseballteam, thestadiumwillserveamore somberpurposethismorning asthelocationforanupcoming9/11memorialstair climb.
Beginningat8a.m.Wednesday, Sept.11, amemorialserviceand stairclimbwill be heldatToyotaField,500 Trash
PandaWay.The event isfree andopentothepublic. In past years,local fire and policedepartmentshave held memorialserviceshonoring the firstresponders wholost theirlives during the9/11terrorist attacks.This year marks the firsttimethatanaccompanyingstair climbwillbeheld inthe area,though. TheTrash PandasManagerofSpecialEventsBrooke Lack saidthatshesawToyotaField’spotentialasa space
fora memorial stair climb. Theteamthenpartneredwith Madison Fire &Rescueand MadisonCity PoliceDepartment. Cities acrossthe country host similar memorialservicesinwhichparticipants climbtheequivalentofthe 110storiesinthe Twin Towersthat firefighters climbedto save people23years ago. Some stair climbslimitparticipants to343,the numberof firefight-
Packed stadium witnesses epicMadisonBowlgame
MADISON -The JamesClemens Jets blockedapossible
MADISON -Two area businessestooktophonorsthis year by beingnamed“Alabama’s Retailerofthe Year”and“Alabama’sSmall Retailer of the Year” by the Alabama Retail Association. ChurchStreet FamilyRestau-
game-tying fieldgoal attempt by Bob Jonesto lock downthe narrow34-31victoryinthe Madison Bowlthispast Friday. TheenergyaroundMadisonCity Stadium wasbrewing with anticipation fortherivalryshowdown.
Carsspilledout ontoCeltic Road as fansstruggledto find somewheretoparkasthestart ofthe gameloomed.
rant &Hospitality Group,a multi-concept restaurant and hospitality group owned by Matt and StephanieMellwith ninelocationsin Huntsville and one in Athens,isAlabama’s Retailer of the Year inthe Annual SalesMore Than $5Millioncategory. Theaward waspresented todayatitsGates Avenueheadquartersin Huntsville.
TheAlabama Retailer of the Yearjudgesinthiscategory,all former Retailers of the Year, chosetheMellsandChurchStreet Family for“the diversity
Withthestandspackedto the gills,manypeoplehad to watchthiscontest standing alongthe fenceorfromthe concourse.
TheJets(2-0) hadled the majorityof the game,but Bob Jones(2-1)hadclawedbackin the fourthquartertotakethe leadat31-27.
JamesClemens wasableto
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MADISON -ThenameMadison is fairly common forcities and counties throughout thenation. Amixupoccurredlast week that had localparentsconcerned untilit wasclarified by Madison CitySchools SuperintendentDr. Ed Nichols. Asocialmediapost regarding athreatreferring to aschool district that includes thename Madison wasbeingcirculated onlineand throughout theMadisoncommunity. Thispostis relatedtothe Madison CountyFlorida school district andnot Madison City Schools.
“The CityofMadison Police DepartmentandMadison City Schools district officialsareall awareofthis postandareworkingin conjunction to address reports relatedtothis post,”Nichols said inan email to parents Sundayevening.“Weappreciate everyone’songoingsupportof thesafetyandsecurityofour schools by sharing information withboththeMPDandMCSadministrators.”
Miles Majorscramblesthrough aholetoset JamesClemensin prime territory during atouchdowndrive. Photo
Photoofthe Week
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MembersoftheRotaryClubof Madisonare fulfillingtheirmissionto “provideserviceto others” by making adifference in keeping theMadisoncommunity clean andbeautiful. Thecrewtooktimeoutoftheirbusy Saturday morning toclean up bagsoflitteraround the WelcometoMadison”islandonHughesRoad.September isNational CleanupMonthwith September21namedNationalCleanup Day. Forwaysyouoryourgroup canhelpcleanup Madison,checkouttheMadison Beautificationand TreeBoards Facebook page.
The15thannualsummitoffersunique educational,collaborative and workforce developmentopportunities forindustry visionariesand risingleaders.
manincoatandtiespeaks frompodiumwith groupof well-dressedpeople behindhiminroomwithlargewindows “It’salways apleasurewelcomingthe brilliantmindsandexpertsinthe cyber world,”MayorBattlesaid.“Whatstartedas amodest groupwith akeeninterestincomputerandnetworksecurity has blossomedintoourdynamicCyber Huntsvilleinitiative.Thisinitiative has significantlyboostedHuntsville’s reputationontheglobalcybersecuritystage.”
MADISON -TheMadisonNewcomersand NeighborsClub,aWomen’sSocialOrganization willmeet Thursday, Sept. 12 at theHoganFamily YMCA,130 Park Square Lane(offHughesRd)in Madison.Socialtimebegins at 9:45a.m.withthe meetingstartingpromptly at 10a.m. Theguestspeakerwill beCynthiaLamb,arepresentative from Parkinson’s Dynamics.Thisnon-profitorganizationprovides wellness,support,edu-
Attendeeswillgainknowledgefrom topexpertsfromtheArmy,NationalSecurityAgency,CriticalInfrastructure SecurityConsortium,Idaho National LaboratoryandDeloitte as well as participateinmorethan50cutting-edge techniciantalksandeducationsessions. TherewillalsobenetworkingopportunitieswiththeDepartmentofDefense, civilian agenciesandindustriessuchas healthcare, financeandtechnology.
“Wehaveover175speakers over four tracks,”NCSDirectorSteve Pratt said. “These arehighlyrespected cybersecurityprofessionalsthatwillcover alotof greattopics.Weexpect over3,000 attendees. We have anew trackthis year,artificialintelligence in cyber andwe’reexcitedtohearmoreaboutthat. We’llhave ajob fairand alot of differentthings for everyonetoparticipatein.”
Candidates,ortheirrepresentatives,andthepublicareinvitedtoattendandwitnessthe proceedingsinconnectionwiththetestingoftheelectronicvotecounterstobeusedin this election.
This testingispursuanttoTitle 17-24-9Codeof Alabama1975, as amended.
MADISON -Thenext MadisonHistoryAssociationmeetingwillbeheld at theMadisonPublicLibraryonTuesday, Sept.17 from6-7 p.m. TheMadisonLibraryis located at 142PlazaBlvd inMadison. Thespeakerwillbe LarryAnderson.He will discusstheAnderson/ Hughes connection,and has several fascinating storiestotellaboutMadison.
City Clerk
WorldTradeCenterandPentagonattackedbyterrorists On this dayin2001,19militantsassociatedwiththe terrorist groupal-Qaeda hijacked four planesin theUnitedStates, crashing threeintobuildings(the fourth crashedinPennsylvania)and killingsome3,000 people.
Rotaryclubsorganizefor civicoutreachtoMadison
MADISON –Madisonis fortunatetohave twoadditional Rotary clubstoengage inprojectstobenefitthepeopleofMadison,along with abroaderperspective to regionalandglobaloutreach.
Oneoftheirserviceprojectsinvolvinglotsof‘sweat equity’ was theinstallationofsignage andsix structures for fitnessstations at Dublin Park.Thiscommitmentinvolvedstations forpull-ups,back extensions,balancebeam,dip bars,sit-upsandjumpbox.Club membersbravedtheheattodig, install,hammerand buildtheex-
ercise sites.
TheirupcomingprojectonSept. 14from 9a.m.tonoonwillbenefit SleepinHeavenlyPeace,anorganizationthatgives abed to achild whodoesnothave one.Rotarians willjoin volunteersfromSleepin HeavenlyPeaceto buildbeds at theSHP Warehouse,6000 TechnologyDrive inHuntsville.
Foranothernewclub,chartermembers were thrilled to announcethelaunchof“Rotary Club ofMadCity.” Theclubwill meeton first andthirdFridays at noon at MadisonHospital.
Residents sawthe need fora newclubthatcouldaccommodate the busy schedulesof community members.With amorning,noon andnightoption,membershope tosimplify gettinginvolvedand making adifferenceinthe communitythrough Rotary,according to aclub release.
Club members extendanopen invitationfor residentstoattend ameeting.Whether along-time memberornewto Rotary,visitors candiscovermoreaboutthe club’s mission andwaystoget involved withthe group.
Thepresident of RotaryClub ofMadCityisDr.EdNichols,SuperintendentofMadisonCity Schools.
and networkingwithseveral organizationsinNorthAlabamathat needassistanceand support.
Attheir Aug. 16 meeting,membersof RotaryClubofMadCity were honored by avisitfromMary Grace Evans, past DistrictGovernorof Rotary,asguestspeaker. Evanssharedher insights about theimpactof Rotary’sworkand ways that clubmemberscaneffectively assist their community.
Also at that meeting, Rotary ClubofMadCity receivedits club charterfromEvans.Thismoment markedasignificantmilestone for thecluband symbolized themembers’successinfounding thenew organization. Anyone interestedinlearning moreaboutRotaryClubofMadCity andhowtobecome apartof theorganization can emailinfo@ Membersareanticipating thepositive impact that this newclubwill have on theMadison community.
Formoreinformation about Rocket CountyRotaryClub,call 256-850-4639,emailinfo@rocketcountyrotary.orgorvisit rocketcountyrotary.orgorFacebook/ Rocket CountyRotaryClub.
Madison Street FestivalonOctober 5willsponsortheElbert Balch Memorial BloodDrivetohelpsavelivesinmemoryof anadvocate ofthe festival.The photoshows Axel Balchand the family dog,Cooper, viewingthedowntownsite forthe blood drive. Eight-year-oldAxel isElbertBalch’s
MADISON –Madison Street Festival’soverall atmosphereisoneofcarefree fun, butthe eventalso entailscauses forthecommunity’s qualityoflife, especiallythe ElbertBalch MemorialBloodDrive.
“Every year,ourcountrystruggles to keep up with blood supplytosave lives. Whensomeonegives bloodinhonorofElbert, theyhelp to save lives. That’s beautifulto MSF,” MSFPresident Crystal McBrayersaid.
“Elbertstarteddonating bloodin 1974 after the horribletornados,” his wife Opie Balchsaid.He wasa regulardonoruntilnine years agowhenhe wasdiagnosed with cancer.“Elbertbattled cancer forseven yearsbeforehepassed
away in June 2022.”
Because of receiving transfusionsandplasma, Elbertachievedmoretime with his familyandcould live muchlonger.“Our familyisvery appreciative of thatextratime,”Opie said.
Elbertand Opie worked oncommitteesandsupported MadisonStreet Festivalsince2010 when they movedtheiroffice todowntown Madison.“When Elbertpassed away,theMSF committee approached the familyandasked if we wouldhelp withthe blood drive,”Opie said.
“The reason we dothe blooddrive isbecauseElbertloved the Madison Street Festival.His whole familyare avid supporters of MSF and what ourmission is,” McBrayersaid. “Westartedthedrivein
MADISON –At21years old,Rev. MatthewBentley firstfeltthecallto ministry,initiallywithhis church’s youth.Henowservesaspastor ofSkylineBaptistChurchat536 Slaughter RoadinMadison. In April2021,Bentley’spastor askedhimtospeak at church one night.“IspokeonobediencetoGod. Irealizedthatthe burdenon my heartfor churches wasreallyGod’s calltomedirectly,”Bentleysaid. Churcheshave adesperateneed forhonestmen,soundindoctrine with ahearttoserveandlead.“The
Lordiscalling; we just needmore Isaiahs whowillanswer,”hesaid.
Ashis faith grew,“sodidtheburdenuponmyheart. Iprayedfor Godtoraiseupmorehonestmen to fillpulpitsacrossthe world. Ioften asked,‘Whowill servethe churches oftomorrowwhenthepastorsof todayare gone?” Bentleysaid. Until movingtoMadison, BentleylivedsolelyinGrandBay,south ofMobile.Heearned abachelor’s degreeinsecondaryeducation at SpringHillCollege,the state’soldest college.Currently, heispursuinga master’sdegreeindivinityfrom TexasBaptistInstituteand Seminary.
Aftercollege,Bentley taught seventh-gradecivics, geographyand eighth-gradeEnglish.He returned to hisalma mater toteachgovernmentandeconomics.
“Skylineis my second pastorate. From 2021-2024, Ipastored asmall church just over theMississippi-Alabamaline,”he said. “Workingasa full-timeteacher inone town while pastoringa church inanother was quitethechallenge, buttheLord blessedit.”
“Godhas been verygoodto me since Istartedpreaching,” Bentley said. “I trustHewillcontinueto work throughme,despite my many
Rev. MatthewBentley is thenewpastoratSkylineBaptist Church. Rev. Bentley andhiswifeKatieareparentsoftwoyear-oldJohn.
HUNTSVILLE -This year’sOktoberfest at Redstone Arsenal willtake place Sept.13-15 at the MWR ActivityFieldand is opentothe entireNorth Alabamacommunity.It promises fun forall.
Theannual Redstone festivalattractsthousands of peopleeachyear. Someattend forthe Ferris wheelandothercarnival rides,others forthe live entertainment.
Always adrawtoOktoberfestisthecuisine, suchasgrilledbrats and schnitzelplates(German potatosalad,sauerkraut, dillpicklespear and Brotchen), pretzelsand beer cheese andmore.
Attendeescanalso choosetosamplethebest incraftbeerfrom local andregionalbreweries. Therewillbeover60taps withdifferentstylesto choosefromincludingciders.
This year’s eventwill cost $15 forgeneraladmissionand $25 foradmission withunlimitedrides.
Proceeds fromthe Oktoberfestarereturnedtothe Redstone community in the form ofimprovements toMorale,Welfareand Recreation facilitiesand recreationalofferings.
Detailsoneventscanbe Oktoberfest is acash only venue. RFCUmobile ATMwillbeonsite.
flawsand shortcomings.”
In September 2023, aSkyline deacon called Bentleyand saidthechurch was searching fora pastorandasked if he was interested.Bentley firstsaid no; however, heand wife Katieprayedand feltledto Madison.
Bentleyinterviewedwithmenfrom Skylineandthenpreachedthere. They formallycalled himas full-timepastor. To Bentley’ssurprise,thecongregation accommodatedhisneedto finish his teaching contractandKatie’scollege studies to graduate.
“It wasindescribablydifficult toquit my job, resign my former pastorateand move whereweknewnoone.However, Skyline BaptistChurch hasproventobe veryloving.They ...havetaken great care ofus.Ihopetobethebest Ican for them,”Bentleysaid.
“I just wanttoservethe church and feedthemthe Word.Skyline is agrowing church in agrowing community,” Bentleysaid. “Wewanttobuildpeople. My visionfor Skylineis...achurch wholoves Godsupremelyand lovesourneighbors asmuch as we love ourselves.”
SkylineBaptistChurch will celebrate its60th anniversary onOct. 19. Bentley extends aninvitationtothecommunity to attend.Originally, charter members metinpeople’shomes in1962 andthen inthe former AmericanLegion, Post 37.
In August1964,themissionbought twoacres on Slaughter Road. InOctober 1964,themission organizedas‘Skyline MissionaryBaptistChurch.’ Several chartermembers arestillactive.
“Nothing pleases my heart more than tohave someone approach me on Sundaymorning andsay,‘Thankyou forthe message. It really touched my heart.’I don’thavethepowertochangeheartsfor Christ, butifHecan usesomething Isay to blesssomeone, that’smore than good enough forme,”Bentleysaid.
“Imayhavebadmoments here and there,but aday livedasa childofGod cannever bebad,” Bentley said. Hiswife Katie worksasa dental hygienist. Sheearneda degree from Pensacola StateCollege.Matthewand Katie marriedin April2021.
“InFebruary2022, we were blessed with abeautiful baby boy,
John.He’sa little comedian whokeeps (us) onour toes. We love himasmuchasany human being canloveanother,”Rev.Bentley said.
“Some people have misconceptions aboutpastors,asifwe’re somehowcloser to Jesus. This just isn’ttrue,”Bentley said. “I’m asinner savedbythe graceof God! Therelationship Ihavewith God andJesus Christisavailabletoanyone whowouldbelieve.” Rev. Bentleyhasplayedpiano for20 years. Heenjoys goodmoviesand documentaries, listeningtomusicandhis timewithKatie andJohn.
“Idomostof the cooking. Thekitchen is acreativespaceforme.Mysignature dishischeesecake, whichI have perfected over thelast12 years,”: Bentley said. “Mysonlovesbeingoutside,sowelike easy hikesandseeing the naturalbeauty of God’s creation.Havingbeenraisedon theGulfCoast, Ialsolovebeingon the water,” he said.
Bentley invitesindividuals,especially anyone without achurchhome,tovisit Skyline. “It’strulyanencouragement to usallwhen we seenewfaces,” hesaid. Sunday Schoolstarts at 10 a.m.,followed by morning worshipand preaching at 11 a.m. Sunday eveningserviceisat5p.m. TheWednesday meeting opens at 7p.m. Activeinthecommunity,Skyline members participatewiththePolarExpress Christmas Tree Trailand abooth at Madison Street Festival.
Formoreinformation,call256-971-0420, or visit
ers whodiedthatday,butLackemphasizedthatanyone whowantstocomeand paytheir respectsis welcome.
Priortothestair climb,the fire and policedepartmentswillpresentanhonorguardceremonyandbriefmemorial service.
“It’slettingthe worldknowthatwe have not forgottenthesacrificesthat were givenfortryingtosave people,” saidCaptainDanPickens,community risk reductionandpublicinformation officerofMadisonFire&Rescue.
Inadditiontocommemoratingthe eventsof9/11,theceremonyprovidesan opportunitytoeducatepeople aboutthe sacrificesthat firefightersmaketosave people everyday. Pickensexplainedthat younger firefightersmaynothave been born when9/11happened,soitservesas areminderthattragedy could happenat anysecond.
Awards Continued frompage1A oftheir restaurantandbarconcepts” and “overall businessmodel,communityinvolvementandcustomerexperience.”
•ChurchStreet WineShoppe,a wine barandbottleshop at 501Church Street NWinHuntsville, opensinceSeptember 2014.In January2023,theMellsopeneda secondlocation at 485ProvidenceMain Street,Suite101.
•Purveyor,abourbon-centriccasual finediningestablishment at 201 Jefferson Street N. inHuntsville,opensince2017.In 2023,theMellsadded TheLibrary at PurveyorPianoBarinan eventspacenextto Purveyor forlate-nightdrinksandlive, localmusicianson weekendsas well asa jazzdinneron Thursdays.
•Pourhouse,acomfortably swanky rooftopbar,opensince2019 at 3414 GovernorsDrive inHuntsville’sStovehouse development, aformer factoryturned into afood,drink,shoppingandleisure destination.
•SeaSalt,anurbanoysterbar,open since2020 at 114ClintonAve.E.inHuntsville.Open forlunchanddinnerwitha fullbar.Ithasbothsidewalkand garage seating.
•Catacomb435,anundergroundspeakeasythatrequires apassword and reservationtoenter,opensince2020at100 JeffersonStreet N.,Unit435,inHuntsville.It servescraftcocktailsandwine.
•Mazzara’s Vinoteca, which first launchedin2019intheStovehousedevelopment, reopenedin June2021inthehistoricHumphreys-RodgersHouseat102 Gates Ave. SWinHuntsville.Named afterStephanie’s grandparents,Mazzara’s servesauthenticItalian food,all family recipes,pairedwithwineorbeer.
•L’ilMazzara’s,thepopularconcept’s secondlocation, whichopened at 102 WashingtonSt.E.inAthensinDecember2022withthesameItaliancuisine anddrinkasHuntsville’sMazzara’s.The Retailerofthe Year awardwilltravelto L’ilMazzara’safterthepresentationin HuntsvillesotheAthensstaffcan alsobe apartofthecelebration.
•ChurchStreet TestKitchen. The first brick-and-mortar restauranttoopenon theconcourseoftheOrionAmphitheater. Itoperatedas arestaurantthereinthe Orion’ssecondseasonin 2023.The Test Kitchencurrentlyservesasthecatering armofChurchStreet Family.
“TheChurchStreet Familybusinesses planandsupportcommunity eventslike theCrush Wineand Food Festival, which highlightslocal restaurantsand businesses,drawingpeopletoour community annually,”saidAshleyEngles-Ross,vice presidentofsmall business forthe Huntsville/MadisonCountyChamberofCommerce,oneoftwoChurchStreetnominators.The group“providesanexceptional culinaryexperience,dedicationtothe communityandconsistentcollaboration withlocalinitiatives,”said PammieJimmar,presidentoftheAthens-Limestone ChamberofCommerce,whoalsonominatedChurchStreet.
ing ourlivesin ashift,”Pickenssaid.“So we wantpeopletowalkawaywithpride, knowingthatweasacommunityandas agroupof firefightersaretheregiving everything we have forsomebodyelse.”
Followingthe eventsofSept. 11,2001, nationalprideswelled,aswellas appreciation formilitary membersand first responders. Lacksharedshehopes the memorialwillbringthissamerecognitionand gratitude back tothe forefront of everyone’sminds.
“Ithink it’s goingtobe reallyincredibleand really touching forthemto feel supported by theircommunity,”Lack said.“Ithinkthingshavejust changeda lotinthe last five to tenyears,and Ithink thatalotof militaryandpolice and fire have started to really feel alittleunseen.”
Lacksaidthatasthe greaterHuntsvilleareahas grown,peoplehave realizedthatithasthesameresponsibility aslargecitiesacrossthecountrytohold eventsthatallow peopleto remember thenationaltragedy on alocallevel. Boththe TrashPandasand MadisonFire &Rescue want to see alargeturnoutin hopesthatthestair climbbecomesan annual event.
Uponlearning ChurchStreet wasthe winnerintheirsalescategory,theMells said,“Toberecognizedasthe bestinthe stateisoverwhelming butshows thatwe aremaking apositive impactin ourcommunityandinourstate.Thatisadream cometrue!” Thisisnotthe firststatewide awardtheMellshave won.In2023,they earnedthetitleof Restaurateurs of the YearfromtheAlabama Restaurant and HospitalityAssociation.
Themotheranddaughter ownersof EpiphanyBoutiquesin AthensandMadison were namedtheAlabamaRetailers ofthe YearintheAnnual Sales Less Than$1Millioncategory.Thepresentationtookplace at their100S. Jefferson St.storeinAthens. DawneDouthit andJessicaDouthit Clarkbeganselling women’sapparel andaccessories13years agoinsideestablishedusedtextbookstores, firstin HuntsvilletheninTuscaloosa.All five ofDawne’schildren –“four rowdyboys” and“oursurprise,babygirl” –were grown,so themother andonlydaughter turnedtheirlove forshoppingtogether into abusiness. Theirventure, whichtheynamed EpiphanyBoutique,“quicklyoutgrew thebookstores,and we openedour first standalonelocationinMadisonin2013,” said Jess.
Bythenext year,theirsecondbrickand-mortarstorethat“meetstheneeds of womenineveryseason of life” opened in Athens.By2015,theylaunched an onlinestoreandbeganshippingnationwide.“We knowwomenhave somany rolesto play,whetherthey’reatrendy grandma,a workinglady or amomon thego,”said Dawne, whohappensto be agrandmother of 19.“Ourgoalisto curate clothingthat’sfussfree,butstill beautifulsoshecangoout andconquer herworld.”
“AthensandMadisonare greatplaces tolive and work,and the Lord has been kindto allowustheopportunitytoserve thesecommunitieswith ourbusiness,” saidDawneand Jess.“We aresothankfulfortheladies whochoosetoshopwith us.”
Whilethey“startedtheir businessasa motheranddaughterfrom zero,” it has “thrivedand grownthroughthe years,” saidoneofthe former AlabamaRetailersofthe Year whojudgedthissalescategory.Thejudges alsopraisedthestores forincreasedsales,expansionefforts, marketing,social mediaand community involvement.
“Theirdedication tocustomerservice, supportforlocal artisans,and active participationincommunity eventsmake thema shiningexampleofwhatasmall businesscanachieve,”saidPammieJimmar,presidentoftheAthens-Limestone CountyChamberofCommerce,who nominatedEpiphanyBoutiques forthe award.“Theytruly embody thespiritof retailexcellenceand have significantly contributedtothevitality of ourtown.”
TheAlabama Retailerofthe Year awards,startedin1999,honor retailers whohavedemonstrated growth, innovationand acommitmenttotheir respective communities.ChurchStreet Family ndEpiphanyBoutiques aretwo of five businessesin fourcategories honoredas the2024 Retailers ofthe Year by the AlabamaRetailAssociation.
2022 as away forMSFtohonorhimand allowthecommunitytohonorhim,”McBrayersaid.“Whilehe wassick,healso wasanavidsupporterof LifeSouth CommunityBloodCentersand giving blood. It just madesense forustoimplement the drive intotheMSF footprinteach year.”
“Every year,wehit records withthe amountof bloodgiven.LifeSouth will againhave twobuses at thefestivalfor 2024,”McBrayersaid. MatthewBalch,Elbert’sson, saidhis family isexcited“and workingtowardsraisingthe numberof donations againthis year.”
“WeatLifeSouthareeagerly looking forwardtoMSF once again. Thedrive is making ahugeimpact inthecommunity blood supplyinthenameofMr.Elbert Balch,”MelanieCalnansaid.Calnan worksasLifeSouthDonor Recruiter, North Alabama Region.“Thank youto theBalchfamily andallof those whohelp tomakethisdrive asuccess.”
ElbertBalch wasbornSeptember 10, 1947, as afourth-generationMadison Countian. After graduation fromLeeHigh School,Elbertwasdraftedand served three yearsinthe U.S. Army during the Vietnam War.
Enteringcollege on the G.I.Bill, Elbert started at theUniversity ofAlabamain Huntsville and graduated from the University ofAlabama at Birmingham.After a30-yearcareer,heretired from AT&T Marketingandopened Powertel Cell Phone storesinNorth Alabama.
“When Powertel wassold,he joinedme tostartOpieBalchRealtyin2010 in historicdowntownMadison,” Opiesaid.
Constantlyactive inthecommunity,Elbertjoined JayceesandCivitans,engaged inlocalpolitics,workedatthepolls and served manyyearswithMadison Histor-
icCommissionand Madison Cemetery Committee.Healso heldmembership in Madison ChamberofCommerce,MadisonStationHistorical Preservation Society, Huntsville BoardofRealtorsand state/national associations of Realtors.
“Elbertwas ahugeAlabama fan,” Opie said,“and active inourlocal church.”
“My dad usedhisobituary to askpeople,inlieuof flowers,todonateto LifeSouth,”Matthewsaid.“Mydad wasa greatman,and Imiss him every day.”
Matthewreminisces“thetime when Iwas akid,and he letme ride on the bushhog. Ibroke my ankle.Whenasked why‘Iwason afarmingimplement’ by the nurse,dad said, ‘Because therewere rattlesnakes inthepasture.
“When Igot resultsofmybarexam,he wasmoving arefrigeratorinto arental propertyinLimestoneCounty.Icalled totell him Ihadpassed thebar and was nowalicensed attorney.Heansweredthe phone,breathingheavily.
“Hello?” Elbertsaid.“’IPASSED’ was what Ishouted.Hesaid ‘OK,’ andhung up.Iwasconfused whyhewas so dismissive,” Matthewsaid.
“Thirty minuteslater,histruckpulled up with acaseofCoorsLight. We hugged andcried. I’m fairly confident thatzero statutes relatedtooperating avehicle at orunderpostedlimits were observedas hecame to celebratewith me,” Matthew said.
Matthewremembers renovations/restorationand cutting grasswithhis father at 106 MainStreet, 14 Martin Streetand 304Church Street forthe family’srealty and lawoffices.At106 Main, Elbertsteadied aladder while Matthewwashanging ‘hisshingle’ when apasserbyasked,“One ofy’all thelawyer?”“I thendrafted that gentleman’s will. Several yearslater,Iassistedhisestatewhenhe passed. My dad always remindedme thathe‘gotme my first client, Matthewsaid.
“Mydad taught mehowtodosomany things ...backaboattrailer,spool aweedeater,hook thelip of abass,clean adove and adeer,hold thedoor open forothers, tell someone thatthemeal wasdelicious and thatIappreciatedit, rooton the Tide, makesurethehubs were greasedon the trailerand rememberitdoesn’tmatterif theperson you’retalking tois asenator or ajanitor ...treat themthe same,” Matthewsaid.“Thelistgoesonandon.”
BecauseGwen came to Children’sfor the diagnosis and treatmentofher blood disorder,shereceived the best care availablethankstoground-breaking research madepossible byclinicaltrialsforcancers and blood disorders.Theresearch happeningtodaywilllead to futurecures, and it is happening here at Children’sofAlabama.
No placelikehome
MADISON-For Johnny Jackson,there’snoplacelike home.
TheseniorstartingquarterbackforBob Joneshasmade his waybacktotheteammates and overallprogram he grew upwithafterplayingoneseason at GilesCountyHighlocatedinPulaski, Tenn.
“Ifeel at home andmorecomfortablethan ever,”said Jackson.“I’mdoing well. Myjob at quarterbackisactuallyeasyas Igettheballtoourplaymakers we have ontheteamandlet themdo what theydoso very well.”
NASHVILLE -The UAHvolleyball team capped offa perfect weekendin the MusicCity withapairof wins on Saturday, defeating SouthwesternOklahoma State3-2 (18-25, 25-19,2025,25-19,15-11) and Davenport (25-15, 25-20,18-25,25-23).
TheChargers arenow 3-0 on the season, theirbest start since their2019 campaign when theystarted6-0.
coachatBob Jones,knewthe headcoachatGiles Countyand even playedfor himseveral years ago.
“Myfathermadethearrangements forour family to move to Pulaski wherewerented ahousejust five minutes fromtheschool campus,” said Jackson.“Iearned my position as startingquarterbackduring springpracticeand thehead coachhashad alonghistory of producinggood qualityquarterbacks.”
Lastseason, Jackson passed for1,628 yardsand 18touchdownsand rushed foranother 539 yardsandnine scoresashe led theBobcatstoan11-3 re-
BorninHuntsvilletoCedricand ShamekaJackson and raisedinMadison, Jackson playedyouth footballinMadison andlaterasquarterback andcornerbackatDiscovery MiddleSchool. Moving tothe BobJones program, he did not seevarsityactioninboth his freshmanand sophomore seasons,andhe feltasthough he wasnot receivingtheexperienceof playingashewanted. So,withthe entirefamily’s blessing,the Jackson’smoved to Pulaski wherethe Bobcats were headinginto the2023 needing agood signal caller. Jackson’s father,who teaches at Discovery MiddleSchooland iscurrently therunning backs
Game 1(UAH 3, SWOSU 2): TheChargerswon the firstof theirpairofSaturdaymatches coming backfroma2-1deficit afterthreesetsagainstSouthwesternOklahoma State. UAH wonthe final twosets25-19 and 15-11 against theBulldogs to secureavictory. Withthe win, UAHmoves to 3-0 all-timeagainstSWOSU. Grace-Blythe Cornett and Autumn Mayeseachtotaled over adozen kills forthe match, withCornett tallying15 and Mayesrackingup 13. Ashleigh Murrand SavannahRutledgetotaled22 and19assists, respectively.
On defense,theChargers were led by Tatiana Bonilla with19digs,whileMaryGrace Bundrant provided four blocks.
Game 2(UAH 3, Davenport1): Saturday’ssecond matchsaw the Chargerstakea 2-0lead witha25-15 and 25-20victory in the firsttwo sets.Davenportwon thethird beforeUAH closed thematchout with a2523winin the fourth set.
Thematchup wasthe first between the Chargers andPanthers.
Mayesonce again highlighted the Charger offense with10 kills in thematch, while Murr and Rutledgecombined for36 assists. Bonilla andKailaSisk eachcontributedthree acesto the UAHvictory. TheChargersreturntoactionon Fridayatthe UAHInvitationalpresented by the HuntsvilleSports Commission.
GUNTERSVILLE –The Bob Jones volleyballteamcashedin this weekend. TheLadyPatriotsoutlasted Brentwoodinathree-setbattle Saturday towinthe TournamentofChampions at Supreme Courts. Bob Jones(27-3),rankedNo.
“We’veplayeda lot ofmatches forearly intheseason,’’’ Lady Patriots headcoachJennyJarrettsaid. “I think they played reallywell this past weekend. We just have to makesurewe don’t startcoasting and keep working to getbetter. That’s justmybiggest one.Wedon’t
1inAlabama by Maxpreps, defeated Brentwood (15-4),ranked No.6 in Tennessee, 25-21,23-25, 15-10to finishthe tournament with a7-0 recordatGuntersville’smulti-sports complex. Theonlygame theLadyPatriotslost wasinthe final to Brentwood. Prior tothetournament, Bob Jones defeated Collierville (Tenn.) 2-1 and Fort Payne2-0 in ahome regularseason trimatch.
Sparkman ralliesinfourth
DECATUR –Despair followedSparkman’s football teaminto thevisiting lockerroom, butthe Senatorslateremergedintothe pleasantFridaynightair resolute after acomeback thatwouldhave beenone forthe agesfell agonizingly short.
Sparkmanscored two touchdownsinafrantic final2:24 of regulation to forceovertime,then fell 31-30to hostAustin followingablockedextrapoint inOT that doomedthe SenatorsintheClass7A, Region 4opener forboth teams.
Austin(3-0,0-1) remainedunbeaten, while Sparkman(0-3,0-1) remainedwinlessineight straightgoingbacktolast season. Butthe Senators vowedtokeep fighting for postseason contention.
“We’regoing to come backstrongernext week and forthe rest of theseason,’’ Sparkman senior running backJabariDavis said.“Weprobablyneeded alosslikethis.Close losses, theyhurt, butwe have faithinour teamand coachesand we’regoing to keep ridingthe bustothe playoffs.
cordwherethe teamlost in thesemi-finalsofthe Tennesseestateplayoffs. So,afteragreat season, thequestioncame up of whyreturntoMadison and Bob Jones?
“Theoffensivecoordinator and quarterback coaches bothlefttheteam afterthe season,plus,I wanted tobewith my guys I’veknownall my life,” added Jackson. Alsointhemix wasthe fact Bob Jonesneededan experienced typesignal callergoingintothe 2024 season,soheadcoach Kelvis Whitefoundout Jackson wasplayingwell, sohearrangedthrough Jackson’s father to make the return backtoMadison wherethe 6-foot1, 200-pound Jackson jumped intoactionduring thesummer 7-on-7tournamentsand madehis argument tobethestartingquarterbackforhis
backKeaton Williams, making hissecond start after takingoverinthe second quarterofthe season opener when senior JaidenScott tore an ACL, wasequallyconfident.
“We’vestill got awhole road to godown,’’he said after scoring three rushingtouchdowns.
“We’vegot to keep playingthrough stufflikethis, keep fighting through. We just had atalkin thelocker room,and thisis motivationto us.’’
TheBlackBearsled 24-10 andhadpossession with under sevenminutes lefttoplay. They punted,and thegame soon changed. TheSenators took over at their 16-yard lineanddrovetoa 3-yard
former team forthe 2024 season.
Jackson missed spring practiceatBob Jones duetoaserious ankle injury he suffered inthe season-endingcontest at Giles Countyin2023. In theplayoff game against Alcoa wherethe Bobcats lost38-7, Jacksonsufferedabrokenleftankle. On Dec.5 at Huntsville Hospital, heunderwent surgerywhereaplateand screwswereinsertedto puthisbrokenankleback together.Hewent through monthsof rehabilitation andwatched fromthe sidelines duringspring practice. Thesurgical hardwareremains in his ankleas Jacksonindicated thosedevicesdonotoffer ahindranceofhisplay on thefootball field.
TD runbyWilliams to cap a12-playdrive with2:24 remaining.
Ronnie Watkinseschewed an onsidekickoff attempt, kickeddeepand theSenators forcedanother punt in threeplays followinga runand twoincomplete passes and theSenators took possession with1:55 left at their41.
Junior Kameron Renolds madeanathletic 37-yardreceptionon fourthdownto move the ball to Austin’s 20, andon fourth-and-14junior wide receiverand backup quarterbackNathanielDavis took areverseand threw a24-yardTDpass to junior ZaydenBodner.Hemade another athletic catch,
father andanolderbrother whoplayedhere, too. His hardworkisshowing nowthathe’s workingon his craft.”
David Faulkbooted the extrapointtomakeit24all. However,theSenators had planned to go fortwo points and thewin after thescore, buta delayof game penalty forced them tokick.
That waskeyasSparkmanscored in OT,but the PATwas blocked. Austin countered with a10-yard TD pass andadded the winningextrapoint. Sparkman plays Albertvilleinthesecondofseven totalregiongames. “Tous, we’re0-0 and now(thegoal)it’sto go 7-0,’’ Watsonsaid. “That’s what you’vegot todo.’’
In threegames so far this season whereBob Jones is2-1,includinga 34-31 gut-wrenching last minuteloss to crosstown rivalJames Clemens in the13th annual Madison Bowl,Jacksonis56/83 for859 yardsninetouchdownsandone lone interceptionpassing while he has 16 carries for89 yardsand threescoreson theground.Intheseason opener against Cullman, Jackson wasresponsible for456totalyards and six TDs.Intheseason’ssecond gameheonlyplayed 22snaps givingway to some backup players.In thebattle versus theJets, Jackson was27of42,324 yards, threetouchdowns and one interception.
“He’sleadingouroffenseandis ashining star onour team,” said White, fifth-yearheadcoachof Bob Jones that isthe highestscoring teamamong Class7Aschoolsand sixth overall inAlabama. “He workshard,especiallyon his ownasI wouldcall him agym-ratashe’salways workingout tobetterhimself.Heknows thesport asI’m sure he gets alotof that knowledgefromhis
Jackson wears No.3for thePatriots, anumberhe chose becausehisfather wore that number in high schoolandcollege andhis olderbrother,CedricJr., wore thesame number whileplayinginmiddle school.“Iworethatnumberallthrough my youth years,soit’sbecomea family tradition,”added Jackson.
Cedric Jr.gaineda scholarshiptoplayatKentuckyWesleyan wherehe currently plays on theoffensive line. He graduated from Bob Jones 2022, and Jacksonsaidhelooksup to hisbrotherasan inspirationand learns fromhis experiences.
BornJohnston Ja’Meere Jackson and wearing No. 3it’s anatural wherehe couldbenicknamed“J-3.” Hehasmadeaname for himselfonthe programhe definitelymissed lastseason and wasgladtomake hisway back,asthere’sno place likehome,inMadison, at Bob JonesHigh.
Successand loadsof confidence have notalways beenhissurroundingsas Jacksonspokeof what type of atmosphere in manyareasofhislife he went through.Hesaid, “A lotofpeopledoubted me.Some were very negative of my efforts and talent.Some saidI couldn’tthrow theball well enoughandcouldn’t runfastenough. Thoseexperiences arewhatdrives me every game.Iwant to provethem wrong. Iwant to showthem Ican throw and runand lead ateamas startingquarterback.”
Sparkman’s JonathonRozieravoids atackle in Friday’s game againstAustin.
High School Swim Preview
Local swim teams expected to be among state’s top this season
MADISON - High expectations is the feeling among the two local high schools’ swim teams as the 2024 season is underway with returning swimmers and divers anxious to face the challenges each will be presented throughout the regular season with the AHSAA State Championships to complete the season Nov. 22-23 in Huntsville.
Both Bob Jones and James Clemens completed the 2023 season among the top four in boys and girls competitions with the Lady Patriots bringing home a second consecutive state title. Many of the top performers for both schools return this year, thus causing the feeling of success throughout both programs.
Eight seniors return for the Patriots with five of those upper classmen in the girls division who will attempt to defend their two-time state title. Danielle Nguyen is team captain, but all eyes will fall on young sensation Abby Chan who scored four medals including two individuals at last year’s state meet as a freshman. She won the 100meter backstroke last year with a time of 55.71 and was second to her sister, Samantha, in the 100meter butterfly. Chan was also on two relays (200m medley and 400 freestyle) which picked up two first place medals.
Ryan Rhoades, in his second season as head coach, said Chan is geared to capture two more individual championships in 2024, but the expectations for the entire team have become even greater looking to this season. He added, “There are several girls that will be in contention for an individual state championship, and, as a team, we expect to compete for a championship again. We plan to meet that expectation by focusing on being consistent day in and day out and to train with integrity.”
On the boys team, three returning seniors help make up the team roster with Hubert Pan the acting team captain. With a fourth place finish a season ago, this squad is on a mission to finish even higher at the State Meet this year.
“These veteran seniors are developing a culture of cohesion and determination,” said Rhoades, a state champion swimmer and 2003 graduate of Bob Jones. “They continue to push each other and we have no doubt they will be successful in their mission.”
The Bob Jones program is also implementing a developmental program within the team striving to look to the future of swimming and diving at the school. Rhoades said the goal is to instruct newer athletes that are starting the sport late or may have missed making a local club swim team. “We aim to enrich the swim and dive community by cultivating love of the sport in our students,” said
Local athlete spotlight
Rhoades. “Our core values are integrity and consistency, which we feel will play a part of our everyday lives creating skilled swimmers and decent citizens.”
An additional aspect of the 2024 team is the hiring of a new head coach of the dive team. Megan Barnett has joined the staff which includes assistant coach Jim Hanson who is returning for another year of
coaching. Barnett is a
my alum and was a helicopter
years and represented the U.S.
at the World Military Games in 2003. She has been coaching for the local club dive team the Huntsville Diving Association. For Rhoades, a five-time high school state champion while with the Patriots, signed to swim for the Tennessee Volunteers af-
Jameen Mathews is ranked among the top 10 sprinters in the U.S.
MADISON - In just four years’ time, Jameen Mathews has made major strides from being a novice track athlete to become one of the top sprinters in America. She is ranked No. 8 in the 100 meter and No. 9 in the 200 meter sprints among the Masters Age 45 division and recently participated in a world event where she showcased her talents.
Mathews was on the sports’ biggest stage when she traveled to Gothenburg, Sweden for the 2024 World Masters Athletics Championships where she competed in both the 100 and 200 meter sprints and was a member of the U.S. 4x100 relay team which posted a bronze medal winning time of 52.61 seconds.
“The U.S. team manager chose the four of us to run the relay,” said Mathews, who ran the relay’s first leg with a 12.70 split. “We had just one day of practice with the competition the very next day. I knew them from nationals and world events. We had to learn one another the day before the race as we had to maximize our practice time working on the relay portion of the race.”
Following Mathews first leg were Diane Essilfie, Nicole Luke and Cynthia McNamee. The four Americans were among the more than 8,000 participants representing 111 countries in the games.
Participating in basketball and softball as a young girl, Mathews did attempt some track events while in middle school, but chose not to partake in sports once in high school. She would have her first of her three children in her senior year of school and was unable to attempt to run track at that point or in college. It wasn’t until the time of the COVID pandemic did she get back on the track at the encouragement of her husband of almost four years, Carlos, who, himself, is an outstanding track athlete on the national and world stages as he currently holds three National Championships in the Master’s Division of track and field. Mathews entered her first competitive races in 2021 after being coached by Carlos and workout partners at Phase Three Gym and at Willpower Strength and Conditioning. She and Carlos train on the outdoor track at Bob Jones High each Saturday and Sunday mornings. Mathews also trains at a newly renovated outdoor track located just inside the confines of Redstone Arsenal on Patton Road.
As for my style of running, I’m a better starter as my reaction time is good at the start of a race and I work on that aspect a lot,” said Mathews, 46. “I focus on main-
taining my speed throughout the race.”
For a few years Mathews participated in some fun run races with her ex-husband, but nothing competitive. What she’s most proud of is the fact she had the opportunity to run with one daughters, Janae Hilliard, who ran in high school and later for U.A.H. Hilliard later transferred to the University of Alabama, but is not participating in track.
In her individual events Mathews has a personal best time of 29.34 in the 200 and 13.67 in the 100. In the Sweden competition, she finished No. 25 out of 120 total runners in the 100 and No. 31 in the 200 also among 120 competitors. Earlier this summer at the U.S. Nationals held in July in Sacramento, Cal., Mathews earned a bronze medal in the 100 meter.
Competing in both the 40 and 45 age groups she excelled in numerous events including the 60 and 200 meters in the indoors competition and her specialties of 100 and 200 meters in the outdoors events. Her impressive achievements showcase her versatility and dedication to the sport, making her a standout athlete in her age group.
Her trip to Sweden included traveling with a friend she met in the masters track program and is a Master Sgt. in the U.S. Army. Once in Sweden, many of the U.S. athletes visited the host city, ate at local restaurants, attended a team social and visited a few sites around the immediate area. The 10-day trip featured Mathews having to overcome jet lag once arriving in Gothenburg causing her to post her slowest times in two years. Local weather conditions were not the most favorable as some strong winds and light rain prevailed during several days of the competition.
Mathews is the Director of Operational Enablement of Pearson Virtual School where she manages to the workforce through operations support. Also, two nights a week, she is an adjunct professor at Alabama A&M where she teaches the Principles of Management as she is a Doctor of Business Administration.
The memorable relay race was certainly an interesting event for the bronze medal winning team as one of the original chosen participants had to run in her individual event at an adjacent facility, so the team reached up to the 55 age group for a replacement in Luke. She had never attempted a race under 800 meters or participated in a relay situation. Despite the oddness of the relay team, true determination and being focused as elite athletes pulled enormous efforts out of each of the four runners good enough for a bronze medal on a national stage.
U.S. Navy Acade-
pilot for 20
in diving
The 2024 version of the Bob Jones swim team features eight returning seniors and an array of younger talent going into the latest swim season.
The James Clemens swim team looks to leadership with 10 seniors making up the program for the 2024 campaign.
See SWIM Page 4B
Zipping around the curve in one of her two individual races at the 2024 World Masters Championships held in Sweden, Jameen Mathews is ranked among the top 10 in the U.S.
Securing her bronze medal won at the 2024 World Masters Athletic Championships held in Sweden, Jameen Mathews earned her bronze medal representing the U.S.A. in the 4x100meter relay.
jumpbackahead withjust over aminute leftin the gamewith atouchdown runbyMJGideon thatwouldstick.
Theteamsstartedthe game by tradingturnovers when JamesClemensdefensivebackMyles Taylorintercepted Patriotpasser Johnny Jackson.
ThePatriotstookadvantage ofthe turnover by scoringtheopeningtouchdownofthe game when Jackson foundMalachi Foster foran11yard TDwith9:00 remaininginthe firstquarter.
JamesClemensknottedthe game at 7-7ina hurry whenGideonbrokeloosefor a37-yard scoring gallopthrough ahostof Bob Jones defenders at the8:11markofthe firstquarter.
TheJetscontinuedto rely on the ground game with runningbackCamBerry whopoundedhis waythree yardsintotheendzone forthegoaheadscore tomakeit14-7 JCstillin the first quarter.
Bob Jonespulled alittle closerin thesecond quarterwith a21-yard fieldgoal by JoshStewart totrail JamesClemens14-10.
JC wastednotime gettingtheballin forthe touchdowntogoup21-10 whenGakobeyGill connected with AlexLivelyfor a30-yardstrike with 10:34toplaybeforethehalftimebreak.
JamesClemenspaddedthelead evenmorein thesecondquarter whenGideonscoredfrom threeyardsout fora commanding27-10advantage after amissedextrapoint at 6:45. With13.1 remaininginthe firsthalf, Bob Jonesscored when Jacksoncompleted a12-yard TDlobtoChristopherCaterinatomake it27-17 Jets.
Theteamssloggedthrough asortof flat third quarteraftersuchanenergetic firsthalf.
Bob Jones was finallyabletoscore with4:14 remaininginthethirdquarter topullwithin threepointsof JamesClemens at 27-24.
It wasa3-yardscoreona quarterbackkeeper by Jackson forthe Patriotstoput them instriking distanceofthelead.
Themomentumhaddefinitelyshifted by the timeBobJoneswrestledthelead away fromthe Jetswith10:18togointhe game when Jackson andCaterinalinked upon a10-yardtouchdown.
JamesClemens wasstaring at alosssquarein thefacedown31-27withtheclockbleedingout.
TheJetsturnedtoGideonto bringthethunderandthepowerfulbackbatteredhis way downthe field.
TheclocktickeddownandGideon and JC creptclosertothegoalline.
Time wasagainstBob Jones as thedigits twitchedanddroppedlike aplanesinking outof thesky.
Finallywith 5seconds,the Patriotscalleda timeoutandlinedup fora43-yard field goal.
AstheBob JoneskickerJoshStewart preparedtoboottheballinto oblivionbetween theuprights, thepigskin wasswallowedupby aseaofbaby blueuniformsas JamesClemens crashedthroughthelinetodeny the kickerwith a firm no.
JamesClemensnext welcomesunbeaten Huntsville(3-0)this FridayatMadisonCityStadium at 7p.m.
Bob JonestravelstoGrissom(1-1) on Friday asthePatriotslookto getbackontrack.
Continued frompage1B
wantto overlookanybody. We wanttomakesurewe’restaying sharpandnot gettingcontent.” Bob Jones sweptintothe TournamentofChampions final by defeatingDesotoCentral(Miss.), Sylacauga,Riverdale(Tenn.), Oxford,GirlsPrep (Chattanooga)andNolensville(Tenn.)all
by scoresof2-0.
TheLadyPatriotsopened their7A,Area 7schedule against Austin(12-5,0-0) at homeTuesdayand faceNewHopeand host ArabonThursday.
Christina Yang (Fr.), Dulce Munoz(8), Sophia Sweeny(Fr.),AbbyWilkerson (7) andLillie Wood (8).
TheJetshave seniorleadershipin theirfavorin2024 as five eachsenior girlsandboys willbringboth leadership andenthusiasmtothe watertohelpbond togethertheteamthat finishedthird in boysand fourthingirls at the 2023State Meet.
“Swimmingisprimarily seenas an individualsportandthehighschoolseason bringsateam atmospherewhereeveryonemust work tomaximize teampoints andnotnecessarilystick to eventsthey prefer,”sadsecond year headcoachKelly Davis.“Coachesalonecannotcreate thisteam atmosphere.Athletesmustfeel likeavaluablecontributor, whether by earningpoints or cheering on their teammates.”
Thesquad willtake abreak fromtournament actionthis weekendafter playinginthree straightsince theseasonstarted. Next week,Bob Jones travels to Florence foranotherArea7 matchthen playatHooverand MountainBrook before returninghome Saturday foratrimatchwith second-rankedMcGill-Toolenand Saraland.
ton andKatie Blakenship forthegirls andGavinSpiveyand Jason Park forthe boys.
Standouts comingbackthisseason include RosaLevan, TatumScully, Alex Kulkarni,Christian Webster and diver LaurelHunter asthisgroup of athletes earned over half theteampoints at last year’sStateMeet, andDavisislooking at themtoprovide evenbetter results this year.Elevennew talentedmemberswill jointhe Jet’s programthisyear withBrody TindollandLelandBarbour expected to impactteampoints immediately. The2024scheduleincludesthe annual “Dual in the Pool at Dublin Memorial Park as James Clemenswill face off againstcrosstownrival BobJones.The eventissettobe heldtwo weeks prior tothe AHSAA StateMeetschedule to be heldinHuntsville Nov. 22-23.
Davis andher assistantcoaches Devin Kreitzand Andrew McKibbonbelieve thisseasonpromisestobeanexciting oneforthe Jets.
“Oneof ourgoalsis to bemoresuccess-
ful thanlast year at thestate competition andqualify even moreswimmers inindividual events,” said Davis.“This year’s team has proven they have what ittakes tolefteachother up and help eachother outtomakethis teamthebestit canbe.” Girlsrosterincludes:AnnaAi,(7),KatieBlakenship,(Sr.), EllieChan, (Fr.), Renee Drayton(Sr.), Stella Guo (7), Laurel Hunter(So.), ChloeKim(Fr.), Gemma King(Sr.), Rosa Levan(Sr.),KaylaSamad (Fr.), FionaScully(Jr.), TatumScully (Jr.), Emery Tindoll (Sr.),Kinsey Travis-Kinder(Fr.), ColbyTyler(Fr.), Lilly Wright(So.)andIsabel Xu (So.). Boys Roster:MaddoxAcker(8),Saquib Baig(So.), LelandBarbour(Fr.), Michael Docherty(Sr.), Zachary Johnson (Fr.), Alex Kulkarni (Sr.), Clayton McGehee (Fr.),Aaron Oppenlander (8), LukeOppenlander (8), Jason Park (Sr.), Will Ross (Jr.), SebastianScully(So.), GavinSpivey (Sr.), Harrison Taylor(Sr.),BrodyTindoll (8),Andrew Tkach (7), Daniel Tkach (Fr.), Emanuel Torres(Jr.),Anderson Weisenberger (7)and Christian Wester (Jr.).
Hereare somephotos from Fridaynight’sMadisonBowl, the annual rivalrygamebetween BobJonesand James Clemens. Youcan seemorephotosfrom thegamesonour PhotosbyAndrewNoles (Noles NestPhotography)
Bernicesaid whensheand Frank movedfrom“UncleMabren’s”(ParcelA-17),theymovedintothehouseof Frank’sparentsandlivedwiththem.She saidthatlatertheymovedto thetenant house.SinceBerniceand Frankbeganto have children,themove wasprobablyrelatedtotheneed formorespace. Bernice describedthehouses.
TheTenantHouse.The researcher askedBernicetodrawa sketch of the houseshelivedin. Thesketchshowed thefrontporch facingnorth. Thehouse hadtworoomsinthefront.Onewasused as aliving roomand oneas abedroom.A thirdroomhadbeenaddedonthe rearof thehouse at anearlierpointintime. It wasthekitchen.Bernicecannot rememberthehousehavinga fireplace.She remembersusing awood-burningheatingstove (“a woodheater”).Thebarn was“inbackof“ thehouseto the west. Whenaskedabouttheconstructionofthe house,Bernicestatedit was“just awood house,builtlikehouses were then.” The roof wastin.Ithadnobasementorstone orbrickfoundation.Shesaidtheyhada chickenhouseoutback.
WalterChaney’sHouse.Thefront of Walter’shouse facedtotheeast.The househad four roomsanda fireplace. Theouthouse wasatwo-seater.Itwasout back,atanangletotheeast. Thechicken house wasleftoftheouthouse. “Mama Chaney”had chickens,turkeys andpigs. Therewas acorncribinthebarntokeep thecornforthechickensand aloft. BerniceandFrankused PappaChaney’s mules.
WorkingintheField:Bernicedescribed workinginthecotton fields:First, you hadto chop.Thinitout,digthe grassout. Thenlayitby. Whenit getssobig, yougo through againwith acultivator;ithasa plow togobetweentworows.Thenstart topickaroundthe firstof September. Backthen we hadcoldwintersandsnow. We’d getcold. We’d getoutandpicksacks ofbollsandthensit by the fireplace at PappaChaney’s.Wepickedcotton when it wassleeting,and we aboutfrozeto death.[Whatdid youwear?]Everything youhad, youputon![Said vehemently]
WaterSource. We had awell. TheOuthouse.Bernicesaidtheyhad anouthousethatwas“outback.”When askedifher familythrew thingsthey wantedtodisposeofintheouthouse,the researcher againexperiencedthequestioninglookandraisedeyebrow.Bernice volunteered acomment abouttoiletpaper:Fortoiletpaper,weusedtheSears catalog. We could getthemfree.When we useditup,we’dtryto getanother one —Searsor Penney’s.Therewas asaying, “Eitherthatoracorncob.”[Did youever knowofanyonetouse acorncob?]No,I neverknewanybody whoreallyusedone. TheMailbox.Havingjoked aboutusing acorncobintheouthouse,and apparentlythinking aboutpaperpossibilities, Berniceadded:“Welivedtwomilesfrom themailbox.So,you weren’tgoingto get anewspaper.Ifwe’dgotone,we wouldn’t have timeto readit.”Bernicenotedthat sheandhersister-in-lawsometimes rode themulestothemailbox.
Garbage.Whenasked what they didwith garbage,Bernicesaid: Youdidn’t putdirtycansout. We always washed the cans.Wehadhogwirearound wherewe
putthe garbage. Ihavewalkeda solid miletogetwire. We didn’thave many cansbecausewehadour ownstuff. We usedglassjars forcanning.Backthen youcouldcookjars along timeonthe wood stove. On amodernstove,youcan putthejarsofbeanson acookiesheetin theovenfortwoand ahalfhours, and set theovenaslow asitwill go.Wehadcorn breadandbiscuits.Wehadno yeastback then. Imadebiscuits outofcornmeal, soda,salt, andmilk. WashingClothesandMakingSoap. Whenasked about washing clothes, Bernicesaid: We’d boilthe clothes in thewashpot. Youhad asticktopunch the clothesdowninthe water.The first thing yougot when yougotmarried was arubbingboard. You’dsave thehoglard tomakesoap. Putthe greaseinthe pot. Open theRedDevil lye. Cookandstir, cookand stir. Pourit out in anything you could find.It would gettoo thickifyou leftitinthepot. Youcouldpour it outon apieceoftin.Letitcoolsomebeforeyou starttopour.Whenitis almostbeyond stirring,youtakeitoutwith adipper.You useditfor washing clothesand yourself. Itmadethebestshampoo!It wouldmake yourhairshine! QuiltingandSewing.Bernicespent manyhours atPappaChaney’shouse quiltingwith“MommaChaney.” She said thatMomma wouldstartononeend ofthequiltandshe’dstartontheother [Berniceisleft-handed].Askedtodescribethequiltingframe,Bernicesaid: Theframehungfrom theceiling.Ithad fourstaplesintheceiling. Youputa strongscreenoneachendandletithang down.Quiltingframeshave twosides and twoends.Therewouldbeaholedrilled downthetwoframes wheretheycross. Put anailinittoholdthemtogether. Therewereheavystringscoming down fromtheceilingtoeachendofthe quilt. Youcoulduse asawhorse frame,butthat didn’thangdownand youcouldn’t push thequilt away from youorpullitto you likeyoucanon one thathangsfrom the ceiling.
We’dusecoal oillamps.I’dsewmany astitchbycoal oillamp.I had atreadle sewing machine.Backthen we madebonnets,aprons,and dresses from the feed sacks.Thefertilizerones were white.We hadtosoakthefertilizerout,soak, pour out,andthen again. Thefertilizer would abouteatupyourhands.You’d getoutall youcouldthenboilthem.
TheDepression Years. Theresearcher askedBernice Chaneyifshecould remembertheDepression years. Shecountedbackfromthe agesheisnowandsaid she was12yearsold when Roosevelt was elected,and wentontosay: Mybrotherin-law Barney wenttothe CCC camp.We hadtoplowpartofthecottonup.[What wasthehardestpart?] Workinginthe field. Youhadtohave acow.Nocow,no milk. Idon’tknowhow we lived. People were sohumbleandgoodtoeachother. If we gotthrough our work,we’dgohelp theneighbor.Nomatter whogot through first,they’dhelpeachother.
Walter F. ChaneyOwnership ofA-61 andSaletothe WarDepartment.Bernice said:Weweretoldtomove on August15, 1941. We movedonDecember21,1941. We cameoutwith amuleand awagonand ten headofcows.Somepeoplecontestedthe saleuntilthelastdate.Thenthey were toldiftheydidn’tmove,their property wouldbecondemned.Some peoplenever did getpaidbecausethey wouldn’tmake anysettlement. TheOptionforPurchase allowedlandownersto returntoand harvest thecropsthattheyhad planted; however, as showninthecontract above, an agreeduponsum wasdeducted from thepurchaseprice at thetime of the closingofthetransactionifthey didso. The returning residentshad to wearbadges they were giventogothroughtheguard
gates;the gateshadbeensetupbeforethe peoplehadmovedoff theirland. WalterChaneymovedtoEarly,Alabama,near wheretheCoosaLakeisnow. At theend ofWWII, it wasrumored that the Army wouldsellthelandbacktoits former owners.Walter wantedhis land back —thelandhe’dspentmanyyears clearingbeforethegovernmenttook it.He movedbacktoHuntsville readytobuy it. TheArmydidn’tselltheland back.After livingin Huntsville Village fora number of years, Walter movedtoOleander [near Arab].MacChaney(Walter’s grandson) said:Duringthelastten yearsofhislife, my grandfather wasblind as aresultof sugardiabetes.Thenhegotpneumonia, whichwas thecause ofhisdeath. On the waytothehospital,andintears,hesaid tome,“Iwish Icouldhavegotten my land back.”As forhis father,Frank Chaney, MacChaneysaid:My father passed away in1972fromcomplications we believe of mustardgashecontacted while working on RedstoneArsenal duringWWII. Long intothenight fordecades,hecoughed, untilhedeveloped lungcancer inthe bronchial tubes.
TheMcAnallyFamily livedonChaney’s Land(ParcelA-17). PeggyMcAnallycontactedthe researcher becauseshe was interestedinlearningthelocationon the arsenalwhereher family hadlived. She hadbeentoldtheyhadleasedthe landof M.G. Chaney.Whatshe described was ParcelA-17.SinceM.G.continued tolive and farm thepropertyuntilthe time of themandatorysale of theproperty,he didnotleaseit. Theresearcherexplained thattheMcAnallys couldhave rented landfrom Chaney.Inthose days, renting meanthaving one’s ownstockand tools, andgivingthelandowner asmallerportionofthecropthan asharecropperdid. However, the researcherlater found the entrywritten by another McAnallydescendantinthe Heritage Bookof MadisonCounty,Alabama, whichstatedthat “Jack”McAnallywas asharecropperon Chaneyland.
TheAlbertMcAnallyFamily.They residedin atenanthomeonM.G.Chaney property.A photowas provided by Peggy McAnally. It wastaken at oneof the housesonM.G.Chaneyproperty when family memberswerevisiting Albert McAnallyandhis family.The woman standing on theporch inthe farleft is MattieMcAnally, wife ofAlbert.Beside her,Albertholdsbaby Charley.Albert’s father,General[hisname,not amilitary rank] JacksonMcAnallystands by the post, and infrontofhimare twins Roy and Raymond.Thefront row, fromthe left,the firstboyisthoughtto be Floyd, butthenameisuncertain forthesmaller boybesidehim. Odellisinthe darkhat and thenthe girl Corainthehatwiththe whiteband.Besideheris NannieHendricks,daughterofAlbert.In the hat withthewide, flat brimis Tea(whoisa daughterofGeneral JacksonMcAnally) standingbesideherhusbandEdgar Sanders —theirdaughterMargie standsin frontof them. Theboysontherightare ClarenceandGordon,sonsofAlbert. Onthe RSA Public Affairs Office Website,McAnallyInterview. ThePublicAffairs Office website(Pam Rogers)has an articlefrom TheRedstone Rocket(“The GoddardHouseservesas areminderof
pre-Army days…But aformer resident believesitmay be haunted,” 25 October 1989).A womannamed Nellie McAnally wasinterviewed. Shesaidher father wasthe overseerof theChaney[spelled Chancyinthearticle] farm.Shesaid sheandherhusband livedintwo rooms on the second floorof theChaney house rightafter they were married.
NellieMcAnallyDescribed Chaney House.NellieMcAnallywalked through the GoddardHouseanddescribedhowit beenbeforeitwas changed by the Army. Adrive linedwith cedar trees ledtothe frontdoor.Thehouse wasclapboard thenand had asmallporch inthefront and alarger,screened porch inback. Eachroomhadits own fireplace.There wasnoelectricityandtheonlyrunning water came from atap inthekitchen.In walkingthroughthe GoddardHouse,she went into abedroomon the right frontof the houseandsaid: Therewerebig foldingdoorsbetween this roomand thedining roomin theback, so they couldopen them andmakeaballroom. Therewasa fireplace over there, with columnsall the waytotheceiling,andmirrors.Itwas beautiful. Itmakes youwonder whythey would want to changeitall. Thebedroom “atthe left rear”of the Goddardhouse hadbeen theChaney’skitchen. Entering the room, Nellie said: We hadcabinets along here, andon this wall adoorled out to our screened porch whereweate during warm weather.Therewas awater faucet in here, butnosink. That was the onlyrunning waterinthe house,and therewerenobathrooms.Nellie pointed out whereasecondstairway had been removed,as wellas wherethestairs to the attic had been, “whichused tolead from the upstairs backhall.” Shenoted the many partitionsandrooms thathad beencarved from what wasoncefour large roomsand twohalls.
NellieMcAnallysaid the Housewas Haunted. Sheprovidedexamples: One morningmymotherandsister-in-law were inthekitchen. Mysister-in-law waschurningand my mother waswashingdishes. Mysister-in-lawsaid, ‘look, Mrs. Russell,there’s adog.’ It wasstandingthere,inthe doorway of thekitchen, andwas soakingwet, even though the sunwas shiningoutside. Ithadthe body of adog andthe face ofanoldman.Leona(the sister-in-law)threw astickof stove wood at it, butmissed. It turned aroundandmymother followed it,and it just disappeared.NellieMcAnally alsostatedthatfamilymembers were awakenedon severaloccasionsbythe soundofthehuge foldingdoors between thelivingroomand dining room being slammedback, only to findtheminnormalpositions.Whenitstormed, ababy washeard cryingoutsideofthe window. McAnallysaidin theinterviewthatM.G. Chaney“used tolockhimselfinan upstairsbackbedroom,hopingthatwhateveroccupiedthe housewould show itselfto him, butitnever did.” What theChaneys Said. Berniceand MacChaneyweretold aboutthearticle andasked abouttheghostlyhappenings.
Theysaid neitherM.G.Chaneynor any other family membershad toldthem aboutghostlyhappenings.Theysaid they were surethey would remember“somethinglikethat.”
Killerwhales,alsoknownasorcas,are aspeciesofwhales foundinall theoceansof theworld.The killerwhaleis thelargestdolphinspecies; dolphins arewhales withteeth. Theyarethe largestofthe dolphinsandonaverageare23-28 feet in lengthand weighasmuchas8,000pounds.Killerwhales are apexpredators, meaning theyhavenonaturalpredatorsinthe wild.Theyhunt avariety ofprey, which includes fish,birds,seals,andevenother whales.Orcasliveingroups calledpods,varying in numbers from around 3to15. Sometimespods converge temporarily to form asuperpod, wheretheyhunt,socialize,and mate. Killer whales have a long lifespan; malestypically live30yearswhile femaleslivearound50. Some orcaslivetobeasold as90. Females begin having youngbetween theagesof 6and10. Killerwhales arepregnantfor17 monthsand typically onlyone calf is born They are veryprotectiveoftheirbabies,who stay withthemfor years. Becauseorcasare mammalsandbreathe through their blowhole, they mustsurfaceoften to breathe. Unlikehumans,killerwhales must thinkaboutbreathing. Duetothis, theynever fully go to sleep; onehemisphere of theirbrainssleeps while theother staysawake.Thisisknownasunihemispheric sleep. Orcas communicate with oneanother througha seriesof soundsand whistles.Theyarehhighlyintelligentand speak withintheirfamily groups They alsouse echolocationtonavigateandhunt.Theyaregreat swiimmers that cansprintasfastas33milesperhour. Some groups of orcasare listedasendangeredandareaprotected sppecies
con connect nnect the dots c killer
Across Clues:
1 Months an orca is pregnant?
6 Killer whales are the largest
7 Type of sleep that orcas s perform
9 Another name for killerwwhale
10. Dolphinsarewhales with h
11.Mostorcashave __baby at a time
2. Orcasare an____ species.
3.Largegroupof killerwhales.
4. Theyusethistonavigate.
5. Warmbloodedanimalthatbreathe.
8. Afamily unitofkillerwhales.
howtodrawa killerwhale how to draw akillerwhale
Usingasquaresheet ofpaper,followthe stepsbelow to make apaperorca.
Therewillbe ashelterto give shadefromtheheat by day, and refugeandprotectionfromthestormandthe rain. 1Timothy6:8
Do youeverfeellike wheredidGodgoand why am Inotseeinganswersto prayers?Often thestorms oflifeprepareyou fora higherlevel. That isthe oppositeof what Satan wants youtobelieve. Evenbeforeyoupaid anyattentiontoGod,He wastherefor youwaiting foryoutocryouttoHim. Manythinktheydon’t needhimbecause“heyI gotbaptizedas ababy” so
kindoflikelifeinsurance forsome.
Ihavebeenpraying for revivaltobreak forthin themedia,schools,public square, andmanymore placesandhey yes, The Church!TheLordiswaitinganddoesn’t wantanyonetoperish.(2Peter3:9).
PRAYER:Lordmy heartsbreak forpeople whohavebeensuckedinto thecultureand whohave beenservingSatanwithout evenknowingit.May youlight aspiritual fire in theheartsofmen, women, childrenand churches.Oh yes, bring revivaltoour schoolsandteacherstoo. In Jesus’name.Amen. God’s LemonadeStandis writtenbyformerMadison residentBecky Miller.Her dailydevotionsappearon Facebookor at
SarahYorkisoneofthekindest people youwill evermeet.Shehas asweetspiritthatoozesoutofher. Actually, allofthe Fruit of theSpirit ooze outofher.Sarah lovesJesus anditshows,quite clearly.Anencouragerextraordinaire,shealways has agood word.
Sarahwrote alovelycardtomein May. It waskind. It wasencouraging.It wasuplifting.
Igot itlast week-threemonthslater.Rightontimeandexactlywhen Ineededit-trulya word “aptly spoken”orspoken at therighttime.
InProverbs16:24,Solomonwrote, “Pleasant wordsare ahoneycomb, sweettothesoul,andmedicineto thebones.” Akind word can bea salvefor theheartandmind.Itgoes along way. Ican still rememberthe kindness of aladyinJerryBottom (whereIgrew up) over50 yearsago. Mrs.Cochran wasjustextrakindto meoneHalloween. Ivividlyrememberher gentle voice and theexcitementsheshowedatseeingmeand my sister.Tomyrecollection, we hadneverspokenpreviously, but sheknewwho we were.Maybe she hadheardthatweweregrowingup ina hardplace.Perhaps shehad watchedusrace by herhouseonour bananaseatbikes.Whateverthe case,wewerejustkids-nobodyspe-
CHURCH OF CHRIST CentralValley 5700 MooresvilleRd.
Church of Christ Hughes Road at GoochLane
TheChurch of Christ on theHighway 7594 Wall Triana Hwy.
Church of Christ of Madison 556 Hughes Road
Church of Christ 595 NanceRoad
Church of Christ SwancottRoad
Wall Triana
Church of Christ 7535 Wall Triana
FirstChurch OfGod 1547 Capshaw Road
St.Matthew’s Episcopal 786 Hughes Road
Bright Star Full Gospel 5167 Wall Triana Hwy
cial at all.Butshesawus, calledus by name,and waskind to us.Itstill warmsmyheart.
Proverbs31:26(KJV) would describeSarahandMrs.Cochran: “…the lawofkindness ison her tongue.” Ican’t imagine all the othersthey’veencouragedduring their lifetimes.
Whenthe Apostle Paul landedon theisland of Malta,henoted thatthe islanders were unusuallykind (Acts 28:2). Ilikethat.“Unusuallykind.” Wouldn’titbecoolif thatwas contagious?
Paulwrote numerous times about kindness.InColossians3:12, he encouragesfollowers ofChristto clotheourselveswith kindness.In Galatians5, oneofthe Fruitofthe Spiritiskindness.InI Corinthians 13:4hepenned:“Loveispatient, love iskind…” First Thessalonians 5:11tellsus:“Encourage oneanother andbuildeach other up.” (That’s justplain olebeingkind.) In 2Timothy2:24, Paulwrote: “theLord’s servantmustnotbequarrelsome butmustbekindto everyone.” He didn’t sayshould butmust. There’sneverbeen abettertime tospeak,write,ortext someonea good word.Withsomany burning the candle at both ends,caughtup inthe ratraceoflife,apleasant word canbesweet all the waytothe bonemarrow. Whoisinyourpath todaythatyoucanencourage?A cashier, bankteller,teacher,mechanic,mailcarrier,achildorteenager? Be unusuallykind.Letpeoplethink you’refromMalta. Ithink SarahYorkisprobably from Malta.
Temple B’naiSholom 103LincolnSt. S.E.
FaithLutheran 660 GillespieRd
LambOfGod Lutheran 11716 CountyLine
MessiahLutheran 7740 Highway 72W
Asbury Church 980 Hughes Road
Asbury -Harvest 8089 Wall Triana Hwy
FellowshipUnited Methodist Church 29768Huntsville
Brownsferry Rd.
Good Shepherd
United Methodist 1418 OldRailroad Bed
GraceUnited Methodist Church 2113 OldMonroviaRd.
Grady-MadisonAME 129 GoochLane
Methodist Church 103 GinOaksCourt
MadisonMethodist Church 127 Church Street
Parker Chapel Methodist Church 28670 PowellRoad
SpringhillUnited Methodist Church 1605 Zierdt Rd.
St.Paul United Methodist Church 6206thStreet
St.Peter UMC 107 StewartSt.
Ford’s Chapel United Methodist Church 280 Ford Chapel Drive
TheChurchOfJesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints 1297 Slaughter Road
MadisonFirst Church 8234 MadisonPike
NONDENOMINATIONAL Center Of Hope Church 5167 Wall Triana Hwy.
Cornerstone Word Of Life 3783 Sullivan Street
FellowshipOfFaith Church 132 MapleStreet
P.S. Pleaseremember Sarahand herfamilyinyourprayers.She is goingthrough cancer treatments butnot lettingit stopher from encouragingothers. Now, sheisblessingthose sheencountersonher journeythroughcancer.
GraceFellowship 11900 MooresvilleRoad
TheHarbor Family WorshipCenter
saddlebag, windshield,sissy bar, runningboards,14,800 miles, $3,600. 256-627-9671 AutosFor Sale 2016 TOYOTA CAMRYSE 1owner,only 96kmiles,fullpower,rearviewcamera,alloy wheels, 2keys, excellent condition$16,950 256-527-2125
Thefollowing unclaimed vehicle(s) will be sold on October 18,2024 -Time- 9am, if not claimed- 1224 Putman Dr Huntsville,AL35816.
2008 HondaAccord JHMCP26418C022063
2018Toyota Camry 4T1B11HK9JU052637 RunadonSeptember04,2024 and September 11,2024 MadisonCountyRecord ADID 612244
Thefollowing vehicles will be auctionedon Wednesday October16,2024at8:00A.M. MIKE’SWRECKERSERVICE 1100 Hoover Street Huntsville,AL 35801 256-536-2226
2013 Ford Escape (Silver) 1FMCU0H96DUC94566
2002 Ford F-150 (Blue) 1FTRW072622KD14563
2009 Ford Flex (Red) 2FMEK63C69BA62129
2001 ChevroletTahoe (Black) 1GNEC13T31R113843
2004 Mercury Grand Marquis (Maroon) 2MEFM75WX4X657947
2007Toyota Camry(Blue) JTNBK46K973009836
2016Toyota Camry(Black) 4T1BF1FKXGU201750
2004ToyotaTacoma (Red) 5TENL42N94Z358930
2021 Hyundai Elantra(Silver) KMHLL4AG3MU140951
ADID 612251
Thefollowing vehicles will be auctionedon October23,2024, at12:00 noon at MDMWreckerService,Inc. DBA: MayhallWrecker 5000 Meridian Street N, Huntsville,AL35810 256-536-5055
Thefollowing vehicles will be auctionedon October21,2024, at12:00 noon at MDMWreckerService,Inc. DBA: MayhallWrecker 5000 Meridian Street N, Huntsville,AL35810 256-536-5055
ADID 611994
Thefollowing vehicles will be auctionedon Wednesday October23,2024at8:00A.M. MIKE’SWRECKERSERVICE 1100 Hoover Street Huntsville,AL 35801 256-536-2226
2011ToyotaVenza(Black) 4T3ZK3BB9BU043753
2018 KiaSoul (Silver) KNDJN2A29J7596610
2005Toyota Sienna (Red) 5TDZA23C75S260180
2003 Honda Element (Beige) 5J6YH18573L017568
2022 Dodge Charger (Gray) 2C3CDXHG6NH182905
2017 MazdaCX-3(Blue) JM1DKFC79H0161756
2001 Ford F150 (Blue) 2FTZX17241CB04470
1999 Ford Explorer (Tan)
1998Toyota 4Runner (Black) JT3HN86R5W0188231
2016 Honda CR-V(White) 5J6RM3H52GL009167
2018 HondaAccord(Silver) 1HGCV1F93JA213323
2021 NissanRogue (Gray) 5N1AT3CAXMC808518
2018 Hyundai Sonata(Black) 5NPE34AF1JH632162
09/11/24,09/18/24 ADID 613219
Thefollowing vehicles will be auctionedon October29,2024, at12:00 noon at MDMWreckerService,Inc.
DBA: Mayhall Wrecker5000 Meridian Street N,Huntsville,AL 35810 256-536-5055
2015 DODGEJOURNEY VIN# 3C4PDCAB4FT669193 2015 MERCEDESGLA250 # C G Need ajobchange? Checkour TNValleyStuff Employment ads today.
Thefollowing vehicles will be sold onAuctionDate: September17,2024 Time ofAuction: 8:00am Locationofauction: Bradford’sWreckerService Inc/Bradford’sTruck &Trailer Repair(Formally KnownasAffordableTowing) 4651 SamDr Huntsville,AL35811 256-759-4060/256-508-8253
09/11/24,09/18/24 ADID 613742
Thefollowing vehiclewill be sold on October18,2024Time -8am, if not claimed6533 University DRNW, Huntsville,AL35806. 2013 DODGECHARGER 2C3CDXAT8DH721241
Advertisementfor Bid NewCommunity Centerat SharonJohnson Park MadisonCounty MadisonCounty,Alabamais seekingsealedbids fora New Community Center locatedat Sharon JohnstonPark, 783 ColemanRoad, in NewMarket, Alabama,35761.
Constructionof anew community recreationcenter withtwo separatebasketballcourts, walkingtrack, and community roomsaroundanexistingpool. Work will also include site improvements,relocatingmainentrance,andnewentryroad. f
Prequalified Bidder instructions areincludedin thebid package. Bidpackages maybeobtained from theMadisonCountyWebsite at documentsshallbe delivered to MadisonCounty Courthouse,100 Northside Square,7thFloor,Huntsville,AL 35801,Attn:JenniferGordon, byThursday,September12, 2024,4:00 P.MCDT.
Amandatorypre-bid conference will beheldat10:00A.M. CDT, Thursday,September18,2024, at theMadison CountyDistrict1 office,locatedat9457 Moores Mill Road, NewMarket,AL 35761.
Thebids will beopenedand readaloudon theseventhfloor of theMadisonCountyCourthouselocatedat100 Northside Square, Huntsville,Alabama 35801at2:00 P.M. CDTon Tuesday,October1,2024.
PerformanceBonds,Payment Bondsandevidenceofinsurancewill be requiredprior to execution of thecontract.Mr. JacobWoods with Framework Architecture PC is theprimary pointof contact,,(256) 355-5212. 09/04/24,09/11/24,09/18/24
ADID 610803
Advertisementfor Bids
HazelGreen WellImprovements MadisonCounty,AL
MadisonCounty,Alabamais seeking bids to installpower service,powerdistribution equipment,motor controlcenters, pumpstarters, and related electrical system componentsat HazelGreen Well,in Hazel Green,Alabama. Minor modifications tothesiteincluding concreteslab demolition, canopy construction,and sitefencing will be included aspartofthe project.TheContractor shall provide alllabor,equipmentand materialsneeded to complete theWorkaccording tothespecificationsand conditions listedin thebid package.Thebid packagecanbeobtained from the MadisonCountywebsiteat Contractor is responsible for checking theMadisonCounty websiteforpostedaddenda.
Thedeadline forContractor questions is September27th, 2024,at3:00 PM;therewilla pre-bid meeting on September 24that1:00PMattheproject site:730 Ready Section Road, HazelGreen,AL.Thebids will beopenedon the Seventh floorofthe MadisonCounty Courthouse,100 Northside Square, Huntsville,AL35801 at 11:00AMonOctober4th, 2024. Mr.VinceMoody will be thepointof contactat(256) 746-2888.ABid Bond is requiredtobesubmittedwiththe bid. PerformanceBond, Payment Bondandevidenceofinsurancewill be requiredprior to execution of thecontract.The period of performanceis120 calendar days(notincluding delays formaterialdelivery).
ADID 613295
Advertisementfor Bids
Highway231/431 –Water MainImprovements Phase1 MadisonCounty,AL MadisonCounty,Alabamais seeking bids to installapproximately 7,800 linear feetof12inch watermainand appurtenancesalong Highway 231/431 in HazelGreen.The Contractor shallinstall thenew pipe andappurtenances,install
Noticeisherebygiventhat aPUBLICHEARINGwillbe heldbytheMADISONCITYCOUNCILOFTHECITYOF MADISON,ALABAMAonOctober14,2024,attheirRegular Meetingscheduled to beginat6:00p.m.toconsidera requestbyExchangeHotelPartners ILLC,DoingBusiness asCourtyard|ResidenceInn Town Madisonfor aRestaurant RetailLiquorLicenseattheirlocation at 260Stadium Way, Madison,Alabama35758.ThisNOTICEisherebypublishedin theMADISONCOUNTYRECORDon Wednesday,September 11,2024, anewspaperoflocaldistributionincompliancewith MADISONCITYCODE.
new service lines,pressure test anddisinfectall newpiping, transferservice tothenew main, abandon in-placetheexisting mains,perform alldrivewayand road repairs, perform final landscapingand restore theentiresitetopreconstruction condition.TheContractor shall provide alllabor,equipmentand materialsneeded to complete theWorkaccording to thespecificationsand conditions listedin thebid package.Thebid package canbeobtained from the MadisonCountywebsiteat Therewill be apre-bid meeting at1:00 PM on September17th, at246 Shields Rd,Huntsville AL.Thedeadline forContractor questions is September27that 3:00 PM;Contractor is responsiblefor checking theMadison Countywebsiteforpostedaddenda.Thebids will beopened on the seventhfloorof the MadisonCountyCourthouse, 100 NorthsideSquare, Huntsville,AL35801at1:00 PM on October3,2024. Mr. VinceMoody will be thepointof contactat(256)746-2888.ABid Bond is requiredtobesubmittedwiththebid. Performance Bond, Payment Bondandevidenceofinsurancewill be requiredprior to execution of the contract.Theperiod ofperformanceis150 calendar days(not including delaysfor materialdelivery).
09/11/24,09/18/24,09/25/24 ADID 613577
Advertisementfor Bids Loveless Rd –Water MainImprovements MadisonCounty,AL MadisonCounty,Alabamais seeking bids to installapproximately 3,600 linear feetof8inchductileiron watermainand appurtenancesalongLoveless Rd in HazelGreen.TheContractorshallinstall thenewpipe andappurtenances,install new servicelines,pressure test and disinfectall newpiping, transfer service tothenew main, abandon in-placetheexisting mains, perform alldrivewayand road repairs,perform final landscaping and restoretheentiresiteto preconstruction condition.The Contractor shallprovideall labor,equipmentand materials needed to completethe Work according tothespecifications and conditions listedinthebid package.Thebid package can beobtained from theMadison
Thedeadline forContractor questions is September26, 2024,at3:00 PM;therewill not be apre-bid meeting. Contractorisresponsible forchecking theMadison Countywebsitefor postedaddenda.Thebidswill beopenedon the seventhfloor of theMadison CountyCourthouse,100 NorthsideSquare, Huntsville,AL35801at2:00 PM on October2,2024.
Mr.Phillip McDoniel will be the pointof contactat(256)7462888.
ABid Bond is requiredtobe submittedwiththebid. PerformanceBond, Payment Bondand evidenceofinsurancewill be requiredpriortoexecutionof the contract.Theperiod ofperformanceis150 calendar days(not including delaysfor materialdelivery).
ADID 612737
Sealedproposalswill be receivedbyThe1830 Foundation in theUniversity of NorthAlabamaFacilities Department Training Roomon theEast Campusof theUniversity of NorthAlabama,1660TuneAvenue, FlorenceAlabama,until 2:00p.m.,C.S.T.,Tuesday,November12,2024, forBank Independent Stadium –New FootballStadium forthe University of NorthAlabama, Florence, Alabama, in accordancewith Drawings and Specifications, preparedby DavisArchitects and thenat UNAFacilities Building,1660TuneAve. Florence, AL35630publicly openedand readaloud.
This projectwillinclude:
Theprojectwill consistofthe new footballand soccerstadium with associatedplaying surface and seating bowlwithdiversified seating opportunitiesandnew hometeam tunnel connection to FlowersHalltoutilizeadjacency ofexisting facility. It will also include anew weight room to accommodateall University of NorthAlabamaathletics.The proposed stadium willinclude all gameday functions including fanamenities such as tailgate
GeneralContractorsarerequiredtopre-qualifyprior to requestingbiddocuments. Prequalification responses will be dueat5:00pmlocal time on September26,2024. Biddocumentswill be issued to pre-qualified biddersonOctober15, 2024.
Pleasedirectquestionsand requestfor Prequalification Packetsto: HPM IvyMitchell Directorof Program Development Copy: m
APre-Bidconferencewill be heldonOctober17,2024,at 2:00pm local time at UNAFacilities DepartmentTraining Room on theEastCampusof UNA, 1660TuneAvenue, Florence, AL35630 to receivequestions from General Contractorsand Subcontractors.Attendanceis mandatoryforallbidding General Contractors.Anyrequired answers or responses will be issuedbyAddendum.
Acertified checkorbid bond payabletoThe1830 Foundation in anamountnot lessthan five(5)percentof theamountof theBid, but in noevent more than$10,000, must accompany thebidder’s proposal. Performanceand Payment Bondsand evidenceofinsurancerequired in thebid documentswill be requiredatthe signingof theContract.
Electronic imagesof thedocumentsmaybe viewedon-line andprintedby General Contractors, Subcontractors, and Suppliersbyobtainingdocuments through
Pre-qualified General ContractorBiddersmayobtain adigital copyof theDrawingsand Specifications from DavisArchitects, CJ copy sets canbeobtainat the office of DavisArchitects upon deposit of$600.00per set payabletotheArchitect, which will be refunded in full on the firstsetissued to eachGeneral ContractBidder submittinga qualified bid,upon return ofdocuments in good condition within tendaysofbid date. Other sets forGeneral Contractors, and setsforSubcontractorsand Suppliers, maybeobtained with thesamedeposit,whichwill be refundedasabove, lesscostof printing, reproduction,handling, anddistribution. ContactCJ Brennanat to request copiesofdrawings and specifications.
Bids must be submittedonproposal formsfurnishedby theArchitectorcopies thereof.All biddersbiddingin amountsexceeding thatestablishedby the StateLicensing Boardfor General Contractorsmustbelicensedunder theprovisionsof Title34, Chapter8, CodeofAlabama,1975,and mustshowevidenceoflicensebeforebidding orbidwill notbe receivedor consideredby theArchitect;the bidder shall show such evidencebyclearly displaying his orher current licensenumber on theoutsideof thesealedenvelope in whichtheproposal is delivered.TheOwner reserves theright to rejectanyorallproposalsand to waivetechnical errors if,inthe Owner’s judgment,thebestinterests of the Owner will therebybepromoted.
The1830 Foundationis an EEO/AAemployer,andany successfulbidder will be required to comply with applicable federal and statelawsandexecutiveorders.The1830 Foundation reservesthe right to cancel the procurementatany time forany reason.
09/04/24,09/11/24,09/18/24 ADID 611841
Sealedproposals will be receivedby Madison Utilities Boardat101 RaySanderson Drive, Madison,AL35758,until 2:00 PM local time onTuesday, September24,2024, forthe constructionof GriffinWater StorageTank Site Developmentand Water Transmission Main KrebsProject23029.01 at whichtimeandplacethey will
bepublicly openedand read.
Asummary of theworkitems is included below:
Theprojectgenerally consists of site preparatoryworkfor anew 5.0MGwater storage tankand willinclude thefollowingitems: clearing andgrubbing, site excavation (rock), tank sitefine grading,accessroad construction, watertransmission main construction,electrical service construction,anddrainage improvements.
Theworkofconstructing the projectwill be let underone Contract if anawardshouldbe made;and theOwner reserves theright to selectthe Bidconsideredby theOwner to be in thebestinterestofthe Owner. Acashier’s checkorbid bond payable to Madison Utilities Boardinanamountnot less than five(5)percentof the amountof thebid, but in no event more than$10,000, must accompany thebidder’s proposal. Performanceand Payment Bondsandevidenceof insurancerequired in thebid documentswill be requiredat thesigning of theContract. Completesetsofelectronic Bidding Documentsare available fordownload through Quest Construction Data Network.The biddingdocumentsare available at osting/?group=8009230&provid er=8009230&projType=all and/or www.questcdn.comutilizing theReferenceQuestNumber9281972.To be considered aplan holder,Bidderswill be required to registerwith QuestCDN.comfor afreeregular membership anddownload thebidding documentsfor a$22 fee. Hardcopiesof theBidding Documentsare theresponsibilityofthe Bidders. Contact QuestCDN at (952)-233-1632or support@questcdn.comforassistancewithnavigating the websiteanddigitalprojectinformation. Fortheduration of the advertisementperiod, alistof planholdersmaybe foundat Amandatorypre-bid conference will beheldat theofficeofMadisonUtilities BoardonTuesday, September10,2024,at10:00 am local time.Documentation of attending thepre-bid meetingis required to submit aBid. Bids must be submittedonproposal formsfurnishedby the Engineer.All biddersbiddingin amountsexceeding thatestablishedby thestate licensing boardforgeneral contractors must be licensedunder theappropriate/applicableprovisions of statelaw,and mustshowevidenceoflicensebeforebidding orbid will notbe receivedor consideredby theEngineer;the bidder shall show such evidencebyclearly displaying his orher current licensenumber on theoutsideof thesealedenvelopein whichtheproposal is delivered. TheOwner reserves theright to rejectanyorallproposalsand to waivetechnical errors if,inthe Owner’s judgment,thebestinterestofthe Owner will therebybepromoted.
OWNER Madison Utilities Board 101 RaySandersonDrive Madison,AL35758
ENGINEER Krebs Engineering, Inc. 2100 RiverHaven DriveSuite 100 Birmingham,AL35244 205.987.7411
08/28/24,09/04/24,09/11/24 ADID 611273
ADVERTISEMENTFOR BIDS Separatesealedbids forthe constructionof theWall-Triana Highwayand McKeeRoad WaterMain Relocation will be receivedby theHarvest-MonroviaWater,Sewerand Fire ProtectionAuthorityattheoffice of Harvest-Monrovia WaterAuthority, 9131 WallTriana Highway, Harvest,Alabamauntil 1:00 P.M.,October15,2024,at whichtimeandplace, said bids will bepublicly openedand read aloud.
Plans,Specifications,and ContractDocumentsare open to public inspectionat the Harvest-Monrovia Water, Sewer and Fire ProtectionAuthorityoffice locatedat9131 Wall-Triana Highway,Harvest, Alabama. Deposit forthe Plans, Specifications,and Contract Documentswill be fifty dollars ($50).
Theattention ofall Biddersis called totheprovisionsof State Lawgoverning “General Contractors” as setforth in C f f
Notice isherebygiven that aPUBLICHEARING will be heldbytheMADISONCITY COUNCILOFTHECITYOF MADISON,ALABAMAonOctober14,2024, at their Regular Meetingscheduledto begin at 6:00 p.m.toconsidera requestbyMadison HotelsIII LLC,Doing Business as HomewoodSuitesbyHiltonfor aOn-Premises Beerand WineLicenseattheirlocation at 540 Town Madison Boulevard,Madison,Alabama35758.ThisNOTICEis herebypublishedinthe MADISONCOUNTY RECORDon Wednesday,September11,2024, anewspaper oflocal distributionincompliancewithMADISONCITYCODE.
CORPORATION.,onthe5th dayof January, 2007, said mortgage recorded in theOfficeof theJudgeof ProbateofMadisonCounty,Alabama,on January8,2007,at Instrument Number20070108000015820, MadisonCounty,Alabama Records,saidMortgagehaving subsequently been transferred andassigned to Wilmington Trust, NationalAssociation,not initsindividual capacity, but solely as trusteeofMFRATrust 2015-1,by instrument recorded in theaforesaid ProbateOffice; noticeisherebygiventhat the undersigned WilmingtonTrust, NationalAssociation,not inits individual capacity, but solely as trusteeofMFRATrust 2015-1, as Mortgagee/Transferee,under andby virtueofthe powerof sale contained in said mortgage, will sell atpublic outcryto thehighestbidder forcashin frontof themainentranceofthe CourthouseinHuntsville,MadisonCounty,Alabama,on September26,2024, duringthe f f
legalhoursofsale,allofits right,title, and interestinand to thefollowing described realestate,situated in Madison County,Alabama, to-wit: LOT38OFCEDAR GLEN SUBDIVISION, SECONDADDITIONATMAYSVILLE,ACCORDINGTOTHEMAPOR PLATTHEREOF,AS RECORDEDINDOCUMENT NO.20050805000519620, IN THEOFFICE OFTHEJUDGE OF PROBATEOFMADISON COUNTY,ALABAMA.
Saidlegal descriptionbeing controlling, however theproperty is morecommonlyknown as 104 SHALLOWHILLRD, HUNTSVILLE,AL35811.
Alabamalawgivessomepersons whohaveaninterestin propertytheright to redeem the property under certaincircumstances.Programsmayalso existthathelppersonsavoidor delay theforeclosureprocess.
An attorney shouldbeconsulted to helpyouunderstand these rightsandprogramsasa partof theforeclosureprocess.
This property will be sold onan “asis, whereis” basis,subject to anyeasements, encumbrances,andexceptions reflectedinthe mortgageand thosecontained in therecords of theOfficeofthe Judgeof Probateinthe countywherethe above-describedproperty is situated. This property will be sold subjecttothe rightof redemptionofallpartiesentitled thereto and subjecttoanyoutstanding ad valorem taxes(including taxeswhich arealien, whether ornotnowdueandpayable). This saleis made forthepurposeofpaying theindebtednesssecured by said mortgage, as well as theexpensesof foreclosure. TheMortgagee/Transfereereservesthe right to bid forandpurchasethe realestate and to credititspurchaseprice againsttheexpensesof sale
and theindebtednesssecured by therealestate.This saleis subjecttopostponementor cancellation.
WilmingtonTrust, NationalAssociation, not initsindividual capacity, but solely as trusteeof MFRATrust2015-1, Mortgagee/Transferee
RubinLublin,LLC,Attorney for Mortgagee/Transferee S Get resultsfast withthe TNValleyStuffClassifieds.
3145Avalon Ridge Place, Suite 100, PeachtreeCorners, GA 30071
Telephone Number:(877)8130992 Case No.PHL-23-05391-2 Ad RunDates:08/28/2024, 09/04/2024,09/11/2024 ADID 611139
WHEREAS, defaulthasoccurredintheperformanceofthe covenants, termsand conditions of amortgage fromLLOYD TURNERSELF, JRANDBARBARAMOORESELF, HUSBANDAND WIFE to MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS INC.AS MORTGAGEE,AS NOMINEEFOR HERITAGE MORTGAGE,LLC D/B/A DAVIDSON HOMESMORTGAGE,onthe17thdayofAugust, 2022, said mortgage recorded in theOfficeofthe Judgeof ProbateofMadison County,Alabama,onAugust19, 2022, in Deed/Mortgage Book 2022, Page204552, Madison County,AlabamaRecords,said Mortgagehaving subsequently been transferredandassigned to PennyMacLoan Services, LLC,byinstrument recorded in theaforesaid ProbateOffice; noticeisherebygiven that the undersigned PennyMacLoan Services, LLC,as Mortgagee/Transferee,under andby virtueof thepowerof sale contained in said mortgage, will sell atpublicoutcry to thehighestbidder forcashat theMain Entranceofthe MadisonCountyCourthouse,100 NorthSide Square, Huntsville, AL35801 in Huntsville, Madison County,Alabama,on September26,2024, during thelegal hoursofsale,allof itsright,title, and interestinand tothefollowing described realestate,situated in Madison County, Alabama, to-wit: LOT69,ACCORDINGTOTHE PLATOF CLEARVIEWPHASE 2,ARESUBDIVISIONOF TRACT1 BURGESS RODGERS&STONE PROPERTIES,AS RECORDEDIN PLATBOOK 2022, PAGES5960, INTHEOFFICE OFTHE JUDGEOFPROBATE OF MADISONCOUNTY,ALABAMA.
Saidlegal description being controlling, however theproperty is morecommonly known as 167 CHERRYLAURELDR, HAZELGREEN,AL35750. Alabamalawgives some persons whohaveaninterestin propertytheright to redeem the property under certain circumstances.Programsmayalso existthathelppersonsavoidor delay theforeclosureprocess. An attorney shouldbe consulted to help youunderstand these rightsandprogramsasa partof theforeclosureprocess. This property will be sold onan “asis, whereis” basis,subject to anyeasements, encumbrances,andexceptions reflectedinthe mortgageand thosecontained in therecords of theOfficeofthe Judgeof Probateinthe countywherethe above-describedproperty is situated. This property will be sold subjecttothe rightof redemptionofallpartiesentitled thereto and subjecttoanyoutstanding ad valorem taxes(including taxeswhichare alien, whether ornotnowdueandpayable). This saleis made forthepurposeofpaying theindebtednesssecuredby said mortgage, as well as theexpensesof foreclosure. TheMortgagee/Transfereereservesthe right to bid forandpurchasethe realestate and to credit itspurchaseprice againsttheexpensesof sale and theindebtednesssecured by therealestate.This saleis subjecttopostponementor cancellation.
PennyMacLoan Services, LLC, Mortgagee/Transferee
RubinLublin,LLC,Attorney for Mortgagee/Transferee
3145Avalon Ridge Place, Suite 100, PeachtreeCorners, GA 30071 Telephone Number:(877)8130992 Case No.PNY-24-03595-1 Ad RunDates:08/28/2024, 09/04/2024,09/11/2024 ADID 610717
NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER FORECLOSURENOTICE WHEREAS, defaulthasoccurredintheperformanceofthe covenants, termsand conditions of amortgage from EUGENIA TANNER,ASINGLEPERSON to MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC.,ASMORTGAGEE,AS NOMINEEFOR DELMAR FINANCIALCOMPANY, on the 24thdayofApril, 2020, said mortgage recorded in theOffice of theJudgeof ProbateofMadisonCounty,Alabama,onApril 28,2020, in Deed/Mortgage Book2020, Page00029910, Madison County,Alabama Records,said Mortgagehaving subsequently been transferred andassigned to PennyMac Loan Services, LLC,byinstrument recorded in theaforesaid ProbateOffice;noticeishereby given that theundersigned PennyMacLoan Services, LLC,as Mortgagee/Transferee,under andby virtueof thepowerof sale contained in said mortgage, will sell atpublicoutcry to thehighestbidder forcashat themainentrancetothe Madisoncountycourthouselocated at100 NorthSide Square, Hunstville,AL35801 in Huntsville, Madison County,Alabama,on November14,2024, during the
fororderof theCourt ofadmitting saidinstrument to probate as theLastWill andTestament of MARYFRANCISBROWN AKAMARYFRANCES
BROWN, deceased, andthat the17thdayof October,2024, at10:00o’clockAM, wasappointedas adayand time for hearing said petition, at which time youcanappear andcontest,ifyou seeproper.
Givenunder my hand this the 24thdayof July,2024.
Judgeof Probate
09/11/24,09/18/24,09/25/24, 10/02/24
ADID 613579
StateofAlabama MadisonCounty Case No 81010
Notice; Probate Court: IN THEMATTEROFTHE ES-
TATE OF Rochelle Baker, Letters ofAdministrationupon theestateofRochelle Baker, Deceased,havingbeengranted totheundersigned on the30th dayAugust2024 by theHon. Frank Barger,Judge of Probate of said county, noticeishereby giventhatallpersons having claims againstthe saidestate arehereby requiredtopresent thesamewithinthe time allowedbylaw, or thesamewill be barred. Wendy McCulley
To bepublished three(3) consecutive times:September 11th,18thand25th, 2024 in the MadisonCountyRecordnewspaper ADID 613550
StateofAlabama MadisonCounty Case No 80642
Notice; Probate Court: IN THEMATTEROFTHE ES-
TATE OF Mary LouLang, Letters ofAdministrationupon theestateofMaryLouLang, Deceased,havingbeengranted totheundersigned on the6th day September2024 by the Hon. Frank Barger,Judgeof Probateofsaidcounty,noticeis herebygiventhatallpersons havingclaimsagainstthe said estate arehereby requiredto present thesamewithinthe time allowedbylaw,orthe same will bebarred. Linda Pridmore
To bepublished three(3) consecutive times:September 11th,18thand25th, 2024 in the MadisonCountyRecordnewspaper ADID 613575
StateofAlabama MadisonCounty Case No 81035
PersonalRepresentative’s Notice; Probate Court: IN THEMATTEROFTHE ES-
TATE OF DebraAnn Hobson HowardAKADebra Hobson Howard, Letters ofAdministrationupon theestateofDebraAnn Hobson HowardAKADebraHobson Howard,Deceased,having beengranted totheundersignedon the6th day September2024by theHon.Frank Barger,Judgeof Probateofsaid county, notice is hereby given thatallpersonshavingclaims againstthe said estate are hereby requiredtopresent the same within thetimeallowed by law,orthe same will bebarred. Lequan Bailey
To bepublished three(3) consecutive times:September 11th,18th,and25th, 2024 in the MadisonCountyRecordnewspaper ADID 613583
StateofAlabama MadisonCounty Case No 80507
PersonalRepresentative’s Notice; Probate Court: IN THEMATTEROFTHE ES-
TATE OF WilliamThomas Stewart, Jr.a/k/a WilliamT. Stewart, Jr, Letters ofAdministrationupon theestateofWilliamThomas Stewart, Jr.a/k/a WilliamT. Stewart, Jr ,Deceased, having beengranted totheundersignedon the4th day September2024by theHon.Frank Barger,Judgeof Probateofsaid county, notice is hereby given thatallpersonshavingclaims againstthe said estate are hereby requiredtopresent the same within thetimeallowed by law, or thesamewill bebarred. Dwight D. Stewart
To bepublished three(3) consecutive times:September 11th,18thand25th, 2024 in the MadisonCountyRecordnewspaper ADID 613588
StateofAlabama MadisonCounty Case No 80819
PersonalRepresentative’s Notice; Probate Court: IN THEMATTEROFTHE ESTATE OF Shelia DawkinsAKA
Shelia Denise Dawkins, Letters ofAdministrationupon theestateofSheilia Dawkins S
AKAShelia Denise Dawkins, Deceased,havingbeengranted totheundersignedon the23rd dayAugust2024by theHon. Frank Barger,Judgeof Probate of said county, noticeishereby giventhatallpersonshaving claims againstthe said estate arehereby requiredtopresent thesamewithinthe time allowedbylaw,orthe same will bebarred. Kelvin Dawkins
To bepublished three(3) consecutive times:August28th, September4thand 11th,2024 in theMadisonCountyRecord newspaper ADID 611398
StateofAlabama MadisonCounty Case No 80941
PersonalRepresentative’s Notice; Probate Court: IN THEMATTEROFTHE ESTATE OF RichardEdward Werp, Letters ofAdministrationupon theestateofRichardEdward Werp,Deceased,havingbeen granted totheundersignedon the21stdayAugust2024by the Hon. Frank Barger,Judgeof Probateofsaidcounty, noticeis herebygiventhatallpersons havingclaimsagainstthe said estate arehereby requiredto present thesamewithinthe time allowedbylaw,orthe same will bebarred. JenniferByrdWeaver
To bepublished three(3) consecutive times:August28th, September4thand 11th,2024 in theMadisonCountyRecord newspaper ADID 611354
StateofAlabama MadisonCounty Case No 80948
PersonalRepresentative’s Notice; Probate Court: IN THEMATTEROFTHE ESTATE OFAdalineRoseLittleton, Letters ofAdministrationupon theestateofAdalineRoseLittleton, Deceased,havingbeen granted totheundersignedon the23rddayAugust2024by theHon. Frank Barger,Judgeof Probateofsaidcounty, noticeis herebygiventhatallpersons havingclaimsagainstthe said estate arehereby requiredto present thesamewithinthe time allowedbylaw,orthe same will bebarred.
Eduardo Granados
To bepublished three(3) consecutive times:August28th, September4thand 11th,2024 in theMadisonCountyRecord newspaper ADID 611400
StateofAlabama MadisonCounty Case No 80965
PersonalRepresentative’s Notice; Probate Court: IN THEMATTEROFTHE ESTATE OF PeggyThrash Gray a/k/aPeggyLadoyle Gray, Letters ofAdministrationupon theestateofPeggyThrash Graya/k/aPeggyLadoyle Gray, Deceased,havingbeengranted totheundersignedon the26th dayAugust2024by theHon. Frank Barger,Judgeof Probate of said county, noticeishereby giventhatallpersonshaving claims againstthe said estate arehereby requiredtopresent thesamewithinthe time allowedbylaw,orthe same will bebarred.
DavidScott Gray
To bepublished three(3) consecutive times:September4th, 11th,and18th,2024 in the MadisonCountyRecordnewspaper ADID 611827
StateofAlabama MadisonCounty Case No 80908
PersonalRepresentative’s Notice; Probate Court: IN THEMATTEROFTHE ESTATE OF Rosa Bradford, Letters ofAdministrationupon theestateofRosaBradford, Deceased,havingbeengranted totheundersignedon the20th dayAugust2024by theHon. Frank Barger,Judgeof Probate of said county, noticeishereby giventhatallpersonshaving claims againstthe said estate arehereby requiredtopresent thesamewithinthe time allowed by law, or thesamewill bebarred.
SandraStrong Moore
To bepublished three(3) consecutive times:August28th, September4thand 11th,2024 in theMadisonCountyRecord newspaper ADID 610716
gust2024by theHon. Frank Barger,Judgeof Probateofsaid county, noticeisherebygiven thatallpersonshaving claims againstthe said estate are hereby requiredtopresent the same within thetimeallowed by law, or thesamewill bebarred. Billy Gene Jones
To bepublished three(3) consecutive times:August28th, September4thand 11th,2024 in theMadison CountyRecord newspaper ADID 610867
StateofAlabama MadisonCounty Case No 80930
PersonalRepresentative’s Notice; Probate Court: IN THEMATTEROFTHE ESTATE OF Pamela Joan Moore, Letters ofAdministrationupon theestateofPamelaJoan Moore, Deceased,having been granted totheundersignedon the20thdayAugust2024by the Hon. Frank Barger,Judgeof Probateofsaidcounty, noticeis herebygiventhatallpersons havingclaimsagainstthe said estate arehereby required to present thesamewithinthe time allowedby law, or the same will bebarred. Teresa MarieMoore
To bepublished three(3) consecutive times:August28th, September4thand 11th,2024 in theMadisonCountyRecord newspaper ADID 610842
StateofAlabama MadisonCounty Case No 80928
PersonalRepresentative’s Notice; Probate Court: IN THEMATTEROFTHE ESTATE OF Karen Suzanne Baker CarterAKAKaren Suzanne Carter, Letters ofAdministrationupon theestateofKaren Suzanne BakerCarterAKAKaren Suzanne Carter,Deceased, having beengranted totheundersignedon the20thdayAugust 2024by theHon. Frank Barger,Judgeof Probateofsaid county, noticeisherebygiven thatallpersonshaving claims againstthe said estate are hereby requiredtopresent the same within thetimeallowedby law, or thesamewill be barredEvanR.Carter
To bepublished three(3) consecutive times:August28th, September4thand 11th,2024 in theMadisonCountyRecord newspaper ADID 610846
StateofAlabama MadisonCounty Case No 80922
PersonalRepresentative’s Notice; Probate Court: IN THEMATTEROFTHE ESTATE OF Raymond Earl Townsend, Letters ofAdministrationupon theestateofRaymond Earl Townsend, Deceased,having beengranted totheundersigned on the19thdayAugust 2024by theHon. Frank Barger, Judgeof Probateofsaidcounty, notice is herebygiventhatall personshaving claims against thesaidestateare hereby requiredtopresent thesame within thetimeallowedby law, or thesamewill bebarred.
To bepublished three(3) consecutive times:September4th, 11th and18th,2024 in the MadisonCountyRecordnewspaper ADID 612038
StateofAlabama MadisonCounty Case No 80630
PersonalRepresentative’s Notice; Probate Court: IN THEMATTEROFTHE ESTATE OF Walter LeeWillie Sr Letters ofAdministrationupon theestateofWalterLee Willie Sr Deceased,having been granted totheundersignedon the9th day July 2024by the Hon. Frank Barger,Judgeof Probateofsaidcounty, noticeis herebygiventhatallpersons having claims againstthe said estate arehereby requiredto present thesamewithinthe time allowedbylaw,orthe same will bebarred. Walter Willie Jr.
To bepublished three(3) consecutive times:September4th, 11th and18th,2024 in the MadisonCountyRecordnewspaper ADID 612046
StateofAlabama MadisonCounty Case No 80670
PersonalRepresentative’s Notice; Probate Court: IN THEMATTEROFTHE ESTATE OF Patricia Louise Barnett, Letters ofAdministrationupon theestateofPatriciaLouise Barnett, Deceased,having been granted totheundersignedon the15thday July 2024by the Hon. Frank Barger,Judgeof Probateofsaidcounty, noticeis herebygiventhatallpersons
having claims againstthe said estate arehereby requiredto present thesamewithinthe time allowedby law, or the same will bebarred.
To bepublished three(3) consecutive times:September4th, 11th and18th,2024 in the Madison CountyRecordnewspaper ADID 612023
StateofAlabama MadisonCounty Case No 80938
PersonalRepresentative’s Notice; Probate Court: IN THEMATTEROFTHE ESTATE OF Mary Louise Warren, Letters ofAdministrationupon theestateofMaqryLouise Warren, Deceased,having been granted totheundersignedon the21stdayAugust2024by the Hon. Frank Barger,Judgeof Probateofsaidcounty, noticeis herebygiventhatallpersons having claims againstthe said estate arehereby requiredto present thesamewithinthe time allowedby law, or the same will bebarred.
Gary B. Warren
To bepublished three(3) consecutive times:September4th, 11th and18th,2024 in the MadisonCountyRecordnewspaper ADID 612026
StateofAlabama MadisonCounty Case No 80993
PersonalRepresentative’s Notice; Probate Court: IN THEMATTEROFTHE ESTATE OF LeroyFletcher, Letters ofAdministration upon theestateofLeroy Fletcher, Deceased,having beengranted totheundersignedon the29thdayAugust 2024by theHon. Frank Barger, Judgeof Probateofsaidcounty, noticeisherebygiventhatall personshaving claims against thesaidestateare hereby required to present thesame within thetimeallowed by law, or thesamewill bebarred.
Chong HuiFletcher
To bepublished three(3) consecutive times:September 11th,18thand25th,2024 in the MadisonCountyRecordnewspaper ADID 612707
StateofAlabama MadisonCounty Case No 80992
PersonalRepresentative’s Notice; Probate Court: IN THEMATTEROFTHE ESTATE OF JohnnieDavison a/k/aJohnnieMae Davison, Letters ofAdministrationupon theestateofJohnnieDavison a/k/aJohnnieMae Davison, Deceased,having beengranted to theundersignedon the28thday August2024by theHon. Frank Barger,Judgeof Probateofsaid county, noticeisherebygiven thatallpersonshaving claims againstthe said estate are hereby requiredtopresent the same within thetimeallowedby law,orthe same will bebarred.
Janice Houston
To bepublished three(3) consecutive times:September 11th,18thand25th,2024 in the MadisonCountyRecordnewspaper ADID 612709
StateofAlabama MadisonCounty Case No 81001
PersonalRepresentative’sNotice; Probate Court: IN THEMATTEROFTHE ESTATE OF Betty JoYates, Letters ofAdministration upon theestateofBetty Jo Yates, Deceased,having been granted totheundersignedon the4th day September2024by theHon. Frank Barger,Judgeof Probateofsaidcounty, noticeis herebygiventhatallpersons having claims againstthe said estate arehereby requiredto present thesamewithinthe time allowedby law, or the same will bebarred.
To bepublished three(3) consecutive times:September 11th,18thand25th,2024 in the MadisonCountyRecordnewspaper ADID 613207
StateofAlabama MadisonCounty Case No 81008
PersonalRepresentative’s Notice; Probate Court: IN THEMATTEROFTHE ESTATE OFGary WayneKinney, Letters ofAdministrationupon theestateofGaryWayne Kinney,Deceased,having been granted totheundersignedon the3rd day September2024by theHon. Frank Barger,Judgeof Probateofsaidcounty, noticeis herebygiventhatallpersons having claims againstthe said estate arehereby requiredto present thesamewithinthe time allowedby law, or the
same will bebarred.
To be published three(3) consecutive times:September 11th,18thand25th,2024 in the Madison CountyRecordnewspaper ADID 612945
StateofAlabama MadisonCounty Case No 81002
PersonalRepresentative’s Notice; Probate Court: IN THEMATTEROFTHE ESTATE OF James RWiggins a/k/aJames Randall Wiggins, Letters ofAdministration upon theestateofJames RWiggins a/k/aJames Randall Wiggins, Deceased,having beengranted totheundersignedon the29th dayAugust2024by theHon. Frank Barger,Judgeof Probate of said county, noticeishereby giventhatallpersonshaving claims againstthe said estate arehereby required to present thesamewithin thetimeallowed by law,orthe same will be barred.
To bepublished three(3) consecutive times:September 11th,18thand25th,2024 in the MadisonCountyRecordnewspaper ADID 612762
StateofAlabama MadisonCounty Case No 80995
PersonalRepresentative’s Notice; Probate Court: IN THEMATTEROFTHE ESTATE OF DennisKoernera/k/a
DennisCharles Koerner, Letters ofAdministration upon theestateofDennis Koerner a/k/aDennis Charles Koerner, Deceased,having beengranted totheundersignedon the28th dayAugust2024by theHon. Frank Barger,Judgeof Probate of said county, noticeishereby giventhatallpersonshaving claims againstthe said estate arehereby required to present thesamewithin thetimeallowedby law,orthe same will bebarred.
Nathan Charles Koerner
To be published three(3) consecutive times:September 11th,18thand25th,2024 in the Madison CountyRecordnewspaper ADID 612755
LettersTestamentaryonthe LastWill andTestamentof Melvin JacksonMcLemore, deceased,having beengranted to Wanda Crow McLemore, Representativeonthe19thday ofAugust2024,by theHonorableFrank Barger,Judgeof Probateofsaid County, noticeis herebygiven thatallpersons having claimsagainstsaidestate,are hereby required to present thesamewithin the time allowedby law,orthe same will bebarred.
NOTICE IS HEREBYGIVEN that,pursuant to arequestduly submittedtothe City of Madison by 2The Point,Inc,the City Council of theCityofMadison, Alabama, will hold apublic hearing on the14thdayof October,2024,at theMadison Municipal Complex,100 Hughes Road, Madison,Alabama,at 6:00p.m.,toconsider aproposed ordinancewhich, in summary,wouldamend theZoning of theCityofMadison,as follows: STATEOFALABAMA LIMESTONECOUNTY
DATED at Madison,Alabama, this 11th dayof September 2024.
Home 25385 Main StreetArdmore,TN 38449Noticeisherebygiven that Pamela Jean Lyle, as Personal Represenativeinthe abovecaseofLauraE Edwards, Deceased,has this day presented totheCourtunder oathheraccount,vouchers, evidenceand statement forFinal Settlement totheprobateofthe said estate and that the8th day of October,2024 @9:30a.m., hasbeenappointed aday for such asettlement,atwhichtime allparties with interestcanappearand contestthe same if they think proper. Witness, atoffice,this4thday of September2024. Frank Barger ProbateJudge Madison CountyRecord3T: September 11,September18,& September25,2024 ADID 613202 The StateofAlabama Probate Court MadisonCounty Case No.79126
IN THEMATTEROFTHE ESTATE OF SamMichael Cavallo,Deceased TO:Gina Cavallo 228 SouthSt. Neptune Beach, FL32266and anyunknownheirsofinterest. Notice is herebygiven thatY.AlbertMooreIII, as Personal Represenativeintheabovecaseof SamMichael Cavallo, Deceased,has this daypresented totheCourtunderoathhis account,vouchers, evidenceand statement forFinal Settlement totheprobateofthe said estate and that the12thdayof November,2024 @11:00a.m.,has beenappointed aday forsucha settlement,atwhichtimeall parties with interestcanappear and contestthe same if they think proper. Witness, atoffice,this6thdayof September2024. Frank Barger
Madison CountyRecord3T: September 11th,18th,and25th, 2024 ADID 613582