MADISON–Lastweekwas a chaotictime forschoolsacross
North Alabama. Tenstudents from five differentschool systems in the Tennessee Valley were arrested last week. Authorities saythese charges stem from threats targeting schools
Amid threats on social media, local schools took precautions,including Sparkman High School that went into lockdown,
in the wake of adeadlyschool shooting in Georgia Madison City SchoolsSuperintendent Dr.EdNichols released avideo late last week stating thatofficials do not believeMadison city schools are in danger from these threats at this time.
“We’vehad aseries of social mediathings thathavegoneon, butnoneofthem have been substantiated toward Madison city schools. In fact, many of them areinother districts andother states,” said Nichols.“Butwe still investigate them.” He alsooutlinedhow the district is prepared to respondtoa real active shooter situation,“If we have the slightestinclination thatthere is athreat, firstofall, we wouldlockdown aschool. We wouldbring all hands on deck to thatschooland other schools around us to lockdown We would alsoalert you, as parents andstaff. We have nothad a threatlikethat,’” he said.
Madison City Schools Superintendent Dr.EdNichols released avideo last
First responders, citizens honor livesloston9/11
MADISON- Wednesday, September 11, people gath-
MADISON–Students in Madison have givenanencore performance forthe National Merit ScholarshipCorporation. Once again, the Madison CitySchoolsdistrictishome to the largest number of National MeritSemifinalists in the State of Alabama. MCS has 38 semifinalists,the most of anyschool system in the state. Furthermore, these
ered at Toyota Field forthe first annual stair climbinthe Huntsville-Madison area in remembrance of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.Prior to the climb, Madison Fire &Rescue andthe Madison City Police Department presented abrief memorial service,completewithan honor guardceremony.
Thefaces of the 343 servicemembers whogavetheir livesduring the 9/11 terrorist attacks flashed across the
studentsaccount forthe most semifinalists thatMCS has ever produced James Clemens has 20 semifinalists,while 18 semifinalists attend Bob Jones.“That combined total is the mostofthe 141 Alabama school districts statewide,regardless of size,”MCS Public Relations Manager John Peck said. TheNational Merit Scholarship Corporation conducts the National Merit Scholarship Program. This program is an
jumbotron behind firstbase throughout the memorial. Theservice maintained arespectful andreflective mood as the American flag waslowered to half-mast, the national anthem wassung,the police officers’and firefighters’prayers were read, andamomentof silencewas observed Madison Fire &RescueDeputy Chief BrandyWilliams led the service’s proceedings.She
annual academic competition forrecognition and college undergraduatescholarships.Established in 1955, National Merit ScholarshipCorporation is a privately financed not-for-profit organization thatoperates without government assistance Thecompetition is open to all U.S. high school students who meet published participation requirements.Scholarship winners arechosen based on their abilities, skills and accomplishments —without regard to gen-
MADISON-The former director forthe city of Madison’s humanresources MeganZingarelli wasappointedcityattorneyat the Madison City Council meetinglastweek.
Zingarellireplaces previous city attorneyBrianKilgore.Zingarelli formerly held the position of city attorneybeforeKilgore Shewas firstappointedtothe position in 2017 afterserving as an internin2014, an assistanttothe city attorneyin2015, andinterim city attorneyin2016. Shehas served as Director of Human Resources since2023.
“Thank yousomuchfor allowingmethe opportunity to serve the city as city attorneyagain I’mverygrateful andveryexcited forthe work we’regoing to be doing together,” sheremarkedto the city council.
As Human ResourcesDirector, Zingarellispearheadedthe new compensation andbenefits packagefor city employees thatisslated forthe fiscal year 2025 budget. ThecitycontractedEvergreen Solutions,LLC outofTallahassee, Florida to conduct acompensation study whichresulted in
der,race,ethnicity or religious
SemifinalistsfromJames Clemens areLukeAlverson, Nirban Bajaj, Andrew Bendickson, Ethan Brewer,Isaac Caldwell, Renee Drayton, Arjunsingh Gaikwad, Andrew Gohlich, Oviya Gowder,Yooyeon Hwang, Alexander Kulkarni, Bailey Lintz, Christopher Lobo,Jason Mahdi, Urvi Mysore, Hannah Park, SahishnuSaha, Sivaneyan Sezhian, Manasa Vadapalli and
Amemorial service and stair climb were held at Toyota Field last Wednesdaytomarkthe anniversary of the
The event wasattended by area firstresponders.
Photo by GraciAnn Goodin
in April of this yearwithatrial dayofvisitsfromten caninevolunteer teams and aminiature horse team. “The feedback wasterrific, so the airport decidedtocontinue with the program,”recalled Lyndsay Coats, ExecutiveDirector of TherapyPartners, Inc.Read thefullstory at
Gregg L. Parker News Writer
Maria Rakoczy News Writer BobLabbe Sports Writer
CORRECTIONS TheMadison Record will be happytocorrect anyerrorswhich appear in thenewspaper or clarify anystatementswhich are unclear. To requesta correction or clarification,call256-7631150 between 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday -Friday, or emailnews@
MADISON–A Madison man wasarrested recently andcharged with multiple counts of electronic solicitation of achild, possessingchild pornography, aggravated cruelty to animalsand aggravated childabuse,according to courtrecords andthe Limestone County Sheriff’sOffice Jesse JamesDauwen, 19, remainedinthe Limestone County Jail last week in lieuofa $422,500 bond, jail recordsshow.
TheLimestone County Sheriff’sOffice said they, along with the FBIand “severaltaskforce officers” from variousagencies,obtaineda search warrant fora home in Limestone County after investigatinga lead about crimes against children Dauwen wasarrestedfollowingthe search
COMMENTS Have acomment abouta story or asuggestion? Emailnews@
2NDCLASS POSTAGEPAID MadisonPostOffice Madison, AL 35758 USPS 324960 ISSN 0889-4205
POSTMASTER Please send addresschanges: P.O. Box859, Madison, AL 35758 The MadisonRecordispublished each WednesdaybyTennessee ValleyMedia,Inc
TheRecordisa member of the AlabamaPress Association
HARVEST-A manhas been chargedwith capital murderfollowinga deadly shooting on Thursday night in Harvest.
Accordingtothe Madison County Sheriff’s Office,the incident happened on Silver Poplar
Accordingtoaffidavits signedbyaninvestigator and filed in courtlast Monday, Dauwen compelled achild on multiple occasionsoverthe past year to “cut herselfonher legs andarms, leavinglacerationsand bleeding.” Dauwen is alsoaccused of possessingimagesand videos of achild “standinginfront of amirror, cutting herself, lickingthe blood, urinatingand exposingher genitalia,” accordingtothe affidavits Over the last year,accordingtothe affidavits, Dauwen alsohad “deviant sexual encounters with his2dogs.”
Charges against Dauweninclude onecount of aggravated childabuse, nine counts of electronic solicitation of achild, 10 counts of possessingchild pornography with the intenttodisseminateitand onecount of aggravated cruelty to animals.
Place around 6p.m. and wasdomestic in nature. Thesuspect, 27-yearold CarrandasOshay Jackson, is being held in the Madison County Jail without bond. Accordingtocourt documents,the victim was CourtneyJackson. He diedfromhis injuries at HuntsvilleHospital.
People had the opportunity to graba photograph of one of the343 people who gave their lives saving othersthat daytocarry with them as theyclimbed. Checkout more photos at www and on The MadisonRecordFacebook page
Continued from page 1A
anticipated the service would provideall of thoseinattendance with amoment of remembrance
“I would hope thatpeople would walk away,after 23 years of the tragicevent, remembering the livesthatwerelost that dayand the impact it had on our nation, Williams said.
This year marks the second time Madison Fire&Rescue hashelda memorial service at Toyota Field, butitis the first timeastair climb has beenheldin conjunctionwith it in the area.
People had the opportunity to grab a photographofone of the 343 people who gave their livessaving others thatday to carry with them as they climbed.
During the memorial stair climb, participants climbed the stairs of several sections behind home plate and first base in honor of the 110 storiesthat first responders climbed in the TwinTowers following the attacks
Participants included acombination of the area’s firefighters and police officers,aswell as other citizens hoping to pay their respects
Wesley Swaim, a firefighter and paramedic forthe Madison fire department had previouslyparticipated in the Nash-
Continued from page 1A
He said the schools have alreadybeen tightening security through moresecurity personnel and SROs
He advises thatifanyone does have concerns of athreattoMadison City Schools to contact their school administrator or SROand to utilizetheir Text to Protect program and contact themby phone at 256-604-2345 or email at
In Limestone County five students have been arrested forallegedlymaking threats.Two arrests happenedlast Wednesday. The first arrest involved an ElkmontHigh School student.
According to the Limestone County Sheriff’sOffice,authorities were alerted of apossible threatthe sameday the student wasarrested.
They quicklyinvestigated andsaid they found probablecause to arrest the student.
Thesecond arrest involved aClements High School student. Deputiesbeganinvestigating after the FBI alerted them to apotential school threat.
Deputies went to the student’s home and arrested the student after they said they found probablecause
Both students were charged with making terroristic threats
Thethirdarrest happened on ThursdayatTanner High School. Limestone County School officials said while on campus,astudent made averbalthreat.
That student wasarrested and taken into custody. Limestone County authorities said the student is also charged with making aterrorist threat.
School officials wanted to stress that at no time were students in anydanger.
A fifth grader at AthensIntermediate School wasarrested on Fridayfor makinga terrorist threat
“Wewerenotified around11a.m.that
ville stair climb five years ago. Completing theclimb at the Trash Panda’sbaseball field markshis second timetohonor the livesgiven on 9/11 in this way. Swaim sharedhewished forpeople to uphold a reverencefor the event andreflectonits purpose
“I just hope they feel asense of pride andrememberthe sacrificesthatwere made,the families thatlost lovedones,so just kind of reflect andknowhow blessed we are,”Swaim said Firstresponders andmembers of the TrashPandas staff alikeshared adesire to see the stair climbbecomeanannual event, especiallybecause they were pleased by the turnoutthis year
TrashPandasManagerofSpecial Events BrookeLackappreciated the team’s abilitytoprovide an opportunity to participate in the nationwideevent.
“I think, if anything, it just unifies peopletoknowthatpeople aredoing thisall across the worldright nowand is just reallyspecial,”Lacksaid.
Someonlyclimbed afew stories,but several people climbed the equivalent of110 stories. Anylevel of participation wasencouragedsolong as the climber felt able to do so.
astudent wastexting threats to students at Athens Middle School,” Athens Police ChiefAnthonyPressnellsaid. “Working with school officials,wequicklyidentified the student, whowas notatschool today. We arrested the student at his home.” Pressnellsaysthe 10-year-old’sfather talked to him on Thursdaynight about notgetting involved through social mediawiththese types of threats thathave been happening at schoolsystemsacross the country Athens City Schoolsofficials released astatement encouraging parents to reinforcetotheir childrenthatthese threats aretaken seriously.
Otherarrests were made in Sheffield,Cullman County,Boazand Muscle Shoals
MADISON –Robin Dauma has fulfilled her dream thathas remained persistent fordecades
She nowownsabookstorethat includes retail buys at Blue Apple Books andSouth&Pine
In July,Dauma bought South &Pine/TinyPines at 14 Main St SuiteCfromMeghann Delashaw. “Westill featurefavorite South & Pine and TinyPines products baby ‘faves,’ locally-madecandles room sprays, diffusers,soaps,lotions,vases,pictureframes and seasonal/holidaydecor (instead of furniture),” Dauma said. Her business willbeabenefit corporation, dedicated to serving customers with gift items, home decor,local artworkand books while also giving back in various ways to the community
An educator foralmost 30 years Dauma taught preschool in Washington statewhen she and Anthony first married. She then taught in both Madison Countyand Madison City schoolsystems for
25-plus years,14years with gifted students in middle school and 11.5 years in English at Bob Jones High School.
After retiring from teaching in 2020, Dauma eventuallyworked forKids to Love/KTECH from 2021 to 2024.
“I’vehad adream to buyanindependent bookstorefor many years,fueled by interestingindependent bookstoreslikeSquare Books inOxford, Miss.,” Dauma said. Sheresearched thebestway to formulate her entrepreneurial plan to include retail spaceand an investmentinthe community
Following afriend’s suggestion, Dauma met with LeeMarshall with Kids to Love aboutmentorship foryouth aging out of foster care. “Wetalked and cried forover twohours,commiseratingshared goals.Two weeks later,Lee offered me apart-time job at Kids to Love/ KTECH (‘while you figureout your bookstoreplan’). Iworkedas Recruitment Specialist forKTECH forthree years,” Dauma said.
Her quest about independent booksellers continued with an on-
line course,bookstorevisits and classes with TheCatalystCenter
Shelearned anew Alabama law allows formation of benefitcorporations. “Within six weeks, Ihad formalized my articlesofincorporation as aBenefitLLC (I believe the first in Madison County),” Dauma said.
Dauma wanted her bookstore’s location in aquaint,historic area, likedowntownMadison. Afriend whoworkasa businessbroker called when South &Pine wason themarket. Dauma had found her location.
Dauma is sole owner of BlueApple Books andSouth &Pine.The book inventorywill feature new books of all genres,including fiction, nonfiction, children’s books alongwith stationery items and book-relatedmerchandise Thestore“has awonderful, small-event spaceavailablefor rent forsmall classes,tutoring sessions,hands-on workshops and more. By mid-October,wealso plan to hostlargeevents, likeauthor meet-and-greets, book sign-
MADISON- Thecityof Madison is crackingdown on distracted driving. The cityjoins Huntsville and thestate of Alabama in passing measures to crack down on cellphone use while driving.
In June of this year,a new‘hands-free’ lawtook effect at thestate level that prohibits the use of cell phones or telecommunications devices while driving. Thelaw makes it asecondary offense to use handheld electronicdevices while driving, meaning that adriverwill be additionallypenalized if caught committinganother trafficinfractionwhile using atelecommunicationdevice. In January, thecity of Huntsville enacted astricterordinance that makes it aprimary offense “ifa driver is holding awireless devicewhile operatingavehicle.
Aspokesperson forthe cityofMadison saidinthe September 9city council meeting that Madison’s ordinance is meant to matchthe statelaw
“Thisisjust amending themunicipalcourtscheduleof fines to includethe newdistracted driving lawdowninMontgomery This is not makingthata first-timeoffense likethat ordinance we proposed previously. This is just Montgomery changed the laws.So, we’reupdating thescheduleof fines accordingly,”hesaid.
He went on to explain howMadison’sordinance will work:“In this case it’s asecondary violation whereifthey sawthatyou were unabletomaintain your lane or that youran through astopsign, you committedsome other type of trafficinfraction and theofficer sawthat youhad likea handheld deviceinyour hand or something, then not only couldthey fine youfor the trafficviolationbut just likeaseatbelt ticket, they couldalso addthisonas asecond chargetoitas well.”
Fines fordistracted drivingcharges startat $50 fora first offense and increase to $100 forasecond offense and $150 fora thirdoffense
Robin Dauma has fulfilled her dream by launchingBlueApple Booksand South &Pine in downtown Madison.
MADISON– On Sept. 21, the City of Madison will be packed with instrumental musicians,color guards,dance squadsand auxiliary teams forthe excitement at the 2024 Rocket City Marching Invitational. Band members and boosters invite residents
to attend the Rocket City Marching Invitational at MadisonCity Schools Stadium, 211 Celtic Drive in Madison, foraday of toprate entertainment in music and motion. To-date the high school bandsthat have entered the invitational areArdmore, Athens,Buckhorn, Decatur Grissom, Huntsville,MuscleShoals and Sparkman. Gates will open at 12:30 p.m. Bands will march in the Preliminary phase, starting at 1:30 p.m. TheFinals segment is scheduled for6p.m.
Exhibitionbandswill be BobJones Competition Band and Alabama A&M University Marching Maroon &White Band.Bands will assemblefor their results in the awardceremony at 9pm.
Currently, mosthigh schools have both a‘football band’ and a‘compe-
tition band,’eachwith a unique marching show. Directors choose studentsin the competition band from the entiremembership by observation, music auditions and recommendations from middle-school directors,along with evaluations from band camp Band members will give their all to win in various categories: Best Overall Drum Major;Best Overall Visual Ensemble (Auxiliary Units); Best Overall Percussion; Best Overall Visual; Best Overall Music; Best Overall Effect, followedbysecond and thirdplace honors; Grand Champion; and FanFavorite In previous years, weighting by the judging panelincluded music at 50 percent; visual at 30 percent; and 20 percent for generaleffect. After viewing the marching shows,
the audience will vote for “Fan Favorite. John Hightower, host of “Brass,Reeds and Percussion” on WLRH Public Radio will emcee the event. Volunteers will sell tasty concessions throughout the day. At Bob Jones,Leigh Thomas is Director of Bands.Kevin Smartis Assistant Director and directs the percussion line Hosts forthe invitational areBob Jones Band and KODA Technologies Sponsors include Dr.and Mrs.EdNichols,Greg Machen Photography, MonteSano Research TheOrthopaedic Center or TOC,Redstone Federal Credit Union, WLRH 89.3, Capriotti’sSandwich Shop,Campers Inn RV and BurnBoot Camp Tickets areavailableat S2Pass.For moreinformation, visit
MADISON –Women in Madison can gain confidence and understand defensive movesina classthatMadison Police Department is offering
Thedepartment has announced that registrationisopen for“Rape,Aggression, Defense” or RADclasses forSeptember.The RAD classisa free program of self-defense tactics and techniques for women.
“The RADsystem is awomen-only course thatbegins with awareness,prevention, risk reductionand risk avoidance,while progressing on to the basics of hands-on defense training,” Teresa Taylor-Duncan said. Taylor-Duncan works as aDetective in MadisonPolice Department.
Certified RAD instructors will teach the course.Classes will be conducted at City Hall, 100 Hughes Road
TheRAD programistaught in three evening classes from 6to9 p.m. on Sept. 23, 24 and 25. Eachstudent receivesaworkbook/reference manual.This manual outlines the entirephysicaldefense program forreference and continuous growth. The document, whichisfree, serves as the key to the lifetime return-and-practice policy forRAD graduates
The first classisanoverviewand includes discussion on risk reduction, prevention and techniques to increase personalsafety.The second classconsists of learning and practicing physical defense moves.
“The final classisa simulation of an attack,” Taylor-Duncansaid. “Simulation is strictlyvoluntary, and the students can
still complete the class if they choose not to volunteer,but they must be present. Studentsmust attend all three classes to complete the course.”
TheRAD course involves discussions about risk assessment and risk awareness.“Forobvious reasons,the class is nevertaught to males.Mothers and daughters whoare 12 years old and older areencouragedtoattend,”Taylor-Duncan said. RAD is not amartial arts program.
To register,visit In the “LATEST NEWS” section, clickthe box with the RAD announcement. On the next window, clickthe “Registration Form link. In same window, clickthe “Wellness Information Form”link to complete health details.Inaddition, clickthe “Parental Consent Form”link to complete the waiver foradaughter to enroll. Beforethe class date,applicants must returnthe Formoreinformation on RAD,call Taylor-Duncan at 256-772-5658.
Photo by AndrewNoles(NolesNest Photography).
Madison Police Department is offering the Rape, Aggression, Defense or RAD class, which is afreeprogramand open to women.
These students from James Clemens High School are National Merit Semifinalists: Christopher Lobo, front from left, Jason Mahdi, Urvi Mysore, Hannah Park,Sahishnu Saha, SivaneyanSezhian,
OviyaGowder,Yooyeon Hwang,Alexander Kulkarni and BaileyLintz.
Thesestudents from Bob Jones High School areNational MeritSemifinalists:AuroraLang, front from left, Caroline Kokan,JudithMiller,MaryMiller,
Landingham,Cohen Yates, Ian McIntosh, Tevin Sheehy, Justin Roh and Steven Pan.
Erik Wu
Semifinalists from Bob Jones areAurora Lang, Caroline Kokan, JudithMiller,Mary Miller,Shlok Chatterjee,Molly Halter,EvanCoker,SallyWang, David Gunasekaran, Sophia Johnson, Hubert Pan, Zachary Calinsky, Benjamin Landingham,Cohen Yates,Ian McIntosh, TevinSheehy, Justin Rohand StevenPan.
MCS Superintendent Dr.Ed Nichols said he is proud of the students fortheir hard work and forthe teachers thatpreparedthem from the earliest gradeson up.Nichols credited the strong foundation of MCSset by past and present leadership that continues through the unwavering supportofparents, community leaders,boardofeducation members,principals,administrators and dedicated teachers and staffinelementary, middle and high schools
Most of Madison’s National Merit
Semifinalists attended MCS from elementary school to grade 12. Nicholssaid thisstanding isa credit to outstanding teachers and staffs in elementaryand middleschools, along with bothhigh schools
“These resultsonceagain provethatit doesnot matter whereyou live or go to school inMadison.Every school is one of the nation’sbest,”Nicholssaid
Thenationwide pool of National Merit Semifinalists represents less than one percent of U.S. high school seniors. They arethe highest scoring students in each stateon the Preliminary SAT/National Meritscholarship Qualifying Test or PSAT/NMSQT thatthey took as juniors. They willbecompeting for7,500 National Meritscholarships worthapproximately$30 million Formoreinformation, visit
the suggestions forincreasedpay ranges, yearly stepincreases, andannual cost of livingadjustments forcity personnel.
Madison MayorPaulFinley said the newpackage brings city payuptodate andonpar with other municipalities, “It had nothing to do with anything else other thanlookingatwhatanormal building inspectorwould be in Franklin, Tennessee andMadison Alabama, Huntsville,Alabama and finding those low, medium,and high, andthat’s what we’reimplementing with the longevity.”
Councilwoman Connie Spears and chairofthe finance committee reiterated this in the work session thatfollowedthe Sept. 9council meeting
“Wehaveapproximatelyafew less than90employees thataccordingtothe
ings,poetry readings and children’s story times,”Dauma said.
“I’m thrilledthatwewill have thework of local artists in thestore, including paintings,pottery and wood/epoxy pieces madebythe same person whomakes South &Pine signature candles,” Dauma said. “Privateand public workshops, such as candle- and wreath-making charcuterie and calligraphy, will resume in October.”
“I can’t wait to feature talents of community members whowill lead and teach even morecreativeendeavors,” she said Thebusiness encompassestwo storefronts: SuitesBand Cat14MainSt. By mid-September,Dauma will transform TinyPines’ space intothe bookstore Madison ChamberofCommerce will conduct aribbon cutting at 1:30p.m on Sept. 18. Grand Opening Week runs duringSept. 19-25.
“A locallyowned, independent bookstorecan meet aneed in the community that no other entity can. Likemanyforms of art, reading good books brings auniversal senseofawe,unityand empathy that can transcend differences,” Dauma said.
“I’venever felt ledtopreachorrun for office,but I’vealwayswanted to makea difference in whatever sphereI find myself. Thedrawtowardthatspherebeing abookstorehas just been too strongto resist,”Dauma said.
Explainingthe storename,Dauma has
salarystudyare at their right salary We did the study in ordertomakesure thatour employees were being paidwhat theyshould be paid,” said Spears. Aresolution waspassedthe latestcity council meetingthatput the adjusted payscale,yearlystepincreases,and annual cost of livingadjustments into the FY 2025 budget andwould putthese into effect on Oct. 1, 2024 should the budget be passedlater thismonth. Thepackage is expected to cost the city around $2 millioninthe FY 2025 budget. TheFY2025 budget will be votedon in aspecial called city council meeting on Tuesday, September 24 at 5:30 pm at city hall. Aregular city council meeting will takeplace the daybeforeonMonday Sept. 23 at 6pmatMadison City Hall.
taught themetaphor of “bitingblue apples” with allher students...asinspirationtotry new, even difficult, ideas in life.A ‘blueapple’for one person maybe different forafriend.‘Blue apples’ help to avoidcomplacencybut push forimprovement
“I’mgratefulfor so manyfriends, family members and colleagues whohaveencouragedmeasI’vepursued this dream forseveral years,” she said.
“I can open abook and be transported anywhere, just likeI did growingupasa girl on afarminMississippi,” she said Dauma grew up in Fulton, Miss., just east of Tupelo.AfterattendingItawamba Community College,she earned abachelor’s degree at Mississippi University for Women and amaster’sdegreeingifted educationfromthe University of Alabama.
Robin and husband Anthonymarried and livedinWashington state and moved to Huntsville in 1995. Robin is an Elvis Presley fan, whichevencasual friends soon realize.
TheDaumas’ children areAdrienne graphicdesigner in Portland,Ore.; Turner,mechanical engineer forLSINC;Alec of Madison workingindramatic arts; and Harley, freshman at University of North Alabama. Anthonyand Robin have one grandson, Cyrus Formoreinformation, visit or @shopsouthandpine.
Renovating Rooms. Building Relationships.
Manasa Vadapalli and Erik Wu.LukeAlverson, back from left, Nirban Bajaj, Andrew Bendickson, Ethan Brewer, Isaac Caldwell, Renee Drayton, Principal Dr.Kerry Donaldson, Arjunsingh Gaikwad, AndrewGohlich,
ShlokChatterjee,Molly Halter, Evan Coker, Sally Wang,Superintendent Dr.EdNicholsand David Gunasekaran. Principal Sylvia Lambert, back from left,Sophia Johnson,HubertPan, ZacharyCalinsky, Benjamin
Sparkman looksto rebound, BobJones is lookingstrong
HARVEST –The girls on Sparkman High School’s flag footballteam discoveredwhat their male counterparts in the full-contact version alsohave found out
Turnovers areanathema to success
TheLadySenators,intheir fourth season since theAlabama High School Athletic
Association begansanctioning flag football in 2021, stand 0-2 early in their2024 slate.Both losses have come by identical scores of 6-0, 6-0 against Austin and Decatur as the new-look offenseseeks an identity following the graduationofits quarterbackand top tworeceivers from the past twoseasons
“Weturned the ball over five times at Austin, and thatkilled us,’’ Sparkman head coach James Arnette said. “Our de-
fenseheld strong,but youcan onlybend so muchbeforeyou break. And so that’s whyreally, we couldn’t getinagrooveoffensively.
“Then, we movedthe ball well againstDecatur.Wejust we dropped acouple of passes in the end zone,and then we throw apick-six from our 5-yard line,and that just eats up the time.’’ Flag football has four 12-min-
The Jetsremained undefeated after arainyhomecoming win
Noles(Noles NestPhotography)
MADISON -The rain didn’t stop James Clemens (3-0) from bestingHuntsville (3-1) this past Friday32-7at Madison City Stadium Jets running backMJGideonpunished the Panthers with powerfulcarries inthe contest to rackup111 yardswithapair of house callsinthe victory Gideon’steammateCam Berry wasalso aforce with the ball in his hands with a78-yardevening thatincluded ascoreona 30-yardromp. Crossing the century mark is familiar territory forJames Clemens’ Gideonasthe back hasalso logged 100-plus yard performances in the twoprior gamesagainst Gardendale
(132) in the openerand rival Bob Jones(117). JC’s success wasn’t all predicated offofthe rushingattack though as the Jets signalcaller Ja’Kobey Gill connected with receiverA.J.Little fora 15-yard TD Another touchdowninthe game forJames Clemens came when Myles Tayortookanin-
See JETS Page 3B
CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE– TheRocketCityTrash Pandas season finale ended with arainoutagainstthe Chattanooga Lookouts Sundayafternoon with thescoretied 1-1 in thesecond inning at AT&T Field.The game will not be made up TheTrash Pandas raced to an early lead in the first. Second baseman David Mershon started thegame with awalk, went to thirdonasingle from designated hitter Christian Moore, then scored on a4-6-3 double playoff thebat of rightfielder OrlandoMartinez. Chattanooga responded in thesecond as leftfielder Quincy McAfee led offwith asolo homer to left. Afterthat, rightfielder Austin Hendrickdoubled to right beforecatcher Michael Trautwein worked thecountto 1-2 againstTrash Pandas starter Brett Kerrybeforethe game wasstopped. As aresult, theTrash Pandas end their season at 61-75 overall. They went 33-35 in theseason’s first half beforegoing29-40 in half number two. Though theseason is over thereare plenty of events coming up at Toyota Field in the nextseveral months. October 26th will be theTrash Pandas Fall Festivalwith the fifthannual Christmas Lights Show to followinNovember Next February will feature the Rocket City Softball Showcase whichfeaturesnineDivision I programs including Alabama, Auburn,Ole Miss, Mississippi State,UNA,and Alabama A&M. Auburn,Alabama, and UNA’s baseball programs will all have games at Toyota Field in 2025as well leadinginto theTrash Pandas’ season Rocket City’s nexthome game will be April 4, 2025when they open the season at homeagainst theChattanooga Lookouts.Details on that event and morewill be made in thecoming months Be sure to followthe Trash Pandas on social media or go to for moreinformation.
Bob Jones hasrecentlyscored winsoverWestminster (non-region) 26-6, Mae Jemison 42-0, Columbia27-6 and HazelGreen 32-6.
Photo from Bob Jones High School Facebook
Huntsville on Friday. Photo by Andrew
HUNTSVILLE – A quick check of Madison Academy’s volleyball team profile won’t set off any alarms, but those paying attention shouldn’t sleep on the Lady Mustangs.
That might be a first blush reaction when seeing the team has an overall mark of 10-14. That record, however, is deceiving. With a move back to Class 4A from 3A last season, head coach Nikki Knott put a plan in motion.
The veteran coach put together a challenging slate that through the weekend included 12 matches against 7A (six), 6A (three) and 5A (three) teams. Madison Academy mustered three wins against that group, including one in 7A, but there was method to Knott’s scheduling madness.
“I set up that schedule the way I did so that we would be prepared to play at 4A,” she said. “I figured that if we could compete with 7A, 6A and 5A schools we would be able to definitely compete at 4A because it’s just a different speed with those bigger schools.
“When you’re going 6A and 7A speed, and then you go back down to 4A speed, it’s not near as hard. So, I kind of set it up that way, and we have competed with some of these schools. I mean, we’ve gone to three games with a couple of them.’’
Alabama volleyball teams play two-of-three matches during the regu-
lar season except for area matches and the postseason. To prove their coach right, the Lady Mustangs are 3-0 against 4A, Area 15 opponents. Madison Academy defeated St. John Paul II in four games and blanked both West Limestone and Randolph in straight sets.
Senior middle/outside hitter Sydney Privett and junior outside hitter/defensive specialist Isabelle Sutton are among those leading the Lady Mustangs’ attack while playing six rotations. A sur-
prise has been sophomore libero Kenzie Privett, who before the season was expected to play mostly junior varsity to gain experience at various positions but has “come a long way,” Knott said.
Madison Academy’s schedule includes a trimatch with Good Hope and Athens for Senior Night on Tuesday (Sept. 17) and at Decatur on Thursday, then re-enter Area 15 action with road matches at West Limestone (Tuesday, Sept. 24) and Randolph (Thursday,
Sept. 26).
“I guess the goal of playing those other teams was to see what our weaknesses are and what we need to work on,” Knott said. “We can see where we’re strong and where we’re weak when we play teams that are bigger and stronger than us. And our goal is to always be competitive no matter who we play and play our game and trust the process. These girls have been discouraged, but we’ve beaten who we should have beaten.’’
ROUNDUP: Lady Patriots score 17th straight home win; Jets notch pair of Area 7 wins
MADISON – After grinding through a heavy schedule so far in the 2024 high school season the Bob Jones volleyball team took a sabbatical this weekend. Since opening the current campaign on August 22 at Grissom in a traditional annual tri-match
including Huntsville, the Lady Patriots played a dizzying 33 matches in a three-week span. That includes three tournaments over three weekends.
The Lady Patriots (30-3), ranked No. 1 in the state by Maxpreps, finished second in the Juanita Boddie Tournament, went 4-2 in the stacked Nike Tournament of Champions in Gainesville (Fla.) and won the championship of the Tournament of Champions in Guntersville.
“We have played a great many games to start the season,” Lady Patriots head coach Jenny Jarrett said. “We definitely needed this weekend off to reset and get some rest. We are pleased with the start of the season, but we want to make sure that we stay focused and sharp.’’
Last week, Bob Jones won three matches in
straight sets, including at home against Class 7A, Area 7 opponent Austin in the first league match for both teams by scores of 2515, 25-17, 25-19. It marked the Lady Patriots 17th straight home win dating back to last season.
Leading the way against the Lady Black Bears (136 overall) were Kennedy Vaughn with 13 kills and Anabelle Arnold and Kendall Buckley added nine apiece. Also, Kali Beigh had 18 digs and Mya Lacey two aces among her 100 percent serving percentage.
“We just have to keep a good mindset going forward,” Arnold said. “We cannot get comfortable in whatever place that we’re at, we have to know that there’s always room for improvement and just keep working hard and improving.’’
Bob Jones’ schedule this week includes at Florence on Tuesday (Sept. 17) in an Area 7 match, then play 7A teams Hoover, Mountain Brook, McGill-Toolen and Saraland.
“We will play fewer games over the next couple of weeks, but we will play more 7A opponents,” Jarrett said. “So, these will be important matches to help prepare us for the postseason.’’ • James Clemens (12-12 overall, 2-0 in 7A, Area 7) entered this week’s play coming off two area wins at home and have won three straight total as they continue to hover around the .500 mark for the season.
James Clemens pulled even at a dozen on each side of the ledger by sweeping Florence in straight sets of a best-of-five, then
Madison Academy has faced a challenging slate that, through the weekend, included 12 matches against 7A (six), 6A (three) and 5A (three) teams. They recently took on 7A James Clemens (pictured above). Photo by Andrew Noles (Noles Nest Photography)
M.J. Gideon
JamesClemens’comeback player
Thesuper-talented athlete is making acomeback in the sportafter asevere, season-endinginjury ayearago
MADISON -For all his 15-years, AnthonyMario Gideon, Jr.has been awinner at most of his endeavors in athletics.Elite effortsinfootball, basketball, trackand includingbeing athree-time state championin youth wrestling. He has met his challenges head-on, buthis biggest challengewas returning from aserious shoulder injury he suffered in his freshman season of football a year agoatJames Clemens
“I hurtmyshoulder at practice
twodaysprior to our homecoming game versus Huntsville, butIdidn’t think it wasthatbad,”saidGideon
“I wore abrace as Iheaded into the game on special teams.Onakickoff play Igot hitand suffered atorn labrum and dislocated shoulder Twoweeks afterthe injuryIunderwent surgery andthen through six months of painful rehabilitation.
BornonMartinLuther King Day in 2009 and the oldest of three children to Anthony and Laticia Gideon, “M.J.,”which he is so named by hisfriends for“Mario Jr.,” grew up in Huntsville andmoved to Madison in the eighthgradewherehejoined the Liberty Middle School football team and wasnamedteamMVP at the endofthe season. In his freshman season the followingschool year,his talents were evident to the coaching staff, and he waselevated to play on the varsity squad regulated to specialteams action.
“MJ is atalented youngman with abright futureinfootball as he’san outstanding studentand high char-
acter individual,”saidChad McGehee headcoachofJames Clemens “He’s back this seasonand we know he will be special as he hasall the tools needed to be agreat player.”
Throughthe first three games this season, wherethe Jets areundefeated (3-0) with a17-10 winover Gardendale,a thrilling 34-31 victory over BobJones andthe most recent 32-7 battle against Region 4foe Huntsville,the 5-foot-10, 200-pound Gideonseemstobegliding through the defenses almost at will. He has 379 yardson38carries fora9.97-yard per carryaverage and7 touchdowns plus another 50 yardsonthree pass catches.Against rivalBob Jones, he finished with 117 yardsrushing and twotouchdowns including the game clincher with 1:17 remaining. In the blowoutversus Huntsville,hetallied 97 yardsand twoscores on just 11 carries foran8.8-yard average Gideon is looking to make aspot on the JamesClemens basketball team as soon as football hascom-
Mavericks (aka: Senior Swimmers) from James
Boys left to right: Jason Park,AlexKulkarni,Gavin Spivey, Michael Docherty, HarrisonTaylor Girls left to right: Emery Tindoll, Katie Blakenship,Rosa Levan, Renee
King.Photo Contributed
top inAlabamaSprintand Dive Championships
MADISON- Theentire complexatDublin Memorial Park wasabuzz on Sept. 7asboth James Clemensand BobJones played hosts to the AlabamaSprintand Dive Championships.Twelve North Alabamahigh schoolswith 275 athletes total bombardedthe indoor poolfor the big meet with an early-season showcaseoftop talent. JamesClemenscame away teamvictor in both boys andgirls among the Class6-7A schools while Scottsboronailed down similar finalresults in Classes1-5A Forthe victor James Clemens, AlexKulkarni JasonParkand Christian
Westerearned40points each andwon firstplace in their individual races andrelaysfor the Jets TheLadyJets were led by Fiona Scully,Tatum Scully,Gemma King andChloe Kim who, as a group, earned acombined 144 points.LaurelHunter earned firstplace for JamesClemensinthe divingcompetition.
The final team results: Boys 6-7A: 1. James Clemens, 2. Whitesburg Christian Academy,3.Bob Jones; Girls 6-7A: 1. James Clemens, 2. BobJones, 3. Cullman;Boys1-5A:1 Scottsboro, 2. Alabama School of CyberTechnology, 3. Arab;Girls 1-5A: 1. Scottsboro, 2. Arab,3 AlabamaSchoolofCyber Technology Jets come out on
Jets Continued from page 1B
terception59yardfor six. Theonlytime that Huntsvillewas able to find theend zone wasat the 4:05 mark of the fourth quarter when Cinco Dawkinsscored arushing
touchdown from sixyards to breakupthe shutout. JamesClemensnext travels to Grissom(1-2) thisFridayasthe Jets looktoremain unbeaten Kickoff is at 7p.m.
James Clemens sophomore running backM.J. Gideon, No. 3, workshis waythroughthe defenseina recent game against
Bob Jones. Photo by AndrewNoles (NolesNestPhotography)
Patriots rebound with 50-23 rout of Grissom, to hostFlorencethisweek
HUNTSVILLE –Ittook Bob Jones one quarter against Grissomtoanswerany questions about anylingering effects from last week’s heart-pounding loss to its Madison rivalJames Clemens
It actuallytook just afew plays
ThePatriots got an interception on a ricochet on the second playfromscrimmage,scored on their first snapenroute to abig lead and routed their Class 7A, Region 4foes 50-23 Fridaynight at wetWicks FamilyField at JoeDavis Stadium.
Bob Jones led at eachquarterbreak 210, 35-0 and 42-7.
ThePatriots (3-1 overall, 1-0 region) satstarters formuchofthe second half against Grissom (1-2, 0-2), whichalsolost arivalry game last week 30-27toHuntsville.The Patriots fell to James Clemens 34-31 when a43-yard field goal attempt by the former wasblockedinthe final sec-
“Wetalked about not having ahangover and anyfrustration –‘Let’s go out here and getitdone tonight’.” Bob Jones head coachKelvis White said.“And I think they did exactlythat. I’m just proud of they got it done.’’
Players and coaches forBob Jones likely had to be dragged to the buses following their second and also last scheduled visit this seasontothe “The Joe,”where they pounded Lee 63-7 after leading 41-0 at halftime twoweeks ago.
Againstthe Tigers,Patriots quarterbackJohnnyJackson threw four touchdown passes and ran forone,while running backCaleb Sanders caught twoTD passes and rushed fortwo more. He was keywith injured receiverRhysDorsey out.
“Wetalked about not hanging our heads from last week,” Jacksonsaidafter passing for196 yardson13-of-23 passing.“And we were missing one of our top receivers
so some guysstepped in and made some plays,likeCaleb.Hesteppedupand made some big plays.Thatwas bigfor us.’’ Aface maskpenalty againstBob Jones put Grissomatmidfieldonits second play of the game.But apassbysenior quarterback Seth Leebernthathit his targetin stride downfield went through the receiver’s hands and straight to BJ Carter, who returned it roughly37yards to the Tigers’ 38-yard line
From there, Jacksonand Sanders hooked up forthe score. ThePatriotsran fortwo to makeit8-0 with less than two minutes elapsed and the rout wasonas Grissomdidn’t find its footing until the second half.
“It wasa tough loss losing to JC by a blockedkick,” Sanderssaid, “but (Coach White) justsaidtocome herenext week and punchGrissominthe mouth. Losing thatgame –we’retaking thatasmotivation forthe rest of the season.’’ Florence (1-2, 1-0), whichplays Bob
Jones at Madison City Stadium at 7p.m Friday, had an unscheduled week off when its home game with Austin was rescheduled forSept. 27 becauseofthe threatofinclement weather caused by the remnants of hurricane Francine After the first touchdown, other TDs forBob Jones came on a63-yardpass to Malachi Foster (five catches,112 yards), tworuns of five yardsbySanders; acatch of 21 by Kolton Wong; a3-yardkeeper by Jackson; and a9-yardreception by Carter thatcame after Grissom got a30-yard scoop and scorefromJer’darius Hall that made it 42-23 halfway through the fourth quarter Bob Jones outgained Grissom in total offense 404-217.
Other touchdowns forGrissom came on passes of 32 by Leebernand 23 by Tristian Taylor,who caught the first one to put the Tigers on the boardand threw the scoring pass to TJ Cole.John Eshun-tetteh kicked a40-yard fieldgoal.
Gideon’s faith paidoff as BobJones’attempt at the kickwas blockedby JamesClemenspreservingthe three-point victory forthe Jets He’s happyhe’s doing well in hisefforts andisextremely excited forwhat’s to come for histeamwith hishelp. “I’m an all-purposebackand work well with my large hands.I even workoutwith ahandgripto gain strength in my handsto hold the balland catchpasses. Iwanttobeacomplete player. With a3.4 grade point averageinhis hippocket, Gideon is awarecollegerecruiters will be fighting their waytosee him in action andwith the attention will come the wartoearn histalents.Hesaid he doesnot think aboutwhat’s to come in thatareaand he’s busy helping histeamwin gamesand work to the post-seasonplayoffs, as well as continue to make aremarkablecomebackand be awinner as he’s been all hislife Gideon Continued from page 3B
pleted its schedule as he wasset to playfor the Jets as afreshman, butthe injury led to him to watchthe team from the sidelines.His years on the basketball courthehas been aplay-making guardwith excellent defensive skills.Asfor football, he began playing in youth leagues in the fourth grade and soon exhibited his natural talents as arunning back, wide receiverand linebackerbeing named his team’s Most ValuablePlayers in grades four through six. His sixth-grade season included his team wining the Madison County Championship Gideon’s real talents maybe in the sportofwrestling which he participated in ages4-10. He took to the sportwith enthusiasm, and the rawability to be quick, strong, durableand intelligent. While on the mats, he wonthree State Championships.Hewas well on his wayto be abig playerinahigh school’s wrestling program, butGideon
wasfaced with thefact the wrestling seasoncoincided with his play among the basketball season and wasfaced with thetask of having to choose one among the twosports. Aftermuchconsideration, he gave up wrestling to sticktoplaying basketball
Thespeedster is alsoa member of the James Clemens track team whereheexcelsinthe 100 meter, 4x100 relayand the difficult triplejump. His personal bestinthe 100 meters is11.5 secondswhile his top markinthe triplejumpis41-feet, 9-inches He will tacklethe trackendeavor as soon as basketball winds down in the spring. Upon having surgery,Gideon facedthe task of rehabilitate hisshoulderand didsowiththe help of the school’s twoathletic trainers,Dan and Jenna. He foughtisway through hours of rehabilitationto regain flexibility and strength. His determination to recoverincluded no weigh training forthree months
Continued from page 2B
andnumerousexerciseshewent through even at home.Hewas cleared to start back at physical contact in the spring andnow claims,“Ifeel normal again, although Idoweara brace during practices andgames.”
“Atour firstfall practice to featurephysical contact, my injury andsurgery went through my mind, andIwas nervous at firstand wasafraid to hit my shoulder,” said Gideon. “My father encouragedmeto fightthe anxiousfeelingand returnto the game Iloveasmyfather was an athlete when he attended Lee High in Huntsville.Mymother attended BobJones.”
McGehee haswatched his youngstarrunning back go through the trek of coming backfromthe injuryand is proud to see Gideon is back.He added, “M.J. hasbeen resilient andworking hard to return. We knowhe’sspecial.
Gideonisproud of the fact he assists his grandfather’s church
Flag football
in Huntsville by workingthe audio/video equipment. His grandfather,DevinsJackson, is the pastoratthe Body of Christ Church.The 15-yearold Gideon is also workingwith oneofhis teammates,Malakai Cooper,as they operate apower washing business andserve numerous clients when they arenot in school or on the football field
Gideonbares three noticeable scars on his shoulder from his surgery nearly ayearago Thoseare reminders of hisdedicationtoreturntothe teamand play in biggames likethe recent Madison Bowl against the Jets’ cross-townrivals the Patriots
“I’ve neverbeen in an atmosphereofa largecrowd like that. Iwas excited to gettoplay in thatsituation andtoscorethe winningtouchdown wasawesome. As Bob Joneswas lining up its game-tying fieldgoalon the last play of thegame, Iwas standing on the sidelineswith the rest of the teamprayingwe
Continued from page 1B outlasting Sparkman to takea3-2 decision.
TheLadyJets entered this week with another area matchonthe road at Austin on Tuesday(Sept. 17). Beginning Thursday, James Clemens is scheduled to playBrewer at East Limestone in atrimatch, then open the HeffStrong Tournament hosted by Spain Park at the FinelyCenter in Hoover.
•Sparkman (6-13 overall, 0-1 7A, Area 7). The LadySenators pushed James Clemens to five games in their area
opener lastweekbut fell 3-2. Earlier in the week, Sparkmanand Madison Countyplayeda bestof-five even though the teams arenot area foes, and the former dropped another 3-2decision by scores of 25-22, 17-25, 1725,25-21, 15-6. Sparkman seeks areturntothe win column with ahome tri-match scheduled Tuesday(Sept. 17) against Guntersville and Hartselle, thentakea break until Tuesday(Oct. 1) foranotherareamatch at Florence
ute quarters,but except forthe lasttwo minutes of eachhalf the clockruns continuously. Sparkman and Huntsville were the onlytwo area schools fielding teams in the first season of AHSAA playin2021. Since then, eight other schools have joined in to compose Class6A/7A Region 8thatalsoincludes Austin, Bob Jones,Decatur, Hazel Green and Huntsville’s Columbia, Grissom, Huntsville Lee and Mae Jemison.
Sparkman wasscheduled to playatMae Jemison on Thursday(Sept 12),but the threatofinclement weather including heavy rainand/or high winds caused by Hurricane Francine’s aftermath forced apostponement.
Instead,the LadySenators will try to getbackin the regional playoff race againstLee and Huntsville in ahome doubleheader Tuesday(Sept.17) in an 11-game schedule. Nine games count towardthe region standings
Meanwhile,Bob Jones (4-1overall, 3-1 region) lost to Lee 9-6 to open the season buthas since reeled offwins over Westminster (non-region) 26-6, Mae Jemison 42-0, Columbia 27-6 and Hazel Green 32-6. “The team is learning
to overcome adversity,” LadyPatriots head coach CarmelesiaSullivan. “We have agroup thatisexcited aboutfootball and that certainly helps.Wehave some reallytough games ahead and we reallyhave to playour best.’’
Bob Jones,which first fielded ateam in ’22, was scheduled to playGrissom on Tuesday(Sept. 17) and then hit theroad to take on Decaturaweek later (Sept. 24) in a10-game slate
Cornelia Peters is holdingout hopethe team can right theshipand advance to the postseason.
“Yeah, Ibelieve that,100 percent,” saidPeters,one of 27 players on theroster and theonlyfreshman on the first squad Senior third-year center Kaylee Southernechoes her teammate
“Oh, yeah, 100 percent,” shesaid. “It wasjust our first fewgames,and we have awholenew offense
TheLadyPatriots and theLadySenators square offTuesday, Oct.15either at Madison City Schools StadiumorBob Jones in the penultimate game for both teams In Harvest,Sparkman fourth-year senior rusher
Most of them are firstyear players,soit’s kinda rockyat first. But Ibelieve that afterthese past two games,wecan beat them in thenextgame.’’ The flag football state championshipgames are heldduring Super 7week, whichthisyear will unfold at Birmingham’sProtective Stadium.
Hewitt-Trussville defeated SmithsStation14-13 in double overtimetowin the first Alabama flag football championshipin2021. Auburn knockedoff Oxford in the’22 title game TheAHSAA addeda 1A5A divisionlast year won by Wenonah 18-12 in OT over Montgomery Catholic,while Central-PhenixCity took the6A/7A crownwith a25-0 win over Vestavia Hills
The Sparkman flag football team.
HISTORY with John Rankin
Awalkaround pond beat,part1
By JOHN P. RANKIN Madison Historian
This begins an introductorypartof BeverlyCurry’s book to orient the reader about the various families wholived in what wasknown in the 1900 –1945 time as the Pond Beat area and community.This southeasternpart of today’s arsenal was so-named because the area wasatax and census “beat” or precinct area that was noted as containing many ponds that held water forlong periods,sometimes many years, after flooding by theTennessee River.Some of the ponds evenhad their water levels rise and fall with the river fluctuations.Itwas aswampyareathat was overgrown and contained many snakes and other types of wildlife, including some alligators. This part of theCurry book represents a“walk” and “conversation” as one might haveexperienced in the area beforeArmyacquisition.Itisderivedfromthe numerous interviews and notes that Beverlymade in meetings with alarge number of former citizens of the area as she researched data forher book. Theevents,names,and details of lifeare things told to Beverlyasactualfacts and generally confirmed by researchinto old documents, butthereare afew minor additionalclarifications inserted by John P. Rankin
It’s the 1930’s.Icame across the river from Morgan County on the ferryold manHolt runs,and I’mwalking up the Pike(South Memorial Parkway).On the left is the two-room wooden Farley school thathas grades one through nine Theschool busispulling out on theroad. RobertLong has drivenhis son, James, and the other white childrenfromPond Beattoschool, and nowhe’s goingback there, wherehelives and manages the Schiffman &Co. land. Theday is warm, so the canvascurtains thatare on each side of the busare rolled up.The sidesof thebus arewood, whichcomesupsofar, and then thereisa long open space, like awindow, butthereisnoglass, onlythe canvascurtains.The busgoes soslowly that youcould getoff and runbesideit. It would neverget up enough speedto blow your hatoff.Inside the school, Lilly Latham is teaching from the primer,and BillyWhite is being careful not to miss aword, because if he does, she will give him aslaponthe cheek. Theprincipal, Mr.P.Roscoe Ivy,istalking with Vivian Fleming, Margaret Hobbs,Eva Jane Bell, James Long, and some of theother students on the playground, whichhas a good variety of equipment. Behind the school is abig outhouse.Ithas an awful smellwhen yougoin!
When the White childrenfromPond Beat finish the 8th grade,they usually go to high school in NewHope.Theycan ride on abus to NewHope from Farley School. DuncanWoodward drives himself and his sister Edith from their home in Pond Beattothe blacksmith shop that is at the intersection of the Pike and the Farley-Triana Road. He leavesthe family automobile there, and they catchthe bus. Duncan knows Jack Turner,the blacksmith, because that’s whohis daddy,Lee Woodward,goes to when he needs any blacksmith work done.Actually, Duncan reallylikes the blacksmith’ssister, and since Ican see into the future, Ican tell youthathewill marry her in time to come Across the pikefromthe Farley school forWhite children is the Farley school forBlackchildren. Its onlyplayground equipment is aswing on the tree and a seesawout in the open field. No busis therebecause blackkids walk to school. Theschoolhouse is white framed and has twogood-sized rooms.The children only
attendschool when thereare no crops to work.RosettaThornton--tall, thin, andlight-skinned is in her classroom, and the children knowshe tolerates no nonsense,which is probably whyone of herstudents says,“She’sasmeanasa snake!”
Nowwe’vepassed the blacksmith shop, and I’m turning west on the Farley-Triana Road. Iamonmyway to the Harris farm,but I’ll showyou around Pond Beat on the way. In amile or twowewillpass the road going south to whereLehman’s Ferrywas.There’s the road, on the left. PercyJoiner livesdownthatway.He and hisbrotherClaudiebought land that had been partofthe Timmons plantation after Claudie gotbackfromserving in the Army in WorldWar I. Theland theybought is asmall pieceofthe large plantationthatonce belonged to their grandfather, WilliamTimmons.Their grandmother, Luisa,was his slave.Their sister Lizzie Ward told me about their grandmother. Luisa had four childrenby John (Jack) Horton.They tookthe name of Joiner,aman she later married after she wasfreed.But she stilllived in the cabinwhere she’d always lived, there on the Timmons plantation. She continued to cook in the fireplace,makeash cakes and sweepher floorwithasagebroom Thehouse Percylives in wasonthe landwhenhebought it; he added to it. Claudie builthis ownhouse.Hehad an old steam engine sawmill, andhemilled hisown timbertobuild his house.Most men don’t owntheir ownland,sothey clearsomeone else’s land to have use of it for five years.Then,the land goes back to the owner. When men clearthe land, theyusuallygivethe logs (timber) away whichwas howClaudiegot the timber he milled to buildhis house Claudie rented land to use forgrowingcorn, downwherethe Army will one dayput arecreationarea. He hadacorral therewhere he couldleave his working stock. Whenthe menworkeddown there,Parthenia,his wife,tookthem hot food.One of the menwho worked forClaudie Joiner livedinthe house of his father Alex, andone livedina little house on Percy’s land. Claudiealways called hisbrother Buster,not Percy. Claudie continued to cutwoodand sell it. He sawedtimber into 12-inchcross tie stock, and then he carried it to Hobbs Island, wherethe Nashville,Chattanooga,&Saint Louis Railroad(NC&SLRR) hada place onthe river. Thenameof the railroad toldofits plan to eventually providerailservice to St. Louis, but theynever constructed abridgefor their route over the Mississippi River. Still the name wasnot changed. Thetimber wasput onabargeand pushedupriver to Guntersville. From thereitwent by rail to Gadsdenorother destinations, even including Mobile.The tradition of sending cargos from Huntsville to Guntersville and Gadsden to link up with rail routes to moredistant places goes back to the 1800’swhenpaddlewheel steamersdockedatthe Whitesburg or “Hobbs Islanddepot.”The twosteamshipsoperated by NC&SL RR or later the Mercury &Chase Railroad as their“navy”were the Huntsvillianand the Guntersvillian. MaryCobbMorris wasthe first station attendant at the HobbsIsland Depot. (She passedawaya fewyears agoinher home just west of the old Burgreen CottonGin on Brown’sFerry Road after I again talked withher John P. Rankin) Just like Claudie did, butdecades before him, men loaded wagons with their cargoes and traversed dirt roads to reach the depot. One thing hadn’t changed— the roads turnedtomud when it rained. Themen carried long woodenpoles to prythe axels out of themud.Atthe de-
pot, the Mercury andChase railroadhad boxcars40feet long to load up with the cargo. Theboats were 200 feet long, and twoorthree boxcarswereput on each side. Thetrip to Guntersville wasabout 20 miles and sometimes passengers were also taken alongfor riverexcursions. Well, sadtosay,ClaudieJoiner is dead now. He kept on milling treesand working hard,but he died of pneumonia. He is buried on down furtherto the south,past wherethe old Timmons slave quarters used to be,inthe Timmons Cemetery.Someofthe old folks call it TimmonsCemetery because that is whereTimmons slaveswereburied. After slavery,people wholived nearby continued to be buried there, so it went from beinga slave cemetery to acommunity cemetery.Claudie’sson,Walter Joiner,has drivenstakes in the ground andput awirefence around his father’s grave. Claudiewould have been proudof his son —heworks on the farm,and he’s going to high school.
Parthenia Joiner is married to Connie Horton now. He hadhis children,and she had her three,soheadded on to the house thatClaudie built. Thehouse originally hadthree rooms. Nowithas three bedrooms,a dining room,and akitchen. It has fireplaces, butmost of the heat comes from awoodstove (cook stove) thatheats the kitchen andthe dining room.It’s about four feet long andtwo feet wide,witheyesonits flat surface. Somepeopleare lucky to have a fireplace Parthenia is doingwell. She doesn’thave to getice from town or buyitahundred pounds at atimefromthe wagonthat comes around like most other people do,because she has akerosene-powered refrigerator.The Joiner-Horton family also has Delco lights
Alex Joiner, Claudieand Percy’s father,has many childrenand grandchildren in the area.Helives in atwo-room house,and he won’tcook, so Percyleaves ahorse at his place,and Alex gets on Percy’s horsetovisit allhis neighbors (his children). Sometimes,atdinnertime,old Alex stands between Parthenia’s house andPercy’s andhollers to ask whohas the best dinner,and when he chooses whosecookinghewants,the kids run over andtakea plateoffoodtohim Continuing west on the Farley-Triana Road, thereisthe bend wherethe road turns sharply south.This sharpbend will be takenout somedaywhenthe Army comes,changes the road name to Buxton, andpaves it. Here,atthe bend, up the hill to the right is Cedar Grove Church.Ithas the samenameasthe old church it replaced. Theoriginal Cedar Hill Church wasbuilt of logs andgot its name from beingbuilt on ahilltop thathad manycedar trees on it. Theold church wasnearthe community cemetery (whichthe Army will oneday name the Horton-JoinerCemetery). It was
called the Community Cemetery because people whowereburiedthere didn’t necessarily go to the church Frank Jacobs owns landbythe new church.Heand hiswife Addie alsoown additional parcels of land, some of it down by wherethe old church was. Addie Jacobs (Jacobs washer married name as well), hadher ownpropertywhenshe married Frank, so betweenthem, they do have quite abit of property. They have neverhad anychildren andare considered affluent. Forsharecroppers, havingchildren is critical to getting a place to work;the children areneededto help tendthe crops.However,being landowners,Frank andAddie have their own sharecroppers. Frank is known as being agoodman whohelps those whoare less fortunate. Continuing west on the Farley-Triana Road,moreJacobs landowners live alongthe way—Walter, Zera andDock, andBooker.Dockand Frank arebrotherswho married sisters,Addie andZeraJacobs.Booker is abrother to Addie andZera. Jacobs families live and ownpropertyalong the road.Frank and Addie have abig,two-story houseonthe propertyAddie owns propertysouth of the road,neighboring YancyHorton LikeClaudie Joiner,DockJacobs is a WorldWar Iveteran. Sometimes,Dock canbefound down in Frank’s blacksmith shop.Frank hasa racehorse and likes to do harnessracing. He takes his racehorse to the county fair.Zeraand Dock ownthe landonthe east side of Horton School. Zera wasborninabout 1895. Sheremembers when there wasno school, andthe communitypaidsomeonetoteach the children.Schoolonly lasted forabouta month, andwas usually held in achurch.Zeraalsoremembers backinthe late 1800’s andearly 1900’s when riderswould come from Talucah in Morgan County by ferryboatand deliverthe mail before ferrying backhome. NowMadison County hasmailriders whodeliver the mail outtopeople’s mailboxes. Pond Beat is on Route4.Zera once ownedthe piece of landonthe northside of the road (she inheriteditfromher father),right across the road from Horton School. Around 1933, shetraded it to her brother,Booker T. Jacobs,for hispiece on the east side of the school. NowBooker livesinthe house, across the road from the school. Thehouse hastwo roomsin the frontand oneroom, akitchen, attachedtothe back. A fireplace is between the twofront rooms. Most people don’t have alivingroom. They have chairs in the bedroom, andwhentheyget readyto eat, theytakesome of the cane-bottomed chairs to the kitchen. Some people make their owncanechairs.Theymaketheir ownmattressesaswell. Thehouse has a frontporch,but no backporch.Behind it is the smokehouse,which hasadirt floor,and achicken house. (Tobecontinued)
Railroadtransfer steamer “Guntersville”. This vessel and the“Huntsville” (below) plied between HobbsIsland andGuntersville for 22 miles
AutumnIsInThe Air!
Autumn,orfall, is one of four seasons we experienceinacalendar year.Leaves turn vividcolorsand fall from thetrees.The weather coolsoff,and many peoplebegintoenjoy sports,suchasfootball. Hayrides and pumpkins areeverywhereyou look,and hot cocoaisa popular drink. Theseare just afew things that come withthe autumn season. The firstday of fall is September 22, 2024,and coincides withtheAutumnal Equinox whenthe sunisdirectlyoverthe Equator in theNorthernHemisphere. Thefarther away we arefromthe sun, the cooler andshorterthe dayswill become.Many activities occuratthistimebecauseofthe nice weather Many childrendress up forHalloween on October 31. Oktoberfest is celebrated in many parts of theWorld, andThanksgivingiscelebrated in November in theUnitedStates. It is atimewhen many people preparetheir h er.Animals begintogather food in autumnand make preparations forthe wintermonths Bi hfor thewinter, andfarmersharvest theircrops
Always giving thanks to God, the Father foreverything,inthe name of our LordJesus Christ. Ephesians 5:20 NIV Bible Gateway Iwatched astory on the History channel recently featuring acivilian helicopter pilot whoviolently crashed yetwalked away and not once did Ihear him utter thathethanks God forsparing his life.Called it good luckorsomething Thereisasaying that thereare no atheists in foxholes,and Iimagine therehas been muchtruth to thatstatement. When
youknowyour life could endinaninstant in wartime youacknowledge your creator Whether it is being grateful foranother day of life, food on your table, good health, ajob,friends, even trials,don’t forget to saythanks to the Lord. Be surenot to getsobusyyou forget to saythank youto God whowatches over you daily.
PRAYER: Father,Igive thanks fornot being hungry. Forrunning water So muchtobegrateful for. Forgive me if Ieverblowit off. In Jesus’ name.Amen.
God’s Lemonade Standis written by former Madison resident Becky Miller.Her dailydevotions appearon Facebook or at
Most Merciful Jesus Catholic Parish 10509 SegersRoad
It’s the sweetest story-if you’re an animal lover.
My belovedrescued adog three weeks ago.
In MagoffinCounty,hesaw alady on the side of theroadtrying to wrangle adog.She held acan of dog food in one hand andlookedlikeshe needed help.Hepulled over,quickly calling out, “I’mPastorTommy Reed andamnot acrazy man!” He heldout abusiness card
Paige, the lady with the canof food,had been on her waytowork. She hadbeen seeing the dogfor four days.Today,she wastrying to feed her.Asmybelovedspoke to Paigeabout the situation, the dog bypassed the food,crawled on her bellytohim andlaidonhis feet. His heart melted alittle.After some discussion, he put the trembling dogin his truckand headedtoarecommendedvet.
Thedog wasa mess.Hair mattedand wild, they shavedher to get offthe ticks andbugs. She looked even worse after.Beneath the fur,she wasjust skin andbones. Scars showedshe hadbeen hit by acar.They bathed her,treated her wounds,gaveher vaccines,and antibiotics. We picked her up the next dayand namedher “Dixie.”She’s about eight months old.
It’sbeen an adjustment; we haven’t hada petin30years.Our routine hasbeen throwninto an uproar. But we love it. We love her.She goes
CHURCH OF CHRIST CentralValley 5700 Mooresville Rd
Church of Christ Hughes Road at GoochLane
TheChurch of Christ on theHighway 7594 Wall Triana Hwy
Church of Christ of Madison 556 Hughes Road
Church of Christ 595 NanceRoad
Church of Christ SwancottRoad
Wall Triana
Church of Christ 7535 Wall Triana
CHURCH OF GOD FirstChurch Of God 1547 Capshaw Road
St.Matthew’s Episcopal 786 Hughes Road
Bright Star Full Gospel 5167 Wall Triana Hwy
to sleeponthe couch(is sleepingby me as Itype) andexhales loudly. It’s the sigh of contentment. Then she quicklybegins to snore.I am asilly goose.I takevideosofher snoozing because of allthe noiseshe makes. They arethe sounds of happiness andsafety.She hasahomenow.No longer trying to survive on the side of the road,she is in agoodplace She knows she is OK,and loved. Dixieadores my beloved. She lovesme, of course,but is over the moon about him. Youknowwhy? He rescued her.So, she he follows him everywhere. Shewants to walk with him, sit with him, just be with him Iwas rescued, too!InAugustof 1971. Psalm 18 describesitperfectly:“Thecords of the gravecoiled around me; thesnares of deathconfronted me.InmydistressI called to the LORD; Icried to my God for help…He reached down from on high andtookholdofme…He res-
cued me…He brought me outinto aspacious place; he rescuedmebecausehedelighted in me.” While those wordssoundsimilartowhat happenedtoDixie,ithappens to anyone whoaccepts Christastheir Savior. God rescuesusfromsin and givesusa newlife.Wecan rest in His never-ending love.I cangivea contented sigh, too,whenI read Isaiah 46:4: “Eventoyourold ageand gray hairs Iamhe, Iamhewho will sustain you. Ihavemadeyou and Iwill carryyou;Iwill sustain you andI will rescue you.”
Dixie’s wholelife haschanged Shedesperatelyneededhelp.If shehad stayed whereshe was, she wouldhavedied. My husband has driven on thatroadseveral timesa week formonths.Thatday.That very day, Dixie neededtoberescued. We arethankfulGod brought herintoour lives. He is usingher to teach me so many lessons about Him andHis love
Temple B’naiSholom 103 LincolnSt. S.E.
FaithLutheran 660 Gillespie Rd
LambOfGod Lutheran 11716 CountyLine
Messiah Lutheran 7740 Highway 72 W
Asbury Church 980 Hughes Road
Asbury -Harvest 8089 Wall Triana Hwy
FellowshipUnited Methodist Church 29768Huntsville
Brownsferry Rd
Good Shepherd United Methodist 1418 OldRailroad Bed
GraceUnited Methodist Church 2113 OldMonrovia Rd
Grady-MadisonAME 129 GoochLane
HarvestPointe Methodist Church 103 GinOaksCourt
MadisonMethodist Church 127 Church Street
Parker Chapel Methodist Church 28670 Powell Road
Springhill United Methodist Church 1605 Zierdt Rd
St.Paul United Methodist Church 620 6thStreet
St.Peter UMC 107 StewartSt.
Ford’s Chapel United Methodist Church 280 Ford Chapel Drive
Christ Of Latter-Day Saints 1297 Slaughter Road
NAZARENE MadisonFirst Church 8234 MadisonPike
NONDENOMINATIONAL Center Of Hope Church 5167 Wall Triana Hwy
FieldingTowing and Recovery 2322 ClintonAveW Huntsville,Al 35805 256-534-5883 October02, 2024 At 8:00 am
2010 GRAYNISSAN XTERRA S 5N1AN0NW7AC507590 09/18/24, 09/25/24 ADID 614514
Thefollowing vehicles will be auctioned on October29, 2024, at 12:00 noon at MDMWreckerService,Inc DBA: MayhallWrecker5000 Meridian Street N, Huntsville,AL 35810 256-536-5055
2017 KIARIO VIN# KNADM4A36H6117772
2004 NISSAN XTERRA VIN# 5N1ED28T54C670549
09/18/24, 09/25/24 ADID 614508
Thefollowing vehicles will be auctioned on October29, 2024, at 12:00 noon at MDMWreckerService,Inc
DBA: MayhallWrecker5000 Meridian Street N, Huntsville,AL 35810 256-536-5055
Thefollowing vehicles will be Auctioned on October02, 2024, 12:00 Noon at 2327 N. Memorial Parkway Huntsville,AL35801. ROADSIDETOWING 256-533-0809 04 FORD F150 2FTRX17W14CA43263 06ACURATL 19UUA66286A028563 2000 CHRYSLER 300 2C3HE66G1YH249267 06TOYOTACAMRY 4T1BE32K96U691598 07 LINCOLN MKZ 3LNHM26TX7R664123 05 PTCRUISER 3C4FY48BX5T504467 12 CADILLACESCALADE 1GYS4BEF7CR154964 06ACURARL JH4KB16526C008179 21 KIASORENTO 5XYRLDLC2MG039099 19 JEEPCHEROKEE 1C4PJLLB7KD439119 14 CHEVYSPARK KL8CB6S99EC412213 12 NISSANALTIMA 1N4AL2AP9CC105681 12 CHEVYMALIBU 1G1ZD5E05CF103829 09 FORDTAURUS 1FAHP24W99G101105 13 CHRYSLER 200 1C3CCBBBXDN635688 17 NISSANALTIMA 1N4AL3AP4HC232786 01 CHEVYSUBURBAN 3GNEC16T41G220119 07 LEXUSES350 JTHBJ46G172084442 02 HONDACRV 3CZRE38338G705269 C C 96 BUICKCENTURY 1G4AG55MXT6455072
2016 Honda CR-V(White)
2018 HondaAccord(Silver) 1HGCV1F93JA213323
2021 NissanRogue (Gray) 5N1AT3CAXMC808518
2018 Hyundai Sonata(Black) 5NPE34AF1JH632162
09/11/24, 09/18/24 ADID 613219
Thefollowing unclaimed vehicle will be sold on October25, 2024 -Time- 8am if not claimed- 2110 Virginia Blvd NW,Huntsville,AL35811.
2004 GMCENVOY 1GKES12S146164448
09/18/24, 09/25/24 ADID 613879
Thefollowingunclaimed vehicle will be sold on October25, 2024 -Time- 8am,ifnot claimed- 272Acuff Rd,Gurley AL35748.
2008 FORDFUSION 3FAHP08158R235099
09/18/24, 09/25/24 ADID 614110
Thefollowing unclaimed vehicle will be sold on October25, 2024 -Time- 8am, if not claimed- 6533 University Drive NW,Huntsville,AL35806. 2011JEEPGRANDCHEROKEE 1J4RS6GT5BC570043
09/18/24, 09/25/24 ADID 614120
Thefollowing vehiclewill be auctioned on October23, 2024 @9am atThorntonsTowing 7233 WallTriana Hwy.Madison, AL
2023 Mercedes Benz VinW1K5J4GB7PN403199
09/18/24, 09/25/24 ADID 614527
Thefollowing vehiclewill be sold on October18, 2024Time -8am if not claimed6533 University DR NW Huntsville,AL35806.
09/11/24, 09/18/24 ADID 612944
Advertisementfor Bid NewCommunity Center at SharonJohnson Park MadisonCounty
MadisonCounty,Alabamais seekingsealed bids fora New Community Center locatedat Sharon JohnstonPark, 783 ColemanRoad, in NewMarket, Alabama, 35761.
Construction of anew community recreationcenter with two separatebasketballcourts walkingtrack, and community roomsaround an existing pool Work will also include site improvements, relocatingmainentrance, and new entry road.
PrequalifiedBidder instructions areincluded in thebid package. Bidpackages maybeobtained from theMadisonCountyWebsite at delivered to MadisonCounty Courthouse, 100 Northside Square, 7thFloor,Huntsville,AL 35801,Attn:JenniferGordon, byThursday,September 12, 2024, 4:00 P.MCDT Amandatorypre-bid conference will be heldat10:00A.M. CDT Thursday,September 18, 2024, at theMadisonCountyDistrict1 office,located at 9457 Moores Mill Road, NewMarket,AL 35761.
Thebidswill be opened and read aloud on theseventhfloor of theMadisonCountyCourthouselocated at 100 Northside Square, Huntsville,Alabama 35801 at 2:00 P.M. CDTon Tuesday,October 1, 2024.
PerformanceBonds,Payment Bonds and evidenceofinsurancewill be requiredprior to executionofthe contract. Mr JacobWoods with Framework Architecture PC is theprimary point of contact,,(256) 355-5212. 09/04/24, 09/11/24, 09/18/24 ADID 610803 Advertisementfor Bids HazelGreenWellImprovements MadisonCounty,AL MadisonCounty,Alabamais seekingbidstoinstall power service,power distribution equipment,motor controlcenters,pumpstarters, and related electrical system componentsat HazelGreen Well, in Hazel Green,Alabama. Minor modifications to thesiteincluding concrete slab demolition, canopy construction, and site fencing will be included as partofthe project.TheContractorshall provideall labor,equipment and materialsneeded to complete theWorkaccording to thespecifications and conditions listedin thebid package.Thebid package canbeobtained from the MadisonCountywebsiteat Contractor is responsible for checking theMadisonCounty websitefor postedaddenda. Thedeadlinefor Contractor questions is September 27th, 2024, at 3:00 PM;therewill a pre-bidmeetingonSeptember 24that1:00PMatthe project site:730 Ready SectionRoad, HazelGreen,AL.The bids will be opened on the Seventh floor of theMadison County Courthouse, 100 Northside Square,Huntsville,AL35801 at 11:00AMonOctober4th,
2024. Mr.VinceMoody will be thepoint of contactat(256) 746-2888.ABid Bond is requiredtobesubmittedwiththe bid. PerformanceBond, Payment Bond and evidenceofinsurancewill be required priorto execution of thecontract.The period of performanceis120 calendar days(notincluding delays formaterial delivery)
09/11/24, 09/18/24, 09/25/24 ADID 613295
Advertisementfor Bids Highway 231/431 –Water Main Improvements Phase 1 MadisonCounty,AL MadisonCounty,Alabamais seeking bids to installapproximately 7,800 linear feet of 12inch watermainand appurtenances along Highway 231/431 in HazelGreen.The Contractor shallinstall thenew pipe and appurtenances,install new service lines,pressure test and disinfectall new piping, transferservice to thenew main, abandon in-placethe existing mains, perform alldrivewayand road repairs, perform final landscaping and restore theentiresitetopreconstruction condition.TheContractor shall provide alllabor,equipment and materialsneeded to complete theWorkaccording to thespecifications and conditions listedin thebid package.Thebid package canbeobtained from the MadisonCountywebsiteat
Therewill be apre-bid meeting at 1:00 PM on September 17th, at 246 Shields Rd,Huntsville AL.The deadline forContractor questions is September 27that 3:00 PM;Contractor is responsiblefor checking theMadison Countywebsitefor postedaddenda.Thebids will be opened on the seventh floor of the MadisonCountyCourthouse, 100 NorthsideSquare, Huntsville,AL35801 at 1:00 PM on October3,2024. Mr VinceMoody will be thepoint of contactat(256) 746-2888.ABid Bond is requiredtobesubmittedwiththe bid. Performance Bond, Payment Bond and evidenceofinsurancewill be requiredprior to executionofthe contract.The period of performanceis150 calendar days(not including delaysfor material delivery)
09/11/24, 09/18/24, 09/25/24 ADID 613577
Need ajob change?
Checkour TNValleyStuff Employment ads today
Advertisementfor Bids Loveless Rd –Water Main Improvements MadisonCounty,AL MadisonCounty,Alabamais seeking bids to installapproximately 3,600 linear feet of 8inch ductile iron watermainand appurtenances along Loveless Rd in HazelGreen.TheContractorshallinstall thenew pipe and appurtenances,install new servicelines,pressure test and disinfectall new piping, transfer servicetothe new main, abandon in-placethe existing mains, perform alldrivewayand road repairs,perform final landscapingand restorethe entiresiteto preconstruction condition.The Contractor shallprovide all labor,equipment and materials needed to completethe Work according to thespecifications and conditions listedinthe bid package.Thebid package can be obtained from theMadison
Thedeadline forContractor questions is September 26, 2024, at 3:00 PM;therewill not be apre-bid meeting. Contractorisresponsible forchecking theMadisonCountywebsitefor postedaddenda.Thebids will be opened on the seventh floor of theMadison CountyCourthouse, 100 NorthsideSquare, Huntsville,AL35801 at 2:00 PM on October2,2024.
Mr.Phillip McDoniel will be the point of contactat(256) 7462888.
ABid Bond is required to be submittedwiththe bid. PerformanceBond, Payment Bond and evidenceofinsurancewill be requiredprior to executionofthe contract.The period of performance is 150 calendar days(not including delaysfor material delivery) 09/11/24, 09/18/24, 09/25/24 ADID 612737
Get results fast with the TNValleyStuff Classifieds.
Sealed bids,subjecttothe con-
ditions contained herein, will be received by ST.ELMO-IRVINGTONWATERAUTHORITY until
9:00 a.m. local time on October29, 2024 at Speaks &Associates Consulting Engineers, 732 OakCircle DriveWest,Mobile,AL36609 and then publicly opened and read forfurnishing alllabor and materialsand performing all work forconstruction of thefollowing described project:
Consisting of sitework, (4)textile mediafilters, (1)controls 5,525 linear feet 4” HDPEforce main, 50 householdsewer connections and allother necessary improvementsand appurtenances as detailed in theproject plans
TheInformation forBidders, Form of Bid, Form of Contract, Plans,Specifications,and Form of BidBond, Performanceand Payment Bond, and other ContractDocumentsmay be examined at thefollowing:
Copies of theContract Documents(Plans,Specifications and Proposal Documents) may be obtained at theofficeof Speaks&Associates,Consulting Engineers, Inc.,732 Oak Circle DriveWest, Mobile,Alabama36609 upon completion of aRequestfor BidDocuments form and payment of a non-refundabledeposit of $150.00 foreachset.Bidder is responsiblefor shipping costs. TheRequestfor BidDocumentsform maybeobtained by emailing and placing theproject nameinthe subjectline.
TheOwner reservesthe right to waiveany informalities, or to rejectany or allbids,and to award thecontract to thelowestresponsible, responsivebidder Allbiddersmustcomplywiththe requirementsofthe Contractor’s Licensing Law of theState ofAlabamaand be certified forthe type of work on whichthe proposal is submitted. Each bidder must deposit with hisbid, security in theamount,form, and subjecttothe conditions provided in theInformation forBidders.
St.Elmo-Irvington WaterAuthorityisa drug-free workplace. All contractorsthat bidorworkon St.Elmo-Irvington WaterAuthorityprojects must agree to adheretoSt. Elmo-Irvington Water Authority’sdrug-free workplace policyregardlessofnumber of employees.Thisapplies to contractors and alllevelsofsubcontractors.Copies of this policy areavailable upon request.
No Bidder maywithdraw their bidwithinninety(90)daysafter thedateofthe opening thereof
Allcontractorspreparing bids forthe referenced projectshall submit alistofsimilar projects “successfully completed” in the last2 years, having similar scopes of work with atotal construction cost greater than or equal to this project. Priorto startingwork, noticeshall be given in writingtothe Owner statingthatthe Contractor will have acertified, licensed “Advanced Installer-Level II” onsiteduringthe installation of thewastewater treatment equipment. Thecontractor shallalsohaveall underground utilities fieldlocated priortobeginning work and shallberesponsible forany damage to the existing utilities during thework. Allbids must be submittedina sealed envelope bearing on the outside thenameofthe Bidder Bidder’s LicenseNumber,addressand nameofthe project. Envelopes containing bids must be addressedasfollows, and delivered to Speaks &Associates Consulting Engineers Inc.,732 OakCircleDrive West,Mobile,AL36609:
Owner:ST. ELMO-IRVINGTON WATERAUTHORITY William Sellers, Chairman 09/18/24 ADID 614521
Sealed proposalswill be received by MadisonCounty Commission, until 2:00 pm on October 10, 2024 forthe construction of the 1.5Million GallonMeridianville ElevatedTank at whichtimeand placethey will be publicly opened and read. Asummary of theworkitems is included below:
1. Construction of 1.5million gallon compositeelevated tank 2. 500 ±LFof18-inchductile iron watermainand miscellaneous appurtenances
Theworkofconstructing the projectwill be let under one Contract if an awardshouldbe made; and theOwner reserves theright to selectthe Bidconsidered by theOwner to be in thebestinterestofthe Owner Acashier’s checkorbid bond payable to MadisonCounty Commission, in an amount not lessthan five (5)percent of the amount of thebid, but in no event more than $10,000, must accompany thebidder’s proposal.Performanceand Payment Bonds and evidenceof
insurancerequired in thebid documentswill be required at thesigning of theContract Drawings and specifications maybeexamined at theoffice of theEngineer,Dodge Data & Analytics, Isqftand CMDGroup. Completesetsofelectronic Bidding Documentsare available fordownload through Quest Construction Data Network.The bidding documentsare available at osting/?group=8009230&provid er=8009230&projType=all and/or www.questcdn.comutilizing theReference QuestNumber 9317143.To be considered aplan holder,Bidderswill be requiredtoregisterwith QuestCDN.comfor afreeregular membership and download thebidding documentsfor a$22 fee. Hard copies of theBidding Documentsare theresponsibilityofthe Bidders. Contact QuestCDN at (952)-233-1632 or support@questcdn.comfor assistancewithnavigating the websiteand digital projectinformation. Forthe duration of theadvertisement period, a listofplan holdersmay be found at
Forthe duration of theadvertisement period, alistofplan holdersmay be found at www.krebseng.comorat
Bids must be submittedonproposal formsfurnished by the Engineer.All biddersbidding in amountsexceeding that established by thestate licensing boardfor general contractors must be licensed under theappropriate/applicable provisions of statelaw,and must show evidenceoflicensebeforebidding or bid will not be received or considered by theEngineer;the bidder shall show such evidencebyclearly displaying his or her current licensenumber on theoutside of thesealed envelope in whichthe proposal is delivered. TheOwner reserves theright to rejectany or all proposals and to waivetechnical errors if,inthe Owner’s judgment,the bestinterestofthe Owner will thereby be promoted.
OWNER Madison CountyCommission 100 Northside Square Hunstville,AL 35801
ENGINEER Krebs Engineering, Inc. 2100 RiverHaven DriveSuite 100 Birmingham,AL35244 205.987.7411
09/18/24, 09/25/24, 10/02/24 ADID 614140
Sealed proposals will be received byThe1830 Foundation in theUniversity of NorthAlabamaFacilities Department Training Room on theEast Campus of theUniversity of NorthAlabama, 1660TuneAvenue, FlorenceAlabama, until 2:00 p.m.,C.S.T Tuesday,November 12, 2024, forBank Independent Stadium –New Football Stadium forthe University of NorthAlabama, Florence, Alabama, in accordancewith Drawings and Specifications prepared by DavisArchitects and then at UNAFacilities Building, 1660TuneAve. Florence, AL35630 publicly opened and read aloud.
This projectwill include:
Theprojectwill consistofthe new football and soccerstadium with associated playing surface and seating bowlwithdiversified seating opportunities and new hometeam tunnel connection to FlowersHall to utilizeadjacency of existing facility. It will alsoinclude anew weight room to accommodateall University of NorthAlabamaathletics.The proposed stadium will include all gameday functions including fanamenities such as tailgate areas, entry plaza, concessions, restroomstopremium loge boxes,clubs,suites,and new pressfunctions
General Contractorsare requiredtopre-qualifyprior to requesting bid documents. Prequalification responses will be due at 5:00 pm local time on September 26, 2024. Biddocumentswill be issued to pre-qualified biddersonOctober 15, 2024.
Pleasedirectquestions and requestfor Prequalification Packetsto: HPM IvyMitchell Director of Program Development Copy: m
APre-Bidconferencewill be held on October 17, 2024, at 2:00 pm local time at UNAFacilities DepartmentTraining Room on theEastCampus of UNA 1660TuneAvenue, Florence, AL35630 to receivequestions from General Contractorsand Subcontractors. Attendanceis mandatoryfor all bidding General Contractors. Anyrequired answers or responses will be issued byAddendum
Acertified checkorbid bond payabletoThe 1830 Foundation in an amount not lessthan five (5)percent of theamount of theBid, but in no event more than $10,000, must accompany thebidder’s proposal. Performanceand Payment Bonds and evidenceofinsurancerequired in thebid documentswill be requiredatthe signing of theContract.
Electronic images of thedocumentsmay be viewed on-line and printed by General Contractors, Subcontractors, and Suppliersbyobtaining documents through
General ContractorBiddersmay obtain adigital copy of theDrawings and Specifications from DavisArchitects CJ copy sets canbeobtain at the office of DavisArchitects upon deposit of $600.00 per set payable to theArchitect, which will be refunded in full on the first setissued to eachGeneral Contract Bidder submitting a qualified bid, upon return of documentsingood condition within tendaysofbid date. Other sets forGeneral Contractors, and sets forSubcontractorsand Suppliers, maybeobtained with thesamedeposit,whichwill be refunded as above, lesscostof printing, reproduction, handling, and distribution. ContactCJ Brennan at to request copies of drawings and specifications
Bids must be submittedonproposal formsfurnished by theArchitectorcopies thereof.All biddersbidding in amountsexceeding that established by the StateLicensing Boardfor General Contractorsmustbelicensed under theprovisions of Title34, Chapter 8, Code ofAlabama, 1975, and must show evidenceoflicensebeforebidding or bid will not be received or considered by theArchitect; the bidder shall show such evidencebyclearly displaying his or her current licensenumber on theoutside of thesealed envelope in whichthe proposal is delivered.TheOwner reserves theright to rejectany or all proposals and to waivetechnical errors if,inthe Owner’s judgment,the bestinterests of the Owner will thereby be promoted.
The1830 Foundation is an EEO/AAemployer,and any successful bidder will be required to comply with applicable federal and statelawsand executiveorders.The1830 Foundation reservesthe right to cancel the procurement at any time forany reason.
09/04/24, 09/11/24, 09/18/24 ADID 611841
Separatesealed bids forthe construction of theWall-Triana Highway and McKeeRoad WaterMain Relocation will be received by theHarvest-MonroviaWater,Sewer and Fire ProtectionAuthorityatthe office of Harvest-Monrovia WaterAuthority, 9131 WallTriana Highway, Harvest,Alabamauntil 1:00 P.M.,October 15, 2024, at whichtimeand place, said bids will be publicly opened and read aloud.
Plans,Specifications,and ContractDocumentsare open to public inspection at the Harvest-Monrovia Water, Sewer and Fire ProtectionAuthorityoffice located at 9131 Wall-Triana Highway,Harvest, Alabama. Deposit forthe Plans Specifications,and Contract Documentswill be fifty dollars ($50)
Theattention of all Biddersis called to theprovisions of State Law governing “General Contractors” as setforth in Chapter 4ofTitle 46 of the1940 Code ofAlabama( Sections 65 to 82, bothinclusive),as amended byAct No.571 approved November 19,1959 (and Bidderswill be governed by said law insofar as it is applicable) Theabovementioned provisions of theCode (Sections 65 to 82 ofTitle46ofthe 1940 Code ofAlabama),asamended byAct No.571 approved November 19, 1959 (provides that no one is entitled to bid and no contract maybeawarded to anyone whodoes not possess a valid General Contractor’s PermitorLicenseasprovided by theforegoing sections of the Code.
Biddersmustcertify prior to work under Executive Order 11,246 (Equal Employment Opportunity) as amended. Contractor /Subcontractor will comply with 41 CFR60-4, in regardtoaffirmative action, to ensureequal opportunityto females and minorities and will apply thetimetables and goals setforth in 41 CFR60-4, if applicable to theareaofthe project.
APerformanceBond and a Labor and Material Bond such as described in the1940 Code ofAlabama,Title50, Section 16, will be required of thesuccessfulbidder.The PerformanceBond must be in thePenal amount of 100 percent of theContract Price,and theLabor and Material Bond in thePenal amount of 100 percent of theContract Price Same must be executed by a surety company acceptable to theHarvest-Monrovia Water, Sewerand Fire ProtectionAuthority, and authorized to do businessinthe Stateof Alabama. AnyBidder,upon returning the CONTRACTDOCUMENTS within ten(10) working daysand in good condition, will be refunded thepayment,and any non-bidder upon so returning theCONTRACTDOCUMENTS mayberefunded half of thedeposit Bids must be accompanied by a certified checkofBidders’Bond in an amount not lessthan five (5%) percent of thebid, but not more than $10,000.00. No bid maybewithdrawnafter thescheduled closing time for receipt of bids fora period of ninety(90) days. TheOwner reservesthe right to rejectany and all bids,and to waivein-formalities Harvest-Monrovia Water, Sewer and Fire ProtectionAuthority Asummary of theworkisincluded below: Installation of five gatevalves on existing watermains,ap-
September18, 2024
tion Construction
Spragins Street NW Huntsville, Alabama35801
Pre-bidmeeting/site visit: 9:00
a.m. CDTon September 24
2024 BidOpeningLocation:112
Spragins Street NW Huntsville, Alabama35801
Bidopening meeting:10:00
a.m. CDTon October 4, 2024
ProjectFunded by:Huntsville
ProjectDuration: 120 Days
Scope of Work:This is forcompleteconstruction of a161-12 kV substation with secondaryoil containment pit.Theconstruction includes foundations,steel erection, equipment placement and wiring.
Therighttorejectany andall bids is reserved. ContractAdministrator: John Lones
09/18/24 ADID 614136
WHEREAS, theCityCouncil has previously adopted theCity of MadisonPersonnel Policies andProcedures,and it last amended Section12, “Compensation and Benefits,”inNovemberof2022; and WHEREAS, theCityengaged Evergreen Solutions,LLC (“Evergreen”)toconducta comprehensivecompensationand classification study,and Evergreen has recommended changes to theCity’scompensation policiesinorder to align theCitywiththe current employment market and to promote public servicerecruitment and retention;and
WHEREAS, Evergreen has recommended thefollowingpolicy changes (the “Evergreen Policy Recommendations”) to theCity Council in order to providefor market-competitivecompensation and to reducepay compression within theCityservice:
•Modify pay rangesfroman average of slightly over 100 percent to 65 percent to better align with thejob market.
•Provide forprogression between eachpay grade from 10 percent to 7percent to allow formoreprecise placement of classifications within thepay plan to alignwiththe job market.
•Change thenumber of totalsteps in thepay plan from 25 to 21 to progressemployees to themaximum of theirranges faster
•Provide forstepprogression at an annual rate of 2.5 percent to accommodatethe modification of pay ranges.
•Implement amethodology to placeemployees into their new,marketcompetitivepay ranges and to reducewage compression based on yearsof serviceintheir current rolesand priorCityroles •Provide that employees will receivestepincreases each year,aslong as theirperformanceissatisfactory.
•Provide forannualcostof livingadjustmentstothe City payscalesbased on ratesofinflation in agiven year WHEREAS, theCityCouncil desirestoadopt theEvergreen PolicyRecommendations; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBYORDAINED by the City Council of Madison,Alabama, as follows:
SECTION 1. That theCity Council adoptsthe Evergreen PolicyRecommendationsby amending Section12.1ofthe City of MadisonPersonnel Policies and Procedures,asprovided inAttachmentAtothis Ordinance.
SECTION 2. That theCity hereby adoptsrevised pay scales and ranges that will provide formarket-competitive ratesand career progression as articulated in theEvergreen PolicyRecommendationsfor all City employees
SECTION 3. That thenew pay scales and amended policies describedinSections 1-2ofthis Ordinanceshalltakeeffectwith thecommencement of thefirst full pay periodofthe new Fiscal Year,which begins on October 14, 2024.
SECTION 4. That followingthe adoption of thebudget forFiscal Year 2025, theHuman ResourcesDepartment is authorized to updateemployees salaries forthe new fiscalyear according to theclassifications, pay ranges,and amountsthat Evergreen has recommended foreachemployee’sposition.
SECTION 6. That theCity Council hereby authorizes an appeal processfor employees and City management to addressany perceived or actual inaccuraciesincompensation study resultsinaccordancewith theprocedures outlined inAttachment BtothisOrdinance.
SECTION 7. That theHuman ResourcesDepartment and Mayorare authorized to manage theappealsprocess described in Section6above.
SECTION8 That thepay increases authorized pursuant to this Ordinancefor eachCityemployee forFiscalYear 2025 shallbethe salaries in effect for employees forthe entirefiscal year,unlessapproved otherwise.Anniversary datestepincreases as described in Section 12,asamended, shallresume in FiscalYear 2026.
SECTION9 That if any clause, phrase, sentence, paragraph, or provisionofthe herebyamended Section12shallbeinvalidated by acourtof competent jurisdiction, it is the intent of theCityCouncil that such invalidationshallnot affect thevalidityofany other clause, phrase, sentence, paragraph, or provisionthereof
SECTION 10.That contingent on theadoptionofthe new budget forFiscalYear 2025, this Ordinanceshallbecomeeffective on October 1, 2024.
READ, PASSED,and ADOPTED this _day of September,2024.
RanaeBartlett, Council President City of Madison,Alabama ATTEST:
Lisa D. Thomas, City ClerkTreasurer City of Madison,Alabama APPROVED this _day of September,2024.
Paul Finley,Mayor City of Madison,Alabama 09/18/24 ADID 614496
WHEREAS,the City of Madison has recognizedthat Unattended Receptaclesasdefined below has allowedfor junk,trash,discarded itemsand other unwanted debris to accumulate within theCity.This junk is commonlystrewnabout haphazardly, left outsidefor daysinthe weather,can get blownor strewnabout thecommunity and essentially becomes litter until City employees or concerned citizens pick up and dispose of said junk;and
WHEREAS numerous citizens havecomplained about the commonoccurrenceofthese unwanted depositingofdiscarded itemsinpublic spaces and thevisual blight that occurs with havingUnattended Receptacles allowedwithinthe City; and
WHEREAS theaccumulation of thesediscarded itemsinornear theseUnattended Receptacles is avisual blight throughout the City;and
WHEREAS theCityCouncil desires to adopt this Ordinance, forthe purposes of reducing blight,reducinglitter, and to prevent theuse of privateproperty forpurposes neither intended nor welcomes by theowner; WHEREAS theCityisauthorized by §11-45-1ofthe Code of Alabamaofthe City of Madison is hereby established and adopted intoArticleIVofthe City Code, whichisentitledNuisanceControland Property Maintenance, as follows:
BE IT ORDAINED by theCity Council of theCityofMadison, Alabama, that theMadisonCity Code is hereby amended as follows:
Section1 Chapter 24,ArticleI, Section11isadded to theMadisonCityCode and shallbeentitled “Unattended Receptacles. Thelanguage of Chapter 24,ArticleI,Section 11 shallbeasfollows:
“(a)Generally.Itshallbeunlawful forany persontocause or allowtobeplaced, left or kept upon any lotorparcelof landwithinthe corporatelimits of thecityany remote and unattended receptacle,bin,box container,portablebuildingor structure forthe purposeofcollecting, holding or storingdiscarded clothing, furniture, householdhardware, appliances,householditems or any tangibleitems
(b)Exceptions.Excepted from therequirementsofthis section are:
(1)Any accessory structure, portablebuilding or other secondarystructure whichislocatedonthe same property on whichaprimary structureislocatedand whichisincidental to theoccupation anduse of any residential or commercial structure provided thestructure is maintained and located in accordancewiththe ordinances and regulations of thecity.
(2)Any dumpster, trashreceptacle or other container for thecollection and storage of trash, garbage or debris provided thedumpster, trashreceptacleorcontainer is maintained and located in accordancewith thelawsofthe city
(3)Any receptacle, box,bin, container,portablebuilding or structurethat is located on the premises wherethe daily businessoperations of acharitable organization areconductedprovided such receptacle, box,container,portablebuilding or structureismaintained in accordancewiththe zoning ordinance and other ordinances of thecity.
(c)Enforcement.The Director of Building forthe City or his/her authorized representativeshall be responsible forand possess authoritytoenforce theprovisions of this section. If any personshallfailorrefusetocomply with therequirementsofthis section, theDirectorofBuilding or any code enforcement officer maycausetobeservedupon such person, in personorby first classmail, awrittenofficial noticeapprising thepersonof theviolation of this section and requiring such persontocomply with this section within atime stated in thenotice, whichshall be aperiod of not lessthan 15 calendar days. If apersonfails to comply with thenoticewhich has been served upon himin accordancewiththissection the Director of Building or any code enforcement officerworking under his/her supervision may appear beforethe municipal courtmagistrateand make oath as to thefacts constituting aviolation of this section and apply fora summons or warrant with respecttoany alleged offense. Anypersonfound guiltyofa violation of this section shallbe subjecttothe same penalties as provide forviolations of city ordinances in section 1-10.
(d)Removal.Inadditiontoor in lieu of theenforcement procedures outlined in this section, theDirectorofBuilding or his/her authorized representative maycausethe receptacle, bin, box,container,portable building or structureand itscontentswhich areinviolation of this section to be removedfrom itslocation and impounded at a depositorydesignated by theDirector of Building forsuchpurpose.Thereceptacle, bin, box, container,portable building or structureand itscontentsshall be heldatthe depositoryfor a period of 30 days, during which time it mayberetrieved by the owner provided theowner reimbursesthe city forthe reasonablecosts of transportation to and storage in thedepository. After30days, thereceptacle, bin, box,container,portable building or structureand itscontentsifany shallbedisposed of in themostsuitablemanner as determined by theDirectorof Building.
Section2 If any provision of this ordinance, or theapplication thereof to any person, thing or circumstances,isheldinvalid by acourtofcompetent jurisdiction, such invalidityshallnot affect theprovisions or application of this ordinancethat canbe giveneffectwithout theinvalid provisions or application, and to this end, theprovisions of this code and such amendments and statutes aredeclared to be severable.
Section3 No other provisions of theCityCode areamended by this Ordinance, unless specifically stated and referencedherein.
Section4 This ordinanceshall becomeeffective immediately upon itsadoption and proper publication as requiredbylaw
ADOPTED this 9thday of September 2024.
RanaeBartlett, Council President City of Madison,Alabama
Lisa D. Thomas, City ClerkTreasurer City of Madison,Alabama
APPROVED this day of September 2024.
Paul Finley,Mayor City of Madison,Alabama
09/18/24 ADID 613938 •••RECYCLE ••• ORDINANCE
WHEREAS, theState ofAlabamahas enactedtwo new statutes to theCode ofAlabama whichhas thereby replaced Code ofAlabama§32-5A-350 –Handheldtexting with Code of Alabama§32-5A-350.1-Operation of vehicleindistractedmanner under criminal offenses,and WHEREAS, prior to theadoption of this Ordinance, the Mayorand City Council have heardfroma number of citizens complaining about thesematters; and WHEREAS, theCityCouncil desires to adopt an ordinance that incorporates this new offenseset forthinthe Code ofAlabama; and WHEREAS, theCityisauthorized by §11-45-1ofthe Code of Alabama, among other laws, to adopt ordinances to provide for thepublic health,prosperity, order,comfort,and convenience of theinhabitantsofthe City; THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINEDBYTHE CITYCOUNCILOFTHE CITYOF MADISON,ALABAMA, as follows:
Section1 In addition to other remedies,authorized enforcement officers of theCity mayissueaTrafficoffensecitation forviolations of this ordinancefor Distracted Driving. TheCityhereby repealsthe ScheduleofFines of theMadisonCityCode,AppendixB(a)(1) Trafficoffenses,for “Using a WirelessCommunication Device while driving” and replaces said violation with aviolation for Distracted Driving as setforth by Code ofAlabama§32-5A350.1.TheCityherebyAmends theScheduleofFines of the MadisonCityCode,Appendix B(a)(1)Traffic Offenses,toassess afine of $50 fora first offenseofDistractedDriving, $100 fora second offenseand $150 fora thirdoffense.There arenocourtcosts assessed with said offense.TheCity hereby adoptsand incorporates by referencethe definition of said offenseasset forthinthe Code ofAlabama§32-5A-350.1.
Section2 If any provision of this ordinance, or theapplication thereof to any person, thing or circumstances,isheldinvalid by acourtofcompetent jurisdiction, such invalidityshallnot affect theprovisions or application of this ordinancethat canbe giveneffectwithout theinvalid provisions or application, and to this end, theprovisions of this code and such amendments and statutes aredeclared to be severable.
Section3 No other provisions of theCityCode are amended by this Ordinance, unlessspecifically stated and referenced herein.
Section4 That this ordinanceshallbecomeeffective immediatelyupon itsadoption and proper publication as requiredbylaw
ADOPTED this 9thday of September 2024.
Ranae Bartlett, Council President City of Madison,Alabama
Lisa D.Thomas,CityClerkTreasurer City of Madison,Alabama
APPROVED this day of September 2024.
Paul Finley,Mayor City of Madison,Alabama 09/18/24
ADID 613939
Defaulthaving been made in thepayment of theindebtednesssecured by that certain mortgage executed byTiffany JoyBougher,single woman, to Mortgage ElectronicRegistration Systems, Inc.,asMortgagee, as nominee for FirstBank,its successors and assigns,onOctober 19, 2020, said mortgage being recorded in theOfficeofthe Judge of ProbateofMadisonCounty,Alabama, on October 20, 2020 at Instrument No.2020-00083873. FirstBank,the current holder under and by virtue of thepower of sale contained in said mortgage, will sell at publicoutcryto thehighestbidder forcash, in front of themainentranceofthe MadisonCountyCourthouse, in Huntsville,Alabama, onAugust 8, 2024, duringthe legal hours of sale,the following described real estate,situated in Madison County,Alabama, to-wit: Lot 7, according to theFinal Plat of Meadow CrestSubdivision as recorded in Inst #201900084040, in theProbateOffice f C
of Madison County,Alabama.
This Property will be sold on as “asis, whereis” basis,without warrantyorrecourse,expressed or implied as to title, useand/or enjoyment and will be sold subjecttothe right of redemption of allparties entitled thereto. Alabamalaw gives some persons whohaveaninterestinproperty theright to redeem theproperty under certain circumstances Programsmay alsoexist that helppersons avoid or delay the foreclosureprocess.An attorney should be consulted to help you understand theserightsand programsaspartofthe foreclosure process.This sale is made forthe purposeofpaying theindebtednesssecured by said mortgage, as well as theexpenseofforeclosure.Thesuccessful bidder must tender certified funds by noon thenext businessday to Law Office of Halliday,Watkins &Mann, P.C. Certified funds must be in the form of awiretransfer, bank or credit union’scashier’s check, or bank official checkpayable to Halliday,Watkins &Mann, P.C. Halliday,Watkins &Mann, P.C. reservesthe right to awardthe bidtothe nexthighestbidder should thehighestbidder fail to timely tender thetotal amount due. If sale is voided, Mortgagee/Transfereeshall return thebid amount to thesuccessful purchaser and the Mortgagee/Transfereeshall not be liable to thepurchasefor any damages.Ifthe sale is setaside forany reason, thepurchaser at thesale shall be only entitled to areturnofthe deposit and bid amount,ifpaid.TheMortgagee/Transfereereservesthe right to bid forand purchasethe real estate and to credit is purchaseprice againstthe expenses of sale and indebtednesssecured by the real estate.This sale is subject to postponement or cancellation.
IN THEMATTEROFTHE ESTATE OF: DavidThomas Bevis, deceased TO:CelisaCappelen, 6791 41st AveNorth,WestPalm Beach, FL33404; Kara Wiren, 5546 Golden Eagle Circle, West Palm Beach, FL 33418; JuliusAndrew Bevis, 2357 WhiteBirch Lane #208, Joliet, IL60435; AundreaBevis Speak,1605 Big Cove Road SE, HuntsvilleAL 35801; Angela Lancaster, 6642 W. Ida Drive#224, Littleton, CO 80123; Amanda Bevis, 10320 W. 62nd Place#204,Arvada, CO 80001; Youare hereby notified that on the30thday ofAugust, 2024, a Petition forProbateofWill was filed by Holly ChrisRussell and that the7th day of November 2024 at 3:00 pm.was appointed aday forthe hearing thereof,at whichtimeyou canappear and contestthe same if yousee proper Givenunder my hand, this 9th day of September,2024. /s/Frank Barger Judge of ProbateCourt
MADISONCOUNTYRECORD: September 18th, 25thand October 2nd, 2024 ADID 613891
Youare hereby notified that on the22nd day ofAugust, 2024, aPetition forProbateofWill wasfiled by George HHill Sr and that the15thday of October 2024 at 10:30 am.was appointed aday forthe hearing thereof,atwhichtimeyou can appear and contestthe same if yousee proper Givenunder my hand, this 12th day of September,2024.
/s/Frank Barger Judge of ProbateCourt MADISONCOUNTYRECORD: September 18, September 25, & October 2, 2024 ADID 614146
PROBATEJUDGE THESTATE OFALABAMA PROBATECOURT MADISONCOUNTY CASENO: 80946 IN THEMATTEROFTHE ESTATE OF: Gail ShawnJones, deceased TO:Pejhman Ehsani; 3004 Shadow LawnDrive NW Huntsville,AL35810 Youare hereby notified that on the22nd day ofAugust, 2024, aPetition forProbateofWill wasfiled by JasonFarlessand that the15thday of October 2024 at 9:30 am.was appointed aday forthe
OF James Rickey Wilson, DECEASED
TO:Cedric Dicent;2728 SW 2nd Lane Cape Coral, FL33991 Rosa Dicent Surro;135 Cross Road Covington, GA30014 Bernardo MorelBenitez;Pedro ClisanteSt#73 El BateySosua PlazaPerdomaPuerto Plata Dominican Republic 57000 Local 6 BillyAnthony Mason; 403 8th Street NW Huntsville,AL35805 Katherine Ocasio; 3309Alpine Street Huntsville,AL35805 DigmariDel Carmen; FedExAV 27 De FebreroEsquireJulio GarciaSantiago De Los Caballeros Dominican Republic 57000 Delarky Mena Ramirez; Santiago Buena VistaCarretera Jacagua Residencial Gabriel ApartmentoJ-2 Dominican Republic 57000 NewLifeOutreach; 2112 WinchesterRoad Huntsville,AL 35810 Bonnie Lee McDowell; 3600 Vogel DriveHuntsville,AL 35810
Youare hereby notified that on the10thday of June, 2024, a Petition forApproval of ExtraordinaryCommission to Personal Representativereceived, and that the10thday of October, 2024 at 4:00 P.M.,was appointed aday forthe hearing thereof,atwhichtimeyou are requestedtoappear Givenunder my hand, this 28th day of August, 2024. Frank Barger Judge of ProbateCourt Madison CountyRecord3T: September 4, September 11,& September 18, 2024 ADID 612159
PROBATEJUDGE THESTATE OFALABAMA PROBATECOURT MADISONCOUNTY CASENO.81018 IN THEMATTEROFTHE ESTATE OF: Erna Emilie Gajdos, DECEASED TO:All UnknownHeirsAtLaw Youare hereby notified that on the3rd day of September,2024, aPetition ForLetters OfAdministration CumTestamentoAnnexointhe matterofthe Estate of ErnaEmilie Gajdos,deceased, wasfiled in my office by Douglas C. Martinson, II and that the14thday of November 2024, at 2:00 P.M. wasappointed aday forthe hearing f
8C • THERECORD September18, 2024 thereof,atwhich time youcan appear and contestthe same if yousee proper Givenunder my hand, this 5th day of September 2024. /s/Frank Barger Judge of Probate Court
MADISONCOUNTYRECORD: September 11th,September 18th and September 25th,2024 ADID 613221
As of September 1, 2024, Dixie Moving &Storage, Inc.,located at 1220 Retail Dr., Huntsville, AL,35816, will no longer representAtlasVan Lines,Inc 09/11/24, 09/18/24, 09/25/24 ADID 613318
WHEREAS, on the26thday of May, 2022, KARENSIMMONS didexecute and deliver unto FIRSTJACKSONBANK, a Mortgage on certain real estate being hereinafterdescribed, said Mortgage being recorded on June 15, 2022, in Mortgage Book 2022, Page 152594, in the Office of theJudge of Probate of MadisonCounty,Alabama, whichwas modified by aModification of Mortgage of Real Estate and SecurityAgreement on the8th day of January2024 and recorded on January12, 2024 in Mortgage Book 2024, Page 6139 in theOfficeofthe Judge of ProbateofMadisonCounty, Alabama; and WHEREAS, theundersigned FIRSTJACKSON BANK, hereinafterreferredtoasMortgagee, is thelegal holder of theMortgage Note and theaforesaid Mortgage and Modification of Mortgage of Real Estateand SecurityAgreement giventosecure thepayment thereof;and
WHEREAS, defaulthas been made in thepayment of said Mortgage indebtedness,as modified, and said Mortgage, as modified, is subjecttoforeclosure NOW, THEREFORE, three weeksnoticeishereby given that theundersigned will sell before thefront (West) door of the MadisonCountyCourthouse, in theCityofHuntsville, Countyof Madison, StateofAlabama, at public outcryfor cash,withinthe legalhoursofsale, at 12:00 noon, on the3rd day of October 2024, thefollowing described real property whichisthe real property embraced and described in theaforesaid Mortgage, being more particularly described as lyingand being situatedinthe CountyofMadison, StateofAlabama, to-wit: LOT43, BLOCK10, HUNTSVILLE HILLS FOURTH ADDITION SUBDIVISION, CITYOF HUNTSVILLE,MADISONCOUNTY,ALABAMAAS RECORDEDINPLATBOOK 21,PAGE47, IN THEOFFICE OF THEJUDGEOFPROBATE OF MADISONCOUNTY,ALABAMA
Said sale to be made forthe purposeofforeclosingthe Mortgage hereinabovereferredto, as modified, in accordancewith theterms and conditions thereof and theprovisions of lawand subjecttoall priorliens andencumbrances of record FIRSTJACKSONBANK MORTGAGEE BY:ABLES, BAXTERAND PARKER,P.C JamesT.BaxterIII AMember of theFirm Post Office Box165 Huntsville,Alabama358040165 (256) 533-3740 E-Mail: TBAXTER@ABLESBAXTER.C OM MadisonCountyRecord September 11,September 18 andSeptember 25, 2024 ADID 612941 STATEOFALABAMA IN THEPROBATE COURT COUNTYOFMADISON CASENO. 78344 IN THEMATTEROFTHE ESTATE OF PATRICIAPERRYTOMLIN a/k/aPATRICIASUE TOMLIN, AN INCAPACITATEDPERSON NOTICE OF HEARING ON PARTIALSETTLEMENT
PleasetakenoticethatPetitioner,Tracy Rodriguez,has filedaPetitionfor Partial Settlement of theConservatorship of theEstateofPatriciaPerryTomlin a/k/aPatriciaSueTomlin, an incapacitated person, andthat the8th day of October,2024, at 11:30o’clockA.M.,has been set forhearingonsameinthe ProbateCourtofMadison County, Alabama. Done this the22nd day ofAugust, 2024.
ATTORNEYFOR PETITIONER: Charles Hooper 200 West Side Square, Suite 725 Huntsville,AL35801 Telephone (256) 539-3418 09/11/24, 09/18/24, 09/25/24 ADID 613236
JamesJohnson, 54581ALottie Road, Perdido,AL36562; StephanieAnderson, 487 Baltimore Hill Road, Huntsville,AL 35810; JacquelinePope, 469 Baltimore Hill Road, Huntsville,AL35810; StateFarmInsuranceCompany, 4036 Balmoral DriveSW, Suite B, Huntsville,AL; JeffreyL.Cook &CharlesGrisham,Attorneysfor Redstone FCU, PO Box5585, Huntsville AL35814
The3rd day of October ,2024 at 10:00 a.m. has been appointedfor thehearingofsaid Petition to Sell Property described as: 487Baltimore Hill Road, Huntsville,Alabama35810 as recorded in Deed Book 884, Page 932.
Youare hereby notifiedtoappear beforesaidCourtonsaid day to contestsaidpetitionif youthink proper This 28thday ofAugust, 2024 /s/Frank Barger Judge of Probate
THEMadisonRecord3TIMES: September 4th, 11th and 18th, 2024 ADID 612241
YOUWILLTAKE NOTICE that on the2ND day of July,2024, VANESSAMCLENDONpresented to theCourtaninstrument in writingpurporting to be theLastWill andTestament of MARYFRANCISBROWNAKA MARYFRANCESBROWN,deceased, and also filedtherewith theirpetition, in writing, praying fororder of theCourtofadmitting said instrument to probate as theLastWill andTestament of MARYFRANCISBROWN AKAMARYFRANCES BROWN, deceased, and that the17thday of October,2024, at 10:00o’clockAM,was appointed as aday and time for hearingsaidpetition, at which time youcan appear and contest,ifyou seeproper Givenunder my hand this the 24thday of July,2024.
Judge of Probate 09/11/24, 09/18/24, 09/25/24, 10/02/24 ADID 613579
StateofAlabama MadisonCounty Case No 81035
PersonalRepresentative’s Notice; Probate Court: IN THEMATTEROFTHE ESTATE OF DebraAnn Hobson HowardAKADebraHobson Howard, Letters ofAdministrationupon theestateofDebraAnn Hobson HowardAKADebraHobson Howard,Deceased, having been granted to theundersigned on the6th day September 2024 by theHon. Frank Barger,Judge of Probateofsaid county, noticeishereby given that allpersons havingclaims againstthe said estate are hereby requiredtopresentthe same within thetimeallowedby law, or thesamewill be barred. Lequan Bailey
To be published three(3) consecutive times: September 11th,18th, and 25th, 2024 in the MadisonCountyRecordnewspaper ADID 613583
StateofAlabama MadisonCounty Case No 80507
PersonalRepresentative’s Notice; Probate Court: IN THEMATTEROFTHE ESTATE OF WilliamThomas Stewart, Jr.a/k/a WilliamT Stewart, Jr Letters ofAdministrationupon theestateofWilliamThomas Stewart, Jr.a/k/a WilliamT Stewart, Jr ,Deceased, having been granted to theundersigned on the4th day September 2024 by theHon. Frank Barger,Judge of Probateofsaid county, noticeishereby given that allpersons havingclaims againstthe said estate are hereby requiredtopresentthe same within thetimeallowedby law,orthe same will be barred. Dwight D. Stewart
To be published three(3) consecutive times: September 11th,18thand 25th, 2024 in the MadisonCountyRecordnewspaper ADID 613588
StateofAlabama MadisonCounty Case No 80642
time allowed by law, or the same will be barred. Linda Pridmore
To be published three(3) consecutive times: September 11th,18thand 25th, 2024 in the MadisonCountyRecordnewspaper ADID 613575
StateofAlabama MadisonCounty Case No 81050
Notice; Probate Court: IN THEMATTEROFTHE ESTATE OF Leonard Karl SolidayAKALeonard K. Soliday, Letters ofAdministration upon theestateofLeonardKarlSolidayAKALeonardK.Soliday Deceased, having been granted to theundersigned on the10th day September 2024 by the Hon. Frank Barger,Judge of Probateofsaidcounty, noticeis hereby giventhat allpersons having claims againstthe said estate arehereby requiredto present thesamewithinthe time allowed by law, or the same will be barred.
Ruth Soliday
To be published three(3) consecutive times: September 18th, 25thand October 2nd, 2024 in theMadisonCounty Record newspaper ADID 613904
StateofAlabama MadisonCounty Case No 81059
PersonalRepresentative’s Notice; Probate Court: IN THEMATTEROFTHE ESTATE OF JackieLee Meeks, Letters ofAdministration upon theestateofJackieLee Meeks, Deceased, having been granted to theundersigned on the10th day September 2024 by the Hon. Frank Barger,Judge of Probateofsaidcounty, noticeis hereby giventhat allpersons having claims againstthe said estate arehereby requiredto present thesamewithinthe time allowed by law, or the same will be barred.
Judy GayleWilson
To be published three(3) consecutive times: September 18th, 25thand October 2nd, 2024 in theMadisonCounty Record newspaper ADID 614121
StateofAlabama MadisonCounty Case No:81065
PersonalRepresentative’s Notice; Probate Court: IN THEMATTEROFTHE ESTATE OF: Janet Daye Harkleroad ThompsonAKA Janet Harkleroad Thompson Letters ofAdministration with WillAnnexed upon theestateof Janet Daye HarkleroadThompsonAKAJanet Harkleroad Thompson, deceased, having been granted to theundersigned on the11thday of September 2024, by theHon. Frank Barger,Judge of Probateof MadisonCounty, noticeis hereby giventhat allpersons havingclaimsagainstthe said estate arehereby requiredto present thesamewithinthe time allowed by law, or the same will be barred.
LoriThompson Dendy
Madison CountyRecord3T: September 18th, 25thand October 2nd, 2024 ADID 614125
StateofAlabama MadisonCounty Case No 81061
PersonalRepresentative’s Notice; Probate Court: IN THEMATTEROFTHE ESTATE OF Jimmy LeeLeslie, Letters ofAdministration upon theestateofJimmy Lee Leslie, Deceased, having been granted to theundersigned on the11th daySeptember 2024 by the Hon. Frank Barger,Judge of Probateofsaidcounty, noticeis hereby giventhat allpersons havingclaimsagainstthe said estate arehereby requiredto present thesamewithinthe time allowed by law, or the same will be barred. RosieL.Douglas
To be published three(3) consecutive times: September 18th, 25thand October 2nd, 2024 in theMadison County Record newspaper ADID 614131
StateofAlabama MadisonCounty Case No 80670
PersonalRepresentative’s Notice; Probate Court: IN THEMATTEROFTHE ES-
TATE OF Patricia Louise Barnett, Letters ofAdministration upon theestateofPatriciaLouise Barnett, Deceased, having been granted to theundersigned on the15thday July 2024 by the Hon. Frank Barger,Judge of Probateofsaidcounty, noticeis hereby giventhat allpersons having claims againstthe said estate arehereby requiredto present thesamewithinthe time allowed by law, or the same will be barred. DebbieBurnell Simpson
To be published three(3) consecutive times: September 4th, 11th and 18th, 2024 in the MadisonCountyRecordnewspaper ADID 612023
StateofAlabama MadisonCounty Case No 80938
same will be barred. Gary B. Warren
To be published three(3) consecutive times: September 4th, 11th and 18th, 2024 in the MadisonCountyRecordnewspaper ADID 612026
StateofAlabama MadisonCounty Case No 80922
PersonalRepresentative’s Notice; Probate Court: IN THEMATTEROFTHE ESTATE OF Raymond Earl Townsend, Letters ofAdministration upon theestateofRaymond Earl Townsend, Deceased, having been granted to theundersigned on the19thdayAugust 2024 by theHon. Frank Barger Judge of Probateofsaidcounty, noticeishereby giventhat all persons havingclaimsagainst thesaidestateare hereby requiredtopresent thesame within thetimeallowed by law, or thesamewill be barred. PatriciaTownsend
To be published three(3) consecutive times: September 4th, 11th and 18th, 2024 in the MadisonCountyRecordnewspaper ADID 612038
StateofAlabama MadisonCounty Case No 80630
PersonalRepresentative’s Notice; Probate Court: IN THEMATTEROFTHE ESTATE OF Walter LeeWillie Sr Letters ofAdministration upon theestateofWalterLee Willie Sr Deceased, having been granted to theundersigned on the9th day July 2024 by the Hon. Frank Barger,Judge of Probateofsaidcounty, noticeis hereby giventhat allpersons having claims againstthe said estate arehereby requiredto present thesamewithinthe time allowed by law, or the same will be barred.
Walter Willie Jr
To be published three(3) consecutive times: September 4th, 11th and 18th, 2024 in the MadisonCountyRecordnewspaper ADID 612046
StateofAlabama MadisonCounty Case No 80965
PersonalRepresentative’s Notice; Probate Court: IN THEMATTEROFTHE ESTATE OF Peggy Thrash Gray a/k/aPeggy Ladoyle Gray, Letters ofAdministration upon theestateofPeggyThrash Gray a/k/aPeggy Ladoyle Gray, Deceased, having been granted to theundersigned on the26th dayAugust2024 by theHon. Frank Barger,Judge of Probate of said county, noticeishereby giventhat allpersons having claims againstthe said estate arehereby requiredtopresent thesamewithinthe time allowed by law, or thesamewill be barred.
DavidScott Gray
To be published three(3) consecutive times: September 4th, 11th,and 18th, 2024 in the MadisonCountyRecordnewspaper ADID 611827
StateofAlabama MadisonCounty Case No 81010
PersonalRepresentative’s Notice; Probate Court: IN THEMATTEROFTHE ESTATE OF Rochelle Baker Letters ofAdministration upon theestateofRochelle Baker, Deceased, having been granted to theundersigned on the30th dayAugust2024 by theHon. Frank Barger,Judge of Probate of said county, noticeishereby giventhat allpersons having claims againstthe said estate arehereby requiredtopresent thesamewithinthe time allowed by law, or thesamewill be barred.
Wendy McCulley
To be published three(3) consecutive times: September 11th,18thand 25th, 2024 in the MadisonCountyRecordnewspaper ADID 613550
StateofAlabama MadisonCounty Case No 81001
PersonalRepresentative’sNotice; Probate Court: IN THEMATTEROFTHE ESTATE OF Betty JoYates, Letters ofAdministration upon theestateofBetty Jo Yates, Deceased, having been granted to theundersigned on the4th day September 2024 by theHon. Frank Barger,Judge of Probateofsaidcounty, noticeis hereby giventhat allpersons having claims againstthe said estate arehereby requiredto present thesamewithinthe time allowed by law, or the same will be barred.
To be published three(3) consecutive times: September 11th,18thand 25th, 2024 in the MadisonCountyRecordnewspaper ADID 613207
StateofAlabama MadisonCounty Case No 80995
lowed by law,orthe same will be barred. Nathan Charles Koerner
To be published three(3) consecutive times: September 11th,18thand 25th, 2024 in the Madison CountyRecordnewspaper ADID 612755
StateofAlabama MadisonCounty Case No 81002
PersonalRepresentative’s Notice; Probate Court: IN THEMATTEROFTHE ESTATE OF James RWiggins a/k/aJames Randall Wiggins, Letters ofAdministration upon theestateofJames RWiggins a/k/aJames Randall Wiggins Deceased, having been granted to theundersigned on the29th dayAugust2024 by theHon. Frank Barger,Judge of Probate of said county, noticeishereby giventhat all persons having claims againstthe said estate arehereby required to present thesamewithin thetimeallowed by law,orthe same will be barred. BarbaraWigginsAnderson
To be published three(3) consecutive times: September 11th,18thand 25th, 2024 in the MadisonCountyRecordnewspaper ADID 612762
StateofAlabama MadisonCounty Case No 81008
PersonalRepresentative’s Notice; Probate Court: IN THEMATTEROFTHE ESTATE OF Gary WayneKinney, Letters ofAdministration upon theestateofGaryWayne Kinney,Deceased, having been granted to theundersigned on the3rd day September 2024 by theHon. Frank Barger,Judge of Probateofsaid county, noticeis hereby given that all persons having claimsagainstthe said estate arehereby required to present thesamewithin the time allowed by law,orthe same will be barred.
PatriciaA. Kinney
To be published three(3) consecutive times: September 11th,18thand 25th, 2024 in the Madison CountyRecordnewspaper ADID 612945
StateofAlabama MadisonCounty Case No 80993
PersonalRepresentative’s Notice; Probate Court: IN THEMATTEROFTHE ESTATE OF LeroyFletcher, Letters ofAdministration uponthe estateofLeroy Fletcher Deceased, having been granted to theundersigned on the29thdayAugust 2024 by theHon. Frank Barger Judge of Probateofsaid county, noticeishereby given that all persons having claimsagainst thesaid estate arehereby requiredtopresent thesame within thetimeallowed by law or thesamewill be barred. Chong HuiFletcher
To be published three(3) consecutive times: September 11th,18thand 25th, 2024 in the MadisonCountyRecordnewspaper ADID 612707
StateofAlabama MadisonCounty Case No 80992
PersonalRepresentative’s Notice; Probate Court: IN THEMATTEROFTHE ESTATE OF JohnnieDavison a/k/aJohnnieMae Davison, Letters ofAdministration upon theestateofJohnnie Davison a/k/aJohnnie MaeDavison, Deceased, having been granted to theundersigned on the28thday August2024 by theHon. Frank Barger,Judge of Probateofsaid county, noticeishereby given that all persons having claims againstthe said estate are hereby required to present the same within thetimeallowed by law,orthe same will be barred. Janice Houston
To be published three(3) consecutive times: September 11th,18thand 25th, 2024 in the MadisonCountyRecordnewspaper ADID 612709
Default having been made in thepayment of that certain indebtednesssecured by areal estate mortgage given by Chass Howard Bevill to Nathan J. Platt and his wife,Joyce N. Platt, dated October 20, 2021 and recorded as File No.202100089275 in theofficeofthe ProbateJudge of Madison County,Alabama, and said defaultcontinuing, noticeishereby giventhat theundersigned, as attorney and auctioneer for Nathan J. Plattand his wife Joyce N. Platt, will sell at public outcry,for cash,within thelegal hoursofsale, beginning at 10:00 a.m.,infront of theCourthouseofMadison County, Huntsville,Alabama, on the17th day of October,2024, thefollowingdescribed property:
TheNortheastquarterofthe NorthwestquarterofSection 9, Township 1South, Range 1 East,Madison County,Alabama, containing 40 acres, more or less.
mayadversely affect
is being sold “AS IS,WHERE IS”and is sold without any warrantyorrecourse,expressedor implied, as to thetitle, use, enjoyment or condition and will be sold subjecttothe right of redemption of all parties entitled thereto.
TheMortgagee/Transfereereservesthe right to bid forand purchasethe real estate and to credit itspurchaseprice against theexpenseofsale and theindebtednesssecured by thereal estate
This sale is subjecttopostponement or cancellation. This the10thday of September 2024.
Nathan J. Plattand Joyce N. Platt
By: JacobE.Bergman
AsAttorney andAuctioneer P. O. Drawer 9 Scottsboro,Alabama35768
PUBLISH: September 18, 2024 September 25, 2024 October 2, 2024 ADID 613922 The StateofAlabama Probate Court MadisonCounty Case No.79126
IN THEMATTEROFTHE ESTATE OF SamMichael Cavallo,Deceased TO:Gina Cavallo 228 SouthSt. Neptune Beach, FL32266 and any unknownheirsofinterest. Notice is hereby given thatY.AlbertMooreIII, as Personal Represenativeinthe abovecaseof SamMichael Cavallo, Deceased, has this day presented to theCourtunder oathhis account,vouchers, evidenceand statement forFinal Settlement to theprobateofthe said estate and that the12thday of November,2024 @11:00 a.m.,has been appointed aday forsucha settlement,atwhichtimeall parties with interestcan appear and contestthe same if they think proper Witness, at office,this 6thday of September 2024. Frank Barger ProbateJudge Madison CountyRecord3T: September 11th,18th, and 25th, 2024 ADID 613582
If you are looking for a home, check out the TNValleyStuff Classified TNValleyStuff Classified
To:Janice ScottAnderson, 3611 Grizzard Road, Huntsville,AL 35810; Joel KareemAnderson, 801 Julia Street,Apartment C, Huntsville,AL35816; Christopher JamesAnderson, 720 Julia Street,Apartment 2, Huntsville,AL35816; MesfnyAnderson, 720 Julia Street,Apartment 2, Huntsville, AL35816; MarilynGrace,1010 Newport Parkway, BayMinette,AL 36507;
PersonalRepresentative’s Notice; Probate Court: IN THEMATTEROFTHE ESTATE OF Mary Lou Lang, Letters ofAdministrationupon theestateofMaryLou Lang, Deceased, havingbeen granted to theundersigned on the6th daySeptember 2024 by the Hon. Frank Barger,Judge of Probateofsaidcounty, noticeis hereby giventhat allpersons havingclaimsagainstthe said estate arehereby requiredto present thesamewithinthe
PersonalRepresentative’s Notice; Probate Court: IN THEMATTEROFTHE ESTATE OF Mary Louise Warren Letters ofAdministration upon theestateofMaqryLouise Warren, Deceased, having been granted to theundersigned on the21stdayAugust2024 by the Hon. Frank Barger,Judge of Probateofsaidcounty, noticeis hereby giventhat allpersons having claims againstthe said estate arehereby requiredto present thesamewithinthe time allowed by law, or the
PersonalRepresentative’s Notice; Probate Court: IN THEMATTEROFTHE ESTATE OF DennisKoerner a/k/a DennisCharles Koerner Letters ofAdministration upon theestateofDennisKoerner a/k/aDennisCharles Koerner Deceased, having been granted to theundersigned on the28th dayAugust2024 by theHon. Frank Barger,Judge of Probate of said county, noticeishereby giventhat allpersons having claims againstthe said estate arehereby requiredtopresent thesamewithinthe time al-
Theproceeds derived from the sale of theforegoing property shall be applied first to theexpenses of theforeclosuresale and nexttowardthe indebtednessasmay be owing, and the balance, if any thereshall be, to themortgagor
Said sale is subjecttoall easements, restrictions,encumbrances and reservations appearing of record and, further subjecttoany federal or state taxliens or other special as-
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The is the marketplace for the best selection! Find your dream home in the From starter home to estate, the The StateofAlabama Probate Court MadisonCounty Case No.72655