BioPulse The pulse of Biological Agriculture
Issue 5 | March 2014
Growing Pastures... Rob gives us some food for thought on foliar feeding for Pastures with results from recent trials with FAC. FCM, ON GRAPES?!
Sias examines an emerging problem for
Rosan takes us back to Brits for an update
Brendon takes a look at what the future of
Grape growers as False Codling Moth
on the success of the Madumbi Onion
fungicides for diseases like Powdery Mildew
appears to be on the rise in the Western
program in its second season.
and Botrytis might look like.
Cape. Brought to you by The driving force behind Sustainable Agriculture Tel. 086 104 5261
BioPulse kicks off with a Bang! ANDRE FOX Madumbi Sustainable Agriculture CEO A new year has begun and we are already well into March. Its hard to believe. It feels like just yesterday we were wishing you all a Merry Christmas. Madumbi has hit the ground running in 2014 with an excellent and busy start to the year. BioPulse is no exception and this month’s issue is jam packed from Rob in Howick and his report back on the recently concluded FAC Pasture trials to Rosan in Brits and her feedback from another successful season with Madumbi’s Onion program. Not forgetting Sias and Brendon and their views on recent developments in the BioManagment market. We hope you enjoy! On the social media front, Madumbi has joined the Facebook movement. If you are interested in keeping closer track on the comings and goings of the Madumbi team and any product or event updates please ‘like’ us. On that note, I will leave you with some pictures of the team kicking back at our Madumbi Christmas party held at ‘Shawswood’ in the Karkloof; a truly beautiful place to visit should you ever have the chance. Working for a company like Madumbi, a pioneer of sustainable agriculture, makes awareness of the environment and the role we play in protecting it a valuable team motivator. As such, we take every opportunity to enjoy the outdoors and the 2013 Christmas party was no exception. Beginning with a strenuous nature walk to a remarkable waterfall, Mares Tail, and capped off with an afternoon hail storm, this was certainly one to remember!
Above from left: The Madumbi Maidens enjoy a laugh and Rosan rests her weary legs. The men make their way up a steeper section of the hike; team work and lending a helping hand was the order of the day. Our destination, Mare’s Tail. Back at base for some lunch and the calm before the storm, literally. A summer hail storm left the landscape looking ‘snowy’ as Clint and Rob collect ice for their next round.
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BioPulse March 2014
The high performance, holistic approach to plant nutrition. • A range of quality nutrition products formulated for growth phase, stress or deficiency management. • Ideal Macro and Micro nutrients provided in a single drum. • Amino Acid chelated for fast and efficient absorption. • Unique blend of biostimulants target and optimise growth.
Achieve sustainable plant health.
Brought to you by
Your partner in Sustainable Solutions
Pastures, what more can we do? ROB HELLIG Madumbi Sustainable Agriculture Key Account Manager - KwaZulu-Natal Pastures are often overlooked as a crop; grass is grass and will just grow, right? Wrong! Looking after your pasture stand can add significant value in terms of return to a dairy farmer. More grass and a higher quality grass can result in a direct effect on the overall milk yield, and can also help you carry more cows per hectare, adding to your yield. In an industry where margins are tight this could be a significant aid to improving bottom line. With this in mind, Farmers Agricare (FAC) undertook the task to answer the question, “What more can we do to our pastures to get the best out of them?” Now the definition of insanity is to attempt the same thing over and over again and expect a different result. FAC had to look away from the norm of using urea fertiliser to revitalise pastures and look to another method of getting good nutrition into the stand. Step in foliar feeding with well-rounded nutritional products. Over the past 2 seasons FAC has been using foliar feeds in their pasture trials to ascertain the effect these would have on the overall dry matter (DM) the pasture can produce. Again, the theory being that more DM could result in a higher yield, a more palatable stand and also impact the carrying capacity of the pasture. The trials where set out in blocks within the pasture, each block was sprayed after grazing with different products to see what response could be gained. The growth response was measured with a disc meter and all applications showed that feeding with a broad spectrum, or any foliar for that matter, can produce a desired gain in DM production. Following the first set of results another trial was prepared with the best performing products from the previous season and a couple new products added in. Among these new products were Madumbi’s V12 Multi and V12 Initiate. We went into these trials with high expectations of the V12 range and we were not disappointed. Both V12 Multi and V12 Initiate performed well and helped us to identify the way forward with foliar applications. Below is a brief summary of results from some of the trials.
Farm A Drt Matter (Kg/Ha)
Drt Matter (Kg/Ha)
2550 2400 2250 2100
2100 2000 1900
1950 1800
1800 Control
V12 Initiate
V12 Multi
Product Product Product Product Product A B C D E
Farm C
3000 2800 2600 2400 2200 2000
V12 Initiate
V12 Multi
Product Product Product Product Product A B C D E
Farm D
Drt Matter (Kg/Ha)
Drt Matter (Kg/Ha)
Farm B
2800 2600 2400 2200 2000
V12 Initiate
V12 Multi
Product Product Product Product Product A B C D E
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V12 Initiate
V12 Multi
Product Product Product Product Product A B C D E
Pasture Trials
Average Across all Farms
Drt Matter (Kg/Ha)
3000 2800 2600 2400 2200 2000
V12 Initiate
V12 Multi
Product Product Product Product Product A B C D E
The results are clear, foliar feeding does offer benefit in increasing dry matter for pastures. Anywhere from 300kg to 500kg extra per ha can be achieved with a quality product like V12 Initiate or V12 Multi. This, in theory, would allow a grower to carry roughly an extra 10 animals per ha, produce more litres per day and potentially give a positive response on milk yield for relatively little cost. Foliar feeding can no longer be overlooked or underestimated by growers as a tool for improving pasture yields. This work on pastures will continue. The next goal is to ascertain if there is any significant improvement in palatability on the extra grass produced and an attempt to see if this response can be carried through to milk yields. Watch this space!
Above: Kevin Horne of FAC Howick in the pasture fields with one of his growers.
Sharing the benefits of knowledge
Special thanks to the team at FAC Howick for sharing your results with us and recognising Madumbi as a valuable partner for these trials. We look forward to working with you in your continued efforts to improve pasture programs for your growers.
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Pasture Trials
Die beheer van VKM op Tafeldruiwe met Cryptex SIAS LEIPOLDT Madumbi Sustainable Agriculture Category Manager - BioInoculants and BioManagement Cryptex is ‘n granulovirus produk, spesifiek ontwikkel, vervaardig en geformuleer deur Andermatt Biocontrol AG (‘n Switserse ISO 9001:2000 geakrediteerde maatskapy). Cryptex is ontwikkel om te help met die populasie vermindering van Thaumatotibia (Cryptophlebia) leucotreta (Vals Kodling Mot - VKM). Cryptex is die eerste keer kommersieel gebruik op sitrus in die 2007/2008 seisoen en gedurende die afgelope 6 seisoene was dit een van die sleutel produkte teen VKM. Uitstekende populasie vermindering van VKM is jaar na jaar verkry waar Cryptex volgens aanbeveling gebruik is, as deel van ‘n volledige geintegreerde plaagbeheer program teen VKM op gewasse soos sitrus, granate en persimmons. Verskeie aspekte van Cryptex is al in BioPulse bespreek, in hierdie weergawe wil ek kortliks verwys na die etiket uitbreiding van Cryptex om VKM beheer on tafeldruiwe in te sluit. VKM is ‘n plaag met baie gasheer gewasse en in die verlede is druiwe en veral tafeldruiwe sporadies aangeval. Hierdie tendens is vining besig om te verander en al hoe meer gevalle van VKM infestasie op tafeldruiwe is aangemeld die afgelope paar seisoene. Die skade op druiwe word waargeneem as penetrasie gaatjies op die druiwe korrels, maar sorgvuldige vrug ondersoek is nodig. Mis van die larwe kan soms tenwoordig wees rondom die penetrasie gat en die area duik soms in en raak bruin van kleur. Sien hieronder (Foto krediet: Dr Shelley Johnson, Universiteit van Stellenbosch).
Soos met VKM by ander gewasse is effektiewe monitering belangrik om te bepaal wanneer die motte aktief is en ook wanneer die motvlug pieke voorkom. Met die Cryptex registrasie teen VKM op tafeldruiwe poog Madumbi om die proses gebruikersvriendelik en koste effektief te maak. Produsente bepaal die eerste motvlug piek met behulp van VKM feromoon lokvalle en Cryptex word dan toegedien 10 dae na hierdie piek teen 60ml Cryptex/ha. Opvolg behandelings word dan weekliks teen 35ml/ha toegedien en ‘n koste besparingsvoordeel is dat Cryptex as ‘n tenkmengsel met die meeste ander landboukundige middels toegedien kan word solank die pH in die spuittenk tussen 5 en 8 is voordat die virusproduk bygevoeg word. Cryptex het ‘n 0 dag onthoudingsperiode vir uitvoer tafeldruiwe en is gelys op die DFPT MRL lys (http://www. Soos in sitrus bewys is sal tafeldruif produsente ‘n totale IPM benadering teen VKM moet volg en behalwe vir biologiese en chemiese beheer gaan effektiewe monitering en doelgerigte boord sanitasie krities wees om hierdie plaag suksevol te bestuur. Kontak ons gerus indien u meer inligting verlang.
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VKM op Tafeldruiwe
Cryptex Superior Virus technology
for the suppression of
False Codling Moth • The only FCM virus registered for use on Table Grapes. • The only FCM virus registered for use without the aid of feeding stimulants. • Performance tested for quality and consistency. • Manufactured by the world leaders in Virus crop protection products. • Successfully protecting SA’s Citrus for 6 years. Brought to you by South Africa’s leading Sustainable Agricultural supply company
In partnership with
Continued Success with the Madumbi Onion Program ROSAN VAN VUUREN Madumbi Sustainable Agriculture Key Accounts Support North | Trial Coordinator Back in 2012 Madumbi was approached by Anna van der Merwe of Laeveld Agrochem in Brits to assist with persistent disease problems onion growers in her area were experiencing. Pink Root Rot, White Onion Rot were the main culprits. Chemical controls were increasingly ineffective and growers were experiencing significant yield losses, in some cases up to 100%. In conjunction with Anna, a program designed for disease suppression was developed. Initial results in 2012 proved to be encouraging as good disease suppression was achieved and the general quality of the crop much improved. Growers had a successful harvest yielding between 1500 - 4000 bags/ha and were in general very happy with the performance of the program (refer to BioPulse October 2012 for the 2012 results). Following this success many growers repeated the program in 2013 and again were not disappointed. Below is their feedback. Disease suppression of Pink Root Rot According to farmers Pieter Kruger, Frikkie van Niekerk and Henry Hill, they had obtained the best ever control of Pink Root Rot. They compared their results to those of Xambacd which they had been using in the past with lessor success. Pieter Kruger also harvested one month earlier than other growers in his area and obtained a very good price at the market. This he attributed to the foliar nutrition applied. White Onion Rot Henry Hill, who farms for Wilde Klawer, suffered a 100% yield loss in 2012 with a 15 ha pivot as a result of White Onion Rot. The disease appeared early in the season and could not be controlled even with regular applications of Xambacd. Anna convinced Henry to try the Madumbi Onion program in 2013. He was brave enough to plant Onions in the high risk field that caused a yield loss over R1.2 Million. Six weeks to harvesting, healthy onion plants with no symptoms of Pink Root or White Onion Rot were observed in this field. Unfortunately, Brits had a late autumn rainfall of over 70 mm in April and due to poor drainage in this field and a sudden drop of soil temperature the first outbreak of White Onion Rot was observed in a small section of the field one week after the rain. RhizoVital was applied and the disease did not spread further to adjacent rows. Unfortunately, two weeks later another affected area on the other side of the field was observed. Due to the high risk of losing yield, Procymidone (Hit) was applied. After the applications of RhizoVital and 2 x Procymidone (Hit) the disease was under control. Hill managed to harvest 4800-6300 bags/ha from this high risk field and was very impressed with the results obtained with Madumbi Onion guideline with Procymidome. The reason for the good results discussed above is a well designed IPM program encompassing disease suppression, nutritional supplementation, cultural practices and chemical intervention when it was most necessary. The monthly combined applications of Eco-T (beneficial Trichoderma) and RhizoVital (Bacillus) successfully suppressed the soil borne diseases while promoting rapid root development, enabling any pink root rot affected plants to recover quickly. Monthly applications of AgriSil K50 contributed to mechanically strengthened root tissues, giving support to RhizoVital and Eco-T by aiding the crop’s disease tolerance. This tolerance was further improved by providing well rounded nutritional supplementation in the form of V12 foliar feeds. Knowledge of the disease, and what soil temperatures and moisture conditions favour an outbreak, also contributed to the success as disease outbreaks could be spotted sooner and effectively managed before affecting wider areas. Proper management of irrigation, especially in soils known for poor drainage, was also essential.
Development of new healthy white roots Healthy Onions in the fields of Pieter among the Pink Root Rot symptoms Kruger grown on the Madumbi program. one week after a single application of Eco-T and RhizoVital.
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Above ground sporulation of White Onion Rot, a high risk for spread of the disease as spores can travel with irrigation or rain water.
Madumbi Onion Program
This is an interactive document. Green text will take you to further info.
Laying foundations
Disease and Pest Management
Product / Application / Rate
Disease / Pest
Product / Application
Eco-T • Seed treatment 40g / kg seed or • In furrow 500g / Ha Repeat 4 weeks after emergence @ 250g / Ha soil application.
• Stimulates healthy root development. • Suppression of soil borne fungal diseases that cause wilting and damping off i.e. Fusarium, Pythium, Rhizoctonia etc.
Immunity support / Preventative measure (Silica supplement)
AgriSil K50 2L (2.5kg) / Ha foliar application bimonthly after emergence.
Soil Diseases
RhizoVital 500ml / Ha soil Drench two weeks after planting. Repeat monthly min 3 applications. Do not co-apply with Eco-T.
Program for prevention of pink root rot and white onion bulb rot. *OFF LABEL USE - NOT REGISTERED AND
Humate Granules in Fertiliser Blend Improves efficiency of fertiliser maximising 5kg / Ha nutrient utilization. Stimulates beneficial microbes V12 Initiate In furrow 5kg / Ha
IPM Options - Combine with chemical treatment Procymidone min 2 applications 7 days apart begin when disease symptoms are first noticed.
B, Si, Ca and Biostimulants initiate the nutrition cycle and support germination.
Very effective in poor soils
Eco-T 250 g / Ha continue with monthly applications throughout the growing period.
NOTE: Over irrigation, poor drainage and sudden drop in temperatures (April-May) can trigger white onion bulb rot.
Stimulate Vegetative Growth Promoting healthy vegetative growth early in season will ensure proliferation of healthy leaves. A greater number and quality of leaves at bulb formation will yield better bulbs.
Botrytis prevention
Eco-77 250g / Ha foliar application after crop damage (herbicide application / pests / hail) or when conditions are favourable for disease. Pre-Harvest application 1 month prior to harvest protects fallen leaves on bulbs and prevents disease post harvest.
Product / Application / Rate
Activate N 1 pack / 5 Ha + V12 Shoot 500ml / Ha Foliar Application 2-3 weeks after emergence or 1 week after transplant
• Natural N supplementation using plant growth promoting bacteria known to enhance N utilisation. • Stimulate healthy and prolific shoot growth.
V12 Multi 3L / Ha + V12 Micro 1L/Ha Foliar Application week 4, repeat monthly to start of maturation.
• Stimulate vegetative growth • N and K for healthy vegetative growth. • P for proper root and shoot development. • Micronutrients for prevention of deficiencies.
Bolldex 200ml / Ha foliar application when Bollworm eggs / larvae are first noticed, repeat every 7-10 days as long as pest is present. Level of control improves with early application i.e. eggs / small larvae.
Thrips and other insect pests
Eco-Bb 300g/Ha foliar application bimonthly. Ensure good coverage into base of leaves.
Application Timing
Humate Granules
5 kg / Ha
V12 Initiate
5 kg / Ha
Vegetative Growth
Activate N
1 pack / 5 Ha
V12 Shoot
500 ml / Ha
V Multi 12
V Micro 12
Eco-T RhizoVital
500g / Ha
250 g / Ha 500 ml / Ha
Eco-Bb AgriSil
2 L / Ha
Bulb Formation
500 ml / Ha 3 L / Ha
3 L / Ha
1 L / Ha
1 L / Ha
3 L / Ha 1 L / Ha
250 g / Ha
250 g / Ha
500 ml / Ha
500 ml / Ha
300 g / Ha
300 g / Ha
300 g / Ha
2 L / Ha
2 L / Ha
2 L / Ha
300 g / Ha
Disclaimer: Any recommendations provided by Madumbi are advice only. As no control can be exercised over storage, handling, mixing application or use, or weather, plant or soil conditions before during or after application (all of which may affect the performance of our program), no responsibility for, or liability for any failure, losses, damages or injuries (consequential or otherwise), arising from such storage, mixing, application, or use will be accepted under any circumstances what so ever. The buyer assumes all responsibility for the use of any products.
Madumbi Sustainable Agriculture (Pty) Ltd Tel. +27 (0) 86 104 5261
The driving force behind Sustainable Agriculture
The Future of Fungicides BRENDON NEUMANN Madumbi Sustainable Agriculture Key Accounts Support South | Catagory Manager Plant Vitality and BioInoculants. It is a well-known fact that the current basket of chemical fungicides available to use on various crops is shrinking. This is a result of several factors: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Increasing pressures from markets with regards to residue limits and the number of residues etc. Banning or removal of certain, previously allowed, active ingredients. Development of resistance by fungal pathogens towards certain active ingredients over time. High cost and long time required in order to develop new chemical active ingredients.
So what then does the future of fungicides look like? How do we go about ensuring food security with fewer weapons in our arsenal against fungal pathogens? To date it appears that bio-rational fungicides for foliar diseases like powdery mildew have not proven to give the efficacy of their chemical counterparts. However, this view may be changing in the years to come as bio-rational fungicides improve in quality and efficacy. Over the last 2 years, Madumbi has been testing several bio-rational fungicides against fungal diseases such as powdery mildew and Botrytis. These products include beneficial microbes and plant extracts as well as inorganic, yet non-toxic, compounds. These various products contain active ingredients which either work directly on target pathogens or work by increasing plants natural resistance to the pathogens. From the initial trials a few products have emerged which are showing commercial potential. In trials conducted over 2 seasons it has been demonstrated that it is possible to bring a block of table grapes through an entire season on a bio-rational program, without any powdery mildew or botrytis disease. A feat which until now we have not encountered and one which is becoming difficult even for chemical programs to achieve. The program included 3 early season sulphur sprays but other than that relied entirely on two microbial products in combination/alternation with AgriSil K50 (potassium silicate fertilizer). It should be emphasised that the program was applied on a preventative basis with sprays every 2 weeks throughout the season. In general, bio-rational solutions work best when applied in this manner and should not be viewed as fire-fighting, curative solutions. With continued work we should start to see such bio-rational products playing a more significant role in the future of fungicides. Such products do not have residue constraints and in most cases are at lower risk of resistance build-up by target organisms. By incorporating such products into well researched, preventative spray programs one also ensures a more sustainable future for the chemical active ingredients left at our disposal ensuring that, if we need a fire-fighting option, it is available and effective.
Page 9
The Future of Fungicides
Eco-77 Natural protection against fungal pathogens
• Protection of pruning wounds on grapes against Eutypa. • Suppression of Botrytis on Tomatoes and Cucumbers. • Ideal for preventing infection on a damaged crop. • Locally produced • Versatile & cost effective • Non toxic & no with holding periods. Brought to you by
In partnership with
Your partner in Sustainable Solutions
The driving force behind Sustainable Agriculture Tel. 086 104 5261
Until next time from the Madumbi team, Happy Farming!