vaastu book part 1

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Vaastu without demolition

Power of Yantra, Science & Faith Dr.Shamsunder Herenjal

In spite of good efforts and best inputs if you are unable to make most out of your infrastructure If your performance is poor, if your results are not satisfactory, if you are really not so happy or if you feel your day is not made How would you feel? DOWN HELPLESS DISAPPOINTED LESS CONFIDENT DISCOURAGED DESPERATE LEFT OUT? Is there any thing you could do about it? Do you think that, there could be some Factors, that could be playing a role in a subtle way; that has come in your way is there anything we could think that way? Is still possible to come out of that situation? Is it possible to have a short of infrastructure or assurance on our efforts, inputs and management?

Can we have firm footings on our trends and beneficial decisions, that can make Our life more fruitful and meaningful and feel proud full of our self & feel the pleasure of accomplishment

Then this science of energies, which could play a vital role in our day to day life Can we be on a better platform, with Over period of time, Could be great use, firm footings to go ahead and face the so that life could be a pleasurable jourcircumstance, situations, challenges in ney and there we introduce you to the life? great Science & Art of “Vaastu�. Can we have some sort of guarantee?

Dr.Shamsunder Dr. Shamsunder ( popularly known as Doctor to many of his friends and relatives ) is a pioneer in the area of Vaastu correction without demolition. Born into a family of Priests in Kollur in 1954, Dr. Shamsunder originally studied to become a veterinary physician and worked for Govt of Karnataka, Department of Animal Husbandry. Doctor took to Vaastu correction with keen interest of alleviating pain and agony of the fellow colleagues, friends and relatives, who sought his help in solving their issues. Doctor himself was inspired by the astonishing results that the Vaastu yantra corrections provided. He plunged then to perform deeper research in to the subject. He generates energy through Vedic symbols like Sri Yantra and Meru Chakra to nurse back a sick industry to create prosperity, to our homes to create peace and into our professions to create progress. His methods are simple, easy to follow without much ritualistic procedures, as it is a science beyond any religion. His method ‘Vaastu without demolition’ is affordable even by a common man and does not disturb architectural aesthetics.



As per the research conducted by me and my team with respect to vaastu of the 5 elements. The most important element is space (Akasha tatva) element. Space is nothing but your place it could be your working area, home, office, factory, institution, hospital, godown, showroom, temple, production floor in factory or even agriculture fields. When I entered these places intuitively felt so good energies I felt very good in some houses, office, factories and similarly not so good in other place and very bad in certain places. We observed that vaastu of the place is perfectly fine but vibrations were negative the feedback from the client were not good in spite of the place being in tune with vaastu it made me wonder, so I meditated and upon reading the energies of this place I found, negative energies were discharging from central portion of the Building. A close look and we found there was walls pillars, beams fire, furniture’s, toilet, staircases in the centre of the building, Where as there should have been a skylight or an atrium to trap the natural light and the sun energies but ironically it was not possible so we developed a technique to divided the centre of the building in 9 portions derive the B.E.M grids and fix the powerful energized yantras. These yantras are developed on the base of sacred geometry form Vedas. The yantras fixed in these strategic points create positive energies. The results are noticeable people experienced better Health, Financial status, Name, Fame, Company reserves and Peace of mind.


























Gandharva-veda ( m u s i c a n d da n ce)




Ayur-veda ( m e di c i n e ) Dhanur-veda (warfare) Va a s t u S h i l pa - ved a (Architecture)

Our ancestors observed that when we started building our houses, only some of them were more Happy, Healthy, Prosperous.

They were observing what could be the reason for such variation. What could be the factors that lead them to peace and prosperity or otherwise.

Few had peace and good relationship and their life was more meaningful filled with so much of happiness, security and peace.

So, they analysed that people who build houses on a particular shape had better health & peace and many good things happening.

While others were bit unhappy, not so Slowly they started observing & started healthy often the were fighting, being identifying the science of constructing aggressive & had very little peace, they and designing according to nature. were part of life problem and were so much helpless. They wrote several books enlightening They had one problem or the other and us about the art of constructing to harhad very little peace! ness the bliss of nature in our homes. 6

Brihadsamhitha Ri g V e d a S ama V e d a Yaj ur V e d a

V e d a s

This book was written during ‘Gupta’ period by Varahamihira. ‘Vaastu Vidya’ comes as the 53rd chapter of this book contains 106 chapters. The formulae for construction of residences, palaces, art works, sculptures are described.

A tharva V e d a Mayamata Mayan wrote this book in the 11th century. It is an inevitable reference to Temple construction, building of houses and ascertainment of plots. Viswakarma Vaastu Sastra

Aparajithai Britcha

This book was written by Viswakarma. It contains lot of calculations for constructing palaces, temples, and sculptures according to Vaastu Sastra.

This book written during the 12th century. It describes Vastu Sastra principles and formulae in a question and answer type. The discussion is between Viswakarma and his daughter Aparajithai.

Few other great ancient books based on Vaastu Sastra are -Brahmana Manjari, -Mandana Sutradhar, -Vaasturaja Vallabham, -Rajasimha Vaastu, -Vishnu Dharmottara Puranam, -Deeparnava and -Kashyapa Shilpa. 7


is considered an integral part of the Indian architecture, where ‘Vasa’ means ‘To live’. From ancient literature, we gather that Vaastu was treated as the science of construction of temples and city planning at all levels including residential and commercial architecture. FAITH: • The foundation of Vaastu rests on the faith that the Earth is a living organism • Earth gives birth to other living creatures. • Each living creature is composed of the five elements. • Any structure housing this creature must also contain the five elements in a balance. • Vaastu guides us to attain this balance.


When a structure is built, it also contains live energy. The live energy or prana of a structure affects all the living and nonliving organisms within the structure.

The live energy of a structure depends upon • Cardinal Points • Natural Light • Air, Ventilation • Topography • Geometry • Five Elements

Solar System Living in harmony with nature and synchronizing your energies with the energies of nature is vaastu. Following few principles of nature during the construction of a residence, office, business place brings you very close to the energies of the Cosmos and the natural elements like sun, earth, wind, sky and water.

When the energies flowing in a place are positive, our life would certainly be very peaceful content and abundant, while negative energies can play havoc and disturb us totally.

The structures that are against nature disturb the positive energies and prohibit us from growth and peace. When we absorb these disturbed energies everyThese energies of a structure are a part day the outcome results in our life patand parcel of our life since we live and tern becoming stunted or dissatisfied. work in them every day for years together. We absorb these energies through- Human being himself is responsible for out the day and form a routine or a pat- this situation. tern of our life.



he earth is tilted 23.5° towards the northeast HEIGHT & WEIGHT • Due to this tilt, the northeast zone is • Northeast being the farthest is the the lowest and southwest zone the coolest zones. It is called Jala Mula or highest. Deva Mula which means Water corner or God’s corner. This zone is calm • The north east zone is far away from and thus all water related activities the sun making the southeast zone should be situated here. There should the closest to the sun. Thus the southbe minimum weight and occupancy east zone is also named as Agnimula in this zone. The height should be in the vedas, which means Fire zone. lower than other zones This zone enjoys maximum heat, humidity and temperature making it the • Northwest zone has more cross venideal zone for fire and heat activities. tilation and wind circulation due to Positioning fire activities in this zone conduction and convection. This is tuning ourself to nature. zone should have more movement. This zone is called Vayu Mula


• Southwest is the highest and the • In order to achieve the benefit of the nature one should either demolish or heaviest zone. This zone is called Kureconstruct as per the laws of Vaastu, bera Mula and the floor and roof level in this zone should be the highest. There should be maximum weight • Vaastu has the power to rectify positional defects. For example if the and occupancy in this zone. kitchen is at Southwest, or Northeast this is incorrect as per Vaastu norms • During its revolution around the sun, but energetically it can be shifted to the earth produces cosmic energies South East by the help of Yantras. along with nature. • These cosmic energies are absorbed • The Yantras emit powerful vibrations of energy value of One Million Boviby the different zones of the earth. sols that can be beneficially utilized to Similarly a patch of land in this form direct cosmic energies. or condition will absorb energies.




SHAPE & ANGLE • When we look at the earth, let’s imag- • The base of the pyramid is a Square that means all the 4 corners are 90°. ine four lines from the north pole to the corners of your site. • In any given area, when the plot has 90° in 4 corners, then such a place • This creates a pyramid. Similarly, any enjoys better energies than the placother point on the earth will create a es which do not have this Geometry pyramid with the Solar rays as its imaginary lines. • This Geometry of the Nature helps us understand the importance of why • As a pyramid has a square base, we need four corners when designany site with a square base that has ing a plot, building or furniture. four corners or 90 degrees enables maximum cosmic energies to be absorbed.




When is Dr.Shamsunder’s vaastu correction without demotion required? DIAGNOSIS • In any given area, when the plot, build- • For example, if the northeast corner is ing or furniture does not have 90° in 4 missing, the northeast zone will be afcorners, then the cosmic energies are fected. Refer Page on Directions for in not absorbed depth analysis. • Similarly, the cosmic energies are not absorbed when the shape of the plot, building or furniture has obtuse angles or angles larger than 90° • The result is observed in the missing zone or the over grown zone directly.



DR.SHAMSUNDER’S REMEDY: • Under some circumstance when the • The renowned American Physicist Dr. plot, building or furniture does not Patrick Flanagan calls the Sri Yantra have four corners with 90°, we need the ‘King of Power Diagrams’ and deto use remedial measures. scribes its energetic effect as seventy times greater than that of a pyramid • The Sri Yantra is one of humankind’s construction. most ancient symbols. • This means that a three centimetre • For many millennia the Sri Yantra has Sri Yantra possesses a greater enerbeen used to invoke good fortune, getic power effect than a two meter wealth, health, and as an aid for medpyramid. itation. • Harnessing the power of yantras, • Nowadays, various research scienDr.Shamsunder can change the shape of a plot, building or furniture tists have shown interest in this anenergetically. cient Vedic Yantra. 14

Direction changing Yantra







DR.SHAMSUNDER’S METHOD TO CREATE 90°: • If the building, site or furniture does not • The yantras is placed such that the have 90° then using Dr.Shamsunder’s script should face up and it should Sri Chakra yantras specially enerbe at the height of the person getting gized can be used to rectify the shape vaastu remedy done for his place. to attain 90°. • This creates 90° energetically creat• This is done by keeping the 2” x 2” ing four super imposed corners on yantras in all four corners the existing site. • The points must be along the longest length and width available of the building, site, plot or furniture. • The specially energized Sri Chakra yantras is inscribed in copper plate.










5 W

3 E














Earth Tuning Element: Since tilt of earth is towards Northeast, • This knowledge can be applied to the building while designing. the north East portion of the earth is lower. It Means Southwest is highest. Thus, each zone has its own miso levels In the • The floor and roof levels of a building must be in this order. level of ascending order it starts from lowest to highest is in the order : • This is also applied to the site contour levels in landscape designing. NORTHEAST NORTH • Each floor, ceiling and roof, including EAST basement must be designed using NORTHWEST this principle of levels. WEST SOUTHEAST SOUTH SOUTHWEST




Space Tuning Element: • Free space is the distance between • In the level of descending order, the free space starts from highest to lowthe site or plot and the built up wall of est in the order : a building. • It is measured on all sides between the building and the site boundary • Free space is important because it determines the zone in which the building is positioned. • Example; if there is more free space in the northeast zone, the building is said to be sitting in the southwest zone in an ideal situation.



When is Dr.Shamsunder’s vaastu correction without demotion required? DIAGNOSIS • The floor or roof levels of a building • The free space between the site and the building is not as per the order are not in the ascending order as specified. specified • When the plot or site levels are not as • When the free space is more in southwest than northeast. specified. • When we need the desired level • When we need the desired free space according to vaastu principles but changes in a premises that is already demolition becomes an expensive built, but demolition is an expensive option. option.


DR.SHAMSUNDER’S METHOD TO CORRECT THE LEVELS & FREE SPACE: • The levels of the site are identified and based upon the analysis of their incremental order of ascending height, the direction changing yantras designed by Dr.Shamsunder is applied. • The free space between the site and the building is measured in all the directions and checked if it is according to the vaastu principles in the descending order. • The direction changing yantras is placed either in the North or East perimeter of the plot, building or site

• The yantra can be identified by the 5 triangles and script. It is placed horizontally • The direction towards which the script and 5 triangles are positioned converts to the direction WEST • Using this formula, the desired direction is achieved • This tuning is important to facilitate and absorb all the favourable cosmic energies from nature for the individual to achieve peace, harmony, good health and prosperity. 19


olden atio

GAJAKESARI AYA: • Leonardo Fibonacci was an Italian • The Fibonacci sequence is generated by adding the previous two numbers mathematician who he turned his atin the list together to form the next tention to a different series of numand so on and so on... bers: • Divide any number in the Fibonacci sequence by the one before it, for example 55/34, or 21/13, and the an• Through geometry, size, shape, and swer is always close to 1.61803. relative position of figures and with properties of space, the proportion • This is known as the Golden Ratio, can be quantified. and hence Fibonacci’s Sequence is also called the Golden Sequence. • Mathematically proportions are represented as the comparison of two quantities and termed as ratio or “Aya” in Sanskrit. 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55......


• In India, studies about the importance • A site, Land, Building, Room or an obof ratio can be traced back to the 6th ject all has its own Aya. century. • All that occupies space has its own • Varahamihira, who lived during the length and width and hence has its 6th Century A.D. was the first to stress own ratio. on the importance of Aya. • Ratio is calculated by dividing the • It is the proportionate length and length by its width. width of any place. There is a process involved to give space the necessary qualities within the form created. A space must have the criteria of life itself, thus the form becomes a living space. In its pure form, the study of space originates with understanding the proportions of the structure encompassing the space.

In Vaastu, or the science of Bio-engineering, the metaphysical aspects depend upon the quality of space, while the physical aspect of the quantity is the structure itself. The geometry of the structure is built with mathematics.


WHAT IS THE BEST RATIO IN VAASTU? • The water and land on this earth is in • Throughout history, the ratio for length the ratio of 1:1.666. The earth by itself to width of rectangles of 1.6180 has is in the ratio of 1:1.666. The ratio of been considered the most pleasing the length and the base of the pyrato the eye. mid are in the ratio of 1:1.666. • This ratio was named the golden ratio • The ratio of the solid and liquids in our by the Greeks. In the world of mathbody is in the ratio of 1:1.666. ematics, the numeric value is called “phi”, named for the Greek sculptor • The ratio of the human body from Phidias. head to navel and from navel to the toe is again 1:1.666. • The space between the columns form golden rectangles. There are golden • Man is an expression of nature. Thus rectangles throughout this structure which is found in Athens, Greece. based on the rule of nature for any given place the best ratio is 1:1.666. 22

• Le Corbusier sought something specific, geometric precision and a simplification of measure: - a universality that he could apply as engineering and architecture. So he devised a workable unit of measurement, which he called the Modulor, or Golden Section. It was based on the height of a man with his arm upraised, and according to Le Corbusier, any structure based on multiples of this unit of measure would be beautiful and have a human scale. • Le Corbusier created the Modulor following the steps of Vitruvius, Leonardo da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man, the work of Leone Battista Alberti, and other attempts to discover mathematical proportions in the human body and then to use that knowledge to improve architecture • Le Corbusier described the Modulor as a “range of harmonious measurements to suit the human scale, universally applicable to architecture and to mechanical things. • He published the first edition of Le Modulor in 1948, followed by Modulor 2 in 1955. Le Corbusier used his Modulor scale in the design of many buildings, including Notre Dame du Haute and buildings in Chandigarh. 23


If length : Width is 1:1 it is called RAJAYOGA or DWAJAYA this ratio invokes all 5 elements panchamhabhutas to precipitate all energies so that things can happen the way you want them to happen. It is the best ratio ideally suitable for business, Domestic, Spiritual purposes.

1:1. 111 DHUMAYA

If Length; Width is 1:1. 111 ratios is called DHUMAYA it is cloudy, confusion uncertain future.


If Length: WIDTH is 1:1.2 ratios is called SIMHAYA commendable ratio. This ratio is good for business.


If Length: WIDTH is 1:1.3 ratio is swanaya. This is a good ratio for faithfulness, Sincerity, freedom from theft and pilferage.


If Length: WIDTH is 1:1.4 VRUSHABHAYA good ratio for timely, effective and proper work.


If Length: WIDTH is 1:1.5 this ratio is KHARAYA, gold can become mud. This is a very destructive ratio.

1:1.6 GAJAYA

If Length: WIDTH is 1:1.6 ratio is GAJAYA, mud can become gold this is understood as best ratio.

1:1.7 KAKAYA

If Length: Width is 1:1.7 ratio is KAKAYA: is good for social service ,Honorary work, Free obligations. The buyers and suppliers will be happy at your cost.



When is Dr.Shamsunder’s vaastu correction without demotion required? DIAGNOSIS • When the ratio of the plot, building or furniture is not to your desired ratio • When there is no golden ratio in the site, plot, building or furniture. • When we need the golden ratio or desired ratio in a premises that is already built, but demolition is an expensive option.


DR.SHAMSUNDER’S METHOD TO CREATE DESIRED RATIO: • To change the ratio to desired effects, • If the situation in a business requires a commendable situation then we fix the yantras is placed upon determinthe yantras as per the ratio 1:1.222 ing the length: width ratio of the desired ratio. The yantras script should be facing up and placed at a height of • If the business establishment requires a situation where they need the serthe person who is getting the remedy vice personal to be humble, truth wordone for the place. thy, faithful, free from theft and pilferage then the yantras are fixed in the • If the situation in a family, business ratio 1:1.333 requires that the most favourable effect is that of good health, peace, success, happiness, prosperity, spiritual- • If the organization, business or family situation is such that the requirement ity then Dr.Shamsunder creates the is such that they need hardworking, ratio 1:1.618 or 1:1 by determining this effective proper timely, committed, ratio in the plot, building, site of furnidisciplined atmosphere then we creture 26

ate the ratio 1:1.444 • If an organization, business needs an atmosphere of Social service, free service, honorary service which is preferable for NGO or organisations supporting Social Cause, then we create the ratio 1:1.777

inefficient improper communication, lack of agility, comprehensiveness, delays, postponement, getting stuck with lack of funds. Long pending payments, threat to business, health, peace, success and happiness then the ratio is found to be 1:1.111, 1:1.555 or 1:1.888 which we convert as per the requirement of the site, building or plot such that it is for a specific purpose in a family, business or organization using the methods stated above.

• If a business, home, organization, land is creating a situation where even gold becomes mud, in such situations golden opportunities also become mud, wastage, meaningless, • To change the ratio, one must use specially designed yantras by ineffective, losses occur, deception, Dr.Shamsunder: legal issues, relationship problems, 27

Dr.Shamsunder’s METHOD: To physically calculate the vaastu in a structure, one can begin with observing these: • ENERGY GRIDS, • PANCHAMAHABHOOTAS • BRAMHASTANA • DIRECTION & FUNCTION, • HEIGHT & WEIGHT, • SHAPE & ANGLE, • LEVELS & FREE SPACE, • RATIO, • STAIRCASE AND • ROADS ABUTTING THE SITE OF THE STRUCTURE. 28

• Each zone has to be deciphered separately within a given structure or space. • An ideal structure reveals that the physically measured units, the five elements and the energy grids are independent for each zone. • Concentrating on the whole structure alone will not provide a complete analysis. • Once the space is analysed, Yantras can be fixed when there is a need for rectification or correction thus no breaking or demolition is required.

ENERGY GRIDS: These are imaginary lines alike the longitude and latitude.

Hartmann Grid • Dr. Ernst Hartmann, who discovered these grids or lines, depicted that they run north to south, as well as east to west, forming a checkerboard pattern. • The grids measure between 3.5m to 5m based on the position from the equator.

Curry Grid • Dr. Manfred Curry discovered the Curry Grid • It runs diagonal to the Hartmann Grid • The Curry Grid is 3.5m to 3m apart.

Schumann Waves • Schumann waves are naturally occurring electromagnetic waves • Professor W.O. Schumann, a German scientist, found these waves have similar frequency as brain waves

Ley Lines • Ley lines are generally recognized as man-made phenomena. • It occurs where “sacred stones”, which have somehow been charged energetically, are laid in a straight line.









PANCHAMAHABHOOTAS: • According to ancient yogic teachings, • The Pancha Maha-bhootas consist of the Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether. human beings are made of five elements. • These five elements convert your plot or building into an energetic sur• In vaastu, any plot or building on land rounding. has the element earth already, the humidity present in your plot is the water element. This plot has a certain tem- • Once your plot or building is of recognizable shape, due to the five eleperature which is the fire element. All ments, it becomes a three dimensionthese occupy the air and space eleal shape with live energy. ment. • These phenomena we attribute to the • The vaastu of a structure is directly proportional to the quality and comchannelling of the five energy sourcpostion of live energy, thus stronger es which are called the five elements the live energy, stronger the vaastu! or the ‘pancha maha bhootas’. 30



Space is considered to be the primary conductor of all forms of energies, be it physical energy such as sound or light, cognitive energy forms such as intellect and intuition, or social energy forms such as emotional energy and psychological energy.

AKASHA: • Akasha is the container of other ele- • Akasha tattva is symbolic of shelter, cognition, intellect, intuition of the ments. The spiritual foundation of the spiritual realm, conductor of social cosmos. energy, medium of emotions and psychological energy. • Akasha or ether is the fifth element • Akasha tattva governs the Northeast • Akasha is symbolic of the protector and the unmanifest energy of the suzone. preme being. • Akasha Tattva or Space element is governed by Vishuddhi Chakra. The sacred sound Aum is the vibration of the Vishuddhi chakra. • Akasha is the invisible medium for sound. 31

Air is present in the atmosphere with a mixture of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, neon, helium, and other gases.



VAAYU: • Air or Vaayu is what gives support to • It is represented as a blue circle. all life on Earth. Without oxygen, no living creature would survive on our • Air is the symbol for masculine, yang, mobile, dry, subtle and elevated enerplanet. gies. • Vaayu is measured in many ways by humidity, airflow, temperature, pres- • It is a symbol for freedom, open spaces, intellect, mind, the ability to sure, composition, etc. breathe. • Vaayu governs the northwest zone. • Vaayu is the vehicle of live energy which assimilates spiritual power. • Vaayu governs the heart and lungs in the body. • Vaayu is governed by the Anahata Chakra. 32



Water is the only substance that occurs naturally as a solid (ice), a liquid and a gas (water vapor). It covers about 70 percent of the Earth, constantly in a cycle of condensation, evaporation and precipitation found in the atmosphere, cryosphere and hydrosphere.

JALA: • Jala or Water represents the flowing • It can take any shape or form due to its liquid state (Apas) aspect of time and expresses itself most prominently in aesthetics. • Jala is the symbol of creativity, purity, empathy, abundance, life, unlimited • NorthEast governs Jala Tattva or Wapotentialities and the transcendence. ter elements such as wells, swimming pool, water fountains, etc. • Jala represents the cycle of life. • Jala or Apa is governed by the Swadishthana chakra. • Kidneys, intestines and lower stomach is governed by Jala tattva. • Jala affects the quality of life and success at work. 33



Fire is a mixture of hot gases providing light and heat energy. The Sun is one of biggest sources of energy containing gases that emit heat and light. Life in general requires sunlight to survive.

AGNI: • Agni or Fire element is passion, love, • Fire is the symbol of wealth, prosperintuition, desire, creation and destrucity, visual sensations, masculine, dytion. namic, restless and extroverted. • Manipura chakra governs Agni • Agni governs Southeast zone . This zone enjoys Fire and Heat related functions such as kitchen, furnace, electrical appliances. • Agni governs the stomach and digestion. • Agni is represented by a red triangle.


• The fire within us is the gravity with which we attract all that we desire.



Earth is the third planet from the Sun, it is the largest of the inner planets in the solar system with a natural satellite – our Moon. Earth has a substantial atmosphere and magnetic field, both of which are critical for sustaining life on Earth.

PRITHVI: • Earth is the only planet known to sup- • Prithvi tattva is a represented by a yelport life and to have liquid water at low square the surface. • Prithvi is governed by the • Earth or Prithvi tattva is the abode of Mooladhara chakra kundalini shakti. • Prithvi is symbolic of concreteness, • Prithvi tattva governs the Southwest stability, patience, strength, abunzone. dance, nurturing and protection. • Earth is represented as the mother, the womb from which birth takes place. • Prithvi is symbolic of Infinite creations and sustainability. 35


Physical space is often conceived in three linear dimensions, although modern physicists usually consider it, with time, to be part of a boundless four-dimensional continuum. It is an infinite multi-dimensional symphony of galaxies, solar systems, events, directions, time and energy. In Yoga, universal consciousness is perceived in the form of sound. The tangible universe, which we experience through our senses, and in the mind, can in this way be led back to the source, to the sound, to Vibrations. In vaastu, harnessing the power of vibrations to create pleasant sounds is the first step of tuning oneself to nature. F I R E













When is Dr.Shamsunder’s vaastu correction without demotion required? • When there is a need to clean the environmental energy and enhance positive energies. • It is required when a space is missing positive energies. • When the five elements are in an imbalance, there is a disturbance in the place. This causes the members residing in the place to also feel strange, unhappy and a joyless sensation. • Due to an imbalance of the five elements, man is deprived of the benefits of positive Vibrations and Cosmic energies. Hence the negative energies engulfing our lives make it incomplete and meaningless. • The negative energies can be experienced in the form of ill health, strained relations, disturbed peace & stress, lack of prosperity and finance, constraints, low quality of life, discontentment and complaints.


REMEDY: • The source of these positive energies is from cosmos. • The major cosmic forces can be tuned with respect to 5 elements (air,water,fire,earth and space) that rule the directions and the positions. • To create the positive energies it is vital to eradicate the negative energies. • These negative energies can linger in buildings or structures for a long time and influence the current residents & events. • There are specific yantras designed by Dr.Shamsunder that remove the negative energies called Dashamahavidya yantras. Refer page ... • These yantras have to be fixed in appropriate directions to ensure that the positive cosmic rays are not drained out and the negative rays do not enter the premise.













ramha tana

3 4 5 6 7 8 9

CENTRE: • The centre position can be compared • Vastu seers from ancient times have to the sun in our solar system. Sun’s observed that if there is Brahmastana light falls on all the planets and gives defect in the Marma points, the effects light to all of them. are reflected in the respective zone. • The plan of a structure (house, office • Marma points are powerful energy or factory) should be the unfolding points in a mandala that correspond plan of the universe. to certain points of the body. • In Vedic astrology, the Sun is respon- • Any form of obstruction in the marma sible for the fame, health, recognition, points causes an imbalance in the self esteem, independence, leaderprana energy or the life force. ship, will power honesty and power of the structure.


There are four basic purposes of marma: 1) It removes blocks in energy channels. 2) It pacifies air and space elements, bringing it to its normal path 3) It creates physical, mental and emotional flexibility. 4) Creates an opportunity to experience powerful and dynamic transformation at the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels by building a positive link with the unconscious mind.

• The vastu energy is primarily consid- • The central space can help you to manifest all other 4 elements like ered as emanating from the center of fire, water, air and earth are present the building. in Akash tatva where they all preside and exist. Hence, the five elements • Many people believe that it comes are the raw materials required for all from the North East corner but in fact our manifestations. it comes from the Brahmasthana or center of the building. • Refer to directions for further information on centre. • It originates from subtle earth energy and subtle cosmic energy which meet in the center of the building and then spread outward in all directions. • The central portion has the power of space energies. The inner quality of the space is sound. 41


1. Measure the longest length of the building (L) 2. Measure the longest Width of the building (W)




3. Calculate half of L and W; (L/2) and (W/2) 4. Join the two points

L /2 & W/2




9 Divisions

5. At the conjunction, calculate 1/9th in all 8 directions



6. The resulting dimension provides the Centre





Dr.Shamsunder’s notes on Vaastu Purusha Mandala In ancient books, there is described a demon who is lying upside down with all the gods sitting on him and his head is at North East, his stomach is the bramhastana, his right arm is in south east and left arm is in northwest. His legs are shown in SouthWest zone. Which can be understood as: 1. The observations that are experienced by scientific community that it could be solar rays entering the earth’s atmosphere. 2. Earth rays flowing horizontally and vertically (BEM grids and Bio electro magnetic grids) 3. The rays intercepting and creating Ley Lines and Hartmann grids diagonally from North east to South west and North west to South East. 4. The meeting point of the three rays is called Marma points.


DIRECTION & FUNCTION: • To know where we have gone wrong and to know what is the exact problem we have to know the source of the problem. Unless we know and recognize exactly what is the problem, its reason; we cannot bring in remedial measures.

An energized vaastu structure helps the occupants s to absorb the positive energy, tthereby promoting good health, peace and prosperity.

• There fore it is essential to study these problems in detail with all the possibilities. Hence, let us study them one by one to know the role about each direction and be able to pin point the exact difficulty so that we can bring relief and over come the same.




























COSMIC DESIGN: • Designing a Vaastu aligned structure • Each planet is associated with a govbecomes more clear and simple with erning deity with its particular form. a plan. • In the Vedic period, charts called ‘mandalas’ calculated the distribution of zones. • The cardinal directions are divided into eight zones or eight squares. This understanding can be better drawn from a simple zonal chart.



• Each cardinal zone can be represented by a planet EIGHT ZONES


The charts were represented usually in a square format with further divisions of space. When placed as a plan, in the centre, they form the ninth zone also called Bramhastana. The squares are a representation of the prana energy.








B S S (


A A A )



S H U K R A ( V E N U S ) E A S T



orth ast

Vaastu seers from ancient times have observed ob v that h if there t e is Bramhastana na a defect in the North East marma point, the in he result su is su s reflected r ec ec in North east Zone one of the building. What will be affected? HEALTH: RELATIONSHIP LA ON LA O HI : HI • Head, Throat, • Comprehensiveness, om eh om e siiv es siv ss • In Built immunity, Central nervous • Intelligence, ellli nc ell ce system, • Clarity and C ty y of Vision Vis is an perception, erc erce rception tion • Youngest Member of the family. • Speech Sp ch h and a d communication, co c mu mun tion on, • Comprehensiveness, om m he ven hen en WEALTH: • Conceptual words filled ce cep al speech s sp ech ch and a wo word d • Quick Starting, with ideas, dea ea • Agility, • Coordination atio tion ion in relationship. rela elat latio ship. hip. ip • Planning and Smart working, • • • •


Right Decision, Trading, Turn Over, Over all finances.

What are the design factors to observed in the Northeast zone of a structure? FUNCTION: • Children’s rooms, • Altar or Temple room, • Living Room, Veranda, Portico, • Main Door, Entrance, • Reception Area, Lobby, • Green space, Visitor’s lounge • Water Body, • Lower level (floor and roof) than other directions, • Allow Maximum Space and Air, • Allow Maximum Light entering the structure, • Place Minimum Furniture or Load.


When is Dr.Shamsunder’s vaastu correction without demotion required? • • • • • • • • • • • •


Toilet or Kitchen or Heating in northeast zone, Dark, Closed or Cut off spaces, The floor and roof level is higher than the other directions, The occupancy of heavy objects or furniture, There is no Free space after the built up area in the North East, No Window or light source in North east, Transformer, generator, septic Tank, ETP, store room, Management, Administrator Area, Chairmen chamber or office, manager’s cubicle, Mental, nervine problems. Health issues with children, Starting problems, lack of communication, clarity and proper speech, Poor finance, instability and lack of speed.

What are the qualities of Northeast ? CHARACTER: Buddha Deity :


Deity :






Yellow Saphire










Symbol & Chakra:


Color: Number:




Vaastu seers from ancient times have observed ob v that h if there t e is Bramhastana na a defect in the East marma point, the result ul is reflected re ctte t in n East stt Zone of the building. uilding. What will be affected? HEALTH: • Heart, Cardiovascular System, • Lungs and Respiratory Tract, • Fertility, Reproductive Organs, • Female Members of the Family. WEALTH: • Quality Of Life, • Refinement than mere accumulation • Motivational Work Environment, • Quality Of Control, Management and Assessment, • Financial Relationships, • Quality Of Service. 52

RELATIONSHIP LA ON LA O HI : HI • Quality u ua of o relationship la at sh hi • Devotion, vo o n,, dedication, d ica ic ca n, participation part rti rtic • Living L g life l fully fu ul with witth passion ssi ssio sion and d inin i tensity te en • Healthy enjoyments and ea al en men enj me nd not addicaddic ddictions s • Refinement in m me n relationship re rela onsh nsh nshi • Appreciation atio tion on for something som ome ing ng g spes spe sp cial be it a person, ers erso rso event, vent ent, sculpture, s pture, ture, ure painting, cooking, ng, g,, studying. stu st s g • Selflessness, kindness, and ess, ss, s, romantic rom ro r nd d affectionate relationship • Feminine qualities.

What are the design factors to observed in the East zone of a structure? FUNCTION: • Main entry, living room, dining room, children’s room, • bathroom, puja room, • sump tank • quality labs, quality control inspection areas, • areas for refinement of a product or services • Entertainment, hotels, catering business, • Radio, tv, music system • Discussion room, Meeting room • Lower level (floor and roof) than other directions but higher than northeast, • Allow as much as possible Space and Air, • Allow as much Light as possible to enter the structure, • More Furniture or Load than Northeast, but lesser than other directions. 53

When is Dr.Shamsunder’s vaastu correction without demotion required? • • • • • • • • • • •


Toilet, Staircase is in the east zone, Machinery, Furniture, Equipment Heavier than Southwest Kitchen, Master Bedroom Septic Tank, Storage Room, Over Head Tank Insufficient Air, Ventilation and Light Level of Floor and Roof is Lower than Northeast and North Level of Floor and Roof is Higher than South, West, Southwest and Southeast. Quality and refinement of life is missing Insensitive, timid, aggressive, unruly and crude behaviour Inability to express love and care Weak kidney, reproductive system, infertility, urinary infection, lack of fluid in body.

What are the qualities of East ? CHARACTER: Lakshmi Deity : Planet:












Element: Symbol & Chakra:

Water Swadistana chakra


Aum Shukraya Namaha


Rose, saffron, Jasmine, lilly, Lotus. Shatavari, Musali, Amalaki, Aloegel, Rehmania, Dangui and Red raspberry.



outh ast

Vaastu seers from ancient times have observed ob v that h if there t e is Bramhastana na a defect in the SouthEast marma point, the in he result su is s reflected r c in SouthEast Zone one of the building. What will be affected? HEALTH: RELATIONSHIP LA ON LA O HI : HI • Heart, Cardiovascular System, • Quality u ua of o relationship la at sh hi • Lungs and Respiratory Tract, • Devotion, vo o n,, dedication, d ica ic ca n, participation part rti rtic • Fertility, Reproductive Organs, • Living L g life l fully fu ul with witth passion ssi ssio sion and d inin i • Female Members of the Family. tensity te en • Healthy enjoyments and ea al en men enj me nd not addicaddic ddicWEALTH: tions s • Quality Of Life, in m me n relationship re rela onsh nsh nshi • Refinement than mere accumulation • Refinement • Appreciation atio tion on for something som ome ing ng g spes spe sp • Motivational Work Environment, cial be it a person, ers erso rso event, vent ent, sculpture, s pture, ture, ure • Quality Of Control, Management and painting, cooking, ng, g,, studying. stu st s g Assessment, • Selflessness, kindness, and ess, ss, s, romantic rom ro r nd d • Financial Relationships, affectionate relationship • Quality Of Service. • Feminine qualities. 56

What are the design factors to observed in the Northwest zone of a structure? FUNCTION: • living room, dining room, daughter’s bedroom, • machinery equipment, • ideal for kitchen with fire place or cooking direction facing towards east • Generator, transformer, electrical mains, switches, bus bars, electrical appliances, Television set and refrigeration, • Good for ETP • Free space in south east should be less than free space in the north west • Minimize the number of openings, yet maintaining a balance of sufficient air, light and temperature. • Lesser Furniture or Load than South and SouthWest, more than other zones. • Floor and roof level must be sixth highest.


When is Dr.Shamsunder’s vaastu correction without demotion required? • • • • • • • • • • • •


Main entry in southeast zone, Master bedroom Water body, Staircase, sump tank, septic tank, over head tank in SE zone, Floor and roof level is higher than south and southwest Floor and roof level is lower than Northeast, north, east, west and northwest Furniture or Load is more than southwest, south Furniture and Load is lesser than Northeast, north, east, west and northwest Anxeity, depression, dull mind, lack of self content, moody and unstable Labour problems, processing problems, management problems Lack of emotional responsibility or empathy Female Members are unhealthy Lack of body weight, anemic, dry skin, dehydration, constipation, weak lungs and weak kidneys, menstural and sterility problems.

What are the qualities of Southeast ? CHARACTER: Lakshmi Deity : Planet:





Pearl, moon stone







Element: Symbol & Chakra:

Fire Sahasrara chakra


Aum Chandraya Namaha


Jasmine, lilly, Lotus, sandalwood. Shatavari, White Musali, Bala.




Vaastu seers from ancient times have observed ob v that h if there t e is Bramhastana na a defect in the South marma point, the result in Zone off the s su is s reflected ec ec i Southern ou building. What will be affected? HEALTH: RELATIONSHIP LA ON LA O HI : HI • Digestive system, gastric related • Boldness, old es ol ss courage, ou ur e,, c confidence, ide id den • Appetite and Bowel movements, • Dynamism, na a sm m aggressiveness, gg gr iv ve ess es steade • Bones and Liver fastness, f ne fa es • Stamina • Sub conscious of S Su on ns ous ou us clearance, ea ar ara , sense se sen clarity, arrit no ari o hidden h den en agenda. end nda WEALTH: • Patience en nc tolerance, ole er ce, e, endurance, e uran ran anc • Political, lawyers, legal profession, • Forgiveness en ene ne and nd enthusiasm, thus hus usia • Right persons to work for you, right • Hard work, discipline, rk, k, ti ttimely y work, wo w disci discip scipl place, right position in the market, patience, effective work fec ect ectiv ork rk • Target achievements on time, • Males, brothers,, cous cousins, (bahtrucou co (bahtr bahtru ahtru• Land, real estate, surgeons, surgical karaka). equipment and hardware, • Power, reasoning justification, action, work, political power, position 60

What are the design factors to observed in the South zone of a structure? FUNCTION: • Television set, home appliance, fridge, electrical equipment, • Children’s bedroom, especially male children, hall • Living room, store room, bedroom, bathroom, commode in ns direction • Puja room, parents room, • Second best place for kitchen, generator, transformer, electrical equipment, • Second heaviest and highest zone • The floor and roof level also to be second highest • Second heaviest occupancy of furniture, equipment, machinery, tools, storage • Light should be minimal because infrared rays come from southwest, • Free space after built up space should be less than free space in north, east and northeast zone.


When is Dr.Shamsunder’s vaastu correction without demotion required? • • • • • • • • • • • •


Main entry in the south zone, Master bedroom Water body, Staircase, sump tank, septic tank, over head tank in south zone, Floor and roof level is higher than south and southwest Floor and roof level is lower than Northeast, north, east, west and northwest Furniture or Load is more than southwest, south Furniture and Load is lesser than Northeast, north, east, west and northwest Anxiety, depression, dull mind, lack of self content, moody and unstable Labour problems, processing problems, management problems Lack of emotional responsibility or empathy Female Members are unhealthy Lack of body weight, anaemic, dry skin, dehydration, constipation, weak lungs and weak kidneys, menstrual and sterility problems.

What are the qualities of South? CHARACTER: Vishnu Deity :






Manipura Chakra




Aum Kujaya Namaha






Black, red, Silver




Cinnamon, Saffron, Tumeric, Pepper, Ashwagandha, Garlic, onion and Asafoetida


SW outh


Vaastu seers from ancient times have observed ob v that h if there t e is Bramhastana na a defect in the Southwest marma point, the in he result su is s reflected ec ec in South west Zone of the building. What will be affected? HEALTH: RELATIONSHIP LA ON LA O HI : HI • Lower back, legs, and eldest mem• Accomplishments, cc c p pl m me , achievements a eve evem vem ber of the family • Completion m tio mp io o • Bones, cartilage • Puts us P u in harmony h ha ony on with th h positive positive sitive soso • Sanity, fatigue, lack of energy cial cia trends cia en n nd • Popularity op pu ty y prestige p stig sti tig fame ame me and power pow powe ower WEALTH: • Materialistic off erria ic eri c powers p wers ers and d fulfilment fulfi fulf ulfilm • Main earning members, Head of outer des desires, greed de es , gre gr the family, Head of the organization, • Outer good combined od d luck l com om ed d with wit w inner wi Chief, Decision Makers. unrest • Wealth accumulation, Net profits, • Physic powers • Accomplishments, Margins • It imparts almost psychic ychic chic sensitivity s ity towards mass trends and capacity capac apacity to use them 64

What are the design factors to observed in the Southwest zone of a structure? FUNCTION: • Over head tank • Master bedroom • Keeping money jewellery, cash, records provided it is north facing int the south west corner • Head of department, ceo, cabin office • Least or minimum light • Least of minimum number of openings • No main door • Highest floor level and roof level than any other direction • Maximum furniture or load than other directions • Minimum free space between the built space and site than any other direction


When is Dr.Shamsunder’s vaastu correction without demotion required? • • • • • • • • • • • • •


Dining, main entry, bathroom, toilet in southwest zone staircase, kitchen, sump tank, ETP in southwest zone, Generator transformer, electrical equipment or refrigerator in southwest, Insanity, neurosis, possessed by negative entities, abnormal mind, sensitivities of the nervous system; nervous, tremors, nervous indigestion Disconnection from the soul and body Emotional disturbances, susceptibility to drugs and mental disorder Mysterious diseases such as neuro-muscular disorder and cancer Inexplicable general mental unhappiness and malice Hyper sensitivity, hallucinations, imaginations, moodiness, indecisive Tendency to be taken over by any influence the more unrealistic the better Weak immune function In built healing powers are less Sorrow, depression, accidents, deaths

What are the qualities of Southwest? CHARACTER: Durga Deity :








Aum Rahuve Namaha





Gold, Silver


Bright Yellow, Gold, Orange, Red ?

Camphor, Bay berry Sage. Eucalyptus, Sandal wood, Lotus and calamus


Air Mooladhara Chakra




Vaastu seers from ancient times have observed ob v that h if there t e is Bramhastana na a defect in the West marma point, the result in Zone of the su u is reflected r re c ct in Western es es th he building. What will be affected? HEALTH: RELATIONSHIP LA ON LA O HI : HI • Piles, Bones, Anus , Gas problems, • Old ld d age e homes, h me e care ca ar are of elderly, eld el elde • Intestinal problems, Surgery, addicspiritual places and rittu places, p es, pl pla s, serene s en ne pl pla la tions, restlessness, geriatrics g atr attri • bone problems, deformity. • Down to practical, D Do o earth, rth th, grounded, ou oun un , prac pra pr realistic feelings al ali alis fe fee ee gs s WEALTH: • Non n possessive po p ess essi ssiv and liberal eral ral • Steel related business, • Respectful other ctf towards ctfu wa war ward othe ther family mily ily y and an • Quantitative Turnover, Business business me members m ers rs Wealth, organisational wealth • Spiritual in approach app ppr ppro h and belief b eff • Consistent Business turn over, • Able to be silentt when wh whe required quired uired red • Institutional business, whole sale business


What are the design factors to observed in the West zone of a structure? FUNCTION: • Children’s room, eldest members of the family, toilets, bathrooms, store room, • Staircase, lifts, escalator climbing towards west in clockwise motion • Main entry, living room, dining room, bedrooms, puja room • Machinery, equipment, management room, • Etp, drainage • Furniture should be fourth highest and heaviest in occupancy • Free space left in the west should be less than free space in east • Fourth highest in roof level and floor level


When is Dr.Shamsunder’s vaastu correction without demotion required? • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 70

Children’s bedroom, master bedroom in west zone, Kitchen, water body, sump tank, over head tank in west zone, Light from west is more than light from east Floor level and roof level is lower than north, east and northeast. Disease, death and old age, degenerative process of ageing Absorption, nutrients into the body, prana in large intestine. Physically there will be weakness of nerve and bones Constipation, abdominal pain, dryness, sensitivity towards cold, poor resistance, in built healing powers will be less Insomnia , restlessness or nightmares Commitment issues, procrastination, loneliness, alienation , unable to relate to anyone Anxiety, depression, ungrounded, absent minded, spaced out and short term memory and erratic memory King of sorrow, pessimistic view, negative aspects Bad luck, misfortune and difficult karma or unfortunate destiny Slowness, laziness, deaf, blind deformed body, stunted mind. Depression, melancholy, worry, anxiety, Lack of practicality and poor perception of reality, Difficulty making money, lack of consistency , A person will quit easily, with no long term drive or planning Work for others without attaining recognition Laziness, lethargy, postponing, procrastinate, perversion, Addiction, separation, divorce, court problems, litigations, allegations, Tax problems, government problems, Lack of discipline in institutional business, Bank issues, legal problems.

What are the qualities of West? CHARACTER: Rudra, Yama Deity :


Space and Earth








Amethyst, Blue sapphire

Aum Sham Shanischaryaye Namaha





Blue, Black

Black gram, black lentils or udad



Mooladhara Chakra


NW orth


Vaastu seers from ancient times have observed ob v that h if there t e is Bramhastana na a defect in the Northwest marma point, the in he result he su is su s reflected r ec c in North west Zone one of the building. What will be affected? HEALTH: RELATIONSHIP LA ON LA O HI : HI • Piles, Bones, Anus , Gas problems, • Old ld d age e homes, h me e care ca ar are of elderly, eld el elde • Intestinal problems, Surgery, addicspiritual places and rittu places, p es, pl pla s, serene s en ne p pla pl lla tions, restlesness, geriatrics g atr attri • bone problems, deformity. • Down to practical, D Do o earth, rth th grounded, th th, ou oun un , prac pra pr realistic feelings al ali alis fe ffee ee gs s WEALTH: • Non-possessive n-p -po ess ssiv and an liberal eral ral • Steel related business, • Respectful other ctf towards ctfu wa war ward othe ther family mily ily y and an • Quantitative Turnover, Business business me members m ers rs Wealth, organizational wealth • Spiritual in approach app ppr ppro h and belief b eff • Consistent Business turn over, • Able to be silentt when wh whe required quired uired red • Institutional business, whole sale business


What are the design factors to observed in the Northwest zone of a structure? FUNCTION: • Guest bedroom, store room, bedroom, • Marketing and logistics • Staircase • Finished products, godown • North of northwest best for ETP or septic tank • Free space must be more then south east, south and southwest • West of northwest is good entry point • Floor level and roof level should be fourth highest • Second best position for kitchen


When is Dr.Shamsunder’s vaastu correction without demotion required? • Lack of helpful people, confidence, concentration • Improper results in business related to dispatch and delivery of products and sales, • Presence of Master Bedroom in northwest zone, • Staircase is Antic clock wise • Road ending to the site or plot of building • Discriminating, judgemental behaviour • Floor level and roof level is lower than Northeast, East, North • Furniture or Load is more than South, Southwest or West • Anxiety, pent up emotions, depression, loneliness, helplessness • Anger, short temper • Shabby, lazy, procrastination, sadistic, criminal, false promises. • Male children will have health problems


What are the qualities of Northwest? CHARACTER: Ganesha Deity :





Mooladhara Chakra





Cats eye

Aum Gum Ganapathiyai Namaha





Red, Yellow

Sage, Calamus, Ginger, Camphor, Myrrh, Bramhi, Bhringraj


3, 9





Vaastu seers from ancient times have observed ob v that h if there t e is Bramhastana na a defect in the North marma point, the result in Zone off the su is s reflected r ec ec i Northern or t building. What will be affected? HEALTH: RELATIONSHIP LA ON LA O HI : HI • Immune system • Marriages, a ar ge e offsprings, off ffs fs ngs ng gs auspicious usp spic • Fertility, Kidney and urinary tract activities iv v s vi • General resistance against common • Protection P ec ct n against a nst ag ns st involvement olv olve vement into i cold etc in children deceptive events, situations. de e tiv ive plans, la an eve ven situa itua tuat • Intelligence te tel ell nce nc ce WEALTH: • Most stt helpful h ull generous g ero rou and nd d benefic, b be • Financial and material abundance es s dharma d rm ma law w of creative c tive ve e evoev evo • Expansion, growth, promotion, devel- • Signifies lution and d self se s realization ali aliz liza opment, enhancement and strength cky ky • Information, infrastructure and facili- • Creative, lucky • Personal fulfilment ent nt ties • Overall auspicious nature natur ature ture • Lottery, bidding or inheritance


What are the design factors to observed in the North zone of a structure? FUNCTION: • Guest room, reception, entrance hall, • All green areas, Meditation room. Study room • Children’s rooms, • Lobby, waiting room, Meeting or Discussion rooms. • Floor level and roof level should be higher than Northeast , but lower than other directions • Furniture and Load should be more than Northeast, but less than other directions • Maximum Light , Air and Ventilation should be provided


When is Dr.Shamsunder’s vaastu correction without demotion required? • • • • • • • •

The kitchen, heating system, garbage or the store room is in the north. The gate or door in the north is directed towards the northwest. There is little or no space, no window in the north. Floor level and roof level is lower than the northeast. Furniture or Load is higher than the northwest or south or southwest. The walls in the north are higher than in the south. There are high trees or buildings or mountains in the north. Infertility, lack of progressing in healing, gynaecological problems, Kidney and urinary problems, Arthritis, pains and Lack of general resistance • Inauspiciousness, Bad luck • lack of growth, profits, wealth despite all efforts to save or make money • Inability to lead life with right livelihood, good partners or relation with parents.


What are the qualities of North? CHARACTER: Krishna, Dattatraya Deity : Planet:





Yellow Saphire




Gold, Orange, Yellow






Swadisthana Chakra


Aum Namaha Bhagavatheya


Ashwagandha, Licorice, Bala, Ghee, Almonds, cashewnuts, Seasame seeds.




Vaastu seers from ancient times have observed ob v that h if there t e is Bramhastana na a defect in the North marma point, the result in Zone off the su is s reflected r ec ec i Northern or t building. What will be affected? HEALTH: RELATIONSHIP LA ON LA O HI : HI • Male members of a family will be • Name, a am fame f fa e , health h alth lth th and d reserves reserve rese re of directly affected. a family am m or o business siin sin • Recognition R og gn on n and d trustworthiness tr t wo wor orthiness ness • Self and independence Se esteem ste te tee a an nde de den denc enc • Leadership ea ad hip hiip and nd d honesty h esty sty WEALTH: • Politicians, Ceos, MD, HOD • Name, Fame, Health of the company, firm, business. Reserves of the business. • Business Ethics, goodwill, Brand and equity. • Trustworthiness of members 80

What are the design factors to observed in the Central zone of a structure? FUNCTION: • Keep the centre open to sky • The bramhastana in a structure should be open to sky. Refer page. for


When is Dr.Shamsunder’s vaastu correction without demotion required? • • • • • • • •


When there is a wall, beam, column in the centre Staircase, kitchen, toilet or bathroom in the Bramhastaana Lack of self confidence, self esteem, slow, dull or lethargic Dishonest, low vitality, false prestige, deceptive Poor self image, lack of motivation, will power or courage Weak heart, poor circulation, poor appetite, weak digestion General hypofunction of the organs in the nervous system Poor eyesight, weakness of the bones

What are the qualities of North? CHARACTER: Shiva Deity : Planet:









Gold, Orange, Yellow and Red 1


Element: Symbol:

Fire ?


Aum Suryana Namaha


Cayenne, Black pepper, Dry ginger, Long pepper, Cardamom, saffron, Calamus, Bayberry and Cinnamon, Camphor, Eucalyptus.


DR. SHAMSUNDER’S REMEDY: • As per vaastu, each room or space or furniture has to be placed in a particular direction

Dr. Shamsunder’s direction changing yantras can be applied to change the direction

• Dr.Shamsunder allows you to con- • The yantra is fixed horizontally either tinue using your furniture and rooms on the ceiling, roof or wall on the north in the existing position and using the or east perimeter of the building, site direction changing yantras rectified or furniture any defect • The Sri Chakra yantras changes the • If doors, windows, wall positioning, existing direction to the desired direckitchen, bedroom, study, bathroom, tion. This means the favourable direcstairs, columns, garage, storage, wation can be achieved by positioning ter bodies , entrance, lobby, reception, the script of the Sri Chakra yantras cabin rooms, ceo’s cabin, managing such that it converts the unfavourable director’s cabin are designed such direction to the most favourable. that it is not according to vastu, then 84

‘All manifest forms are merely waves in the infinite space of the Divine Mother.� -Dr. David Frawley



isdom oddesses

Each of the ten Forms of the Goddess represents a particular approach to self realization, to knowledge of that within us which transcends time and transient identity. They reveal the inner workings of both the universe and the psyche. DHASHA MAHAVIDYA • KALI • TARA • TRIPURASUNDARI • BHUVANEASHWARI • BHAIRAVI • CHHINMASTA • DHUMAVATHI • BAGALAMUKHI • MATANGI • KAMALATMIKA


The Ten Wisdom Goddesses are originally associated with the myth of restoring the Vedic teaching, which through the process of time had fallen under the forces of decay and corruption. The Ten Wisdom Goddessess challenge us to look deeper.

The ten goddess have enormous powers to remove of all negative energies that affect our body, mind, Intellect, Finances, Relationship & Spirituality. Which is so essential to make our life beautiful.

They have a broad range of meaning - form and formless, - concrete and abstract, - human and non-human, - terrible and beautiful. They are not merely knowledge but pure consciousness itself. They guide us to discover the serenity of the Self. 87



Goddess of Time Transformation

KALI : The root kal, from which the name comes, means “to count”, “to measure”, or “to set in motion”, hence “time”. FORM : Sometimes Kali is portrayed as an old woman or a hag. Sometimes she is made to look frightening, like a demoness. Other times her face is very beautiful. Sometimes she has the face of playful young girl. Besides dancing, Kali may be standing or sitting. 88

MEDITATION : The more one seeks beauty on the outside, the more one will lose life. The more one seeks beauty within, the more one goes beyond death. This is also part of the symbolism of Kali. Time is both creation and destruction. To create one must first destroy. To bring the new into being, one must first let go of the old.


‘Kreem’ 89



Goddess of Word Transformation

TARA : The term Tara means the deliverer or savior, from the sanskrit root tri, meaning “to take across�, as to take across a river, the ocean, a mountain, or any difficult situation. She is the feminine form of Om. FORM :

MEDITATION : Tara gives poetic and oratory powers to her devotees, and should be worshipped by those who seek these capacities. One devoted to Tara, it is said, can never be deafeated in debate or in the display of literary talents.

Tara is white in her transcendent im- She is sound energy, in the purest forcemaculate form and deep blue in her de- the sound of breath is considered original. The sound that manifests is the priscent into creation. mal sound of Life. Breath is the sound of Life. Tara is the sound of Life. 90


‘Om’ 91


ripura undari

Goddess of Beauty, The Beauty of the Three Worlds

TRIPURA SUNDARI : MEDITATION : Pura means cities, Tri means three. Beauty and bliss is the fundamental energy of existence, and play is the nature Sundari means beauty. of all manifestation. Knowing this one FORM : can free oneself from attachment and She is a young, playful and charming find happiness in whatever life may bring sixteen year old girl. She lives in the for- one. est of bliss and wears glistening gold ornaments. Tripura Sundari is the awareness of the She is often depicted as sitting on a cot. Divine beauty. The awareness of con-

sciousnesss of spiritual knowledge. Her meditation is the power to transform feeling and power of transendence from thoughts.









Goddess of Space, Queen of the Universe

BHUVANESHWARI : MEDITATION : Ishvari means queen or ruler. Bhuvana Bhuvaneshwari is located in all space. The infinite space or the void. To become means universe or realm of being. empty, motiveless and open before truth is to honor her. By the offering of the elFORM : She can be seen seated on a conch-like ement space, one gains the creative throne, carrying a lotus and a pot of jew- force of Bhuvaneshwari who is the very els in two of her hands, or her left foot is expression of freedom and joy. placed on a pot of jewels. Her form has Space is infinite in the physical realm. So four hands and three eyes. is the space of the mind.



‘HREEM’ 95



The Warrior Goddess

BHAIRAVI : Bhairavi means ,terrifying, and is the powerful, awesome, or energetic form of the Goddess.

MEDITATION : We should only seek her grace if we are willing to undergo the fire sacrifice of our own minds in to the Divine. She destroys all the limitations and illusions of egoFORM : She is seen seated on a red lotus or centric existence. sometimes on a corpse. She is the victory of the light. She carries no weapons. Contacting the flaming vibration of the She is the Goddess returning from her inner light and the inner sound at the root destruction of all demons or negative of the mind is communion with Bhairavi. forces.



‘SVAHA’ 97



Goddess of Transendence; The consciousness Beyond the Mind

CHINNAMASTA : Chinnamasta means a severed head.

FORM : She has cut off her own head and holds it in her hand, drinking the blood from her own wevered neck. Although a terrifying form, her face is blissful with joy. Her cut off head is the liberated consciousness.


MEDITATION : To be without a head is a metaphor for going beyond the thought composed mind. By dissolving our minds into pure consciousness, she brings transcendence of the mind and represents the non-mind state. Once the veil of the mind is lifted, the body wukk become a pillar of light, linking us up to the unmanifest state of pure awareness.


‘HUM’ 99



The Grandmother Spirit

DHUMAVATI : MEDITATION : Dhuma means smoke. Dhumavati is the Giving reverence to sorrow and disappointment as Divine friends who have one who is composed of smoke. come to teach us the limitations of the body-mind reveals Dhumavati. FORM : She is Kali as an old woman. The eldest among the Godesses, her Grandmother spirit is portrayed as a widow. Her form is not pleasant but shows the dark shadow of the world so that we may no longer be entranced by its superficial joys.


She is the wisdom of forgetting. Forgetting the movements of the mind, letting go of all fears, dislikes, opinions and thus Dhumavati is ultimately silence itself.



‘HUM’ 101


hagala ukhi

The Hypnotic Power of the Goddess

BHAGALAMUKHI : MEDITATION : Bhagala means ‘a rope’ or a ‘bridle’, Bhagalamukhi is one whose face has the power to control or conquer. She Mukhi means ‘face’. promotes detachment putting an end to all conflict and confusion of the mind. FORM :

Bhagalamukhi shown clad in yellow clothing, with yellow flowers and yellow She destroys ego and brings us to the ornaments. She sits on a golden throne truth of greater hypnotic powers. with red lotuses.



‘HLREEM’ 103



The Utterance of the Divine Word

: Mata means ‘a thought’ or ‘an opinion’. Matangi is the power which enters into thought or the mind. MATANGI

MEDITATION : Bhagalamukhi is one whose face has the power to control or conquer. She promotes detachment putting an end to all conflict and confusion of the mind.

FORM : She sits on a throne made of gems. She is often said to have a parrot in her She destroys ego and brings us to the hands. She is dark emerald in color and truth of greater hypnotic powers. plays the instrument vina. Shhe carries various weapons.




‘AIM’ 105


amalath ika

The Lotus Goddess of Delight

: MEDITATION : Bhagala means ‘a rope’ or a ‘bridle’, Bhagalamukhi is one whose face has the power to control or conquer. She Mukhi means ‘face’. promotes detachment putting an end to all conflict and confusion of the mind. FORM : KAMALATHMIKA

Bhagalamukhi shown clad in yellow clothing, with yellow flowers and yellow She destroys ego and brings us to the ornaments. She sits on a golden throne truth of greater hypnotic powers. with red lotuses.



‘SHREEM’ 107

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