I CATALOGUE African Brazilian Study Groups

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I CATALOGUE African Brazilian Study Groups

black brazilian researchers’ association


I CATALOGUE ABPN: African Brazilian Study Groups

© Black Brazilian Researchers’ Association President Eliane Cavalleiro Vice-President Carlos Benedito Rodrigues da Silva 2nd Vice-President Maria Nilza da Silva Executive Secretary Rosane da Silva Borges Treasurer Denise Maria Botelho Amauri Mendes Pereira Editorial Coordination Eliane Cavalleiro Preparation and Layout Luciana Lopes Maciel Andréia Lisboa de Sousa Translation Ricardo Pinheiro Technical Support Hayanna Carvalho-Silva Iraneide Soares Natalia Maria Alves Machado Renata cardodo Support CCN/UNB


FORD Foundation


Contacts ABPN – Brazilian Association of Black Researchers Campus Universitário Darcy Ribeiro North ICC, BSS 665 PO BOX 4438 AC/UNB

Asa Norte – Brasília – Brasil. abnp@abpn.org.br www.abpn.org.br


I CATALOGUE ABPN: African Brazilian Study Groups



I CATALOGUE ABPN: African Brazilian Study Groups

SUMMARY ENGLISH VERSION ........................................................................................................................................... 3 PRESENTATION ............................................................................................................................................... 5 NORTHERN REGION ........................................................................................................................................ 6 PARÁ........................................................................................................................................................... 7 TOCANTINS ................................................................................................................................................. 9 NORTHEAST REGION ..................................................................................................................................... 10 BAHIA ....................................................................................................................................................... 11 CEARÁ ....................................................................................................................................................... 15 MARANHÃO.............................................................................................................................................. 16 PIAUÍ......................................................................................................................................................... 17 SOUTHEASTERN REGION............................................................................................................................... 19 ESPÍRITO SANTO ....................................................................................................................................... 20 MINAS GERAIS .......................................................................................................................................... 22 RIO DE JANEIRO ........................................................................................................................................ 24 SÃO PAULO ............................................................................................................................................... 28 SOUTH REGION ............................................................................................................................................. 29 PARANÁ .................................................................................................................................................... 30 SANTA CATARINA ..................................................................................................................................... 32


I CATALOGUE ABPN: African Brazilian Study Groups


The first Catalogue of African Brazilian Study Groups (NEABs) 1 organized by the Black Brazilian Researchers´ Association seeks to give visibility to the network of national articulations, which represents a fundamental counterpoint to exclusionary practices and policies in the sphere of science, teaching, research and extension courses in Brazilian universities. By presenting this catalogue in the versions Portuguese, English and Spanish, I believe that NEABS will acquire an international dimension, providing visibility to their work and establishing dialogues within an AfroDiasporic perspective, broadening their scope of relationships and partnerships. Within that context, NEABs have been a democratic venue, articulated and solidary, marked by the presence of young Black generation, which is fundamental for our historical struggle in the academic sphere. May our strength, the spirit of resistance and the sense of collectivity guide us forever!

Eliane Cavalleiro President



This catalogue is composed by NEABs replying the information solicitation prior to July 8 2010.


I CATALOGUE ABPN: African Brazilian Study Groups



I CATALOGUE ABPN: African Brazilian Study Groups


NEAB/IFPA ____________________________________________ History Through Ordinance N. 26-GAB, in 06/07/2006, and the creation of the NEAB (Center for African-Brazilian Studies), actions were taken so that Law 10.639/2003 could be put into effect. Two continuing education courses were offered, both of them financed by UNIAFRO/2006 and PROEXT/2007. It was also offered a Non-Degree Graduate Course named “Education to the Ethnic and Racial Relations”, which is now on its fourth group, besides distance education courses. We believe that, by doing so, we contribute to the formation of Basic Education teachers and public servants. The Center aims at gathering funding, so more young people, especially African descendants, can enjoy Professional Education.

Institution Federal Institute of Pará Belém Campus Coordinator Dr. Helena do Socorro C. da Rocha Contacts helenacefetpa@yahoo.com.br Areas Access and Permanence; Initial training and continuing education, diversity and ethnic and racial issues, preparation of teaching material and para-didactic.

We are in constant dialogue with Diversity and Education Forums and institutions that offer Professional and Technological Education, other NEAB and study and research groups from Universities, so we contribute to the Net and other educational systems by doing research and publicizing reference material for teachers and didactic material for the students interested in this area. In 2007, a 40-hour subject was added to the curriculum in the formation of teachers and we have been working together with CAPES (a government agency connected to the Brazilian Ministry of Education in charge of promoting high standards for post-graduate courses in Brazil) and PRODOCÊNCIA in order to make the material available to public schools. IFPA’s objectives To ensure the study and development of the Education on Ethnic and Racial Relations and the Affirmative Action Policies in IFPA - Belém Campus; To make sure that Law 10.639/2003 are in effect in IFPA (Belém Campus), as long as High School and Superior Education are concerned; To stimulate the creation of post-graduation programs and initial and continuing education for the Ethnic and Racial Relations to public servants at IFPA and teachers who work in the areas close to Belém Campus.


I CATALOGUE ABPN: African Brazilian Study Groups

GERA/UFPA ________________________________________________________


Institution Federal University of Pará Coordinator Dr. Wilma de Nazaré Baía Coelho Contacts contato@portalgera.com.br www.portalgera.com.br

GERA (Center for the Studies and Research on Teacher’s Areas Formation and Ethnic and Racial Relations) was first Education and Ethnic Relations, Racial, founded in 2006 as Studies and Research Group on Educational Legislation for Racial-Ethnic Relations, Research in Basic Education on the Teacher’s Formation and Ethnic and Racial Relations. In implementation of legislation for Racial-Ethnic 2006 and 2008, this group did research on “Difference Relations, Teacher Education and the Anti-Racist and Ethnic in the School Environment: a study on the Education, Training professionals and students for routing legal education of ethnic-racial relations ethnic actors and contents in education”, which in Brazil; promotion of extra-academic activities th th investigated the social representations by 5 and 6 to broaden the discussion of the ethnic-racial relations. graders on race, ethnic, prejudice and discrimination in the school environment. In the years of 2008, 2009 and 2010, through the project entitled “Racial Relations and the School in the Field of New Legal Milestones: the Amazonian Issue”, the group enhanced its participation in Elementary and Junior High levels, delving into this subject in the 7th and 8th grades. Still in the research area, both projects were financed by CNPq (National Counsel of Technological and Scientific Development). In 2009, through its coordinator, the group conducted researches financed by MEC (Ministry of Education and Culture) / UNESCO, which were coordinated nationwide by “Affirmative Actions”/UFMG (Federal University of Minas Gerais), entitled “Work Pedagogical Practices for the Ethnic and Racial Relations for the School in the Perspective of Law 10.639/03”, whose aim was to detail the successful pedagogical experiences, as far as Law 10.639/03 is concerned, in the Northern Region of the country. In the Extension area, GERA realizes conducts seminars and lectures to instigate the debate on ethnic and racial in the educational environment. Finally, as far as teaching is concerned, in 2010, the Center has offered a Non-Degree Graduate Course named “Racial Relations for the Elementary and Junior High Levels”, financed by UNIAFRO. This course aims at providing continued education to teachers who work at public schools so that they are able to deal with ethnic and racial diversity in the basic level schools of Pará. GERA’s objectives To promote knowledge about the ethnic and racial relations and its contribution to the analysis of the subjects related to the contemporary cultural and educational formation, on the triad teaching-researchextension, having as its starting point the Amazonian reality, in special, that one in Pará. Specific objectives To stimulate the production of criticism via monthly meetings and debates, supported by specialized writings on racial relations and education; To make the researches public, via the Annual Seminars, and to propose solutions in the area of study;


I CATALOGUE ABPN: African Brazilian Study Groups To put forward researches, contributing, thus, to new reflections, especially in relation to the new legal milestones, teacher’s formation and Basic Education.



Institution Federal University of Tocantins Coordinator Dr. Maria Aparecida de Oliveira Lopes

______________________________________ NEAB/UFT - Center for the African-Brazilian Studies / Federal University of Tocantins started in the year of 2001, in the scope of UNITINS (University of Tocantins), at the Porto Nacional Campus. Therefore, it began operating at about seven years ago, for it is previous to the foundation of UFT (Federal University of Tocantins), in 2003.

Contacts marialopes@uft.edu.br Areas History social cultural black population, education and race relations.

NEAB’s objectives The Center for the African-Brazilian Studies of the Federal University of Tocantins is formed by one or more Research Group and/or Extension Group, which are properly certified by the responsible instances of the Federal University of Tocantins Foundation (UFT). The aim and the main activity is the development of research and teaching in the post graduation and Extension areas, inseparably, focused on the ethnic and racial issues. Since its foundation, the Center counts on a relevant contribution to the studies and researches on ethnic and racial diversity. Its social and scientific importance has been stressed on several occasions: when “Tocantins’ Rural Black Communities Project” was approved by CNPq (National Counsel of Technological and Scientific Development) /PNOG 200; as well as during the project “Color Policies in Brazilian Universities”, organized by the State University of Rio de Janeiro’s Public Policies Laboratory (LPPUERJ), in the year of 2002, and also in 2005 during UNIAFRO’s project, which was focused on affirmative actions, especially to publications and specialization of teachers in the areas about Africa, Black Culture and Black People’s History in Brazil, based on Law 10.639/2003, which makes the teaching of these subjects mandatory in various educational levels. These initiatives, consistent with the Center’s self-sustainability, are true evidences of how it is going to proceed, for they allow adequate infrastructure to research, as well as scholarship, plus setting out research line, an interdisciplinary approach, among others. In the year of 2009, the Center was again contemplated with UNIAFRO III and offered a post graduation course on African and Culture and History and The History of Black People in Brazil. Right now, we are engaged in organizing the publishing of four books on African and African-Brazilian History and Culture. We have other publications such as “Black Sociabilities” under the coordination of Antonio Liberac and Rosy de Oliveira. Besides, we have promoted activities related to important dates, May 13 th and November 20th, and we have conducted researches on the impact of sickle anemia on the populations of former Brazilian hinterland settlement areas in Tocantins, among other themes.


I CATALOGUE ABPN: African Brazilian Study Groups



I CATALOGUE ABPN: African Brazilian Study Groups


NABAIA/UESB _________________________________________________

Institution Southwestern State University of the Bahia Coordinator Dr. Marise de Santana


NABAIA is certified by CNPq (National Counsel of Contacts Technological and Scientific Development). This nabaia@ig.com.br group conducts researches on African and odeere_uesb@hotmail.com Indigenous History and Cultures, so that interdepartmental actions, which are connected Areas to the Graduation Pro-Rectory (PROGRAD), the Extension Pro-Rectory (PROEX) and the Research Education and Ethnic Relations: and Post graduation Pro-Rectory (PPG), can be Practices and Knowledges of African taken. Our researches have been pointing out and Indigenous Cultures. that the formation of teachers has been quite a challenge, especially considering what it is required by LDB 9394/96 (Law of Directive and Basis for Education), which, in its turn, through PCN (National Curricular Parameters) and Laws 10639/2003 and 11645/2008, demands that teachers develop their classes and lessons based on the African and Indigenous knowledge and practices. It is important to add that our ways of conducting educational activities are guided by the reflection on the teachers’ deeply rooted misconceptions, which generate discriminations of the “I” and the “other”. NABAIA’s objectives To stimulate researches and reflections on educational processes whose goal is the educational knowledge and Ethnic Relations; To identify and collect data on African, African-Brazilian and Indigenous populations, so that public policies related to diversity in the educational system can be created; To stimulate the development of researches that improve knowledge and subsidize the implementation of educational policies regarding religious communities, remaining of “quilombos” (Brazilian hinterland settlements) and indigenous areas; To develop Extension and post graduation activities from the data by the group’s various researchers.


I CATALOGUE ABPN: African Brazilian Study Groups

CEPAIA/UNEB _______________________________________ History CEPAIA (Center for the Studies of The AfricanIndian-American peoples), located at the Historical Center of Salvador (Bahia), is a Center for Studies in the State University of Bahia (Universidade do Estado da Bahia – UNEB), and it is regularly considered an additional branch. The Center, whose foundation dates back to 1996, is an initial partnership developed by the local Mineral Research Company (Companhia Baiana de Pesquisa Mineral) and the Coordination for the Superior Education of the Secretary of Bahia State for the Education.

Institution State University of Bahia - Centre for the Study of Afro-Indigenous PeoplesAmerican Coordinator Dr. Wilson Roberto de Mattos Contacts www.uneb.br/cepaia karinejanaina.cepaia@gmail.com wrmattos@uol.com.br Areas History; Social Sciences; Education and Philosophy.

In 1998, CEPAIA was transferred to UNEB and it became part of its academic structure, and its role was to promote studies, researches and additional formation to students and professors, becoming, then, an institution of production and that publicizes researches on black populations and on indigenous peoples of Brazil and the Americas. Since 2008, within the creation and implementation of its Strategic Plan, CEPAIA has the following as its mission: to educate people, to produce and publicize knowledge about the black and indigenous populations, on a decolonized and decolonizing epistemological basis, aiming at becoming a national reference to qualified political, educational and intellectual interventions, in the areas of reflection, knowledge-producing and taking actions to promote ethnic and racial equality in Brazil, starting from Bahia’s social and historical reality. NEAB’s objectives To develop, consolidate and regularize research, people’s education, the spreading and the extension of knowledge, in an articulate way, having the conception of affirmative actions as an ethic, political and intellectual reference, concerning the social needs of atonement and compensation according to the opportunity, condition and representation inequalities, which have been historically perpetrated against the black populations and the indigenous peoples.


I CATALOGUE ABPN: African Brazilian Study Groups

NEAB/UFRB __________________________________________________


Institution Federal University of Bahia Recôncavo Coordinator Dr. Antonio Liberac Cardoso Simões Pires

NEAB Recôncavo da Bahia was created in 2006 and made official in Federal University of Contacts Recôncavo da Bahia after a project sent to CNPq liberac@uft.edu.br (National Counsel of Technological and Scientific Areas Development). We develop Research and Extension projects in remaining “quilombo” History, anthropology, sociology, (Brazilian hinterland settlements) communities in education and arts. Extension work in the Recôncavo da Bahia area, besides producing rural and urban black communities. scientific works in various areas in the Applied Human and Social Sciences. There are sixteen professor-members in the Group and around thirty graduation students from different majors. Our main office is in Cidade da Cachoeira, in Recôncavo da Bahia. The Group is autonomous and follows a multicampi logic, embracing professionals from all the university campi. NEAB’s objectives Production of scientific works; Extension projects in Black People’s Communities; A racial relations based political formation; Promote events related to the presence of black people; To advise on the issues to the social movements.


I CATALOGUE ABPN: African Brazilian Study Groups

CEAO/UFBA __________________________________________________


Institution Federal University of Bahia

Coordinator The Center for the African-Oriental Studies Dr. Paula Cristina da Silva Barreto (CEAO) was created in 1959 and it is linked to the Contacts Faculty of Philosophy and Human Sciences of the www.ceao.ufba.br Federal University of Bahia. The Center has been ceao@ufba.br doing research on various areas of knowledge, paulacba@ufba.br teaching and extension, due to the increasing concern about racism in Brazil, actively Areas participating in the debate about affirmative African, African-Brazilian and Oriental policies. At the moment, CEAO has been studies developing the following projects: a specialized Library on African, African-Brazilian and Asian issues; Afro-Ásia magazine (the first number was issued in 1965), a publication was rated as “level B international” according to Qualis/CAPES high evaluation standards; Multidisciplinary Post graduation Program on Ethnic and African Studies, created in 2005, offering masters and doctorate; African-Brazilian Museum; CEAFRO – Program for the Education and Professionalization to Promote Racial and Gender Equality, created in 1994; Factory of Ideas – Advanced Course on Ethnic and Racial Studies; Course on the Formation of Ethnic and Racial Relations (SECAD - MEC / Secretary for the Continued Education, Literacy and Diversity – Ministry of Education); Inter-institutional Forum on the Defense of Affirmative Actions in the Superior Teaching (UFSCAR/UFBa – Federal University of São Carlos / Federal University of Bahia); Digital Museum of African-Brazilian Memory Project; Council on International Education Exchange (CIEE), which promotes exchange student program; SPHIS’ office (SouthSouth Exchange Program for the Research on History of Development); African and Oriental languages course. NEAB’s objectives The CEAO is focused on the study, research and community actions in the fields of African-Brazilian studies and affirmative actions toward African descendant populations, as well as in the field of language studies and African and Oriental civilizations. The CEAO has decisively contributed to the institutionalization of these fields of study in UFBA (Federal University of Bahia), as well as the creation of a space to promote the dialogue between university and the local and elsewhere black communities. Nowadays, the CEAO has been requesting that it be changed into a new university unit, with a multidisciplinary character, aiming at the ethnic, African and African-Brazilian studies.


I CATALOGUE ABPN: African Brazilian Study Groups CEARÁ

N’BLAC/UFC ________________________________________________


Institution Federal University of the Ceará Cariri Campus Coordinator Dr. Joselina da Silva

N’BLAC (Brazilian, Latin American and Caribbean Center for the studies of racial relations, gender Contacts and social movements) has been certified by joselinajo@yahoo.com.br CNPq (National Counsel of Technological and WWW.nblac.cariri.ufc.br Scientific Development) since 2006. It is an academic space specialized in the studies of racial relations and its interface with gender, Areas education, culture, identities, social inequalities, Race relations, gender and movement public policies and social movements. Nowadays, members. the group is made of eleven doctors and six masters from the following institutions: Federal University of Ceará (Universidade Federal do Ceará – UFC, Cariri Campus and Fortaleza Campus), University of Brasília (Universidade de Brasília – UNB), Action Aid, Federal University of Pernambuco (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco – UFPE), State University of Bahia (Universidade do Estado da Bahia – UNEB), Ateneu Faculty (Faculdade Ateneu), University Research Institute of Rio de Janeiro (Instituto Universitário de Pesquisas do Rio de Janeiro – IUPERJ), Federal Public Ministry (Ministério Público Federal), Research Support Fundings (Fundo de Apoio à Pesquisa – FAP) and Federal University of Campina Grande (Universidade Federal de Campina Grande – UFCG). We have three associate researchers who came from Florida International University / USA; Pontifícia Universidad Católica del Peru and Universidad Del Valle / Colombia. At the Federal University of Ceará (UFC), Cariri campus, fifteen students from three different majors (Library and Information Science, Business Administration and Philosophy) get together weekly on study group. Among the various activities and researches we promote, we annually organize an Extension course entitled “Black Initiatives: Exchanging Experiences”, which aim is educate and provide theoretical and technical education to studious and activists of social movements who struggle against racism. It is our goal to contribute to the preparation of social agents who develop intervention projects or researches in this area. N’BLAC’s objectives To contribute to the education of researchers in different levels, and to the training of educators and social movement activists who deal with the following themes: racial relations, gender and social movements. To promote studies and academic researches on African descendant populations and their social, political and cultural participation, so that a new contour, characterized by distinct inter-textualities, can be drawn.


I CATALOGUE ABPN: African Brazilian Study Groups MARANHÃO

NEAI/UEMA ________________________________________________


Institution State University of Maranhão Campus Imperatriz Coordinator Ms. Maristane de Sousa Rosa

The group is the consequence of a pioneer action taken by the Center for the African-Indigenous Study of Imperatriz (NEAI/UEMA – State Contacts University of Maranhão), which was founded in maristanerosa@hotmail.com August, 2007 as a branch of the History and Geography Department, from the Center for Areas Superior Studies of Imperatriz (CESI), and Education, Identity and Afro-Indigenous understood as a modifying agent that is able to Cultural Heritage. overcome the contemporary challenge to the different licentiate courses: the inclusion of “History of Africa” and African-Indigenous Cultures as school subjects, following Federal Law 10.639/03. On the hand, the absence of museums and houses of culture in Imperatriz strengthens our Extension approach to museology in order to create permanent exhibitions about ethnology, artifacts of material culture and representations of the immaterial of black and indigenous populations of the South of Maranhão. Thus, the consequence is the promotion of a research laboratory in the humane sciences area in a multidisciplinary approach (Archeology, Palaeography, Geography, Patrimonial Education, environmental conservation and related areas), as a scientific gain to the society of the Tocantina Region. NEAI’s objectives NEAI/UEMA aims at producing and stimulating researches in the Humane Sciences and History areas. These are to be developed by the State University of Maranhão (Universidade Estadual do Maranhão – UEMA), and they will help the teaching of African-Brazilian and Indigenous cultures, as well as spread knowledge related to different areas: education, identity and patrimonial culture (material and immaterial) produced by traditional communities of Maranhão.


I CATALOGUE ABPN: African Brazilian Study Groups PIAUÍ

ÌFARADÁ/UFPI ________________________________________ History

Institution Federal University of the Piauí Coordinator Dr. Ana Beatriz Sousa Gomes Contacts www.ufpi.br/ifarada anabeatrizgomes@yahoo.com.br

IFARADÁ was created by a group of black professors and black students from Federal University of Piauí (Universidade Federal do Piauí – UFPI), in 1993. In August of that very year, one Areas fact contributed enormously to IFARADÁ’s Education, History and Social Sciences. development process: a lot of this group members participated in the 1st Black University Students’ National Seminar, an event that was held in Salvador, Bahia. On November 20 th 1995, IFARADÁ was approved and recognized by UFPI’s University Council’s Resolution. The group’s headquarters is in its room, which is located in UFPI’s Center for the Human Sciences and Liberal Arts (CCHL). This group is composed of UFPI’s professors and students, besides former student researchers from various majors, such as Social Sciences, Pedagogy, History, Physical Education, Art Education, Liberal Arts, Social Work, Economics and Communication. IFARADÁ is also composed of members from other institutions and it gathers researchers in different academic levels. The activities developed by the group are focused on the teaching, research and extension areas. Throughout the years, the following have been developed: research initiation projects, monographs presented at the end of Non-Degree Graduate Courses, dissertations, theses and post-doctorate essays. NEAB’s objectives IFARADÁ is targeted at discussing, investigating and publicizing original studies related to Africaness and African affiliation, thus directly advising UFPI’s various majors in their teaching, research and extension activities, as well as in other institutions, in relation to their subject matter. The group also: instigates a proper place to the development of knowledge and experience exchange; organizes activities to publicize finished works; organizes an archive to the material related to the subject matter, especially in Piauí; and contacts research financiers so it is possible to keep data updated, and obtain resources to carry out projects.


I CATALOGUE ABPN: African Brazilian Study Groups

NEPA/UESPI ________________________________________ History

Institution Federal University of the Piauí

Coordinator NEPA – Center For African Study And Research Dr. Elio Ferreira de Sousa and of State University of Piauí (Universidade Ms. Assunção de Maria Sousa e Silva Estadual do Piauí - UESPI) is group of studies and Contacts researches focused on African and Africanelioferreir@yahoo.com.br Brazilian Literatures, whose aims are both academic and institutional. NEPA is linked to Areas UESPI’s Licentiate Course in Liberal Arts, at a first African literature, african-descent, instance, and to the Research and Post ethnicity and gender. graduation Pro-Rectory, at a high instance. It develops studies, conducts researches, and advises in African and African-Brazilian Culture issues, aiming at academic, professional and institutional levels, respecting the race and ethnic differences, thus, struggling against racism and discrimination. As far as methodology is concerned, it privileges literary analysis and its interfaces with other areas of knowledge, gathering, then, the fields of social and human investigation, language and arts sciences. From 2005, the year of its creation, to these days, studies and research activities have been realized, such as the 1st and the 2nd UESPI’s Afro-cultural Week (in the years of 2006 and 2007), as well as the 1st International Encounter of African and African-Brazilian Literature and Culture in the year of 2009. In this same year, alongside the Research and Post graduation Pro-Rectory, the first Non-Degree Graduate Course on African and African-Brazilian Literature and History was promoted and realized. In the year of 2010, the second one begins, in a partnership with NEPA/PROP and the Secretary of State for Education of Piauí. The professors-members of this Center have given permanent mentor assistance in UESPI’s graduation and post graduation (Non-Degree Graduate Course) courses. As result, there are more than ten monographs and essays related to the field of research focused from 2007 to 2010. NEAB’s objectives To create a study and research space for the African and African-Brazilian Literatures; To make the literary works of African and African descendants known, thus, strengthening AfricanBrazilian culture; To take into highest consideration Brazilian black people’s context, having as a starting point the literary productions which were born from authors who are concerned about racism and racial discrimination so that there is significant contribution to the debate and to the change of the mentality, which tends to silence or omit the black people’s participation in our country’s History and Culture.


I CATALOGUE ABPN: African Brazilian Study Groups



I CATALOGUE ABPN: African Brazilian Study Groups


NEAB/IFES ________________________________________________


Institution Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo Coordinator Ms. Gustavo Henrique Araújo Forde

The NEAB-Ifes was established by Ordinance 1.026 on August 21st, 2009 and has had the Contacts objective of developing researches that gforde@ifes.edu.br cooperate with the different areas within neab@ifes.edu.br education. Its main focus is the articulation of Areas the triad teaching-research-extension on the themes of Africanness, African affiliation and Teaching and Research in African theme, ethnic and racial relations, especially on the african descent and ethno-racial Continued Formation of teachers. The Center’s origins were the meetings and movements promoted from the beginning of the 2000’s, when Ifes’ professors and technical-administrative employees (named Cafetes on those days) debated and encouraged the research on the related subjects, even including some in different documents and institutional actions. In the same year, 2009, the NEAB-Ifes developed three important actions: (1) it promoted the 1st State Seminar of African and African-Brazilian Studies; (2) it joined the African-Brazilian Education Forum of Espírito Santo and, (3) it participated in the UNIAFRO Program (SECAD/MEC – Secretary for the Continued Education, Literacy and Diversity – Ministry of Education – n. 18/2009) and has the post graduation course approved – Improvement in “Education and African Filiation”, which was focused on training teachers from the basic education in public schools. Nowadays, the Center is getting ready to be part of the Research Groups on CNPq’s (National Counsel of Technological and Scientific Development) Research Groups Directories. NEAB’s objectives The NEAB-Ifes aims at developing works about teaching, research and extension, connecting them to different teaching systems, research institutions and organizations from civil society, focusing on African filiation and ethnic and racial relations. Among the main objectives of this Center, we highlight these


I CATALOGUE ABPN: African Brazilian Study Groups

NEAB/UFES _______________________________________ History

Institution Federal University oh the Espírito Santo Coordinator Dr. Maria Aparecida Santos Corrêa Barreto Contacts http://neabufes.blogspot.com cida67@terra.com.br neabufes@yahoo.com.br

The Center for the African-Brazilian Studies of Federal University of Espírito Santo began its first movements in 1998, and demanded negotiations and articulations with different sections. After eight years, it is acknowledged and approved by Ordinance n. 171-A on February 21st, 2006. Under Ordinance n. 506 on Areas May 16th, 2008, NEAB/UFES is asked to put its Training of teachers and education actions into effect. Between the years of 2008 professionals; Quilombola populations; and 2010, we had decentralized budget credits educational policy statements; traditional to support the institutional partnership of MEC communities of the yard; public health (Ministry of Education) with the Superior policies of the black population and Teaching Federal Institutions invited to promote cultural diversity. non-degree graduate courses. Aiming at promoting exchange and socialization, in the years of 2009 and 2010, NEAB/UFES, UFC (Federal University of Ceará) and UFBA (Federal University of Bahia) conducted Seminars on Africanness and African Filiation. Nowadays, we have been developing these researches: “The inclusion policies in the public Superior Teaching of Espírito santo and the formation of teachers towards diversity: tensions, impasse and perspectives – the case of Federal University of Espírito Santo”; and “Rural and Urban Territory and Territoriality: organization processes, memories and AfricanBrazilian cultural patrimony in jongueiras communities of Espírito Santo”. Alongside these activities, there are extension projects, articulations with black and social movements and projects with students from Africa, PEC-G (Student Programs – Graduation Convention) of UFES. NEAB’s objectives Its general objective is to become a reference center that articulates and promotes activities focused on teaching, research and extension related to the African-Brazilian studies; to build interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary expansion policies in public schools where basic education is offered. NEAB/UFES is focused on promoting and disseminating knowledge in the related areas; promoting information exchange; constituting articulation and discussion forum on the actions developed in UFES about Africa and Africanness in Brazil. It is part of the projects developed by the research line “Diversity and Inclusive Educational Practices” of the Post graduation in Education Program – PPG/CE/UFES.


I CATALOGUE ABPN: African Brazilian Study Groups


NEAB/CEFET-MG ________________________________________ History

Institution Federal Center for Technological Education of Minas Gerais Coordinator Ms. Silvaní dos Santos Valentim

The NEAB/CEFET-MG - Center for the AfricanBrazilian Studies / Federal Center for the Technological Education – Minas Gerais - was Contacts instituted by the General Director’s Ordinance www.neab.cefetmg.br (DIR-416/09) on 26th of May 2009. The process of neab@dppg.cefetmg.br internal and external structuring and the articulation with teaching, research and Areas extension started on March 2008, reaching its peak when it was approved by the Extension Promotion Policy of Inclusion for africanCouncil on November 2008 (Resolution CExbrazilian. 150/08). Research projects (which were supported by PIBIC (Institutional Program for Scientific Initiation Scholarship) / CNPq (National Counsel of Technological and Scientific Development) and PROPESQ/CEFET-MG made it possible the beginning of the studies about the different dimensions that are involved for the implementation of Law 10.639/2003 and the promotion of inclusion and permanence policies for the African-Brazilian students in institutions of learning, especially in CEFET-MG. The partnership with the “Forum of Education and Ethnic Racial Diversity of Minas Gerais” has caused the development of extension activities in the public schools of Belo Horizonte and the metropolitan region. NEAB’s objectives To become a reference center for the production of knowledge, for teachers’ formation; for promoting the racial equality; for articulating the cultural, extensional and teaching activities in the ethnic and racial relations. To consider the following areas as essential to the development of the political and historical awareness of the cultural diversity: education, technology, languages, biological and exact sciences. To fight against prejudiced, discriminating and racist attitudes. To organize and promote the “Black’s Awareness Week”. To articulate actions for the implementation of access and permanence policies for African-Brazilian students in institutions of learning, especially CEFET-MG.


I CATALOGUE ABPN: African Brazilian Study Groups

NEAB/UFU ________________________________________________


Institution Federal University of Uberlandia – UFU Coordinator Dr. Guimes Rodrigues Filho Contacts neabufu@yahoo.com.br http://www.neab.ufu.br

The Center is still in the period of consolidation, but it is already praised for its originality and for the institutional insertion, both inside and outside the university. It keeps permanent interchange with Researchers from the Center Areas for the African-Brazilian Studies (NEAB) of the Afro-Brazilian cultures, Racial-Ethnic Federal University of São Carlos, who are Relations and Gender Studies, Ethnic and coordinated by Professor Petronilha S. Racial Relations and Teacher Education; Gonsalves. It also keeps in contact with NUPE – Relations Ethnic / racial and Population Center for Research and Extension about Black Health Afro-Brazilian. People of UNESP (Paulista State University). The Center also maintains a set of linked activities, among which some stands out: a permanent program for the formation of teachers for basic education; an inter-institutional study group; the annual Seminar on Racism and Education: Challenges to the Formation of Teachers. NEAB’s objectives The Center for the African-Brazilian Studies of Federal University of Uberlândia (NEAB-UFU), which was created in 2006, focuses on the study, research and community actions in the fields of African-Brazilian studies and affirmative actions for the African descendant populations, as well as in the African History and African-Brazilian Culture. One of its actions is the continued formation of teachers for the public schools of Basic Education in the city of Uberlândia and the Triângulo Mineiro. The continued formation started in 2006, through the Continued Formation for Teachers of Basic Education Program by UFU’s Extension Pro-Rectory. This program deals with gender, race and ethnic and these subjects are studied by NEAB-UFU. This formation axis embraces the Federal Law 10639/03 which demands the private and public schools, in every level, teach African and African-Brazilian History and Culture.


I CATALOGUE ABPN: African Brazilian Study Groups



Institution Federal University Fluminense


History The Educational Program on Black People in Brazilian Society was created on August 1995, after the approval by the Teaching and Research Board, via Resolution 151/95. The research activities were developed, at first, in one of the following theme axes: the Racial Issue in the Formation of Education Professionals; Black People and Education: history and memory; Black People and University. Nowadays, the researches have been developed in the following axes: the Racial Issue in the Formation of Education Professionals; the Black People’s Imagery in Didactical Material, and Education: the subjective issue.

Coordinator Dr. Iolanda de Oliveira and Dr. Márcia Maria de Jesus Pessanha Contacts www.uff.br/penesb penesb@vm.uff.br iolanda.eustaquio@globo.com marciapessanha@predialnete.com.br Areas Research, Education and Extension in the African theme, African descent and ethnoracial

The teaching activities are pulled off by means of subjects approached in the under graduation, graduation (master and doctorate) courses and the guidance of monographs, theses and dissertations, as well as in NonDegree Graduate Courses. Extension Courses are also available, either physically on-site presence or half-onsite, for teachers who work at Basic Levels. The extension activities take place via scientific journeys and biannual seminars. NEAB’s objectives To do research on the racial dimension on the education, and to disseminate education. the professionals in the educational area and their initial and continued the knowledge produced about this subject among the population, especially.


I CATALOGUE ABPN: African Brazilian Study Groups

NEAB/UERJ _______________________________________ History

Institution State University of Rio Negro Always Collective of Black Teachers Coordinator Dr. Maria Alice Rezende Contacts www.neab.uerj.br neabuerj_semprenegro@yahoo.com.br

In 2002, UERJ (State University of Rio de Janeiro) was the pioneer in the implementation of the quota system for black students in Brazil. This fact plus the need of an internal organization of UERJ’s professors in relation to ethnic and racial Areas issues motivated the creation of UERJ’s Black Professors Corporate. In 2003, NEAB/UERJ was Teaching and Research in the African created by a group of professors from different theme, african descent and ethnic-racial university academic departments. This way, it relations. was possible to gather researchers from various groups and research themes, which were disperse and not linked. Since then, the Center has been dedicating to teaching, research and extension activities, especially those related to the implementation of Law 10.639/03 and 11.645/08 and its directives, as well as checking the quota system for black students in the university. Through its “African-Brazilians Permanence Formation Program of UERJ”, the Center has promoted the initial and continued formation of teachers of all levels, privileging the implementation of the aforementioned laws; it has encouraged the production of writings on the ethnic and racial issues; and it has promoted academic activities to support the African-Brazilian students in this university. NEAB's objectives To gather UERJ's professors, expert on African, African-Brazilian and Diasporic studies; To promote teaching, research and extension activities; To actively participate in the movements that promote racial equality.


I CATALOGUE ABPN: African Brazilian Study Groups

LEAFRO/UFRRJ _______________________________________ History

Institution Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro

Coordinator The African-Brazilian Studies Laboratory Dr. Ahyas Siss (LEAFRO) – Federal Rural University of Rio de Contacts Janeiro’s NEABI – initiated its activities on the www.ufrrj/leafro first semester of 2006. Coordinated by Doctorahyassis@pq.cnpq.br Professor Ahyas Siss, this Laboratory is a space leafro@ufrrj.br for multi, inter or trans-cultural academic researches, composed of researchers and Areas research groups that belong to different Education in the African theme, african ethnic/racial groups, different generations, gender, social class and religious or non-religious descent and ethnic-racial relations. orientations. This diversity is one of its greatest features. They all focus on one thing: the struggle against racism and ethnic and racial inequalities in every possible dimension. The Laboratory’s institutionalization and consolidation in UFRRJ’s environment has guaranteed the development of researches aiming at the production and dissemination of academic knowledge and of ethnic and racial intervention on the perspective of the Indigenous and African-Brazilian studies, as well as in the teachers’ formation process, either the initial or continued formation, based on the Laws 10.639/03 and 11.645/08. NEAB’s objectives To make it possible the understanding of the ethnic and racial diversity of the Brazilian society; to produce knowledge so that they influence the subjectivity deconstruction process that justifies ethnically stereotyped actions, or racist ones; to understand that human beings have the right to basic equality principal among them; to enhance the historical and political awareness about diversity. Having these goals in mind, the LEAFRO promoted the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Extension Courses on Education and Racial Inequalities: Laws 10.639/03 and 11.645/08 (03 groups: 2007, 2008, 2009); Non-Degree Graduate Course entitled Ethnic Diversity and Brazilian Education; the 1st and 2nd LEAFRO National Seminars “African-Brazilians, Ethnic and Racial Relations and Education”; LEAFRO Journey: 2007, 2008 and 2009; 1st, 2nd and 3rd Conference on Education and Racism; Conference on Ethnic Quota System in UFRRJ and Other Federal Institutions of Superior Teaching; The 3 rd LEAFRO/COPPIR (Racial Equality Coordination) Symposium , The 1st Census for the African-Brazilian Religious Matrices in Baixada Fluminense and the publication of the researches.


I CATALOGUE ABPN: African Brazilian Study Groups

LAESER/UFRJ _________________________________________________


Institution Federal University of the Rio de Janeiro

Coodinator LAESER - Laboratory for the Economical, Dr. Marcelo Jorge de Paula Paixão Historical, Social and Statistical Analysis on Racial Contacts Relations - was created on February 2006 and www.laeser.ie.ufrj.br has as its main axis the study of the evolution of mpaixao@ie.ufrj.br race and gender inequalities in Brazil. In that very laeser@ie.ufrj.br year, LAESER was granted support by UNIAFRO, Areas which supports LAESER in the development of Research, provision of statistical Extension Courses (Social Indicator Workshop: information and academic extension. emphasis on racial relations) and research. This support was granted throughout the years of 2008 and 2009. In the year of 2007, LAESER created its homepage on the internet (www.laeser.ie.ufrrj.br). There, users can get to know the researches, essays and the presence of its members on the press, one good example being the “Racial Inequalities Record”, an information free source bearing social indicators dissociated by groups of color/race, gender, age and the neighborhood where people live (including the city level). On this record, there are pieces of information on the Demographic Census, PNAD (National Research on Domicile Sample), SIM (Information System on Mortality) and other basis. In the year of 2008, it was published the Annual Report on Racial Inequalities in Brazil 2007-2008. There is a second issue coming up, due on the second semester of 2010. LAESER, through its coordinator, is part of the African Descendants Technical and Political Work Group for the Americas’ Census. LAESER, throughout its four years of existence, has been financed by institutions such as Oxfam-Novib; Ford Foundation, CPEDOC-FGV (Center for the Research and Documentation on the Brazilian’s Contemporary History – Getúlio Vargas Foundation – “Labor’s Memory Contest”), CNPq (National Counsel of Technological and Scientific Development) and FAPERJ (Foundation for Research Support of Rio de Janeiro). At present, there is a research project already approved by INEP-MEC (National Institute for the Study and Research of Educational Issues – Ministry of Education). The research is on racial inequalities in the Brazilian educational system. Besides its coordinator, LAESER counts on five permanent researchers. NEAB’s objectives Social sciences Research applied to the study of race and gender inequalities in Brazil; analysis of race asymmetries in Brazil, using social indicators; compilation of statistics database on race in Brazil as well as in other countries; democratic propagation and access to social indicators; development of extension courses on social indicators dissociated by groups of color/race.


I CATALOGUE ABPN: African Brazilian Study Groups


CECAFRO/PUC-SP _________________________________________________


Institution Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC/SP)

Coordinator Founded in 2006, by professors and students from Dr. Maria Antonieta Antonacci and PUC/SP (Catholic University/ São Paulo), with the Bebel Nepomuceno participation of professors and students from USP (São Paulo University), as well as researchers from Contacts other institutions, CECAFRO is an interdisciplinary cecafro_puc@yahoo.com.br and inter-institutional center. Its profile was Areas designed in an assembly, on September 2006. “Strangeness and intolerance have stopped African History, African Culture, languages, ways of life, memories, knowledge african-Caribbean cultures, cultureswriting and communication codes from Latin and African. African-Brazilian interacting. There hasn’t been a dialogue cultures. African oral and in diasporic. between the New and the Old World, between the peoples of ancestry oral traditions, such as the natives of the Americas, Africans and African descendants as well as other peoples who were enslaved by the commercial relations in modern Europe. Points of view related to the world, cosmogonies, culture/nature relations, artistic expressions, conceptions of the body, aesthetics, sounds, sensitivity, religiousness – historically ignored or deemed as racial hierarchical signals compared to literate canons of the western expansionism – have been disrupting historical barriers within cultural resistance. Their voices, sounds, gestures, performances, initially taken as local and shattered, as “between-local” expressions, not only do renew the dominant cultural stock, but have been producing multiple identities, developing requests for freedom and independence, as well as acknowledgement of their cultural roots and matrices, in struggles that reinforce the right for memory and history.” On the path of these historical emergencies, CECAFRO/PUCSP has been developing researches and teaching and extension activities. CECAFRO’s objectives To enhance researches, debates, meetings on the languages that deal with times and lands of the African memory, history and orality, in connection to writing, visual, sound and performatic traditions that have been recreating African matrices in Brazil and the Americas; To organize workshops and short-term courses, to follow and enhance the possibilities of teachers and students from different areas and levels, so that they can refer to the cultural, material, proverbial, artistic and sound evidences from African descendants in Brazil, the Caribbean and Latin America; From the “culture contact zone” perspective, to raise post-colonials issues, as well as issues related to race, culture and communications; black people’s cultures, identity dialectic, so as to face essentialism in every expression.


I CATALOGUE ABPN: African Brazilian Study Groups



I CATALOGUE ABPN: African Brazilian Study Groups


NEAB/UFPR _________________________________________________


Institution Federal University of the Paraná Coordinator Dr. Paulo Vinicius Baptista da |Silva

Throughout the years of 2000 and 2001, the Group for African-Brazilian Studies, promoted Contacts seminars, courses and debates about the Africanwww.neab.ufpr.br Brazilian culture and identity. The Group neabufpr@gmail.com established partnership with organizations linked Areas to the black social movement in Paraná. In the 2002, the Group conducted the research named Race relations in Brazil, education, “The Color of the Federal University of Paraná”, in children and ethnic-racial relations, identity and culture african-Brazilian, Human which an inventory of the racial profile of UFPR Rights, violence and race relations, (Federal University of Paraná). From the year of History, Afro-Brazilian and African History, 2002 on, the focus of the Group turned to be the Health and ethnic-racial relations, discussion and struggle for the implementation monitoring and evaluation of affirmative of affirmative action policies inside the university, action and racial equality, training and having managed, then, to get the Plan Target qualification in the fields mentioned above; exchange with NEABs, centers, groups approved on May 2004. Besides, since 2003, the and researchers. NEAB has taken various actions to the initial and continued formation of teachers aiming at the implementation of the teaching of African-Brazilian History and Culture. NEAB/UFPR, formalized on December 2004, through the ordinance by the Federal University of Paraná’s Dean, was created on the impulse of the implementation of the Plan Target for Racial and Social Inclusion in this university. Nowadays, NEAB/UFPR gathers professors from different areas: Education, Anthropology, Social Sciences, History and Medicine, besides graduation and post graduation majors, developing research and extension projects in those areas of knowledge. Also, this Center is completely integrated in the implementation and evaluation actions for the Plan Target for Racial and Social Inclusion of this university. NEAB’s objectives To constitute in UFPR a reference center that promotes and articulates teaching, research and extension activities related to African-Brazilian studies. Specific objectives: To produce knowledge related to the study fields; To disseminate knowledge produced in the study fields; To promote information exchange; To constitute a discussion and articulation forum on the developed actions, in UFPR, about Africa and Africanness in Brazil.


I CATALOGUE ABPN: African Brazilian Study Groups

LEAFRO/UEL _________________________________________________


Institution State University of Londrina Department of Social Sciences

African-Brazilian Culture And Studies Laboratory: Coordinator dialogues for the acknowledgement and Dr. Fábio Lanza and appreciation of African-Brazilian history and Dr. Maria Nilza da Silva (licensed in 2010) culture in Paraná (Jacarezinho e Londrina). Since Contacts the beginning of the 20th century, researchers, http://www.uel.br/projetos/leafro/ educators, artists and intellectuals have leafro.uel@gmail.com manifested their concern in relation to both the appreciation of Brazilian culture and the national Areas intellectual production. Although this concern Education and Culture in the African has permeated that whole century, it is evident theme, african descent, and ethno-racial. that in the 21st century Brazilian culture (which is constituted by various ethnic and racial groups) is not appreciated in its entirety, for there has still been great difficulty in acknowledging the African-Brazilian contribution as a part of the national culture, thus, reinforcing the exclusion and stigmatizing the black people in our society. The African-Brazilian Culture and Studies Laboratory initiated its activities on April 2009 and it is linked to the University Without Barriers Program – USF (Cultural Dialogues Subprogram) by SETI/PR (Paraná’s Secretary of State for Science, Technology and High Learning). The project’s target public are the individuals in a vulnerable situation, especially the ones from black population, which presents disadvantages in every social indicator. In schools, the project wants to reach students and their families, teachers and employees from basic education in the cities of Londrina and Jacarezinho (Paraná), privileging the periphery neighborhoods and schools that presented low IDEB (Basic Education Development Indication). NEAB’s objectives The project aims at contributing to the appreciation for the black culture in privileged spaces, such as the schools for Basic Education, using as useful tools the contents and activities indicated by Law 10.639, which was proclaimed on the 9th of January 2003, and establishes the teaching of African and African-Brazilian History and Culture in every school level. The cultural dialogues promoted among the project’s target populations (teachers and students of Basic Education, High School and EJA – “Education for the Youngsters and Adults”) are supposed to disrupt the silencing and discriminating processes under which the black population have been exposed to. By doing so, this population will be taken out of invisibility and there will be the appreciation of the African-Brazilian culture and identity.


I CATALOGUE ABPN: African Brazilian Study Groups


NEAB/UDESC ________________________________________

Institution State University of Santa Catarina Coordinator Ms. Neli Góes Ribeiro

Center For The African-Brazilian Studies – UDESC (State University of Santa Catarina) after nine years developing actions aimed at combating Contacts racial inequalities and at promoting the www.faed.udesc.br/multiculturalismo populations of African origin, it was considered coordenacaoneab@gmail.com necessary to institute, at the State University of Santa Catarina (UDESC), the Center for the African-Brazilian Studies (NEAB) as an Areas institutional space able to coordinate and give prominence to the various efforts of teachers, Education and History at the African students and employees committed to the theme, african descent and ethnic-racial defense of ethnic and racial diversity in our state. relations. Between the “First Cycle of Debates About the Black” (1994) and the creation of NEAB/UDESC (Center For The African-Brazilian Studies / State University Of Santa Catarina), there were different sorts of experiences. From the old individual sympathies that made the first events possible, we have built one the most deeply-rooted institutional projects developed by a Brazilian university. So far, there has been more than forty academic writings, among them completion of course essays, monographs, master’s dissertations, doctorate theses and research reports. In 2004, we actively collaborated to the articulation of centers and research groups spread around diverse regions of the country, and this constituted the NEABs Union, whose one of the first actions was the Institutional Cooperation Settlement between MEC (Ministry of Education and Culture) and the corresponding Centers for the African-Brazilian Studies. We believe that quantity and the meaning of the actions of research, teaching and extension, realized in partnership with university institutions and entities from Santa Catarina’s Black Movement, have contributed to the change of the institutional cultural in our university and in other public organizations or the ones that are in the public sphere. NEAB’s objectives The Center for The African-Brazilian / State University of Santa Catarina (NEAB/UDESC) is a theme center, aiming at helping UDESC – by means of research, teaching and extension activities – to formulate and execute policies for the equality, appreciation of the ethnic and racial diversity, and to promote the development of the African-originated populations in Santa Catarina. It is our aim, also, to collaborate to the implementation, in UDESC’s environment, of LDB (Law of Directive and Basis for Education), modified by Law 10.639/03 and by the resolution of CNE/CP (National Board for Education) 003/04, which define the National Curriculum Directives for the Ethnic and Racial Education and the Teaching of African and African-Brazilian History and Culture.


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NEAB/UNIPLAC-SC __________________________________________________


Institution University of Santa Catarina Plateau Coordinator Ms. Maria Aparecida Gomes

The Center for the African-Brazilian Studies “Black People, Education and Indigenous” was Contacts constituted in the year of 2000 at the University of http://neab-uniplac.blogspot.com/ Planalto Catarinense (UNIPLAC) in Lages, Santa profcidagomes@yahoo.com.br Catarina. Since then, it has developed researches Areas on indigenous’ and black people’s identity, Ethnic-racial relations in Brazil and its culture, memory and education, especially those implications in the educational context, Identity, ones from Santa Catarina’s Ridge Areas, aiming at Memory and read less and Indian Culture in the creating a reference center on ethnic and racial mountainous region of Santa Catarina, History studies – Reference Center Sebastião Ataíde. This and Afro-Brazilian Culture and History of Africa, NEAB deals with teaching, research and extension, studies on health and ethnic-racial relations; so theoretical and methodological references can Initial and ongoing training with views Laws be created, thus, allowing teachers and educators 10.639/03 and 11.645/08; exchange with NEABs, (as well as any person who is interested in the centers, groups and researchers. subjects) to develop and deepen the history of the ethnic and racial relations in the Brazilian society and its implications on the educational process, as well as the implementation of the Laws 10.639/03 and 11.645/08, which make it mandatory the inclusion of Indigenous, African and African-Brazilian History and Culture in the Official School Curriculum. Therefore, this NEAB conducts various actions so as to contribute to the initial and continued formation of teachers and managers in education in relation to the ethnic and racial relations and multiculturalism. At present, the “Black People and Education” NEAB gathers professors from different areas: Human Sciences, Arts, Biological Sciences, besides students at the graduation and post graduation courses, who develop research and extension projects in the aforementioned areas. NEAB’s objectives To constitute a Reference Center for the Ethnic and Racial Studies in the University of Planalto Catarinense in Lages (Santa Catarina) that articulates and promotes activities in the areas of teaching, research and extension related to the indigenous and African-Brazilian studies, and to implement the Laws 10.639/03 and 11.645/08 in Santa Catarina’s Ridge Areas, unfolding the issues on the indigenous and black populations’ Gender, Identity, Culture, Memory and Health in Santa Catarina’s Ridge Areas. Specific objectives: To take pedagogical actions related to the teaching, research and extension in the themes of ethnic and racial relations and its implications in the Brazilian education as a whole; To disseminate knowledge about ethnic and racial relations and education among education professionals, intervening in their initial and continued formation.


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