HAND IN HAND WITH SCIENCE ‘Who does not move forward is going back ward. These words of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe come to mind when we think about developing ourselves, training or otherwise working on ourselves . Why does ambition make a person who is gifted with it always be one step ahead of others? The answer to this question is advant a g e , i n o u r c a s e , te c h n o l o g i c a l advantage. Technological advantage is an irrep l a c e a b l e to o l f o r b u i l d i n g c o m p etiti ve ad v antage. It guar ante e s competitivenes s without compro mising quality or the need to move production to countries with lower labor costs. Usage of the latest technolo gic al achievem ent s allow s to produce faster, more economically, meeting or even exceeding increasingly stringent environmental standards. What are these technological advances and where do they come from? Te c hn o l o gi c al b re ak thro u gh s are the results of painstaking research and hundreds of hours of tes ting , carried out under the sup er vision of the b e s t s cientis t s in lab orato ries all over the world. Science and knowledge are the engine of pro gress, therefore, as Benjamin Franklin noted, there is no better investment. We have the pleasure to discuss the development of manufacturing technology for marine products at MAEM with the leaders of marine education
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