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In our next article on the values that guide MAEM, we'll take a slightly more in-depth look at optimism. Have you ever asked yourself what type of person you are? You can attempt to verify your disposition using the glass of water test. A glass of the same amount of water is seen in dramatically different ways. Some people will reflexively conclude that it is half empty, while for others the same glass is half full. An optimist will focus on what he has, a pessimist on what he lacks. The optimist thinks positively about the situation - he has as much as half a glass of water. A pessimist thinks negatively - he has only half the contents. What influence does optimism h ave o n b u s i n e s s d eve l o p m e nt ? Enormously. What a pessimist would call 'spending money', an optimist will define as an investment, believing and seeing its future effects. Organizations run by people with a positive attitude to life develop much faster and more effectively than companies of pessimists, who see investing only through the prism of expenses and risks. D oes disposition have an impac t on our jobs? Optimists themselves are looking for new solutions,

10 | Summer 2021 | MAEM Values

improvement s , they do not close themselves in the usual stereotypes and often imperfectly repeated schemes. An optimist is a committed employee who sets new standards and influences the development of the whole organization. Is MAEM a place where optimist s work? Yes, definitely! The continuous development of the company, starting from individual workplaces and constantly improved work procedures and ending with new strategic directions of the company, does not result from apathy or lack of involvement. It is due to the positive employees who make up MAEM that our company continues to introduce new products to its portfolio for the marine market and beyond. It is optimism supported by market knowledge that has made MAEM a brand in the aviation spare parts environment in the near future. I will summarize the next series of ar ticle s on the charac teris tic s of MAEM with a quote: 'Relax. Take it easy.' Which is something we would like to wish for ourselves and for all of you.

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