This time on a journey through major port cities, we invite you to St. Petersburg, a metropolis located at the gateway of the port of the same name. The por t of St . Petersburg, also called the gateway to Russia, is Russia's leading port and the largest container port in the Baltic area. It is from here that Russia's main trade with Europe and the rest of the world takes place. The port occupies 164.6 km² of water area, the so-called aquatorium. The
18 | Summer 2021 | Lifestyle
length of the mooring lines is 31 km and the greatest depths available are about 11-11.5 m. However, the deepest places available for 4 ships in the harbour anchorages are between 23.5 m and 25 m deep. In 2019, the port handled a total of more than 59.9 million tons of cargo, which was 0.1% more than a year earlier. However, let's leave the port behind and focus on leisure opportunities in this monumental city. According to a UNESCO report, St. Petersburg is the
eighth most attractive tourist city in the world. How about a bit of history? The establishment of the city is the fulfillment of many years of efforts and efforts to gain access to the Baltic Sea by the rulers of the Romanov dynasty. Thanks to the Northern War, which Peter I fought agains t the Swedes from 1701 to 1721 and the victory in the battle of Poltava in 1709, as well as the favorable peace treaty of Nystad (fin.