28/09/11 STUDENT LEADERS’ DEBATE, 2011 Speakers: Mischa Menuck, President of the U of T Campus Conservatives Michelle Johnston, President of the U of T Liberals Nick Brownlee, Co-‐Chair of the U of T NDP Club Kara Naklicki, Leader of the U of T Greens Moderator: Geoffrey Vendeville, News Editor GV: The first question is from Professor of Political Science Ryan Hurl. He said there hasn’t been much discussion about the impending economic crisis in the provincial debates, [and his question was] “how will your parties prepare, specifically, for this period of economic turmoil. What will have to change?” MM: “Impending,” so I assume he’s referring to the future rather than the past. Well, quite frankly, the Ontario Conservative Party hopes to make Ontario a place to do business again. Unfortunately, in the last eight years that has not been the case, I won’t go into detail, but we’re a have-‐not province now. Not a nice distinction to have. We’re being bailed out by Newfoundland. Not to bad mouth Newfoundland… But it’s not exactly known for its intense industry and what not. Ontario used to be the driving force of the Canadian economy. The PCs will make Ontario a place to do business again. They’re going to reduce corporate taxes, they’re going to get red tape off the backs of businesses. And at the end of the day, that’s the only way you’re going to improve the economy: free up money, free up entrepreneurs, and free up the private sector. MJ: I’m going to take the opposite stance, and say that in the past eight years we’ve come a long way in terms of the economy. We have become very attractive to international investors, especially because of the Green Energy Act. The implementation of the HST has made business investment – we’re the second most attractive place for investment in North America after California, and I think that’s incredible. I think we did an incredible job coming through the economic crisis that we just came through. In all of Canada, we came through the strongest, we created jobs through all of that, we saved our auto sector, and we’re going to continue to move forward. NB: The first thing I’d like to say is that anybody, any politician who claims that the economy is good entirely because of the government in power is speaking falsely, [or] that whatever economic troubles we have… you blame that all on the premier is also a little bit facetious. There are so many other things in play. But what we can do is plan practically for the future… With the EU and American issues … We’ll be greatly affected if their debt issues come to a head. So our proposition – we’re the only party with this in our platform right now -‐ is to create a $2 billion buffer zone,