Summer Issue

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the newspaper The University of Toronto’s Independent Publication

Since 1978

VOL XXXVI Issue 9 • Summer 2014


Summer 2014

the newspaper Editor-in-Chief Yukon Damov

the team 2013-14

Managing Editor Dylan Hornby

Serving up a good time Every time since 9T6!

Production Manager Camille Leon-Angelo

Get yer boots on!

Design Editor Odessa Kelebay

1 litre Leprechaun Boots available now!

Associate Design Editor Daniel Glassman News Editor Isaac Thornley

St. Patrick’s Day: Get some Irish in ‘ya...Cheap!

Web Editor Marsha McLeod Associate Web Editor Yasmine Laasraoui Arts Editor Carissa Ainslie Associate Arts Editor Jane Alice Keachie

Top (L-R):

Online Arts Editor Laura Charney

Yukon Damov (“holding” Sydney Gautreau), Odessa Kelebay, Marsha McLeod, Anna Bianca Roach, Samantha Preddie, Lisa Monozlai, Clarrie Feinstein

Comment Editor Zach Morgenstern

Camille Leon-Angelo, Paulina Saliba, Yasmine Laasraoui

Zach Morgenstern, Dylan Hornby, Grant Oyston, David Stokes, Ted Rawson, Carissa Ainslie

Middle (L-R): Low (L-R):

Not pictured:

Isaac Thorney, Daniel Glassman, Jane Alice Keachie, Max Parr, Tommy Wilson, Chelsea Hirons, Nick Ragetli

Features Editor David Stokes Photo Editor Grant Oyston Associate Photo Editor Paulina Saliba Illustrations Editor Nick Ragetli Managing Copy Editor Samantha Preddie Copy Editors Phil Metz Anna Bianca Roach Poppy Sanders Video Ted Rawson Max Parr Social Media Mogul Paulina Saliba Business Manager Anna Afshar

the editorial After some years of being a ragamuffin, I had to lead a group of highly competent people while trying not to be a ragamuffin, which was a lot of fun and more work than I could have imagined, but altogether I’m still alive. I didn’t want this to be selfindulgent but now maybe it is so anyway what I’m trying to say is that thanks to all the following people the newspaper stills hums along: Our readers! All our contributors. Paul, John, Mike, Nancy and everybody else at Master Web. Our dedicated editorial staff. Ivor Tossell, who taught us more about journalism in an hour than experience could have taught us in a year. Newcomers who became new friends. Illustrators, who worked quickly—and we would love to have met/seen more of you. Max Parr and Ted Rawson for the newspaper in hd. Daniel Glassman, for his covers and his specific design decisions. Grant Oyston for some great covers, common sense, and organizational skills (New York!). Building manager Dave Aquilina. Yasmine Laasraoui for all her work with “the week”, a weekly online news round-up. Sydney Gautreau for her fastidious copy-editing and Samantha Preddie for taking over. Odessa Kelebay for her late nights faithfully creating an evolved newspaper design. Phil Metz and Poppy Sanders for their insight into Ontario politics and sharp copy editing style. David Stokes for always being creative. Camille Leon-Angelo for her professionalism. (And to David and Camille for leading the staff this coming 2014-2015 season). Paulina Saliba for maintaining the newspaper’s social media empire. Steam Whistle for bringing the beer to our favourite nights. The people who come to our parties and make us fun. And U of T, for giving us an office, and things to write about. Thanks also to all the prior staff who worked diligently on the annual boozepaper issue, which we pay tribute to on page 11, but have basically discontinued because 1 of 24 issues dedicated to alcohol is one thing but 1 of 9 looks like a bunch of drunken bufoons. Yukon Damov

Ad Sales Representative Tommy Wilson Events Coordinator Chelsea Hirons Associate Events Coordinator Anna Bianca Roach Cover Image Daniel Glassman Contributing Content Editor Melissa Vincent Contributors Julian Butterfield, John Hitchcock, Calan Panchoo, Clarrie Feinstein, Caileigh Prince, Grace Jackson.

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Giant Beer Sale THURSDAY (Stein Special)

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Live Music SATURDAY The best acts from our open mike take the stage @ 9pm

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U of T community radio turnaround

After ten years of ENG140,

CIUT 89.5’s history of fraudulence, lawsuits, debt, and failed transmitters

Prof. Nick Mount


takes a sabbatical

CIUT fights to stay out of debt after their transmitter failed.


n October 2010, current CIUT program director Ken Stowar came into the station with $200,000 of debt left to its name. Although the station achieved debt-free status in 2013, it was significantly put back on April 5 by the failure of the transmitter, sporting an approximate $150,000 price tag. “It’s like getting a call saying that someone you’re close with has passed away,” said Stowar. A radio show host relies on their voice being heard by a wide audience — suffice it to say, it wasn’t easy (or cheap) to have that cord be cut. Debt and faulty technology are problems many student organizations are familiar with (cough cough the newspaper), so how did a largely student-based organization, not funded by the university, recover from mismanagement, unbudgeted costs, and ultimately rise from what should be a pit of debt? Back in 2000, the CIUT underwent major changes, dismissing volunteers and staff alike in an attempt to resolve financial mismanagement, which also led to the removal of station manager Brian Burchell who was charged with embezzlement amounting to over $160,000 two years later. Even under new management, in 2013, financial scandal ensued when reports claimed that the station did not use all the money obtained from a grant for new equipment, resulting in the possibility of having to return the granted funds. Once the debt was officially paid off, Stowar and his team remained disciplined, applying more checks and balances so as to not fall into the same troubles again, for example delegating tasks such as signing cheques to those less affiliated with the station. “I cut and slashed spending operations left, right and centre. I don’t even know how I cut so deep and got away with it.



There was some unnecessary spending. When I took over there was a $12,000 bill for printing, and I was like, why? What are we doing spending money on printing? Everything’s electronic!” Though known for its tumultuous history, Stowar does not believe that the station’s rough past is quintessential to the character of the station today; rather, he believes it better to move on with a clear slate. “There’s a long history of mismanagement, but my position was, you can’t continue on that pattern. The radio station is almost 25 years old. It’s an adult now; it has to grow up and be prepared. The legacy I want to leave here is a station intact for the future.” After the transmitter broke, the station once again needed to work to stay out of debt. Platforms to gather donations were quickly set up. Thus far they’ve accumulated over half of the needed money through the website Some volunteers have taken the initiative to fundraise as well. With the new technology, CIUT will greatly improve its sound. Even if getting there was out of desperation, the station managed to rally supporters of the community radio station. With the new technology, the station will once again be able to cover the scope of Buffalo to Barrie, Kitchener to Cobourg. As explained on CIUT’s website, the station started back in 1965 “when a group of students founded University of Toronto Radio,” and was initially limited to campus residences and cafeterias. Now, the radio must continue to raise funds in order to maintain the growth they took years to achieve. • Samantha Preddie

Donate here: donate-today/

ew English professors have the popularity of local U of T sensation Nick Mount. Many will recognize him from his first year English course, Literature for Our Time, or from his popular podcasts and broadcasts on TVO’s “Big Ideas.” Mount’s podcasted lectures on Lolita, The Wasteland, To the Lighthouse and other contemporary Canadian literature are the same lectures he presents in ENG140. His most popular Youtube lecture has over fifteen thousand views. Like all good things, Mount’s time with ENG140 must also come to an end. Next year, Professor Mount will be taking a sabbatical, passing Literature for Our Time onto a new professor. In an interview with the newspaper, Mount talks about life before the course, what made it so memorable, and his plans for the upcoming sabbatical. the newspaper: What is a sabbatical? Mount: A sabbatical just means research leave. Our jobs here are 40 per cent teaching, 40 per cent research, and 20 per cent department service or service to the University. When you’re on a sabbatical, all it means is that you’re not doing that 40 per cent teaching. tn: What will you be doing during your sabbatical? Mount: I’ve got a book that’s under contract and is late, writing will be most of what I’m doing. It’s a book about the cultural explosion that took place in Canada from the late 1950s to the mid 1970s, around the time when every Canadian writer that you can think of started writing. They all started writing at the same time but the question is why? It’s not an academic book, it’s a trade book, so it’s not thesis driven but narrative driven. I’d like to get at that full time if I can, that and napping. tn: Did you choose the title of the course? Mount: No, that was given to me and it was a great gift. The department came up with that title. It had been around before — I didn’t create the course but

Nick Mount has perfected his literary smize.

I changed it pretty significantly. I don’t remember who came up with (the title), it was maybe ten years before I took it over so the title might be 20 years old or something like that. I’m eternally grateful to them for calling it “Literature for our Time” as opposed to “Literature of our Time” because there’s a big difference between those two. If you think about literature for our time you can make the case that Homer is literature for our time. I haven’t, but I like the idea of that freedom: What is relevant now is not necessarily what is from now [...] tn: How did you change the course? Mount: I just reinvented the course to fit what I wanted to do with it and my successor will do the same. If you’ve heard, I’m not teaching it anymore. This will be my last year. Ten years seemed like a good, nice round number, and the fact that I have a leave that I have to take next year. It’s hard to get somebody to come in, in a pinch, for a year because it’s such a lot of work to work up a course of that size. tn: What was it that first got you into academia? Mount: I worked for Wilco Department Stores, which is like a predecessor of Walmart. Worked for them for ten years and this was in Kalums, British Columbia. I loved the job and I loved the people I worked with but there was something missing, so I took a night course in English at the local college. The


teacher there, Joan Weir, was just one of those teachers that changes your life. When I wrote an essay on Heart of Darkness — of all books — she said, “Have you ever thought about going to University?” I said, “Well no, actually,” because I hadn’t. Where and when I grew up, University was not the natural next step. It was something that jocks did; I didn’t know anybody who went to University—but then I did. tn: Why is Literature for Our Time such a popular course? Mount: It’s a big course, so a lot of students have taken it because it’s the one there is. But there’s a certain amount of interest in taking it. It’s both flattering and weird when you get a student come up to you and say that they’re here because their older brother took the course. It’s kind of a heavy responsibility in some ways. It’s a lot of reasons and I work very hard at it. tn: Who will be teaching the course next year? Mount: Denise Cruz, her office is right across the hall. She is—don’t tell my colleagues this— the first one I thought could actually do this. I think she’ll be amazing at it. Having somebody that I could give the course to, that I thought would do great things with it, meant a lot to me. She’ll change it, but that’s great. • Paulina Saliba

This interview has been condensed. For the full interview visit

Summer 2014


ONTARIO ELECTION: PC government could spell

Why Scottish independence deserves our

trouble for students


hile Liberal Premier Kathleen Wynne and Conservative leader Tim Hudak may be sparring over jobs and the economy, a switch of provincial government in June could be catastrophic for Ontario’s students. Once again, tuition and the affordability of education have been put on the backburner in terms of election issues, and the heat has been turned on government spending instead. Tuition costs have already risen under the Liberal government, and should Hudak’s PCs win the next election, tuition costs will rise more quickly, and some existing problematic support for students could quickly evaporate. Brad Duguid, Ontario’s Minister for Colleges, Training and Universities explains how access to quality postsecondary education has marginally improved in the province over the past decade. “Ontario universities have enrolled over 161,000 new students over the past ten years, or the equivalent of building five Westerns. This is the largest increase in post-secondary education in Ontario’s history.” In an interview with the newspaper, Duguid explained that rising tuition costs are primarily tied to this increasing number of university students, as well as inflation. “The growth [in student population] creates cost expenditures. There is a cost to

maintaining quality education and we’ve worked really hard to keep tuition raises to a minimum.” Duguid also credited the government with softening the impact of rising tuition through the 30 per cent Ontario Tuition Grant, benefitting over 230,000 students and for recently lowering the cap on annual tuition increases from five per cent to three per cent per year. While an immediate reduction of tuition fees may not be economically feasible for Ontario at this moment, a tuition freeze is an unlikely, but discussed topic in NDP circles. Duguid admits that while freezing tuition sounds good, on a politician’s level, “it would have a direct impact on the quality of education. The worst thing we can do is not provide students with world class, globally-competitive education.” Although Liberals and NDP do differ in some key issues, both are unilaterally opposed to the slash-and-save policies of the PCs. Hudak’s plans to balance the province’s books are largely placed on cutting the jobs of those people who wouldn’t vote for him (teachers, students, lower-income Ontarians) to balance the province’s finances. His goal is to balance the budget by the end of his first mandate, and reduce all income taxes by 10 per cent if he is re-elected. Currently, polls are as clear as mud, some calling for Hudak, others for

sympathy Forget the Charter of Values, this is what separatism should look like


If Hudak wins the next election, tuition costs will rise quickly and existing problematic support for students could evaporate.

Wynne—yet, it is doubtful that any party will come out with a clear majority. If there are no significant shakeups, the party who forms the next government could be determined by a miniscule number of seats. As of the first week of May, ThreeHundredEight. com calculated the seat totals at 43 apiece for the Liberals and PCs—a true toss-up. Although one recent poll by Ipsos has suggested Hudak is within striking distance of a majority, whichever party forms the government will likely have to look across the aisle for support. Hudak’s entire campaign revolves around a revival of late 90s PC Premier Mike Harris’ common sense revolution, eliminating and combining ministries, slashing budgets, firing workers. Except for doctors, nurses and police officers, Hudak has vowed to slash 100,000 of

Ontario’s public service jobs, with Ontario teachers facing the brunt of these cuts. If one party were to squeak out a minority victory, it would not be impossible for the two losing parties to form a strong majority coalition, given there is much more in common between Wynne and Horwath than there is with Wynne and Hudak. Hudak has made his brand out of opposing everything this government has done, and gaining a majority is his only chance to implement his agenda. Horwath’s co-operation and endorsement of the budgets in both 2012 and 2013 show that these two parties can work together and agree to compromise to push government forward. The question is, if push comes to shove in June, would they decide to combine their seats and overthrow Hudak? Coalitions are rare in Canadian politics, but they are possible. Neither party would dare discuss working together to form a government during an election campaign (a friend of mine in the U of T New Democrats said such a prospect would make them cry) but if Hudak were to form the next government with no allies, don’t be surprised to see that the Liberals and NDP have a lot more in common than their campaigns currently suggest. This election is ultimately Hudak’s to win, and according to Duguid, “If Hudak wins this election, then all bets are off in terms of affordable education for University and College students.” • Dylan Hornby

n September 18, the people of Scotland are set to vote on independence from the U.K. and at this point the vote could go either way. Some may be motivated to vote “no” in order to keep the British working class united as a counterforce against Britain’s ruling Conservative party. Other “no” voters may simply see independence as unfeasible. Meanwhile, the “Yes” campaign argues that Scotland, as a nation, has a democratic right to self-determination, and that it can use this right to make better use of its natural resources. Furthermore, the Conservatives have not won more seats than Labour in Scotland since 1955, yet in 35 of the years since then, Scotland has been subject to Tory rule from Westminster. For Canadians, the thought of Scottish independence might instinctively trigger thoughts of Quebec independence. At face value, the analogy is legitimate, as both Quebec and Scotland have the complex statuses of being Western nations with colonial histories, while simultaneously being undermined by the more powerful colonial entities of Canada and England. Despite this similarity, the two independence movements have very different ideologies. While the Quebec independence movement is currently lead by the Catholic-chauvinist PQ, the Scottish independence movement, led by First Minister Alex Salmond’s Scottish National Party (SNP), does not reject multiculturalism and instead presents Scotland as a progressive nation that could more fully assert itself if independent from the UK. In an ad for the “Yes” campaign, the Scottish folk-rock duo The Proclaimers said, “We’re voting yes for independence because we want to see a more equal society.” Indeed, just as Quebec independence still has genuine progressive support from Québec solidaire, the Scottish independence campaign is supported by the

Scottish Socialist Party and the Scottish Green Party, as well as a faction of the Scottish Labour party. A number of high profile progressives have also spoken out in favour of Scottish independence. While UK pop icon David Bowie recently said through a spokesperson “Scotland, please stay with us”, folkprotest singer Billy Bragg has since come out with a far more articulate statement, arguing that Scottish independence could encourage further devolution (the establishment of local governments) in England and put pressure on the Labour party to improve its policy proposals as it would no longer be able to count on gettings votes from Scotland. Pakistani-British historian Tariq Ali has also endorsed Scottish independence, arguing that the British union has only ever served the interests of Scotland’s ruling elite. The Scottish independence movement is pacifistic and environmentalist, denouncing nuclear weapons, including Britain’s Trident program, and calling for Scotland to be a leader in the renewable energy industry. The movement is also inclusive and in support of a strong welfare state that, among other things, keeps tuition free. Therefore, those of us living outside of Scotland should declare solidarity with, albeit not uncritical support for, the Scottish independence movement. Rather than employing the reactionary nationalism of hegemons and racists, Scottish nationalists frame their cause as a national-liberation struggle and a fight for social justice. As inhabitants of Canada, we also live in a country built on oppressed nations. If we can overcome the cognitive hurdles that impede us from supporting Scottish nationalism, then we can hopefully be more tolerant and supportive of socially-just national liberation movements in our own country.• Zach Morgenstern

Stintz, Soknacki, and Chow speak to the newspaper about students’ most-discussed issues: transportation and the labour market


s a Torontonian, it’s hard to forget Rob Ford, and often, it’s harder to remember that Toronto will go on without him. The media din that surrounds him will eventually wane as the chattering classes find something new to talk about. The post-Ford era could begin October 28, the day after the mayoral election. This hodgepodge of a city will continue trying to solve its seemingly eternal growing pains— transportation, jobs, political gridlock, underfunding, homelessness. The newspaper asked several leading mayoral candidates for their thoughts on particular issues, with a focus on the labour market and transportation. (Full discretion: I had a sit-down interview with Olivia Chow, because her campaign offered one, while the other interviews were conducted by email). Toronto has a weak mayoral system, meaning the mayor can appoint councillors to committee chairs, but has a single and equal vote on motions, with no veto power, unlike

mayors in Chicago or New York. The drawback is that mayoralty is largely a symbolic position; thus, enacting a mayoral candidate’s platform is contingent on mustering support from council. Stintz and Chow both said that the weak mayoral system will have little effect on the scope or depth of their platforms. Chow is looking forward to collaborating with the other councillors. “It’s a good way to go,” she said. David Soknacki, a relative unknown, former Scarborough councillor, and budget chief for Mayor David Miller, has proposed diminishing the mayor’s power even further “to help improve relations with the city as a whole.” Instead of the mayor appointing for seats to the executive committee, those councillors would be elected to the committee by Toronto’s four regional Community Councils. Soknacki also has a forward-thinking proposal to improve Toronto’s labour market. He would make it easier to obtain a business license online and implement

open data rules at City Hall, allowing businesses to better understand the market. A more transparent City Hall that could also help businesses seems like a good thing. Stintz, who stepped down as TTC commissioner to run for mayor, has an economic plan based around decreasing traffic congestion, which costs the city $11-billion per year. “By tackling congestion head-on, we’re opening the door to new economic potential in our city, which translates to more jobs within our borders,” she told the newspaper. Whether this singularly-focused economic platform will expand remains to be seen. Centreing an economic plan around Toronto’s most difficult and slowmoving issue is a bold, but tantalizing proposition. Chow seemed to have the most comprehensive plan improving labour market conditions, though it has not yet been released (she plans to have it made public before September). She would cut taxes for small businesses and partner entrepreneurs with existing businesses. She’ll hire 500 young people for tree-planting and encourage young people to mentor. “They may want to teach skills part-time during afterschool activities for 6-12 year olds—writing, athletics, whatever,” she said. “Teach your skills to a young generation. By teaching, you learn how to master your strengths and skills better. Also, it helps the young kids to have a role model and learn a skill and stay out of trouble.” A great idea, but we’ll see how mentorship will be incorporated into her overall plan when the time comes. Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n might very well be the defining issue of this election, and every candidate seems to agree that an expanded transit system is required, including the Downtown Relief Line and either a subway or LRT in Scarborough. The question has always been funding and actually finishing projects (like the nowburied Eglinton subway line). “The plan is key,” said Soknacki. “Every time we abandon an existing rapid transit de-

sign with an existing environmental assessment for political reasons, we add years worth of delays to transit modernization.” Chow is eager to start building the Scarborough LRT, which would involve re-opening the Scarborough subway decision passed by City Council in October. “It’s just a motion,” she said. “They haven’t done any work on it [the subway], whereas $85 million has been spent on getting everything ready [for the LRT]. All of the engineering studies for the LRT [have been done]. The subway plan has no environmental assessment or engineering studies. Four more years of studies—i.e. the next four years will all be studies and no shovel in the ground to improve transportation for Scarborough residents.” While the LRT plan seems sensible—far less expensive, four more stops than the subway, and could be built sooner, as her campaign likes to tout—re-opening the question seems an unnecessary and risky political gamble. The kind of gamble Soknacki wisely warns against. The separation between campaigning and governing always involves some aspect of uncertainty—as reasonable as campaign promises appear, once in power, action can be hard to achieve for unforeseeable reasons. Nevertheless, as Toronto continues its growth and the campaign enters its final months, it will be exciting to see the city grapple with itself—and its future. • Yukon Damov

Around the time the newspaper began contacting campaigns for comment, Mayor Rob Ford was embroiled in his latest scandal and took a leave of absence. Though we were in contact, John Tory’s campaign was unable to provide us with comment by the time we went to print. The preceding interviews can be found online in their entirety at


Non-U of T student unions criticize U of T student summit Prompts harsh response from U of T governor


On May 11, representatives from local student unions under the Canadian Federation of Students’ began sending letters addressed to U of T Provost Cheryl Regehr, criticizing the university’s student summit for being non-inclusive and giving too much power to the administration in determining the fate of all student societies. The summit, which was held this year to address structural disagreements between U of T’s various student societies, was denounced by the University of Toronto Mississauga Students’ Union, that withdrew and were followed by the University of Toronto Students’ Union. The identical letters accuse the summit of exceeding its scope by leaving out the Scarborough Campus Student Union, the Association of Parttime Undergraduate Students and the Graduate Students Union, despite reaching conclusions about how all student societies should be regulated. The letters also describe the summit as a threat to student union autonomy and warn the University that student unions are governed by their own bylaws and therefore external organizations cannot make decisions about their memberships or access to funds. The letters have drawn criticism from student governor Aidan Fishman, who said his concerns were twofold. “Recruiting other student unions to lobby/pressure/ intimidate the Administration makes a mockery” of the UTSU and CFS’ commitment to student union autonomy. Fishman also argues that it is inappropriate for student unions to make “foreign policy decisions,” without consulting their membership. Victoria University

Students’ Administrative Council president Rowan DeBues also expressed concern about the letters. DeBues recently participated in a student societies meeting at Scarborough campus with representatives from the UTSU, as well as the Arts and Science, Graduate Student, U of T Mississauga, University College, Engineering, Woodsworth and Part-time Undergraduate Student societies. According to DeBues, the groups had agreed to try and develop a consensus position on the summit and its relationship to union autonomy. He was thus disappointed by these pro-UTSU letters, which he felt failed to address the summit’s root causes. Carleton Graduate Students Association president Christina Muehlberger was one of the letter signees. She rejected the notion that the letters violate student union autonomy. “[CGSA’s] letter of solidarity does not serve to encroach on the UTSU’s control of their bylaws, elections, and usurp the democratic will of their membership,” she said in an email. Muehlberger also repeatedly emphasized that the letters were about more than external solidarity. Fellow signee, Ryerson Students’ Union vice-president of education Jesse Root made the same point noting that “The administrations of the Universities of Windsor, Carleton and Toronto are all challenging students’ union autonomy and so [what is happening at U of T] is not an isolated incident and therefore [in need of ] a collective response.” Root also emphasized the importance of interschool activism in the recent letter-writing campaign against flat fees, and suggested that further inter-union solidarity could be needed to challenge Tim Hudak’s proposal

to make student union membership optional. The controversy over these letters and the summit is linked to the broader, ongoing conflict between the CFS/UTSU and their critics. Fishman expressed suspicion that the letter senders “were only presented with one side of the issue... by the CFS-Ontario or the UTSU itself.” He believes the summit’s recommendations could prove a threat to CFS influence on campus. He also confirmed that because he felt UTSU elections have not been conducted fairly during his time as a student, that governing council and the administration have a duty to interfere in the UTSU’s fee collection process. Munib Sajjad, 201314 UTSU president, was willing to come to the defense of the letter senders. Fishman’s analysis on the CFS and autonomy, “is itself hypocritical as [Fishman] has been working diligently on impinging autonomy of the UTSU by the virtue of his position in Governing Council,” said Sajjad. He also criticized the student summit as a non-inclusive space that disproportionately empowered student groups “who feel they disagree with the political mandate of the UTSU.” When asked why nonU of T unions should take a position on the summit, Sajjad noted that “The University of Toronto is seen as a benchmark in all aspects of policies for other post-secondary institutions. The issues we see raised in the Summit report can potentially impinge the autonomy of other groups.” Tension over this issue may flare up again soon. U of T’s Governing Council meets May 22, when, according to Fishman, Provost Regehr will likely bring up the summit. • Zach Morgenstern







Summer 2014 Jets are currently prohibited from flying out of the the Billy Bishop Airport under the 1983 Tripartite Agreement — a set of conditions and regulations through which the Toronto Port Authority is permitted to rent the airport land from the City of Toronto. Last year, Porter Airlines suggested a series of changes to the agreement in order to allow for a new breed of jets to fly out of the island airport. Porter’s proposal involves the purchase of Bombardier CS100s, a newly-engineered jet aircraft. Although not yet measured, they are estimated to be four times quieter than traditional jets. Porter’s President and CEO Robert Deluce is branding the planes “whisper jets,” but Bombardier has not echoed this label. If Porter’s proposal is approved, Porter could double its number of annual passengers from 2.3 million in 2013 to about four million. It is estimated that with the introduction of jets to Porter’s fleet, the airline will likely seek approximately 50 additional flight slots per day within their strict pre-existing time curfew. Currently 76 per cent of Billy Bishop’s passengers travel to the airport by car or taxi, which with the increased passenger capacity, will equate to an additional 1.2-1.5 million vehicle rides within the city yearly. For jets to take-off at Billy Bishop Airport, Porter—in cooperation with the City of



Toronto—would need to pave nearly 400 metres of Lake Ontario in order to extend the runway to a sufficient length, another measure which is currently forbidden under the Tripartite Agreement. NoJetsTO, a grassroots organization attempting to block Porter’s proposal, has raised concerns that the airport expansion will negatively affect the waterfront environment and that the additional flight slots per day will increase the run-off of de-icing fluid into Lake Ontario, as well as create an increased risk of fuel leakage or spills. In a statement condemning the proposed airport expansion, Edward Burtynsky, a Canadian photographer and artist, referenced his recent work documenting water issues around the world: “Water is not just the ultimate liquid that provides for life but is also something we need to be close to and enjoy.” Currently, 14-17 million people visit Toronto’s waterfront per year, making it the most-visited tourist destination in the city (the CN Tower comes in a distant second, with about three million visitors yearly). On April 1, Toronto’s City Council voted unanimously to delay a decision on Porter’s proposal in order to conduct more research on the environmental, economic and the health effects of jets flying from Billy Bishop Airport. •

7 A. Toronto’s skyline as viewed from Ward’s Island. B. The predicted increase in air and noise pollution will have pernicious effects on the large bird population of the Toronto Islands. C. A series of waterways snake through the island chain: seen here is the water surrounding Centreville Amusement Park. D. Billy Bishop Airport (right) is only a 122-metre ferry-ride from Toronto’s mainland. E. A popcorn machine peeks out of its wrappings, ready to be unveiled for the first opening of Centre Island’s amusement park— usually in late May. F. An apartment building located directly across the street from the Billy Bishop Airport makes clear their disapproval of Porter’s proposal.

Summer 2014


THE QUICK AND DIRTY ON BEING A BIKE COURIER: THE FACTS FROM “ TWO FULLTIME RIDERS the newspaper: What’s the worst part of the job? Brittney: The weather. 100 percent.

This winter was insane, I want to pretend it never happened and never think about, or talk about it again.

tn: What is the best company in the city to work for? Brittney: United Messengers [her current employer]. Our dispatcher is the best in the city, without a doubt. It’s like going on a bike ride and you pick up and drop off stuff along the way, he does all the thinking for you.

tn: Is there any chance for upward mobility in the industry? Brittney: You do what Ben is doing. Ben: It’s like ‘you’ve been served’ kind

of thing at my company [King Couriers]. We deliver legal documents … One of our main customers is the Ontario Department of Justice. And now I have normal job stuff, like a salary and health benefits.

tn: Is there a specific breed of courier asshole? Brittney: Ignorant. Ben: And knows he’s ignorant. Brittney: Enjoys it, even. But that being said, the biggest asshole out there is my best friend.

tn: Who are the best drivers in the city? Brittney: Taxi drivers are the bike couriers of drivers, they can be assholes, but so are bike couriers. They’re predictable though, they’re probably the best drivers in the city. Ben: You know they’re just going to drive fast, and insane—and do that quick out from the curb and back in. Passengers are bad though, they just swing their doors open without looking.

tn: ...And the worst drivers? Brittney: You have no idea what the

lady from Richmond hill in an SUV is going to do on the road, no idea ever. Ben: BMW drivers are the worst—ask anyone.


here a r e probably five girls working right now,” said Brittney Burkholder, a full-time bicycle courier, as we spoke outside Café Pamenar, a popular spot among couriers and everyday cyclists, possibly due to its location beside Bikes on Wheels. Over after-work beers with her boyfriend Ben Adams, who is also a courier in the city, Burkholder attempted to recite the names of the city’s very small cohort of female couriers: “There’s an older woman at my company named Jenn, and then there’s Nikki...” “—Does she even work right now?” interjected Adams. “And there’s Claire, and Jeatta.” “I don’t know [why there are so few female couriers],” said Burkholder. “I think it’s a great job.” Burkholder turned to Adams for a possible answer, who said, “I think it’s just inherently male. It’s like, why aren’t there female elevator mechanics or many female construction workers? ... It’s hands-on, it’s super active, it’s dirty.” Over an extended cigarette break, Kai Magobenny, a full-time barista at Pamenar, and an excourier (she was on the road for 3.5 years with Quick Messenger Service, or QMS) explained how she was introduced to couriering. “I met this handsome babe when I was 17 who was a courier, and after about a year of being together, I got into it myself.” When speaking of the lack of female counterparts, Magobenny argued that it’s societal expectations, not women’s bodies that limits the numbers of women who courier. “Throughout centuries, women have been told that [hard labour] is

WHY ARE THERE SO FEW WOMEN IN THE BICYCLE COURIER COMMUNITY? not a thing that’s accessible to them. Women are so often told to be afraid of fear itself, and that’s intimidating to face—as is working exclusively with men.” In 2011, Patrick Adler, a student of the University of Toronto’s Masters of Geography program (he is currently a PhD candidate in Urban Planning at UCLA), began to write his MA thesis on the robust bicycle courier industry in Toronto—an industry which exists primarily to shuttle legal documents, hard drives, and cheques between offices in the downtown core. One of his most difficult tasks? Finding female bike couriers to interview. “I had to purposefully sample women for my study, because basically there are four women acting as couriers at any given time,” said Adler in a recent email exchange. In his study, Adler found that some female couriers felt as though they needed to prove themselves more than their male counterparts, a sentiment echoed by Magobenny: “There was this precedent that was set for a woman working in the industry to be more badass, tougher, swear more, and be more reckless in order to prove herself.” “I never really bothered with that though,” she said. “I just worked really hard, and made more money than the boys.” I initially thought that a discriminatory hiring process within courier companies was partially accounting for the lack of female couriers. However, when I asked Burkholder about the hiring process, this hypothesis went completely unfounded. “I just went to the Yellow Pages, and immediately got hired by the one company [Zap Courier Service] who hires everyone,” she said. Zap snappily states

on its website: “Call us in the morning and start working the same day!” But a quick hire doesn’t equate to a good job. Burkholder moved from Zap to another company, Speedy Express, within a period of two weeks (“It was still pretty crappy, but less crappy than Zap,” said Burkholder). Getting a job isn’t a problem, but sometimes, being one of the only women in the industry can be, remarked Magobenny. “My courier nickname was Big Butt, and I don’t even really have a big butt. There are a lot of sexual remarks, and you deal with a lot of shit.” There are issues that both female and male couriers deal with, however, such as couriers’ classification as “independent contractors” under the provincial law, which means that they must independently pay into their Canadian Pension Plan, they are not entitled to vacation or statutory pay, and they have limited employee rights regarding issues such as receiving paid time-off for work-related injuries. “It’s an unregulated industry. You have [companies] really taking ad-

no minimum commission guarantee, “couriers’ cash returns [for] speed are even higher than for cab drivers,” wrote Adler in his thesis. This financial need for speed can lead to serious injury, a reality Burkholder experienced early in her start as a courier. “I was squished between a taxi pulling out and a parked car, and I took the parked car’s side mirror off with my kidney. I kept working for a few more hours ... and then I realized I was peeing blood. I spent a couple nights in the hospital.” Burkholder’s current company, United Messengers Ltd. (UML), paid her to take several days off work—a highly unusual practice in the industry. “At basically any other company you are considered disposable; you’re just a body,” she said. Another occupational hazard of the job is the effect on your vagina. “In general, you lose some sensitivity; men do, too,” said Magobenny. (Pro tip: tilt your saddle backwards rather than forwards to put the pressure onto your sit bones. Also, a hard seat is a much more lady-friendly option than a soft one.)

“I was squished between a taxicab pulling out and a parked car, and took the parked car's side mirror off with my kidney. I kept working for a few more hours ... and then I realized I was peeing blood." vantage of people who aren’t assertive of their needs as workers, and while you can make $150 a day, you can also make $50 a day,” said Magobenny. Bike couriers work on commission, taking a cut of the cost of each delivery they complete, and because there is usually

“After 2.5 years, I invested in the right kind of saddle, and it was like this part of my body came alive again; I had no idea it was bad and then all of a sudden I was aware of it: like here it is again, hello!” laughed Magobenny. Despite injuries, nearminimum wage pay, and

precarious employment rights, Adler’s research, supported by the various conversations I had, found that generally couriers love their work and are hesitant to leave the culture. If they do leave, they are likely to return. During the first weekend of May, couriers from around North America convened in Toronto for a series of races that involve racing to different checkpoints around the city: “[Race participants] came from New York, Chicago, Montreal. They were so stoked about the scene here; it’s just so fun,” said Burkholder. “It’s like a big family,” said Magobenny. “And the scene is changing,” continued Magobenny. “In the time of me working, there have been countless more women than had ever been on the road in Toronto—[previously] there were maybe six of us, tops—and now there are always people who come join in the summer—” “Like this one!” exclaimed Magobenny mid-sentence, as a smiling blonde woman walked past our table on Pamenar’s patio. After greetings were exchanged, as well as on some updates on a lingering elbow injury, Magobenny explained, “Melina and I rode together for a while at QMS.” Melina is on a possibly permanent hiatus from couriering because of her injury and is currently employed as an English teacher. “It’s slightly more profitable than riding, and there’s less chance of injury,” said Melina. After Magobenny headed back inside to pulling coffees, Melina hung around for a few minutes: “I have to tell you though, couriering is one of the best jobs I’ve ever had.” • Marsha McLeod

New year,

Why the crackdown on unpaid internships is a good thing

new courses GRACE JACKSON

9 never-been taught courses for the 2014-2015 academic year Another school year ends and it’s time for everyone choose their next courses. Undergrad is the part of your academic career when you can fully take advantage of the variety of classes offered and learn anything that sparks your interests. Now is the time to take whatever courses you want and the newspaper is offering a list and description of some of the new courses that have never before been taught at U of T. • Clarrie Feinstein

The Bible in Literature ENG200H1 Religion and English combine in this new course, which investigates the text of the bible and how it has influenced literary traditions. The course explores “translation, reception, intertextuality and form” and will combine knowledge from multiple disciplines such as English, History, and Religion.

Urban Economics ECO333H1 This new economics course explores spatial economic theory and urban public policy: firms and individuals in partial and general equilibrium—basically how these two opposing forces manage to balance themselves through land development and land-use controls, urban transportation and more.

Vietnam at War HIS379H1 A course that explores a pivotal moment in American history, focusing on the French and American wars (1945-75) in Vietnam and how they affected the Vietnamese and Southeast Asian populations. The Vietnam War forever changed the political, economic, and social landscape in Vietnam and remains to this day a controversial American failure.

Comparative Public Policy POL317H1 (formerly POL317Y1) Political science is a booming field at U of T and with classes like this one it’s not difficult to see why. The course takes theoretical traditions in public policy and policymaking of the advanced industrial world and applies these theories in understanding the developing global context and the new challenges of global change. This course could not be more pertinent in today’s rapidly evolving international community.

Screening Freedom HIS392Y1 This class takes a unique, progressive approach by examining how filmmakers in Africa, the Americas, and Europe have dealt with subjects like slavery, colonialism, racism, and postcolonial issues such as illegal immigration or structural adjustment. This class questions the lens through which freedom is seen, bringing in various global perspectives in a very popular art form. Philosophy of Emotions PHL344H1 “What exactly is an emotion? Are emotions feelings? What emotions are there, and how are they shaped by culture and society? How are emotions related to reason, the brain and the body? etc.” Countless intriguing questions that you could have the answer to—plus it will impress your parents when you visit home. Religion and Popular Culture RLG233H1 The class explores the interactions, both positive and negative, between religion and popular culture looking at different media as they represent and engage with different religious traditions, identities, and controversies.

Sociology of Health Care SOC244H1 (formerly SOC242Y1) This course delves into the interesting and complex relationship between society and healthcare. The class examines factors that influence the organizational structure of health care systems, how these organizations develop, how they are maintained, and how they can be changed. Topics also include the social forces that influence the relationship between healthcare providers and consumers. The Physics of Science Fiction and Gaming PHY202H1 A course on physics that could answer all the questions to lifelong childhood aspirations! For instance: “how can we teleport?” or “could I travel back in time to have tea with John Lennon?” This class delves into the physics of time travel, teleportation, levitation, invisibility, special effects, and other physics related topics found in literature, film and gaming. The physical phenomena of these actions can finally be explained.


A discussion with labour lawyer Andrew Langille


or many students and postgraduates, the summer is time to work an internship, many of which are unpaid and have come to replace entry-level positions. The unpaid intern is instead “paid in experience.” Students tend to view internships as a regular step in the process to employment post-graduation, often working more than two or three internships before finding employment in an entrylevel position. This logic “speaks to some naivety,” said Andrew Langille, labour lawyer, founder of Toronto-based Youth and Work and keynote speaker at this year’s UTSU AGM. Langille, along with a series of groups that have voiced concerns about unpaid internships, is glad to see that their struggle has led to a government crackdown or “inspection blitz” on various internship programs in Ontario. The enforcement began in March and has caused many companies to end their internship programs completely. Many students view the effects of the crackdown as an end to employment opportunities and resume padding, but Langille stresses the importance of its long-term effects. The enforcement is hugely significant in its ability to “renormalize parts of the Ontario labour market,” he said. While what Langille calls the “inspection blitz” might lead to complaints from students, the crackdown aims to ameliorate the economic and social situation. Arguments for enforcement lie on the premise that unpaid internships are illegal outside the context of academic programs. “In the context of after-graduation or summer [students] should not be working unpaid internships. They are largely illegal,” said Langille. He notes three harmful effects that unpaid internships have on Ontario’s labour market, and society more generally. First, working for free devalues labour market conditions. Especially in professions like law or journalism, where it seems like having an unpaid internship on your resume is necessary to really set foot in the industry, the work itself is becoming devalued. Second, they strengthen the glass ceiling. A student’s ability to engage in free labour depends on parental wealth. Students from wealthier backgrounds gain an advantage in the labour market over others, because unpaid internships “impact marginalized groups and segments of the population who are traditionally unable to engage in unpaid labour for prolonged periods,” said Langille. From an equity perspective,

unpaid internships are a societal concern. Third, unpaid internships and intern culture create a biased gender dynamic. Langille cites the role of popular culture in normalizing internships as a right of passage for women today. For example, television series “The Hills and Seventeen Magazine have really glamorized the unpaid internship.” The problem with this glamorization is that it is not true. “At the core unpaid internships are really just wage discrimination,” said Langille. In the future, Langille sees large companies like Rogers offering paid internships. “The era of having unlimited unpaid labour for the young is over,” he said. New models for internships are also likely to be developed. As a big proponent of work-integrated learning, Langille considers the University of Waterloo’s Co-op program as the ideal model. When thinking of the near future students ought to know their rights in order to improve their bargaining position in the workplace, said Langille. • Yasmine Laasraoui

AGO books lost in fire The Art Gallery of Ontario is processing an insurance claim for AGOpublished catalogues, co-published books, and marketing material stored in a Mississauga warehouse completely destroyed by fire on April 23. It is unknown exactly what the AGO had stored in the warehouse, or if copies of the material were also kept elsewhere. Catalogues of their permanent collections, stored either as archives, for shipping, or for retail at the AGO Store were lost. “Everything went down in the fire,” said a Gallery worker on the day after the fire. “It’s been a stressful day at AGO Publications.” CBC and The Sun reported that the 53,000 square foot facility near Steeles Ave. and Airport Rd. had also contained butane lighter and aerosol cans. A massive explosion injured four firefighters, but no mention of the AGO’s property was made in these reports. The AGO said they are still assessing the damage, and would not offer details or a dollar amount while processing their insurance claim. No art was lost in the fire. • Yukon Damov



Questions with

Colin Mochrie The Whose Line veteran talks about improv, touring, and being an author


he entertainment industry is a fickle beast, constantly demanding its champions be a variety of things–bloggers, podcasters, personalities–but, even after working in a constantly shifting business, Colin Mochrie is still well aware of his place in the comedic spectrum. He has stayed relevant as an improvisational comic–touring all over the world and even writing a book– by staying true to his roots, his family, and never shying away from new challenges. As it turns out, he is also quite funny. “I always said I wanted to do an action movie,” he said in an interview with the newspaper. “In action movies you know the guy will make it, but with me, well, you’d worry about me.” Whose Line Is It Anyway, which originally ran from 1988-98, popularized the improv genre for many and highlighted Mochrie’s rise to fame. The host would select one of many ridiculous games, such as pretending to be Batman coming out of the closet, and then let the comics act it out on stage. Often they would draw on ideas from the audience. Ryan Stiles, Wayne Brady, and, yes, Colin Mochrie, were the iconic trio that headlined the show for nine years, after which it took a five year hiatus. This year, Whose Line was resurrected. “There was a little trepidation about going back, because the show was so successful in its way. But when we started, it was like we hadn’t taken any time apart,” said Mochrie. “Ryan said it was like we had taken a long lunch break. Part of the reason the show was so successful is because the audience could tell we were having a good time.” And after all those years, his comfort in the art form is tangible. He knows exactly what it takes to draw a laugh from the crowd, even if it means kissing his colleagues–on the lips–in front of that crowd. His calm demeanor hides a bottled wackiness, but that’s his style: he flies by the seat of his pants and never takes himself too seriously. “The hardest part of improv is getting to the point where you can walk on stage with absolutely nothing and trust yourself that it will all work out. I always felt it worked out best for me when I had no idea what was going on.” Mochrie’s day job, or as close as he’ll get to one, is a two-man show he does with Brad Sherwood called An Evening with Colin and Brad. The duo tour around the world, spreading improvised

mayhem in their wake, like singing to each other while walking blindfolded across a stage of mousetraps. “The audience is on our side because they are giving us the ideas. They want to see us in trouble but they also want to see us get out of it since they’ve supplied the ideas.” As one might imagine, they have to trust each other to walk on countless stages, risking dignity and limb to make the audience laugh. It takes teamwork, something that is critical to any good improviser. But to hear Mochrie tell it, they are simply living by their wits, pushing outside the comfort zone. That zone has international boundaries. “We were a little nervous in India because it was a totally different culture. Our first suggestion was ‘fart,’ and that’s same the whole world over. We’re not doing sharp political humour or anything. Most of our stuff is goofy, and I think goofy is universal.” For all his travels and experiences, he’s written a book. Not Quite the Classics borrows a gimmick from a traditional improv game where the first and last line is supplied for the comic and they

fill in the rest. In this case, he rewrites several classic novels such as Sherlock Holmes and Moby Dick, some even rhyme. “I would play around with the punctuation of the lines. Sometimes there was an obvious joke to me so I knew where I had to end up. It was just sitting down and going with my ideas, then editing afterward and finding what will work.” Although he says he hated the writing process, he also won’t hesitate to tell you that he is proud of the final product. In many ways, it is a culmination of his years of work, experience, and collaboration. It is a marker that despite his tenure, his bag of tricks is not empty. He has an insatiable curiosity and his dynamic mindset may even prompt him back to things he will, for the time being, gleefully denounce. “I’m hoping writing is like childbirth, where you forget the pain you went through. Right now I’m still hurting, but if I have an idea that I’m burning to write, then I will.” • Calan Panchoo

Top 5 Ontario getaways the newspaper’s “Ontario Tourism Council” on desirable weekend destinations

Main Street of Port Hope, Ontario offers shopping and host of activities for history lovers

Summer 2014

After eight months of cold, gloomy weather, Torontonians have been anxiously awaiting the days of summer to brighten their lives. Sure, the first few weeks of sun and sweat are more than welcome, but what happens when that heat turns to smog and your sweat turns to puddles staining every inch of your clothing? When the three perfect weeks between gloom and doom come and go the only thing to do is exactly that: go! So here Toronto, a list of perfect day and weekend trips to get away from the city this summer. Take a drive or catch a bus – these trips are both within budget and within reach. 1. The Aberfoyle Antique Market Just south of Guelph, the Aberfoyle Antique Market is open Sundays from 8 a.m.- 4 p.m. and is only $2 per person. Open since 1961 the market hosts over 30 local vendors, welcoming new vendors each season. It is an excellent way to get out of the city and take in some of that fresh air all of your country friends have been talking about. It’s open rain or shine so be sure to bring your umbrella and shades. 2. Elora Village Located just west of Toronto, Elora has been voted one of Ontario’s most beautiful villages. There is something for everyone in this small fun-filled village, but if you’re a foodie the Elora Culinary Walking Tour is for you! From 2-4 p.m. every Saturday for only $20 you can join a team of culinary experts through eight samplings of local oils, breads and beer. 3. Geocaching in Bayfield If more traditional tours aren’t your style why not explore the many caches of Bayfield, Ontario? Geocaching, real-world treasure hunting, has become extremely popular over the past decade. Hidden throughout Bayfield are checkpoints and clues leading to a new spot to explore. It’s a modern tour through an eighteenth century village. 4. The Sky’s the Limit Can’t drive? Then why not fly! Hot air balloon rides are a great way to step outside of the hustle of the city and just reflect. Tickets can really add up, but check out Groupon for their under $100 deals. Once you reach an altitude of 1200 ft your job will be to just sit back, relax, and watch the world go by. 5. Port Hope Only an hour east of the city by car or VIA Rail train, “eclectic charm” is the best way to describe Port Hope, with its beautifully preserved historic main street, it has something to do for everyone. The town hosts activities from antique shops, to fishing in the Ganaraska River, great restaurants and theatre, a fascinating (really!) firefighting museum, and one of Canada’s oldest operating drive-in cinemas. • Grant Oyston and Paulina Saliba


Q&A: Toronto “spazzcore”

Atom Egoyan: independent filmmaker

band Weaves enters the

Canadian icon talks to the newspaper about returning to Cannes and gaining artisitic control over his new film, The Captive



t’s difficult to say precisely what Weaves’ music sounds like. While the skyrocketing four-piece Toronto band’s music has been labeled ‘spazzcore’ or ‘weirdo pop’ among many other rare musical species, any such classifications seem far too rigid to pin down a sound that zigzags at the slightest impulse—bursting with unpredictable colours and textures along the schizoid trajectory of frontwoman Jasmyn Burke’s vocals. The only adequate comparison to make with regard to tracks like Motorcycle, Hulahoop and the recent single Buttercup is to a colossal, manic butterfly that refuses to land. In a recent interview with the newspaper, we asked Burke about Weaves’ process, their inspirations, and what lies in their future. the newspaper: How does Weaves work? What kinds of interests or ideas bring the four of you together creatively? Jasmyn Burke: I guess how it all kind of comes together is that I work alone in a strange portal, figuring out sounds and melodies and intonations I want for a song. Then Morgan delves in like a mathematician and makes all those elements cohesive and punchy. Then we demo together and bring the songs to the boys (Zach Bines and Spencer Cole). I think what brings us all together is the desire to create something that we all enjoy playing. tn: It’s difficult to classify Weaves’ sound within a specific genre or to namedrop potential influences. What would you say most shapes your final product? JB: I would say that although I love music when I start playing it isn’t necessarily a genre that I’m thinking about, but maybe an emotion, or just the way the week is going. I would say, you know, I love the attitude of a performer and that’s what I reference. Patti Smith, Sister Rosetta Tharpe, Bjork, maybe a good read about isolation at the reference library. tn: What will the future of Weaves sound like? Musically, is there anything you’re consciously working towards, or would you prefer to surprise yourselves? JB: I don’t think I can ever work under the premise that I know what I want something to sound like. We definitely want to push the project so that we can get away with playing a wide range of styles and so I guess we want to make sure Weaves is always free and readily available for change. • Julian Butterfield

Weaves’ self-titled debut EP was released April 1st on Buzz Records.



hen he was film editor for this publication in 1980, Atom Egoyan wrote of John Sayles and Victor Nunez: “Because of the very conditions that comprise their art, the independent filmmaker must be considered with a fair degree of reverence.” Thirtyfour years later, Egoyan will be returning to the Cannes International Film Festival for the tenth time, with a film over which he had complete artistic control. In 1978, he started at U of T and joined the newspaper, where he wrote theatre reviews and quickly became film editor. He is now one of three Canadians to have a film entered into competition at Cannes this year, alongside veteran David Cronenberg and Quebecois newcomer Xavier Dolan, out of a total of 18 spaces per year. “It’s huge–a big, big year for Canada, and I’m proud to be a part of it,” said Egoyan. His first film to be entered into Cannes was Speaking Parts in 1989. His latest film, The Captive, will be released this fall. Featuring Ryan Reynolds, Scott Speedman, and Rosario Dawson, it centers on a father’s relentless pursuit of his missing daughter. It will be his sixth nomination for the Palme d’Or award. He won the Grand Prize of the Jury for The Sweet Hereafter in 1997. A kind of independence can be achieved, he said, by working with small budgets. “The smaller the budget, the more control you’re able to retain. Unless you have a populous voice and you’re able to connect with a huge public— which isn’t really my game—you have to be able to balance the works you do for hire, like Chloe or Devil’s Knot, with the works that are your own ambition, like Exotica or The Sweet Hereafter or The Captive.” To control the budget is to control the film, and that affords him the ability to shape his drafts, “working on structure up until the last moment of the editing.” The Captive allowed him the same freedom he had as an independent filmmaker on a student budget, making short films at the Hart House Film Board. “When you have a particular vision of things,” Egoyan says, “it’s good not to feel the pressures of an audience or investors, to kind of give yourself that freedom.” • John Hitchcock

Atom Egoyan continues to value artistic freedom.


The pint-sized, non-beer boozepaper tribute RUM&COKE On those nights where a glass of wine seems out of place and a bottle of beer just won't suffice, don't be afraid to order a mixed drink. Just remember: It's always important to know what you're talking about. Captain Morgan It's an oldie but a goody. Mix in some Capt. for a smooth vanilla coke feel. The taste on your lips will leave you feeling, and looking, fresh. Sailor Jerry Every lady loves a sailor. This option has a touch of chocolate to the taste and at a fraction of the cost of most rums it's an easy sell. At 90 proof, however, don't shoot this one, boys! Kraken Your first sip will have you on your toes. Smooth, spicy, and fierce this rum and coke combination will have you drunk long before last call. • Paulina Saliba

CIDERS Ciders are rated from 1-5, 1 being poor and 5 being fantastic. 1. Brewer: Pommies Dry Cider Location: Apples sourced throughout Ontario Brew type: Dry Cider A light and sweet cider, Pommies doesn’t pack a whole lot of flavour into its adorably-packaged bottles. That being said, it’s an easy drinking cider and served on ice, it can be a beautiful drink for beating a summer heat-wave. Rating: 3 Find it: Most LCBO locations

2. Brewer: Coat-Albret 3. Brewer: Woodchuck Cidre Hard Cider Location: Pays de Rennes, Location: Middlebury, France Vermont, USA Brew type: Bouché de Brew type: 802 Bretagne Okay, so you can’t actuThis takes the prize for ally buy this in Canada–a the most unusual cider fellow cider-fiending pal I’ve ever encountered. brought me back a case Despite my initial shock from Pittsburgh–but if at the strong and rustic you’re road tripping, keep taste (think of the same your eyes open for it. sharpness you encounter Named after Vermont’s with a good goat cheese), area code, this brew has the strength and variation a natural and flavourful taste in the brew makes it taste to it, nothing too a slow-drinker, which is a sweet or sticky. It has a welcome departure from medium sharpness and my usual habit of sucking is crisp, crisp, crisp. back cider like water. Tastes like autumn. Rating: 4.5 Find it: By the glass at Woodlot Restaurant or available to order through Le Caviste Marsha McLeod

Rating: 4 Find it: Most largesized liquor stores in the northern USA



Summer 2014

...and one Nicolas Cage PAULINA SALIBA

CAMPUS COMMENT Paulina Saliba and Yukon Damov ask:


Dusting books in a library. The cover of each book, the shelf—top of the library to the bottom. Jesse Carliner

Picking strawberries. Sounds good, but you have to sit on a stool eight hours a day, hunched over in the sun. Kristina Maitland

In a paper factory making calendars for eleven hours a day. It was basically a Toronto sweatshop. Tony Kwak

I haven’t had a job I hated. I love my job at an ice cream shop. Vicki Chen

Stawberry picking. You think it would be fun, but it’s not. Lots of swatting bugs. Hunched over. Annie Huynh (far left)


Working as a waitress in a private club. No tips and a cook who always yelled at me. Chris Penn

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