The sinking tower of Peacock
Ben Cataudello will cut you...
Tim Ryan investigates on the science page. p.10
Your hair that is. p. 7
the newspaper
University of Toronto’s Independent Weekly
Vol. XXXII N0. 11
November 12, 2009
CUPE3902 ratification to come
Orders boomed down Hoskins Avenue last Thursday, November 5, as two regiments prepared for the Presentation of Colours ceremony to be performed by Prince Charles. Prince Charles has taken over as Colonel-inChief of the Royal Regiment of Canada and the Toronto Scottish Regiment following the Queen Mother’s passing in 2002. A nervous energy was evident among the two files of officers, which stretched in front of the Munk Centre and St. Hilda’s residence. It’s no wonder, considering the preparation involved. “Preparation began well before the event was publicized, and even before the Royal Visit was planned. Indeed, long term planning for the parade began about five years ago,” said Sergeant Major Allan Craigie of the
ing rumors about the H1N1 flu virus is that it attacks the healthy, robust immune systems of young adults. It focuses in on the confident heartbeats and deep lungs of the young and ignores the vulnerable bodies of the aged, infirm and infantile. While this is not exactly how this virus operates, it does seem to have affected our healthiest students. The Blue’s coach, Kristine Drakich, said that five mem-
Classes continued as normal on Monday, November 9, after CUPE local 3902 and the U of T administration reached a tentative agreement over sessional lecturer contracts in the early hours of Sunday morning. CUPE 3902 had threatened a strike after not being pleased with U of T’s initial contract offering. However, the tentative agreement reached over the weekend was enough for the CUPE negotiating team to send the proposal to be voted on by the general membership. On Monday, November 16th, CUPE 3902 will hold a member’s meeting to decide if the tentative agreement should be sent to a ratification vote. If sent to a ratification vote, polling stations will be opened across campus where members can vote whether or not to ratify the agreement. Should the membership vote to ratify the agreement by November 18, the possibility of a strike will have passed. The tentative agreement, available on CUPE 3902’s website, includes a higher base wage increase and greater job security than was previously offered. These were two of CUPE’s major demands in threatening a strike. “We’re pretty confident [the tentative agreement] is going to pass,” said chief spokesperson for the CUPE 3902 bargaining team, Dr. Leslie Jermyn, about the upcoming members’ referendum. “The membership has checked it out on the website, and we’ve been getting positive feedback.” The U of T administration is still witholding comment until
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Prince Charles, Duchess of Cornwall visit Varsity Stadium Inclement weather, hardy crowd hails Prince Charles
HRH Prince Charles Presents Colours at Varsity Stadium.
OUA cancels games due to H1N1
Lest we forget.
Over the past ten days, Ontario University Athletics (OUA) has cancelled five games due to confirmed cases of H1N1 amongst players. The Brock Badgers men’s hockey team, the Guelph Gyphons and Waterloo Warriors women’s hockey teams, and our own Varsity Blues women’s volleyball team all have confirmed cases of the flu. One of the most frighten-