November 26 2009

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EU has a new prez. He’s Belgian! In the news on p. 3

Lights, camera, 1 Spadina. On the set of When Love is Not Enough: the Lois Wilson Story on the inside!

the newspaper

University of Toronto’s Independent Weekly

CFS pens letter to Ontario Government The Day of Action student protests to drop tuition fees continue to exert influence over two weeks later. On November 19, the Canadian Federation of Students (CFS) presented its first set of recommendations to the Ontario post-secondary education secretariat. CFS-Ontario, an organization that represents more than 300,000 post-secondary students across the province, has divided its recommendations into categories for minor and major changes to make education more accessible. A series of submissions is set to be released over the next few weeks, with topics including credit transfer, financial aid, funding, and regional issues. This first installment deals with ancillary and tuition fees. Riding on the Day of Action successes, CFS-Ontario focussed its attention on the province’s

high tuition fees, debt loads, and youth unemployment. With most jobs requiring some post-secondary training, accessible education is paramount, according to CFS. When the Liberals froze tuition for two years, they capped future increases at an average of five percent annually. The recommendations call for an end to those increases and a plan to gradually reduce tuition costs. All the recommendations are based on publicly available data. “We believe that education is a right,” said Shelley Melanson, Chairperson of CFS-Ontario. “This is a historic opportunity for the way we view post-secondary education and how it plays a role in strengthening the economy.” “We have received the CFS report and we are reviewing it,” said Patrice Butterfield, a spokesperson for the Ministry of Training, Colleges, and Universities. “The

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CUPE ratifies

Courses will continue without interruption DAN CRAIG



November 26, 2009

Vol. XXXII N0. 13

Victory just out of reach The Varsity Blues men’s hockey team jumped at the chance but could not get the jump on Brock at last Saturday’s game. The Blues put up a good fight, but were always just a little bit behind the play and ultimately lost 2-1.

CUPE local 3902 announced today, November 19, that 93% of their membership voted to ratify their new contract with the U of T administration. The dispute over wages, benefits and job security for U of T’s sessional lecturers lead the union to threaten a strike on November 9th that would have crippled a number of courses being taught by CUPE members. In the early hours of the morning on November 8th, a tentative agreement was reached and then recommended to the CUPE membership to be ratified. The vote, which happened from last Monday through Wednesday on campus, finally put to rest any worries of classes being interrupted by striking lecturers.

UTSU AGM sparks debate on future at U of T

UTSU staff urge students to get involved via Commission meetings UTSU held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Thursday, November 19 to discuss upcoming plans and policies, go over the past year’s finances, and respond to students’ concerns. Both union-members and unaffiliated

students showed up in large numbers for a chance to communicate directly with their elected representatives. UTSU President Sandy Hudson went over the major initiatives undertaken in 2008-2009 — such as Drop Fees, International Student Orientation, and the Sustainability Com-

mission — and listed the goals which UTSU hopes to meet in the coming year—namely, two Xpression Against Oppression Weeks, increased funding for nearly three hundred clubs, a campaign to ban bottled water on

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Adnan Najmi, VP Internal and University Affairs, responds to a question regarding public access to the UTSU’s policies and bylaws.

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