Issue 9 - November 3 2011

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Hugs not drugs! Page 3

THE ARTS Former editor gives us reasons to live Page 7


Evany Rosan, Canada-famous

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the newspaper The University of Toronto’s Independent Weekly

Since 1978

VOL XXXIV Issue 9 • November 3, 2011

U of T honours LGBT activists

David Naylor gives speaks in commemoration of the University of Toronto Homophile Åssociation Hubley is a timely reminder honour the UTHA. by Andrew Walt “On 14 October 2011, 15-yearold Jamie Hubley, an openly gay young man, committed suicide after being bullied at school,” said Charles Hill, the first president of the University of Toronto Homophile Association (UTHA), visibly holding back tears. The tragedy of Jamie

of the challenges members of LGBT communities have faced and continue to face to this day. This saddening reality surely weighed heavily on the minds of many of the attendees and distinguished speakers who gathered in the East Hall of UC on Wednesday for the unveiling of a commemorative plaque to

Dedicated by the Ontario Heritage Trust, this provincial plaque is the first of its kind to honour LGBT activism. “I believe this plaque is something that we should be proud of,” said Rosario Marchese, guest speaker and Trinity-Spadina MPP. “It’s a symbolic way of acknowledging and honouring the sexual



Province celebrates architects of gay liberation movement

diversity activism that exists in our community, and I believe that we will eventually receive the full equality the LGBT community deserves.” Gay activist and architect of the gay liberation movement Jerald Moldenhauer established the UTHA in October 1969. His move to found the associa-

see page 2

the briefs Toronto Bans Shark Fin Soup

No soup for you--shark soup, that is. The new ban on the possession, sale and consumption of shark fin soup will be in effect September 1 of next year thanks to an overwhelming majority vote by Toronto city councillors to make the city shark fin free. Toronto is now a part of a global solution aimed to help protect sharks from extinction. With this bylaw, there’s a $100,000 fine for a third and any subsequent offence, thereby putting caviar in its place.

U of T Prof’s Million Dollar Business

Need a nose job? There’s an app for that. ModiFace, a $30 million virtual makeover business, owned by University of Toronto professor Parham Aarabi, is the new app that allows users to try out cosmetics, wedding gowns and plastic surgery for free online. Aarabi was able to take a 2D image, like a Facebook profile pic, and Continued on page show a 3D effect, like3 a face lift or lip filler. His intense eight months of research, in which he met over 100 More on page 3

Profs report equity in sport needs improvement U of T Centre for Sport Policy Studies analyzes equal opportunies for university students, gender based

Last week, University of Toronto professors released the first report to provide a comprehensive gender equity analysis of Canadian interuniversity athletics. Professors and students at the University of Toronto Centre for Sport Policy Studies collected and analyzed data from the 2010-2011 academic year in an attempt to produce an unbiased gender ratio on Varsity and interuniversity teams. “From an independent perspective this is what it looked

like,” said one of the project leaders, University of Toronto Faculty of Education Professor Peter Donnelly, of the male to female ratio in university athletics. While the initiative has been on the docket for years, the centre finally found the right group of students—and the right amount of funding—to conduct a nationwide analysis on all sports at a competitive level. “Equity efforts peaked in the late ‘90s,” said acting warden at Hart House and the study’s other leader, Professor Bruce Kidd,

“and it’s an elusive problem that we need to bring back people’s attention to.” The good news is that there are nearly as many Varsity teams for women (425) as there are for men (431) at Canadian universities. The bad news is that there are disturbingly few women in leadership positions in Canadian university sports, with women holding only 19 per cent of the head coach positions, and only 17 per cent of the athletic director positions. Canadian Interuniversity Varsity striker Ellish McConville steals ball from Gee-Gees defender in Ontario see page 2 Sport, the official governing University Athletics quarter finals


by Cara Sabatini

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