October 28 2010

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the newspaper University of Toronto’s Independent Weekly

What the new mayor means for you

DIANA WILSON If you find yourself staring down the long tunnel of the next four (or should I say Ford?) years, wondering if the new cityscape will be right for you, we are here to help (a little). Short of a crystal ball, tarot cards, or a fifth sense (can’t smell), we cannot tell you Toronto’s future. So here’s a primer on some of the promises Rob Ford has made to you and we’ll leave it to you to keep track of their fulfilment. Education This one is easy because there isn’t much. We know that Rob Ford is the coach of a high school football team but otherwise his interest in education is flagged. His campaign platform includes a provision to increase the number of School Resource Officers (Toronto Police’s hallway monitors) to thirty. But since universities are provincial and federal matters primarily, Rob Ford doesn’t need to care about them. So don’t get your hopes up about cuts to tuition fees.

TTC If you’re like the thousands of U of T students that rely on transit to get them to class before that ten-after deadline, you may be biting your nails right now. The Transit City Plan, which favours streetcars, is on the chopping block with an ambitious plan for subways instead. So, if you live between Downsview and Scarborough Town Centre, you can expect some construction in your neighbourhood. You’ll probably have graduated by the time this is finished (2015). In the meantime, you can enjoy taking the bus to the library for a quiet place to study. Unions While it’s hard to privatize a union with “public” in the title, as in CUPE (the Canadian Union of Public Employees), the one that represents huge portions of the U of T community, there are still plenty of teamsters to smash. Ford intends to make the TTC an essential service Continued on page 2

October 28, 2010

Information Warfare monitors RIM ANNA MARSZALEK


Hart House housed one of the polling stations where students performed their civic duty this past week.

Vol. XXXIII N0. 8

Research in Motion (RIM) is a Canadian company recognized for its highly encrypted, top-notch security network that is the backbone of their popular Blackberry smartphones. Even RIM cannot snoop on the considerable amount of data transmissions passing through their network, and this strict inaccessibility on the part of the company makes it impossible for third parties to request information on customer communications. Simply put, for RIM, tight privacy is policy. Privacy policies however, are not universal and can vary greatly from country to country, which is where RIM faces many of its challenges. While cyberspace confidentiality is greatly valued and accepted throughout most of the world, the company’s expansion into

countries such as the United Arab Emirates (UAE) as well as Saudi Arabia, China and India has caused a lot of tension and conflict between the company’s policies and foreign leadership. Prying governments, which are common within the company’s new controversial market, end up clashing with the secure nature of RIM Blackberry`s data streams. RIM has two primary objectives: to respect customer privacy and if necessary, bend its service policies to conform with the laws of a given country. When in 2007, the governments of UAE and Saudi Arabia approached RIM in order to gain access into the Blackberry consumers’ web browsing and emailing activity, which they claimed was required for national security reasons, the company found itself in a contradiction. First, RIM could not provide the information desired because of their highly encrypted

network and second, because fulfilling this request would contradict their renowned customer privacy policy. Failing to comply with state authorities, the governing bodies sent out a mass text to Blackberry users proclaiming a ban on the device beginning in October of this year. More recent news however, reveals that RIM is in the process of changing policy strictness and is now willing to cooperate with UAE and Saudi authorities concerning its Blackberry devices. The company, most likely feels that it cannot abandon such a large and potentially profitable market. In a recent article titled “Liberation vs. Control” published in the Journal of Democracy, Ronald Deibert and Rafal Rohozinski ask a rather important question concerning technolContinued on page 2

Legislation bans universities from hiring corporate lobbyists MARTÍN WALDMAN Earlier this month, the Ontario NDP presented documents obtained through freedom of information requests that outlined nearly $1 million spent by Ontario colleges and universities on private lobbyists. The revelations came on the heels of a similar report that showed more than a dozen hospitals across the province are also hiring private sector firms to lobby the government for more funding. Opposition parties were quick to draw parallels to last year’s eHealth scandal, and accused the provincial government of once again squandering

taxpayers’ money because of an insider-lobbyist culture of entitlement. Last Wednesday, following a scathing report on the matter from the provincial Auditor General, Ontario Minister of Health Deb Matthews announced the proposed Broader Public Sector Accountability Act, which would bring in a new set of rules regarding the use of external lobbyists, consultants and expenses. In the context of the proposal (Bill 122) “Broader Public Sector” refers to any public sector organization that receives more than $10 million in government funding. The simple idea behind the legisla-

tion is to prevent institutions from using that taxpayer money to lobby for more taxpayer money. While U of T was not among the list of institutions that hired lobbyists in recent years, the university does have an office of Government, Institutional and Community Relations (GICR), which, according to its website, “is responsible for building and maintaining positive and constructive relationships with government, other public sector institutions, the private sector and community partners.” The site goes on to say that “the ofContinued on page 2

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