October 18, 2012

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the newspaper The University of Toronto’s Independent Weekly

Since 1978

VOL XXXV Issue 7 • October 18, 2012

the briefs


Sitting more dangerous than smoking, new research finds

Arab democracy activist’s computer hacked by Italian-made malware Citizen Lab connects Italian software firm’s Trojan virus to hacking of UAE dissident Emerson Vandenberg Citizen Lab, the cyberspace monitoring body at the Munk School of Global Affairs, released a report on October 10

that identifies a possible connection between the Italian software company, Hacking Team, and a malware virus that infected the computer of a prominent pro-democracy dissident in the U.A.E.

The report indicates that in July, Ahmed Mansour, a member of the activist group UAE 5, noticed a mysterious email from Arabic Wikileaks with scrambled text attachments. After realizing that a virus had

infected his computer, Mansour contacted Citizen Lab where security researcher Morgan Marquis-Boire dissected the email attachments. The results

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New program adapts to environment, breeds different kind of journalist Munk School’s Fellowships in Global Journalism turns experts into journalists

Yukon Damov Journalism education is adapting too slowly to the rapid changes occurring in the field, claims Robert Steiner, Director of the Munk School of Global Affairs’ Fellowship in Global Journalism program. The new program is designed to provide news organizations with the specialists they need and want. The traditional model of journalism training, argues Steiner,

is outmoded because news organizations no longer seek--or can afford--additions to their newsrooms who can cover a general array of topics. Instead of teaching journalists to become specialists, the Munk Fellowship teaches specialists to become journalists. Launched in September, the program’s nine fellows include two young professors, three PhDs, a lawyer, a former advertising executive, a former

development aid professional, an architectural designer, and a Middle East specialist. Associate journalism professor at UofT Scarborough, Minelle Mahtani, agrees with Steiner’s logic. “Too many journalists are masters of none, and superficial experts in a lot of areas,” she told the newspaper. “This programme works to challenge that mythology.” The Munk School’s program is meant to enable its fellows to

work autonomously as freelancers, to become entrepreneurs and launch their own media companies, or to continue in their profession and do part time freelancing. They learn to develop their own story ideas and pitch them to international media. “In a lot of ways this is a great time to become a journalist,” Steiner told the newspaper. The

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A study published on Monday by Dr. Emma Wilmot of the diabetes research group at the University of Leicester in Britain sheds new light on the risks of a sedentary lifestyle. An analysis of 18 existing studies found that sedentary people have a 147 per cent increased risk of heart attack or stroke; 112 per cent increase in the risk of developing diabetes; 90 per cent greater risk of dying from a cardiac event; and 49 per cent greater risk of premature mortality. More people die from sedentaryrelated issues than smoking. In the paper, Wilmot suggests two minutes of movement for every 20 minutes of sitting. Even for obese people this could start to reverse the dangerous health effects of a sedentary lifestyle.

City councillor arrested for driving while intoxicated Ward 18 city councillor Ana Bailao was arrested early Tuesday morning for drunk driving. Initially pulled over for not using headlights, a breathalyzer test showed a 0.08 blood alcohol content level, the legal limit in Ontario. Bailao, a University of Toronto grad, has sat on the council for two years, and has voted with and against mayor Rob Ford. She will appear in the Old City Hall court on Dec 3 at 11 am in courtroom 111.

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