Hacking talks Holberg, Harleys and shotguns
word on the street is...
U of T philosopher unleashed on page 4
Atwood’s a cyborg, page 7
the newspaper
University of Toronto’s Independent Weekly
Vol. XXXII N0. 4
ueaT caters to students
the campus New UofT and University of California research shows that parents regularly lie to their children to control their behaviour and emotions.
changes. Mr. Jaco Lokker, executive chef at the University of Toronto, felt that there needed to be a single place where students could come for information about on-campus food. Previously, information on the internet was somewhat haphazardly scattered over various student-life websites, and the Food and Beverage Services homepage was too limited in its reach. The UeaT Blog has been designed with comprehensive information about eateries and cafeterias across campus. It provides details on the sort of food provided at each location, and whether or not it will accom-
the local Ali Dirie, a member of the Toronto 18, admitted in court that he did belong to a terror cell. Dirie pleaded guilty to one count of participating in a terrorist group. the world World leaders are meeting at the UN HQ to revitalize talks on climate change. Chinese President Hu Jintao is expected to unveil some steps that are going to be taken to tackle the country’s emissions. the weird On Sunday, police
Continued on page 3
officers had to capture an emu running loose on I-20 in Missisipi. Deputies were able to surround the animal, resorting to a taser and handcuffs to get it off the road. - Amina Stella
wavelength leaves sneaky dee’s
This Ain’t The rosedale library turns 30
dAn CrAig
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Come October 4th, Wavelength, the indie and influential weekly music showcase, will no longer be showing at Sneaky Dee’s. Having helped to launch the careers of such artists as Feist and Broken Social Scene, fans of the series will now have to see it at The Garrison, a new pub that has popped up in the sketchy-come-trendy Dundas and Ossington area. A psychedelic, or sometimes drunken, playground for musical talent that features all sorts of acts from loud to weird, from soloists to 14-member ensembles, Wavelength originally began in February 2000 in a now-closed club called Ted’s Wrecking Yard. In October 2001, Wavelength moved to Lee’s Palace. However, co-organizer Jonny Dovercourt says that Lee’s was
too big a venue to capture the intimate vibe that they wanted. So at the end of May 2002, they moved to Sneaky Dee’s and have called it home for the last seven years. “Our relationship with Sneaky Dee’s has been a long one and a healthy one,” says Dovercourt. “But Wavelength has always been more about people than a place.” Founded as an artist-run collective made up of local musicians in the fall of 1999, Wavelength published a zine from 2000 through to 2005 along with their weekly concerts. The mandate of the collective was to encourage collaborations and increase awareness of the underground local community. Dovercourt says, “That remains our mandate to this day.” The former booker at Sneaky Continued on page 8
This is cause for celebration On September 16th, a diverse crowd of former-beatniks, book-lovers, and young artists, gathered at Harbourfront Centre’s Brigantine Room to celebrate the 30th birthday of a place that The Guardian has named Canada’s best independent bookstore, and one of the ten best bookstores in the world. Writer and poet friends of This Ain’t paid tribute with readings from some of their new and older works. Marking the longevity of Toronto’s most popular independent bookstore is a pleasant occasion, especially in light of fellow non-commercial bookstore Pages’s recent closure. Founded by Charles Huisken in the same year as Pages, This Ain’t opened on Queen St. E in 1979, before moving to its longtime residence at Church and
Wellesley in 1986. It called the heart of The Village home until July 2008, when it moved to its present location in Kensington Market. The bookstore is well-known
for its involvement with Canadian underground culture, encouraging and stimulating the works of local talent. It Continued on page 7
UofT Food and Beverage Services has undertaken some major changes across all three campuses, following the results of a student satisfaction survey conducted by the ASSU last year. These include new, environmentally-friendly initiatives, as well as outreach services designed to communicate directly with a larger percentage of the student body. Although Food Services has undergone changes before, these new programs—collectively called UeaT—are singular in their nature and extent. The new UeaT Blog is the cornerstone of all these
The shorts
TEjAs pArAsHEr
September 24, 2009