Lesson Plan

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Social Anxiety Lesson Plan MDS DIS Unit 2 Action Project Why?

What does it feel like to have social anxiety?


How will I guide my classmates to experience these feelings?


At the end of this lesson, students will have: ● Role-played with a person simulating characteristics of social anxiety. ● Reflected on how they felt by writing three things they could do to support those around them with social anxiety What?

Agenda & Content



How will I guide my classmates to experience these feelings? 1. One student will be chosen without volunteering and asked to read the poem “S ​ topping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” by Robert Frost out loud. 2. On the script they are given, there are handwritten notes in bright ink meant to represent inner thoughts of someone with anxiety 3. They have to read aloud the poem, ignoring the notes.

5 min

Students will be given note cards and asked to write down 3 feelings they felt, and 3 things they can do to support those around them who have social anxiety

5 min

“​Stopping by Woods ​ on a Snowy Evening” by Robert Frost with handwritten notes (below)

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