Game Title
Designer and History
Dan Glimne designed the game in 1991
Number of Players
310 players
Materials Needed
6 h eadbands and 75 cards
Random Strategy Scale
50% random 50% strategy I decided that on the random strategy scale, Hedbanz would fall directly in the middle. When choosing your clue that you h ave to guess, they are completely random, chosen from a shuffled deck of cards. The strategy comes in when trying to ask questions to guess your own clue. You h ave to try to ask questions that will benefit you most in that situation.
Hedbanz RVS scale. Shaffer, Maeve. (November 21, 2016) Playing Mechanisms
Each player starts with a h eadband with a clue attached to it. They take turns asking yes or no questions while trying to guess which is on their h eadband. Other players must answer h onestly and correctly.
Winning Mechanism
Guessing your card before the other players will allow you to win the round, and you get a token. At the end of the game, the person with the most tokens wins.
Progress Tracking
For every one of your own clues that you guess correctly, you get a token.
Learning curve (110)
1 Very simple instructions and basic rules. Most people h ave already played some variations of the game, such as