Landscape Architecture Portfolio

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Portfolio Landscape architecture

Mafalda Lopes | 2021

Mafalda Lopes


Junior landscape designer Rotterdam, The Netherlands +351 935 099 155

From Portugal, born in November 18th 1996. I am a proactive and up-to-date sustainable solutions enthusiast, who is thriving to make a difference and sees obstacles as new challenges. Strong visual imagination, analytical skills and sense of design. Eager to learn and develop further.

Languages Portuguese - Native

English - Proficient User

Spanish - Independent User Dutch - Beginner

Personal interests Hiking Photography Binge watching “Friends”

Work experience LAOS Landschapsarchitecten. Groningen, Netherlands. Junior landscape designer. March 2021 - September 2021 Competences: • Developing concepts and designs for urban and rural areas in a team; • Supporting the designer in making design elaborations, partial designs up to DO level; • Representing designs in plan maps, cross-sections, visuals and 3D models. Kuiper Compagnons. Rotterdam, Netherlands. Junior landscape designer. March 2020 - February 2021 Competences:

Anything pink

• Able to independently perform executive and preparatory work;

Hand sketching

• Partly direct and partly indirect supervision via the results and consultation;

Crossing things off my bucket list

• Provides assisting contributions that others need to make choices or take decisions.

Hard skills



Kuiper Compagnons. Rotterdam, Netherlands.


September 2019 - February 2020

Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Adobe InDesign SketchUp QGIS Lumion

Internships H+N+S Landschapsarchitecten. Amersfoort, Netherlands. September 2018 - January 2019 Inframoura. Vilamoura, Portugal. July 2018 - August 2018 | Summer Internship

Soft skills • Able to work effectively under pressure; • Excellent capacity of communication;

Education Estonian University of Life Sciences. Tartu, Estonia. MSc. in Landscape architetcure. 2017 - 2019

• Great sense of organization;

University of Algarve. Faro, Portugal.

• Problem-solving and prioritizing skills;

BSc. in Landscape architecture. 2014 - 2017

• Sense of initiative.


1. PotmargePark Project design.

2. Argentina delta Research by design.

3. Parkanlage Schwanenteich Design competition.

4. Geleen Parkstad Vision competition.

5. Graphic design Creative work.

6. What’s next? Insert new challenge here.

PotmargePark Location: Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

In collaboration with the municipality of Leeuwarden, Team4 and Slokker Vastgoed, LAOS was asked to design the outdoor space of this new development. A place on the Potmarge where landscape living was combined with the urban densification task.

Design goals High-quality aesthetic design, resulting in a pleasant living and residential environment. When drawing up the designs, a lot of attention is paid to user value for residents, the feasibility of the design (technical and financial), manageability and sustainability (sustainable materials and climate resistance) of the outdoor space.

Green and Blue Infrastructure and spatial quality analysis

Uitzicht op de Intratuin (View of the Intratuin)


Ruimtelijke begrenzing van het oostelijk gelegen plot (Spatial boundary of the eastern plot)

Zicht over de waterspeelplaats (View over the water playground)

Uitzicht vanaf het westelijk gelegen plot op de woontorens (View from the western plot on the residential towers)

Spatial analysis

Kwalitatieve groene ruimte

(Quality green space)

Een bijzondere blauwe ruggengraat

(A special blue feature)

Maar geen fysieke connectie

Route langs de Potmarge zorgt voor reuring

(Lack of physical connections)

en gebruik (Exiting route along the Potmarge)

Concept development Concept 1 - Divide to conquer

Concept 2 - Gradient brings harmony Oost


Principle of concept 1

Concept model 1



Principle of concept 2

Concept model 2



This project is currently in the VO (voorlopig

The presentation was accessible to local resi-

ontwerp) phase. The following masterplan and

dents via a live stream, in this live stream the

sections are a product of the SO (schetsont-

various parties presented the design and there

werp) phase that was completed in May 2021.

was the opportunity to ask questions via chat. A good solution to present a project in this time of

This preliminary design was presented by


LAOS, together with Slokker Vastgoed, the Municipality of Leeuwarden and TEAM 4 ARCHITECTEN, for the development of the Potmargepark.

Sectie A-A’, verblijfsgebied groene zone (residential area green zone).

Sectie B-B’, sectie die de getrapte opgang aan de zuidzijde van de appartementen weergeft. Subtiele randen maken het mogelijk om hier ook even te verpozen tussen de bomen die over het gebied heen gestrooid zijn. Bestaande bomen worden zoveel mogelijk behouden (Section showing the stepped entrance on the south side of the apartments. Subtle edges make it possible to take a break here between the trees that have been scattered over the area. Existing trees are preserved as much as possible).


In collaboration with the municipality of Leeuwarden, Team4 and Slokker Vastgoed, LAOS was asked to design the outdoor space. A place on the Potmarge where landscape living was combined with the urban densification task.





(Schets Ontwerp) Masterplan


Parana Delta Location: Argentina, South America

Parana delta river analysis map with aereal photo underneath. Software: QGIS

Cover image of the project overview on the H+N+S Landscape Architects website. Software: QGIS


Analysis layers Elevation

Landscape units Soils

Polders Roads


Urbanizations Parana delta river analysis map. Software: QGIS

In the context of collaboration between The Netherlands and Argentina, a workshop was organized in Buenos Aires at the end of August 2018. The research was developed in collaboration with FABRICations, One Architecture, Deltares and INA, and provides future scenarios for the Parana Delta in Argentina in the fields of ecology & landscape, urban development, land use, tourism and recreation.

This project was developed during my internship in Amersfoort,

The Netherlands at H + N + S Landscape Architects Office and

presented at the ‘Bi-national Conference on Integrated Water Management’ in the end of October 2018 in Buenos Aires, Argentina.


Parkanlage Schwanenteich Landschaftsplanerischer Realisierungswettbewerb Location: Emden, Germany

The city of Emden is located in Germany, directly on the Dutch border. The inner city of Emden is in an open circle GROSS-FALDERN

n rabe adtg er St

ramparts, which were built in the early 17th


from the northwest to southeast of former century and, after the abandonment of the defensive function, its area was redesigned into



a park in the 18th century.


Förderverein Van-Ameren Bad e.V.

Rotes Siel

The design area is located at the south-eastern end of the ramparts is the “Swan Pond” park ief jer T

in size and characterized by two rectangular ponds and avenue-like paths.


t Fehn

of the 20th century. It is about three hectares

DJH Jugendherberge



tor ren Oberschule Herrentor



Fortress and Green belt The park has a long history and, with its green belt around the city of Emden, is a characteristic part of the historic fortress.


General plan and Urban context The park is the beginning of the green belt. ‘Fettens Garten’ at the Herrentor street form the entrance to both the park and the green belt. Here an important passage begins at the height of the city, which runs below the city wall and with a bridge over the ‘Rote Siel’, leading to the other sections of the green belt and beyond, into the surrounding area. From east to west, the park is centrally located between the city center and the green surroundings.

Perspective 1 Sunbathing lawn by the northern pond

Concept layers


At the bridge over the ‘Rote Siel’, the beginning of the path is a clear but sober entry. On the other hand, the refurbished ‘Fettens Garten’ forms a clear entrance to the city level. We make the garden visible by removing the hedge. The edge of the park becomes tangible by creating a small slope that defines the two entrances. This slope is of limited height so that one can see the park from the street.


The path connecting the park to the city cuts through the open area. At the same time, this route, together with the city wall, forms an exciting space that looks like a sea of flowers to the viewer. This colorful world accompanies the route.


The trees are an important part of the character of the existing park. Both from the space-creating effect as well as from their botanical ecological value. We, therefore, try to preserve as many trees as possible. However, some trees are in such a bad condition that they are not worth preserving in the long term and should be gradually replaced. This is the opportunity to develop a new tree structure for the entire area. We add, based on the existing tree population, a new tree layer that flows as a loose band over the entire area.


The ecological zone flows around the old park. This involves the edges and structures. The basis of this layer is tall, herbaceous, long grass. On the north side the herb-rich high grass stretches to the dike of the ‘Rote Siel’. On the east side, under the existing trees, we create space for grass rich in herbs and ensure that undergrowth with bushes is only available in selected places to create space and guide visitors.


The special thing about this part of the green belt is the ‘Schwanenteich’ park from the early 20th century. The structure is clear and connects the area with the two mills (white mill and red mill) to the surrounding area. With this structure, we meet the requirements of the task in terms of attractiveness, quality of stay, sustainable water balance and use of a park of the 21st century.


There is a footpath on the city wall, which is part of the circular route around Emden. From here, the park is clearly visible and there are attractive perspectives of the park and the surrounding area. The vegetation along the fortress is supplemented and restored, so this structure is strengthened.


The focus is on the special design of the green belt, making it recognizable and usable for many. The green belt consists of the old city wall, which frames the city center, and an area that has always been open between the wall and the moat or the ponds. The design is, therefore, based on this triad.

Team | Mathijs Dijkstra, Michaël Rouwendaal, Alaleh Kouhkan, Mafalda Lopes


Parkanlage Schwanenteich






This was an open competition and the teams who entered consisted on 6 german offices and LAOS as the only foreign representative. Together with the graphic elements, the delivery included cost estimation, matrix and explanatory text.

Wild flower meadow Perennial meadow (wet) Mown meadow Perennial plantings B’

1920s garden Asphalt Coffee place ‘Fettens garden’ Wooden walkway Playgrounds Further exercise offers Existing trees New trees

Section A-A’ `Fettens Garten´, Playgrounds and bastion


Parkanlage Schwanenteich

Perspective 2 The path that connects the park with the city


Section B-B’ the old city wall and a traditionally open area with the renewed 20th century park design

The delivery of our product had to be done in person, following the competition’s guidelines, in the town of Bremen, Germany.


Prijsvraag BNSP ‘De Woonwijk als Noviteit’ Location: Geleen, The Netherlands

The KuiperCompagnons team enjoyed working

In our opinion, the solution starts with the ac-

on the entry for the BNSP/NVTL competition.

ceptance that there is no longer any support in the city center for a large-scale core shopping

Thanks to the approach of ‘De Woonwijk as

area. We see the current center as an area with

Novelty’, we have experienced the freedom to

opportunities for a new “own” residential en-

dream big. It was a fun and inspiring challenge

vironment with a mix of facilities and different

to think about the local issues at the location

forms of living and working. Seeing the empti-

of this case. With our entry we have tried to

ness in the center us as an opportunity. After

formulate answers to a number of these issues

all: plenty of space! Opportunity for new im-

and at the same time to dream about an excit-

petus and for new life. Geleen focuses (again)

ing and surprising new future for this munici-

on the future! We see four solution directions


that must be implemented simultaneously.

 Met een Hart vol Leven






 Met een Hart vol Leven

The proposed 4 solutions:


Mixing of functions and concentration: The one-sided

Greening and focus: Through the strategic (temporary

retail plinth is no longer tenable and affects the quality

or otherwise) addition of this flexible, multifunctional

of life of the center in the way. So: as much transfor-

living and working units, the large, undefined space of

mation as possible from empty shops to housing. Devel-

the Market is divided into three specific zones, with each

opment of vacant lots, in addition to the densification

has its own focus. An event and market square will be

of the shopping area into a compact zone around the Market Square.


built on the parking garage, reinforced with urban sports accommodations. The square in front of the town hall will become a small city park. The third part lends itself to green play areas and urban agriculture. Residents of the center can own pieces of green here take over

Flexible additions: By placing flexible, circular, modu-


management. Shopping streets connect to this with a

lar residential buildings on strategic places, a varied, at-

high-quality green structure, flanked by hiking and bik-

tractive living environment can be created: A mix of pro-

ing trails.

grams with room for different forms of living, working, culture and business, side by side. This development is

Organization: The most important stakeholders in the

organic and flexible, with room for experiments, so that social needs can be responded to.

change process of the center are the residents of Geleen.


By organizing the common interest in a “community”, a social and close-knit community originate. The “community” is organized on the model of a Community Land Trust (CLT).

Team | Rogier Mentink, Vania Citraro, Mafalda Lopes


Graphic design Apart from working on landscape architecture projects, mapping and creating pieces like this provides me with a creative outlet where I can test and experiment with graphic styles, textures and colors.


In this particular collection, the maps produced, result from the memory of an important experience that took place in a particular place and in a particular day. The heart shows the location and the colors portray the feeling.


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