MAF Australia Flying For Life Autumn 2018

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FROM THE GM We’ve all experienced those times in life that feel chaotic and out of control. The recent earthquake in PNG is a great example. On 25 February, the day before the earthquake, the MAF PNG team continued to faithfully serve the remote communities, delivering the scheduled passengers and cargo in accordance with plans made. Apart from the usual unpredictability of serving isolated communities, life went on as normal. But as soon as that earthquake struck everything changed. Survey flights were needed to be carried out, disaster response plans needed to be enacted, new partnerships were formed in anticipation of delivering emergency supplies to remote areas.

I am reminded that although I can not control my situation, He can. I am reminded that although I may feel weak, He is always strong. I am reminded that although I don’t know what tomorrow brings, He does. For the MAF PNG team, and the many remote communities affected by the earthquake, life has not yet returned to ‘normal’. There are still many needs. And yet, we can remain thankful to God that this is His mission and that He is firmly in control of it all. Please enjoy this edition of Flying for Life. I pray that you are encouraged by the work that you are enabling each and every day.

HELP RAISE FUEL THIS FATHER’S DAY Get your church involved in saving lives this Father’s Day! Every $50 jerrycan filled puts us in the air for 20 minutes enough time to save a life.

Call Matthew on 1800 650 169 to get your church resources or email

In His Service,

What was planned for 26 February, and the weeks to follow, was completely up-ended. Whether they are big events – like an earthquake – or unexpected changes in everyday life, I find that these moments of uncertainty often bring me to a place where I am reminded of the wonderful truths of being a child of God.

Ian McDougall General Manager MAF Australia

“We Love MAF! The Father’s Day Cards went so well last year! We have played the videos a number of times. We love the Dad Jokes!” Pastor Grant Spangenberg, Murray Bridge Church of Christ

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EARTHQUAKE RESPONSE: Bringing hope amidst ruin On the 26 February Papua New Guinea was hit by a powerful 7.6 magnitude earthquake. The earthquake left a devastating path of destruction in its wake, with scores killed and many more in need of medical and humanitarian aid. The hardest hit areas were those communities located in remote and difficult to access areas. For over 65 years MAF has been serving these remote communities, using their resources and expertise to bring relief and hope in time of need. This article contains two personal accounts of MAF’s relief efforts following the earthquake.

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A Personal account by Nawi Mabo, MAF’s Ground Operations Training Co-ordinator, PNG Wednesday 28 February


oday I had the chance to experience first-hand the devastation caused by the recent earthquake. On returning to Hagen from Kiunga, we stopped over at Huya and Bosavi to pick up several people who had been injured in the earthquake. Among them was a lady who was the sole survivor of a group of 11 people who were buried in a landslide on their way to Komo. Another woman whom we picked up had been injured from falling rocks caused by an aftershock a day after the major earthquake. She had wounds to her head and other parts of her body. Another passenger, a little boy, had one eye injured as a result of being hit by debris falling from the hill side. There was also a number of people who had hurt themselves while running out of their houses and huts in the dark during the major tremor. The health worker at Bosavi said there was no medication available to treat people and expressed his sadness at being unable to do more at such a critical time.

Damage assessment: A bird’s eye view When talking to members of the community, they said no one had since left the villages and gone to their gardens out of fear of getting injured or killed should another tremor strike again. Food gardens especially on ridges were reportedly destroyed. This was confirmed from the air. Rivers and creeks turned muddy and were blocked with fallen trees and rocks causing water to collect upstream then burst open and send a flood of fast travelling debris downstream wiping away food sources. From the air, most cliffs around Huya had evidence of landslides. There surely is much more damage than we would guess. Hour of need The appreciation of MAF for being there at this critical time of need was overwhelming, especially at Huya where we dropped 240 kilograms of food supplies courtesy of Sally Lloyd, a staff member of MAF Papua New Guinea. Some people shed tears, as did I! I’ve worked for 12 years with MAF but have not seen this level of gratitude by people who express thankfulness when help comes at their greatest hour of need.

Autumn 5 Nawi Mabos caring2018 for an/ FLYING injuredFOR boy LIFE & his/ carer

DELIVERING HOPE As of Friday 16 March over 30 flight hours were carried out in response to the earthquake, providing relief and evacuations to the many locals in need. The MAF Disaster Response team and the Australian Defence Force have now pulled out of the area.

L to R:The crew at MAF co-ordinating the distribution of care packs ; Women wail and mourn at Huya in appreciation of receiving some much needed food supplies; MAF distributing much needed care packs and aid

A personal account of MAF Pilot Luke Newell Wednesday 7 March I flew in the Cessna 208 (Caravan) out from Mt. Hagen to Muluma and Bosavi. We carried out rice and water to the communities around Bosavi airstrip, plus a care pack with soap, hygiene items and pots and plates to Muluma, home to around 4,000 people. At the moment, many surrounding communities are leaving their houses and coming to the airstrip to seek relief goods. Everybody is scared because their houses are falling over during different aftershocks. Even gardens are being shaken up and disturbed. A few houses were destroyed and shaken up due to last night’s aftershock (6.3. – 6.7 on Richter scale). Man with the scar I handed my bulked relief items to the MAF on ground agent. They then distributed it themselves. I saw that at least two people were bruised, a man talking to me had a scar on his right cheek. Tony, I believe was his Autumn 2018 / FLYING FOR LIFE / 6

name. He said he wanted to run outside, but he could not run out as the floor was shaking heavily and the steps might have fallen off. He must have fallen onto a nail or something spiky that tore a wound in his right cheek. It looked quite deep, so I got the first aid packet out of the plane and gave him an antiseptic cream to at least keep the wound clean. Airstrip of hope There were reports of other injuries, but we are yet to see these people coming to seek help. Many of the surrounding communities run to where the ground is flatter, and that is where the airstrip is located. They come from around a 30 minute walk for their own safety, but also they hope to receive some relief goods such as tarpaulins, water or rice. I feel sorry for them, I just would like to help. I see not only the houses that have collapsed and the injuries many need assistance for, but also the gardens that are breaking up and the uncertainty of where tomorrow’s food will come from.

MAF will continue to conduct charter flights to deliver food and relief cargo into affected areas, working alongside organisations such as SDA and World Food Program, as well as local churches. Thank you for being a part of bringing relief to remote communities affected by the earthquake. Over and above the initial disaster response funding, we have committed to helping raise an additional $120,000 to help fund the PNG program costs for 2018. In this time of rebuilding it is critical that MAF in PNG are able to confidently continue to serve the remote communities. Your gift to this appeal will help us reach remote communities with food, medicine, shelter and hope.

 1800 650 169

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to breastfeed even though her tired body looked like just skin and bones. The baby had orange-coloured hair, a tell-tale sign of malnourishment for an African baby. The mother had cataracts in both eyes and was barely able to see me. She relayed with the help of a translator that her husband was arrested and had disappeared near Kajo Keji in South Sudan. She has 5 children to provide for but is unable to dig or plant because of her sight and so depends on the emergency food allowance provided by UNHCR. Her feverish baby was given the all clear after having a blood test for malaria and she was sent home with antibiotics for her little one. This woman’s situation will once again remind me never to complain - what do we know of the struggles the isolated and displaced face on a daily basis? And what would have happened to this woman and her children if MTI hadn’t intervened?

MTI’s East African Medical Staff work to treat South Sudanese Refugees at the Idiwa Health Center III, Moyo District, Northern Uganda


We drove to a second clinic providing mainly maternity care. One of the refugees we met chatted amicably to us for about 5 minutes and I discovered that she knew missionary friends of mine in Nimule! We then learned that she was in labour and trying to disguise her contractions. This being her first born child, she was particularly nervous but so gracious with us!

Throughout my day, I was quite amazed to encounter one refugee after another from places I had visited with MAF in South Sudan, from Yei, Kajo Keji, Rumbek, Juba and Nimule. It has been sad to have seen these familiar, close-knit villages be thrown into disarray and the people chased into Uganda. And yet, the largescale effort that has been speedily set up to keep the South Sudanese alive and safe is quite remarkable. MAF has been able to play a key role in getting these phenomenal NGO’s to where they need to be to provide aid. Having opened Adjumani last year which is much closer to many other settlements in the area, there is now talk of possibly opening another airstrip closer to Yumbe which is next to the largest settlement in the world, Bidi Bidi. It would be wonderful if MAF were able to support partners such as MTI with airstrips close to these ginormous settlements. Please pray for the workers of MTI to continue their quality care and to provide everything they need to do this.

“MAF has been able to play a key role in getting these phenomenal NGO’s to where they need to provide aid.”

Story Jill Vine Photos Dave Forney


t the end of November a group of MAF UK visitors flew to Moyo airstrip to visit one of our partners, Medical Teams International (MTI). The Regional Director, Andrew Hoskins kindly arranged for 2 vehicles to drive us from Moyo Airstrip to the Palorinya Settlement where 185,000 refugees currently reside. Andrew told us how MAF save MTI the 8-14 hour bumpy drive from Kampala. Instead the flight is only 1.5 hours long, and considerably more comfortable and safe. A labour of love As soon as we arrived, it was apparent how organised the MTI clinics are. The white tents provided by UNHCR were lined up side by side, each one full of refugees waiting either for a consultation, lab test, injection or admission. The doctors and nurses we met throughout the course of the day displayed an obvious warmth, you could see how much they loved their work. As with many of the 145 partners MAF fly to the north of Uganda, their

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hearts are in it for the refugees and not for themselves. MTI were approached by the UN High Commissioner to help provide medication and doctors for the settlements which rapidly grew back in November last year when South Sudan underwent large scale militia raids and fighting. One million people became internally displaced; 47% of South Sudan’s bordering states population have been disbursed, with many having fled over the border into Uganda. Because of MTI’s speedy response, many refugees have been saved from health epidemics such as malaria or cholera. Since their initial involvement, MTI have managed to set up 45 facilities within Uganda, 10 of which are in Palorinya. 1,400 of their staff are Ugandan, 10-15% of which are refugees; only 2 are long term expats. They also have short term staff volunteering as nurses and other support roles. Perspective A woman sitting on the ground with her baby was trying

L to R: Various South Sudanese Refugees await consultation/treatment from Medical Teams International Staff at the Idiwa Health Center III in the Palorinya Settlement of Moyo District, Northern Uganda; Group shots in front of 5X-LDR; MAF member, Jill Vine, poses with a South Sudanese refugee friend who is soon to give birth in the Idiwa Health Center III, Moyo District, Northern Uganda




Thanks to your faithful partnership and generosity, we have now successfully raised all the funds for the new Cessna 182 for the Training School in Mareeba. Because of your giving, our MAF pilots will now receive the most up-to-date and specialised training made possible with this aircraft. Ultimately, this training will mean more remote & isolated communities reached, bringing medical care, emergency relief, long-term development and the good news of Jesus.

REMEMBERING BILLY GRAHAM Evangelist Billy Graham passed away last month, aged 99. Widely known for his passionate preaching and unwavering commitment to the gospel, Billy Graham leaves behind a legacy of hope and faith for believers across the world. MAF had the privilege of flying him in 1960 for his ‘African Safari for Souls’ in East Africa, where thousands came to know Jesus. We honour him for his life and work.



Violence in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has caused thousands of displaced people to flood the city of Bunia, where two makeshift refugee camps have sprung up.

Last year the team in Timor-Leste reached out to MAF Australia for a helping hand in raising $10,000 to replace an old and damaged airplane hangar. Through a show of true generosity, supporters of MAF Australia joined together to raise the necessary funds for the new hangar to be built.

According to Jon Cadd, MAF program manager in eastern DRC, the camps lack enough food and shelter for all the refugees. A small group of local Christians is attempting to feed the hungry, and MAF has provided rice, beans, maize meal, and cooking oil, but it’s just a drop in the bucket. Cadd said some of the refugees who reach Bunia are injured but medical care is not available. “There is a tent where the wounded are being placed but no medical work is going on and it’s hot beyond reason and feels very unhealthy. We saw people with machete wounds to the head, including a one-year-old who was cut across the face … and a little eight- or nine- year-old girl cut across the back of her neck.”

Ironically, before any repairs began, the old roof was completely damaged and torn off during a large storm! Please join with us in thanking God for his provision in raising up generous supporters in time of need.


These injured families had not eaten in four days, so the MAF team decided to do a little extra for them.

This time last year we asked you to partner with us to raise funds for the famine crisis in South Sudan. Thanks to the overwhelming generosity received we were able to raise more funds than anticipated. This meant that we were able to use the additional funds to purchase a new HF radio in South Sudan. The previous HF set-up in Juba was purchased and installed approximately 10 years ago, with the equipment no longer of sufficient quality or capacity to ensure a safe and efficient operation. The HR radio is an essential piece of equipment for MAF flying operations. Thank you for partnering with us in continuing to meet the physical and spiritual needs of the people of South Sudan.

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“We got 10 tarps, five local cooking stoves called babulas, some pots, plates and cups, as well as food, and were able to give it to them personally so they didn’t have to wait in the long lines. When you can’t help everyone it feels like the little we are doing is useless in the scheme of things. But as it rained in the evening, we knew that at least 10 more families were not out in the rain and had food to eat,” said Cadd.

Alex Moro from South Sudan Operations coordinating a flight with MAFI using the new Codan Envoy Radio

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God continues to provide workers for the plentiful harvest! It has been a joy to see four new candidates accepted for service with MAF.

MAF has recently launched a Facebook group especially for the Alumni of MAF Australia. No matter when, where or how you served, this platform seeks to build a community of men and women who have previously shared in the work of MAF. Use the page to reconnect, share memories, share information and start meaningful and insightful discussions.

We are excited to think of the many thousands of lives that will be transformed as a result of their willingness to step out into the mission field.

Join now at:

As they embark on Ministry Partnership and ready themselves for service, will you join with us in praying that God will fill them with His strength, patience and peace?


If you, or a friend/family member of yours, have been considering serving in a similar way, we would love to encourage you to get in touch with us. We currently have a number of needs and positions in many different areas of expertise including pilots, engineers, managers, HR, finance and IT specialists. Kuren Galant Recruitment Manager, MAF Australia


9th - 14th DECEMBER 2018

To see a complete list of vacancies, head to:



Experiences Aircraft Engineers, (Arnhem Land)

TRANSFORM LIVES WITH A GIFT IN YOUR WILL If and when the time is right for you to include a gift to a charity in your Will, please remember MAF. After you have provided for your family, a gift to MAF in your Will, whatever size, will make a real difference to the remote and isolated people.

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For further information and resources, please contact our Relationship Manager Edgar Voigts at 1800 650 169 or e-mail:


Head of Finance, (PNG)


Security Manager, (South Sudan)

Chief Engineer, (Bangladesh)

Flying for Life

(ISSN: 2202-0365) Design/Editor: Cadence Media ( Printer: BHB Printing Flying for Life is the official magazine of Mission Aviation Fellowship and CRMF in Australia. Articles may be printed with acknowledgment. Flying for Life is a member publication of the Australasian Religious Press Association. If you no longer wish to receive Flying for Life (MAF News), please advise us at: MAF Australia 1800 650 169 and your name and details will be removed from our distribution list. FRONT COVER: Courtesy LuAnne Cadd

MAF Australia ABN 26 134 583 887 PO Box 7187 Baulkham Hills NSW 2153 Contact: 1800 650 169 | 02 8014 6450 | Privacy Statement MAF is committed to your privacy. We will only disclose your information in accordance with our Privacy Statement and/or with your permission. Our Privacy Statement explains what information we collect from you Autumn 2018 / FLYING and how we intend to use it. You can view our Privacy Statement at


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