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SM Lite Results

Achievements related to Project Goals and indicator (Goal 3)


Goal 3: Improved community awareness on coastal biodiversity protection and climate change in at least 30 selected municipalities / cities by 12/2013 (KAP survey in 2011 and 2012 / 2013).

KAP results (summary)

In 9 out of 10 pilot sites across 5 LGU alliances, survey respondents have indicated that any intrusions into the MPAs have decreased in the past 12 months. Similarly, survey respondents from 8 out 10 pilot sites showed increased involvement in the activities related to their MPA. On average, SM Lite campaign sites considerably increased the levels of knowledge on the benefits of having an MPA nearby among survey respondents (29.57 percentage points (pp)* . On average, Attitude of the respondents on support to increasing the level of enforcement of MPA Rules have also increased (9.64 pp) On the average, there is also increased in Interpersonal Communications (19.98 pp).

Five municipal alliances and three LGUs provide counterpart to support social marketing campaigns Eight SM Lite grants were awarded ranging from PhP25,000 to PhP285,000 depending on the number of municipalities involved, for a total of PhP979.962.50. Activities included environmental picnics and marine youth camps, boat racing contests, an MPA mascot parade, a quiz show, coastal cleanups, and the production of collaterals like t-shirts, ecobags, billboards, brochures, posters, calendars, fishermen’s hats, boat awnings, and a blue crab mascot. Overall the grantees committed to pool PhP606,772.50 or 38% of total project cost, an average of 36% for the eight projects, ranging from 16% to 73%.

Two of the 30 youth of Suyac Island who became the Junior Ecopatrols for the SM Lite campaign

SM Lite is promoted as an innovative and practical approach to change how people relate to nature by Blue Solutions Blue Solutions Project includes and promotes SM Lite as a solution to inspire others globally who are facilitating actions towards healthy and productive marine and coastal ecosystems. Blue Solutions is implemented by GIZ, in direct partnership with GRID-Arendal, a center that delivers information for policy makers, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

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