Annual Report 2020

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MAF LOGO 2012 - WHITE Mission Aviat ion Fellowship June 2012 Jason Bouwman


MissionMAFSA Aviation Fellowship South Africa Annual Report 2015 11

3 Message from the Chairman and CEO Mission 4 5 Global Impact Missionaries 7 11 Highlight of the Year 13 MAF SA's Local Initiative - Flying for Life 15 MAF SA Financial Report

MAFSA Annual Report 2015 11


2020 marked the 75th anniversary of MAF International. It was also the year of unpredictable change as the world had to confront the devastation of the COVID-19 pandemic. At an international level, MAF had to adapt its mission strategy to reach the growing need of marginalised people groups in the most unreached parts of the world.

higher placements. Our finance and donor management systems have also been placed on new platforms, which will ensure efficient reporting and retention.

Our work in South Africa continues through Flying for Life (FFL). MAFSA is continuing to strengthen the work of FFL with our goal to enable an independent South African humanitarian MAF South Africa also had to readjust organisation that serves the needs of its strategy to be responsive to changed vulnerable rural communities through operating conditions forced by the our aviation outreach programme. COVID-19 lockdowns over the past year. Missionary placement was significantly At the heart of MAFSA are our many slowed down due to international volunteers, prayer partners and financial travel restrictions. But we were able donors. We are grateful for your continued to continue our recruitment drive. commitment to the work of MAFSA as we We continued to receive a growing enable the placement of South African interest in the work of MAF from missionaries in service of vulnerable pilots, technicians and support staff. communities around the world. Contrary to national trends, our fundraising did not decline substantially. We were blessed with more people committing to the work of MAFSA as partners in a very challenging year. COVID-19 also challenged us to adopt more creative fundraising, partner mobilisation and communication approaches as we strengthened our online platforms.

Stanley Arumugam Chairman of the Board

We also used the “downtime” to strengthen our systems and processes. A significant change has been in shortening the recruitment timeline, especially for pilots, which will lead to

Maxine Holman CEO of MAF SA

MAF South Africa Council Members (2020) Stanley Arumugam (Chairman)

Paul Henning

Maxine Holman (CEO)

Thembisa Bekwa

Braam van den Berg

Patrick Black


MISSION When you don’t have access to schools, you don’t have an opportunity to receive an education. When you can’t reach a hospital, you don’t have the choice of receiving medical attention. When you have never heard of the gospel, you have no true hope on earth or in eternity. MAF is a Christian mission organisation that uses aircraft and technology to transform the lives of isolated people spiritually and physically in Christ's Name. MAFSA Annual Report 2015 11


123 Aircraft reaching 1 200 destinations

1 400 3 million+ Kilometers Organisations Covered with over 1 200 staff serving MAF

That's more than 77 times around the equator

82 000 Passengers PLUS 3.5 million kilograms of freight


27 000 Hours Flown That's more than 34 000 flight legs

34 Countries 27 of these have flight programmes

*MAF South Africa is based in Johannesburg, Gauteng and is part of the global family of MAF organisations worldwide. These statistics reference the entire MAF family. All other references apply to MAF SA only.


Currently in


IN 2020...



Passengers Flown

Hours Flown

OUR AIRCRAFT MAF South Africa owns two aircraft that are currently on loan across Africa. We have had a long history with these beautiful machines and we are so grateful to have them flying.



Hours Flown

Passengers Flown

Currently in


MAFSA Annual Report 2015 11

IN 2020...


MISSIONARY IMPACT MAF South Africa has six pilot families located around the world, serving in isolated communities. They live within those communities for several years, making that country their home.

Mark & Lorraine Liprini

Uganda When we hit the deputation road in January 2020, we fully expected to be in Uganda by the end of May 2020 - three months’ deputation, one month to pack and off we go. Dead easy! There was some vague talk of a nasty flu-thing in Asia, but it didn’t seem have much potential to change plans. However, the end of March saw us scuttle in the front door of our George home a mere 48 hours before long weeks of hard lockdown began, thus we spent the rest of April and May packing up our home, wondering how this year would unfold. Moving to Uganda was no longer an option for an unknown timeframe, but staying in our home wasn’t an option either as we had contracted tenants to move in as soon as the lockdown eased. The only serious long-term accommodation option that we could find was in another province. Catch 22; between a rock and hard place; no wriggle room... or so it all seemed. Then the Lord opened a brief window of opportunity. For two weeks we were told we could move homes AND move provinces as a once-off. Which was how we ended up moving to a wee, comfy home in Cape St Francis for five months. Huddled behind a row of dunes and hills, sheltered from the prevailing winds, hard up against a magnificent floral reserve, it faced north over a large unspoiled area. With many kilometres of bush paths and coastline to explore, and the ever-present sound of the sea we caught up on long overdue sleep. The tension drained away, and we were well rested up when the five week long trek towards Uganda via George and Cape Town began in December. Our Heavenly Father really does know best, and He certainly had this all sorted out long before we even considered Uganda as an option years. He showed us magnificently how He does indeed have all things under control.


Brad & Michelle Venter

Papua New Guinea

2020 was quite a hectic year for us. Not only was there COVID, but three days before the country shut down domestic flying, we had the third of our accidents. At that point we shut down operations. From there it was a crazy time of investigations and although we were not flying, I was incredibly busy dealing with all the things that were happening. We had to resurvey all our 220 airstrips and do risk assessments on them. We had to reassess all pilots and all instructor pilots and slowly, one by one, reinstate the pilots, the instructors and open the airstrips. Even now, we have not surveyed all the airstrips and are still building up our instructor pilot capacity. COVID restrictions lifted a bit and we could start flying again but had to implement COVID protocols. For the last few months of 2020, I was the only instructor pilot in the country that could do certain types of training. So, along with the normal flight operations manager duties, I was doing a lot of training for pilots and spending quite a bit of time away from home to do this. It was quite a high-pressure time for me and for us as a family. On top of this, we were dealing with the adoption of Emma and trying to follow the process. With COVID, the school were shut down and so Michelle had to start homeschooling. That put her under a lot of pressure too. Overall, however, 2020 was a good year, although it was quite hectic.

410 Hours Flown MAFSA Annual Report 2015 11

207 Hours Flown


Kirstein & Amelia Combrink

When a young student at a boarding school in a remote area of Tanzania suffered a serious accident, the local community came together to call on MAF for help. Riding as a passenger on a vehicle being used to fetch water for the school, both the boy’s legs were broken when the vehicle crashed. Through a network of evangelists who work in the area, the MAF team in Arusha was contacted to see if he could be transported to hospital. “Unlike many medical flight requests, it actually worked out surprisingly quickly,” recalls pilot Kirstein Combrink. Accompanied by a carer who also went with him on the flight, the patient was brought to the airstrip on a mattress in the back of an old Land Rover. “He was in a lot of pain,” Kirstein recalls. “We put him on the tri-fold stretcher I had taken which attaches to the floor of the plane, because he was unable to sit.” On arrival in Arusha, he was taken to Mount Meru Hospital and latest reports from people in the village say he is doing well, although he is not yet back home. The 45-minute journey by air would have taken at least six hours by road, over rough terrain, and would have been incredibly hard for the young boy to cope with. “We thank MAF for the quick response after a call to rescue his life,” shared a relative afterwards. Read more at

Grant & Emily Strugnell

245 Hours Flown

Lesotho Last year, we had planned to go on furlough in May, but had to postpone to 2021 due to travel restrictions. Instead, our family remained in Lesotho for the year, and we were able to be present to assist with all the new challenges brought about by COVID. We had two families return to the USA, one for furlough just before COVID hit, and the other just before lockdown to have a baby in the USA. Both families got stranded in the USA for most of the year. As such, we were very grateful to be in Lesotho and able to fly and be available for MAF. Our flying decreased probably by about 50%, mostly due to budget issues within the Lesotho government for whom we fly. But we were able to continue all year with medical evacuations and supporting some of the most remote villages and clinics. Our family did well and stayed healthy. Homeschooling was a challenge for my wife Emily and daughter Jane, but they both ended up doing well with it despite it not being their first choice. My wife continued to lead the Pulane Children Centre with humble and wise leadership skills.

Tobias & Moriah Meyer

139 Hours Flown

South Sudan There is not one particular story that sticks out for last year. It was, however, great to see how flexible people in the team here are and the benefits of needing to take on other roles. We had several staff members that were not able to return to Juba and some new staff members who were not able to join the team here. This meant that we had to cover those positions. For example, we pilots had to stand in as operations managers. This gave us an opportunity to work closely with some staff members with whom we usually don’t work so close together. It helped us to better understand the work they are doing. MAFSA Annual Report 2015 11

HIGHLIGHT OF THE YEAR While many countries across the world declared a “state of emergency”, programme managers across MAF declared a “state of readiness” to serve in this time and to continue with the mission at hand. As the state of the world remains uncertain and as levels of lockdown and self-isolation fluctuate, the need for consistency and help grows stronger, especially within Africa. This is where the mission of MAF is so important to reach the isolated for the sake of the Gospel. Under the COVID-19 restrictions and regulations within different countries, MAF has served in several ways, each dependant on the laws and regulations within those countries. Here, we share with you a few of the ways this aviation organisation has been able to bring this much needed help. Before any flights could successfully take place, the greatest need was to ensure safety measures and hygiene practices. MAF has implemented precautions like screening passengers we transport, wearing masks throughout the entire day and, most importantly, sanitising every single part of the plane once a flight is complete. These measures also include plastic shields between the pilot and the cargo or passengers. “Right now, we just want to maintain a readiness and an ability to respond as needed.” This is the attitude of MAF programmes across the globe.




In South Sudan, Liberia, Indonesia and Madagascar, pilots and teams have used the MAF aircraft to transport front-line responders into areas that would be close to impossible to test otherwise. These tests have also been flown back to hospitals and testing centres to receive results and act accordingly. The most important partnership in these cases has been with the governments and response teams in these countries and the partnership continues to grow stronger. The MAF programmes in Arnhem Land have transported 450 kg of food donated by local supermarket Woolworths into Aboriginal communities on Howard Island. This has been of great significance as it helped the Yolngu stay in their community, further preventing risk of COVID-19 exposure. Beyond this, MAF supporters united in donating a few hundred face masks to the programme, which were sent to the Laynhapuy Homelands Aboriginal Corporation to be used by local doctors, nurses, and clinicians. MAF has transported medical supplies, personal protective equipment, testing kits and equipment and essential personnel. They have even taken the time to educate communities, who have little communication otherwise, on the dangers of COVID-19 and safety measures, such as social distancing and hygiene practices. With much of the circumstance surrounding COVID-19 seeming hopeless and overwhelming, these stories of hope and help have brought great encouragement and joy to the MAF team and they look forward to being able to continue the mission set out before them.

MAFSA Annual Report 2015 11

OUR LOCAL INITIATIVE Flying for Life (FFL) is a registered Section 18A Public Benefit Organisation (930 038 143 PBO) that is committed to bringing help, hope and healing to rural isolated communities in South Africa. Flying for Life started out as an initiative of MAFSA, and today runs independently,

In our lifetime, we have achieved:



Eye Surgeries

Patients Helped



Children Impacted

Pap Smears

Current focusfocus areasareas Their current Future focus areas Future focus areas


Total Visits Made

Read Flying for Life's 2020 Annual report at


The Vision To bring HELP | HOPE | HEALING to rural isolated communities in South Africa.

MAFSA Annual Report 2015 11


Other Income

Total expenses

Staff Missionary Support Income

Missionary Support Expenditure

Fundraising Costs

General Donations

Operation Expenses

Missionary Fund Income


Yearly Income Comparison

7000000 R 6 307 676


R 6 302 432

5000000 4000000 3000000

R 3 392 653 R 2 980 362 R 3 322 070

2020 2019

R 2 915 023


Unrestricted income

Restricted income

Total income


Greatest Income & Expense

R782 120

Missionary Support

surplus 2020

R237 808

Greatest Income Increase

Missionary Support Income

defecit 2019

INCOME STATEMENT 2019 2020 UNRESTRICTED INCOME General Donation Income R 1 368 168 1 501 057 Other Income 1 612 194 1 413 966 Total Unrestricted Income 2 980 362 2 915 023 RESTRICTED INCOME Missionary Support Income 3 193 187 3 385 653 Missionary Fund Income 1 000 7 000 International Projects 127 883 0 Total Restricted Income

3 322 070

3 392 653

Total income 6 302 432 6 307 676

EXPENDITURE Missionary Support Expenditure (3 008 325) (2 775 811) Missionary Fund & Project Expenditure (226 359) 0 Staff (1 122 288) (1 113 299) Fundraising (702 162) (527 106) Operation Expenses (1 481 106) (1 109 410) Total Expenditure (6 540 240) (5 525 556) Surplus (Deficit) for the Year MAF is audited by MVB Audit and Advisory. MAFSA Annual Report 2015 11


(237 808)

782 120


Ashford Support Office, Operations Centre, Henwood, Ashford, Kent, TN24 8HD, United Kingdom. CairnsP.O. Support Office, P.O. Box 1099, Cairns, QLD 4870, Australia.1748 MAFSA: Box 1288, Lanseria, Johannesburg,

Mission Aviation Fellowship International is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England & Wales Registered Charity Number: 1058226 Registered Company Number: 3144199 Registered Office: Operations Centre, Henwood, Ashford, Kent, TN24 8DH, UK.

T: +27 11 659 2880 E: Registration number: 006-942 NPO

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