News for Prayer - Issue 510

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News for Prayer 2 October 2014

Issue 510

Sharing God’s love

MAF has been operating in Timor-Leste since 2007 – our team of two international families and one local staff member operate one GA8 Airvan aircraft. Pray for missionary Pilot and Programme Manager Jonathan Lowe, his wife Angela, and Pilot Mike Bottrell and his wife Jenni, our Development and Safety Manager. They seek to share God’s love through MAF in a country where 37% of people live below the international poverty line, and about 42% of the population is illiterate. Angela gives craft lessons at a girls’ refuge, runs the international church youth group, and seeks to reach their neighbours through prayer and outreach. Pray people will come to know Jesus and grow in their faith through Angela’s caring ministry. She and Jonathan are delighted that the new flight experience programme for national pilots has begun. Five young Timorese were nominated by the government, and the first pilot has already started flying. Give thanks that MAF will continue providing life-saving medical evacuation flights to remote and impoverished communities whilst also assisting in the professional development of many national pilots.

Pilots Jonathan Lowe and Mike Bottrell

A great relief!

Please pray for the staffing situation in Arnhem Land where there is a critical need for permanent pilots. for permanent pilots. We thank God that four experienced short-term relief pilots are currently helping to keep our planes in the air. They’ve flown for MAF in the past and, because of our current pilot shortage, have made themselves available to serve with us. Pilot Scott Garwood left MAF ten years ago but returned because of the desperate need. ‘It’s good,’ he says, ‘to see MAF recognising that missionary pilots want to do more than simply fly, so they are given opportunities to minister to the local Yolŋu people.’ Relief Pilot Barry Small agrees: ‘I’m learning so much. I’m working alongside people who are the same age as my kids, but there’s a tremendous sense of support from the staff and leadership. It’s great to be playing my part building God’s Kingdom in Arnhem Land.’ A normal day’s flying can mean 12 take-offs and landings on small dirt airstrips, dripping with sweat in the debilitating heat, juggling weather conditions and meeting a whole variety of needs. Pilot James Skinner says, ‘The need really hit home when, late one afternoon, I flew a doctor out to Wandawuy, a small homeland. An elderly lady had become extremely ill and we were able to fly her to Gove Hospital. Knowing a 20-minute

flight could save a life and spare her a 4-hour bumpy road trip has a big impact. It was great to be able to help.’ Give thanks for those who have responded to the call, and pray that the need for permanent pilots will soon be met.

Saving lives

Pilots Michael Vogel and Martin Koehler say our two Cessna Caravan aircraft have made a great difference to thousands of people’s lives in Papua New Guinea (PNG). These planes have transported building materials, educational and medical supplies to remote and isolated villages. They have also flown pastors, teachers, Bible school students, doctors and patients. Dr Günter Kittel, who works at the Lutheran Mission Hospital at Etep, and Dr David Mills, Chief Physician at Kompiam Hospital, perform a large number of operations and consultations. They also train local health workers. Recently, Martin flew Dr Kittel and four other volunteers to Nankina. The 30-minute flight from Madang to Nankina would have taken at least three days on foot and by canoe. Dr Kittel and his team spent several days at Nankina helping at the local bush clinic – performing a number of operations while they were there. Martin also praises God for a flight he made

for Dr Mills and Chris Yangoe, a new health worker. This time, Martin carried a vaccine fridge, medical supplies, radio equipment and solar panels to Pyrulama, to help build a new aid post. In just under two hours, Martin helped install the solar panels while Dr Mills fitted the new fridge and radio equipment – linking Pyrulama’s community with Kompiam Hospital and the outside world. Although it’s only a shack made from bush materials, this new aid post is now a beacon of hope for remote villagers. Give thanks that, by flying medical teams and supplies to isolated communities, MAF’s PNG lifeline saves lives and helps share the love of Jesus with people in desperate need.

Ugandan operation

Steve Forsyth, who leads our team of 20 international and 52 local staff in Uganda, gives thanks that work has begun on the new MAF office at Kajjansi. He says that once work is completed, the bookings office and ground operations will be located together – and praises God for this wonderful resource. Our pilots are also grateful to have flown Rev Sam, a pastor with spinal deformities, from Kumi to Mbarara, for specialist surgery. After the operation, we flew him back to Kumi, where he is making good progress. Please pray for complete healing.

Prayer points • ANGOLA We are constructing new airstrips at Kalukembe and Cavango. Pray they will soon be completed, and will be used to extend God’s Kingdom. • BANGLADESH Praise God that we were able to fly Provash Baroi to hospital. The 66-year-old is beginning to recover after a heart attack. • CHAD Pray for a speedy resolution to the fuel shortage at N’Djaména Airport, so that none of our flights will be affected. Give thanks we were able to medevac a patient with malaria from remote Koukou Angarana to the capital. • COSTA RICA Pray for the 120 pastors trained in El Salvador by MAF’s EduTecnologia team. Most are very young and haven’t received formal ministry training. • DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO Last year we conducted 1,152 medical-related flights. Pray as we continue to support the work of 170 churches, medical organisations and relief agencies. • GUATEMALA Staff from MAF affiliate AGAPE train pastors, Sunday

School teachers and youth leaders, and help facilitate healthcare and economic development. Pray their Bible training programmes in the mountains will be effective. • MONGOLIA Praise God that our Authorised Maintenance Organisation certificate has been extended for another year, enabling us to continue flying. • As our team begins serving the unreached people of Sukhbaatar Aimag, pray they can help these isolated Mongolians to turn from idols and follow Jesus. • PNG We are again running low on Bibles to sell in remote communities at reduced a cost. Pray that supplies will soon be replenished (NfP 496). • SOUTH SUDAN Uphold the work of Christian Mission Aid. Every two or three weeks, we fly their eye specialists to evaluate patients and perform sight restoring surgery. In Rumbek, the team recently performed over 190 operations in 2 weeks. • WORLDWIDE Praise God for the skills, dedication and willingness to serve of MAF pilots, partners and personnel.

MAF UK Castle Hill Avenue FOLKESTONE CT20 2TQ T 01303 852819 E





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