MAF Prayer Diary (July-Sep 2024)

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JUL–SEP 2024


For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven — Ecclesiastes 3:1 (ESV)

Time is a fascinating thing. It’s continually moving forward, however much we don’t want it to, with Ecclesiastes 3 reminding us that there's a time for everything, and a season for every activity.

Life is a continuance of seasons, forever changing. Some are glorious, others more challenging. If you look the subject up on the internet, you’ll see many references to our weather patterns illustrating the cycle of life — from autumn causing the leaves to change colour and fall, to spring bringing new hope as buds emerge in response to the sunlight.

As I write this — far in advance of the other pages that will eventually be written for the summer edition of the Prayer Diary — I’m actually sitting with a heat pad and blanket, the winter months still upon us.

Outside, the grass has taken on a silver hue as frost covers every blade. I am thinking ahead, imagining you reading this with a chorus of birdsong in the distance and the scent of majestic sunflowers stretching up towards the sky, inviting your attention.

I too will be in a new season by the time you read this. For the last 8½ years, it has been my immense privilege to lead the prayer communications for MAF UK. I have learnt so much along the way, grown deeper with God and been extremely blessed by the kindness and faithfulness of our supporters and staff.

However, a change of season has come, which means stepping away from MAF to serve as a chaplain at my local hospice.

I am nervous, but find comfort in Romans 8:28 which reminds us that ‘we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.’

I shall miss our interactions and want to thank each and every one of you for your prayerful support. Your partnership with MAF fuels our work and changes lives.

Remember, our prayers go even further than our planes can, so never stop praying and believing. Pray for me too as I settle into my new role.

Although change can be scary, as children of God we know that changing seasons have purpose when we place our lives in His hands.

I believe that God is already preparing the heart of someone to take on this role and move MAF’s prayer ministry to a new level. I am excited for the future of MAF and look forward to seeing both its work and prayer ministry grow.

So, I leave you with this promise — may it hold and encourage you: ‘The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases, His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness’ (Lamentations 3:22-23).

God bless you.

2 Prayer Diary JUL-SEP 2024
COVER Sunrise at Kajjansi Airfield, Uganda Dave Forney


As long as the earth remains, there will be planting and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night — Genesis 8:22 (NLT)

MONDAY 1 Give thanks for the 59 national and 17 international staff members serving with MAF in the DRC. Pray that the Lord will continue to guide those leading MAF’s eastern and western DRC programmes in their decision making

TUESDAY 2 Did you know that MAF is the only flight operator — other than the UN — with permission to fly between Bunia in the DRC and Entebbe in Uganda? Thank God for this privilege that enables us to support hospitals and NGOs in the DRC regularly by flying medical equipment and vaccines.

WEDNESDAY 3 March 2024 marked six years since MAF started ministering to those who had to flee from horrific violence to Internally Displaced People (IDP) camps in Bunia. Pray that the MAF counsellors remain strong and won’t be worn down by the horrendous things they hear from the people they support.

THURSDAY 4 MAF is teaching women to read, write and sew in three IDP camps. The classes help them focus on something other than the trauma they’ve experienced. Pray for an end to violence in the DRC and for people to rebuild their lives and feel settled. To watch a video about life inside the IDP camps, please scan the QR code below

FRIDAY 5 Last year, MAF made its first landing at the reopened airstrip at Ngwenze so we can now serve a Bible school that trains pastors. Because heavy rains tend to wash away the roads, let’s give thanks that the community is no longer cut off from the rest of the country.

SATURDAY 6 ‘Go and make disciples of all nations’ (Matthew 28:19). Praise God that Pilot Dominic Villeneuve and a team from CECA-20 are able to take the Gospel to an unreached people group in eastern DRC. Pray that the Good News is received well, and that the community will want to know more about Jesus.

LEFT A double rainbow spotted while flying over eastern DRC

TOP LEFT Graduation ceremony for the students from MAF’s sewing and literacy course

ABOVE Barrels filled with water help to compact the earth at Ngwenze airstrip

JUL-SEP 2024 | Prayer Diary 3 JULY
Lem Malabuyo Stephen Hale



He changes times and seasons; He deposes kings and raises up others. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning — Daniel 2:21 (NIV)

SUNDAY 7 Praise God that MAF staff recently assisted in the baptism of more than 30 young people at Rum, a small village in the rugged mountains of Kompiam District. Pray for these enthusiastic new believers as they walk out their newfound faith.

MONDAY 8 Nine-year-old Amanda was unconscious as she was carried through the jungle for eight hours to reach the MAF plane that was her only hope of receiving treatment for TB and malaria. Today, she is safe and well. Pray that MAF will continue to connect remote communities across PNG with medical care.

TUESDAY 9 At the beginning of the year, we were privileged to deliver the manpower and materials needed to construct a church building in the rural village of Mamusi. Pray for Andrew Gee, an SDA missionary who will be leading the church, and for its outreach to the surrounding area.

WEDNESDAY 10 ‘There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind,’ wrote Christian writer CS Lewis. Give thanks that, as staff face the heartache of leaving loved ones behind to serve in PNG, with each new season comes the assurance that the best is yet to come

THURSDAY 11 It’s a season of change for MAF’s fleet in PNG. Three new aircraft will enter service in 2024/2025, ensuring that we’ll be well placed to continue delivering help for many years to come. Praise God for His provision and for the generosity of our supporters for making this possible.

FRIDAY 12 An entire community celebrated 28 years of hard work when an MAF aircraft finally made its first landing. Prior to this, the isolation of the small village of Sikoi had prevented the people there from receiving outside help. Pray for MAF and the Rural Airstrip Agency as they work together to develop more airstrips

SATURDAY 13 Since the 1970s, MAF staff have lived at Kagamuga near our Mount Hagen base. In order to accommodate the increasing demand for MAF flights and the necessary staff to make this possible, construction of a new housing complex began in 2023. Please pray for the project’s successful and timely completion.


30 young people are baptised in Rum

Delivering cement bags for the church buiding project at Mamusi

Community transformed by the new airstrip at Sikoi

An aerial view of Sikoi airstrip
Tajs Jespersen Ashley Leyenhorst Kowara Bell Kowara Bell

SUNDAY 14 Praise God for the sacrificial service of MAF staff serving overseas. As martyred missionary Jim Elliot once wrote, ‘He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.’

MONDAY 15 Since MAF started flying in PNG in 1951, our pilots have carried Bibles to remote mission stations and communities. Pray for our personnel who continue to help people access God’s Word, with MAF aircraft carrying boxes of printed and audio Bibles. Pray too for the faith of those who receive them.

TUESDAY 16 Pray that men and women will hear God’s call to serve the people of PNG. MAF pilots and personnel are working hard to deliver practical and spiritual help but, as the work continues to grow, so does the need for more staff

WEDNESDAY 17 MAF flies to more than 200 communities in PNG but, without functioning airstrips, there would be no way to reach them. Pray for Airstrip Surveyor Eric Peter and his team as they maintain and repair these essential runways in often challenging conditions

THURSDAY 18 Our partnership with Kompiam District Hospital enables it to send out health patrols to serve people living in remote areas. The patrols not only focus on healing diseases but on transforming hearts as well. Pray for the effectiveness and safety of the teams we carry.

FRIDAY 19 Pray for those working in remote locations where road access is limited and often treacherous, and where the only way for health centres to get the supplies they need is through an MAF flight. Without our timely delivery of vital medical supplies, many lives would tragically be lost

SATURDAY 20 The changing of the seasons is part of the cycle of life. Their dependability provides a sense of security, though the changing of the weather is another thing entirely! Our pilots often need to find alternative routes around the storms that gather across PNG’s mountains, so please pray for wisdom and safety.


Pilot Glenys Watson with her Bible box

A recently reopened airstrip at Fiyak

Transforming communities with medical health patrols

Joy Suarkia and Jonny Watson (RAA)
Tajs Jespersen
Gollinson Wena



SUNDAY 21 Praise God that, over the past 3 years, MAF established 38 school partnerships — helping nearly 10,000 children to appreciate the importance of our ministry overseas. As this year’s partnerships draw to a close, please pray for all the children, parents and teachers with whom we’ve connected.

MONDAY 22 Please pray for the development of an 18-25 programme that will enable young adults to journey with MAF. Pray too for divine connections and fruitful conversations as our teams promote MAF at summer festivals in the UK.

TUESDAY 23 Today, please uphold our IT team, who play an important role in helping to keep the show on the road. Without their skills and expertise, we would be lost, so please pray that God will bless all they do.

WEDNESDAY 24 Uphold our HR team as they seek to fill vital roles for our overseas programmes. MAF is seeking Country Directors for Liberia, PNG and South Sudan. Please pray that God connects our recruitment team with the people He is raising up to fulfil these crucial roles.

THURSDAY 25 Give thanks that, in 2023, MAF’s amazing volunteers spoke at more than 400 meetings across the UK. Please pray for new opportunities to introduce MAF’s ministry to countless others, and for the safety and effectiveness of our speakers as they travel long distances to talk about our life-saving work.

FRIDAY 26 Donovan Palmer heads up MAF UK. Please pray for our Chief Executive as he and the team continue to raise awareness of MAF’s mission to see isolated people changed by the love of Christ.

SATURDAY 27 We’ve had several people join MAF UK in recent months, while others have moved into different roles and departments. Please pray for them as they settle in and adjust to their new position

MAIN One of our Cessna Caravans at an airstrip at Mvolo, South Sudan TOP LEFT MAF Discovery Box display at Brenzett Primary School, Romney Marsh, Kent

ABOVE A group of children in Rum, PNG, came to see the MAF aircraft

6 Prayer Diary JUL-SEP 2024
Jesus Christ is the same
yesterday and today and forever — Hebrews 13:8 (NIV)
Manda Wilson Tajs Jespersen

He appointed the moon for seasons; the sun knows its going down — Psalm 104:19 (NKJV)

SUNDAY 28 Praise God for the help Henry Baraka (right) received from MAF flights and a CURE medical team. He was given a prosthetic leg almost a year ago and is grateful for the life-changing confidence it has given him.

MONDAY 29 Please uphold Pilot Daniel Loewen-Rudgers, who has been flying for MAF in Kenya for 17 years. We thank God for his and his family’s careful and faithful service

TUESDAY 30 The team wouldn’t be able to keep our aircraft and vehicles in a safe and reliable condition without the hard work of Stores Supervisor Evelyn Mwariri. Please pray for him today as he makes sure that we have the right parts at the right time so our planes can cope with the seasonal weather.

WEDNESDAY 31 Mark and Sarah Newnham have been in Kenya since 2020. Please pray for them as Mark serves as Manager of Continued Airworthiness. He’s based in Kenya, but liaises with MAF teams around the world to develop and share the best ways to maintain our planes

THURSDAY 1 Today, please pray for Sarah Newnham. Her new job involves using her speech therapy qualifications to work as a Speech and Language Therapist with Bee Heard Kenya. Pray that she’ll be a real blessing to everyone she helps.

FRIDAY 2 As Kenya develops and modernises, the rural isolated areas in the north are becoming a focus for charities and churches. Please pray that MAF flights to these communities will enable the NGOs and faithbased missions to help the people there

SATURDAY 3 We fly to around 50 different airstrips in Kenya. Please pray for good relationships with the communities near each one. It’s only by partnering with them that the runways can be kept clear and the grass short enough for our aircraft to land on them safely

MAIN One of our Cessna Caravans in Loglogo, northern Kenya

TOP Henry receives his prosthesis ABOVE Pilot Daniel LoewenRudgers with his wife Damaris and their two children Joshua and Aliza. Not forgetting Nala the dog!

JUL-SEP 2024 | Prayer Diary 7
Paula Alderblad Acadius Akungwi Paula Alderblad


AUGUST For I am about to do something new. See,

SUNDAY 4 Praise God for the wonderful team we have in Chad. Ask the Lord to bless their work and their friendships as they continue to serve the country together.

MONDAY 5 The landscape of Chad is breathtaking but unforgiving, requiring our pilots to fly over vast expanses of desert and rocky scrubland. Please pray for smooth flights with good take-offs and safe landings

TUESDAY 6 Please pray for wisdom and energy for Country Director Sundar Daniel as he continues to lead the team and liaises with government officials, charities and humanitarian organisations

WEDNESDAY 7 Around 40% of the population in Chad describes itself as Christian, with our teams often flying boxes of Bibles to communities living in remote areas. Please pray that what the believers read will stir their hearts, minds and spirits, and that they will be a witness and encouragement to those around them

THURSDAY 8 Please pray for those living in the refugee camps in Adré – the closest town to Chad’s border with Sudan. Over the last year, people have fled from Sudan into Chad, and the camps there are struggling to cope. Pray too for the aid workers providing care for those who have been displaced

FRIDAY 9 Guards play an important role in keeping our equipment and families safe at the MAF compounds. In Chad, the team consists of Jean, Ouring, Perciste, Emmanuel and Zam. Please pray for them today

SATURDAY 10 Although the north of Chad is desert, the middle and south of the country are now experiencing the rainy season. Rivers flood and many roads become impassable. Please uphold our flights, praying that we can help people travel safely despite challenging and adverse weather conditions



I have
you not

see it?

I will

make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland — Isaiah 43:19 (NLT)

Paula Alderblad

ABOVE The MAF team in Chad BELOW LEFT MAF Chad Country Director Sundar Daniel BELOW RIGHT MAF Chad Head


So let us not become tired of doing good; for if we do not give up, the time will come when we will reap the harvest — Galatians 6:9 (GNT)


Praise God for the opening of a brand-new airstrip in the village of Torpuot on the banks of the Sobat River. The runway was built to enable Every Village to serve the remote community where they have a new base. Pray for Every Village staff as they continue their mission to build a nation for Christ through the provision of clean drinking water, healthy churches and Gospel radio.

MONDAY 12 It’s a new season for the team, as Josefin Brandström has recently become Interim Country Director. She was previously Deputy Country Director, and last month stepped into the role until October 2025. Please pray for her with all the extra responsibilities that her new role entails.

TUESDAY 13 Robert and Carol Bett, missionaries with Africa Inland Mission (AIM), use MAF to reach the Lopit people in the Torit district of South Sudan. Robert leads Bible studies, provides theological education, and helps local farmers to increase productivity. Please pray for them as they witness to remote communities

WEDNESDAY 14 Today is the day we fly the weekly central shuttle — a kind of flying bus service — between Arua, Kajo Keji and Yei. The 50-minute flight saves up to 11 hours by road. Please pray for safe flying and that the passengers on board will experience God’s blessing.

THURSDAY 15 We are thankful for the creativity of our teams who’ve been making ‘tie-downs’ out of old tyres filled with concrete, with a pole attached. They’re a low-tech solution to help prevent our aircraft being blown over by strong winds while they’re parked overnight. Please pray for safety as the weather remains wet and windy for the next few months.

FRIDAY 16 Please pray for Flight Operations Trainee Konga Wani as she develops her skills. Flight Ops is a vital ground role that helps keep our pilots and passengers safe.

SATURDAY 17 Last year, we flew more than five tonnes of solarpowered equipment to help villages and charity workers benefit from sustainable energy. The equipment included solar panels, lights and vaccine fridges. Give thanks that the vaccines will now be safely stored, saving lives and benefiting those in need.


Josefin Brandström, Interim Country Director MAF South Sudan

AIM Kenya missionary Robert Bett

The ‘tie-downs’ used by the South Sudan team Solar panels being carefully loaded onto a plane

Paula Alderblad Jenny Davies



God makes everything happen at the right time. Yet none of us can ever fully understand all He has done, and He puts questions in our minds about the past and the future

— Ecclesiastes 3:11 (CEV)

SUNDAY 18 Praise God for MAF partner Ezekiel 37 Ministry which ensures that children receive meals and an education in north-eastern Uganda. Because the region suffers from food insecurity, Ezekiel 37 invites the youngsters to school on Sundays so they can have lunch there.

MONDAY 19 Today, let’s remember the pilots who fly throughout Uganda, bringing help to those who are in need. Thank God for their dedication to serving the people of this wonderful country and continue praying for their safety

TUESDAY 20 As MAF Uganda continues to develop Kajjansi Airfield, please pray that the improvements made will bless Uganda’s people. Pray too that the airfield development will provide more jobs for those living locally and allow aviation in Uganda to grow

WEDNESDAY 21 Please pray for more qualified aircraft maintenance engineers to join MAF. Although Uganda is blessed by having a welltrained team of engineers who often support smaller programmes in the Africa region, having more dedicated engineers in each programme would be a huge benefit to our effectiveness across the continent.

THURSDAY 22 Today, please join us in praying for the planned services that MAF Uganda would like to operate across Lake Victoria. Please pray that the required funding, approvals and training for pilots and engineers will be provided. Pray too that MAF will be able to provide its much-needed services to everyone living in these remote areas.

FRIDAY 23 Thank God today for the amazing work of the MAF Uganda finance team! This group of Ugandan ladies works very hard to ensure that we can meet all the regulatory and financial requirements. Pray that God will bless them as they continue to carry out this essential work.

SATURDAY 24 Please pray for the international families who are serving — or have served — in Uganda. Over the last year or so, some have moved on and others have joined. Pray God’s blessing upon all those who’ve blessed the people of Uganda, or will be doing so in the future

MAIN Flying over Lake Victoria

TOP Pilot Rembrand Rodenburg flying a Cessna Caravan over Uganda

MIDDLE Lake Victoria

ABOVE The MAF Uganda hangar

10 Prayer Diary JUL-SEP 2024
Mark Draper (All)


At the time I have decided, my words will come true. You can trust what I say about the future. It may take a long time, but keep on waiting – it will happen! — Habakkuk 2:3 (CEV)

SUNDAY 25 Praise God for a flight to support a church in Zwedru, Liberia, earlier this year. Twenty-two people gave their lives to Christ and a number received healing.

MONDAY 26 Give thanks that MAF Liberia now has three pilots. Pray that Ed Burrows and Amos Simiyu both settle in well to the programme. May they and Ulrich Muller experience great blessing as they deliver help, hope and healing across a nation still recovering from decades of civil war

TUESDAY 27 Last year’s largely peaceful election saw Joseph Boakai replace global football legend George Weah as President in the closest runoff in Liberia’s electoral history. Pray that the calm political transition continues so that violence and insecurity remain a thing of the past.

WEDNESDAY 28 Earlier this year, we prayed for the renewal of permits, licences and visas for MAF Liberia. As the years pass and seasons change, our need for favour with the local authorities continues, so please pray that our 25-plus programmes continue to enjoy good relationships with the authorities allowing us to serve overseas

THURSDAY 29 Praise the Lord that Ulrich and Renate Imobersteg and Brad and Nikolai Ballin have joined our missionary staff in Guinea. Pray they adapt quickly to life in a new country and glorify God in all they do.

FRIDAY 30 Without adequate supplies of fuel, our planes cannot fly. So please pray for an effective, long-term solution to the fuel shortage in Guinea caused last year by an explosion in the country’s main fuel depot. Pray too for those who lost loved ones as a result of the blast

SATURDAY 31 Today, let’s give thanks for the MAF flights that enabled the Minister of Health, along with WHO and UNICEF personnel, to conduct a successful polio vaccination campaign in north-eastern Guinea. Let’s also pray for an end to this highly contagious disease.

MAIN Aerial view of Guinea

TOP LEFT Pilot Ed Burrows

TOP RIGHT Pilot Amos Simiyu (left), with MAF South Sudan

Chief Pilot Chris Ball

BOTTOM Pilot Ulrich Muller

Joel Conte Rachel Gwole


There is… a time for every activity under heaven: a time to give birth and a time to die; a time to plant and a time to uproot — Ecclesiastes 3:1-2 (CSB)

SUNDAY 1 Praise God for MAF Pilot and Operations Manager Ping Domtta, who has worked with MAF in Arnhem Land, Uganda and now Timor-Leste over the last eight years. Earlier this year, he carried out his 200th medevac in Timor-Leste. Thank God for calling Ping to serve there, and for the 200 families who’ve benefited from his medical emergency flights. To listen to episode 3 of our Flying For Life Podcast to hear more from Pilot Ping, please visit

MONDAY 2 Give thanks for a flight earlier this year that helped an at-risk pregnant mother to reach the mainland hospital safely. Later that week, she gave birth to a healthy baby girl

TUESDAY 3 MAF personnel are coming to the aid of women and children who are suffering from domestic violence by providing emergency airlifts. Pray for peace and safety for the families forced to flee from abusive family members

WEDNESDAY 4 Malnutrition is on the rise in Timor-Leste. According to World Vision, 37.7% of the country’s children are underweight. Praise God for the MAF flight that saved a World Vision team from a long car journey, enabling them to spend more time teaching families about nutrition. Pray that Timor-Leste will see an improvement in children’s health, and that MAF can continue to support life-saving initiatives like this

THURSDAY 5 MAF Timor-Leste continues to provide care packs for patients we medevac who don’t have time to grab any overnight supplies. Pray that the care packs will make the patients’ stay in hospital more comfortable, and that they will be blessed by this tangible demonstration of Jesus’ love

FRIDAY 6 Compared to some of our other programmes, Timor-Leste is quite small, with just two aircraft and nine staff members. Despite this, our programme makes a huge impact — flying more than 3,400 passengers last year. Pray that God will keep our staff strong so they don’t suffer from burnout

SATURDAY 7 Did you know that since the UN left Timor-Leste in 2012, MAF has been the only provider of an air ambulance service? Give thanks that, due to an agreement with the Ministry of Health, we can fly ill and injured Timorese to hospital at no cost to the patient.


Pilot Ping Domtta

Baby Francelina was born safely in hospital thanks to an MAF medevac flight Ricardina Coe works for NGO PRADET which supports those who have experienced domestic abuse
Lobitos Alves Lobitos Alves Ping Domtta



Everyone enjoys a fitting reply; it is wonderful to say the right thing at the right time! — Proverbs 15:23 (NLT)

SUNDAY 8 Praise God for the evangelism taking place among the Maasai in northern Tanzania. We’ve been flying evangelists who’ve been serving these remote areas for 45 years, and there are now more than 60,000 Maasai believers.

MONDAY 9 Programme Manager Stewart Ayling has been serving with MAF Tanzania for 13 years and is responsible for overseeing our work there. Pray for him as he interacts with MAF staff, other agencies and governmental departments. Pray too for God’s favour on our work in that country

TUESDAY 10 Help for the Massai is a charity run by Mama Angelika which provides primary, secondary and vocational training for children. It also enables girls to receive equal opportunities to learn and gain qualifications. Pray as we continue to fly their personnel to difficult to access communities that will benefit from their work. Pray too for Angelika and those working alongside her as they provide precious youngsters with a future

WEDNESDAY 11 Give thanks for a new engine for the Cessna 206 aircraft which serves the Haydom area. Receiving a new engine is a bit like an MAF plane having a heart transplant, and will hopefully ensure many more years of fruitful service.

THURSDAY 12 Pray for Ground Operations Manager Emmanuel Mollel who’s responsible for organising, co-ordinating and communicating with MAF flights across the country. Pray that God will continue to give him wisdom and energy as he makes decisions and finds solutions to difficult logistical situations.

FRIDAY 13 Martha Katau helps provide crucial medical care to mothers and babies in Lesirwai and the surrounding villages through her mobile clinics. Pray for the MAF personnel helping to deliver essential vaccines and providing medevacs when ill and injured patients need to reach hospital. Pray too for Martha and her staff as they show their love for Jesus in action

SATURDAY 14 Heri Shekighenda used to work for MAF as Chief Engineer before setting up his own company, Central Aviation Services (CAS). The organisation now serves MAF by providing maintenance and support for our Tanzania fleet. Pray for Heri and for MAF’s partnership with CAS.

MAIN Stunning mountain scenery in Tanzania

ABOVE Malambo evangelistic safari LEFT Operations Manager Emmanuel Mollel

JUL-SEP 2024 | Prayer Diary 13
Jacqueline Mwende Jacqueline Mwende Svein Robert Solberg


Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness — Lamentations 3:22-23 (NIV)


Praise God for MAF Suriname which recently celebrated the opening of a new hangar. Give thanks, too, for the two pilot families who recently joined our team. Pray they will settle in well and experience God’s blessing in this exciting new season of their lives.

MONDAY 16 Please join us in giving thanks for Alas de Socorro in Ecuador, which celebrated its 75th anniversary last year. Pray for protection and security for MAF families serving in Shell, where crime has risen dramatically.

TUESDAY 17 It takes both pounds and personnel to serve overseas. Pray for more pilots for our programme in Ecuador and more aircraft maintenance engineers, administrators and pilots for MAF affiliate Asas de Socorro in Brazil. Pray too for the financial support needed to keep them on the field.

WEDNESDAY 18 Haiti remains one of the most difficult nations for missionary service, the surge in gang violence there causing us to suspend our flights. Please pray for peace and stability in the country and wisdom for MAF concerning the right time and way to return.

THURSDAY 19 Uphold Asas de Socorro Executive Director Carlos Mas as he leads his team of 85 missionaries, employees and volunteers. They are responsible for flying five planes from four bases in Brazil. Pray too for the community-based Puraquê project in Manaus which provides medical care and delivers a variety of evangelistic programmes.

FRIDAY 20 Give thanks that Alas de Socorro de Mexico (ADSM), an MAF partner organisation, is celebrating 24 years without an accident. Praise God too for Amos Grijalba’s ten years of safe flying as an MAF pilot. Despite the organisation’s lack of resources, Amos has fought hard to maintain our stringent standards.

SATURDAY 21 Today, let’s uphold Eri Alas, who’s responsible for a team of eight nationals and one international family in Guatemala. The team operates two Cessna 206 aircraft. Pray too for the successful purchase of a Cessna 182, the completion of all the paperwork required by the government, and that the work of our pilots and personnel will bear fruit in all seasons.

MAIN MAF Suriname’s new hangar TOP Our Cessna 207 in Haiti

BOTTOM Haiti Country Director David Carwell

Tim Tax
Zacharie H Francois (both)

Janne Rytkonen



SUNDAY 22 Praise God for several high quality applications from those hoping to serve with MAF overseas. Pray that our opportunities for service will land on receptive hearts.

MONDAY 23 Pray for James and Danielle Gullett in the final weeks of preparation before heading off to serve with MAF in Arnhem Land, northern Australia, where James will be taking up his first pilot role

TUESDAY 24 Remember our Talent Acquisition team as they process applications and make selections for our Engineer Training Scheme and Future Pilot Programme

WEDNESDAY 25 Pray for Richard and Christine Wall who, along with their children, plan to move to PNG by the end of the year, where Richard will serve as a pilot

THURSDAY 26 Please pray for Numonohi Christian Academy in PNG and Juba Christian Academy in South Sudan. Both have a shortage of teachers. Without people to teach our staff’s children, it’s hard for MAF families to continue serving in remote and isolated areas. For more information, please visit and

FRIDAY 27 Uphold Andy and Emma Dipper who recently moved to Indonesia, where Andy has taken on the role of MAF Indonesia Regional Director.

SATURDAY 28 Pray for our 28 UK personnel living overseas. Adapting to new cultures, acclimatising to heat, high levels of humidity and poor infrastructure isn’t always easy!

SUNDAY 29 Give thanks for MAF UK’s staff and leaders as they work to strengthen our supporter base and position the charity to serve isolated communities for the next chapter of our exciting history.

MONDAY 30 Pray for Nathanael and Joanna Smith as they come to the end of a period of intensive training in the UK. Nathanael will be the first graduate from MAF’s Engineer Training Scheme.

I saw a new heaven and a new earth. The first heaven and the first earth had disappeared, and so had the sea — Revelation 21:1 (CEV)

MAIN The GA8 Airvan is is well suited to land on the short dirt airstrips of Arnhem Land

TOP Andy and Emma Dipper

ABOVE Nathanael and Joanna Smith

JUL-SEP 2024 | Prayer Diary 15
5 3 4 2 1 6 13 8 16 9 18 7 11 17 15 14 23 19 20 21 22 10 24 25 26 24 25 12 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Matthew 28:19 (ESV) To find out more, visit MAF works in some countries where Christian religious expression is severely limited. We do not want our overtly Christian mission to jeopardise our humanitarian work in these areas or put local people, staff and like-minded workers at risk. We refer to these places as restricted access nations. MAF UK gratefully acknowledges permission granted to produce copyright material in this prayer diary. Every effort has been made to trace copyright holders and to obtain their permission for use of copyright material. Information correct at the time of going to press. *These countries are served by MAF affiliate organisations ASIA-PACIFIC 19 Arnhem Land 20 Kalimantan 21 Papua 22 Papua New Guinea 23 Timor-Leste
AMERICAS 1 Brazil* 2 Ecuador 3 Guatemala* 4 Haiti 5 Mexico* 6 Suriname AFRICA 7 Angola 8 Chad 9 Democratic Republic of Congo 10 Guinea 11 Kenya 12 Lesotho 13 Liberia 14 Madagascar 15 Mozambique 16 South Sudan 17 Tanzania 18 Uganda SUPPORT OFFICES 24 MAF Canada Support Office and Training Centre 25 MAF International Support Office and Training Centre 26 MAF US Support Office and Training Centre MAF UK Castle House, Castle Hill Avenue, Folkestone, Kent CT20 2TQ Scotland Office Challenge House, 29 Canal Street, Glasgow G4 0AD T 01303 852819 E MAF UK @MAFUK MAFUK @flying4life MAFUKFILM Registered charity in England and Wales (1064598) and in Scotland (SC039107) ® Registered trademark 3026860, 3026908, 3026915 © MAF UK JUL-SEP 2024 PD

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