News For Prayer - Issue 513

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News for Prayer 13 November 2014 Issue 513

Keeping the clinic open

The Episcopal Church of South Sudan (ECSS), which manages the only permanent clinic in Gumuruk, regularly runs out of medicines. Fortunately, although the nearby airstrip is one of the country’s worst, our pilots’ commitment and experience mean that passengers, supplies and essential medicines get through. ECSS Project Co-ordinator Gachora Ngunjiri shares, ‘When the nurses run short of medicines, like those for malaria, the situation gets really dire. So when MAF agrees to step in, you can imagine how many lives are saved – this being the only clinic in the whole region.’ With Gumuruk inaccessible by road for half the year because of heavy rain, Gachora says, ‘It’s a relief when MAF flies medicines to Gumuruk. Through MAF, we’ve also managed to deliver school construction materials and personnel – boosting the local population’s literacy. ‘Another major boost is youth peace dialogues, which MAF facilitates by providing travel for Philip, a youth peace dialogue facilitator. ‘Those who support MAF,’ Gachora concludes, ‘should know what a great contribution MAF makes. The pilots pray with their clients, hold Bible studies and are very friendly. God bless the work of these great men and women as they fly hope in the skies.’

Delivering essential supplies for the ECSS clinic

Sowing seeds

Programme Manager Jonathan Lowe’s team in Timor-Leste consists of two international families and one local employee. They give thanks for opportunities to speak about Jesus to five Timorese pilots working as interns with MAF. Our Dili-based lifeline operates one GA8 Airvan – with a second plane being prepared by our aircraft maintenance engineers in Mareeba, Australia. Our current aircraft will soon be due for a major inspection, so please pray this new plane will be ready before the end of the year. Pray too for God’s blessing on the missionary work our personnel undertake. As well as flying, MAF staff serve in a girls’ refuge, lead Bible studies, teach English and do youth work.

Bible dedication

Praise God for Pioneer Bible Translators Steve and Rhonda Hayward. They live in the small, remote community of Yimnalem, Papua New Guinea (PNG), and recently completed a translation of the New Testament in the Tay language. ‘Our history with MAF,’ Rhonda explains, ‘began in 1983 when they flew us to Chungrebu to begin a survey hike in the Tay area to determine their need for a Bible translation. MAF had a real part in making it possible for the translation to happen, and has served us and the Tay people graciously for many years.’

During the dedication service, community members in traditional dress sang, ‘God’s Word travelled and travelled and then arrived, right in the middle of the Tay! And we are happy, happy, happy, happy, happy. God’s Word makes us happy!’ Yuwolim, one of the Tay translators, read from the New Testament, exclaiming, ‘This is easy to understand! All these years of hard work, and now it is finished.’ The bordering Ti dialect, spoken by 5,000 people, is similar enough to the Tay dialect for its speakers to use the translation as well. Pray it will help both sets of believers to grow in their faith, spread the Gospel, and combat false teaching. Rhonda concludes, ‘The MAF pilots have become heroes and dear friends to us. They fly in very challenging weather to bring us supplies, medicines, mail and unfailing encouragement.’

Meeting the need

Programme Manager Sam Baguma, his wife Abby and their children Rachel (3) and Rebecca (1) arrived in Chad in July, and are adjusting to life there. Sam’s staff give thanks that the fuel shortage at N’Djaména Airport (NfP 510) hasn’t affected MAF flights and ask us to pray that they’ll obtain an Air Operators Certificate soon. Uphold Sam in his new role, and pray for Pilot Phil Henderson and his wife Merilee and Chief Engineer

• AUSTRALIA With our Flight Training Centre moving north to Mareeba, Queensland, three MAF aircraft, the Redbird simulator, office files and equipment need to be transferred there (NfP 499). Please pray the 1,800-mile move from Coldstream goes smoothly. • BRAZIL Pray for the success of MAF affiliate Asas de Socorro’s medical and evangelistic clinics which are taking place in Curuça. • LESOTHO Pray about our proposed move to Moshoeshoe International Airport and the work required to ensure that the hangar and terminal facilities operate safely there (NfP 508). • LIBERIA We need wisdom as to when we should move into Liberia to begin operations (NfP 508). Pray also that final permissions needed for our flight programme will be granted and uphold all those affected by the Ebola epidemic. • MYANMAR We need a Programme Manager to run our new lifeline in Myanmar (NfP 512). Pray we will soon recruit the person of God’s choice. Pray


Feeding the hungry

Praise God for our flight to remote Kurungu in northern Kenya to deliver Feed the Hunger (FtH) harvest meal packets containing rice and soy. The Christian NGO also distributed food boxes to schools and projects in the Nairobi slums of Kibera and Kawangware. The organisation is involved in projects that provide food for 1,000 children a day in various locations, as well as supplying several schools and villages with shoes and Bibles. The boxes, packed by over 800 American college students, and distributed by FtH Project Manager Melinda Staples and 9 students, were part of a project to help feed children around the world. FtH later wrote, saying, ‘Thank you for helping to make our trip great, and for your great service.’ Pray that those who are hungry will continue to find food, and those seeking spiritual sustenance will find Christ.

too that plans to get our programme operational will progress smoothly. • PAPUA Pray for our pilots’ safety and protection as they take off and land in a demanding environment (NfP 509). • PNG Uphold MAF Payroll Officer Jacob Millen and his family as they mourn the death of Jacob’s firstborn son Israel. • Our PNG Finance Office Manager Walolo Gele recently suffered a stroke. Please pray for a complete recovery. • SOUTH SUDAN Pray that our staff will be kept safe as conflict in this war-torn country continues. • UGANDA Give thanks for our continued support for the Jesus Film Ministries team. Pray that the recent outreach in Mbarara bears much fruit. • WORLDWIDE Give thanks for the MAF flight-following staff who provide our pilots with vital weather information and keep track of our aircraft as they serve those in desperate need.

MAF UK Castle Hill Avenue, Folkestone CT20 2TQ Scotland Office 29 Canal Street, Glasgow G4 0AD T 01303 852819 E

Albert Harrewyn and his wife Rosane as they return from home assignment. Remember also Pilot Andrew Mumford and his wife Hannah who are currently in the UK. Finally, pray for fruitful flights for our partners Wycliffe Bible Translators. With over 130 languages and more unreached peoples than any other African country, Bible translation in Chad is vital.



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