Discovery Prayer Journey - March 2022

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Despite continuing challenges all around us, there is something we have as believers that sets us apart — hope in the Lord Although the words in the verse above were addressed to the people of Israel, they apply to all God’s people. As we trust God, unable to see what the future holds, His strength is made perfect in our weakness. Hope is a mindset. It doesn’t ignore or deny the reality of the season or the circumstances but, despite all that’s going on, chooses to believe that God will bring beauty from ashes. Thank you for joining us on our Discovery prayer journey. Through the weekly , and pattern set out in this booklet, you will meet our staff, partners and the people MAF serves around the world. As we pray, may the Lord renew our strength and give us opportunities to be bearers of hope to others. God bless you

Victoria Fagg Prayer Communications Leader, MAF UK

Remembering all that God has done to bless us in the heavenly realms (Ephesians 1:3), give God a shout of praise for the MAF flights carrying vaccines, including those that combat coronavirus, to remote communities. People who commit to praying regularly are generous people. You have chosen to travel with us to discover more about MAF and those we serve, and you have chosen to pray. Thank you. Pause for a moment and visit to discover more ways to connect with MAF through prayer. Your prayers are a vital part of our lifeline. God has been generous in granting us favour with different government departments. Pray for continued good relationships between MAF and the relevant authorities in Africa and the Asia-Pacific region.

In an ever-changing world, the Bible tells us that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). Give thanks that God’s love continues forever through Jesus. Praise God too for the faithful prayers of MAF supporters worldwide. The love of Christ is manifest in many ways, whether it’s providing food for the hungry, medicines for those who are sick or access to education. The practical outworking of God’s love can be seen in Timor-Leste where MAF spouses assemble bags of blessing for hospitalised patients, and offer to pray for them. Take a moment to consider how you can model Christ’s love to those in need around you. MAF has been sharing the love of God globally for more than 75 years. As you pray, remember the different leadership teams throughout the MAF family that carry strategic responsibility for our continued effectiveness across the nations. Pray they will have God-given insight, wisdom and courage.

Praise God for all the children in Arnhem Land who use our planes to travel to school. Our flights enable them to learn and gain qualifications so they can find employment and improve the lives of their families and communities. MAF missionary Margot Biggs says, ‘Part of the reason I love teaching is because I can really try to show the participants what it means to be a nurse, especially as a Christian. It’s not just a profession, nursing is truly a calling.’ Take a moment to reflect on God's call on your life and ask Him to help you live it out each day with a passion that ignites and inspires others. Pray for Co-operation in Development Australia Inc, an MAF partner in Bangladesh. The charity provides free primary schooling to 11,000 children in southern Bhola Island, on the edge of the Bay of Bengal.

Over the years, we’ve had the privilege of helping Jackson Mataya overcome many challenges in his health and circumstances. Praise God for Jackson's continuing medical training while working as a laboratory technician in Uganda, and that he has hope for his future and for that of his home nation of South Sudan. Take time to reflect on the access we have here in the UK to free medical treatment through the NHS, then consider the opposite reality in many countries where we serve. Pray for our medical flights in Papua New Guinea (PNG) which are a source of great hope for isolated communities. We are often told that the sound of our aircraft brings hope to the hearts of those in need. Please pray for all our flights this week. Pray for safety and that the Lord will use them right where they’re needed.

Praise God that MAF has flown 510kg of Scripture portions in the Didinga language from Wycliffe Bible Translators to Chukudum in South Sudan for the Africa Inland Church, enabling local people to receive God’s Word in their own tongue. Take a moment to read 2 Timothy 3:16-17. Contemplate how accessible — yet underutilised — the Bible is in the West, and consider whether the Holy Spirit is nudging you to pick it up more often. Give thanks that MAF staff are committed to sharing God’s Word worldwide. In PNG, members of MAF Technologies PNG visit a women’s prison each week with local church members to have fellowship with the inmates. Ask God to bless the work of MAF’s partners in Liberia. Ethnos360 is planting churches through Bible lessons and teaching literacy classes. Last year, MAF helped the organisation to bring Gospel light to the land by transporting solar panels to power the printer that produces its materials.

Exodus 31:1-3 reflects God’s willingness to fill His chosen people with the ‘Spirit of God, with wisdom, with understanding, with knowledge and with all kinds of skills.’ Empowered by His grace and gifts, let’s thank God for the Gereja Injili di Indonesia church in Mulia, Papua, which sent an evangelistic team to Faowi. Pray that many people will discover Jesus for themselves as a result of this initial mission. Supporters in the UK prayed for and funded an aircraft maintenance engineer who now works overseas. This vital work means that, when an emergency call comes, a plane is ready, and a life can be saved. Take a moment to pause and reflect on how God works together individual acts of obedience and sacrifice. Then listen attentively to find out what part He is calling you to play. MAF has many faithful supporters who partner with us in our God-given mission. Pray that God will give our communications and fundraising teams creative ideas and opportunities to reach more people and increase the number of those who pray and give.

Praise God for the partnership MAF Technologies PNG has with the Eastern Highlands Provincial Health Authority. Our provision of radio equipment changes the lives of ill and injured people by enabling medevacs. Uphold the continuing rollout of HF radio, along with the provision of solar systems, like the one successfully installed at Menyamya Health Centre. God alone has the power to save, heal, change and transform. Take a moment to read Luke 6:19, and pray that God will plant a hunger in the people of every nation to reach out to Jesus and experience His power and healing. One of our partners has identified potential locations for three new airstrips in Tanzania’s Katavi Region. Pray that any development of these areas will enable new medical and evangelistic safaris to take place – bringing spiritual transformation to this remote western region.

Praise God for MAF partner Priority Freight, which donated 7,500 face masks to be used by MAF staff, passengers, frontline workers and beneficiaries in South Sudan. Following a car crash in Liberia, MAF flew five injured passengers to hospital. As Isaiah 43:2 reminds us, even in suffering, God is there: ‘When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you.’ Pause and remember in your prayers those affected by the road accident. Pray that God will provide opportunities for us to work with more NGOs in southern Madagascar. Doing so would enable MAF to change lives by delivering medicines and food to children and adults suffering with acute malnutrition.

Praise God for the Basotho witchdoctor who found freedom in Christ after watching the Jesus film shown by the Lesotho Flying Pastors. Their personnel, flown by MAF, also had the joy of seeing a teenage girl accept Jesus. This week, find time to quieten your heart and pray for the ministry MAF children have in cross-cultural settings. Many have the same freedom as their parents to share their faith. Praise God that we are all created equal in His sight. Unfortunately, inequality is prevalent across the nations. Please pray for freedom for those who have not been treated equally, including refugees in South Sudan and Uganda, and victims of violence in Myanmar and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

Praise God for the freedom we enjoy in this country. Without it, we wouldn’t be able to pray, give or send people, planes and partners to remote places to save lives. It is so easy to take such freedoms for granted. Imagine a remote desert island thousands of miles from the nearest landmass, or an isolated community precariously perched on top of a mountain. Let’s still our hearts and consider how it must feel to be cut off from the outside world. Give thanks for MAF’s ability to enable Gospel outreach and humanitarian aid to break through the isolation and bring freedom. The work of MAF is sometimes affected by political volatility. This often involves strong beliefs and the desire for — or lack of — freedoms on one side or the other. Pray that, in countries where there is unrest, peace and reconciliation will prevail.

Give thanks for the seeds planted at the peace and reconciliation workshops held in South Sudan. Please pray that the peacemakers flown by MAF would ‘reap a harvest of righteousness’ (James 3:18) as they use biblical principles to free those suffering from trauma, violence, revenge and unforgiveness. The Right Rev Emmanuel Murye Modi, Bishop of Kajo Keji, gathered people from his diocese to attend one of these workshops. According to the Bishop, ‘It’s difficult to live with your own brother who has done something wrong, so we are making peacebuilding a priority.’ Pause for a moment and pray that South Sudan, a country that was born out of war and violence, will experience long-lasting peace. The attitude of forgiveness exemplified by Nelson Mandela helped change South Africa. However, last year the country was afflicted by rioting and looting. Please pray that peace will transform the nation, and that those who’ve been hurt will find healing.

Life expectancy in Guinea is 61 years of age, yet 1 in every 20 children fail to reach their second birthday. According to World Health Organisation, there is barely 1 doctor for every 10,000 people. As you reflect on these statistics, give thanks that MAF is in the early stages of establishing a new programme. We believe that the provision of MAF planes will greatly support the work of aid agencies and Christian ministry in Guinea. The Father’s vision for His children is to live as one body. Read Ephesians 4:1-6 and allow the Holy Spirit to realign your heart if there are any areas of Paul’s instruction with which you're struggling. As part of the MAF family, pray that we will all have the grace to reflect humility, gentleness and patience to everyone we encounter. To help more hard-to-reach communities, MAF has identified three strategic priorities: expanding our horizons, investing in people and maximising impact. Please pray that God will provide opportunities for increased service within our programmes, as well as expansion into new locations where there’s spiritual and humanitarian need.

The world’s remotest communities have little access to eye care. Often the equipment used to treat cataracts and other eye conditions is fragile and would easily break if transported by road. Give thanks that MAF flights enable specialist eye doctors and their equipment to reach those in need. Take a moment to read your favourite Bible verse. Ponder how it speaks to your heart. Consider the many communities that don't have God’s Word. Pray that the audio Bibles distributed by MAF in partnership with Bible Society Australia will bring revelation and life to all who hear it in the Aboriginal community of Gapuwiyak in Arnhem Land. When coronavirus hit PNG, gatherings were banned and travelling was severely restricted. For those with limited access to adequate mobile phone coverage and internet connection, MAF’s timely HF installations on Wuvulu Island became a lifeline. Please pray that MAF Technologies PNG will have the means and opportunity to provide increased connection for those living in the remotest regions.

Give thanks for MAF partner Tutapona, an NGO in Uganda providing trauma counselling to refugees. ‘Hero’s Journey’ is their children’s programme which focuses on building resilience and hope through gratitude, kindness and forgiveness. Praise God that MAF is able to assist this powerful work by flying staff and resources to the village of Adjumani. Apparently, there are more than 120 armed groups operating in eastern DRC. Pause to consider the danger that many missionaries find themselves in when responding to God’s call to share the Gospel. Pray for their continued resilience and protection, and give thanks for MAF and our ability to provide safe access for God’s work. Over 600,000 people die of malaria every year. For one family who served with MAF, the malaria battle is ongoing. Hannah Mumford contracted the disease in 2019 and continues to suffer with debilitating symptoms. Yet it is Hannah’s relationship with God that gives her strength and resilience. Pray that a ground-breaking vaccine will be effective in saving lives in the future.

An airstrip at Yalum, PNG, has reopened after 22 years, bringing much joy to the local community. It was originally closed due to civil unrest. Give thanks for renewed access for the Yalum people, and pray that God’s perfect peace will reside with them from this day on. Our flights enable Bible translators to compare notes as they translate God’s Word into the heart language of isolated communities. Next time you open your Bible, take a moment to praise God that we can access Scripture so easily in so many translations — and remember what it was like the first time you received yours. MAF seeks to bring about change in Christ’s name, and help all those in need regardless of belief. This means serving those who acknowledge Him and those who don’t. Pray for our teams in Bangladesh, Timor-Leste and other non-Christian majority countries.

Praise the Lord for the training materials we delivered to Christian Union Bible College in Mount Hagen, PNG. Give thanks that these resources will help the students grow even stronger in their faith as they complete their training to become pastors. Pilot Phil Henderson describes Bardai Hospital in Chad as ‘a nice big hospital that sat empty for a long time because no one wanted to work there.’ However, thanks to an MAF ‘vision trip’, missionary doctors Mark and Andrea Hotchkin joined in 2017. Northern Chad is now a safer, healthier place. Ponder this story and allow the Holy Spirit to ignite a vision within you that can bring change where you are. Uphold MAF partner Innovative Education Liberia which provides a ‘school in a box’ for children in the rural south of the country. Each Smartbox contains a laptop, headset and educational materials. A rechargeable battery provides power, with no internet connection needed. Pray also for the children learning through this innovative resource.

Each of the 123 aircraft in our fleet is a gift from God. We thank Him for the tools that enable us to cover terrain that is otherwise impassable or would take many days to reach by land. Praise the Lord for the planes that take off or land every six minutes somewhere in the world, bringing help, hope and healing to isolated communities. When you pray, you are making a way for our planes. You are releasing God’s power. Reflect on this as you pray for the fleet of MAF aircraft, those who work on them to keep them flying, and those who fly them. We rely on God’s grace and provision for three specific areas relating to our aircraft: more planes to reach more people, permissions and permits for the planes we’ve recently purchased, and safety and reliability for our existing fleet. Please ask God to answer all three prayers in His perfect time and way.

Give thanks for everyone who has committed their life to Jesus and is involved in the MAF family, whether through serving, giving, praying or encouraging. What is your God-given role? Take a moment to remind yourself of the Great Commission at the end of Matthew’s Gospel. Some of our staff have been called by God to travel physically to the ‘ends of the earth’ – to communities which may not have heard the Good News. As they share the love of Christ, ask God to give them fresh opportunities to be salt and light. Ground Operations Training Co-ordinator Nawi Mabo comes from PNG. He recalls seeing the MAF plane when he was about ten years old. ‘It was the only way we could get things into our community because it was so isolated. I said maybe I will join these people because they are doing wonderful things for the rural people.’ Pray that others will receive the opportunity to serve in their own land using their skills to follow God’s calling.

Our partnership with our supporters is such a blessing as we join together to enable the work of MAF and our 2,000 operational partners to reach those in need. Give thanks for our many benefactors, volunteers and prayer partners who help us fulfil our mission. Take time to read Isaiah 26:1-8 and allow the Holy Spirit to lead you in prayer for MAF partner The HALO Trust in Angola, who are tackling the remnants of war by removing landmines. Let’s join together in unity, and in faith in God’s ultimate victory, declaring the promise found in verse 3: ‘You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in You.’ Hallelujah! For several years, MAF has been flying local pastors and evangelists to remote areas to preach the Gospel throughout Madagascar. This is part of an initiative called MAMAFY, which means ‘sowing’ in Malagasy. Pray for open doors and open hearts for MAF partner The Association of Church Sports and Recreation Ministries, who use their skills and creativity to reach people with the Gospel

Living far from roads, education and healthcare means an ongoing sense of isolation. Give thanks that for over 75 years, MAF has been helping overcome this isolation through the use of aviation and technology. In Liberia, a staggering one in ten children die from preventable diseases before they reach their fifth birthday. With only 1 doctor for around 20,000 people, MAF medevacs are vital. As you consider the devastating reality of these statistics, pray that MAF will be able to help more children receive life-changing treatment. Pray in faith for Kalimantan’s Krayan region. During the pandemic, people felt even more isolated when access to food from Malaysia became difficult due to road closure. Please pray that we can continue playing our part in freeing people from hunger by delivering food to remote areas.

Give thanks that MAF’s Disaster Response Team is ready to respond quickly and effectively to natural disasters or — more recently — to assist with the delivery and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines in partnership with governments and NGOs. As children of God, we cannot ignore the effects of the environmental crisis. Take a moment to reflect on how climate change affects our world. Spend time asking the Holy Spirit what steps you can take to effect positive change. Pray too for MAF as we commit to improving our environmental credentials. In a UN report, 45% of women globally have experienced violence, or know someone who has, since Covid-19 began. In 2021 — in partnership with Miyalk Domestic and Family Violence Shelter (MDFVS) — MAF rescued a woman every week in Arnhem Land. Please pray for MDFVS, which is so reliant on MAF emergency flights.

In December last year, 95 people tragically died after a petrol tanker overturned and exploded in northern Haiti, unleashing a fireball. Praise God that MAF was able to assist victims with two medical evacuation flights. The burns victims were transported to Portau-Prince. Please pray for their ongoing healing. In 2021, Haiti endured the assassination of its President, an earthquake that claimed 2,200 lives and destroyed tens of thousands of homes, as well as gang related kidnappings. Take a moment to light a candle for the people who have lost their lives. Ask God to break through in this country and bring His redeeming love to those who grieve. Many NGOs and mission teams have left the field due to gang violence and food and fuel shortages in Haiti. As flying remains the safest way to reach many parts of the country, MAF is keeping up a rotation of pilots and mechanics. Please pray for the safety of MAF personnel as they serve the people of Haiti.

‘Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone’ (Mark 16:15 NLT). MAF believes everyone should have access to God’s Word, healthcare and education. Give thanks for the part we play in the provision of these essential resources. Do you enjoy a cup of coffee? Some of the remote villages we serve in PNG grow coffee beans which we fly to market as a source of income for them. Next time you make a cup of coffee, use it as a reminder to say a prayer for MAF’s work in PNG. With many unpaved roads in Liberia, and a monsoon season from May to October, travelling on dirt tracks for half the year is an arduous task. Pray for the medical missions MAF supports in the far north-western corner of the country. An hour’s flight from Monrovia to Foya replaces a road trip of 20 hours.

Praise God for the freedom of worship in most of the African countries in which we work. Although coronavirus has inevitably impacted people’s ability to meet together, pray that the churches remain strong and are a real blessing to everyone around them. MAF currently serves in 13 African countries — Liberia, Guinea, Chad, South Sudan, Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya, DRC, Mozambique, Madagascar, Angola, Lesotho and South Africa. Why not write those countries down and put the list on the fridge or somewhere prominent to remind you to take a moment to pray for MAF and those we serve there each day. Pray for MAF Kenya’s partnership with Christ is the Answer Ministries as we create opportunities for specialists within churches, including veterinary and medical teams, to visit various projects and use their skills and talents in isolated communities.

Praise God that during lockdown, a church was being born in Bina Valley, Papua. Thanks to missionaries flown by MAF over an eight-year period, many of the Dem people – who originally lived in spiritual darkness – heard God’s Word in their own language and turned to Him. We continue to welcome applicants for MAF UK’s Engineer Training Scheme – a pathway for those wanting to study aircraft engineering and ultimately serve with MAF. Take a moment to consider whether you know anyone who might be interested in applying. Ask them to visit our website Please pray too for this year’s applicants and those already on the scheme. In Arnhem Land, MAF provides flights for Crisis Accommodation Gove Inc, which provides shelter for victims of domestic violence. An MAF flight enabled one of the victims to give birth in a place of safety. Pray in faith for restoration and healing, and that women in Australia’s Northern Territory can live in freedom from fear.

Praise God for the Jack family from Scotland. After three years leading the MAF team in Arnhem Land, Ruth recently took up the role of Country Director in Uganda. Please pray for the family as they begin this new adventure and build a life together in Africa. Forget for a moment the planes, pilots, medevacs and medicines. Focus on your role in God’s work through MAF. You have a part to play in the outworking of His call to see isolated people transformed by the love of Christ. Praise God for His desire to include everyone in His plans and purposes for humanity. MAF programmes comprise people from all over the world who’ve responded to God’s call to serve overseas. Many have children, so please pray for those who are at school in a different country or who are being home-schooled by MAF parents.

Richie Axon , Bhola’s Children UK, Jean Bizimana, Mike Brown, Jon Cadd, LuAnne Cadd, Jenny Davies, Annelie Edsmyr, Eric Fagerland, Dave Forney, Mandy Glass, Haiti Bible Mission, Angie Hamstra, Mark and Kelly Hewes, Andrea Hotchkins, Raymond Kasoga, Timon Kundig, Katie Machell, Lem Malabuyo, Jackson Mataya, Ian Purdey, SIL, Tutapona, Brad Venter, MAF archive

MAF UK Castle House, Castle Hill Avenue, Folkestone, Kent CT20 2TQ Scotland Office Challenge House, 29 Canal Street, Glasgow G4 0AD T 01303 852819 E MAF UK





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