Prayer Diary (Oct-Dec) 2023

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OCT–DEC 2023


Idon’t know about you, but I don’t know many people who live completely without the stresses and tensions of everyday life. For some, the pressure becomes overwhelming.

According to the Mental Health Foundation, an average of 37.1% of women and 29.9% of men in the UK reported high levels of anxiety in 2022/2023.

Compared to data from 2012 to 2015, this means a significant increase from 21.8% of women and 18.3% of men!

So much has happened in the last few years. Global pandemic, ongoing war and conflict, natural disaster, economic crisis, political instability — the list goes on and on. Many people bear the scars and trauma of modern-day life.

Sadly, the knock-on effect often goes unnoticed by the untrained eye. We don’t ‘see’ the inner barriers that go up. Nor do we always recognise when a person is operating in hyper-vigilance — an elevated state of constantly assessing potential threats around them — because they feel unsafe wherever they go.

Not only can stress isolate and separate, but its harmful effects can also trigger various health challenges.

The apostle Paul was no stranger to stress and conflict. When writing to the church in Thessalonica, he encouraged the believers to remain steadfast, to stay close to the Lord and to live according to His ways.

His second letter appears to address the issues the young church is experiencing — discouragement, laziness and misguided teaching.

Paul reminds the believers to stay focused on Jesus and on what’s to come, rather than what’s currently going on. He encourages them to stay faithful and never tire of doing good.

He then blesses them with this prayer, ‘Now may the Lord of peace Himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you’ (2 Thessalonians 3:16, NIV).

This is my prayer for you too. That, in the midst of life’s challenges, you will know the Lord’s peace always and in every way. That you will be aware of His presence every day.

God doesn’t promise us a stress-free life. We live in a world that is fallen and groaning. But He does call us to remain focused on Him. He calls us to be ‘bigger picture’ people — people who stay faithful and true to His ways and keep on doing good.

And, as we do that, maybe, just maybe, we can be people of peace in a time of great anxiety. Can you imagine what might happen if His whole body responded in this way?

My advice would be to ‘keep it real’, share your struggles with trusted friends, keep your eyes on Jesus, and remember that you don’t have to have it all sorted out to be light in this world.

Just be bold, be courageous, be kind and shine.

Peace be with you as you endeavour to do so.

2 Prayer Diary OCT-DEC 2023
Now may the Lord of Peace Himself give you His peace at all times and in every situation. The Lord be with you all — 2 Thessalonians 3:16 (NLT)
COVER A member of one of the families that live close to the Harper airstrip in Liberia Paula Alderblad


SUNDAY 1 Praise God for a three-day outreach to Bihute Prison, Papua New Guinea (PNG), earlier this year. A team from MAF Technologies PNG and Evangelical Brotherhood Church showed the Jesus film, distributed Bibles and held various worship services. Pray that all the prisoners who saw the film, took a Bible or heard the Gospel will turn to the Lord, discovering John 8:36’s promise of peace and freedom in Christ.

MONDAY 2 God promises to keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in Him (Isaiah 26:3). Pray that MAF pilots, whose ministry includes airlifting ill, injured and traumatised patients, will be protected from being adversely affected by the challenging things they experience. Pray for resilience, mental wellbeing and peace.

TUESDAY 3 Earlier this year, MAF Technologies PNG gave a number of audio Bibles to widows and young people at Bethany Baptist Mission Church. May God’s Word speak to their deepest needs, giving peace and reassurance as they seek to follow Christ.

WEDNESDAY 4 A recent flight in Guinea enabled medical missionaries to treat patients suffering from a variety of conditions. The outreach also provided the medics with an opportunity to share the Gospel with the community. Pray that many will continue to encounter the God of peace.

THURSDAY 5 God grants peace in a number of ways. Give thanks that the family of Pilot Joyce Lin was able to travel to Sentani, Papua, to visit Joyce’s grave, see where she lived and served, and meet many of the people whose lives MAF’s much-loved pilot touched. Pray that her witness will continue to resonate in the lives of many.

FRIDAY 6 Please uphold the boxing ministry started by MAF staff in Uganda, resulting in three boxers going to church. Pray that everyone who takes part in this dynamic ministry will end up fighting the good fight and gaining a victor’s crown that will last forever.

SATURDAY 7 Uphold eastern Democratic Republic of Congo Programme Director Dave Jacobsson, who oversees our 36 staff based in Bunia and Kampala. Our flights include supporting Bible translators who are translating the Old Testament for the Komo, Omiti, Budu-Koya and Budu-Nita people. May those who receive the Scriptures in their own tongue experience God’s peace through hearing His still, small voice.

OCT-DEC 2023 | Prayer Diary 3 OCTOBER
TOP Joyce Lin’s family visiting the village of Bime in Papua ABOVE Dave and Donna Jacobsson serve in our eastern DRC programme
[If] one of you says to them, ‘Go in peace, stay warm, and be well fed,’ but you don’t give them what the body needs, what good is it?
— James 2:16 (CSB)
Lem Malabuyo David Holsten


Caleb Bulu

TOP Thanks to TCA, the tree kangaroo population is increasing

ABOVE Members of the TCA team in PNG

SUNDAY 8 Praise God for MAF PNG and its role in supporting biodiversity in one of the most naturally spectacular countries on earth. Because God’s creation is always under threat, our partnership with ecological organisations becomes increasingly important as we fly into the future.

MONDAY 9 Please pray for Australian conservationists Jim and Jean Thomas who founded Tenkile Conservation Alliance (TCA). Their conservation and community development base at Lumi in northern PNG is managed by local staff and international volunteers.

TUESDAY 10 Think of a world devoid of half its remarkable animal species, then ponder the fact that, in May, a study led by Queen’s University Belfast found that 48% of our species are in decline. Ask God to show us ways in which we can take far greater care of everything He has entrusted to our care.

WEDNESDAY 11 Thank God that He finds a way for people to accommodate ‘traditional’ life within the needs of His planet. TCA works with 50 villages to help protect endangered tree kangaroos. Pray for TCA’s personnel and the 13,000 people currently involved in the quest to maintain safe sanctuaries.

THURSDAY 12 Please pray for MAF staff as they continue to support partners in PNG. ‘We’ve used the valuable service of MAF for more than 20 years,’ says Jim Thomas. ‘MAF has transported valuable cargo for us, including live rabbits and chickens which provide alternative protein sources to rainforest communities. We cannot do it without you!’

FRIDAY 13 ‘We thank MAF for the long service they’ve provided,’ says TCA Project Manager Caleb Bulu. ‘We have to conserve our biodiversity for the future of our generations. In return, there are livelihood projects such as fish and rice farming that benefit the people.’ Praise the Lord that the MAF family plays a vital part in such sustainability.

SATURDAY 14 MAF seeks to provide an example of creation care to those we serve. Pray for our partnerships with other agencies, government departments and churches as we seek to reduce the environmental impact of our work both in the UK and overseas.

4 Prayer Diary OCT-DEC 2023
MAIN TCA Project Manager
I give you peace, the kind of peace only I can give. It isn’t like the peace this world can give. So don’t be worried or afraid — John 14:27 (CEV)
Mandy Glass Mandy Glass Mandy Glass


SUNDAY 15 Praise God for MAF

PNG’s delivery of its ‘Gender Based Violence and Sorcery Accusation Related Violence’ awareness initiatives, aimed at improving the situation for women and girls throughout the country. Life is often far from peaceful for women living in communities that persecute and ill-treat them.

MONDAY 16 Pray for a peaceful resolution to the conflict in Sudan, and for an improvement in the economic situation of its South Sudanese neighbour whose communities have seen prices rise steeply due to this crisis

TUESDAY 17 MAF Haiti’s national staff have left the capital due to deteriorating conditions, and expatriate families have moved to MAF US headquarters. Pray that God will continue to provide His people with peace and protection despite the situation there — particularly the three national MAF families whose homes have been overrun by gangs.

WEDNESDAY 18 Uphold the MAF Guinea team as they seek to serve isolated communities and shine Christ’s light in a predominantly Muslim country. Pray for peaceful working relationships with everyone they meet, and that the number of partners we support will increase

THURSDAY 19 We live in a world of violence and unrest — something Jesus predicted in Matthew 24:6-8. Pray for peace in Kenya so that riots and political change will be a thing of the past. Pray too for the safety of MAF staff worldwide and for the Prince of Peace to bring peace to the troubled nations of our fragile planet.

FRIDAY 20 Peace is more than just the absence of conflict. It also represents harmony, wholeness and wellbeing. Give thanks for the MAF partners that bless local communities by providing food, water and the Gospel. In Tanzania, staff from Malambo Bible College fed 300 drought-affected adults and children and, in Kenya, our aircraft enabled Foundations for Hope to provide a well, a church and essential healthcare for isolated villages

SATURDAY 21 Pray for the continued peace and development of South Sudan in the run-up to next year’s elections. Pray too for MAF Country Director Ben Klassen (pictured below) whose 47 personnel serve about 200 Christian organisations and humanitarian agencies

MAIN An aerial view of Malambo airstrip in Tanzania LEFT Refugees in Renk have fled the conflict in Sudan

I have told you this so that you will have peace by being united to me. The world will make you suffer. But be brave! I have defeated the world! — John 16:33 (GNT)
Paula Alderblad RRC/Concern South Sudan Mark & Kelly Hewes


You are my hiding place; You will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance — Psalm 32:7 (NIV)

SUNDAY 22 Praise God for the four aircraft maintenance engineers and three pilots currently in various stages of training for service with MAF. We’re so thankful for the way He continues to call people to our new training programmes. It’s a big commitment, but we pray that they’ll all serve God’s Kingdom in amazing ways.

MONDAY 23 Tim Dingwall (pictured right) started his training as an MAF aircraft maintenance engineer this year, which involved moving from Cambridgeshire to Scotland. Please pray that Tim and his wife Alice will experience the blessing of being part of a friendly community. Pray too for peace, resilience and stamina as Tim undergoes the necessary training.

TUESDAY 24 Former MAF PNG team member Erwin Jungen has swapped working in finance to train to become an MAF pilot. Pray a blessing over him as he completes his training and prepares to serve in whatever country the Lord has for him.

WEDNESDAY 25 Please pray for Joshua White as he trains to be an MAF pilot. Give thanks for the part we can all play in encouraging those around us in their call to mission. Joshua says, ‘God has led me, from the small seeds planted by my grandparents, to my first time going up in an aircraft at the MAF training centre.’

THURSDAY 26 Please uphold Dave and Becky Waterman in Liberia. Dave is part of the leadership of our maintenance base. At the beginning of the year, he oversaw the process of changing the aircraft and procedures to American standards, which will be useful for the years to come. Ask the Lord for energy and attention to detail as the team continues to learn all the new processes.

FRIDAY 27 In 1 Samuel 17, as David prepared to face Goliath, he told Saul how the Lord had prepared him for this battle by enabling him to defend his sheep against lions and bears. If you have challenges ahead, spend time with God and remember the ways in which He has prepared you. Pray for MAF's pilots and the challenges they face daily. May they be encouraged by the knowledge that God has prepared them for such a time as this.

SATURDAY 28 The MAF training centre in Mareeba, Australia, is a busy place. Please pray for the staff there and the students learning the many skills needed to serve Jesus as an MAF pilot.

6 Prayer Diary OCT-DEC 2023
Chris Pickard

SUNDAY 29 Praise God for the MAF Global Week of Prayer taking place from 29 October to 5 November. May heaven rejoice at the sound of thousands of prayers of petition and thanksgiving

MONDAY 30 Please pray that aircraft maintenance engineer Mark Draper will have all the attention to detail and energy he needs as he continues maintaining our aircraft in Uganda. The team services MAF planes as well as those belonging to others, including one owned by a missionary who is planting churches in South Sudan. Give thanks for the good witness of Mark and his fellow engineers to those around them.

TUESDAY 31 Luke Morris’ family became Christians when he was five and went on to serve as missionaries in France and South Africa. During that time, Luke was inspired by meeting an MAF pilot. Then, while working in project management, he gave up one day a week to train as an aircraft engineer. He is now studying on our Future Pilot Programme training course. Pray that the Lord will continue to guide his path

WEDNESDAY 1 For the last two years, we’ve been delivering resources to the remote Maasai Academy in Enairebuk, Kenya. Thanks to MAF's support, dormitories have been built so students can stay at the school during the week — saving them hours of arduous travel each day. Please pray that, as they continue to receive shelter, education and food, the students at Maasai Academy will experience Christ’s love.

THURSDAY 2 Ben and Esther Brown have been in Arnhem Land, Australia, for about seven months. Ben is Deputy Programme and Operations Manager. Please pray for them and their boys, Barnabas and Reuben, as they settle in and build friendships with the Yolŋu community and their MAF colleagues.

FRIDAY 3 There is a saying, 'Until God opens the next door, praise Him in the hallway!’ It can be difficult to stay focused while waiting, and the process for applying to serve with MAF can be a long one. Please pray for a spirit of praise to fall on all those who are pushing a door to see if serving with MAF is God's plan for them. May His presence be enough to sustain them while they wait.

SATURDAY 4 Pray for Chris Watkins in his journey from serving the Lord with MAF in the UK to serving overseas. He and his family are currently in Perth, Scotland, where he's training to be an aircraft maintenance engineer. The tools and projects are a bit bigger than the ones he worked on for our UK-based IT team!


The MAF Training Centre in Mareeba, Australia

Alice and Tim Dingwall

Josh White (left, with MAF pioneer Jack Hemmings) is training to be a pilot Mark Draper has been working on this Cessna 206 which belongs to a church planting missionary

Chris Watkins has swapped IT for engineering Ben, Esther, Barnabas and Reuben Brown at the MAF Mareeba hangar

OCT-DEC 2023 | Prayer Diary 7
Jo Lamb Mark Draper

SUNDAY 5 Praise God for His faithfulness to our pilots, passengers and planes in Tanzania since our first in-country flight in 1963. Pray that His countless blessings, which include the physical healing and spiritual hope provided by MAF’s lifegiving programme, will continue for many more years to come.

MONDAY 6 Please pray for Tanzania’s population of more than 60 million people who are largely dependent upon whatever they can grow or farm with their hands. Life for them becomes ever harder as land that was once mostly savannah and bush is now semi-desert.

TUESDAY 7 In 2022, 56% of our flights in Tanzania were for evangelism or for members of the Church. Pray a blessing on everyone who has heard about Jesus. May each one accept Him as Lord.

WEDNESDAY 8 Consider the incredible reach of Jesus’ love in a country more than three times the size of the UK but with a road network that would see our daily, vehicle-centred lives grind to a halt! Pray that MAF Tanzania continues to provide its vital flight services for many years to come so that nothing can stop the spread of the Gospel.

THURSDAY 9 The ‘safari’ flight has become synonymous with our work in Tanzania. Thank God for the thousands of men, women and children to whom these flights have brought physical healing and spiritual hope for the past six decades. Pray too for the new communities they will reach in future.

FRIDAY 10 Next time you have a hospital appointment, pray for the pregnant women and people with disabilities in Tanzania who only receive the medical treatment they need because of the MAF family. Your support in the form of prayers and financial gifts is truly life-enhancing.

SATURDAY 11 Please pray for Country Director Stewart Ayling, who is ultimately responsible for the efficient and effective use of MAF Tanzania’s two Cessna 206 aircraft. Pray too for the eight staff under his leadership who operate the programme from its Arusha base.

SUNDAY 12 On Remembrance Sunday, praise God for the many thousands of people from East Africa who fought in two world wars. Praise God for the courage of everyone who takes a stand against violent injustice today — potentially sacrificing their lives in the name of righteousness.

MONDAY 13 Please pray for the maintenance and security of the remote Malambo airstrip. It is crucial to the work of Malambo Bible College and the transformation of people’s lives. The precious hours saved by MAF flights allow extra time each week to be devoted to evangelism.

TUESDAY 14 The stronghold of ‘traditional’ healers over Tanzanian communities shouldn't be underestimated. Pray that the power of the Spirit will free men, women and children from the belief that they have to pay influential people to create ‘charms’ to solve their problems.

WEDNESDAY 15 Give God the glory for the sensational news that Kiyapi – formerly a traditional healer – has surrendered his life to Jesus!

‘I am ready to come to Jesus, receive Him as the saviour of my life, and leave my old ways,’ were his words of repentance, following his meeting with frequent MAF flyer Elisha Moita earlier this year

THURSDAY 16 Pray that the joyful amazement at Kiyapi’s transformation will lodge deep in the hearts of his community — opening them to the reality of salvation. Pray too that Kiyapi’s story will travel far and wide, causing a Christian revival that will astound everyone who experiences it

FRIDAY 17 The flights to Malambo and dozens of other remote communities must continue if Tanzania is to continue bearing spiritual fruit. Please pray that new supporters will join our faithful MAF family to ensure that the next generation of Tanzanians will receive the help, hope and healing which only our aircraft bring.

SATURDAY 18 Time after time, your selfless prayers and generous gifts have brought physical and spiritual transformation to parts of Tanzania where there are no hospitals or churches. Give thanks that, whatever the human or geographical barriers, the Lord always finds a way to help those who need Him most. Please pray that, after 60 years of service, our Tanzania programme will continue to be a blessing every time it takes to the sky.

8 Prayer Diary OCT-DEC 2023

MAIN An aerial view of Tanzania, taken during a flight for the South

Maasai Medical Safari

TOP A baby being weighed during a clinic in Gorimba village, northern Tanzania

CENTRE Pilot Eivind Lindtjørn (left) with an evangelist in Malambo, Tanzania

ABOVE MAF Tanzania Country Director Stewart Ayling (left), with MAF Pilot Jarkko Korhonen


Each one of you is part of the body of Christ, and you were chosen to live together in peace. So let the peace that comes from Christ control your thoughts. And be grateful — Colossians 3:15 (CEV)

Jacqueline Mwende Svein Robert Solberg Stewart Ayling Jarkko Korhonen


SUNDAY 19 Praise God that MAF partner CURE continues to enable disabled children in remote Kenya to receive the operations they need. Members of CURE are playing their part in promoting awareness of the inequality brought about by disability. Pray for peace and understanding in isolated communities as villagers begin to notice those who are often overlooked, and seek to address their needs

MONDAY 20 Pray for the team of Congolese pastors who are reaching a previously unreached people group in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) with MAF’s assistance. Pray that any contact made will be in the Lord’s timing, and will result in peace rather than conflict. May God bless these pastors as they bring the knowledge and love of Jesus to this precious people.

TUESDAY 21 Earlier this year, Pilot Jan Klassen invited his dentist friend Dr Walter Plett to provide the isolated people of Atauro Island with free dental treatment. Pray for better access to dentists in TimorLeste so that oral health will improve.

WEDNESDAY 22 Thank God that MAF is able to help partners like RedTribe to empower the isolated Maasai community in southern Kenya by piping fresh spring water from the hills to their villages.

MAF’s 40-minute flight saves RedTribe personnel a 7-hour journey by road. Pray that MAF will continue to do all it can to alleviate the suffering caused by Kenya’s worst drought in 40 years.

THURSDAY 23 MAF plays an integral part in the process of reaching isolated communities in PNG by providing solar power kits for their homes and audio Bibles for their souls. Praise God for the wonderful gift of green technology.

FRIDAY 24 Please pray that staff at Kompiam District hospital in PNG will continue to bring peace, comfort and healing to the patients regularly flown there by MAF. Although many come to Kompiam because they are ill, some of the women patients airlifted by MAF are suffering from injuries caused by domestic violence.

SATURDAY 25 Today let’s pray for Eri Alas, who leads a team of eight national workers and one expatriate family in Guatemala, operating two Cessna 206 aircraft. Please pray for increased funding for their national training programme for pilots.

ABOVE Members of CURE assess a patient at a mobile medical clinic in Kenya

BELOW MAF flew volunteers to Enairebuk, Kenya, to install a new water system

BOTTOM An MAF medevac to Kompiam District Hospital, PNG

You will keep the mind that is dependent on You in perfect peace, for it is trusting in You — Isaiah 26:3 (CSB)
Acadius Akungwi/ CURE International RedTribe Mandy Glass
10 Prayer Diary OCT-DEC 2023
Mandy Glass


Pray for kings and others in power, so we may live quiet and peaceful lives as we worship and honour God — 1 Timothy 2:2 (CEV)

SUNDAY 26 Praise God for the peace He gives us through the Holy Spirit. Reflect on the times you’ve felt that peace, and pray for MAF staff in the UK and overseas, along with anyone you know who may be in need of this special blessing.

MONDAY 27 Pray for the work of MAF partner Peacebuilding Opportunities Fund (POF). We provide flights for POF personnel working towards long-term peace by encouraging reconciliation between warring tribes in South Sudan.

TUESDAY 28 Please pray for our team in Angola, and for our partner HALO Trust as they carefully remove landmines to help make the land there safer.

WEDNESDAY 29 The people of Atauro Island, which is 20 miles off the coast of Timor-Leste, appreciate the peace of mind that comes from knowing that help from MAF is just a call away – especially when the sea is too rough for boats. Please pray for the remote community there, and for continued safe flying.

THURSDAY 30 Pray for the work of Pastor Peter Franz as he organises Peace Festivals in Marsabit, Kenya, which enable different groups of people to meet together and worship. We maintain Peter’s aircraft for him, so that he is able to fly safely

FRIDAY 1 Today is the first day of Advent. Please pray for the children across the UK who will be using the MAF Advent Adventure calendar to discover more about MAF, mission, the world they live in, and God's unconditional love for His people.

SATURDAY 2 MAF PNG recently flew a young survivor of sexual assault. Please pray for God’s peaceful presence to be upon the girl and her family as they come to terms with what has happened.

MAIN Cavango airstrip in Angola

TOP Peter Franz and his wife Rebekka

MIDDLE Atauro Island, Timor-Leste

BOTTOM MAF provides a medevac for a woman experiencing pregnancy complications on Atauro Island

OCT-DEC 2023 | Prayer Diary 11
Duncan Colyer Duncan Colyer Marijn
Peter Franz


SUNDAY 3 Praise God that MAF was able to safely evacuate a woman experiencing domestic abuse in Arnhem Land earlier this year. Pray that she will find peace and emotional healing

MONDAY 4 MAF spouses support the Bible Faith Outreach orphanage which looks after children in PNG who've been displaced by tribal violence. It is run by ex-MAF staff member Rosa Kepo and her husband Jiwa. Pray that the children will feel safe and secure now they’re well cared for and no longer roam the streets of Mount Hagen

TUESDAY 5 ‘Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called children of God’ (Matthew 5:9). In South Sudan, MAF personnel train church members to lead peace and reconciliation workshops in their community. Uphold MAF staff in South Sudan and countries such as the DRC, Haiti, Kenya and PNG as they seek to bring peace to communities suffering from conflict. Pray that their work will be successful

WEDNESDAY 6 Earlier this year, we heard how some children were being sent home from school in Uganda because food shortages meant that schools were unable to provide them with lunch. Give thanks for MAF flights that support organisations such as ZOA and World Food Programme which are working to prevent this. Pray that food will become more readily available, and that teachers won’t have to worry about whether they can feed the children

THURSDAY 7 Our programme offices can be incredibly busy places – greeting customers, taking bookings, facilitating urgent medevac requests and ensuring that pilots don’t exceed their flying hours. Pray that MAF’s ground staff will find God's peace amid the busyness

FRIDAY 8 The freight room at MAF South Sudan contains ‘dignity kits’ provided by United Nations Population Fund, which contain hygiene products for women who’ve been forced from their homes by conflict. Pray that those who receive these kits will soon be at peace, despite the trauma experienced by many.

SATURDAY 9 This week we’ve prayed about others finding peace, but what about you? Do you feel truly at peace? If the answer is ‘no’, ask God to help you hand your troubles to Him (Psalm 55:22)

ABOVE These 'dignity kits' are distributed to women fleeing conflict in South Sudan

12 Prayer Diary OCT-DEC 2023
MAIN Aerial view of Arnhem Land, Australia INSET Pilot Wim Hobo with children from Ngongosowon Primary School, Uganda TOP Rosa Kepo runs the Bible Faith Outreach orphanage in PNG Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness — James 3:18 (NIV) Damalie Hirwa Tajs Jespersen Jenny Davies


Make every effort to keep the oneness of the Spirit in the bond of peace [each individual working together to make the whole successful]

— Ephesians 4:3 (AMP)

SUNDAY 10 Praise God that, through ongoing global crises, financial strains, conflict and unrest, MAF remains generously and faithfully supported by so many people around the world. Continue to uphold us as we plan for the future and discern where God is calling us

MONDAY 11 MAF’s Cessna Caravan aircraft operate in challenging environments, bringing peace and hope to people living in isolation and poverty. Pray for our fleet renewal project and plans to purchase new aircraft so our work can continue for many years to come

TUESDAY 12 Pray for our housing development projects in countries including PNG and South Sudan to provide future generations of MAF pilots, engineers and operations staff with suitable, safe and comfortable accommodation. Without adequate housing for our staff, we wouldn’t be able to do the work we do.

WEDNESDAY 13 Pray for the MAF-led course Healing Hearts and Transforming Nations, which recently trained 13 new facilitators from several denominations and MAF partners. Pray that all the attendees will receive many opportunities to bring healing to individuals, families and the nation of South Sudan

THURSDAY 14 MAF Technologies PNG continues to find new ways to bring technology to remote and hard to access communities. The team recently distributed nearly 200 home solar kits to isolated people, providing them with electricity. Pray that innovative ideas will continue to be developed to benefit even more disadvantaged communities

FRIDAY 15 Give thanks for MAF’s partnership with the Swedish Pentecostal Church. They recently flew to Lotimor, South Sudan, to install solar panels and lights at a school there. Pray that the provision of reliable lighting will bring fresh opportunities for the children, giving them the peace that comes from having hope for the future

SATURDAY 16 We give thanks for this past year since Donovan Palmer joined MAF UK as Chief Executive. Continue to uphold all the leaders of MAF resourcing groups, MAF International, MAF US and MAF Canada, as they work together and plan for the future.

OCT-DEC 2023 | Prayer Diary 13
MAIN MAF’s Cessna Grand Caravan during an outreach with CURE International TOP Pilots David Pearce (left) and Reuben Vermeulen in South Sudan ABOVE New graduate facilitators for the Healing Hearts and Transforming Nations programme in South Sudan
DECEMBER Acadius Akungwi/CURE International
Jenny Davies Bob Rice


Those who love Your instructions have great peace and do not stumble — Psalm 119:165 (NLT)

SUNDAY 17 Praise God for our wonderful staff serving behind the scenes in the UK as they play an important part in bringing help, hope and healing to remote and isolated communities in low income countries

MONDAY 18 Pray for the children of our staff serving overseas. They do amazingly well in making new friends and adapting to new environments, cultures and schools. However, as with all changes, there can be an initial sense of loss. Pray that the blessings MAF children receive will far outweigh any difficulties they encounter.

TUESDAY 19 Pray that the Lord of the harvest will tap a few more workers on the shoulder to consider service overseas. We need more staff across a range of roles to maintain our current operations and expand to meet the growing need for MAF flights.

WEDNESDAY 20 James Gullett is coming to the end of his practical flight training as part of our Future Pilot Programme. Pray for James and his wife Danielle as they begin a period of support raising, Bible College attendance and other preparations for their eventual service overseas.

THURSDAY 21 Today, let’s pray for John and Tracey Feil, who work in South Sudan. John is Operations Manager and Tracey serves as a volunteer teacher and trainer for MAF Peace and Reconciliation workshops.

FRIDAY 22 Please pray for our overseas staff who, due to unfilled vacancies, need to wear multiple hats and spin multiple plates. Pray they will find time to rest and recuperate, and that they will get their strength from God.

SATURDAY 23 As we celebrate Christmas — a season of great joy — pray for MAF staff serving overseas, far from family and friends. May they know great joy and bring great joy to their colleagues, communities, churches, and those they serve in Africa and the Asia-Pacific region.

MAIN Building and Maintenance Worker Remi Razakaharisoa washes one of our aircraft in the busy Madagascar hangar

TOP Flight Follower Grace Toby with MAF South Sudan Operations Manager John Feil

ABOVE MAF children enjoying a meal together in PNG

14 Prayer Diary OCT-DEC 2023
Irina Randriamandrato
Tracey Feil Annelie Edsmyr


SUNDAY 24 Praise God that we have the technology to be able to speak to as well as see people thousands of miles away. Pray that good internet connections will allow our staff to communicate with friends and family this Christmas.

MONDAY 25 Give thanks for Christmas, a time when we remember Jesus’ birth. Today, let’s uphold MAF staff who are separated from their extended families during this particularly poignant time of year. Pray that they will create wonderful memories and enjoy new traditions. Remember those closer to home, too. Friends, family, neighbours or church members who may be missing a loved one, are unwell, or are on their own.

TUESDAY 26 In December, Sam Tsapwe and Jesus Film Ministries use MAF to travel to the Ssese Islands in Uganda to throw Christmas parties that share the love of Jesus with those living there. Pray that outreaches like these will have a lifelong impact on the residents.

WEDNESDAY 27 This year, we’ve continued to grieve over the war and violence taking place around the world. Please pray for an outbreak of peace and goodwill this Christmastime, and that the Lord will continue to protect our national and international staff overseas.

THURSDAY 28 Pray that, this week, our staff will find many more opportunities to share about the long-awaited Prince of Peace who was born in a manger. May the communities they serve encounter His peace for themselves.

FRIDAY 29 Take a look at the map on the back page and choose one of the countries in which MAF operates. Then, please pray that the Lord will turn His face towards the people of that nation and give them peace (Numbers 6:26).

SATURDAY 30 Although it can be a time of great blessing, Christmas can also be a period of great pressure – whether social, financial, physical or spiritual. This includes the often-hectic run-up to Christmas and the rundown feeling many can have when it’s over. Pray today for everyone who’s struggling to experience a sense of wellbeing and peace, whether in the UK or overseas

SUNDAY 31 Praise God for yet another year of being able to serve Him. Pray that 2024 will be a particularly successful year for MAF, and that we will continue to bring Him glory. We wish you a happy and blessed New Year

OCT-DEC 2023 | Prayer Diary 15
If possible, so far as it depends on you, be at peace with all people — Romans 12:18 (NASB)
TOP Pilot Richie Axon sharing the Gospel with people at Busilmin, PNG ABOVE Nativity scene carefully balanced on the horizontal stabiliser of MAF's Cessna Caravan CUTOUT Sam Tsapwe during a visit to the Ssese Islands in Lake Victoria, Uganda Paul Woodington Joerg Schowalter Mark & Kelly Hewes
5 3 4 2 1 6 13 8 16 9 18 7 11 17 15 14 23 19 20 21 22 10 24 25 26 24 25 12 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the
and of the
To find out more visit Information correct at the time of going to press. *These countries are served by MAF affiliate organisations ASIA-PACIFIC 19 Arnhem Land 20 Kalimantan 21 Papua 22 Papua New Guinea 23 Timor-Leste MAF OPERATIONS WORLDWIDE AMERICAS 1 Brazil* 2 Ecuador 3 Guatemala* 4 Haiti 5 Mexico* 6 Suriname AFRICA 7 Angola 8 Chad 9 Democratic Republic of Congo 10 Guinea 11 Kenya 12 Lesotho 13 Liberia 14 Madagascar 15 Mozambique 16 South Sudan 17 Tanzania 18 Uganda SUPPORT OFFICES 24 MAF Canada Support Office and Training Centre 25 MAF International Support Office and Training Centre 26 MAF US Support Office and Training Centre MAF UK Castle House, Castle Hill Avenue, Folkestone, Kent CT20 2TQ Scotland Office Challenge House, 29 Canal Street, Glasgow G4 0AD T 01303 852819 E MAF UK @MAFUK MAFUK @flying4life MAFUKFILM Registered charity in England and Wales (1064598) and in Scotland (SC039107) ® Registered trademark 3026860, 3026908, 3026915
Holy Spirit Matthew 28:19

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