MAF Flying For Life - (July-September 2024)

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The beauty of Jesus A spiritual safari 'As if I'm young again' The gift of sight Root cause Introducing cassava! 01303 852819

Front cover

MAF is flying for life in Kenya

MAF (Mission Aviation Fellowship) is a Christian organisation reaching men, women and children in over 25 countries. Operating more than 115 aircraft, MAF’s pilots overcome terrain that has become inaccessible due to derelict roads, natural disaster, or violent conflict. MAF aircraft fly into more than 1,000 destinations — transporting food and water, health professionals and medical supplies, and emergency workers and Christian missionaries where they are needed most. Each flight brings practical help, spiritual hope and physical healing to thousands of isolated people in remote communities for whom flying is a lifeline not a luxury. MAF is flying for life.

MAF respects the indigenous people of Arnhem Land. We have tried to ensure that names and photographs of deceased indigenous people do not appear in our publications.

Flying for Life

Editor: Richard Chambers


Copy Editor: Gary Clayton

Designer: Ben Dyer

Printer: Fretwell Print and Design Ltd

Printed on sustainable paper produced from a managed forest

© MAF UK JUL-SEP 2024 FFL ffnt


Castle House, Castle Hill Avenue, Folkestone, Kent CT20 2TQ

29 Canal Street, Glasgow G4 0AD


Dept AA1818, PO Box 4214, FREEPOST Dublin 2

Registered charity in England and Wales (1064598) and in Scotland (SC039107)

® Registered trademark 3026860, 3026908, 3026915

Thank you for your gift!

You’re in a unique position to make connections with isolated people in remote communities and — by doing so — turn strangers into MAF family members.

The spring issue of Flying for Life inspired more than 1,000 supporters to make generous donations that helped fuel flights like those you’ll read about in the following pages.

Your prayers and gifts are part of a worldwide mission that spreads the Gospel in Arnhem Land, delivers schoolbooks in Papua New Guinea and restores sight in Kenya.

God bless you.

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Wherever you see this symbol, it indicates a flight where MAF responded to a problem caused by the climate crisis, or transported a partner who supports creation care.

A foundation of prayer

At a time when the need for our fleet of aircraft is as great as ever, demands for a concerted action to reach the most vulnerable and isolated locations in the world have increased.

MAF is responding to people in need despite what appears, at times, more obstacles than ever. Although this issue shares encouraging stories of recent successes, we’re fully aware that we need God to continue to bless and guide us.

You'll see two of our stories contain the 'Isolation Kills' logo, which links to our latest online theme found at

In January, we sent out a letter inviting supporters to join us in bringing our urgent needs to God in prayer.

The response was even greater than we expected and we received many encouraging messages. I was reminded of the Apostle Paul’s words:

‘And as for you, brothers and sisters, never tire of doing what is good’ (2 Thessalonians 3:13).

I'm confident that, as we continue to pray and not tire of doing good, we will be able to look back a year from now at answered prayers and give thanks once again.

Thank you for your faithful support.

Jacqueline Mwende

‘As if I’m young again’



MAF flights bring the precious gift of sight to isolated people in Kenya — rejuvenating an entire community in the process

During a free, five-day clinic in Mandera (above), a team of eye specialists from The Fred Hollows Foundation examined more than 2,000 people. They performed 295 successful sightrestoring cataract operations and referred 21 children with congenital and traumatic cataracts for specialised surgery.

Thanks to MAF Pilot Daniel Loewen-Rudgers’ swift and safe flight, the eye experts were able to cut their travel time down from a perilous 15-hour road journey to a smooth, uneventful 3-hour flight.

Habiba (left, not her real name) — whose sight was restored during the camp — discovered to her joy that, after years of living in darkness, she could finally see again.

The grateful 78-year-old exclaims, ‘I cannot put into words how much your assistance and prompt action has given me a new life!’

The prospect of once again seeing the smiles of her beautiful grandchildren, whose voices she’d come to rely on, filled her heart with incalculable joy.

‘I feel rejuvenated,’ she grins, ‘as if I’m young again.’

County Executive Committee Member for Health Mohammed A Omar — who provided the logistical support and non-pharmaceutical supplies that contributed to the camp’s success — thanked everyone who was involved.

He also said how much he’s looking forward to the day when the number of visually impaired people in the county will be significantly reduced.

Echoing his sentiments, Mandera County Governor Mohammed Adan Khalif praised the team for their dedicated work, noting that, ‘It is more than just the statistics, it’s about the meaningful deeds and acts of compassion that bring

impact to our county.’

The successful eye clinic, which brought hope and healing to so many, was made possible through a wonderful collaboration between MAF, The Fred Hollows Foundation, Australian Aid and the County Government of Mandera.

Expressing her gratitude to us for flying the medical team to Mandera, Catherine Jakaiti — The Fred Hollows Foundation Programme Manager — concludes, ‘Without MAF, this wouldn’t have been possible.’

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Amazing grace



Your prayers and gifts enabled Yolŋu Christians living in Arnhem Land, Australia, to organise a revival rally that brought believers together

‘The rally started at 8pm,’ says MAF Pilot Prabhu Pothula. ‘It was a mixture of worship, sharing Dawu (the Gospel) and personal testimonies — a time to celebrate Jesus, really.’ .

Prabhu (below) is also a Pioneers missionary and partners with Yolŋu Christians on the island of Galiwin'ku to disciple new believers. ‘People want to fly with MAF,’ he says. ‘So it’s nice for us to be able to support these trips.’

Although it’s a relatively short distance from Galiwin'ku to the mainland town of Dhipirri where the rally (bottom) took place, an MAF flight can be the difference between an islander reaching their destination safely or ending up in distress at sea.

Two boatloads of islanders set off for the rally, but one had to abandon the short voyage due to very rough seas.

Director of Manapan Furniture Manufacturers Elizabeth Ganygulpa is a Milingimbi local who helped organise the weekend-long event at Dhipirri.

‘Many people shared about their journey with Christ,’ she says, ‘how they found Him and what He has done for their lives.’


Elizabeth speaks openly about her personal experience of God’s grace, which was also the rally’s theme.

‘It’s about when we are weak, God has power,’ she shares. ‘His grace is sufficient. Whenever you feel yourself struggling — feeling down and things are not working out for you — that’s when His grace is sufficient for you.’

As Prabhu thanks her for the rally and for flying with MAF, Elizabeth looks up with a smile and says, ‘See — that in itself is grace.’

Christine Burupuru Guyala, a believer from Galiwin'ku, is highly enthusiastic about flying with MAF. ‘Jesus was leading me to go [to the rally],’ she explains. ‘God’s been telling me, “Every time, every rally — go with MAF!”’

Not that Christine took much convincing as her uncle Mark Yinya used to work with MAF!

Timor Sea Arafura Sea
Capital city Destination MAF base 20 MILES Every time, every rally –go with MAF!
AUSTRALIA Galiwin'ku Nhulunbuy


Grand Gedeh


River Gee

Grand Kru



People living in the remotest parts of southeastern Liberia are beginning to raise their living standards, thanks to a project that teaches them new farming and business techniques.

The Cassava Transformation Project is a UN infrastructure initiative which combines fair trade business principles with the centuries-old culture of cultivating this perennial root vegetable.

MAF partner Cerath Development Organisation delivers the project to men and women in Grand Gedeh, Maryland, Grand Kru, Sinoe and River Gee. A thousand farmers have already benefited from this fledgling ‘agri-business’ training programme.

‘Entrepreneurship is key,’ says Cerath Liberia Country Director Leroy Kanmoh (right). ‘Most Liberians treat cassava as something to consume — if you treat it as a business, you can make a lot of money.'

Introduced to Africa half a millennium ago by Portuguese traders, cassava is also becoming more common in UK shops. Chips, flour, ethanol, fufu (similar to dumplings) and super gari (a nutrient rich food) can all be made from cassava.

Leroy says MAF flights help Cerath to bring fresh ideas to families looking to export this versatile, easyto-grow crop. Road conditions are so bad that precious hours are lost on every journey south from the capital Monrovia.

Before Cerath began flying with us in 2021, maintenance costs for their vehicles damaged on the long, exhausting roads were exorbitant. MAF has transformed that situation, saving the organisation money as well as time.

‘I love MAF!’ Leroy concludes. ‘I think it should continue doing what it’s doing in helping other organisations.’

Root cause


Your support for MAF Liberia is playing a vital part in enabling farming communities to profit from Africa’s greatest staple crop — cassava!


– That new farming techniques and fair trade principles will spread throughout Liberia

– For more MAF flights to continue transforming communities where lives depend on a humble yet versatile crop.

North Atlantic Ocean C

Jack Hemmings – Spitfire pilot!

On 6 February, Jack Hemmings one of MAF's founders wrote the following words on his JustGiving page, having just flown a Spitfire at the age of 102!

‘What a truly memorable day we had at Biggin Hill yesterday. The flight was faster than I was used to in my bomber days. It was a little bumpy, but absolutely delightful. Being off the ground, the sky is yours and there's a great sense of peace. Thanks to everyone who came along to support and for those who have already chipped in. Special thanks to the Spitfire guys and my pilot Barry Hughes.’

It's not too late to make Jack’s fundraising total soar even higher — make your donation at or use the QR code below.

As MAF approaches its 80th anniversary, our first ever British pilot is still flying for life

Hear the good news!

Helping enemies become friends

Years of violent conflict have displaced nearly two million people in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

In the weeks leading up to last December’s presidential elections, hundreds of thousands fled conflict within the DRC — a country which is already home to the largest number of internally displaced people in Africa.

Since 2017, MAF has been supporting camps in eastern DRC, where trauma counselling, peace and reconciliation workshops, and dressmaking and literacy classes are helping refugees start the painstaking process of rebuilding their shattered lives.

See how your support is tackling the worldwide refugee crisis

Four decades in the sky

High-flying couple Joost and Ruth de Wit have clocked up nearly 40 years between them as airline pilots. This year — following two years of training and preparation — they flew off to Kenya to serve with MAF. Joost and Ruth discovered MAF in 2012 when Ruth’s mum sent them an article about a scientist who retrained as an MAF pilot. Needless, to say they were inspired by her story!

Read how a shared passion for flight led to a shared love for mission

Your introduction to all of MAF’s online news stories, available in full at www.maf-uk/news

Ascan me

cross rural Papua New Guinea, MAF opened five airstrips in five months. Sikoi. Rum. Yakona. Dimanbil. Aiyu. These are where airstrips are revolutionising the lives of some of the world’s most remote people.

‘A new experience for me today,’ says MAF Pilot Tim Neufeld on his first flight to Sikoi. ‘Ours is the first plane ever to land on this airstrip. The people of Sikoi have no roads within a radius of several days’ bush walk. They are very isolated.’

The people of Sikoi shed tears when that first plane landed

Happy landings –
tears of joy
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The beauty of Jesus



MAF Pilot Mark Liprini flew a team of evangelists and nurses from Dodoma to offer essential medical care and preach the Good News of Jesus Christ in three isolated, Tanzanian villages

The Kilimatinde safari flights from Dodoma to the farflung villages of Mahaka (top right), Chidudu and Dabia took place over three days.

Nurses monitored pregnant women, conducted blood tests and provided folic acid supplements and anti-malarial drugs. Nutrition counselling was also offered and a total of 110 women and 553 children received medical care.

Pregnant women giving birth at home can face complications arising from the lack of professional support, and many lives have been lost as a result. Consequently, women walk more than three hours under a scorching sun to reach MAF’s monthly mobile clinics.

Christina Shinda, who lives in Dabia, says, ‘I started coming to the mobile clinics in 2018 when I was pregnant with my second child. Today, I’m here because I am expecting the third one. I am grateful for these clinics because otherwise it would be difficult to obtain healthcare.’

Ernest Matonya, who guards the airstrip, heartily agrees. ‘We are grateful for these medical services that ensure the wellbeing of pregnant women and children.’


For Ruth Kambenga, who co-ordinates the monthly safaris, our support is essential. ‘Without MAF, reaching these remote villages would be impossible. MAF has helped reduce maternal and child deaths.’

The evangelists who took part in the safaris led 92 people to Christ and baptised 25 villagers, with a number of healings occurring in the name of Jesus.

‘I am thrilled that we've had the opportunity of leading many individuals to Christ!’ says Pastor Robinson (middle right) from Dodoma — obviously delighted to be an MAF partner.

‘What’s particularly heartening is that, as we preach, people are responding with a genuine desire to know God,’ he continues.

‘Both adults and children have been baptised in the name of Jesus Christ, and at least 40 individuals sought advice on various family matters.’

‘In this week of service across all three villages,’ Ruth concludes, ‘I have been very touched by how people recognised the beauty of Jesus and asked for baptism.’

I am thrilled that we’ve had the opportunity of leading many individuals to Christ!
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James and Danielle Gullett are studying cross-cultural mission at All Nations Christian College. It’s integral to their training before leaving to serve the Yolŋu — the isolated, indigenous people of Arnhem Land.

It’s been an incredible journey. Moving to Kenya as a boy had a profound impact on James. He met MAF pilots, and even met his future wife at school. God’s plan was taking shape.

‘I thought "Wow, maybe mission aviation is something that I could do when I’m older?"' says James. ‘I was starting to get an idea of what that could look like.’

Back in the UK, James joined the Air Cadets at 13. He won a

James Gullett is off to Arnhem Land!

scholarship to learn how to glide and, by the age of 16, was flying solo. Now he's our youngest pilot!

He’d already joined MAF Youth at 15, where he met Stuart King — one of MAF's founders — who nurtured James’ dream of flying for MAF.

But MAF’s Future Pilot Programme (FPP) — a scheme to support upcoming British mission pilots with their training at our European flight school (MATC) — was yet to be launched.

Until 2021, there was no clear, affordable pathway to become an MAF pilot straight out of school. James was about to become a guinea pig, but how would he pay for the £75,000 training costs?

‘The FPP is fantastic!’ he explains.

‘It takes you all the way to being MAF ready and it’s of no financial cost to the trainee. The money is raised through fundraising. Without the FPP and our supporters, it would be impossible to afford.’

James — our first FPP graduate — has this advice for anyone considering becoming an MAF pilot.

‘Keep knocking on the door! God’s going to either open or close it. He drew me towards MAF and He will make it clear for you, too, so come to Him in prayer.

‘Do some gliding and get involved with MAF Youth. I kept asking God what He wanted for me, and He brought it all together in a way that I could never have imagined.’

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RECRUITMENT Fancy becoming an MAF pilot? You have until 31 July 2024 to apply, visit You can read James' full story online at and scan the QR code to listen to James in Episode 6 of the Flying for Life podcast

A huge gift for teachers



The prayers and gifts of MAF family members are helping Bilum Books boost literacy in Papua New Guinea (PNG) and continuing the educational mission of a long-standing MAF partner well known to many Flying for Life readers

‘Having MAF fly books to various parts of the country brings the whole thing home, because there’s no point having a book that can’t reach the final user,’ explains Carol Luttah, General Manager of Christian Books Melanesia (CBM).

CBM helps distribute Bilum Books’ resources throughout PNG, taking the materials to hard-to-reach communities where literacy levels are low and it’s extremely difficult to access educational materials.

Produced by Bilum Books, the resources are written to be easily understood by students and teachers alike.

Made with the intention of being shareable and reusable for students of all ages, they come with comprehensive guides for teachers. They cover subjects such as English, mathematics and science.

However, because road access to remote rural areas is nonexistent, the only way to get the schoolbooks into the right hands is through MAF.

Fortunately, thanks to our partnership with Bilum Books, teachers can now use the student workbooks and guides to teach the PNG National Curriculum. This provides an authentic view of PNG culture, and promotes gender equality, social diversity and the positive representation of people living with disability.

‘We take the books to give to the teachers and they go off carrying a carton back to the schools to use in the classroom,’ explains MAF partner Glenda Giles, who – with support from our aircraft – started Oksapmin Secondary School in 2007. She is now one of Bilum Books’ trainers.

‘Teachers treat us as if we’ve given them a huge gift!’

Because many of the teachers have had little or no training since they first stood in front of a class more than 15 years ago, Bilum Books provides workshops (above) showing how to make the most of the textbooks.

Thanks to MAF flights delivering 50 boxes of books to Tekin in Sandaun Province, and distributing Bilum Books to secondary schools in Oksapmin, Telefomin, Nuku and other remote areas, the future for children living in isolated communities is now much brighter.

There’s no point having a book that can’t reach the final user
PNG JUL-SEP 2024 Flying for Life 13
Bismarck Sea PAPUA PAPUA NEW GUINEA AUSTRALIA Coral Sea Indian Ocean Port Moresby Mount Hagen Telefomin Oksapmin Nuku Capital city Destination MAF base 200 MILES

MAF Youth Fundraiser –


In 2023, MAF Youth magazine launched the inaugural MAF Youth Fundraiser competition to find the best young writers in the UK. The winners were two amazing teenagers who’d never worked on a fundraising campaign – until we asked them to write our April appeal letter

Daniel MacAlpine is 13 and lives in the Outer Hebrides. He really likes aircraft and wants to be a pilot.

‘I like MAF,’ says Daniel, ‘because of the great work it does in different countries helping people with physical needs and spreading God’s Word.‘

Bea Swaffield is from Rugby and is also 13. Bea’s words below sum up the letter she and Daniel wrote, to which MAF family members responded so very generously.

‘Eleven-month-old Bella was born in Kenya with a cleft lip and palate. When her mother Christine first saw her, she felt shock and distress. She’d never seen a cleft lip before.

‘Christine tried her best to find guidance on how to help her daughter, but no one was able to help her. She began to blame herself as people started to tell her that her daughter looked like a pig!

‘Christine heard that a mobile clinic was moving near her home. It was there she met with a doctor who explained to her what a cleft palate was. He assured her they could treat Bella at a hospital in Kenya’s capital Nairobi.

‘Bella was flown to the hospital in an MAF plane, which saved her from a full day's walk. At the hospital, she received life-changing surgery which will allow her to grow up free from judgement and resentment.’

Our heartfelt thanks go to Bea and Daniel for their magnificent appeal letter.

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A tribute to Helen Hay: a life of love, faith and service

Helen Hay — a beloved wife, mother and friend — dedicated 27 years to the MAF UK team, fuelled by her deep love for the Lord and unwavering commitment to MAF. She exuded positivity, hope and grace, leaving a lasting impact on all who knew her.

Helen’s strong supporter focus, attention to detail and extensive knowledge of MAF made her an invaluable colleague.

Her distinctive touch has profoundly shaped MAF communications, inspiring countless supporters to deepen their engagement with the remote communities we serve.

Helen’s ability to get alongside people and her leadership in devotional times revealed her empathy and compassion. Her warmth,

generosity, infectious smile and friendship made her a valued presence within the team and beyond.

Despite battling cancer for 13 years, Helen maintained her positivity, finding strength in her faith. Now free from pain and suffering, she is with our Lord and Saviour. Our thoughts and prayers are with her family, Phil, Barnaby and Amelia.

In her memory, Helen’s family has set up an online Wings of Hope tribute fund, honouring her as a beautiful wife, amazing mother and loving friend. This tribute provides a space for cherished memories and photos while supporting MAF and continuing Helen’s passion for our work.

To learn more about setting up a Wings of Hope tribute fund in memory of a loved one, please visit or call our Tribute Fund Co-ordinator Sue Ambler on 01303 852819.

Stay connected to MAF!

As MAF UK rapidly approaches its 80th anniversary, it seems a good time to remind you of our Alumni programme.

Over the years, hundreds of men and women have answered God’s call to use their gifts and experience to serve with MAF. We want to stay connected to the individuals and families who have served with us overseas, in our UK offices in Folkestone, Ashford and Glasgow, or as Trustees.

We want to provide a platform where Alumni can interact, share common experiences and strengthen the MAF family.

When you sign up, you will be able to:

Access the Alumni Facebook page and connect with other Alumni

Participate in regular online catch-ups with guests from around the MAF world

Receive the Alumni biannual e-newsletter

Receive an invitation to our annual Alumni event, and other events we think may interest you

Learn about short-term service opportunities and promote them among your contacts to bring in a new generation of MAF workers.

If you are eligible to join MAF UK Alumni, we would love to connect with you.

Join our MAF UK Alumni Facebook page by searching MAF UK Alumni , or email

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