News for Prayer - 485

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News for Prayer Issue 485

3 October 2013

A pilot’s prayer God’s perfect timing was clear to MAF pilot Ryan Unger as he flew for a usual day’s work over South Sudan. Ryan heard a call on the radio from another pilot from a commercial airline, who was trying to locate someone on the airwaves. When Ryan answered, he quickly learnt that the other plane was experiencing engine failure. Ryan pulled out the relevant manual and talked the pilot through the emergency procedures. He also alerted him to a landing strip near his location, which the pilot was not aware of. In the end, the plane didn’t make it to the airstrip and was forced to come down on a stretch of road but, by God’s grace, no damage or injury was sustained. Speaking later, the assisted pilot gave testimony of how he had felt God’s hand upon the situation. He thanked God it was Ryan who answered his call, knowing that since Ryan was an MAF pilot, he would be praying for a safe landing.

Supporting students MAF supports Marsabit Children’s Home, Kenya, not only by flying in personnel and supplies, but also aids the children in other ways. Gabriel Galgallo, now 24 years old, came to the orphanage when he was 10. Today, he’s a confident and well-spoken young man, whose beaming smile gives no hint of his troubled past. Being at the Christian orphanage has enabled Gabriel to complete his education and, since 2009, he has provided the children’s home with administrative support. Gabriel also fulfils a key role in the orphans’ spiritual growth, leading a praise time with them every week. ‘My desire,’ he says, ‘is to serve people.’ MAF assists Gabriel in achieving this goal. He is currently attending a course in Community Development and Project Management, which requires trips to Nairobi. MAF greatly subsidises the cost of these two-hour flights, which are vital for keeping Gabriel on track with his studies. Gabriel says he ‘greatly appreciates the noble work MAF is doing in Marsabit’, and believes that

‘many people will be saved through the Marsabit Children’s Home.’ Pray for his future ministry and for the 35 children currently being cared for there.

Fellowship and outreach For nearly 40 years, MAF has provided an aviation service to Aboriginal communities in eastern Arnhem Land. This service has opened many doors. For example, an opportunity to partner Homeland Outreach Ministry has allowed close relationships with the Yolŋu people. Recently, pilot Lisa Curran took time out of her busy flying schedule to visit Bremer Island. She took two other volunteers, as well as food, resources and camping gear for an overnight stay in the small Aboriginal Island community. ‘We arrived two hours before dark and were greeted by two men approaching the plane with a wheelbarrow!’ reflects Lisa. The men carried the team’s gear. An old lady named LakLak welcomed them to the community, and the team was touched that everyone had helped clean the school building in preparation for their visit. ‘The first order of the afternoon was a walk to

the beach to see the stunning sunset and collect treasures on the beach,’ says Lisa. ‘Then a big screen was set up and everyone arrived to watch a family film. It was amazing to see the delight and joy of adults and children alike. Experiencing things we take for granted such as seeing trains, snow and horses for the first time completely captivated this community!’ The next morning, the small community gathered to sing old mission songs and the team shared the story of Mary and Martha. ‘How important it is for all of us to sit at Jesus’ feet and allow His Word and presence to change our lives,’ says Lisa. ‘Quickly God began to work and, as we prayed, many were touched by the Holy Spirit.’ Lisa offered the opportunity for the people to receive baptism and one Yolŋu person quickly responded. Three more people were baptised that day and each one came up out of the waters smiling. ‘This entire trip was a wonderful time!’ says Lisa. ‘Relationships were strengthened, people were encouraged and we had a personal encounter with the living God.’

Prayer points • BANGLADESH The flight schedule is very busy. Please pray for the operations and maintenance staff as they balance both schedules.

clearance for a ferry flight to Kenya, that the flight will go smoothly and this plane will be effective for our work there.

• KENYA Uphold our team as they live in the aftermath of the attack in Nairobi. Some MAF staff have friends who were affected by the violence.

• SOUTH SUDAN There are a number of urgent staff vacancies in the operation. Please pray for families who are interested in or preparing to join the operation, that visas and support will be successfully secured.

• MADAGASCAR The logistics department has staff shortages. Pray for wisdom in the recruitment and selection process, and also for Aviation Maintenance Engineer Michel Rasolondranaivo who has been struggling with health issues. • MONGOLIA Please pray for the MAF team as they complete manuals and paperwork needed for the renewal of their Air Operators Certificate. • PAPUA NEW GUINEA Continue to uphold the CRMF Learning Technologies team as they reach many communities with God’s Word through audio Bibles in various local languages. Pray these will be effective tools to spread the Gospel. • SOUTH AFRICA Continue to pray that the Grand Caravan will get

• TANZANIA Pray that permission will be given to build new airstrips in Mbwera and Mpembe and for strong communications with people on the ground. • TIMOR-LESTE Give thanks for progress towards reopening the airstrip on Atauro Island. Please pray for favour with the various government departments that will need to give approvals. • UGANDA Give thanks that former MAF pilot Laura Westley is helping our operations team for the month of October. Also pray that Heather Swanson’s visit will be beneficial ahead of her family’s move to Uganda in 2014 when husband Andy will join the operation as an aircraft maintenance engineer.

MAF UK Castle Hill Avenue, Folkestone CT20 2TN T 0845 850 9505 E





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