Prayer Diary (Jan-Mar 2023)

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JAN-MAR 2023


Remain in me, and I will remain in you. For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in me — John 15:4 (NLT)

In 2007, Christian musician Misty Edwards released an album entitled Relentless. Throughout the album, she unlocks the ancient longings of the human soul — to dwell with God, living from the inside out. It’s about being hungry for an ongoing connection with Jesus.

The song ‘Garden’ drew me in. It begins with a prayer: ‘I’m a garden enclosed, a locked garden, a fountain sealed. I am Your resting place... Here oh Lord have I prepared a place for You to dwell, here in the reservoir of me. That You would dwell in my heart, that I would be in You, and You would be in me. That I could fellowship with God, here where it’s You and me alone. The very glory of God on the inside of me, I want to fellowship with You…’

Inspired by John 15:4, this is a prayer of abiding.

The words take me to a place of peace, of beauty. I’m sure that, for many of us, being among nature helps us to connect with God. But to flip that around and imagine that I am that place of peace, a place where God comes to rest — wow — that just blows my mind!

I feel compelled to tend ‘the garden of my heart’ so that it’s a place where the very glory of God can overflow and dwell. I want to pull out the weeds that strangle, and water the seeds that need to bloom.

Living an abiding life takes commitment because our everyday existence can distract us with its highs and lows, and everything in between.

Despite its sometimes good intentions, western culture tends to condition us to tick our spiritual box with early morning Bible readings, Sunday church programmes, plus midweek house groups for the people who are sometimes seen as ‘super spiritual’.

They are all good practices, but I think we’re missing something. An abiding life is a life that overflows — a life where God dwells in the midst of our day-to-day lives, whether they are mundane or extraordinary.

It’s a life in which God is present in our struggles, fears and victories.

When we abide in Christ — mindful of His constant company — we are changed, and the world in which we live is also transformed.

We know the call to be witnesses to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8). It’s a call to which MAF has responded for more than 75 years. But this is how we do it. By living an abiding life.

Although it’s winter, as we step into another year, may I encourage you to do some weeding in your hearts and routines? Why not prepare a place for God to dwell — a place where you can find beauty and peace as you fellowship with Him?

Let’s do this, not just for us, but for the sake of the world.

God bless you

Rev Victoria

Prayer Communications Leader, MAF UK

Lyrics from 'Garden' by Misty Edwards, from the album Relentless, 2007, reproduced with kind permission of Forerunner Music

ABOVE The dedication of the new Cessna Grand Caravan in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo

COVER Steven Kisa, a Traffic Officer based at Telefomin, Papua New Guinea (PNG) Mandy Glass

2 Prayer Diary JAN-MAR 2023
David Petersen


I am the vine, and you are the branches. If you stay joined to me, and I stay joined to you, then you will produce lots of fruit. But you cannot do anything without me — John 15:5 (CEV)

SUNDAY 1 Happy New Year! Praise God that we were able to fly a team from KuLIT and Wycliffe Timor-Leste to Same to deliver the book of Ruth — the first part of the Bible translated into Mambae. Please join Pastor Carlos in praying they will soon translate the Gospel of Mark, and that Scripture will have a significant effect on the villagers’ devotional life.

MONDAY 2 Pray for MAF families doing language study in Java, Indonesia. May their words, tones and accents be beautifully clear to those around them. Pray they’ll become so proficient they can eventually pray and communicate as effectively as they do in their mother tongue.

TUESDAY 3 Last year, several of our staff in western Democratic Republic of Congo blessed children in the community through a Vacation Bible School programme held at a local church. Please pray that all the attendees grow in the knowledge of God’s ways, His Word, and become powerful prayer warriors.

WEDNESDAY 4 Prayer works! Recent answers to prayer include our successful installation of HF radio at Enga Baptist Health Centre in Yenkisa, PNG and, following months of prayer, MAF’s accreditation in Liberia as an NGO. Throw up a shout of praise to our faithful Father!

THURSDAY 5 Behind every successful missionary endeavour lies the fervent prayer of those seeking its spiritual success. So let’s uphold the work of MAF worldwide, praying that our personnel experience great intimacy with Papa God.

FRIDAY 6 Proverbs 3:5-6 mentions the importance of seeking God's guidance. Give thanks that Holy Spirit-led prayer enables us to obtain the wisdom we need. Uphold MAF Chad as the team prays for the right vision and strategy for 2023. Pray too that Jesus will continue to lead MAF Uganda to the places that most need our flights.

SATURDAY 7 The world is suffering and divided, even the Body of Christ. We need to pray! For the Sake of the World is a new prayer initiative facilitated by MAF in partnership with Elim Missions, Release International and Mercy Ships. We believe God will honour our efforts to cross cultural barriers to see change happen across the nations. Will you join us? Find out more at

MAIN A member of the Christian community in Same, Timor-Leste, receives their copy of the book of Ruth

INSET The community at Yenkisa is now able to connect with the outside world, thanks to the HF radio installed by MAF Technologies PNG

JAN-MAR 2023 | Prayer Diary 3 JANUARY
Lobitos Alves
Lukas Schadegg


Come close to God, and God will come close to you — James 4:8 (NLT)

SUNDAY 8 Praise God that, in August last year, MAF Liberia delivered 6,720 French Bibles to Zwedru — that’s 1,115kg of Bibles in one aircraft! They were handed out by MAF partner Wordsower to unreached communities across the border in Ivory Coast.


10 Harriëtte Knigge

— the wife of MAF Pilot Wilfred — has been visiting a prison in PNG to share her faith with the female prisoners there. Pray that the women will come to know God’s love for them. Pray too that, when they leave prison, they will follow the path God has for them.

WEDNESDAY 11 Thank God for our partner Every Village, which works in South Sudan. Pray that their ministry of spreading the Gospel using radio will bear much fruit.

of a church building in Kuebunyane, Lesotho, is almost complete. MAF has been working alongside Lesotho Flying Pastors to deliver the necessary materials. Pray that the growing church will see many people come to faith.

MONDAY 9 Uphold Mark and Steph Draper, who recently moved to Uganda where Mark will serve as an aircraft maintenance engineer. Pray that the family of five settles in quickly and that their faith remains strong during this transition period.

THURSDAY 12 Last year, Pilot Chris Ball flew four trainers from a Christian discipleship initiative called Rooted in Jesus, from Juba to Maridi, South Sudan. The UK team delivered the introductory conference that began a threeyear discipleship programme. Pray that this initiative, which aims to counter the unique problems and challenges facing the African Church, will greatly benefit the attendees, transforming many lives.

FRIDAY 13 Give thanks that, after two years, the construction

SATURDAY 14 Many people living in remote areas have to rely on their own resourcefulness to survive. However, as followers of Jesus, we know that God is our ultimate Provider (Philippians 4:19). Sometimes it can be difficult to give up control, rely on someone else and hand over our needs to God. Today, why not ask God to highlight any areas in your life where you need to hand back control to Him?

TOP LEFT The team from Rooted in Jesus on their way to deliver a conference in South Sudan

LEFT French Bibles destined for Ivory Coast

TOP RIGHT The women Harriëtte visits copy out their favourite Scriptures to help memorise them

4 Prayer Diary JAN-MAR 2023
Chris Ball Harriëtte Knigge


As the Father has loved me, I have also loved you. Remain in my love. If you keep my commands you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in His love — John

SUNDAY 15 Praise God that, after six years of hard work, the airstrip at Wetap, PNG, is now open. As we give thanks that lives will be saved now medevacs are possible, let’s pray that MAF will be able to serve the community there for many years to come.

MONDAY 16 In the last decade, MAF Bangladesh transported more than 17,000 passengers. Give thanks for all that has been achieved by MAF there. Pray that the passengers and communities we've served will experience God's protection and remember the love He has shown to them.

TUESDAY 17 Those who receive a copy of God’s Word from the Bible boxes our pilots carry in PNG are so thankful that they sometimes cry tears of joy. Today, read Psalm 100 and think about what you are grateful for, and praise God for His provision in your life.

WEDNESDAY 18 Give thanks that, for more than 25 years, MAF has supported Wycliffe Bible Translators in its linguistic research and subsequent Bible translation in Madagascar. Pray that, through its valuable ministry, many people will grow in their faith and come to know the Lord Jesus

THURSDAY 19 Last year, MAF's new hangar in Mareeba, Australia, was opened — providing an excellent space for maintenance to be carried out on our AsiaPacific aircraft. Hallelujah!

FRIDAY 20 Frequent MAF passenger Dr Rosie Crowter has served in PNG for 25 years! Thank God for her dedication and passion for seeing people transformed not just physically, but spiritually too. Pray that the books she has written will inspire her readers to grow in Christ.

SATURDAY 21 After 16 years, Ruth Whitaker has stepped down from her position as Chief Executive at MAF UK. We’re so thankful for all the ways she contributed to building MAF UK into the organisation that it is today. Pray for Ruth as she begins this new season of life. Pray too for guidance and wisdom for her replacement.

MAIN The new hangar in Mareeba

LEFT Dr Rosie Crowter on board an MAF flight in PNG


ABOVE Ruth Whitaker, former Chief Executive of MAF
15:9-10 (CSB) Ben Sibthorpe Rob Shillito Dave Moore



SUNDAY 22 Praise God that His Word is full of inspiring examples of life under pressure. No matter what we are going through, the Bible has much to say about how the Lord helps His people in times of adversity.

MONDAY 23 Please remember those living under pressure in the refugee camps in Bunia in the Democratic Republic of Congo. For the last few years, violence has wracked the country and, for thousands of people, the daily pressure of life in makeshift homes in the camps has become their ‘normal’. Please pray for them, and the many volunteers who help provide food, aid and counselling.

TUESDAY 24 Tim and Georgie Vallance-Webb have served with MAF in Arnhem Land for many years. Tim has taken on a new role as Head of Flight Operations for MAF in Australia, which means the family has moved from Arnhem Land to Cairns. Please pray for them as they adjust to the various changes.

WEDNESDAY 25 Please uphold our busy team in PNG. The programme still needs to fill several vacant positions, which places pressure on the staff as they cover the vacancies. Pray that the Lord will lead the right people to these roles, strengthening and encouraging our existing personnel.

THURSDAY 26 Please pray for safe flying in Chad — a country whose vast, wild desert and treacherous mountains add extra pressure to flight planning. Our pilots often fly between Bardaï and N’Djamena, turning a difficult three-, four- or five-day car journey into a five-hour flight which includes a refuelling stop at an outpost in the desert.

FRIDAY 27 Many of us will have experienced the pressure of homeschooling in recent years — something which lots of our missionary families do with their primary age children. Please pray for patience and energy for all the MAF parents teaching their youngsters.

SATURDAY 28 Please pray for Arnhem Land’s Yolŋu people. The vastness of the area in which they live and its extreme seasonal changes add pressure to their daily lives. Our flights often enable families to travel long distances so they can attend funerals or tribal celebrations.

MAIN An example of Chad’s vast landscape in the Sahara Desert

TOP Tim Vallance-Webb is now responsible for MAF’s flight operations in Arnhem Land, Mareeba and Timor-Leste

ABOVE MAF hires sewing teachers to teach sewing to those living in Bunia IDP camps, so they have a marketable skill

6 Prayer Diary JAN-MAR 2023
But as for me, it is good for me to draw near to God; I have made the Lord GOD my refuge and placed my trust in Him, that I may tell of all Your works — Psalm 73:28
LuAnne Cadd Katherine Williams Donna Jacobsson


— Isaiah 26:3 (NLT)


BELOW Sarah (left), recovering from surgery in Mandritsara, Madagascar

BOTTOM An aerial view of a village in Uganda's Karamoja region

SUNDAY 29 Praise God that we carry out hundreds of medical flights every year. One of these enabled a child to return home from hospital in Madagascar following life-changing surgery. The flight saved the girl from a dangerous 56-hour journey overland.

MONDAY 30 Please uphold our newest programme in Guinea. Pray that we'll recruit the staff we need so we can help bring physical and spiritual help to the people there.

TUESDAY 31 Food and water are essential to physical survival. Please pray for the countries we serve where people struggle to find clean water to drink — particularly in times of natural disaster — or have enough food to eat. Last year, there were reports of people in northern Uganda trying to sell their farming equipment in order to buy food.

WEDNESDAY 1 When MAF staff go on home assignment, those who remain overseas provide cover — making their busy lives even busier. Pray for resilience for those left behind. Pray too that those returning home will adapt well to life in a different country, culture and climate.

THURSDAY 2 In meeting people’s spiritual needs, MAF also meets the needs of those struggling with poverty and food insecurity. Today, let’s ask God if James 2:16, ‘If one of you says to [a brother or a sister], “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it?’ has anything to say to us about the people around us.

FRIDAY 3 Decades ago, the only contact people had was through letter, phone or by meeting face to face. Today, people rely on virtual technology almost as much as physical contact. Pray that connectivity difficulties for MAF will be speedily resolved. Pray too that we can provide an increasing number of isolated communities with HF radio so they are no longer cut off from the outside world.

SATURDAY 4 In July, it will be the 12th anniversary of South Sudan’s independence. May 2023 be a year of peace and security for those whose lives have been blighted by conflict. Pray for the physical protection of our personnel, the displaced people we serve, and those who’ve had to flee to another country for safety

An MAF Peace and Reconciliation workshop at Nasir, South Sudan, held in 2022
You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in You, all whose thoughts are fixed on You!
Jaap de With Dave Forney Nehemiah


SUNDAY 5 Praise God for our MAF Kenya programme! For much of the late Queen Elizabeth’s reign, our aircraft were an answer to prayer for a Commonwealth country where MAF is still needed by people in remote communities.

MONDAY 6 One in three Kenyans somehow survive on less than £2 per day. Pray that God will meet their basic needs today and provide them with a financially secure future tomorrow.

TUESDAY 7 Pray with us as we look to the heavens for a return to stable weather patterns around the world. Even as we experience meteorological instability in the UK, remember that years of low rainfall have already led to famine in the Horn of Africa

WEDNESDAY 8 Political instability, accompanied by sporadic violence, has proved a disastrous recipe in eastern Africa. Please pray that peace will prevail in Kenya. Without it, our best efforts to support a country’s progress will always be hampered.

THURSDAY 9 Pray for the men, women and children who — having fled their homes in lawless areas — find themselves living in the ‘limbo’ that is a refugee settlement. Keep them in your hearts as they faithfully await a better day for their families, aided by MAF flights.

FRIDAY 10 Ask God to touch the hearts and minds of those with the power to change the funding policies of western governments. The reduction in financial investment by wealthy nations is having a devastating impact on impoverished people in Kenya.

SATURDAY 11 In November last year, Kenya Country Director Ryan Cuthel left the programme to move back to Australia with his family. Give thanks to God for all that he has achieved during his 13 years there and uphold the Kenya team in your prayers.

MAIN Sunrise at LogLogo, Kenya

TOP Flying among the clouds in Kenya

ABOVE People gathered at Kakuma Refugee Camp to hear the Gospel RIGHT A class at a LEDO school in Lokichoggio, Kenya

8 Prayer Diary JAN-MAR 2023
Be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Put on the full armour of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes
— Ephesians 6:10-11
James May

SUNDAY 12 Praise God for the 200-plus MAF partners that the Lord is using to deliver hands-on help, hope and healing to thousands of isolated people in Kenya. Let’s remember their selfless courage in venturing to remote areas where they could be vulnerable to attack or disease.

MONDAY 13 Christian organisation ChildFund Korea provides emergency nutrition to pregnant women and young children. Pray for peace, protection and provision as its dedicated staff continue to work with Kenya’s people towards a better future.

TUESDAY 14 Please pray for teachers and staff at the school in northeastern Kenya established by Lokichoggio Emuriakin Development Organisation (LEDO). Pray that their dedication to the children in their care will be the foundation of a thriving community for decades to come.

WEDNESDAY 15 Today, think of children in north-eastern Kenya taking firewood to their school in ‘exchange’ for a meal. Pray for them as they proudly present their contribution at each cookery lesson thus taking the first steps towards eventual independence

THURSDAY 16 ' We are proud of MAF,’ says Director General Captain Gilbert Kibe of the Kenyan Civil Aviation Authority. Pray that our work throughout Africa will continue to be blessed by excellent relationships with government officials.

FRIDAY 17 In your prayers, please remember Pastor Isaac Kirundi Githu of Deliverance Ministries, and the Turkana people he has served faithfully for many years. Pray that the power of the Spirit will continue to defeat the lure of witchcraft among nomadic people.

SATURDAY 18 Give thanks to God that MAF has been active in Kenya since 1958. Pray that He will guide our every move as we seek to continue to serve people there.

JAN-MAR 2023 | Prayer Diary 9
The prayer points on these pages relate to a story featured in Flying for Life, pages 10-11.
(We hope this will help inform your prayers for MAF and those we serve.)
Mark & Kelly Hewes Jenny Davies KeA Arnlund / LEDO


Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith — Hebrews 10:22 (NKJV)

SUNDAY 19 Praise God for the breadth and variety of the 1,400 NGOs, charities, missions and humanitarian organisations that rely on us to bring help, hope and healing to countless communities worldwide.

MONDAY 20 Pray for MAF partners such as Tearfund, which seek to provide remote areas with medical care, food and education in order to improve the nutrition, health and well-being of vulnerable people throughout Africa.

TUESDAY 21 MAF’s servant staff come from dozens of countries worldwide. Give thanks for the lives, backgrounds, skills and gifts that make up the men, women and children of our missionary organisation. May they work in harmony and unity to bring God’s love to those who need our help.

WEDNESDAY 22 MAF flights brought elders from the Lopit community to Ohilang airstrip, South Sudan, where they celebrated the transition of power to a new generation with a traditional Hilfira Ceremony. Pray that MAF and its partners will continue to be welcomed into the variety of cultures, customs and traditions of those we seek to serve.

THURSDAY 23 At Kalongo Hospital, Uganda, surgeon Kisa Priscilla told Pilot Dave Forney that they see more than 370 patients a day –providing care ‘for just about everything you can imagine.’ Pray that everyone who is ill or injured will receive the treatment they need. Kalongo is the only hospital in the region.

FRIDAY 24 Uphold any MAF staff who are starting to settle into new homes, roles, work patterns, unfamiliar countries, locations or environments. Pray they will adjust swiftly to their new situation and will cope with any challenges they face

SATURDAY 25 We spent two days flying delegates from the Netherlands Embassy in South Sudan. The Government of the Netherlands has supported the country for many years, using MAF aircraft to examine humanitarian projects such as those seeking to provide flood resilience and food security. Give thanks for this important partnership and uphold the many international and local organisations we assist in South Sudan

TOP Vegetable seeds flown to Pieri, South Sudan, for Tearfund

MIDDLE Leaving MAF's Cessna 208B aircraft in South Sudan

BOTTOM MAF pilots Ide Gooden (left) and David Graf (right) accompanied the Dutch Embassy when they visited some development projects in South Sudan
Ide Gooden
Christiaan Haak
Wim Hobo


Children, stay one in your hearts with Christ. Then when He returns, we will have confidence and won’t have to hide in shame — 1 John 2:28 (CEV)

SUNDAY 26 Praise God for advances in technology and fuels. MAF is always investigating how we can operate in sustainable and safe ways. Pray for wisdom as we investigate how we might be able to use these advancements in the future.

MONDAY 27 Pray for the Mama Waiting Hut project in PNG’s Eastern Highlands. A new solar installation provided by MAF Technologies means that reliable electric power is now available for mothers as they give birth. Give thanks that this will help fight incidences of infant mortality. Read more about this story at

TUESDAY 28 When roads are busy during Liberia’s wet season, the adverse impact on the environment is far greater using land-based vehicles rather than short flights in our planes. Another great benefit is that journey times are reduced and lives are saved. Pray for our team as they seek to meet the vast needs in western Africa.

WEDNESDAY 1 Last year, we closed our Bangladesh programme because an improvement in the country’s infrastructure and reduced

demand meant that our resources would have a greater impact elsewhere. Pray for wisdom and discernment as we seek new opportunities to serve

THURSDAY 2 MAF helps transport food to areas of need, such as a flight last year that took James Nyaka from Fruits Ministry and 600kg of supplies to a village on the border of South Sudan and Ethiopia. Pray for those who are unable to grow enough food and who rely on deliveries from organisations aided by MAF.

FRIDAY 3 War, conflict and natural disasters such as hurricanes, floods, droughts and earthquakes are a sadly common part of life in many of the developing nations we serve. Far less predictable, however, are events such as the fire which destroyed MAF’s office in Timor-Leste last year. Give thanks that no one was hurt and pray for God’s protection over our partners, property and personnel.

SATURDAY 4 MAF seeks to provide an example of creation care to those we serve. Pray for our partnerships with other agencies, government departments and churches as we seek to reduce the environmental impact of our work both in the UK and overseas.

MAIN A truck stuck on a muddy road in Liberia

INSET MAF Technologies PNG Training Technician Steven Zota installing a solar light panel for the Mama Waiting Hut project

JAN-MAR 2023 | Prayer Diary 11
Katie Machell Simeon Tom


SUNDAY 5 Praise God for MAF flights which bring new translations of the Bible to remote communities longing to read God’s Word. Today, let’s uphold those involved in translating Scripture, praying for wisdom, accuracy and readability.

MONDAY 6 Because we flew translators to various villages, MAF Kalimantan staff were invited to a dedication ceremony of the Gospel of Luke to celebrate it being translated into five different languages — Punan Lundayeh, Kenyah Lepo’ke, Bulusu and Agabag. Pray that all who read these translations will come to know the love of God.

TUESDAY 7 ‘Flying preserves our bodies, giving us longevity in the field,’ says missionary Amanda Simmons, who relies on MAF flights to reach isolated women in rural Kenya. Amanda uses the stories of women in the Bible to share God’s love for them. Give thanks for the ministry of Amanda and those like her. Pray that MAF flights enable bodies to be rested and hearts and minds to be restored so God’s Word can be shared with isolated communities

WEDNESDAY 8 Four Corners Ministries President Yancy Carpenter says he is ‘grateful for MAF, which has flown us many times over the last decade in northern Uganda and South Sudan to make disciples of all nations.’ Pray that this Gospel partnership will continue for many years to come.

THURSDAY 9 MAF’s partnership with Malambo Bible College, Tanzania, stretches back over three decades. Give thanks that, during this time, the number of lives given to Christ through sharing His Word has risen from 60 to more than 8,000.

FRIDAY 10 The Hewa tribe comprises some 3,000 to 6,000 people. They live in little hamlets, scattered over 60 miles of rugged terrain in the Central Ranges of PNG. Uphold Jonathan and Susan Kopf as they share the Gospel with the Hewa and translate God’s Word into their language. The missionaries and MAF partners not only spread the Good News but support the villagers with medical equipment and biblical resources.

SATURDAY 11 Give thanks that our flights in PNG enable the people of this diverse country to receive the Bible and experience its transforming power. Pray that a sound knowledge of the Scriptures will help communities overcome the spiritual darkness currently preventing them from understanding the very real dangers of witchcraft and sorcery

Romans 6:14 (NLT)

MAIN A team from Church of Jesus Christ in Madagascar flew to Fianarantsoa to distribute newly translated Bibles

TOP Amanda Simmons (far right)

ABOVE Jonathan Kopf — a missionary with Ethnos360 to the Hewa people in PNG

12 Prayer Diary JAN-MAR 2023
Sin is no longer your master, for you no longer live under the requirements of the law. Instead, you live under the freedom of God’s grace —
Annelie Edsmyr


I have told you this so that you will have peace by being united to me. The world will make you suffer. But be brave! I have defeated the world!

— John 16:33

SUNDAY 12 Praise our God who is the same yesterday, today and forever. Life can be unpredictable, and even more so for those living in remote communities that often experience the greatest impact from climate change, war and disease. Pray they will find their security in God.

MONDAY 13 Elections are always fraught with contention and division, though in the UK we rarely experience the levels of violence and conflict that we see in many of the nations in which we serve. Pray for peace during times of political turmoil, safety for our staff, and for leaders who will rule with justice and for the common good.

TUESDAY 14 Today, pray for the effect of economics on remote communities and our programmes. Inflation, oil prices and corruption are three challenges that can cause great harm. Soaring prices of staple foods and fuel affect remote villages and those serving these communities. The costs also have a knock-on effect for MAF’s operations.

WEDNESDAY 15 The climate has a huge impact on remote communities. Once predictable wet and dry seasons can now fluctuate wildly, affecting harvests. Droughts, floods, storms and other natural disasters are constant threats. Pray for MAF as we seek to help mitigate the damage and provide relief in places like Madagascar, Chad and Kenya.

THURSDAY 16 Intercommunal violence can erupt at any time. MAF works with organisations such as Peace Canal in South Sudan that seek to bring peace and reconciliation. They work to get people talking and to tackle problems between tribes. Pray for the work of Peace Canal and MAF as we fly them to the destinations necessary to accomplish this.

FRIDAY 17 Life is unpredictable for staff from the UK working overseas. Changing family needs such as caring for parents, children’s educational needs, illness and the stress of living in another culture can all lead to big changes. Pray for those serving in our programmes, and remember too their wider families and sending churches.

SATURDAY 18 Today, let’s pray for those whose lives are not unpredictable, whose everyday life is the same fight to survive hunger, pain, injustice and hopelessness. Pray that through our work — of which you’re an essential part — we can meet their physical and spiritual needs with the unpredictability and excitement of a life filled with faith, hope and love in Jesus.

MAIN An aerial survey was conducted last year when a 7.6-magnitude earthquake struck eastern PNG

LEFT MAF flights continue to support Peace Canal in its efforts to encourage dialogue between communities in South Sudan

ABOVE In PNG in 2022, different areas of the community worked together to echo the message of having a violence-free election

JAN-MAR 2023 | Prayer Diary 13
Tim Neufeld Mandy Glass Jenny Davies



SUNDAY 19 Praise God for Mothering Sunday and celebrate the thousands of mums that MAF reaches through the miracle of aviation. Pray for them all: the young, the old, the newly pregnant, those with large families and the grandmothers whose words and actions often set the tone for an entire community.

MONDAY 20 Four years ago, Pastor Justin and his organisation ‘adopted’ 40,000 unreached people in Goz Beïda, eastern Chad. Pray for God’s blessing on this incredible evangelical ministry.

TUESDAY 21 Having trained Chadian missionaries to reach the unreached, Pastor Justin has been able to send two families to live in communities where they can build relationships with their neighbours and run Bible courses. Ask for God’s protection for every missionary spreading the Gospel in countries where Islam is the dominant religion.

WEDNESDAY 22 Justin’s organisation bases its work on Matthew 24:14, ‘And this Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.’ Please pray for its goal of helping to spread the Gospel to every people group, in order to fulfil Christ’s words.

THURSDAY 23 Pastor Justin’s ambitious project relies upon regular flights between eastern Chad and the capital N’Djaména. Pray for the pilots who are responsible for the type of outreach support that brought MAF into being in 1945.

FRIDAY 24 Last year, after approaching the Great Chief of the Runga people, Justin’s organisation was granted the right to be received in all the Runga villages. Please pray for the people to receive the Good News, and have their lives transformed by the love of Christ.

SATURDAY 25 Pray that God will bless these villages with sufficient crops to sustain each community. Justin has explained to village leaders that there are people who can teach them a far more productive and sustainable way of growing crops. May God bless what could be an agricultural revolution in Chad

14 Prayer Diary JAN-MAR 2023
MAIN Pastor Justin Robaye regularly visits eastern Chad from the capital N’Djamena LEFT Coming together to hear the Good News BELOW Our Cessna 182 in the hangar in Chad
Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls Matthew 11:29 (NLT)
The prayer points on these pages relate to a story featured in Flying for Life, page 4. (We hope this will help inform your prayers for MAF and those we serve.)
Justin Robaye Justin Robaye Becki Dillingham


Therefore if you have been raised with Christ [to a new life, sharing in His resurrection from the dead], keep seeking the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God — Colossians 3:1 (AMP)

SUNDAY 26 Praise God for our personnel both in the UK and overseas. We give thanks for their commitment, passion and drive. The ministry of MAF wouldn’t be possible without them.

MONDAY 27 Pray for the new trainees who began their studies in the UK next year. These marvellous people will become the MAF aircraft maintenance engineers and pilots of the future

TUESDAY 28 Pray that our overseas families will not only benefit from the prayers of churches and family in the UK, but will also develop networks of friends who will help them to feel rooted in the countries in which they serve.

WEDNESDAY 29 Pray for our church speakers and volunteers as they share the vision of MAF to see remote and isolated people changed by the love of Christ. If you’d like one of our gifted volunteers to speak at your fellowship, please fill out the form at

THURSDAY 30 Pray that Christians in the UK will be moved by the Spirit of God to consider overseas service with MAF. If you, or someone you know, might be called to missions, we’d love to hear from you. Please email for more information.

FRIDAY 31 We live in a time of great uncertainty. Pray that the leadership of MAF will have wisdom, insight and strength for each day, and any challenges that unfold.

MAIN No day is the same for MAF. Here Patrick Keller (left) is flying a patient to Mandritsara in Madagascar

TOP Engineers play a vitally important role in the work we do ABOVE Pilot Greg Vine (left) pictured on his last flying day for MAF, with Sam Tsapwe from Jesus Film Project

Irina Randriamandrato Grant Strugnell Hansjoerg Schlatter
Whoever you are, there’s a part for you to play MAF is currently recruiting roles in finance, management, IT, HR, aircraft engineering, education… and we also need pilots. To find out more, visit WWW.MAF-UK.ORG/JOBS MAF UK Castle House, Castle Hill Avenue, Folkestone, Kent CT20 2TQ Scotland Office Challenge House, 29 Canal Street, Glasgow G4 0AD T 01303 852819 E MAF UK @MAFUK MAFUK @flying4life MAFUKFILM Registered charity in England and Wales (1064598) and in Scotland (SC039107) ® Registered trademark 3026860, 3026908, 3026915

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