Prayer Diary (April-June 2022)

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ENABLED It is God who enables us, along with you, to stand firm for Christ. He has commissioned us, and He has identified us as His own by placing the Holy Spirit in our hearts as the first instalment that guarantees everything He has promised us — 2 Corinthians 1:21-22 (NLT)


he road we are called to walk as Christians is a narrow one. Although we know it is our faith in Jesus Christ that leads to salvation, the outworking of being His witnesses here on earth can be challenging. Certainly, if we were to read the Sermon on the Mount as an instruction manual, few of us — if any — would truly be able to stand with our heads high and say we had it all sorted. Although the call of God on our lives is different for each of us, the one common denominator is that we aren’t expected — or able — to accomplish it through our own natural ability. We might try for a while and at least appear successful but ultimately — if the call is from God — we are going to need His help to fulfil it. Jesus knew this when He promised to send us a Helper (John 16:7). Praise God that He isn’t asking us to do any of this without Him! Instead, He enables us, through the Holy Spirit, to walk the road less travelled. So, what does walking that road look like for you and me? The word ‘surrender’ comes to mind. We need to surrender daily to the love of God, allowing Him to work within us. It may be inconvenient and uncomfortable at times. It’s even likely to be painful as He reveals any areas of hurt, selfishness or unforgiveness we may be carrying. It also requires a willingness to be His hands and feet — whatever that entails. The exciting thing is that, when we surrender to His love working in us, we can have confidence that God is working through us. Such love outworked through MAF enables our partners to reach those who are hungry, those who are hurting, and those who are seeking. It enables our planes to transport the materials that enable schools and hospitals to be built in remote places. It also enables us to carry out medevac flights which, in turn, enable the sick to receive medical help. And it enables you — our faithful supporters — to enable us to enable change through Jesus’ great love to those who would otherwise be isolated and alone. God bless

Victoria Fagg Prayer Communications Leader, MAF UK 2 Prayer Diary | APR-JUN 2022



But I tell you that I am going to do what is best for you. That is why I am going away. The Holy Spirit cannot come to help you until I leave. But after I am gone, I will send the Spirit to you — John 16:7 (CEV) FRIDAY 1 Apart from the work she does for MAF as Communications Officer in Uganda, Jill Vine helps local women gain employment. Pray that the training offered through her cooking school will lead to longterm jobs with fair wages. SATURDAY 2 Late last year, MAF flew more than a tonne of seeds for Tearfund to Pieri, South Sudan. Pray that the community can use the seeds to grow vegetables for the next season, and for a good harvest.

COVER MAF aircraft at Maramuni airstrip, PNG Annelie Edsmyr MAIN Praying at a Peace and Reconciliation workshop in Kajo Keji, South Sudan Jenny Davies TOP LEFT Jill Vine with her husband Greg Jill Vine TOP RIGHT The arrival of 1,178kg of seeds in Pieri APR-JUN 2022 | Prayer Diary 3

PAPUA NEW GUINEA Behold, God is my helper; The Lord is the sustainer of my soul — Psalm 54:4 (NASB)

SUNDAY 3 Praise God that MAF has been serving the people of PNG for more than 70 years! Thank Him for the tremendous spiritual growth since then. MONDAY 4 PNG is considered one of the most geographically challenging countries in the world. Isolation is the norm, with many villages cut off from their neighbours, as well as the wider world. Pray that MAF and its partners will continue to overcome the immense physical barriers of mountains and jungle to meet the needs of some of the world’s remotest communities. TUESDAY 5 Please pray without ceasing for peace in PNG. Mistrust of others from different tribes is widespread and the role of ‘warrior’ remains one of high status. Ask God to calm the hostility between tribes, and reduce the supply of weapons and the bloodshed that accompanies so many disagreements. WEDNESDAY 6 In June, PNG will hold its tenth national election (pandemic restrictions permitting). This tends to be a very tense time for the country. Pray for peace during the elections, and for the Lord’s leading as the people vote for their next leaders. THURSDAY 7 Pray for the Church in its spiritual battles. In spite of an impressive growth in Christianity, traditional superstitions remain rife, with dozens of people continuing to be murdered after accusations of witchcraft. FRIDAY 8 Malnutrition remains an issue, with stunted growth in half of PNG’s children. Pray for trading opportunities for the remote communities so that, in return for their often organically grown cash crops, they’ll be able to supplement their diet with extra sources of protein flown into their communities. SATURDAY 9 Diseases such as hepatitis and typhoid spread due to a lack of clean water supplies. Keep praying for a miracle that will meet this most basic need in PNG — freedom from waterborne infection. 4 Prayer Diary | APR-JUN 2022


The prayer points on these pages relate to a story featured in Flying for Life, pages 8-9. (We hope this will help inform your prayers for MAF and those we serve.)

SUNDAY 10 Praise God that MAF’s biggest, single concentration of people and planes continues to bring expert partners to the communities where the lack of food, clean water, healthcare and spiritual assistance are most severe. M O N D AY 1 1 P r a y f o r t h e increasing success of our Aerial Health Patrols. Ask God for the necessary resources to expand this project — delivering healthcare to even more men, women and children in PNG.

MAIN The vast mountains of PNG Brian Baimako and Lukas Schadegg INSET Unloading cargo at Tsendiap Annelie Edsmyr ABOVE Dr Rebecca Williams performing an ultrasound during a recent health patrol Annelie Edsmyr TOP LEFT Sibilanga is just one of the remote villages we serve in PNG Annelie Edsmyr LEFT Being able to read a Bible in your own language makes a real difference Annelie Edsmyr

TUESDAY 12 Thank God for Glenda Giles, whose commitment to the students of Oksapmin Secondary School saw them achieve some of PNG’s highest exam grades. Although recently retired from the classroom, she remains a frequent MAF flyer, working as an education trainer for the Christian Brethren Churches of PNG. WEDNESDAY 13 Join us in our regular prayers for the safety of pilots and planes through the

changeable weather and over the hazardous terrain of this unique country. Please ask God to empower local people to maintain their airstrips, so we can continue flying for life all year round. THURSDAY 14 Please pray for our new base of operations and the families now living in Balimo, Western Province, which is a training base to help MAF pilots increase their flying hours. FRIDAY 15 Pray for more Bibles to be distributed in PNG, both through MAF pilots, and ministries like The Gideons International. People have been known to applaud as Scripture is handed out to eager recipients. SATURDAY 16 We thank God for your amazing commitment to MAF’s part in fulfilling the Great Commission — to ‘go and make disciples of all nations’. Keep PNG’s men, women and children in your prayers, asking that the next 70 years will bring even greater glory to Him. APR-JUN 2022 | Prayer Diary 5



In the same way your light must shine before people, so that they will see the good things you do and praise your Father in heaven — Matthew 5:16 (GNT) SUNDAY 17 Happy Easter! Praise God for His wonderful gift of salvation! Last year, MAF programmes joined together for our Global Day of Prayer. The theme was ‘Trust Me’. Let’s trust the Lord, having faith that the outreach events and services taking place today will bring joy and unity to believers wherever they find themselves, and sweep many into His Kingdom. MONDAY 18 In countries like Chad, many of our passengers don’t know Jesus. Give thanks for the MAF staff who seek to serve them well and be faithful witnesses. TUESDAY 19 Uphold the work of Suzilane Figueiredo, serving at our base in Boa Vista, Brazil, who makes daily radio contact with the missionary teams seeking to bring faith to remote villages. Suzilane sees what the workers need and checks on weather conditions, so our pilots can fly safely. WEDNESDAY 20 ‘Faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the Word of Christ’ (Romans 10:17, ESV). Uphold MAF flyer Bettina Gottschlich-Modibale. She teaches a Scripture engagement course in Bunia in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and prepares students to translate God’s Word. Pray too for the five New Testament translation projects in progress in eastern DRC. THURSDAY 21 ‘How beautiful on the mountains are… those who bring good news’ (Isaiah 52:7). Thanks to your prayerful support, MAF planes cross vast areas in the service of our partners. This enables organisations such as Christ is the Answer Ministries to spread the Gospel in Kenya, HoverAid and Scripture Union to conduct evangelistic medical safaris in Madagascar, and Haydom Lutheran Hospital to share Jesus and examine patients in Tanzania. One safari, taking place over 3 days in north-western Tanzania, saw 2,000 people receive treatment. Pray that many will experience healing and find faith. FRIDAY 22 Give thanks for the financial assistance provided by the national Church which makes partnership possible between MAF’s eastern DRC team and the churches and evangelists sharing their faith in isolated areas. SATURDAY 23 New supplies of the printed Bibles distributed by MAF Technologies PNG PNG, which sold out quickly, have become available. Pray that the faith of those who read them will flourish and grow. 6 Prayer Diary | APR-JUN 2022

TOP The MAF Chad team Phil Henderson ABOVE A member of MAF Technologies PNG takes part in our Global Day of Prayer in 2021 Joy Suarkia BELOW Bettina GottschlichModibale from SIL International LuAnne Cadd

Kindness to the poor is a loan to the LORD, and He will give a reward to the lender — Proverbs 19:17 (CSB)

ENABLING POSITIVE FUTURES SUNDAY 24 Praise God for His promise to provide us with hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11). Give thanks that, in PNG, MAF was able to fly five critically ill patients to hospital in one week, giving them a healthier future. MONDAY 25 Please pray for Jackson Mataya in Uganda. Jackson, a friend of MAF, is continuing his studies so he can work in the medical profession. He is keen to help those around him.

MAIN A peace and reconciliation workshop in Kajo Keji, South Sudan Jenny Davies TOP Dave and Becky Waterman, taken during furlough back in the UK Dave Waterman ABOVE Jackson Mataya with MAF Communications Officer Jill Vine Jill Vine

TUESDAY 26 Over the last few years, we’ve helped various organisations such as AVSI in U g a n d a p ro v i d e p ro s t h e t i c limbs for children and adults. Please pray for this life-changing work, for those adjusting to life with their prosthesis, and for communities learning to accept people for who they are, despite any disability. WEDNESDAY 27 Give thanks and praise for Duku Richard, one of our Dispatch Team Leaders in Juba, South Sudan. He feels blessed to have been with us for


ten years, saying, ‘Working for MAF is like having double pay. We are getting a salary at the same time as getting knowledge and spiritual feeding.’ THURSDAY 28 Please uphold Dave and Becky Waterman who’ve been in Liberia for a few months now. Dave is helping to develop our West Africa maintenance base, which will enable MAF aircraft to be serviced by our dedicated staff — providing safe flights for the future. FRIDAY 29 Please pray for people returning to their homes in places such as Kajo Keji, South Sudan. After years living in refugee camps, relative peace is allowing them to start rebuilding for the future. SATURDAY 30 Uphold Dom Sant, our new Programme Safety Manager in PNG. He’s known about MAF since he was a child and always hoped the Lord would allow him to serve with us. Pray for Dom and his family as they settle in, particularly as he helps to further develop our safety procedures. APR-JUN 2022 | Prayer Diary 7

ENABLING PEACE SUNDAY 1 Praise God for the MAF flights that enable peace and hope to be brought to wartorn nations. Pray that attendees at MAF-facilitated Peace and Reconciliation workshops in South Sudan will experience God’s enduring peace. M O N D AY 2 M a n y o f t h e countries in which MAF serves experience insecurity and political turbulence. Pray for peace and security in countries such as Chad, Guinea, Haiti, Kenya, Madagascar, Myanmar, PNG, South Sudan and Uganda. TUESDAY 3 Last September, MAF ran a 3-day Peace and Reconciliation workshop in Malakal, a city which changed hands 12 times during South Sudan’s civil war. Pray for lasting peace in the region — upholding the 34,000 people living in UN civilian camps because of the fighting. WEDNESDAY 4 Last year, the presidential elections in Chad were a reminder of the political fragility in many of the countries where MAF works. Armed rebels advanced on the capital, resulting in requests for MAF to fly partner organisations to safety. Pray for the safety of MAF families and 8 Prayer Diary | APR-JUN 2022


those living in politically unstable countries. THURSDAY 5 Give thanks for MAF partner the Right Rev Emmanuel Murye Modi, Bishop of Kajo Keji, South Sudan. The Bishop works tirelessly to help facilitate peace so that those who fled across the border to Uganda can return to their communities. FRIDAY 6 'I can do all things through Him who strengthens me’ (Philippians 4:13, ESV). Bringing peace to communities is more than just stopping conflict. It involves restoring livelihoods, providing food security, protecting civilians and promoting human rights. Pray for our flights which help bring peace. Stability is vital if MAF partners are to bring practical help and share the Gospel message. SATURDAY 7 Torrential rains and the economic fallout of coronavirus lockdowns have spurred intercommunal violence in the Jonglei and Warrap States, South Sudan. A team from the UK’s Peacebuilding Opportunities Fund flew with MAF to facilitate dialogue with community leaders. Pray for ongoing plans to bring peace to these regions.

MAIN A team from the Peacebuilding Opportunities Fund Jenny Davies INSET The participants of a Peace and Reconciliation workshop in Malakal, South Sudan Jaap de With ABOVE Right Rev Emmanuel Murye Modi, Bishop of Kajo Keji, South Sudan Jenny Davies

The Sovereign LORD is my strength; He makes my feet like the feet of a deer, He enables me to tread on the heights — Habakkuk 3:19 (NIV)



Share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ — Galatians 6:2 (NLT) SUNDAY 8 Praise God for equipping MAF with the tools, resources and vision to care for His people. Lift up those living in isolation. May they receive help, hope and healing through the aviation services we provide. MONDAY 9 MAF partner Amref Health Africa improves the lives of more than 100,000 people in Western Equatoria, South Sudan, through a variety of services that tackle the underlying causes of poor health. Give thanks for a close partnership that enabled MAF to fly more than 180 passengers and almost 3.5 tonnes of freight last year, to care for people in need. TUESDAY 10 When MAF was asked to transport a man who had injured himself falling from a tree and a patient with a spinal infection who needed urgent treatment in Monrovia, our aircraft was quick to assist. Praise the Lord for our medevac flights which provide life-saving assistance where it’s needed most in Liberia. WEDNESDAY 11 Madagascar is on the brink of experiencing the world’s first climate change induced famine. Children are begging on the streets for food, while others are sleeping in their cassava fields to protect their crops from hungry people. Please pray that, with the support of governments and local partners, MAF can help those in desperate need of food. THURSDAY 12 Pray for the protection and care of God’s creation as MAF continues to support African Parks. The conservation organisation protects the long-term health of animals in national parks in 11 countries across the continent.

MAIN Pilot and MAF Kenya Country Director Ryan Cuthel (left) with the team of orthopaedic specialists from CURE International Jenny Davies ABOVE Baobab trees at sunrise in Madagascar Mark & Kelly Hewes BELOW A medevac patient who'd fallen from a tree being loaded into an ambulance in Monrovia, Liberia Dave Forney

FRIDAY 13 Northern and eastern Kenya lack provision of even the most basic healthcare, particularly for those living with physical disability. Pray for the CURE International medical safaris that enable children and adults to receive much needed treatment. SATURDAY 14 Give thanks for the Aerial Health Patrol flights in partnership with Kompiam Rural Hospital, which enable a diverse team to provide the fullest care possible throughout PNG. Pray for the doctors, nurses, community health workers, dentists and pastors who work together to meet the wide-ranging needs of some of the country’s remotest communities.

APR-JUN 2022 | Prayer Diary 9

The prayer points on this page relate to a story featured in Flying for Life, page 10.



I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you — John 15:11-12 (NIV)

(We hope this will help inform your prayers for MAF and those we serve.)

SUNDAY 15 Praise God for MAF Technologies PNG. The team is crucial to the installation of solar power in the country. The reliable energy source provided by the sun has become vital for many of PNG’s small, remote villages. MONDAY 16 Like hundreds of villages throughout PNG, Kwaplalim is surrounded by mountains and cut off from a main hospital. Pray God’s blessing on its clinic, where the solar panels we installed ensure that surgery can continue uninterrupted, and vaccines remain safely chilled. TUESDAY 17 Please uphold MAF partner Lutheran Health Services, which established a clinic at Kwaplalim. Pray too for its six staff as you consider how communities throughout the world experience God’s healing through the provision of professional health services. WEDNESDAY 18 Many of the injuries treated by our partners in PNG are the result of long-held grievances and tribal disputes over land. Please continue to pray that the Holy Spirit will bring radical change to a culture rooted in violence. THURSDAY 19 Darkness has acted as the perfect enticement for criminals to break in, steal from patients and sexually harass health workers. Please pray that solar power will provide a new, reliable source of light that will end the problems suffered by staff and patients alike. FRIDAY 20 Brian Baimako from MAF Technologies PNG explains, ‘The new light in the clinic not only brings physical change, it brings spiritual and psychological change as well. The solar installation represents help, hope and healing to everyone in their community.’ Give thanks to God for this tremendous answer to prayer. SATURDAY 21 Pray that the safety experienced by everyone at the clinic will become permanent. The power provided by MAF means that health workers no longer need to use torches when the lights fail and patients can now rest easy, knowing that the hospital won’t be plunged into darkness without warning. 10 Prayer Diary | APR-JUN 2022

MAIN Looking down on the village of Kwaplalim Brian Baimako TOP The Kwaplalim sub-health centre now has access to a reliable source of energy Brian Baimako ABOVE MAF Technologies PNG installing the solar panels for the health centre Brian Baimako



So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing — 1 Thessalonians 5:11 (NLT) SUNDAY 22 Praise God that MAF has received approval to set up our new programme in Guinea. Please pray as we recruit people to join this new team. M O N D AY 2 3 P r a y f o r t h e students at our Flight Training Centre in Mareeba, Australia. Our 48 personnel maintain our aircraft and train the pilots of tomorrow. Pray that the students gain the experience they need, pass their exams, and go on to serve Christ overseas. TUESDAY 24 In order to serve re m o t e a n d h a r d - t o - re a c h communities, it’s essential that airstrips are well maintained to enable our pilots to land. Give thanks for reopened runways such as Mibu and Yalum in PNG. Pray that local people will grasp the importance of keeping their airstrips in good condition.

WEDNESDAY 25 With demand for flights in South Sudan continuing to grow, praise God for the four new pilot families who have arrived — or who will soon be joining us — to serve the South Sudanese and strengthen our team. Pray for wisdom so we can prioritise the rapidly increasing needs there. THURSDAY 26 Without pilots, our planes cannot deliver God’s love to some of the remotest places on the planet. Pray that God will provide experienced mission pilots for our programme in Tanzania.

F R I D AY 2 7 I n 2 0 2 1 , w e gave thanks for a successful inspection by Tanzania’s Civil Aviation Authority, the renewal of MAF Chad’s Certificate of Airworthiness, and the arrival of a Cessna Caravan for our eastern DRC programme. Our Cessna 208 in Madagascar returned to flying again after three months’ maintenance, and a new Caravan arrived in PNG to carry out Aerial Health Patrols. We don’t take such blessings for granted, so please join us in praying that our planes receive the necessary parts, approvals and certificates needed to fly. SATURDAY 28 Poor weather conditions are a perennial problem for our pioneering pilots. Last year, we had to cancel flights in Uganda due to rain — an extremely rare occurrence. Pray that God will keep us safe in the air and on the ground.

MAIN The MAF Tanzania Cessna 206 aircraft LuAnne Cadd ABOVE MAF Mareeba Engineer John Hermanus Katherine Williams

APR-JUN 2022 | Prayer Diary 11



SUNDAY 29 Praise God for the beauty and depth of His Word. We have access to the Bible in so many ways. Thank the Lord that MAF enables similar provision for communities in remote Papua. MONDAY 30 Please pray for the vital MAF ground surveys in PNG, where communities in Dahamo, Hewa and Waiki are working alongside us to reopen their airstrips. TUESDAY 31 Please pray for Christians growing in faith in Arua and Moyo, Uganda. We’ve been flying MAF partner Crossway there to provide the churches with Bibles and preaching materials in their own language.

And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased — Hebrews 13:16 (NIV)

WEDNESDAY 1 Schools in many of the countries we serve rely on us for building and educational supplies, and to get staff and students safely to the campus. Please uphold these flights, which play a vital part in enabling children to receive an education. THURSDAY 2 It isn’t always physical access that’s a barrier to spiritual growth, education or job opportunities. Today, please pray for those with impaired vision. Give thanks that the audio Bibles donated to Callan Inclusive Education Institute for its students by MAF Technologies PNG enable them to hear God’s Word. FRIDAY 3 Please spend a few moments praying for MAF’s UK supporters. Pray that the Lord will be with them in any hardship they’re experiencing. Prayer partners like you are vital in enabling us to provide access to those living in remote and isolated areas. SATURDAY 4 In the UK, we have access to clean drinking water whenever we want it. In Africa and the Asia-Pacific region, however, MAF helps organisations in countries including Chad, Kenya and Bangladesh to give communities access to clean water. Please pray for this vital, life-giving work.

12 Prayer Diary | APR-JUN 2022

ABOVE Bill and Cindi Walsh from Crossway, about to board their first MAF flight Jill Vine BELOW Unpacking audio Bibles in PNG. Praise God that we’ve seen an increase in the demand for God's Word Joy Suarkia LEFT Pupils from Gethsemane Garden Christian Centre’s school on Mfangano Island, Kenya Gethsemane Garden Christian Centre



Take care of God’s needy people and welcome strangers into your home — Romans 12:13 (CEV) S U N DAY 5 P r a i s e G o d f o r Pentecost and give thanks for the gift of the Holy Spirit. Today, let’s pray that the Holy Spirit will fill us and guide us as we share the Gospel with others. MONDAY 6 Give thanks for the audio Bibles we flew last year for discipleship training by e3 Partners in Kapoeta, South Sudan. Several Toposa chiefs have recently come to Christ, so please pray for guidance and safety, as they face persecution because of their faith. TUESDAY 7 ‘As bad as you are, you know how to give good things to your children. How much more, then, will your Father in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!’ (Matthew 7:11, GNT). Today, give thanks for the many ways that God has provided for MAF over the last 77 years. WEDNESDAY 8 MAF serves Holy Trinity Peace Village in Kuron, South Sudan, bringing in supplies and passengers to assist the

village’s peace programme. Late last year, we delivered cooking pots to the local school, which is expanding. Pray that the meals, which are a big incentive for the children to attend school, will provide the nutrition needed for them to learn and grow.

school in the Eastern Equatoria region that protects children from human trafficking. Pray that their new high school, which will be opening this year, will keep many more children safe from modern-day slavery.

THURSDAY 9 MAF Arnhem Land flies regularly for its partner Miyalk Domestic and Family Violence Shelter, which supports families experiencing abuse. Pray for safety, healing and peace for the families with whom they work. FRIDAY 10 Give thanks for the 680kg of books flown to Arua, Uganda, from Life Challenge. The literature has been produced to help Christians talk to their Muslim friends about Jesus. Pray that those who read the material we delivered will feel more confident about sharing the Gospel with their community. SATURDAY 11 MAF partner Lift up the Vulnerable runs Hope for South Sudan, a safe house and

MAIN Some of the audio Bibles MAF flew for e3 Partners Jenny Davies TOP Stella Ahasa (left) from Hope for South Sudan accompanying a pupil who needed specialised treatment Jenny Davies ABOVE The cooking pots MAF delivered to Holy Trinity Peace Village, Kuron, will be used to feed more than 680 people MAF/Holy Trinity Peace Village, Kuron APR-JUN 2022 | Prayer Diary 13

ENABLED TO SERVE SUNDAY 12 Praise God for Ruth and Duncan Jack who have made a move from Arnhem Land to Uganda where they will lead the team there. Through the prayer and financial support of a large team of partners they have been able to take up this new position. MONDAY 13 Stephen Kempsell recently left MAF after nearly a decade in South Sudan and Arnhem Land. While there, he met and married his wife Rachel. They have recently returned to the UK. Give thanks for the Kempsell family, and pray that new personnel will replace those that God has led into new opportunities. TUESDAY 14 Our overseas staff are only able to serve because of the prayers and gifts of those who support them. Pray for more people to provide the spiritual and material support our staff need to accomplish their work.


Reflect on how God may be inviting you to find out more. Visit WEDNESDAY 15 Pray for the national staff serving in their own country, where MAF provides employment, training and a loving work family. Hundreds of national personnel enrich our programmes and enable us to operate. One of these muchvalued members, Dieudonne Mekambe, works in our Chad hangar with the engineering team. THURSDAY 16 Uphold our new staff as they tell individuals and churches about the call God has given them. Pray they will know the power of the Holy Spirit speaking through them. May He give them the right words and move in the hearers’ hearts and minds so the news of God’s love will spread to remote communities worldwide.

Value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others — Philippians 2:3-4 (NIV)

SATURDAY 18 ‘Everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life’ (Matthew 19:29, NIV). Give thanks for those who are living out these words of Jesus.

FRIDAY 17 All Nations Christian College provides theological, missional and practical training to MAF staff who will be serving overseas. Pray for the course leaders and participants currently studying in preparation for what lies ahead.

MAIN Hangar Assistant and Logistics Officer Dieudonne Mekambe Katie Machell ABOVE Stephen Kempsell, former Operations Manager for MAF Arnhem Land LuAnne Cadd 14 Prayer Diary | APR-JUN 2022



Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you — Ephesians 4:32 (NLT) SUNDAY 19 Happy Father’s Day! Praise God for all the fathers working in MAF programmes overseas, and the contribution they make. Pray that they will be blessed today, stay close to the Lord throughout the year, and strive to be great role models. MONDAY 20 ‘Therefore, pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest’ (Matthew 9:38, CSB). Pray for MAF’s ongoing need for pilots, engineers and country directors. TUESDAY 21 Uphold Mark and Steph Draper as they conclude their time in the UK before moving with their three children to Uganda. Mark will serve as an aircraft maintenance engineer. WEDNESDAY 22 Pray for great applicants for the next intake to our MAF Engineer Training Scheme, which closes at the end of August. Remember, too, Matthew Veale and Nathanael Smith who are currently training in the UK. If you know of anybody who might be interested, please direct them to our website THURSDAY 23 Pray for the leadership of MAF at all levels. There has been significant change at a senior level. Pray especially for Chief Operating Officer Norm Baker and Carel Bothma, our new International HR Director, as they consider any required changes in direction. FRIDAY 24 Pray that our recruitment team will know the Lord’s strength and joy as they attend activities and events over the coming months. Pray for great conversations and the planting of many seeds. SATURDAY 25 Pray for contacts and the development of MAF’s relationships with the Armed Forces’ Christian Union and Christian fellowships within the UK airline industry. SUNDAY 26 Give thanks for our overseas staff, their families, and their willingness to serve. It isn’t easy leaving family and friends, but our personnel feel called to serve in this way. MONDAY 27 Pray that young people will connect with MAF’s youth ministry and grasp the variety of roles needed to make our work possible. Pray that many explore careers with a view to future service overseas. TUESDAY 28 Pray for our UK Communications team, asking for innovation and creativity in the way they present the ministry of MAF to our current supporters and seek to reach new audiences. WEDNESDAY 29 Several staff members have returned from service overseas, so do pray for them as they settle back into life in the UK. Pray they will build new, supportive relationships, and reconnect with family, friends and their church community. THURSDAY 30 ‘How, then, can they call on the One they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the One of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?’ (Romans 10:14, NIV). Pray that churches in the UK gain a fresh vision of the Great Commission. APR-JUN 2022 | Prayer Diary 15

Let’s walk so they don’t have to! As you know, MAF planes exist because road travel just isn’t an option for the people we serve. Armed bandits, wild animals, raging heat, mud roads and sheer, physical distance stand between people simply trying to get from A to B. So, in March 2022, we are launching Time in Their Shoes — a fundraiser which reflects the desperate need of isolated men, women and children worldwide for the MAF fleet. ‘What, not another sponsored walk?’ I hear you say. No, Time in Their Shoes is a sacrificial act which brings you closer to the people you support by walking similar distances to them, supporting the flights they need at the same time. Embrace Time in Their Shoes — a modern pilgrimage that will go a very long way.

To find out more go online at or call Marc on 01303 851952

MAF UK Castle House, Castle Hill Avenue, Folkestone, Kent CT20 2TQ Scotland Office Challenge House, 29 Canal Street, Glasgow G4 0AD T 01303 852819 E MAF UK





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