2 minute read
That’s how it is with us. There are many of us, but we each are part of the body of Christ, as well as part of one another — Romans 12:5 (CEV)
Can you believe it was more than three years ago that COVID-19 first caused so much havoc in the world? The ‘stay at home’ mandate to help prevent the virus from spreading though necessary had many people whispering a prayer for life to return speedily to normal
Post-lockdown, I’m not sure we have returned to ‘normal’.
Although we can leave our homes without fear of being fined, church doors are open, and we’re able to shop without needing to wear a mask, is life really the same as it was before?
I suspect not. I wonder, have we lost the grace of connecting?
If we were to take a good look at the world, we’d notice the cost-of-living crisis, countries at war, the after-effects of natural disasters, global political instability, and a tremendous amount of division.
But division isn’t just between countries and political parties — it is part of the human condition. People are becoming increasingly polarised, even within the Body of Christ.
I understand that the stress of the times in which we live can make us feel isolated. It can be tempting to ‘self-isolate’ because we fear the consequences of the events happening around us, but there seem to be so many barriers to genuine human connection.
I know this introduction feels like it’s all ‘doom and gloom’, but stay with me. Romans 12:5 reminds us that we are all part of the same body.
The disciples who walked with Jesus were a diverse bunch, yet Jesus told them, ‘Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another’ (John 13:34-35).
We were created for connection — with God and with one another. As the Scripture at the top says, ‘That’s how it is with us.'
Yes, it is easier to reject a different opinion or expression of worship. Yes, it is easier to stick with those who look and sound like you. Yes, it is easier to withdraw and keep yourself to yourself, rather than risk getting hurt or rejected. But a life following Jesus was never going to be easy, though it is the most satisfying.
In a world that is so divided, let us be a people who unite. May we — laying down judgment — step out and lean in to this glorious family to which we belong.
May we be a witness and a light to those caught up in fear and foreboding.
Let’s shine like the bride He intended.
It starts with you and me. It’s going to take courage and some dying to self, but I think it’ll be worth it, don’t you?
Rev Victoria Fagg Prayer Communications Leader, MAF UK
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SATURDAY 1 The MAF Peace and Reconciliation team in South Sudan recently trained 12 new facilitators — reconciliation and experience Jesus’ peace.